Number of occurrences in corpus: 208
Genesis A 122b | ēt, / līfes brytta, || lēoht | forþ | cuman / ofer rūmne grund. || R |
Genesis B 320b | and-sacum. || Heoldon englas | forþ | / heofon-rīċes hīehþe, || |
Genesis B 348a | ĝiende spræc, / sē þe helle | forþ | || healdan sċolde, / ġīeman% |
Genesis B 437a | inne maĝon / on þissum fȳre | forþ | || fremena ġe·winnan. / Sitta |
Genesis B 543a | eran ne cann, / ac þū meahte | forþ | faran. || Iċ hæbbe mē fæs |
Genesis B 567b | nes, || and habban his hyldu | forþ. | / Meaht þū Ādame || eft ġe |
Genesis B 625b | wide || and% habban his hyldu | forþ. | / Þā ġieng% tō Ādame || id |
Genesis B 851a | da, / hū hīe on þǣm lēohte | forþ | || libban sċolden. / Þā cōm |
Genesis A 870b | e on ferhþe; || ne dearr nū | forþ | gān / for þe andweardne. || I |
Genesis A 955b | tō frōfre lēt || hwæðere | forþ | wesan / hyrstedne hrōf || hāl |
Genesis A 974b | fæder on fultum, || oþþæt | forþ | ġe·wāt / dæġ-rīmes worn. |
Genesis A 1068b | er on lāste, || oþþæt hē | forþ | ġe·wāt. / Siþþan Mathusal% |
Genesis A 1103b | d feorh-cwealm, || þonne iċ | forþ | sċêo’. / Þā wearþ Ādame |
Genesis A 1178b | hund-niĝuntiġ, || þā hē | forþ | ġe·wāt, / and eahta-hund; || |
Genesis A 1190a | r hēr þā ġīet / his cynnes | forþ | || cnēo-rīm īehte, / eaforan |
Genesis A 1192b | [V] and siextiġ, || þā hē | forþ | ġe·wāt, / and niĝun-hund ē |
Genesis A 1421a | æl || rēðre þrāĝe / daĝa | forþ | ġe·wāt. || Þā on dūnum |
Genesis A 1601b | | and fīftiġ ēac, þā hē | forþ | ġe·wāt. / Siððan his eafor |
Genesis A 1622b | fæder on lāste, || siþþan | forþ | ġe·wāt / Chām of līċe, || |
Genesis A 1692a | wurðan || weall stǣnenne / up | forþ | timbran, || ac hīe earmlīċ |
Genesis A 1742b | , / and fīfe ēac, || þā hē | forþ | ġe·wāt / missērum frōd || |
Genesis A 1801a | mōd || and his brōðor sunu / | forþ | ofer·fōron || folc-mǣru la |
Genesis A 1946a | ode || ēðel-eardum / Cananēa | forþ. | || Hine cyning engla, / metod m |
Genesis A 2050a | n% rōfe%, || randas wǣĝon% / | forþ | framlīċe || on fold-weġe. / |
Genesis A 2112a | ē wǣpnum lǣt / ranc-strǣte | forþ | || rūme wyrċan, / hūðe ā· |
Genesis A 2309b | lan mīnes. || Iċ þā wǣre | forþ | / sōðe ġe·lǣste, || þe i |
Genesis A 2356b | bringan / Sarra sunu, || sōþ | forþ | gān / wyrd aefter þissum || w |
Genesis A 2392a | Sċeal sēo wyrd swā þēah / | forþ | steallian || swā iċ þē æ |
Genesis A 2440a | dan, || siþþan sunnan% eft / | forþ | tō morĝen || metod up for· |
Genesis A 2449b | ġere on flette, || oþþæt | forþ | ġe·wāt / ǣfen-sċīma. || |
Genesis A 2537b | mid idesum, || ac hē ofstum | forþ | / lāstas leġde, || oþþæt h |
Genesis A 2874a | e þā swīðe || and ōnette / | forþ | fold-weġe, || swā him frēa |
Exodus 41b | % / dēadra hrǣwum, || duĝuþ | forþ | ġe·wāt, / wōp wæs wīde, | |
Exodus 103b | olce, / fūs fyrd-ġe·trum. || | Forþ | ġe·sāwon / līfes lāt-þēo |
Exodus 156b | sūð-weĝum / fyrd Faraonis || | forþ | on·gangan, / ofer-holt weġan, |
Exodus 287b | ēran, / fāĝe feldas, || þā | forþ | heonan / in ēċe tīd% || ȳð |
