Number of occurrences in corpus: 206
Genesis B 354a | an || weoll him on innan / hyge | ymb | his heortan || hat wæs him u |
Genesis B 388a | unc adame || yfele gewurþan / | ymb | þæt heofonrice || þær ic |
Genesis B 408b | æstum clomme || onginnaþ nu | ymb | þa fyrde þencean / gif ic æn |
Genesis B 508b | d / lofian on his leohte || and | ymb | þin lif sprecan / swa þu læs |
Genesis B 607a | ac se sceaþa georne / swicode | ymb | þa sawle || þe hire ær þa |
Genesis B 759a | þon is min mod gehæled / hyge | ymb | heortan gerume || ealle synt |
Genesis A 1320a | ie ne rohton þæs / geseah þa | ymb | wintra worn || wærfæst meto |
Genesis A 1438b | ære under wolcnum || let þa | ymb | worn daga / þæs þe heah hlio |
Genesis A 1449a | feþera || secan nolde / he þa | ymb | seofon niht || sweartum hrefn |
Genesis A 1465a | ulufre eft || of cofan sended / | ymb | wucan wilde || seo wide fleah |
Genesis A 1477a | bot || þa gyt se eadega wer / | ymb | wucan þriddan || wilde culuf |
Genesis A 1848a | ne uncuþe || wordum spræcon / | ymb | þæs wifes wlite || wlonce m |
Genesis A 1907b | h geþenc / þæt unc modige || | ymb | mearce sittaþ / þeoda þrymf |
Genesis A 2304b | mnan sægde / þa se þeoden || | ymb | þreotiene gear / ece drihten | |
Genesis A 2322a | || þæs þe on woruld cymþ / | ymb | seofon niht || sigores tacne / |
Genesis A 2528b | scealt þære bene || nu þu | ymb | þa burh sprycest / tiþa weor |
Genesis A 2770a | him bebead metod / wuldortorht | ymb | wucan || þæs þe hine on wo |
Exodus 63a | ga || fyrde gelædde / heht þa | ymb | twa niht || tirfæste hæleþ |
Exodus 180a | aþum eagan || landmanna cyme / | ymb | hine wægon || wigend unforht |
Daniel 247a | ing || wall onsteallan / iserne | ymb | æfæste || oþþæt up gewat |
Daniel 253a | bliþemode || burnon scealcas / | ymb | ofn utan || alet gehwearf / teo |
Daniel 561a | ole || swa seo stefn gecwæþ / | ymb | seofon tida || sæde eft onfo |
Daniel 577a | | swa wildu deor / oþþæt þu | ymb | seofon winter || soþ gelyfes |
Daniel 681b | edum and persum / aldordomes || | ymb | lytel fæc / let babilone || bl |
Christ and Satan 46a | egle || selrum tidum / þær nu | ymb | þone æcan || æþele stonda |
Christ and Satan 47a | an || æþele stondaþ / heleþ | ymb | hehseld || herigaþ drihten / w |
Christ and Satan 135a | || hwilum nacode men / winnaþ | ymb | wyrmas || is þes windiga sel |
Christ and Satan 153a | e || bearn hælendes / þær we | ymb | hine utan || ealle hofan / leom |
Christ and Satan 154a | ine utan || ealle hofan / leomu | ymb | leofne || lofsonga word / driht |
Christ and Satan 219a | nd || in þæm deoran ham / and | ymb | þæt hehsetl || hwite standa |
Christ and Satan 233a | || heran woldon / and him sang | ymb | seld || secgan sceoldon / þuse |
Christ and Satan 424a | mote || mid minre mægþe / and | ymb | þreo niht com || þegen hæl |
Christ and Satan 496a | and teonan micelne / me seredon | ymb | || secgas monige / dæges and n |
Christ and Satan 570a | st || gecwæþ þæt he þæs / | ymb | tene niht || twelf apostolas / |
Christ and Satan 650a | an moten || to godes rice / and | ymb | þa weallas || wlitige scina |
