an noun conj indeclform
an noun conj indeclform
Number of occurrences in corpus: 124
Genesis B 573b | aþan striþ / yfel andwyrde || | an | forlæteþ / on breostcofan || |
Genesis B 575a | ostcofan || swa wit him bu-tu / | an | sped sprecaþ || span þu hin |
Genesis B 643b | welan || gif hie þone wæstm | an | / lætan wolden || þe þæt la |
Genesis B 693b | æn godes / ælmihtiges gife || | an | forleten / heofenrices geweald |
Genesis A 1473b | end brohte / elebeames twig || | an | to handa / grene blædæ || þa |
Genesis A 1636b | æs þa gieta / eorþbuendum || | an | gemæne / swilce of cames || cn |
Genesis A 1645a | gþe || wæron men tile / þara | an | wæs || eber haten / eafora sem |
Genesis A 1840a | n woruldrice || waldend usser / | an | ælmihtig || swa he ær dyde / |
Genesis A 2019a | secg hraþe || gewat siþian / | an | gara laf || se þa guþe gen |
Genesis A 2229b | reolecu mæg / ides egyptisc || | an | on gewealde / hat þe þa recen |
Genesis A 2269b | ldres þegn / engel drihtnes || | an | gemitte / geomormode || se hie |
Genesis A 2893b | braham maþelode || hæfde on | an | gehogod / þæt he gedæde || s |
Genesis A 2916b | of ade / eaforan þinne || him | an | wuldres god / mago ebrea || þu |
Exodus 348b | æfter oþrum / isernhergum || | an | wisode / mægenþrymmum mæst | |
Exodus 353b | ead / eorla æþelo || him wæs | an | fæder / leof leodfruma || land |
Daniel 91a | ginge and gode || in godsæde / | an | wæs annanias || oþer azaria |
Daniel 272a | te þry || him eac þær wæs / | an | on gesyhþe || engel ælmihti |
Daniel 578a | er || soþ gelyfest / þæt sie | an | metod || eallum mannum / reccen |
Christ and Satan 26a | o in helle || ham staþeledon / | an | æfter oþrum || in þæt ato |
Andreas 326a | ond wyrhta || wuldorþrymmes / | an | ece god || eallra gesceafta / s |
Andreas 703a | ond wyrhta || wuldorþrymmes / | an | ece god || eallra gesceafta / s |
Andreas 1454b | gedryhten min / ellþeodigne || | an | ne forlæte / swa se dædfruma |
Andreas 1555b | lic ylda gedræg || þa þær | an | ongann / feasceaft hæleþ || f |
Andreas 49a | n corþre || ond cwædon þus / | an | is ece god || eallra gesceaft |
The Fates of the Apostles 79a | orofe || him wearþ bam samod / | an | endedæg || æþele sceoldon / |
The Fates of the Apostles 110a | icle || ic sceall feor heonan / | an | elles forþ || eardes neosan / |
Elene 417b | wite / þa þær for eorlum || | an | reordode / gidda gearosnotor || |
Christ C 969b | ðum bærneð || ðreo eal on | an | / grimme togædre || grornað g |
Christ C 1237a | ond weorcum || willan heoldon / | an | is ærest || orgeate ðær / ð |
Christ C 1268a | ðeodbealu || on ðreo healfa / | an | is ðara || ðæt hy him yrm |
Christ C 1292b | an / ne bið him hyra yrmðu || | an | to wite / ac ðara oðerra || e |
Christ C 1549b | æt we magon eahtan || ond on | an | cweðan / soðe secgan || ðæt |
Maxims I 74b | ndrum lucan / eorðan ciðas || | an | sceal inbindan / forstes fetre |
The Riming Poem 77a | geðygeð / oððæt beoð ða b | an | || an / ond æt nyhstan nan || |
Guthlac A 242a | se ðe eowrum nydum wealdeð / | an | is ælmihtig god || se mec m |
Guthlac A 401a | || hwylc wæs mara ðonne se / | an | oretta || ussum tidum / cempa g |
Guthlac B 1000a | wælgifre || hine wunade mid / | an | ombehtðegn || se hine æghwy |
Riddles 15 7b | gyrn witod / gif mec onhæle || | an | onfindeð / wælgrim wiga || ð |
Riddles 21 12a | hrycg wrecen || hongað under / | an | orðoncpil || oðer on heafde |
Riddles 42 10a | a oðer || ond se torhta æsc / | an | an linan || acas twegen / hæge |
Riddles 52 5b | togædre / ðara oðrum wæs || | an | getenge / wonfah wale || seo we |
Riddles 53 10b | ieste / oðrum rymeð || oft hy | an | yste strudon / hord ætgædre | |
Riddles 9 3b | en / ealdor in innan || ða mec | an | ongon / welhold mege || wedum |
The Descent into Hell 17b | don / ac ðær cwom on uhtan || | an | engla ðreat / behæfde heapa w |
The Descent into Hell 69b | wille / swa we ealle to ðe || | an | gelyfað / dryhten min se dyra |
Homiletic Fragment II 8a | ndeð || ond gesceap dreogeð / | an | is geleafa || an lifgende / an |
