Number of occurrences in corpus: 610
Genesis A 7b | þ / ēċan dryhtnes, || ac hē | biþ | ā rīċe / ofer heofon-stōlas |
Genesis B 431a | ·bolĝen wurðeþ; / siþþan | biþ | him sē wela on·wended || an |
Genesis B 435b | e þæt ġe·lǣsteþ, || him | biþ | lēan ġearu / aefter tō ealdr |
Genesis B 634b | es þolian / maniġe hwīle. || | Biþ | þǣm menn full wā / þe hine |
Genesis B 809b | þ forst on ġe·mang, || sē | biþ | fyrnum ċeald. / Hwīlum of heo |
Genesis A 914b | tan / tohtan nīewre; || tūdor | biþ | ġe·mǣne / incrum orleġ-nī |
Genesis A 1325a | Þæt is syndriġ cynn; / simle | biþ | þȳ heardra || þe hit hrēo |
Genesis A 2195a | u || beorhte sċīnan. / Swelċ | biþ | mǣġ-burĝe% || meniġu þī |
Genesis A 2199a | e·byrd cumen, / sē þe aefter | biþ | || ierfes hīerde, / gōde mǣr |
Genesis A 2289a | wesan || Ismahel hāten. / Sē | biþ | unhīere, || orleġ-ġīfre, / |
Genesis A 2394a | on þās selfan tīd / of idese | biþ | || eafora wæcned. / Þonne iċ |
Genesis A 2646b | r leofaþ / rihtum þēawum, || | biþ | on rǣde fæst, / mōd-ġe·þa |
Exodus 526a | gōd || gāstes cǣġan. / Rūn | biþ | ġe·recenod, || rǣd forþ g |
Exodus 537b | / fæst under foldan, || ðǣr | biþ | fȳr and wyrm, / open ēċe sċ |
Exodus 564b | onum, / bēor-selas beorna. || | Biþ | ēower blǣd miċel!’ / Æfte |
Daniel 349b | liċ wolcna sċūr. || Swelċ | biþ | wedera cyst, / swelċ wæs on |
Daniel 574a | epum || ġond holt wunast. / Ne | biþ | þeċ mǣl-mete || nemþe mō |
Daniel 583b | Swā þīn rīċe || restende | biþ, | / on-wealh% for eorlum, || oþ |
Christ and Satan 79b | gann / fȳre and ātre%; || ne% | biþ | swelċ fǣġer drēam / þonne |
Christ and Satan 181a | . || Wāt iċ% nū þā / þæt | biþ | ealles lēas || ēċan% drēa |
Christ and Satan 263b | lēoĝan ofer foldan; || fȳr | biþ | ymb·ūtan / on ǣghwelcum, || |
Christ and Satan 303a | ġe·wyrċaþ. / For·þon sē | biþ | ēadiġ || sē þe ǣfre wile |
Christ and Satan 362b | orhtne% burh-stede%. || Blǣd | biþ | ǣġhwǣm / þǣm þe hǣlende |
Christ and Satan 605a | | þurh dryhtnes meaht. / Þæt | biþ | daĝa lenġest, || and dyna% |
Christ and Satan 624b | || swā ōðre dydon, / ac% him | biþ | reordende / ēċe drihten, || o |
Andreas 185a | -warum || bendum fæstne. / Nū | biþ | fore þrīe-niht || þæt hē |
Andreas 275b | ēðel / on ðǣre mǣġþe. || | Biþ | þe meord wiþ god, / þæt þ |
Andreas 320b | / sēċe sār-cwide. || Sēlre | biþ | ǣġhwǣm / þæt hē ēaþ-mē |
Andreas 637b | / ac manna ġe·hwǣm% || mōd | biþ | on hyhte, / ferhþ ā·frēfred |
Andreas 885b | ālġe hēah-englas. || þām | biþ | hæleþa wēl / þe þāra blis |
Andreas 889a | ðǣr ǣngum ġe·winn. / Þām | biþ | wræc-sīþ witod, || wīte |
Andreas 935b | hwelċ, || ðǣr mē lēofost | biþ. | / A·rīs nū hrǣdlīċe, || r |
Andreas 1056b | wealdend, || þæs wuldres ne | biþ | / ǣfre mid ieldum || ende be· |
Andreas 1153b | ēċeþ mid snytrum. || Þǣr | biþ | simble ġearu / frēod% unhwīl |
Andreas 1384b | eċan þīne iermþu. || Þē | biþ | ā simble / of dæġe on dæġ |
Andreas 1567b | , / ġēoce and frōfre. || Ūs | biþ | ġearu sōna / sibb aefter sor |
Andreas 26b | , || ðǣr nǣfre fēondes ne | biþ, | / gæstes gram-hȳdġes, || gan |