Exodus 340a | æs ġearu swā-þēah. / Þǣr | forþ% | aefter him || folca þrȳðum |
Exodus 346b | rĝen mǣre-torht; || mæġen | forþ | ġe·wāt. / Þā ðǣr folc-m |
Exodus 404b | res frōfre, || þā hē swā | forþ | ġe·bād, / lēodum tō lāfe, |
Exodus 526b | n biþ ġe·recenod, || rǣd | forþ | gǣþ, / hafaþ wīslicu || wor |
Exodus 562b | t ġē fēonda ġe·hwone || | forþ | ofer·gangaþ, / ġe·sittaþ s |
Daniel 42b | / Caldea cynn, || tō ċeastre | forþ, | / ðǣr Israela || ǣhta wǣron |
Christ and Satan 246b | || On·gann iċ þā steppan | forþ | / ana wiþ englum, || and tō h |
Christ and Satan 296a | be·dǣlde, / ðǣr hēo ǣfre | forþ | || wunian mōten / ċeastre and |
Christ and Satan 323a | dor, || þe ðǣr ǣrest cōm / | forþ | on fēðan, || fæste ġe·bu |
Christ and Satan 400b | anna rīm, / fela þūsenda, || | forþ | ġe·lǣdan / up tō ēðle. || |
Christ and Satan 473b | / fēowertiġ bearna, || þæt | forþ | þonan / on% middan-ġeard% || |
Christ and Satan 565b | ġ frēo-drihten, || and hine | forþ | lǣdde / tō þǣm hālĝan hā |
Andreas 54b | and an-mōd, || hē mid elne | forþ | / weorðode wordum || wuldres e |
Andreas 775a | trǣte || of stede-wange, / and | forþ | gān || fold-weġ tredan, / gr |
Andreas 1506b | līċe / on þis frǣte folc || | forþ | on·sende / wæter wīd-ryniġ |
Andreas 1584b | þ-ġe·fēonde. || Þā wæs | forþ | cumen / ġēoc aefter gyrne. || |
The Fates of the Apostles 110a | eall feorr heonan, / ān elles | forþ%, | || eardes% nēosan, / sīþ ā |
Dream of the Rood 54b | sċīrne sċīman, || sċeadu | forþ | ēode, / wann under wolcnum. || |
Dream of the Rood 132b | rēonda on foldan, || ac hīe | forþ | heonan / ġewiton of weorolde d |
Elene 120b | n, / þurh fingra ġe·weald || | forþ | on·sendan. / Stōpon stīþ-hy |
Elene 139b | l-þēoda || oþ·þæt ǣfen | forþ | / fram dæġes orde. || Daroð- |
Elene 192b | lwihte on·fēng || and þæt | forþ | ġe·hēold / on his daĝena t |
Elene 213b | m cāsere / on ferhþ-sefan, || | forþ | ġe·myndiġ / ymb þæt mǣre |
Elene 318b | sware cȳðan || for ēowiċ% | forþ | / tācna ġe·hwelċes || þe i |
Elene 152b | -riht fram orde% || oþ ende | forþ. | / Hē is for eorðan || æðele |
Elene 345b | e·dō nū, fæder engla, || | forþ | bēacen þīn. / Swā þū ġe |
Elene 623b | on burgum || on þæt betere | forþ, | / ǣ hǣlendes. || Þā ġīen |
Elene 666a | an þorfte. / Leort þā tācen | forþ, | || ðǣr hīe tō sāwon, / fæ |
Elene 829b | daĝas / aefter first-mearce || | forþ | ġe·witene, / līf-wynne ġe· |
Christ A 101b | nd wīfum, || ā tō weorolde | forþ | / on þām upplican || engla dr |
Christ A 211a | is mōdor ġe·wearþ, / fǣmne | forþ | seþēah || and þū fæder c |
Christ A 230a | ldor: / ‘Nū sīe ġe·worden | forþ | || ā tō wīdan fēore / lēoh |
Christ A 299b | ō miltse || and þē, Maria, | forþ | / efne unwemme || ā ġe·heald |
Christ A 375b | t selle, || þæt we siþþan | forþ | / þā sellan þinġ || simle m |
Christ B 489a | spēd. || Iċ ēow mid wunie, / | forþ | on frōfre || and ēow friðe |
Christ B 582b | mǣne / englum and ieldum || ā | forþ | heonan / wesan wīde-feorh. || |
Christ B 685b | s ānes cræft || ofer ōðre | forþ. | / Þus god mehtiġ || ġefum |
