Number of occurrences in corpus: 199
Genesis A 149a | fæsten || þæt se rica ahof / | up | from eorþan || þurh his age |
Genesis B 259b | rsan þinge || ongan him winn | up | ahebban / wiþ þone hehstan he |
Genesis B 415a | c || geþafa wurþan / þæt he | up | heonon || ute mihte / cuman þu |
Genesis B 446b | a fela / wora worda || wand him | up | þanon / hwearf him þurh þa h |
Genesis B 497a | num || langaþ þe awuht / adam | up | to gode || ic eom on his ære |
Genesis B 544a | ic hæbbe me fæstne geleafan / | up | to þam ælmihtegan gode || |
Genesis B 807b | an oþþe norþan || gesweorc | up | færeþ / cymeþ hægles scur | |
Genesis A 1375b | reamas / swearte swogan || sæs | up | stigon / ofer stæþweallas || |
Genesis A 1405a | | þā hine hāliġ God / ēċe | up | for·lēt || ēad-mōdne% fl |
Genesis A 1419b | gledbord / fær seleste || flod | up | ahof / oþþæt rimgetæl || re |
Genesis A 1667a | eworhte || and to beacne torr / | up | arærde || to rodortunglum / þ |
Genesis A 1675a | eastre worhton / and to heofnum | up | || hlædræ rærdon / strengum |
Genesis A 1681a | t beacen somed / þe to roderum | up | || ræran ongunnon / adames eaf |
Genesis A 1692a | gewurþan || weall stænenne / | up | forþ timbran || ac hie earml |
Genesis A 2440b | eft / forþ to morgen || metod | up | forlæt / þa to fotum loth # | |
Genesis A 2522a | | þæt we aldornere / on sigor | up | || secan moten / gif git þæt |
Genesis A 2540b | an / in sægor his || þa sunne | up | / folca friþcandel || furþum |
Genesis A 2579b | gara || he geseah from foldan | up | / wide fleogan || wælgrimne re |
Genesis A 2856a | || þe ic þe heonon getæce / | up | þinum agnum fotum || þær |
Genesis A 2876a | t wuldortorht / dæges þriddan | up | || ofer deop wæter / ord aræm |
Genesis A 2898a | þa stiþhydig || steape dune / | up | mid his eaforan || swa him se |
Exodus 200b | / forþon wæs in wicum || wop | up | ahafen / atol æfenleoþ || ege |
Exodus 248b | ædere / fus forþwegas || fana | up | gerad / beama beorhtost || bido |
Exodus 253b | ldecalla / bald beohata || bord | up | ahof / heht þa folctogan || fy |
Exodus 282a | e tacne || garsecges deop / yþ | up | færeþ || ofstum wyrceþ / wæ |
Exodus 295b | þme weorþen / nu se agend || | up | arærde / reade streamas || in |
Exodus 411a | nne he hyrde || heofoncyninge / | up | aræmde || abraham þa / se eor |
Exodus 460b | nced / streamas stodon || storm | up | gewat / heah to heofonum || her |
Exodus 462b | a mæst / laþe cyrmdon || lyft | up | geswearc / fægum stæfnum || f |
Exodus 491a | llende gryre || garsecg wedde / | up | ateah on sleap || egesan stod |
Daniel 247b | erne ymb æfæste || oþþæt | up | gewat / lig ofer leofum || and |
Daniel 440a | astes hyld / þa gewat se engel | up | || secan him ece dreamas / on h |
Daniel 494b | þ / þara þe þurh oferhyd || | up | astigeþ / þa him wearþ on sl |
Daniel 622b | cyning / þa se earfoþmæcg || | up | locode / wilddeora gewita || þ |
Christ and Satan 16b | n six dagum / eorþan dæles || | up | on heofonum / and heanne holm | |
Christ and Satan 169b | ræcan / ne mid eagum ne mot || | up | locian / ne huru mid earum ne s |
Christ and Satan 243b | s / eallum andfeng || þe þær | up | becom / and hine on eorþan || |
Christ and Satan 265b | am sawlum || þe þær secaþ | up | / eadige of eorþan || æfre ge |
Christ and Satan 287a | n us togenes || grene stræte / | up | to englum || þær is se ælm |
Christ and Satan 326b | unian / atolan eþles || nalles | up | þanon / geheran in heofonum || |
Christ and Satan 401a | la þusenda || forþ gelædan / | up | to eþle || þa com engla swe |
Christ and Satan 405a | || þa se egsa becom / let þa | up | faran || eadige sawle / adames |
