A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ut

ut noun adverb indeclform

ut noun adverb indeclform

Number of occurrences in corpus: 91

Genesis A 1435a | stæppan mosten / and of enge ut || æhta lædan / þa fandode |
Genesis A 1442b refn ofer heahflod || of huse ut / noe tealde || þæt he on neo
Genesis A 1488a dan || gewit on freþo gangan / ut of earce || and on eorþan be
Genesis A 2012a hleowstole || hettend læddon / ut mid æhtum || abrahames mæg /
Genesis A 2457b h mid giestum || heton lædan ut / of þam hean hofe || halige a
Genesis A 2463b loth on recede || eode lungre ut / spræc þa ofer ealle || æþ
Exodus 187b deore / forþon anra gehwilc || ut alædde / wæpnedcynnes || wiga
Daniel 6b mænieo / and hie of egyptum || ut aforon / mægene micle || þæt
Daniel 428a u þa beornas || brego caldea / ut of ofne || nis hit owihtes go
Christ and Satan 5b / stanas and eorþan || stream ut on sæ / wæter and wolcn || þ
Christ and Satan 34b de / cleopaþ þonne se alda || ut of helle / wriceþ wordcwedas |
Christ and Satan 160b firna herde / atol æglæca || ut of helle / witum werig || word
Christ and Satan 162b h / attre gelicost || þonne he ut þorhdraf / eala drihtenes þry
Christ and Satan 518a an || mægne wiþhabban / ah he ut eode || engla drihten / on þæ
Andreas 15a am halig god || hlyt geteode / ut on þæt igland || þær æni
Andreas 968b ca sum / of minre sidan || swat ut forlet / dreor to foldan || ic
Andreas 1221b dgecrode / bolgenmode || bæron ut hræþe / ond þam halgan þær
Andreas 1272a fre || weorodes brehtme / heton ut hræþe || æþeling lædan / i
Andreas 1279b þæs beornes breost || blat ut faran / weoll waþuman stream |
Andreas 1390b leoda weorude || heton lædan ut / þrohtheardne þegn || þridd
Andreas 1523b þæt se stan togan || stream ut aweoll / fleow ofer foldan || f
Andreas 1537b / ealde æscberend || wæs him ut myne / fleon fealone stream ||
Andreas 1577b stan / ymbe stanhleoþu || stop ut hræþe / cene collenferþ || c
Soul and Body I 55b fen / syþþan ic ana of þe || ut siþode / þurh þæs sylfes ha
Elene 45b lum / bannan to beadwe || beran ut þræce / rincas under roderum
Christ A 329b frea / æne on ðas eorðan || ut siðade / ond efne swa ðec gem
Christ C 1113a ond wæter || bu-tu ætsomne / ut bicwoman || fore eagna gesyh
Christ C 1448b spere / of minre sidan || swat ut guton / dreor to foldan || ðæ
Vainglory 41b læteð / wine gewæged || word ut faran / ðræfte ðringan || ð
The Order of the World 70b heape / oððæt on æfenne || ut garsecges / grundas pæðeð ||
The Panther 44b æfter ðære stefne || stenc ut cymeð / of ðam wongstede || w
The Whale 58a hwate || ðær se sweta stenc / ut gewiteð || hi ðær in fara
Soul and Body II 52b efn / siððan ic ana of ðe || ut siðade / ðurh ðæs sylfes ho
Guthlac A 299b bugað / ðeah ge ða ealle || ut abanne / ond eow eac gewyrce ||
The Husband's Message 40b wine/ / nyde gebæded || nacan ut aðrong / ond on yða geong ||
Riddles 62 5b hæleð mid hrægle || hwilum ut tyhð / of hole hatne || hwilum
Riddles 93 18b nweardne / brun bennade || blod ut ne com / heolfor of hreðre ||
The Phoenix 233b æger / swylce he of ægerum || ut alæde / scir of scylle || ðon
Juliana 253b ðu on ofeste || swa he ðec ut heonan / lædan hate || ðæt
Juliana 532b ulianan / of ðam engan hofe || ut gelædan / on hyge halge || hæ
Beowulf 215b e / guðsearo geatolic || guman ut scufon / weras on wilsið || wu
Beowulf 537b feore || ðæt wit on garsecg ut / aldrum neðdon || ond ðæt g
Beowulf 663b a gedryht / eodur scyldinga || ut of healle / wolde wigfruma || w
Beowulf 1292b at / heo wæs on ofste || wolde ut ðanon / feore beorgan || ða h
Beowulf 1583b yftyne men / ond oðer swylc || ut offerede / laðlicu lac || he h
Beowulf 2081a lic eall forswealg / no ðy ær ut ða gen || idelhende / bona blo
Beowulf 2515b se mansceaða / of eorðsele || ut geseceð / gegrette ða || gume
Beowulf 2545b n / stondan stanbogan || stream ut ðonan / brecan of beorge || w
Beowulf 2551b wæs / wedergeata leod || word ut faran / stearcheort styrmde ||