Christ B 709b | dan% and fyldon. || Hwæðere | forþ | be·cōm / þurh gæstes ġiefe |
Christ B 764b | wrōht-bora / on folc godes || | forþ | on·sendeþ / of his bræġd-bo |
Christ C 920b | ðǣr mid firenum cumaþ, || | forþ | for·worhte. / Þæt mæġ wīt |
Christ C 1319b | lian, / fēores forhtlīċe, || | forþ | ā·þolian, / synn-rūst þwē |
Christ C 1360a | on || and hira sefan trymedon / | forþ | on frōfre. || Þæs ġē fæ |
Christ C 1517b | ne, / ofer þæt fǣġe folc || | forþ | for·lǣteþ, / cwiþ tō þār |
Christ C 1632b | delēas, / firen-dǣdum fā, || | forþ | þrōwian, / þā þe hēr for |
Christ C 1640a | dod weorðeþ, / ac ðǣr simle | forþ | || synna lēase / drēam weardi |
Christ C 1658b | friþ frēondum be·twēon || | forþ | būtan æfstum, / ġe·sǣlĝum |
Widsith 43b | m / be Fīfel-dore; || hēoldon | forþ | siþþan / Engle and Swǣfe, || |
The Fortunes of Men 63b | s þe ǣniġ fīra mæġe || | forþ% | ġe·healdan. / Swā missenlī |
Maxims I 164b | wearþ, || hēt siþþan swā | forþ | wesan. / Wera ġe·hwelcum wīs |
The Order of the World 20b | ian ferhþ-sefan, || þenċan | forþ | teala; / ne sċeall þæs ā· |
The Order of the World 35a | aðe maĝon || up-cund rīċe / | forþ | ġe·stīĝan, || ġif ūs on |
The Order of the World 47b | ā hīe tō weorolde || wlite | forþ | beraþ / dryhtnes duĝuþe || a |
The Order of the World 53b | rne / mere ġe·mǣre; || meaht | forþ | tīehþ / heofon-candelle || an |
The Order of the World 64b | ibbendra ġe·hwǣm || lēoht | forþ | bireþ / branda beorhtost || an |
Guthlac A 36b | ōdra tīda || and his gǣste | forþ | / weġes willian. || Weorold is |
Guthlac A 75b | brūcaþ || and þæs beteran | forþ | / wȳsċaþ and wēnaþ. || Wul |
Guthlac B 841b | e·sihþe, || būtan dēaðe | forþ, | / ġif hīe hālġes word || he |
Guthlac B 969b | ore ġe·dǣlden%. || Daĝas | forþ | sċridon, / niht-helma ġe·nip |
Guthlac B 1039b | r bēoþ / on mold-weġe || min | forþ | sċriðen, / sorh ġe·sweðrod |
Guthlac B 1044a | īn-drēamum || siþþan āwa / | forþ | folĝian; || is nū fūs þid |
Guthlac B 1134b | fde. / Wǣron fēowere þā || | forþ | ġe·witene / daĝas on rīme, |
Guthlac B 1277b | / andlangne dæġ || oþ ǣfen | forþ | / oroþ up hlæden. || Þā sē |
Riddles 20 24a | e mē hringas ġeaf. / Mē biþ | forþ | witod, || ġif iċ frēan hī |
Riddles 21 6b | swæþ min. || Iċ snȳþiġe | forþ, | / brungen of bearwe%, || bunden |
Riddles 29 11b | st þonan / fǣhþum fēran, || | forþ | ōnette%. / Dūst stanc tō heo |
Riddles 29 13a | dēaw fēoll on eorðan, / niht | forþ | ġe·wāt. || Nǣniġ siþþa |
The Judgment Day I 35a | l sē dæġ weorðan / þæt we | forþ | beraþ || firena ġe·hwelċe |
The Descent into Hell 41b | rād, / ealles folces fruma || | forþ | ōnette, / weoroda% wuldor-ġie |
Azarias 112a | um || and þīn blǣd wese / ā | forþ | ēċe, || æl-mehtiġ god. / We |
Riddles 63 2b | on·þēon, || þonne iċ eom | forþ | boren / glæd mid golde, || ð |
Riddles 63 8b | ] || / []fullre, || þonne iċ | forþ | cyme. / [] || / Ne mæġ iċ þ |
Riddles 85 5b | ræste; || hē sċeall iernan | forþ. | / Iċ him inn wunie || ā þend |
Riddles 91 6a | heardum, || hindan þȳrel, / | forþ | ā·sċūfan || þæt mīnes |