Christ and Satan 422b | st / engla þreatas || þæt ic | up | heonon / mæge and mote || mid |
Christ and Satan 441a | ma || ealra gesceafta / let þa | up | faran || ece drihten / wuldre h |
Christ and Satan 456a | fæger || þæt se feþa com / | up | to earde || and se eca mid hi |
Christ and Satan 459a | him || handum halige / witigan | up | to eþle || abrahames cynn / h |
Christ and Satan 480b | mid telgum || þæt þa tanas | up | / æpla bæron || and git æton |
Christ and Satan 504a | ic of hæftum || ham gelædde / | up | to earde || þæt heo agan sc |
Christ and Satan 510a | ow se giunga þær / and ic eft | up | becom || ece dreamas / to halig |
Christ and Satan 528a | hwǣr sunu metodes / þā% on% | up | ġe·stōd%, || ēċe drihten |
Christ and Satan 552a | us of hæftum || ham gelædde / | up | to eþle || þær we agan sce |
Christ and Satan 562a | e gast || to heofonrice / astah | up | on heofonum || engla scyppend |
Christ and Satan 623a | ten || to þære mæran byrig / | up | to englum || swa oþre dydon / |
Christ and Satan 633a | || and no seoþþan / þæt hie | up | þonan || æfre moton / ah þæ |
Christ and Satan 658a | ordfruma || and eorþan tudor / | up | gelæddest || to þissum eadi |
Christ and Satan 47b | ryre / deofla mænego || þonne | up | astag / wordum in witum || ongu |
Christ and Satan 48b | yre / dēofla meniġu || þonne | up | ā·stāh. / Wordum in wītum | |
Andreas 443b | þ, / ȳþ ōðerre. || Hwīlum | up | ā·stōd / of brimes bōsme || |
Andreas 792b | ed wæron / het þa ofstlice || | up | astandan / habraham ond isaac | |
Andreas 979a | ne clǣnan hām, / ēaþ-mēdum | up, | || ðǣr is ār ġe·lang / fī |
Andreas 1125b | dan / ċeastre-warena. || Cierm | up | ā·stāh / þā sē ġunga on |
Andreas 1236b | trǣte stān-fāĝe. || Storm | up | ā·rās / aefter ċeaster-hofu |
Andreas 1303b | red, / nīewan stefne. || Nīþ | up | ā·rās / oþ·þæt sunne ġe |
Andreas 1318b | īn, / þe þū ofer-hyġdum || | up | ā·rǣrdest, / þā þū goda |
Andreas 1625b | de. / Þā ðǣr ofostlīċe || | up | ā·stōdon / maniġe on mæðe |
Dream of the Rood 71b | on staþole || syþþan stefn | up | gewat / hilderinca || hræw col |
Elene 87a | hæs || hreþerlocan onspeon / | up | locade || swa him se ar abead |
Elene 95a | erod || þa þæt leoht gewat / | up | siþode || ond se ar somed / on |
Elene 353a | nde || þurh dryhtnes gast / ic | up | ahof || eaforan gingne / ond be |
Elene 261b | ge me of þyssum earfeþum || | up | forlæten / heanne fram hungres |
Elene 262b | mē of þissum earfeþum || | up | for·lǣten, / hēanne fram hun |
Elene 273b | eofan / fram þam engan hofe || | up | forlete / hie þæt ofstlice || |
Elene 274b | an, / fram þām engan hofe, || | up | for·lēte. / Hīe þæt ofostl |
Elene 275b | don sona / ond hine mid arum || | up | gelæddon / of carcerne || swa |
Elene 276b | sōna, / and hine mid ārum || | up | ġe·lǣdon / of carc-ærne, || |
Elene 278a | || stiþhycgende / on þa dune | up | || þe dryhten ær / ahangen w |
Elene 279a | þ-hyċġende% / on þā dūne | up | || þe drihten ǣr / ā·hangen |
Elene 296b | manna gecynd / of eorþwegum || | up | geferan / in lichoman || mid þ |
Elene 297b | ġe·cynd / of eorð-weĝum || | up | ġe·fēran / on līċ-haman || |
Elene 354b | of þam wangstede || wynsumne | up | / under radores ryne || rec ast |
Elene 355b | þām wang-stede || wynsumne | up | / under rodores ryne || rīeċ |
Elene 363b | / þa of þære stowe || steam | up | aras / swylce rec under radorum |
Elene 364b | ā of ðǣre stōwe || stēam | up | ā·rās / swelċe rīeċ under |
Elene 439b | on eorþan / unlifgendes || ond | up | ahof / rihtes wemend || þara r |
Elene 440b | n eorðan, / unlibbendes || and | up | ā·hōf / rihtes wēmend || þ |
