Number of occurrences in corpus: 132
Genesis A 114b | an, / rodor ā·rǣrde, || and | þis | rūme land / ġe·staðolode || |
Genesis B 289a | hira hearra wesan, / rǣdan on | þis | rīċe. || Swā mē þæt rih |
Genesis B 367b | wesan him on wynne, || and we | þis | wīte þolien, / hearm on þiss |
Genesis B 509b | lǣstan sċealt || þæt on | þis% | land hider / his bodan bringaþ |
Genesis B 518b | orne / his ambihtu, || nim þē | þis | ofett on hand, / bīt his and b |
Genesis B 655b | ræc: / ‘Ādam, frēa min, || | þis | ofett is swā swete, / blīðe% |
Genesis B 795b | e·līċ þǣm līeġe, || ac | þis | is landa betst, / þæt wit þu |
Genesis B 800a | hrēowie maĝon / sorĝian for | þis | sīðe. || For·þon hē unc |
Genesis B 805b | n wit nū libban || oþþe on | þis | lande wesan, / ġif hēr wind c |
Genesis A 1787a | eoroda || and drihten cwæþ: / | ‘Þis | is sēo eorðe || þe iċ æl |
Genesis A 2478a | rlēase cynn, || andswarode: / | ‘Þis | þynceþ ġe·risne || and ri |
Genesis A 2699b | hte, / wina un·cūðra, || and | þis | wīf mid mē, / frēonda fēa-s |
Exodus 273a | yntu, || ðǣr ġē sīðien. / | Þis | is sē ēċa || Abrahames God |
Exodus 532b | ġaþ / lengran līf-wynna%. || | Þis | is lǣne drēam, / wammum ā·w |
Daniel 207a | in þisse hēan byriġ, / þā | þis | hīeġan ne willaþ, || ne þ |
Christ and Satan 38a | heofonum || habban sċoldon? / | Þis | is þēostra% hām, || þearl |
Christ and Satan 179a | ū iċ in þǣm be·cōm%, / in | þis | neowole ġe·nip, || nīþ-sy |
Christ and Satan 251b | oroda wealdend, || āĝan ūs | þis | wuldres lēoht, / eall tō ǣht |
Christ and Satan 252b | es lēoht, / eall tō ǣhte. || | Þis | is īdel ġielp / þæt we ǣr |
Christ and Satan 385a | wind-sele% || wordum mǣndon: / | ‘Þis | is strangliċ, || nū þēs s |
Christ and Satan 417a | itere for·ġeald / þā wit in | þis | hāte sċræf || hweorfan sċ |
Christ and Satan 463a | don || þæt hē swā% wolde. / | Þis | wæs on ūhtan || eall ġe·w |
Christ and Satan 535a | || Simon Petrus: / ‘Eart þū | þis, | drihten, || dōme ġe·weorð |
Andreas 717a | worhte. || Hē worde cwæþ: / | 'Þis | is an·līcness || enġel-cyn |
Andreas 751a | ·mearcode || mundum sīnum. / | Þis | is sē ilca || eall-wealda go |
Andreas 1023b | tan fāra manna: || ‘Nū is | þis% | folc on luste, / hæleþ hider |
Andreas 1506a | || þæt þū hrǣdlīċe / on | þis | frǣte folc || forþ on·send |
Soul and Body I 26b | r / lȳt ġe·þōhtest || hū | þis | is þus lang hider. / Hwæt, þ |
Elene 162b | re, / boldes brytta, || ‘Þē | þis | his bēacen wæs / þe mē swā |
Elene 435b | ian, / ǣ-cræft eorla, || ġif | þis | yppe biþ, / swā þā þæt ī |
Elene 192a | ċes || hiht% swā mōde / and | þis | andwearde || ān-for·lǣte, / |
Elene 221b | on, / þēoda ġe·bǣru || and | þis | nǣfre / þurh ǣnġes mannes | |
Elene 464a | ela ġe·myndiġ: / ‘Hwæt is | þis, | lā, manna, || þe mīnne eft |
Elene 467a | ne nīþ, || ǣhta strȳdeþ? / | Þis | is singāl sacu. || Sāwla ne |
Elene 748b | oste, / beraþ bord and ord. || | Þis | biþ beorna ġe·hwǣm / wiþ |
Christ A 32a | ċe || hweorfan sċoldon / tō | þis | enġe land, || ēðle be·sċ |