Christ and Satan 660a | rd || wordum herigaþ / þegnas | ymb | þeoden || þær is þrym mic |
Andreas 157a | geseted wurde / swa hie symble | ymb | þritig || þing gehedon / niht |
Andreas 872a | elne || englas stodon / þegnas | ymb | þeoden || þusendmælum / here |
Andreas 1117b | s rinc manig / guþfrec guma || | ymb | þæs geongan feorh / breostum |
Andreas 1233a | ormodne || æfter dunscræfum / | ymb | stanhleoþo || stærcedferþn |
Andreas 1247a | orht swungen || sar eft gewod / | ymb | þæs beornes breost || oþþ |
Elene 39a | cedfyrhþe || stæþe wicedon / | ymb | þæs wæteres wylm || werode |
Elene 50a | e || þonne huna cining / ridon | ymb | rofne || þonne rand dynede / c |
Elene 60a | t he on romwara || rices ende / | ymb | þæs wæteres stæþ || wero |
Elene 66a | o hilde || here wicode / eorlas | ymb | æþeling || egstreame neah / o |
Elene 136a | stanclifum || stede weardedon / | ymb | danubie || sume drenc fornam / |
Elene 214a | firhþsefan || forþ gemyndig / | ymb | þæt mære treo || ond þa h |
Elene 227a | ote fysan || fearoþhengestas / | ymb | geofenes stæþ || gearwe sto |
Elene 260a | l || wæron æscwigan / secggas | ymb | sigecwen || siþes gefysde / fy |
Elene 272a | te || swa hit siþþan gelamp / | ymb | lytel fæc || þæt þæt leo |
Elene 383a | snyttro || heo to salore eft / | ymb | lytel fæc || laþode wæron / |
Elene 3b | lifdagum / þæt þu gehyre || | ymb | þæt halige treo / frode frign |
Elene 4b | um / þæt þū ġe·hīere || | ymb | þæt hālġe trēo / frōde fr |
Elene 95a | gif þeos cwen usic / frigneþ | ymb | þæt treo || nu ge fyrhþsef |
Elene 96a | þēos cwēn ūsiċ / friġneþ | ymb | þæt trēo, || nū ġē ferh |
Elene 102a | egn oþerne || þyslic cyþan / | ymb | swa dygle wyrd || do swa þe |
Elene 103a | ōðerne || þȳsliċ cȳðan / | ymb | swā dēaĝle wyrd. || Dō sw |
Elene 121b | egan / fricggan fyrhþwerige || | ymb | fyrngewritu / hu on worulde ær |
Elene 122b | , / friċġan ferhþ-wērġe || | ymb | fyrn-ġe·writu, / hū on weoro |
Elene 225a | to swiþe || soþe ond rihte / | ymb | þæt lifes treow || ond nu l |
Elene 226a | swīðe || sōðe and rihte / | ymb | þæt līfes trēo || and nū |
Elene 429b | sang ahofon / rædþeahtende || | ymb | þa roda þreo / oþ þa nigoþ |
Elene 430b | ·hōfon, / rǣd-þeahtende, || | ymb | þā rōda þrīe / oþ þā ni |
Elene 519b | a bryttan / ond þa wundrade || | ymb | þæs weres snyttro / hu he swa |
Elene 520b | bryttan, / and þā wundrode || | ymb% | þæs weres snytru, / hū hē s |
Elene 624b | en elenan wæs / mod gemynde || | ymb | þa mæran wyrd / geneahhe for |
Elene 625b | lenan wæs / mōd ġe·mynde || | ymb | þā mǣran wyrd, / ġe·nēahh |
Elene 631a | ire þa gina || gastes mihtum / | ymb | wundorwyrd || willan gefylde / |
Elene 632a | ā ġīena || gāstes meahtum / | ymb | wunder-wyrd || willan ġe·fi |
Elene 741b | / sweordgeniþlan || þær hie | ymb | sige winnaþ / wraþ wiþ wraþ |
Elene 742b | -ġe·nīðlan, || ðǣr hīe | ymb | siġe% winnaþ%, / wrāþ wiþ |
Elene 815a | æt wundor || onwrigen hæfde / | ymb | þone beorhtan beam || swa ic |
Elene 816a | wunder || on·wriġen hæfde / | ymb | þone beorhtan bēam, || swā |
Christ A 61a | ores hrof || rume geondwlitan / | ymb | healfa gehwone || hu ðec heo |