The Fates of the Apostles 113b | þ, / eard and ēðel, || swā | biþ% | ǣlcum menn / nemþe hē godcun |
Soul and Body I 3a | selfa ġe·þenċe, / hū þæt | biþ | dēopliċ || þonne sē dēa |
Soul and Body I 5b | on, / līċ and sāwle. || Lang | biþ | siþþan / þæt sē gāst nime |
Soul and Body I 97a | | drihtne seċġan? / Þonne ne | biþ | nan nā tō þæs lȳtel liþ |
Soul and Body I 99b | ·ġieldan, || þonne rēðe | biþ | / drihten æt þǣm dōme. || A |
Soul and Body I 108a | e, || ġēoce oþþe frōfre. / | Biþ | þæt hēafod tō·hliden, || |
Soul and Body I 123a | þæt werġe / līċ ā·cōlod | biþ | || þæt hē% lange || ǣr / we |
Soul and Body I 124b | || ǣr / weorode mid wǣdum. || | Biþ | þonne wyrma ġiefel, / ǣt% on |
Soul and Body I 127a | d-snotora ġe·hwǣm. / þonne | biþ | hyhtlicre || þæt sēo hāl |
Soul and Body I 129a | sċe, || frōfre be·wunden. / | Biþ | þæt ǣrende || ēadiġlicre |
Homiletic Fragment I 7a | is heortan, || hord unclǣne. / | Biþ | þonne þæs wammes ġe·wita |
Homiletic Fragment I 15b | wǣre mid welerum.’ || Wēa | biþ | on mōde, / sefa synnum fāh, | |
Homiletic Fragment I 41b | d wynsume, || sē þe wīs ne | biþ, | / snottor, searu-cræftiġ || s |
Dream of the Rood 86b | lcne ānra, || þāra þe him | biþ | eġesa tō mē. / ġeō iċ wæ |
Elene 339a | rd Israhela: / 'Ēow ā·cenned | biþ | || cniht on dēagle, / meahtum |
Elene 340b | ǣre, || swā þæs mōdor ne | biþ | / wæstmum ġe·ēacnod || þur |
Elene 432b | can / lāre for·lǣten%. || Ne | biþ | lang ofer þæt / þæt Israhel |
Elene 435b | æft eorla, || ġif þis yppe | biþ, | / swā þā þæt īlce ġō || |
Elene 88b | ū ġe·earnast || þæt þe | biþ | ēċe% līf, / sēlest siġe-l |
Elene 168b | dēaþ, || swā þe lēofre | biþ | / tō ġe·ċēosanne. || Cȳþ |
Elene 590b | æðelum% anbræce%. || Þǣr | biþ | ā ġearu / wrāðu wann-hālum |
Elene 748b | / beraþ bord and ord. || Þis | biþ | beorna ġe·hwǣm / wiþ ǣĝl |
Elene 755b | orðod, / briġdels-hringum. || | Biþ | þæt bēacen gode / hāliġ ne |
Elene 831b | e·fȳsde. || //F// ǣġhwǣm | biþ | / lǣne under lyfte; || landes |
Elene 856b | lēoma, || swā him īeðost | biþ, | / selfum ġe·sēftost || Synfu |
Elene 860b | ielm, / þrosme be·þeahte. || | Biþ | sē þridda dæl, / ā·wierġe |
Elene 868b | grund, / torn-ġe·nīðlan. || | Biþ | þām twǣm dǣlum / unġelīċ |
Elene 872a | smǣte gold / þæt on wielme | biþ | || wamma ġe·hwelċes / þurh |
Elene 874b | mered and ġe·melted || Swā | biþ | þāra manna ǣlċ / ā·sċier |
Elene 878b | an, / ēċes ēad-welan. || Him | biþ | engla weard / milde and blīðe |
Christ B 479b | aldre, || þæt ēow ǣfre ne | biþ | / þurh ġiefe mīne || godes a |
Christ B 596b | dēaþ, || swā him lēofre | biþ | / tō ġe·fremmanne, || þende |
Christ B 667b | / singan and seċġan || þām | biþ | snytru cræft / be·folen on fe |
Christ B 770b | / fēonda fǣr-searu. || Þæt | biþ | frecne wund, / blātast benna. |
Christ B 804b | man wille / wrāðra wīta. || | Biþ | sē //W// sċæcen / eorðan fr |
Christ B 811b | burh-stede berstaþ. || Brand | biþ | on tyhte, / ǣled eald-ġe·str |
Christ B 824a | n || þurh þæs engles word. / | Biþ | nū eornoste || þonne eft cy |