Homiletic Fragment II 8b | eap dreogeð / an is geleafa || | an | lifgende / an is fulwiht || an |
Homiletic Fragment II 9a | / an is geleafa || an lifgende / | an | is fulwiht || an fæder ece / a |
Homiletic Fragment II 9b | an lifgende / an is fulwiht || | an | fæder ece / an is folces fruma |
Homiletic Fragment II 10a | n is fulwiht || an fæder ece / | an | is folces fruma || se ðas fo |
The Husband's Message 18b | meoduburgum / eard weardigan || | an | lond bugan / freondscype fremma |
Riddles 63 10b | ne mæg ic ðy miðan || / || | /an | on leohte / // || / swylce eac b |
Riddles 72 10b | t ic wæs yldra || ond ðæt | an | forlet / sweartum hyrde || sið |
Riddles 73 11a | ag / oððe æfter dome || /ri/ / | /an | || mæ/ /ða fremman / wyrcan w |
Riddles 84 1a | # Riddles 84 / / | an | wiht is on eorðan || wundrum |
Riddles 84 10b | e bewat / or ond ende || swylce | an | sunu / mære meotudes bearn || |
Riddles 86 3a | æðle || mode snottre / hæfde | an | eage || ond earan twa / ond twe |
Juliana 69b | / geywed orwyrðu || heo me on | an | sagað / ðæt heo mæglufan || |
Juliana 104b | s weres frige / ece eadlufan || | an | ne forlæte / him ða seo eadge |
Juliana 712b | g sceal / tearum mænan || wæs | an | tid to læt / ðæt ic yfeldæd |
Beowulf 100b | lifdon / eadiglice || oððæt | an | ongan / fyrene fremman || feond |
Beowulf 677a | ær he on bed stige / no ic me | an | herewæsmun || hnagran talige |
Beowulf 1225b | ige / æðeling eadig || ic ðe | an | tela / sincgestreona || beo ðu |
Beowulf 1247b | hyra / ðæt hie oft wæron || | an | wig gearwe / ge æt ham ge on h |
Beowulf 1458a | e || hrunting nama / ðæt wæs | an | foran || ealdgestreona / ecg w |
Beowulf 1885b | es / oft geæhted || ðæt wæs | an | cyning / æghwæs orleahtre || |
Beowulf 1935a | a || nefne sinfrea / ðæt hire | an | dæges || eagum starede / ac hi |
Beowulf 2210b | g / eald eðelweard || oððæt | an | ongan / deorcum nihtum || draca |
Beowulf 2237b | ornam / ærran mælum || ond se | an | ða gen / leoda duguðe || se |
Beowulf 2268a | a giomormod || giohðo mænde / | an | æfter eallum || unbliðe hwe |
Beowulf 2280b | acencræftig || oððæt hyne | an | abealch / mon on mode || mandry |
Beowulf 2453b | nnan / yrfeweardas || ðonne se | an | hafað / ðurh deaðes nyd || d |
Beowulf 2461a | sealman || sorhleoð gæleð / | an | æfter anum || ðuhte him eal |
The Paris Psalter 105:10 5b | / þæt þæra æfre ne com || | an | spellboda / / # / syþþan hi his |
The Paris Psalter 118:92 1b | afast / / # / þær me þin æ || | an | ne hulpe / þe ic on mode || mi |
The Paris Psalter 132:1 2a | god swylce / þætte broþur on | an | || begen hicgen / þær hig æn |
The Paris Psalter 52:2 2a | ddoend || se þe god wiste / ne | an | furþum || ealra wære / / # / þ |
The Paris Psalter 52:4 4a | god wolde || georne wyrcan / ne | an | furþum || ealra wære / / # / ac |
The Paris Psalter 55:9 4b | ordum weorþige || ne me wiht | an | siteþ / egesan awiht || ænige |
The Paris Psalter 81:7 2b | mid mannum / swa ealdormann || | an | gefealleþ / / # / aris drihten n |
The Paris Psalter 82:5 1a | || ænig nemne / / # / forþon hi | an | geþeaht || ealle ymbsætan / a |
The Paris Psalter 82:9 4a | || eallum swylce / ealle þa on | an | || ær gecwædon / þæt hi hal |
The Paris Psalter 88:16 1a | dum || wurdan ahafene / / # / us | an | nimeþ || ece drihten / and isr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 54b | hiora here || buton se hlisa | an | / se is eac to lytel || swelcra |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 1a | Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 / / | an | sceppend is || butan ælcum t |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 48a | te gehealdan / nis hit no þæt | an | || þæt swa eaþe mæg / wiþe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 54b | / he biþ upweardes || swa þu | an | forlætst / widu on willan || w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 12a | a wide || swa swa westmest nu / | an | iglond ligþ || ut on