Christ A 397a | eardiað || ecan dryhtnes / ond | ymb | ðeodenstol || ðringað geor |
Christ B 466a | e bearn || agnum fæder / ðæs | ymb | feowertig || ðe he of foldan |
Christ B 507a | orhte || englas twegen / fægre | ymb | ðæt frumbearn || frætwum b |
Christ C 1125a | reahtum || ond fystum eac / ond | ymb | his heafod || heardne gebigdo |
Christ C 1194b | um sægdon / oft nales æne || | ymb | ðæt æðele bearn / ðæt se |
Christ C 1444a | dcwide || ða hi hwæsne beag / | ymb | min heafod || heardne gebygdo |
Widsith 121a | æda here || heardum sweordum / | ymb | wistlawudu || wergan sceoldon |
Maxims I 28b | e sweltan / ond dogra gehwam || | ymb | gedal sacan / middangeardes || |
The Order of the World 3b | gretan / fricgan felageongne || | ymb | forðgesceaft / biddan ðe gese |
The Whale 1b | The Whale / / nu ic fitte gen || | ymb | fisca cynn / wille woðcræfte |
Soul and Body II 10a | cuman || gehðum hremig / symle | ymb | seofon niht || sawle findan / |
Guthlac A 114b | d wæs toweard || hine twegen | ymb | / weardas wacedon || ða gewin |
Guthlac A 737b | old / ðonne hy him hungrige || | ymb | hond flugon / grædum gifre || |
Guthlac B 1287a | lum || wuldres scima / æðele | ymb | æðelne || ondlonge niht / sca |
Guthlac B 1290a | lyfte || wæs se leohta glæm / | ymb | ðæt halge hus || heofonlic |
Guthlac B 1310a | tast || eal ðæt beacen wæs / | ymb | ðæt halge hus || heofonlic |
Deor 12b | eahte / ðriste geðencan || hu | ymb | ðæt sceolde / ðæs ofereode |
Riddles 2 4a | || swylce beorht seomað / wir | ymb | ðone wælgim || ðe me walde |
Riddles 20 4a | || swylce beorht seomað / wir | ymb | þone wælgim || þe me walde |
Riddles 23 11b | nigum eaðe || ðæt ic ðær | ymb | sprice / gif hine hrineð || ð |
Riddles 33 8b | bond / sægde searocræftig || | ymb | hyre sylfre gesceaft / is min m |
Riddles 39 26a | || soð is æghwylc / ðara ðe | ymb | ðas wiht || wordum becneð / n |
Riddles 4 5b | aldeð ond wealdeð || swa he | ymb | ðas utan hweorfeð / he mec wr |
Riddles 40 5b | eþ and wealdeþ, || swā hē | ymb | þās ūtan hweorfeþ. / Hē me |
Riddles 40 6b | ldeð ond wealdeð, || swa he | ymb | þas utan hweorfeð. / He mec w |
Riddles 43 16b | / eðða se esne || ðe ic her | ymb | sprice |
Resignation 65b | ða / sefa synnum fah || ond ic | ymb | sawle eom / feam siðum forht | |
Resignation 97b | ust / secge ðis sarspel || ond | ymb | sið spræce / longunge fus || |
The Descent into Hell 25b | ræc / modig to ðære mengo || | ymb | his mæges // / hæfde me gehat |
The Descent into Hell 124b | gað ond lof/ / /lum || ðe ðe | ymb | stondað / ða ðu ðe lete sit |
Azarias 39b | rimflodas / swa waroða sond || | ymb | sealt wæter / yðe geond eargr |
Azarias 41a | eargrund || ðæt swa unrime / | ymb | wintra hwearft || weorðan sc |
Azarias 162a | nebrogan || breahtmum hwurfun / | ymb | ðæt hate hus || hæðne leo |
The Husband's Message 10a | | ond nu cunnan scealt / hu ðu | ymb | modlufan || mines frean / on hy |
Riddles 85 2a | ele swige || ne ic sylfa hlud / | ymb | // || unc dryhten scop / sið |
The Phoenix 292b | weard hiwe / bleobrygdum fag || | ymb | ða breost foran / is him ðæt |