Elene 667a | ofre gast || þurh fyres bleo / | up | eþigean || þær þa æþele |
Elene 668a | gāst, || þurh fȳres blēo / | up | ēðian || ðǣr þā æðele |
Elene 786b | beama / þara þe of eorþan || | up | aweoxe / geloden under leafum | |
Elene 787b | ama / þāra þe of eorðan || | up | ā·wēoxe, / ġe·loden under |
Christ A 353a | enðrymmes nan / ðe in roderum | up | || rice biwitigað / ðeodnes |
Christ B 464a | s helm || wordgerynum / ærðon | up | stige || ancenned sunu / efenec |
Christ B 514a | l faran || sigores agend / wile | up | heonan || eard gestigan / æðe |
Christ B 528b | engla cyning, || ofer hrōfas | up, | / hāliġra helm. || Hyht wæs |
Christ B 536a | ormode || ðonan hy god nyhst / | up | stigende || eagum segun / hyra |
Christ B 544a | bead || swegles agend / ærðon | up | stige || ealles waldend / on he |
Christ B 630b | meotodes sunu / engla eðel || | up | gestigan / wolde weoroda god || |
Christ B 646b | cunnode / hwilum engla eard || | up | gesohte / modig meahtum strang |
Christ B 651a | sē wītĝa sang: / ‘Hē wæs | up | hafen || engla fæðmum / on hi |
Christ B 693b | e heofon-tungol, || healīċe | up, | / sunne and mōna. || Hwæt sin |
Christ B 754b | t ðæt hælobearn || heonan | up | stige / mid usse lichoman || li |
Christ C 875b | ð / swa on syne beorg || somod | up | cymeð / mægenfolc micel || me |
Christ C 888b | aldan moldan, || hātaþ hīe | up | ā·standan / snēome of slǣpe |
Christ C 959a | meteð || cwelmende fyr / sume | up | sume niðer || ældes fulle / |
Christ C 1146a | meaht || ond of clomme bræc / | up | yrringa || on eorðan fæðm / |
Christ C 1156b | yre on lægun / eft lifgende || | up | astodan / ða ðe heo ær fæst |
Vainglory 53b | iðnan tid / ðurh oferhygda || | up | ahlæneð / ahefeð heahmodne | |
The Panther 40b | gebiesgad / ðonne ellenrof || | up | astondeð / ðrymme gewelgad || |
The Whale 16b | ond ðonne in ðæt eglond || | up | gewitað / collenferðe || ceol |
Guthlac A 97b | ·seah, / eorðliċ æðelu, || | up | ġe·munde / hām on heofonum. |
Guthlac A 263b | hwearfum wræcmæcgas || woð | up | astag / cearfulra cirm || cleop |
Guthlac A 484b | cgan woldan / ac mec yrringa || | up | gelæddon / ðæt ic of lyfte | |
Guthlac A 776b | s word gode / ðurh eaðmedu || | up | onsende / let his ben cuman || |
Guthlac A 791b | sawla motun / in ecne geard || | up | gestigan / rodera rice || ða |
Guthlac B 1024a | wæð || sona ne meahte / oroð | up | geteon || wæs him in bogen / b |
Guthlac B 1155a | lpilum || wlo ne meahte / oroð | up | geteon || ellenspræce / hleoð |
Guthlac B 1278a | dæg || oð æfen forð / oroð | up | hlæden || ða se æðela gl |
Guthlac B 1311a | | heofonlic leoma / from foldan | up | || swylce fyren tor / ryht aræ |
Riddles 10 9b | ne, / þā mec libbende || lyft | up | ā·hōf, / wind of wǣġe, || |
Riddles 22 19b | ðe heaum || ðæt hy stopan | up | / on oðerne || ellenrofe / weras |
Riddles 3 12b | swige / oððæt ic of enge || | up | aðringe / efne swa mec wisað |
Riddles 3 70b | reamas styrge || hwilum stige | up | / wolcnfare wrege || wide fere / |
Riddles 33 11a | || ðæt is dohtor min / eacen | up | liden || swa ðæt is ældum |
Riddles 4 56b | usan cymeð / ic eom ulcanus || | up | irnendan / leohtan leoman || le |
Riddles 40 56b | cymeþ; / iċ% eom% Ulcanus || | up | irnendan / lēohtan lēoman || |
Riddles 40 58b | með; / ic / eom Ulcanus || | up | irnendan / leohtan leoman || le |
Riddles 54 4a | || hof his agen / hrægl hondum | up | || hrand under gyrdels / hyre s |
Riddles 55 5b | e tacn || ðæs us to roderum | up | / hlædre rærde || ær he helw |
The Wife's Lament 3b | c yrmða gebad || siððan ic | up | weox / niwes oððe ealdes || n |
