Number of occurrences in corpus: 92
Genesis A 1518a | l-grēne || and ēacen feoh%. / | Nǣfre | ġē mid blōde || bēod-ġe |
Genesis A 1537a | || þæt iċ on middan-ġeard / | nǣfre | ēaĝor-here || eft ġe·lǣd |
Genesis A 1953b | , / hāliġ and hyġe-frōd. || | Nǣfre | hlēow-lora% / æt ed-wihtan || |
Genesis A 2092b | or, / mæġeþ hira māĝum. || | Nǣfre | mann ealra / libbendra hēr || |
Genesis A 2188a | þā ǣdre God || andswarode: / | ‘Nǣfre | ġe·rēfan || rǣdaþ þīne |
Genesis A 2788a | um, || ġif iċ wealdan mōt. / | Nǣfre | Ismael || wiþ Īsace, / wiþ m |
Andreas 459a | ðe || seċġan wille, / þæt | nǣfre | for·lǣteþ || libbende god / |
Andreas 471a | te, || word-locan on·speonn: / | ‘Nǣfre | iċ sǣ-lidan || sēlran mēt |
Andreas 1286b | n-spēdum, / nerġend fīra, || | nǣfre | wille%, / ēċe eall-mehtiġ, | |
Andreas 1382b | Þǣr wæs yfles ōr, || ende | nǣfre | / þīnes wræces weorðeþ. || |
Andreas 1401a | | and þæt word ġe·cwæþ: / | ‘Nǣfre | iċ ġe·fērde || mid frēan |
Andreas 26b | ǣġeran ġe·fēan, || ðǣr | nǣfre | fēondes ne biþ, / gæstes gra |
Soul and Body I 47a | on þē || fram Gode sended. / | Nǣfre | þū mē wiþ% swā heardum | |
Elene 388b | u hieredon, / fædera lāre, || | nǣfre | furður þonne nū, / þā ġē |
Elene 30a | old-weġe || man ā·spyrian. / | Nǣfre | iċ þā ġe·þeahte || þe |
Elene 100a | a þrēate || wordum mǣldon: / | ‘Nǣfre | we hīerdon || hæleþ ǣniġ |
Elene 221b | ēoda ġe·bǣru || and þis | nǣfre | / þurh ǣnġes mannes || mūþ |
Elene 339b | n nǣre / sunu synna lēas, || | nǣfre | hē sōðra swā fela / on weor |
Christ A 54b | restaþ, / wuldrum hrēmġe. || | Nǣfre | wammes tācn / on þǣm eard-ġ |
Christ B 476b | ·fēoþ ġē on ferþþe. || | Nǣfre | iċ fram hweorfe, / ac iċ lufa |
Widsith 108a | þe wēl cūðon, / þæt hīe | nǣfre | sang || sellan ne hīerdon. / |
Maxims I 38a | im his frīend ġe·swīcaþ. / | Nǣfre | sċeall sē him his nest ā· |
Maxims I 179a | nd him æt·samne swefan; || / | nǣfre | hīe mann tō·mǣlde%, || / |
Soul and Body II 44a | on þē || fram gode sended, / | nǣfre | þū mē% swā heardra || hel |
Guthlac A 10b | m hālĝan hām.’ || Þǣr | nǣfre | hrēow cymeþ, / eder-gang fore |
Guthlac A 92a | þām cyninge þēowaþ, / sē | nǣfre | þā lēan ā·leġeþ || þ |
Guthlac A 376a | hyġdġe || ġīfran līeġe, / | nǣfre | ġē mec of þissum wordum on |
Guthlac A 636b | u, / wōp tō wīdan ealdre; || | nǣfre | ġē þæs wierpe ġe·bīda |
Guthlac A 640b | spēdum, / niþþa nerġend, || | nǣfre | wille / þurh ellen-weorc || ā |
Guthlac A 648b | þæt ġē mec mid nīðum || | nǣfre | mōton / torn-mōde tēon || on |
Guthlac A 658a | on fæder wuldre, / ðǣr ēow | nǣfre | || fore nerġende / lēohtes l |
Guthlac B 1013b | / nearwe ġe·nǣġed%? || Iċ | nǣfre | þē, / þēoden lēofosta, || |
