Number of occurrences in corpus: 55
Genesis B 595b | m gemearcod || þæt is micel | wundor | / þæt hit ece god || æfre wo |
Exodus 108b | astah / æfena gehwam || oþer | wundor | / syllic æfter sunnan || setlr |
Exodus 552b | stille bad / witodes willan || | wundor | ongeton / modiges muþhæl || h |
Daniel 269a | || þa he his sefan ontreowde / | wundor | on wite agangen || him þæt |
Daniel 459a | || soþum wordum / siþþan he | wundor | onget # || / babilone weard || |
Daniel 470b | bebead / wyrd gewordene || and | wundor | godes / þætte on þam cnihtum |
Daniel 473a | cgaþ nu || halige mihte / wise | wundor | godes || we gesawon / þæt he |
Daniel 479b | aþ / forþon witigaþ || þurh | wundor | monig / halgum gastum || þe hi |
Daniel 536b | ft / wisne wordcwide || oft he | wundor | manig / metodes mihta || for me |
Daniel 551b | nge / þæt is weredes weard || | wundor | unlytel / þæt þu gesawe || |
Daniel 603b | tyma / werede geworhte || þurh | wundor | micel / wearþ þa anhydig || o |
Daniel 652b | beseah / wyrd wæs geworden || | wundor | gecyþed / swefn geseþed || su |
Daniel 730b | ndum / werede comon || on þæt | wundor | seon / sohton þa swiþe || in |
Daniel 759b | siþþan him wuldres weard || | wundor | gecyþde / þæt he wære ana | |
Andreas 604b | ite / hwæþer wealdend þin || | wundor | on eorþan / þa he gefremede | |
Andreas 620a | ran fremede || folces ræswum / | wundor | æfter wundre || on wera gesi |
Andreas 712b | segon / swylce he wrætlice || | wundor | agræfene / anlicnesse || engla |
Andreas 730a | ic bebeode || beacen ætywan / | wundor | geweorþan || on wera gemange |
Andreas 736a | forhylman || hælendes bebod / | wundor | fore weorodum || ac of wealle |
Elene 387a | n blinne || sint in bocum his / | wundor | þa he worhte || on gewritum |
Elene 427a | gecyþde || cyning ælmihtig / | wundor | for weorodum || be þam wuldr |
Elene 457a | / ingemynde || swa him a scyle / | wundor | þa þe worhte || weoroda dry |
Elene 672b | ode gesawon / hira willgifan || | wundor | cyþan / þa þær of heolstre |
Elene 814a | hæfde ingemynd / ær ic þæt | wundor | || onwrigen hæfde / ymb þone |
Christ C 1015a | æder egsan / forðon nis ænig | wundor | || hu him woruldmonna / seo unc |
Guthlac A 156a | e nu gena || ðurh gæstlicu / | wundor | hine weorðiað || ond his wi |
Riddles 47 2b | rætlicu wyrd || ða ic ðæt | wundor | gefrægn / ðæt se wyrm forswe |
Resignation 3a | sceope heofon ond eorðan / ond | wundor | eall || min wundorcyning / ðe |
Riddles 67 5b | eð / fira gehw/ || / wisdome || | wundor | me ðæt / || nænne muð hafa |
Riddles 69 1a | # Riddles 69 / / | wundor | wearð on wege || wæter wear |
Beowulf 771a | as || reced hlynsode / ða wæs | wundor | micel || ðæt se winsele / wi |
Beowulf 840b | an ond nean / geond widwegas || | wundor | sceawian / laðes lastas || no |
Beowulf 1724b | be ðe / awræc wintrum frod || | wundor | is to secganne / hu mihtig god |
Beowulf 3032b | Earna-næss, / wollen-têare || | wundₒr | sċēawian. / Fundon þā on sa |
Beowulf 3062b | / ġe·wrecen wrāðlīċe. || | Wundor | hwǣr þonne / eorl ellen-rōf |
The Paris Psalter 104:2 2a | || and salletaþ / secgaþ his | wundor | eall || wide mæru / / # / hergea |
The Paris Psalter 104:5 1b | þ ge on mode || hu he mænig | wundor | / worhte wræclice || wundur un |
The Paris Psalter 105:7 2a | fæste ne oncneowan / ealle þa | wundor | || þe þu on egyptum / worhtes |
The Paris Psalter 105:7 3b | egyptum / worhtest wræclice || | wundor | unlytel / næron hi gemyndige | |
The Paris Psalter 70:16 4a | nu ic eom gomel wintrum / a ic | wundor | þin || weorþlic sægde / and |
The Paris Psalter 71:19 3a | od || symble gebletsad / se þe | wundor | mycel || wyrceþ ana / si his m |
The Paris Psalter 76:9 5a | gemyndig / þæt he æt fruman | wundor | || fæger geworhte / / # / þa ic |
The Paris Psalter 76:11 4a | ana god || þe æghwylc miht / | wundor | gewyrcean || on woruldlife / / # |
The Paris Psalter 85:9 2a | mycla || mihtiga drihten / þe | wundor | miht || wyrcean ana / / # / gelæ |
The Paris Psalter 88:4 2a | andettaþ || halig drihten / hu | wundor | þin || wræclic standeþ / and |
The Paris Psalter 95:2 2b | eallum folcum || his fægere | wundor | / / # / singaþ nu drihtne || and |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 7a | lance and heane / nis þæt nan | wundor | || forþæm witan ealle / þæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 80a | n middum wunaþ / nis þæt nan | wundor | || þæt hio sie wearm and ce |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 61a | c þe ær sæde / nis þæt nan | wundor | || forþæm hi willaþ hi / þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 64b | to wætre || ne þincþ þæt | wundor | micel / monna ænegum || þæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 68b | þ / þeah hit wisra gehwæm || | wundor | þince / on his modsefan || mic |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 17a | || he ana stent / nis þæt nan | wundor | || he is wundrum fæst / upende |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 77a | eoruldgesceafta / nis þæt nan | wundor | || he is weroda god / cyning an |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 93a | fæder wealdeþ / nis þæt nan | wundor | || forþæm wuhta nan / æfre n |
Solomon and Saturn 89a | wæþ # || / ac hwæt is þæt | wundor | || þe geond þas worold fær |