Christ B 825b | ēðe and riht-wīs. || Rodor | biþ | on·hrēred, / and þās miċel |
Christ B 833b | ymma mǣste. || Þēod-eġesa | biþ | / hlūd ġe·hīered || be heof |
Christ B 838a | cum || wāce trūwiaþ. / Þǣr | biþ | oþ·īewed || eġesa māra / |
Christ B 840b | de / ǣfre on eorðan. || Þǣr | biþ | ǣghwelcum / synn-wyrċendra || |
Christ C 892b | , / forhte ā·fǣrde. || Þæt | biþ | fōre-tācna mǣst / þāra þe |
Christ C 910a | nd earmum || unġelīċe. / Hē | biþ | þām gōdum || glæd-mōd on |
Christ C 918a | um || wēl ġe·cwēmdon. / Hē | biþ | þām yflum || eġesliċ and |
Christ C 943b | uman, / þrymfæst þēoden. || | Biþ | ðǣr his þeġna ēac / hrēð |
Christ C 960a | ðer, || ǣldes fulle. / Þonne | biþ | untwēo || þæt ðǣr Adames |
Christ C 988b | þ wæter swā weax. || Þǣr | biþ | wundra mā / þonne hit ǣniġ |
Christ C 997a | ēon || ēðel-cyninga. / Þǣr | biþ | ċierm and cearu || and cwicr |
Christ C 1039a | fore heofona cyning. / Þonne | biþ | ġe·īeċed || and ġe·ed-n |
Christ C 1042b | līeseþ līf-fruma%. || Lyft | biþ | on·bærned, / hrēosaþ heof |
Christ C 1049b | him dǣda dierne, || ac ðǣr | biþ | drihtne cūþ / on þām miċel |
Christ C 1053b | þ / worhton on weorolde. || Ne | biþ | ðǣr wiht for·holen / manna |
Christ C 1077b | tne wlite / metode bringaþ. || | Biþ | hira meaht and ġe·fēa / swī |
Christ C 1083a | menn, || sāriġ-ferhþe. / Ne | biþ | him tō āre || þæt ðǣr f |
Christ C 1204a | || āĝan mosten? / Swā þām | biþ | grorne || on þām grimman d |
Christ C 1232a | || ārna ne wēnaþ%. / Þonne | biþ | gǣsta dōm || fore gode sċ |
Christ C 1234a | hīe ġe·worhton ǣr, / ðǣr | biþ | on ēadĝum || īeð-ġe·sī |
Christ C 1247a | m || āĝan mōton%. / Þonne | biþ | þridde, || hū on þīestra |
Christ C 1259a | for·ġeaf || ēċe drēamas; / | biþ | him hell be·locen, || heofon |
Christ C 1262a | fan || metodes willan. / Þonne | biþ | þām ōðrum || un-ġe·lī |
Christ C 1284a | | eall þurh·wlītan. / Þonne | biþ | þæt þridde || þearfendum |
Christ C 1292a | eteran || blǣde sċīnan; / ne | biþ | him hira iermþu || ān tō w |
Christ C 1363b | e / wordum mæðlan || þe him | biþ | on þā wynstran hand, / þurh |
Christ C 1370a | ġe·efnan, || eġesan fulne. / | Biþ | ðǣr sēo miċele% || milts |
Christ C 1527a | || þā ǣr wiþ gode wunnon. / | Biþ | þonne rīċes weard || rēð |
Christ C 1539b | bundne, / swylt þrōwiaþ. || | Biþ | him synn-wracu / andweard undie |
Christ C 1561b | fāh, / wammum ā·wierġed, || | biþ | sē wǣr-loĝa / fȳres ā·fyl |
Christ C 1566b | taþ, || þonne þæs tīd ne | biþ, | / synne cwīðaþ; || ac hīe t |
Christ C 1571b | nan tīd / sāre grēten. || Ne | biþ | þæt sorĝa tīd / lēodum ā |
Christ C 1575a | n || þenden hēr leofaþ. / Ne | biþ | ðǣr ǣngum gōdum || gnorn |
Christ C 1603b | dēaþ / sāwlum swelĝaþ. || | Biþ | sūsla hūs / open and oþ·īe |
Christ C 1615b | ldor-bealu eġesliċ. || Earm | biþ | sē þe wile / firenum ġe·wyr |
Christ C 1626b | here, / cininges worde. || Sē | biþ | cwealma mǣst / dēofla and man |
Christ C 1637b | fes, || þæs þe ā·līefed | biþ | / hāliġra ġe·hwǣm || on he |
Vainglory 26a | || sindon tō maniġe þæt. / | Biþ | þæt æf·þanca || eall ġe |