Christ B 627a | t ġe·sēċan.’ / Hwæt, ūs | þis | sē æðeling || īeðre ġe |
Christ C 1115a | þā hē on rōde wæs. / Eall | þis | maĝon him selfe || ġe·sēo |
The Order of the World 37a | inges be·bod. / Ġe·hīer nū | þis | here-spell || and þīnne hy |
The Order of the World 59a | þām ġe·dēfestan, / þe ūs | þis | līf ġe·sċōp || and þis |
The Order of the World 59b | þis līf ġe·sċōp || and | þis | lēohte beorht / cymeþ morĝna |
The Riming Poem 1b | em / / Mē līfes on·lah || sē | þis | lēoht on·wrāh, / and þæt t |
Soul and Body II 23b | fl / lȳt ġe·þōhtes, || hū | þis | is lang hider, / and þe þurh |
Guthlac A 244b | a ġe·seċġan. || Mæġ iċ | þis | setl on ēow / būtan earfoþum |
Guthlac A 307b | e / lēofran lāce. || Nū iċ | þis | land ġe·stāh, / fela ġē m |
Guthlac A 455a | þā þū hēan% and earm / on | þis | or-leġe || ǣrest cōme, / þ |
Guthlac B 1030b | sārum ġe·sōhte. || Sċeal | þis | sāwol-hus, / fǣġe flǣsċ-ha |
Guthlac B 1046b | ma līf-ġe·dāl; || lang is | þis | anbid / weorolde līfes.’ || |
Guthlac B 1171a | ġe·hīeran, / noht lange ofer | þis. | || Lǣst ealle wēl / wǣre and |
Guthlac B 1193a | ū hire ēac saĝa / þæt hēo | þis | bān-fæt || beorĝe be·fæs |
Guthlac B 1265b | s sēo tīd latu, || tȳdraþ | þis | bān-fæt, / grēot-hord gnorna |
Riddles 35 14b | w, / wordum wīsfæst, || hwæt | þis | ġe·wǣde% sīe. |
Riddles 40 31b | , / and iċ fulre eom || þonne | þis | fenn swearte / þæt hēr yfele |
Riddles 40 49a | onne þēs wudu fulla / oþþe | þis | waroþ || þe hēr ā·worpen |
Riddles 40 78b | linte iċ eom heardre% || þe | þis | fȳr% drīfeþ / of þissum str |
The Wife's Lament 1a | # The Wife's Lament / / Iċ | þis | ġiedd wrece || be mē full |
Resignation 97a | | Iċ be mē tulĝost / seċġe | þis | sār-spell || and ymb sīþ s |
Riddles 94 6a | sealt-ry[] || / lēofre þonne | þis | lēoht eall, || lēohtre þon |
The Phoenix 465b | dend, / weoroda will-ġiefa. || | Þis | þā wyrta sind, / wæstma blǣ |
The Phoenix 481a | iþ him wynne hiht / þæt hīe | þis | lǣne līf || lang ġe·wunie |
Juliana 190a | rinċ, || hosp-wordum spræc: / | ‘Þis | is ealdor-dōm || uncres ġe |
Juliana 201b | winn. || Ġif þū lenġ ofer | þis | / þurh þīn dol-willen || ġe |
Juliana 356b | cor / self ġe·cnāwe || þæt | þis | is sōþ, nealles lēas. / Iċ |
Juliana 444b | es, || sċeall nū lange ofer | þis, | / sċyld-wyrċende, || sċame |
Juliana 719b | ·hwone / gumena cynnes, || þe | þis | ġiedd wræce, / þæt hē mec |
The Wanderer 89a | all || wīse ġe·þōhte / and | þis | deorce% līf || dēope ġond |
The Wanderer 110a | | hēr biþ mæġ lǣne, / eall | þis | eorðan ġe·steall || īdel |
The Gifts of Men 112b | / lēohtbǣre% lof, || sē ūs | þis | līf ġiefeþ / and his milde m |
Precepts 8a | þeċ þȳ beteran, / efen elne | þis | || ā þenden þū libbe. / Fæ |
Precepts 16b | ðre sīðe: || ‘Heald elne | þis. | / Ne freme firene, || ne nǣfre |
Precepts 28b | ĝan, || þæt hē ġe·munde | þis: | / ‘Ne ā·swīc sundor-wine, |
Precepts 30b | um ġe·risnum. || Ræfn elne | þis, | / þæt þū nǣfre fǣcne weor |
The Seafarer 65b | d / dryhtnes drēamas || þonne | þis | dēade līf, / lǣne on lande. |
Beowulf 290b | þæt ġe·hīere, || þæt | þis | is hold weorod / frēan Sċield |