The Phoenix 455b | īeĝþ, / fæder on fultum, || | forþ | ōnetteþ, / lǣnan līfes || l |
The Phoenix 579b | anes. || Þǣr hīe siþþan | forþ | / wuniaþ wintra fela, || wæst |
The Phoenix 637a | ānum is || ēċe weorðmynd / | forþ | būtan ende. || Næs his frym |
Juliana 121b | cest, / and þū fremdu godu || | forþ | be·gangest / and þā for·lǣ |
Juliana 353b | s / ōr ġe·cȳðe || oþ ende | forþ | / þāra þe iċ ġe·fremede, |
The Gifts of Men 20a | ode þrymm || þisses līfes / | forþ | ġe·stīġeþ, || þæt him |
The Gifts of Men 42b | mōd-snotora / folc-rǣdenne || | forþ | ġe·hyċġan, / ðǣr witena b |
Precepts 73a | Ac lǣt þīnne sefan healdan / | forþ% | fyrn-ġe·writu% || and frēa |
Beowulf 45b | þe hine æt frum-sċeafte || | forþ | on·sendon / ǣnne ofer ȳðe | |
Beowulf 59b | ingas. / Þǣm fēower bearn || | forþ | ġe·rīmed / on weorold wōcon |
Beowulf 210a | , || land-ġe·mierċu. / Frist | forþ | ġe·wāt. || Flota wæs on |
Beowulf 291b | Sċieldinga. || Ġe·wītaþ | forþ | beran / wǣpen and ġe·wǣdu; |
Beowulf 612b | nsume. || Ēode Wealh·þēow | forþ, | / cwēn Hrōð·gāres, || cynn |
Beowulf 745b | ·feormod, / fēt and folma. || | Forþ | nēar æt-stōp, / nam þā mid |
Beowulf 903b | arþ / on fēonda ġe·weald || | forþ | for·lācen, / snūde for·send |
Beowulf 948b | rēoĝan on ferhþe; || heald | forþ | tela / nīewe sibbe. || Ne biþ |
Beowulf 1162b | m. || Þā cōm Wealh·þēow | forþ | / gān under gyldnum bēaġe, | |
Beowulf 1179b | lc and rīċe, || þonne þū | forþ | sċyle / metod-sċeaft sêon. | |
Beowulf 1632a | || wæl-drēore fāh. / Fērdon | forþ | þonan || fēðe-lāstum / ferh |
Beowulf 1718a | stīepte, || ofer ealle menn / | forþ | ġe·fremede, || hwæðre him |
Beowulf 1795b | wērĝum, / feorran-cundum, || | forþ | wīsode, / sē for andrisnum || |
Beowulf 1909b | fōr, / flēat fāmiġ-heals || | forþ | ofer ȳðe, / bunden-stefna || |
Beowulf 2069b | ċipe fæstne. || Iċ sċeall | forþ | sprecan / ġīen ymbe Grendel, |
Beowulf 2266b | lm hafaþ / fela feorh-cynna || | forþ | on·sended.’ / Swā ġōmor-m |
Beowulf 2289b | ondes fōt-lāst; || hē tō | forþ | ġe·stōp / diernan cræfte || |
Beowulf 2959b | lāces% / friðu-wang þone || | forþ% | ofer·ēodon, / siþþan Hrēð |
Beowulf 2967a | wenġe || swāt ǣdrum sprang / | forþ | under feaxe. || Næs hē forh |
Beowulf 3176b | hþum frēoġe, || þonne hē | forþ | sċyle / of līċ-haman% || lǣ |
Judith 111a | þæt him þæt hēafod wand / | forþ | on þā flōre. || Læġ sē |
Judith 120b | wa tō ealdre || būtan ende | forþ | / on þǣm heolstran hām, || h |
Judith 139b | ēah-hrodene / fēðe-lāste || | forþ | ōnetton, / oþ hīe glæd-mōd |
Judith 191b | htne lēoman, || beraþ linde | forþ, | / bord for brēostum || and byr |
Judith 202b | s%, / fōron tō ġe·feohte || | forþ | on ġe·rihte, / hæleþ under |
Judith 221a | | Hīe þā framlīċe / lēton | forþ | flēoĝan || flāna sċūras, |
The Paris Psalter 101:17 1b | / For·þon hē fæstlīċe || | forþ | locode / of his% þǣmhēan || |
The Paris Psalter 105:4 2a | s, drihten, || on mōd-sefan / | forþ | hyċġende || folces þīnes, |
The Paris Psalter 107:9 2b | te ġe·trymede, || þæt iċ | forþ | þonan / on Idumea wese || eft |