Riddles 61 2b | eowle / ides on earce || hwilum | up | ateah / folmum sinum || ond fre |
Riddles 93 10a | ealc hliðo || stigan sceolde / | up | in eðel || hwilum eft gewat / |
The Phoenix 93a | me || georne bewitigan / hwonne | up | cyme || æðelast tungla / ofer |
The Phoenix 102a | lagu || locað georne / hwonne | up | cyme || eastan glidan / ofer si |
The Phoenix 289b | gimma gladost || ofer garsecg | up | / æðeltungla wyn || eastan li |
The Phoenix 511b | es tacen / ðonne anwald eal || | up | astelleð / of byrgenum || ban |
Juliana 62b | æder / recene to rune || reord | up | astag / siððan hy togædre || |
Juliana 644b | rðeode / ond eal engla cynn || | up | on roderum / hergen heahmægen |
Beowulf 128b | / ða wæs æfter wiste || wop | up | ahafen / micel morgensweg || m |
Beowulf 224b | en / eoletes æt ende || ðanon | up | hraðe / wedera leode || on wan |
Beowulf 519b | entid / on heaðoræmas || holm | up | ætbær / ðonon he gesohte || |
Beowulf 782b | m / swulge on swaðule || sweg | up | astag / niwe geneahhe || norðd |
Beowulf 1373b | oru stow / ðonon yðgeblond || | up | astigeð / won to wolcnum || ð |
Beowulf 1619b | ad / wighryre wraðra || wæter | up | ðurhdeaf / wæron yðgebland | |
Beowulf 1912b | meahton / cuðe næssas || ceol | up | geðrang / lyftgeswenced || on |
Beowulf 1920a | n || forwrecan meahte / het ða | up | beran || æðelinga gestreon / |
Beowulf 2575b | scraf / hreð æt hilde || hond | up | abræd / geata dryhten || gryre |
Beowulf 2893a | eaðoweorc || to hagan biodan / | up | ofer ecgclif || ðær ðæt e |
Judith 9a | allum wundrum ðrymlic / girwan | up | swæsendo || to ðam het se g |
The Paris Psalter 100:7 2b | | mines huses / þe oferhygd || | up | ahebbe / oþþe unriht cweþan |
The Paris Psalter 103:4 2b | e, / þæt hē meahte ēaðe || | up | ā·stīĝan, / sē fōtum tred |
The Paris Psalter 103:21 1a | t || god gedeme / / # / syþþan | up | cumeþ || æþele sunne / hi of |
The Paris Psalter 106:24 3b | egewylmum / beoþ heora yþa || | up | astigene / / # / þa to heofenum |
The Paris Psalter 106:25 1a | astigene / / # / þa to heofenum | up | || heah astigaþ / nyþer gefea |
The Paris Psalter 112:5 4b | # / And hine on ealdor-dōm || | up | ā·settan / his folces fruman |
The Paris Psalter 112:5 5b | r begangæþ / on eorþwege || | up | on heofenum / / # / he of eorþan |
The Paris Psalter 136:2 5b | e ġe·lōme / ūre organan || | up | ā·hēngon. / / # / For·þon ū |
The Paris Psalter 136:3 2b | swiþe gelome / ure organan || | up | ahengan / / # / forþon us þær |
The Paris Psalter 138:6 1a | dæles / / # / gif ic on heofenas | up | || hea astige / þu me þær on |
The Paris Psalter 148:13 3a | alīċe || hæleþa ealra; / is | up | ā·hafen || his andetness / h |
The Paris Psalter 51:7 1b | / / # / ic þonne swa elebeam || | up | weaxende / on godes huse || ece |
The Paris Psalter 67:4 4b | he sylfa astah || ofer sunnan | up | / þam is to naman || nemned dr |
The Paris Psalter 68:33 2b | ele ċealf, || þēah þe him | up | aĝa / horn on heafde || oþþe |
The Paris Psalter 71:16 2b | beorht ahafen || ofer beorgas | up | / ofer libanum || licgeaþ his |
The Paris Psalter 77:58 2b | eahtan / þonne hi oferhydig || | up | ahofan / and him wohgodu || wor |
The Paris Psalter 84:10 1a | e lufu || swylce clyppeþ / / # / | up | of eorþan cwom || æþelast |