Beowulf 1723b | , / gum-cyste on·ġiet; || iċ | þis | ġiedd be þē / ā·wræc wint |
Beowulf 2155a | | ġiedd aefter wræc: / ‘Mē | þis | hilde-sċeorp || Hrōð·gār |
Beowulf 2251b | lēoda mīnra, || þāra% þe | þis | līf% of·ġeaf, / ġesāwon se |
Beowulf 2499b | / sæċċe fremman, || þenden | þis | sweord þolaþ, / þæt mec ǣr |
Beowulf 2643a | d, || þēah þe hālford ūs / | þis | ellen-weorc || ana ā·þōht |
The Paris Psalter 108:20 1a | hine man ġe·lome ġyrt. / / # / | Þis | is weorc þāra || þe oft wr |
The Paris Psalter 113:22 1a | eard. / / # / Ġe·maniġfealdġe | þis | || mehtiġ drihten / ofer ēow |
The Paris Psalter 117:22 1a | aĝum || eall wundorliċ. / / # / | Þis | is sē dæġ || þe hine drih |
The Paris Psalter 118:126 2a | witnesse || wēl leornie. / / # / | Þis | is wynne tīd, || þæt man |
The Paris Psalter 131:15 1a | as || ǣrest æt frymþe. / / # / | Þis | is min ræst, || þe iċ rece |
The Paris Psalter 149:9 3a | wuldre || ā·writen stande: / | þis | is hāliġra wuldor% || hēr |
The Paris Psalter 57:10 2a | weþeþ || on his mōd-sefan: / | ‘Þis | is wæstm || wīses and gōde |
The Paris Psalter 62:4 2a | mōd || miċele betere / þonne | þis | lǣne līf || þe we līfiaþ |
The Paris Psalter 72:9 1b | cwǣdon: || ‘Hū% weorðeþ | þis | cūþ gode / oþþe þēos ġe |
The Paris Psalter 72:13 3a | e || on·ġietan meahte, / hū | þis | ġe·winn || wolde gangan, / o |
The Paris Psalter 76:7 2a | ‘Iċ tō sōðe wāt, / nele | þis | ēċe god || ǣfre tō·weorp |
The Paris Psalter 77:22 2a | t hē wihte mæġe / mid hlāfe | þis | folc || hēr ā·fēdan.’ / / |
The Paris Psalter 77:27 2b | hte; / swā sand sǣs || oþþe | þis | swearte dūst / cōmon ġe·fi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 97a | | Ēalā, siĝora god, / wǣre% | þis | mann-cynn || miċelum ġe·s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 6b | ah þēs middan-ġeard || and | þis | manna cynn / sīe under sunnan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 35a | ēnaþ samwīse / þæt hīe on | þis | lǣnan mæġen || līfe finda |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 11a | a || wēl·hwæs blindne / on | þis | dimme hol || dysine for·lǣd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 131b | ūtan þæs lēafe || þe ūs | þis | līf tēode, / þæt is sē ē |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 156a | æt ōðer fȳr / up ofer eall | þis | || eardfæst wunaþ. / Sōna hi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 237a | līċe; || siþþan wuniaþ / | þis | eorðlīċe || and þæt ēċ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 49a | eċġan || and sōna cweðan: / | ‘Þis | is eallunga || min āĝen cī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 60a | mōdan || ōðre rīċan / þe | þis | wērġe folc || wierst tūcia |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 63b | ġes, / emne þā īlcan || þe | þis | earme folc / sume hwīle nū || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 9a | rīðaþ lenġ / ūtan ymb eall | þis? | || An þāra tungla / weorold-m |
The Coronation of Edgar 16b | send ā·urnen, || þā þā | þis | ġe·lamp. / And him Ēadmundes |
