A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: land

Number of occurrences in corpus: 98

Genesis A 114b ā·rǣrde, || and þis rūme land / ġe·staðolode || strangum m
Genesis A 203b ld, / and libbende, || þā þe land tredaþ, / feorh-ēacnu cynn, |
Genesis A 211a Fæġere lēohte / þæt līðe land || laĝu iernende, / wielle-bur
Genesis A 229a onne sēo æftre || Ethiopia / land and lēod-ġeard% || be·liġ
Genesis B 239b lāra. || He lēt hēo þæt land būan, / hwearf him þā tō he
Genesis B 332b er·mēttu, || sōhton ōðer land, / þæt wæs lēohtes lēas ||
Genesis B 509b tan sċealt || þæt on þis% land hider / his bodan bringaþ. ||
Genesis B 737b rc þoliaþ, || and þīestre land, / and þurh þīn miċele mōd
Genesis A 961b ā aefter synne || sorhfulre land, / eard and ēðel || unspēdiġ
Genesis A 1167b lled. / Him on lāste hēold || land and ierfe / Malalēhel siþþan
Genesis A 1180a eahta-hund; || eaforan lǣfde / land and lēod-weard. || Lange si
Genesis A 1196a āred þā || glēawum lǣfde / land and lēod-weard, || lēofum r
Genesis A 1236a n / Nōe% nemde,ē niþþum ǣr / land bryttode || siþþan Lāmech
Genesis A 1444b , / ġif hē on ðǣre lāde || land ne funde, / ofer sīd wæter ||
Genesis A 1458a or flōde || fōtum ne meahte / land ġe·spornan || ne on leaf tr
Genesis A 1479b ō lide flēoĝan, || ac hēo land be·ġeat, / grēne bearwas; ||
Genesis A 1651b ōfe rincas || sōhton rūmre land, / oþþæt hīe be·cōmon || c
Genesis A 1733a bum || sēċan wolde / Cananēa land. || Hine cnēow-māĝas, / Metod
Genesis A 1750b l / lārum hīere, || and þæt land ġe·sēc / þe iċ þē æl-gr
Genesis A 1773a Cārran; || sōhton Cananēa / land and lēod-ġeard. || Þā cō
Genesis A 1780b ihtġes / lāre ġe·myndiġ || land sċēawian / ġond þā folc-s
Genesis A 1801b þ ofer·fōron || folc-mǣru land / ēastan mid ǣhtum, || ǣ-fæ
Genesis A 1920b . / Him þā Lōth ġe·wāt || land sċēawian / be Iordane, || gr
Genesis A 2557b c / rēðe ġe·rǣhton || rūm land wera. / Strūdende fȳr || stē
Genesis A 2689a þēode || wīc ġe·tǣhton, / land tō lissum. || Þū ūs lēan
Genesis A 2839b þ / burh-sittende || Bersabēa land%. / Þǣr sē hālĝa || hēah-st
Exodus 40b ċrāþ, / lāþ lēod-hata, || land drysmode% / dēadra hrǣwum, ||
Exodus 57a þȳ folce || fæstenna worn, / land and lēod-weard || lāðra ma
Exodus 60a e || ġearwe bǣron, / (wǣron land hira || lyft-helme be·þeaht
Exodus 69b him be sūðan || Siġel-wara land, / for·bærned burh-hliðu, ||
Exodus 445a / oþ Ēġypte || inca-þēode / land Cananea, || lēode þīne, / fr
Exodus 483a ode, || fǣġe crungon, / laĝu land ġe·fēoll, || lyft wæs on
Daniel 77b , / þæt him þāra lēoda% || land ġe·hēolde, / īeðne ēðel,
Christ and Satan 212a eft ġe·sēċeþ, / fæġere% land || þonne þēos folde sēo; /
Christ and Satan 214b er burgum. || Þǣr is brāde land, / hyhtlicra% hām || in heofon-
Christ and Satan 269b on hweorfan || ġond hæleþa land / and unsibbe || oft on·styrġ
Andreas 268b ·þæt we þissa% lēoda || land ġe·sōhton, / wǣre be·wrece
Andreas 378b wēnde / þæt hē libbende || land be·ġēate, / þāra þe mid A
Andreas 404b n / lēofne lārēow || and him land curon: / ‘Hwider hweorfaþ we
Andreas 423b a / lād ofer laĝu-strēam, || land swīðe feorr / tō ġe·sēċa
Andreas 698b a drihten, || sēċan dēagol land. / Hē þurh wundra fela || on
Andreas 827b e. / Þurh lyft-ġe·lāc || on land be·cōm / tō ðǣre ċeastre
Andreas 1259b l / lucon, lēoda ġe·setu. || Land wǣron frēoriġ / ċealdum ċi
Andreas 1321a e ānum || eall ġe·teohhad / land and lēode, || swā dyde lār
The Fates of the Apostles 66b c, / lēohtes ġe·lēafan, || land wæs ġe·fǣlsod / þurh Mathe
The Fates of the Apostles 76b n sǣne, / lind-ġe·lāces, || land Persea / sōhton sīþ-frame, |
Elene 250a ġe·liden hæfdon / on Crēca land. || Ċēolas lēton / æt sǣ-fa
Elene 262a || fōron on luste / on Crēca land, || cāseres bodan, / hilde-rinc
Elene 270b ġe·coste / lind-wīġendra || land ġe·sōhte, / seċġa þrēate
Elene 560a ā·seted% hæfdon / on Crēca land. || Hīe sē cāsere hēt / ofst
Christ A 32a orfan sċoldon / tō þis enġe land, || ēðle be·sċierede. / For
Widsith 95b lēane, || þæs þe hē mē land for·ġeaf, / mīnes fæder ē
The Fortunes of Men 76a n || and hē him brād sileþ / land tō lēane. || Hē hit on lus
The Order of the World 84b , / lyft wiþ laĝu-strēam, || land wiþ wǣġe, / flōd wiþ flōd
Guthlac A 151b ǣnes līf-welan, || ac þæt land gode / fæġere ġe·friðode,
Guthlac A 273b t þū libban, || þēah þū land āĝe? / Ne þeċ mann hider ||
Guthlac A 307b ofran lāce. || Nū iċ þis land ġe·stāh, / fela ġē mē ear
Riddles 12 14b hātte, / þe iċ libbende || land reafie / and aefter dēaðe ||
Riddles 13 11b an on lāste, || ġe·wītan land tredan.