Guthlac B 1170a | eorold-līfe || worda mīnra, / | nǣfre | lēana be·loren, || lāre ġ |
Guthlac B 1173b | rǣcon, / lēofost manna.’ || | ‘Nǣfre | iċ lufan sibbe, / þēoden, æ |
Guthlac B 1210b | ende / nihtes nearwe || and iċ | nǣfre | þē, / fæder, frōfor min, || |
Wulf and Eadwacer 18b | e tō·slīteþ || þætte | nǣfre | ġe·samnad wæs, / uncer ġied |
Riddles 39 7a | fēran on weġ. / Ne biþ hēo | nǣfre | || niht ðǣr ōðre, / ac hēo |
Riddles 39 20a | eard || maniĝum tō frōfre. / | Nǣfre | hēo heofonum hrān, || ne t |
Riddles 5 10b | eall / lāðran ġe·mōtes. || | Nǣfre | lǣċe-cynn / on folc-stede || |
The Judgment Day I 19b | an, / drōfliċ wīte, || ðǣr | nǣfre | dæġ sċīeneþ / lēohte of l |
The Judgment Day I 109a | a hīehst || hæleþa% dǣde. / | Nǣfre | mann þæs hlūde || horn ā |
Resignation 52b | rum dyde, || ne læt þū mec | nǣfre | dēoful sē·þeah / þīn lim |
Azarias 85b | n, / hlēoþ and hlūttraþ. || | Nǣfre | hlisan āh / metod þon māran |
Riddles 72 17a | e on sīdan; || iċ swiĝode, / | nǣfre | meldode || manna ǣngum / ġif |
Riddles 88 27a | me || sæċċe tō fremmanne; / | nǣfre | uncer āwþer || his ellen c |
The Phoenix 38b | īċe / blǣdum ġe·hangen; || | nǣfre | brosniaþ / leaf under lyfte, | |
The Phoenix 88b | deþ, / dēor-mōd drohtaþ; || | nǣfre | him dēaþ sċieðeþ / on þā |
The Phoenix 567b | ·weċeþ. || Mē þæs wēn | nǣfre | / for·birsteþ on brēostum, | |
Juliana 55a | tian || þē tō ġe·singan. / | Nǣfre | þū þæs swīðliċ || sār |
Juliana 108a | ne || fæste ġe·staðolad): / | ‘Nǣfre | iċ þæs þēodnes || þafia |
Juliana 134a | e || nille iċ lyġe fremman. / | Nǣfre | iċ mē on·drǣde || dōmas |
Juliana 138a | || tō mē bēotast, / ne þū | nǣfre | ġe·dēst || þurh ġe·dwol |
Juliana 149a | gǣst-ġe·hyġd, || Iuliana: / | ‘Nǣfre | þū ġe·lǣrest || þæt i |
Juliana 176a | mæġ || ā·ġeaf andsware: / | ‘Nǣfre | þū ġe·þrēatast || þīn |
The Wanderer 69a | , || nē tō feoh-ġīfre / nē | nǣfre | ġielpes tō ġeorn, || ǣr h |
The Wanderer 112b | ġe·healdeþ, || nē sċeall | nǣfre | his torn tō recene / beorn of |
The Gifts of Men 16b | fe, / ġeofona ġe·hwelcre. || | Nǣfre | god dēmeþ / þæt ǣniġ eft |
Precepts 17b | þis. / Ne freme firene, || ne | nǣfre | frēonde þīnum, / mæġe man |
Precepts 31a | | Ræfn elne þis, / þæt þū | nǣfre | fǣcne weorðe% || frēonde |
Beowulf 247b | wisson, / māĝa ġe·mēdu. || | Nǣfre | iċ māran ġe·seah / eorla of |
Beowulf 583b | rde, / billa brōĝan. || Breca | nǣfre | ġīet / æt heaðu-lāce, || n |
Beowulf 591a | || sunu Eċġ·lāfes, / þæt | nǣfre | Grendel% swā fela || gryra |
Beowulf 655a | || and þæt word ā·cwæþ: / | ‘Nǣfre | iċ ǣngum menn || ǣr ā·l |
Beowulf 718a | ·gāres || hām ġe·sōhte; / | nǣfre | hē on ealdₒr-daĝum || ǣr |
Beowulf 1041b | Healf·denes / efnan wolde. || | Nǣfre | on ōre læġ / wīd-cūðes w |