The Phoenix 305a | oncum || biseted weorðeð / is | ymb | ðone sweoran || swylce sunna |
The Phoenix 360b | dorlice / fæger fyrngesceap || | ymb | ðæs fugles gebyrd / ðær se |
The Phoenix 572a | de gleawmod || godes spelboda / | ymb | his æriste || in ece lif / ð |
The Phoenix 619a | edryht || swega mæste / hædre | ymb | ðæt halge || heahseld godes |
Juliana 414b | ære sawle ma / geornor gyme || | ymb | ðæs gæstes forwyrd / ðonne |
Precepts 26b | a ond lara / rædhycgende || sy | ymb | rice swa hit mæge / feorðan s |
Precepts 56a | dol seldon || drymeð sorgful / | ymb | his forðgesceaft || nefne he |
The Seafarer 11a | ðær ða ceare seofedun / hat | ymb | heortan || hungor innan slat / |
The Seafarer 46b | / ne ymbe owiht elles || nefne | ymb | yða gewealc / ac a hafað long |
Beowulf 135a | m || næs hit lengra fyrst / ac | ymb | ane niht || eft gefremede / mor |
Beowulf 219a | ls || fugle gelicost / oððæt | ymb | antid || oðres dogores / wunde |
Beowulf 353b | u bena eart / ðeoden mærne || | ymb | ðinne sið / ond ðe ða ondsw |
Beowulf 399b | geðinges / aras ða se rica || | ymb | hine rinc manig / ðryðlic ðe |
Beowulf 439b | sceal / fon wið feonde || ond | ymb | feorh sacan / lað wið laðum |
Beowulf 450b | ce / mearcað morhopu || no ðu | ymb | mines ne ðearft / lices feorme |
Beowulf 507b | brecan wunne / on sidne sæ || | ymb | sund flite / ðær git for wlen |
Beowulf 531b | min unferð / beore druncen || | ymb | brecan spræce / sægdest from |
Beowulf 568a | aswefede || ðæt syððan na / | ymb | brontne ford || brimliðende / |
Beowulf 668a | aseted || sundornytte beheold / | ymb | aldor dena || eotonweard abea |
Beowulf 689b | / eorles andwlitan || ond hine | ymb | monig / snellic særinc || sele |
Beowulf 838a | s on morgen || mine gefræge / | ymb | ða gifhealle || guðrinc mon |
Beowulf 1012a | ða mægðe || maran weorode / | ymb | hyra sincgyfan || sel gebæra |
Beowulf 1030a | ealobence || oðrum gesellan / | ymb | ðæs helmes hrof || heafodbe |
Beowulf 1536b | ðenceð / longsumne lof || na | ymb | his lif cearað / gefeng ða be |
Beowulf 1595a | de fah || blondenfeaxe / gomele | ymb | godne || ongeador spræcon / ð |
Beowulf 2477b | ldon / ofer heafo healdan || ac | ymb | hreosnabeorh / eatolne inwitsce |
Beowulf 2509b | ecg / hond ond heard sweord || | ymb | hord wigan / beowulf maðelode |
Beowulf 3172b | mænan / wordgyd wrecan || ond | ymb | wer sprecan / eahtodan eorlscip |
The Paris Psalter 115:8 3a | is getynum || tidum gylde / þe | ymb | dryhtnes hus || deore syndan / |
The Paris Psalter 118:65 1a | || þu me swylce lær / / # / þu | ymb | þinne esne || æghwær dydes |
The Paris Psalter 118:65 2a | ū mē swelċe lǣr. / / # / Þū | ymb | þīnne esne || ǣġhwǣr dyd |
The Paris Psalter 127:4 3a | a elebeamas || æþele weaxen / | ymb | þinne beod utan || blæda st |
The Paris Psalter 139:9 1a | me || hwile weorþen / / # / him | ymb | heafod || hefegast gewinna / þ |
The Paris Psalter 143:15 2a | a dohtru || deore gesette / and | ymb | frætwum || utan gegyrede / efn |
The Paris Psalter 54:17 3a | wiþferige / forþon me manige | ymb | || mægene syrewaþ / / # / þæt |
The Paris Psalter 77:28 2a | þa wic || manige feollan / and | ymb | hiora selegescotu || swiþe g |