The Coronation of Edgar 19b | / wintra on weorolde, || þā% | þis | ġe·worden wæs, / and þā on |
The Death of Edgar 3b | ht, / wlitiġ and wynsum || and | þis | wāce for·lēt, / līf þis l |
The Death of Edgar 4a | nd þis wāce for·lēt, / līf | þis | lǣne. || Nemnaþ lēoda bear |
Solomon and Saturn 188a | ’. / ‘Ac for·hwǣm winneþ | þis | wæter || ġond weorold-rīċ |
The Menologium 60a | r, || swā sē wītĝa sang: / | ‘Þis | is sē dæġ || þone drihten |
The Judgment Day II 24a | el% and wītu. / Iċ ġe·munde | þis | mid mē || and iċ mearn swī |
The Judgment Day II 43a | n || and flǣsċes swā same. / | Þis | is ān hǣl || earmre sāwle / |
The Judgment Day II 145a | t man lange hǣl. / Ufenan eall | þis | || ēac biþ ġe·fylled / eall |
The Judgment Day II 197a | iele || manna ðǣr gryrraþ. / | Þis | atole ġe·wrixl || earm-sċa |
The Judgment Day II 213a | bryniĝum tuxlum. / Ufenan eall | þis | || biþ þæt earme brēost / m |
The Judgment Day II 272a | ġe·þwǣrness%. / Ufenan eall | þis | || ēċe drihten / him ealra g |
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 1a | reface tō the Pastoral Care / / | Þis | ǣrend-ġe·writ || Aĝustinu |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 1a | ilogue tō the Pastoral Care / / | Þis | is nū sē wætersċipe || þ |
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 1a | # For Loss of Cattle / / | Þis | man sċeall cweðan þonne hi |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 42a | ċes%, / þā hwīle þe iċ on | þis | līfe || wunian mōte. Amen. |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 18a | ðan, || weorpeþ ūt ātor. / | Þis | is sēo wyrt || sēo wiþ wyr |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 27a | an || tō mete ġe·ġierede. / | þis | is sēo wyrt || þe wergulu h |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 63a | eall sealt wæter, / þonne iċ | þis | ātor || of þē ġe·blāwe. |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 25a | | nū iċ wille þīn helpan. / | Þis | þe tō bōte esa ġe·sċote |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 25b | ō bōte esa ġe·sċotes, || | þis | þe tō bōte ielfa ġe·sċo |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 26a | tō bōte ielfa ġe·sċotes, / | þis | þe tō bōte hæġtessan ġe |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 4a | onne þrīwa þās word: || / | þis | mē tō bōte || ðǣre lāð |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 5a | || ðǣre lāðan læt-byrde, / | þis | mē tō bōte || ðǣre swǣr |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 6a | ðǣre swǣran swǣr-byrde%, / | þis | mē tō bōte || ðǣre lāð |
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 3a | e lōcian niðer. || / Dō him | þis | tō lǣċe-dōme: eofor-þrot |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 3a | ā·hangen; swā iċ þenċe | þis | feoh || / tō findanne, næs t |
The Battle of Finnsburh 3a | heaðu-ġung% cyning: / ‘Nē | þis | ne daĝað ēastan%, || nē h |
The Battle of Maldon 45b | erst þū, sǣ-lida, || hwæt | þis | folc sæġeþ? / Hīe willaþ |