A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: cwēne

Number of occurrences in corpus: 10

Elene 324a ġe·rȳnu, / þæt hēo ðǣre cwēne || on·cweðan meahton / swā t
Elene 149b āĝum), || þone hīe ðǣre cwēne ā·ġēafon, / sæġdon hine s
Elene 172b iðlan; || hē wæs on ðǣre cwēne ġe·wealdum): / ‘Hū mæġ
Elene 691a d || and ðǣre ār·wierðan / cwēne brōhte. || Hæfde Ciriacus / e
Elene 697a pann), || wuldres ġe·fylled / cwēne willa. || Hēo on cnēow sett
Maxims I 81b Cyning sċeall mid ċēape || cwēne ġe·biċġan, / bunum and bēa
Maxims I 126b ċ siġe-sċeorp, || sinċ on cwēne, / god sċōp gumum, || gār-nī
Riddles 49 8a || oft wilniaþ, / cyningas and cwēne. || Iċ þæt cynn nū ġīen /
Riddles 74 1b s fǣmne ġung, || feax-hār cwēne, / and ǣnliċ rinċ || on āne
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 9b crætu% curran, || ofer þe% cwēne rēodan, / ofer þe% brȳde br