The Paris Psalter 78:3 2b | leton / swa man gute wæter || | ymb | hierusalem / blodige lagan || n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 21a | oc || symle underlutan / hwy ge | ymb | þæt unnet || ealnig swincen |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 45b | a wita / and se aroda || þe we | ymb | sprecaþ / hiora heretoga || se |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 24b | / wiþ þa unþeawas || þe we | ymb | sprecaþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 21b | htæþelo || þe ic þe recce | ymb | / nales on þæm flæsce || fol |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 27b | cynd / þines goodes || þencþ | ymb | se þe wile / forþon hit is ea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 142b | r / æghwilc gesceaft || þe we | ymb | sprecaþ / hæfþ his agenne || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 207a | e || on hire selfre / hire utan | ymb | || swa swa eal deþ / rineswift |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 212b | mbe hy selfe / oft smeagende || | ymb | þas eorþlican / drihtnes gesc |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 214a | ta || dagum and nihtum / hwilum | ymb | hi selfe || secende smeaþ / hw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 215b | e smeaþ / hwilum eft smeaþ || | ymb | þone ecan god / sceppend hire |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 217b | / hweole gelicost || hwærfþ | ymb | hi selfe / þonne hio ymb hire |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 218a | rfþ ymb hi selfe / þonne hio | ymb | hire scyppend || mid gescead |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 221a | || an hire selfre / þonne hio | ymb | hi selfe || secende smeaþ / hi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 3b | to / þæm ecum gode || þe we | ymb | sprecaþ / and to þæm gesæl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 4b | gesælþum || þe we secgaþ | ymb | / se þe þonne nu sie || nearw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 3b | / efne þisse ilcan || þe wit | ymb | sprecaþ / hit gesælde gio || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 6b | moncynnes / þæt ne wundrie || | ymb | þas wlitegan tungl / hu hy sum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 9a | t || sume scriþaþ leng / utan | ymb | eall þis || an þara tungla / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 22b | e geliþaþ || þa þe lacaþ | ymb | / eaxe ende || oþþe micle / mar |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 26b | ten / saturnus sum || se hæfþ | ymb | þritig / wintergerimes || weor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 30b | e / on þone ilcan stede || eft | ymb | þritig / geargerimes || þær |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 32b | herdon / ne furþum fira nan || | ymb | gefeoht sprecan / næs þeos eo |
Solomon and Saturn 184b | liġeþ / ymbe Ġeallboe || and | ymb | Ġeador norþ, / Filistina flet |
Solomon and Saturn 189b | ligeþ / ymbe geallboe || and | ymb | geador norþ / filistina flet | |
