A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: onsende

Number of occurrences in corpus: 28

Genesis B 541b hē mē þurh trēowe || tō on·sende, / min hearra þurh hyldu. || Þ
Genesis B 672b ġif hit ġeġnunga || God ne on·sende, / heofones wealdend? || Ġe·h
Daniel 75a lāfe || tō weorc-þēowum. / On·sende þā || sīnra þeġna / worn
Andreas 110b tan. / Iċ þe Andreas || ǣdre on·sende / tō hlēow and tō hroðre ||
Andreas 1327b hē on ġalĝan || his gǣst on·sende. / Swā iċ nū be·bēode || be
Andreas 1506b / on þis frǣte folc || forþ on·sende / wæter wīd-ryniġ || tō wer
Andreas 1604b deþ, / sē þisne ār || hider on·sende / þēodum tō helpe. || Is nū
Soul and Body I 28a el || ufan of rodorum / sāwle on·sende || þurh his selfes hand, / met
Elene 42b īle / on ġalĝan his || gāst on·sende, / siġe-bearn godes. || Þā si
Christ A 114a þū þā beorhtan ūs / sunnan on·sende || and þē self cyme / þæt
Soul and Body II 25a el || ufan of rodorum / sāwle on·sende || þurh his selfes hand, / met
Guthlac A 711b / Hē mec of heofonum || hider on·sende, / ġe·seah þæt ġē on eorð
Guthlac A 776b gode / þurh ēað-mēdu || up on·sende, / lēt his bēn cuman || on þ
Guthlac B 1238a , || ǣ-bylh godes. / Simle mē on·sende || siġe-drihten min, / folca f
Guthlac B 1303b lēanum || and þā his gǣst on·sende / weorcum wlitiġne || on wuldr
Azarias 158a efæstan gǣst. / For·þon ūs on·sende || siĝora wealdend / enġel t
Juliana 310b hē of gālĝan his || gǣst on·sende / on wuldres wlite. || Þus iċ
Juliana 322b hell-warena% cyning, || hider on·sende / of þām engan hām, || sē i
Juliana 404b t him / þurh earh-fære || inn onsende / on brēost-sefan || bitere ġ
The Gifts of Men 21b h his hālġe ġiefe || hider on·sende / wīse ġe·þōhtas || and we
Beowulf 382b iġ god / for ār-stafum || ūs on·sende, / tō West-Denum, || þæs iċ
The Paris Psalter 106:19 1b Hē him wīsfæstliċ || word on·sende, / þurh þæt hīe hrǣdlīċe
The Paris Psalter 110:6 2a singe || lēofum folce / sōðe on·sende || and him swelċe be·bēad,
The Paris Psalter 56:3 2b Hē þā of heofonum || hider on·sende / þe mē ā·līesde, || lāð
The Menologium 48b t, ymb fēower niht || fæder on·sende, / þæs þe efen-nihte || eorla
The Menologium 171b / gōdspelles glēaw, || gāst on·sende / Matheus his || tō metod-sċe
Psalm 50 16a htas. / Ġe·lamp þæt him man on·sende || sāwla nerġend, / wītĝan
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 28a || þe wergulu hātte; / þās on·sende seolh || ofer sǣs hryċġ / an