Beowulf 1048b | um and māðmum, || swā hīe | nǣfre | man liehþ, / sē þe seċġan |
Beowulf 1460b | ā·hierded heaðu-swāte; || | nǣfre | hit æt hilde ne swāc / manna |
Judith 91b | gumena. || Nāhte iċ þīnre | nǣfre | / miltse þon māran þearfe. | |
The Paris Psalter 108:7 2b | / and on his eardung-stōwe || | nǣfre | ġe·wurðe / þæt ðǣr inn |
The Paris Psalter 113:24 1a | moldan% || manna bearnum. / / # / | Nǣfre | þē, drihten, || dēade her |
The Paris Psalter 124:3 1a | nū || āwa tō weorolde. / / # / | Nǣfre | for·lǣteþ || līfes drihte |
The Paris Psalter 54:10 1a | æstness || ealle wealde. / / # / | Nǣfre | on his weorðie || wēa ā·s |
The Paris Psalter 93:12 1a | n || deorc and þīestre. / / # / | Nǣfre | wiþ·drīfeþ || drihten ūr |
The Paris Psalter 94:8 2b | stefne / holde ġe·hīeran, || | nǣfre | ġē heortan ġe·þanc / deorc |
Metrical Psalm 94:8 2b | es stefne / holde ġe·hīeran | nǣfre | ġē heortan ġe·þanc / deor |
The Rune Poem 50b | elde, / ofer nihta ġe·nipu || | nǣfre | swīceþ. / //B// beorċ biþ b |
Solomon and Saturn 1a | ses% heandum. || / Swelċe iċ | nǣfre | on eallum þǣm fyrn-ġe·wri |
Solomon and Saturn 62b | e·feċċan under foldan, || | nǣfre | hīe sē fēond tō þæs ni |
Solomon and Saturn 142b | ap / sweartne ġe·swencan, || | nǣfre | hīe þæs seldlīċe / blēoum |
Solomon and Saturn 171b | cōm / feorran ġe·fēred; || | nǣfre | ǣr his ferhþ ā·hlōh. / Hw |
The Judgment Day II 254b | / Þǣr niht ne ġe·nimþ% || | nǣfre | þīestrum% / þæs heofonlican |
A Prayer 33a | e middan-ġeard, / ne mæġe we | nǣfre | ā·seċġan, || ne þæt sō |
A Prayer 37a | an on·gunnon, / ne maĝon hīe | nǣfre | ā·reċċan, || ne þæt ġe |
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 12a | e for·helan ne mihton. Swā | nǣfre | þēos dǣd || / for·holen ne |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 9a | maĝa ne ġe·swence, / ne mē | nǣfre | mīnum fēore || forht ne ġe |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 25a | odest || æt Alorforda; / þæt | nǣfre | for ġe·floġe || feorh ne |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 35a | æppel and ātor, / þæt hēo | nǣfre | ne wolde || on hūs būĝan. / |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 22b | e wǣre on līþ sċoten, || | nǣfre | ne sīe þīn līf ā·tǣsed |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 10a | ām þæt feoh. || / þæt hē | nǣfre | næbbe landes, || þæt hē h |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 13b | , || ne ġe·dīeġe hit him | nǣfre. | / Binnan þrymm nihtum || cunne |
The Battle of Finnsburh 37a | nu wǣre. / Ne ġe·fræġn iċ | nǣfre | weorðlīcor || æt wera hild |
The Battle of Finnsburh 39a | rna || sēl ġe·bǣran%, / nē | nǣfre | swētne% medu || sēl for·ġ |