Solomon and Saturn 42a | wīse is || on weorold-rīċe / | ymb | þā mē fyr-witt bræc || [L |
Solomon and Saturn 48a | ast; || sēme iċ þē recene / | ymb | þā wrætlican wiht. || Wilt |
Solomon and Saturn 53a | / an wise is || on woroldrice / | ymb | þa me fyrwet bræc || fiftig |
Solomon and Saturn 60a | sagast || seme ic þe recene / | ymb | þa wrætlican wiht || wilt |
Solomon and Saturn 221b | erde / seċġan and swerġan || | ymb | sume wīsan, / hwæðer wǣre t |
Solomon and Saturn 260b | ehyrde / secggan and swerian || | ymb | sume wisan / hwæþer wære twe |
The Menologium 15b | e, / on foldan hēr. || Swelċe | ymb% | fēower wucan / þætte Sol-mō |
The Menologium 23a | hte tō temple. / Þonne þæs | ymb | fīf niht || þæt ā·fered |
The Menologium 30a | um || swylce eac is wide cuþ / | ymb | þreo and twa || þeodum gewe |
The Menologium 38a | . || Þonne sē hālĝa þæs / | ymb | [XI] niht || æðele sċynde / |
The Menologium 48a | ge || sunnan and monan / hwæt | ymb | feower niht || fæder onsende |
The Menologium 54b | lcum ġe·frǣġe. || Swelċe | ymb | fēower and þrīe / niht-ġe· |
The Menologium 87b | gan / be fæder leafe || swylce | ymb | fyrst wucan / butan anre niht | |
The Menologium 95b | maþ, / æl-mihtiġne. || Þæs | ymb | eahta and niĝon / dōĝra% rī |
The Menologium 107a | rum || þænne monaþ bringþ / | ymb | twa and feower || tiida lange |
The Menologium 116a | afta || þænne wuldres þegn / | ymb | þreotyne || þeodnes dyrling |
The Menologium 131a | eġnas. || Þonne ǣdre cymþ / | ymb | twā niht þæs || tīdlīċe |
The Menologium 133a | ius monaþ || on þam iacobus / | ymb | feower niht || feorh gesealde |
The Menologium 137a | era || and þæs symle scriþ / | ymb | seofon niht þæs || sumere g |
The Menologium 144a | foldan || þænne forþ gewat / | ymb | þreo niht þæs || þeodne g |
The Menologium 148a | weorca to leane / swylce þæs | ymb | fif niht || fægerust mægþa |
The Menologium 154a | aldre || þænne ealling byþ / | ymb | tyn niht þæs || tiid geweor |
The Menologium 158a | geypped || æþelinges deaþ / | ymb | feower niht || se þe fægere |
The Menologium 174a | fean || þænne ealling cymþ / | ymb | þreo niht þæs || þeodum w |
The Menologium 187a | d wifum || swylce wigena tiid / | ymb | twentig þæs || twegra heald |
The Menologium 207b | rene / foldan frætuwe || þæs | ymb | feower niht / þætte martinus |
The Menologium 221b | arnum, / ǣrra Iula. || Swelċe | ymb | eahta and twelf / niht-ġe·rī |
The Menologium 226a | an || blētsunga his. / Þonne | ymb | fēower niht || þætte fæde |
Maxims II 46b | llan / lyfthelm and laguflod || | ymb | ealra landa gehwylc / flowan fi |
Maxims II 53b | iþ oþrum / laþ wiþ laþe || | ymb | land sacan / synne stælan || a |
Maxims II 55a | lan || a sceal snotor hycgean / | ymb | þysse worulde gewinn || wear |
Psalm 50 19a | secgan het || selfum gecyðan / | ymb | his womdeda || waldendes doom |
The Seasons for Fasting 83a | ēmenne || bōca ġe·rȳnum% / | ymb | þā niĝoþan tīd; || nan i |
The Seasons for Fasting 220a | tō ǣte || and æðele wynn / | ymb | morgen-tīd, || þæs% þe m |
Instructions for Christians 245a | cum% || gearwurðian, / and na | ymb | þe sylfum || na to wel læta |