Beowulf 2557b rest cwom / oruð aglæcean || ut of stane / hat hildeswat || hru
Beowulf 3092b ðenne / hordgestreona || hider ut ætbær / cyninge minum || cwic
Beowulf 3106b o / ædre geæfned || ðonne we ut cymen / ond ðonne geferian ||
Beowulf 3130b g mearn / ðæt hi ofostlice || ut geferedon / dyre maðmas || dra
Judith 70a gewitlocan || wiggend stopon / ut of ðam inne || ofstum miclum
Judith 135b ferhðe / eadhreðige mægð || ut of ðam herige / ðæt hie sweo
The Paris Psalter 103:14 1b / # / eac þu him of eorþan || ut alæddest / hlaf to helpe || he
The Paris Psalter 108:10 2a swylce || toboren wide / and he ut weorpe || earme þearfan / þon
The Paris Psalter 113:1 1a is Psalter: Psalm 113 / / # / þa ut eode || israheles cynn / and of
The Paris Psalter 118:131 2b ne wide / þæt me min oroþ || ut afæmde / þær ic þin bebod |
The Paris Psalter 131:10 3b æfre / þæt þu andwlitan || ut oncyrre / þines þæs halgan |
The Paris Psalter 140:5 2b rme word / þuruh inwitstæf || ut forlæte / and ic lædend wese
The Paris Psalter 146:2 3a dum || and to somnaþ / þa þe ut gewitan || of israhelum / / # / s
The Paris Psalter 146:9 1a ter groweþ / / # / he of beorgum ut || blæde lædeþ / hig to help
The Paris Psalter 54:19 5b on / forþon hi synt on yrre || ut adælde / ne hi sylfe wel || ge
The Paris Psalter 58:15 1b eastre / / # / efne hi to æte || ut gewitaþ / þær hi towrecene |
The Paris Psalter 67:27 3a emot || under folcum / ne beoþ ut fram þe || æfre atynde / þa
The Paris Psalter 77:45 3b tostan / hæfdan hi eallunga || ut aworpen / / # / sealde erucan ||
The Paris Psalter 79:8 1b hale / / # / þu of ægyptum || ut alæddest / wræstne wingeard |
The Paris Psalter 87:8 3b ic swære geseald || þær ic ut swican ne mæg / / # / eagan me s
The Paris Psalter 90:15 3b aþe syþþan / of earfoþum || ut alysde / / # / ic hine generige |
The Paris Psalter 96:1 4b ean habbaþ / ealanda mænig || ut on garsæcge
The Metres of Boethius: Proem 6b e cwidas, / þy læs ælinge || ut adrife / selflicne secg, || þo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 21b asere / mid þam æþelingum || ut on grecas / ne meahte þa seo w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 12b estmest nu / an iglond ligþ || ut on garsecg / þær nængu biþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 19b a secan / oftor micle || þonne ut on sæ / is þæt wundorlic ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 52b eaht / nylle ic æfre || hionan ut witan / ac ic symle her || soft
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 30b e sio brune / yþ wiþ oþre || ut feor adraf / on wendelsæ || wi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 12b ene wæs / swa oft æspringe || ut awealleþ / of clife harum || c
The Battle of Brunanburh 35b cread cnear on flot || cyning ut gewat / on fealene flod || feor
Solomon and Saturn 162b ig man scile / oft orþances || ut abredan / wæpnes ecgge || þea
Solomon and Saturn 318b unnen / and hine mon annunga || ut abanne / salomon cwæþ # || /
The Rewards of Piety 26a ðæm eallum || sauwle ðine / ut alysan || gif heo inne wyrð /
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 15b hæftað / ðæt he on unnyt || ut ne tofloweð / ac se wæl wuna
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 17b eceð heo wraðan || weorpeð ut attor / ðis is seo wyrt || seo
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 4a u ðysne nið || genesan mote / ut lytel spere || gif her inne s
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 10a ende flane || forane togeanes / ut lytel spere || gif hit her in
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 13a ytel / iserna || wundrum swiðe / ut lytel spere || gif her inne s
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 15a s sætan || wælspera worhtan / ut spere || næs in spere / gif he
Waldere, Fragment II 8b mæg / welandes bearn || widia ut forlet / þurh fifela gewe/ /ld
Waldere B 9b æg, / Welandes bearn, || Widia ut forlet; / ðurh fifela gewe/ /l
The Battle of Maldon 70a s flyht || fyl gename / se flod ut gewat || þa flotan stodon ge