The Paris Psalter 112:2 2a | ede ġe·blētsod / of þissan | forþ | || āwa tō weorolde. / / # / Fra |
The Paris Psalter 113:25 3a | þæs blinnaþ nū / of þissan | forþ | || āwa tō weorolde. |
The Paris Psalter 118:24 3b | ō frōfre wāt, || þæt iċ | forþ | heonan / his sōþfæstnesse || |
The Paris Psalter 118:31 2b | ste æt·fealh, || þæt iċ | forþ | heonan / þīne ġe·witnesse | |
The Paris Psalter 118:90 2b | rolda weorold || wunaþ ēċe | forþ | / þīn sōþfæstnes || swelċ |
The Paris Psalter 120:7 3a | simle ġe·healde / of þissum | forþ | || āwa tō weorolde. |
The Paris Psalter 131:18 2a | uides horn || dīerne bringe, / | forþ | ġe·lǣde, || fæġere ġear |
The Paris Psalter 134:8 1a | e || recene wyrċeþ. / / # / Þe | forþ | lǣdeþ || fæġere windas / of |
The Paris Psalter 138:14 2b | om on ferhþe; || ealle þæt | forþ | heonan / on þīnum wīs-bōcum |
The Paris Psalter 141:8 2b | sāwle, || þæt iċ siþþan | forþ | / þīnne naman mōte || nīede |
The Paris Psalter 142:12 2b | mīne, || ðǣr hēo siþþan | forþ | / on þīnre mild-heortnesse || |
The Paris Psalter 148:14 4b | hela / fǣlum folce || and hīe | forþ | heonan / on his nēawiste || n |
The Paris Psalter 56:1 4b | cie, || oþ·þæt ġe·wīte | forþ | / and unryht mē || eall be·gl |
The Paris Psalter 64:2 2b | þe sċeall ǣlċ flǣsċ || | forþ | sīðian. / / # / Synfulra word | |
The Paris Psalter 67:24 3b | Iudan, / þe lāttēow wæs || | forþ | þāra lēoda, / and ealdras ē |
The Paris Psalter 68:5 2b | mē ehton, / fæstum folmum || | forþ | ġe·strangod / fēondas mīne |
The Paris Psalter 68:5 3b | god / fēondas mīne || and iċ | forþ | ā·ġeaf / unrihtlīċe || þ |
The Paris Psalter 72:6 1a | || eall untȳned. / / # / Þonan | forþ | be·cōm || fǣcne unryht, / sw |
The Paris Psalter 77:71 2b | his folmum siþþan || hīe% | forþ% | lǣdeþ. |
The Paris Psalter 79:11 3b | st, / and hīe% tō% flōdas || | forþ | ā·weaxaþ. / / # / For·hwon þ |
The Paris Psalter 85:11 2b | an / forhtie mē on ferhþe, || | forþ | andette / mid ealre heortan hy |
The Paris Psalter 85:16 3b | ǣr / fæste fēodon, || habban | forþ | sċame. / / # / For·þon þū m |
The Paris Psalter 88:25 1b | / And iċ þonne frumbearn || | forþ | ā·sette / ofer eorð-cyningas |
The Paris Psalter 88:31 2b | ġere ā·fierran, || ac him | forþ | swā-þēah / mīne sōþfæstn |
The Paris Psalter 91:6 1a | | ǣniġ dysiġra. / / # / Þonne | forþ | cumaþ || firenfulra þrēat / |
The Paris Psalter 98:5 3b | e%, / and his% fōta sċamol || | forþ | weorðiaþ; / for·þon hē hā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 62b | ne mæġ / fore-mǣre weras || | forþ | ġe·brenġan. / Þēah ġē n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 17b | weorolde || sċeall wunian% | forþ, | / for·þǣm ǣfre ne maĝon || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 94b | t hīe hira frēondsċipe || | forþ | on simble / untwēofealde || tr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 40b | m wilde / eald-ġe·cynde || ā | forþ | siþþan / willum wuniaþ, || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 29b | od, / þæt hē