garsecg |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 8a | || forþæm witan ealle / þæt | an | god is || ealra gesceafta / fre |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 28a | þe wile / forþon hit is eall | an | || ælces þincges / þu and þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 59b | on feower || wæs þara folde | an | / and wæter oþer || worulde d |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 185a | itan || ealle seggaþ / þætte | an | gecynd || ælcre saule / irsung |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 220b | selfe / ac hio biþ eallunga || | an | hire selfre / þonne hio ymb hi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 10a | rædes / forþæm þæt is sio | an | rest || eallra geswinca / hyhtl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 13a | | meresmylta wic / þæt is sio | an | hyþ || þe æfre biþ / æfter |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 16b | o friþstow || and sio frofor | an | / eallra yrminga || æfter þis |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 9a | his sefan innan / and forlæte | an | || swa he oftost mæge / ælcne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 31b | / habban þinne dæl || þonan | an | cyning / rume ricsaþ || ofer r |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 42a | ne || heofones and eorþan / se | an | dema || is gestæþþig / unawe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 47b | be / gif þu æfre eft || þær | an | cymest / þonne wilt þu secgan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 1a | Boethius: Metre 25 / / geher nu | an | spell || be þæm ofermodum / u |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 15b | campsted secan / aulixes mid || | an | hund scipa / lædde ofer lagust |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 9b | þ leng / utan ymb eall þis || | an | þara tungla / woruldmen hataþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 19a | eaxe þæs roderes / þonne is | an | steorra || ofer oþre beorht / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 5b | it winnende / his agen leoht || | an | forlæteþ / and mid uua forgit |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 28b | / þu scealt eac yfelne ege || | an | forlætan / woruldearfoþa || n |
Solomon and Saturn 52a | lufaþ / saturnus cwæþ # || / | an | wise is || on woroldrice / ymb |
Solomon and Saturn 61a | wilt þu þæt ic þe secgge / | an | fugel siteþ || on filistina / |
Solomon and Saturn 215a | || ac sceall on gebyrd faran / | an | æfter anum || þæt is eald |
Solomon and Saturn 238a | m sylf friteþ / swilc biþ seo | an | snæd || æghwylcum men / selre |
The Judgment Day II 43a | and flæsces swa some / ðis is | an | hæl || earmre sauwle / and ða |
The Creed 45a | odas || ðriwa genemned / ac is | an | god || se ðe ealle hafað / ð |
The Kentish Hymn 14a | wealdum || hiofen and eorðan / | an | ece fæder || ælmehtig god / |
Psalm 50 5a | || hearpera mærost / ðara we | an | folcum || gefrigen hæbben / sa |
Psalm 50 52a | me forgefene || gastes wunde / | an | forðgesceaft || feran mote / |
Psalm 50 67b | eode / ac ðu selua god || soð | an | lufast / ðy ic ðe mid benum | |
Psalm 50 110a | n || seocan scoldan / befreo me | an | ferðe || fæder mancynnes / fr |
Psalm 50 157a | us geearnian || æce dreamas / | an | lifigendra || landes wenne / am |
The Seasons for Fasting 84b | eorðan / butan hine unhæl || | an | geðreatige / ðe mot hæt oð |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 15a | walden is || wihta gehwelcre / | an | ece god || eallra gesceafta / b |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 3a | est wære / legde ðe his teage | an | sweoran || ongunnan him of ð |
Instructions for Christians 7a | issað na || ða he gemetað. / | An | is monnes geswinc, || oðer m |
Instructions for Christians 13a | a || and beon metodes þeing. / | An | is ærest || þæt he ofte do |
Instructions for Christians 260a | se apostol || Paulus gekydde. / | An | is geleafa, || and lufu oðer |