The Judgment Day I 8a bærnan || breĝu mann-cynnes / land mid līeġe. || Nis þæt lȳ
The Husband's Message 18b -burgum / eard weardian, || ān land būĝan, / frēondsċipe fremma
The Phoenix 20b d ansund. || Is þæt æðele land / blōstmum ġe·blōwen. || Be
The Phoenix 28a ġe·blōwen. / Is þæt torhte land || twelfum hīerra, / folde fæ
The Phoenix 70a f sīðum || þæt tīrfæste / land ġeond·lāce || laĝu-flōda
The Phoenix 116b e blīce, / lēohtes lēoma. || Land bēoþ ġe·frætwod, / weorold
The Phoenix 166b e ġe·sēċaþ || Sier-wara land / corðra mǣste. || Him sē cl
Beowulf 221b æfde / þæt þā līðende || land ġe·sāwon, / brim-clifu blīc
Beowulf 242a || ēag-wearde hēold, / þe on land Dena || lāðra nǣniġ / mid s
Beowulf 253b nan, / lēas-sċēaweras, || on land Dena / furður fēran. || Nū
Beowulf 521b ðel%, / lēof his lēodum, || land Brandinga, / friðu-burh fæġr
Beowulf 580b d aefter faroþe || on Finna land, / wadu weallendu. || Nā iċ wi
Beowulf 1357b ernra gasta. || Hīe dīeĝol land / wariaþ, wulf-hliþu, || wind
Beowulf 1904b drēfan dēop wæter, || Dena land of·ġeaf. / Þā wæs be mǣst
Beowulf 2062b losaþ libbende%, || cann him land ġearwe. / Þonne bēoþ ā·br
Beowulf 2197b samod / on þǣm lēodsċipe || land ġe·cynde, / eard, ēðel-riht
Beowulf 2471a e, || swā dēþ ēadiġ mon, / land and lēod-byriġ, || þā hē
Beowulf 2492b , / lēohtan swurde; || hē mē land for·ġeaf, / eard, ēðel-wynn
Beowulf 2915b ran flot-herġe || on Frēsna land, / ðǣr hine Hætt·ware || hil
The Paris Psalter 104:10 2b Iċ ēowrum cynne || Khananea land / on āĝene ǣht || ierfe ġe
The Paris Psalter 104:28 3b de, / sē līeġe for·ġeaf || land Eġypta. / / # / Siþþan for·wu
The Paris Psalter 106:36 3a , || siþþan grōwan% / lungre land hira || ā·loden wæstmum. / /
The Paris Psalter 77:55 2b wīcum, || sealde him wēste land, / þæt hīe mid tāne || ġe·
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 1b wille wyrċan || wæstm-bǣre land, / ā·tēo of þǣm æcere ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 40b , / swā swā lyft and laĝu || land ymb·clyppaþ, / gārseċġ ymb
The Battle of Brunanburh 9b ft / wiþ lāðra ġe·hwone || land ealgoden, / hord and hāmas. ||
The Battle of Brunanburh 27b ġe·bland / on lides bōsme || land ġe·sōhton, / fǣġe tō ġe
The Battle of Brunanburh 59a cȳþþe sōhton, / West-Seaxna land, || wīġes hrēmġe. / Lēton h
The Death of Edward 25a ðela, || ēðel be·werode, / land and lēode, || oþ·þæt lun
Solomon and Saturn 178b cǣġa%, / leornunga% locan. || Land eall ġeond·hwearf, / Indea me
Solomon and Saturn 189b cynn Arabia, / lāre Libia, || land Syria, / Pitðinia, || Buðanas
Solomon and Saturn 290b nd lǣċeþ || and hine ġond land spaneþ, / oþ·þæt his eġe
Maxims II 53b rum, / lāþ wiþ lāðe || ymb land sacan, / synne stǣlan. || Ā s
The Seasons for Fasting 98a forþ nū ġīet / ġond% Engla land || ēstum fylĝaþ%. / Swā hē
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 5b all þæt lāþ || þe on tō land fære. / Siġe-ġealdor iċ be
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 6b þǣm% lāðan || þe ġond land færþ. / And þū, weġ-brāde
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 13b nd þǣm lāðan || þe ġond land fereþ. / Stune hætte þēos w
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 20b þǣm% lāðan || þe ġond land fereþ. / Fleoh þū nū, ātor
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 4b ān-mōde, || þā hīe ofer land rīdan. / Sċield þū þe nū%