unæðele || ā | forþ | þonan / wierþ on weorolde, || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 10b | -ġeard / fram fruman ǣrest || | forþ | oþ ende / tīdum tō·tǣldes, |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 17b | stille / unanwendendliċ || ā | forþ | simle. / Nis nan mihtiġra || n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 8b | ullne frēodōm, || þæt hē | forþ | cume / tō þǣm ġe·sǣlþum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 26a | þonne || þone up ā hafast / | forþ | ofer·farenne, || þū meaht |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 70b | m ġe·winne || þurh·wunian | forþ, | / þonne næfde hē || nāne s |
The Battle of Brunanburh 20b | , wīġes sǣd. || West-Seaxe | forþ | / andlangne dæġ || ēorod-cys |
The Death of Edward 22a | || welan brytnodon. / Siþþan | forþ | be·cōm || frēolice on ġea |
Solomon and Saturn 219a | ēs middan-ġeard, / þæt hē | forþ | ne sīe || firenes cynnes’. |
The Menologium 70a | ā·reċċan, / wrecan wordum | forþ, | || wisse ġe·singan, / þæt y |
The Menologium 143b | fæġere on foldan. || Þonne | forþ | ġe·wāt / ymb þrīe niht þ |
The Judgment Day II 306b | an blīðnesse || būtan ende | forþ?’ | |
The Lord's Prayer III 13b | wliteĝod || ā tō weorolde | forþ. | / Sele ūs nū tō dæġe, || d |
The Creed 39a | || nānne for·lǣtan / þe him | forþ | ofer þæt || fylĝan wolde / a |
Psalm 50 103b | / þæt iċ ealdorlīċe || ā | forþ | siþþan / tō þīnum willan | |
Aldhelm 17b | , / fortis factor, || þæt hē | forþ | simle |
The Seasons for Fasting 97b | w, / fæsten-tīda; || we þǣm | forþ | nū ġīet / ġond% Engla land |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 3b | ē wolde || þæt on weorolde | forþ | / of þǣm innoþum || ā libbe |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 31a | iteĝod || wælga%r Serafhin. / | Forþ | iċ ġe·fære, || frīend i |
The Battle of Finnsburh 5a | || hornas ne byrnaþ. / Ac hēr | forþ | beraþ; || fuĝolas singaþ, / |
Waldere B 10b | / þurh fifela ġe·we[]ld% || | forþ | ōnette’. / Waldere mað[]lod |
The Battle of Maldon 3b | tan, / feorr ā·fȳsan || and | forþ | gangan, / hyċġan tō heandum |
The Battle of Maldon 12b | ġe·feohte, || on·gann þā | forþ | beran / gār tō gūðe. || Hē |
The Battle of Maldon 150b | n of folman, || þæt sē tō | forþ | ġe·wāt / þurh þone æðela |
The Battle of Maldon 170a | || hyssas bielde, / bæd gangan | forþ | || gōde ġe·fēran; / ne meah |
The Battle of Maldon 205a | arra læġ. / Þā ðǣr wendon | forþ | || wlance þeġnas, / unearge m |
The Battle of Maldon 209a | ġe·wrecan. / Swā hīe bielde | forþ | || bearn Ælf·rīċes, / wiĝa |
The Battle of Maldon 225a | and min hālford.’ / Þā hē | forþ | ēode, || fǣhþe ġe·munde, |
The Battle of Maldon 229b | nd ġe·fēran, || þæt hīe | forþ | ēoden. / Offa ġe·mǣlde, || |
The Battle of Maldon 260a | r fēore murnan.’ / Þā hīe | forþ | ēodon, || fēores hīe ne r |
The Battle of Maldon 269a | wīġ-pleĝan, / ac hē fȳsde | forþ | || flān ġe·neahhe; / hwīlum |
The Battle of Maldon 297b | ·wōd / fǣġes feorh-hūs. || | Forþ% | þā% ēode Wī·stān, / Þur |