A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: nis

Number of occurrences in corpus: 92

Genesis B 278b iċ winnan,” cwæþ hē. || “Nis mē wihta ðearf / hearran tō
Genesis B 681b sæġde / wǣrum wordum. || Hit nis wihte ġe·līċ / elles on eor
Genesis B 794b eaht / heonane ġe·hīeran. || Nis heofon-rīċe / ġe·līċ þǣ
Genesis B 812b u standaþ, / unwered wǣdo. || Nis unc wiht be·foran / tō sċūr
Genesis B 835b eahte / willan ġe·wyrċan. || Nis mē on weorolde nēod / ǣnġes
Genesis A 2142b end-frêa, / wordum mīnum, || nis weorold-feoh, / þe iċ mē ā
Genesis A 2364b m bearne, || þǣm þe ġīen nis / on weorold cumen, || willa sp
Daniel 428b eĝu Caldea, / ūt of ofene. || Nis hit āwihtes gōd / þæt hīe
Daniel 565b -būendum / weard and wīsa. || Nis þe wiðer-breca, / mann on mol
Christ and Satan 40b on wielme / ātre on·ǣled. || Nis nū ende feorr / þæt we sċul
Christ and Satan 92b ·fērde% / ealle% of earde. || Nis hēr ēadġes tīr, / wlancra w
Christ and Satan 348a na || and þæt hālġe seld. / Nis nǣniġ swā snotor || ne sw
Andreas 107b Ġe·þola þēoda þrēa. || Nis sēo þrāh miċel / þæt þe
Andreas 205a þ-fætes || sǣne weorðan. / Nis þæt unēaðe || eall-wealda
Andreas 1210b an / staðola wiþ strangum. || Nis sēo stund latu / þæt þe wæ
Andreas 1432a æc-sīþ, || wine lēofesta, / nis þē tō frecne. || Iċ þe f
Soul and Body I 38b s on·bād / earfoð-līċe. || Nis nū hūru sē ende tō gōd%.
Elene 472b lċes, / feoh-ġe·strēona. || Nis þæt fǣġer sīþ. / Fela mē
Christ A 94b na. || For·þon þæt mannum nis / cūþ ġe·rȳne, || ac Crīs
Christ A 219a | þurh his cræft and meaht. / Nis ǣniġ nū || eorl under lyft
Christ A 241a e || worhtes ealle. / For·þon nis ǣniġ þæs horsċ, || ne þ
Christ C 1015a ore fæder eġesan. / For·þon nis ǣniġ wunder || hū him weor
Christ C 1660b / hālĝum on ġe·maniġe. || Nis ðǣr hungor ne þurst, / slǣp
The Order of the World 27a | Is sīn% meaht for·swīþ. / Nis þæt mannes ġe·met || mold
The Order of the World 95a habbaþ ǣġhwæs ġe·nōh. / Nis him wihte wan, || þām þe w
Soul and Body II 35b dāles bād / earfoðlīċe. || Nis nū sē ende tō gōd. / Wǣre
Guthlac A 277b de dēor / ana fram ēðele. || Nis þæt an-ġinn wiht. / Ġe·sw
Guthlac A 309b el word / ā·boden habbaþ. || Nis min brēost-sefa / forht ne fǣ
Guthlac A 312b e·hwæs / weorcum wealdeþ. || Nis mē wiht æt ēow / lēofes ġe
Guthlac A 379b e mē min drihten dēmeþ. || Nis mē þæs dēaðes sorh. / Þē
Guthlac A 383b fǣġeran / boldes brūceþ. || Nis þisses beorĝes setl / medumre
Guthlac A 769a eĝas || lēohte ġe·rǣhte. / Nis þæt hūru lǣsost || þæt
Guthlac B 1065b ēos ādl mē / innan ǣle. || Nis mē earfoþe / tō ġe·þolian
Guthlac B 1081a n, || min þæt swǣse bearn. / Nis mē wracu ne ġe·winn, || þ
Guthlac B 1091b ġe·fēan / on ēad-welan%. || Nis þēs ēðel mē / ne sār ne s
Guthlac B 1166b Mīn þæt swǣse bearn, || nis nū swīðe feorr / þām ȳtme
Guthlac B 1206b e / ġe·īeþe, eorla wynn. || Nis þe ende feorr, / þæs þe iċ
Guthlac B 1248b hēr, || þe mē ā·līefed nis / tō ġe·cȳðenne || cwicra
Guthlac B 1265a ġe·fēan || sāwol fundaþ. / Nis sēo tīd latu, || tȳdraþ
Riddles 40 68a oþþe hafoc || ǣfre meahte; / nis zefferus, || sē swifta wind,
Riddles 40 86a ġe·wefen || wunder-cræfte. / Nis under mē || ǣniġ ōðer / wi
The Judgment Day I 8b n-cynnes / land mid līeġe. || Nis þæt lȳtlu spræc / tō ġe·
The Judgment Day I 23a ġe || and hit is innan hāt; / nis þæt betliċ bold%, || ac ð
The Husband's Message 44b hafaþ / wēan ofer·wunnen; || nis him wilna gād, / ne mēara ne
Riddles 85 1a # Riddles 85 / / Nis min sele swīĝe, || ne iċ s
Riddles 88 20b uda stande / bordes on ende. || Nis min brōðor hēr, / ac iċ sċ
The Phoenix 3b anda, / fīrum ġe·frǣġe. || Nis sē foldan sċēat / ofer midda
The Phoenix 50a fan, || on·hliden weorðaþ. / Nis ðǣr on þām lande || lāþ
The Phoenix 314a | þæs ġe·writu seċġaþ. / Nis hē hinderweard, || ne hyġe-
The Wanderer 9b ċe / mīne ċeare cwīðan. || Nis nū cwicra nan / þe iċ him m
The Gifts of Men 97a rītanne || word·ġe·rȳnu. / Nis nū ofer eorðan || ǣniġ ma