The Paris Psalter 88:11 3b | m; / hīe mid strengþe ēac || | up | ā·hebbaþ / þīnne swīðran |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 69a | ne mot || eorþan þyrscwold / | up | ofersteppan || ne þa ebban |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 25a | e || becuman siþþan / gif þu | up | atyhsþ || ærest sona / and þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 19b | þ / hwy ge eow for æþelum || | up | ahebben / nu on þæm mode biþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 156a | þle || þær þæt oþer fyr / | up | ofer eall þis || eardfæst w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 167b | e haldeþ / is þeah efneþe || | up | and of dune / to feallanne || f |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 219a | | mid gescead smeaþ / hio biþ | up | ahæfen || ofer hi selfe / ac h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 254b | lwuhta / þurg þas earfoþu || | up | astigan / and of þisum bysegum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 9b | eclice / feþerum lacan || feor | up | ofer / wolcnu windan || wlitan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 25b | / siþþan þu þonne || þone | up | a hafast / forþ oferfarenne || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 32b | / rume ricsaþ || ofer roderum | up | / and under swa same || eallra |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 45a | u weorþest || on wege rihtum / | up | to þæm earde || þæt is æ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 19a | nde || wuhta gelicost / biþ to | up | ahæfen || inne on mode / for |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 32a | n wendelsæ || wigendra scola / | up | on þæt igland || þær apol |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 20a | er oþre beorht / cymeþ eastan | up | || ær þonne sunne / þone mon |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 26a | ger and sciene / cymeþ eastan | up | || ær for sunnan / and eft æf |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 66b | ehwilce / on lenctentid || leaf | up | spryttaþ / ac se milda metod | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 17b | esceafta / mid his andwlitan || | up | on gerihte / mid þy is getacno |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 19b | ceal / and his modgeþonc || ma | up | þonne niþer / habban to heofo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 33a | ettum || eft gescended / and to | up | ahafen || for orsorgum / woruld |
The Battle of Brunanburh 13b | secga swate || siþþan sunne | up | / on morgentid || mære tungol / |
The Battle of Brunanburh 70b | stan hider / engle and seaxe || | up | becoman / ofer brad brimu || br |
The Menologium 65a | ne drihtnes stige / on heofenas | up | || forþan þe hwearfaþ aa / w |
The Menologium 110a | þam gim astihþ / on heofenas | up | || hyhst on geare / tungla torh |
The Menologium 216b | ihtne leof / æþele andreas || | up | on roderum / his gast ageaf || |
The Lord's Prayer II 86b | n dome sitst / and ealle men || | up | arisað / ðe fram wife and fra |
The Creed 1b | he Creed / / ælmihtig fæder || | up | on rodore / ðe ða sciran gesc |
A Prayer 29a | rðbugende / swilce on heofonum | up | || ðu eart hælend god / ne m |
A Prayer 35b | ihten / ne ðeah engla werod || | up | on heofenum / snotra tosomne || |
A Prayer 76b | cyning / læt me mid englum || | up | siðian / sittan on swegle || / |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 4b | æt hē full ēaðe mæġ || | up | ġe·stīĝan / tō þǣm heofo |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 4a | ote || ðære laðan lambyrde / | up | ic gonge || ofer ðe stæppe / |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 9a | gā, þonne cweðe hēo: || / | Up | iċ gange, || ofer þe stæpp |
The Battle of Maldon 128b | wod þa wiges heard || wæpen | up | ahof / bord to gebeorge || and |
The Battle of Maldon 130b | þā wīġes heard, || wǣpen | up | ā·hōf, / bord tō ġe·beor |