Precepts 67a wita || sæġde eaforan worn: / ‘Nis nū fela folca || þætte fyr
The Seafarer 39a || eard ġe·sēċe / For·þon nis þæs mōd-wlanc || mann ofer
Beowulf 249b ower sum, / secg on searwum; || nis þæt seld-guma, / wǣpnum ġe
Beowulf 1361b teþ, / flōd under foldan. || Nis þæt feorr heonan / mīl-ġe·
Beowulf 1372b inn wille / hafolan hȳdan%. || Nis þæt hīere stōw. / þonan ȳ
Beowulf 2458b efaþ, / hæleþ on hoðman; || nis ðǣr hearpan swēġ, / gamen o
Beowulf 2532b e·dīeġan / uncer twēġa. || Nis þæt ēower sīþ / ne ġe·me
The Paris Psalter 117:6 2a fultum is || fǣle drihten, / nis mē eġe mannes || for āhwæ
The Paris Psalter 119:5 3b eard niman, || swā mē ēðe nis, / mid Cedaringum; || nis min c
The Paris Psalter 119:5 4b ēðe nis, / mid Cedaringum; || nis min cȳþ ðǣr, / þe% mīne s
The Paris Psalter 130:1 1a Paris Psalter: Psalm 130 / / # / Nis min heorte wiþ þē || ā·h
The Paris Psalter 138:13 1a cnēow || sōna ġeorne. / / # / Nis min bān wiþ þē || dēope
The Paris Psalter 144:3 3a lde mōde || herġan swīðe; / nis his miċel-mōdes || mæġene
The Paris Psalter 145:2 2b īewan, / ne on manna bearn; || nis ðǣr miċel hǣlu. / / # / Hira
The Paris Psalter 54:19 1a || and nū wunaþ ēċe. / / # / Nis him on·wendedness || on weor
The Paris Psalter 55:4 6a rihten || ġearwe ġe·wēne; / nis mē eġe mannes || for āhwæ
The Paris Psalter 70:18 3b worhtest / wunder wræclicu; || nis þē, wuldres cyning, / ǣniġ
The Paris Psalter 77:10 4a rtan || hyġe ġe·staðelod; / nis tō wēnanne, || þætte wold
The Paris Psalter 85:7 1a hīerdest || holde mōde. / / # / Nis þē goda ǣniġ || on gum-r
The Paris Psalter 88:5 1a seċġaþ% ġe·nēahhe. / / # / Nis under wolcnum, || weoroda dri
The Paris Psalter 88:7 2a ena god, || mehtiġ drihten; / nis þē ealra ġe·līċ || āhw
The Paris Psalter 89:13 3b þ / and sēo miċele meaht? || Nis þæt mann ǣniġ / þe þā ā
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 48a ċipe || fæste ġe·healdan. / Nis hit nā þæt ān || þæt sw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 68a cymþ tō, þonne hit mæġ. / Nis nū ofer eorðan || ǣnĝu ġ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 73a enlīċe% || æl-mehtiġ god. / Nis nū ofer eorðan || ǣnĝu ġ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 7a cumaþ, || wlance and hēane. / Nis þæt nan wunder, || for·þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 18a endendliċ || ā forþ simle. / Nis nan mihtiġra || ne nan mǣrr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 37a ne, / for·þǣm þe nan þinġ nis || þīn ġe·līċa, / ne hūr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 80a þǣm hēo on middum wunaþ; / nis þæt nan wunder || þæt hē
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 188b sēo ġe·sċēadwīsness. || Nis þæt sċendliċ cræft, / for
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 49a esse% || ne ġe·rādsċipes? / Nis þēah ǣniġ man || þætte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 61a || þe iċ þē ǣr sæġde. / Nis þæt nan wunder, || for·­
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 36a sēo sunne dō, / ac sē wēna nis || wihte þe sōðra. / Ne biþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 17a ðan grund, || hē ana stent. / Nis þæt nan wunder; || hē is w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 77a rum || weorold-ġe·sċeafta. / Nis þæt nan wunder; || hē is w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 93a þæt hira fæder wealdeþ%. / Nis þæt nan wunder, || for·þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 21b niðer swā ðǣr nīeten. || Nis% þæt ġe·dafenliċ, / þæt s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 7b æstmum / ġe·nōh þūhte. || Nis hit nū þā swelċ. / Nǣron
Solomon and Saturn 215a ryhtnes þæċelan, / for·þon nis nǣngu ġe·cynd || cwic-libb
The Judgment Day II 261a l || ne sē lāþlica ċiele. / Nis ðǣr unrōtness || ne ðǣr
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 19b eare / rīðum tō·rinnan; || nis þæt rǣdliċ þinġ, / ġif s