Vainglory 31b | m þynċe / eall unforcūþ. || | Biþ | þæs ōðer swice, / þonne h |
Vainglory 47b | forþ-spellum || þæt þæt | biþ | fēondes bearn / flǣsċe ġe· |
Vainglory 67a | sēo feohte tō grimm / þonne | biþ | þām ōðrum || un-ġe·lī |
Vainglory 74b | stīĝan / on engla eard. || Ne | biþ | þām ōðrum swā, / sē þe o |
Vainglory 79b | , / þeġn on þēode, || þām | biþ | simle / gǣst ġe·gæderod || |
Widsith 132a | on ðǣre fēringe, / þæt sē | biþ | lēofast || land-būendum / sē |
The Fortunes of Men 14b | nne / mōdor be·murneþ. || Ne | biþ | swelċ mannes ġe·weald. / Sum |
The Fortunes of Men 22b | ame% / fiðerlēas feallan; || | biþ | on flihte sē·þeah, / lāceþ |
The Fortunes of Men 23b | yfte, || oþ·þæt lengre ne | biþ | / wæstm wudu-bēames. || Þonn |
The Fortunes of Men 26b | fealleþ on foldan, || feorþ | biþ | on sīðe. / Sum sċeall on fē |
The Fortunes of Men 31b | ndra / lȳt libbendra, || lāþ | biþ | ǣġhwǣr / fore his wan-sċeaf |
The Fortunes of Men 39b | an, / lāðum lyft-sċaðan, || | biþ | his līf sċæcen, / and hē fe |
The Fortunes of Men 42b | de, / be·weġen wæl-miste. || | Biþ | him wēriġ nama. / Sumne% on b |
The Fortunes of Men 50b | ringeþ, / were wīn-sadum; || | biþ | ǣr his worda tō hrǣd. / Sum |
The Fortunes of Men 79a | ore || benċ-sittendum; / ðǣr | biþ | drincendra || drēam sē miċ |
The Fortunes of Men 84b | peþ, / næġl neomeġende%; || | biþ | him nēod miċel. / Sum sċeall |
Maxims I 8b | ung ealdian. || God ūs ēċe | biþ, | / ne wendaþ hine wyrda || ne h |
Maxims I 19b | ēġan / frōd wiþ frōdne; || | biþ | hira ferhþ ġe·līċ, / hīe |
Maxims I 35a | sē þās weorold tēode. / Dol | biþ | sē þe his drihten nāt, || |
Maxims I 37a | hira sōþ mid rihte. / Ēadiġ | biþ | sē þe on his ēðle ġe·þ |
Maxims I 40a | s ēaĝna þolian, / of·tiġen | biþ | him torhtre ġe·sihþe. || N |
Maxims I 41b | unnan ne mōnan; || þæt him | biþ | sār on his mōde, / onġe þon |
Maxims I 53b | s him wiþre healdaþ, || him | biþ | wind ġe·mæne. / Swā biþ s |
Maxims I 54a | im biþ wind ġe·mæne. / Swā | biþ | sǣ smilte, || / þonne hīe w |
Maxims I 58b | ġe·cynde rīċe. || Cyning | biþ | an-wealdes ġeorn; / lāþ sē |
Maxims I 69a | ine guman ġe·dǣlen. / Gīfre | biþ | sē þām golde on·fēhð, |
Maxims I 78b | / Dēop dēada wæġ || dierne | biþ | lenġest; / holen sċeall on· |
Maxims I 80b | ǣled / dēades mannes. || Dōm | biþ | sēlost. / Cyning sċeall mid |
Maxims I 96a | fe, || þonne flota standeþ; / | biþ | his ċēol cumen || and hire |
Maxims I 101a | e mon wammum be·līhþ% / fela | biþ | fæst-hyġdiġra, || fela bi |
Maxims I 101b | iþ fæst-hyġdiġra, || fela | biþ | fyr-witt-ġeorna%, / frēoþ h |
Maxims I 103a | ðer feorr ġe·wīteþ. / Lida | biþ | lange on sīðe; || ā mann s |
Maxims I 109b | teres nyttaþ, || þonne him | biþ | wīċ ā·līefed%, / mete bī |
Maxims I 111a | tō mēðe weorðe. / Sēoc sē | biþ | þe tō seldan ieteþ; || þ |
Maxims I 113a | wearm on sumora, / ofer·cumen | biþ | hē, ǣr hē ā·cwele, || ġ |
Maxims I 116a | hit for·helan þenċeþ; / ne | biþ | þæt ġe·dēfe dēaþ, || |
Maxims I 118b | ĝan, / riht rōĝian. || Rǣd | biþ | nyttost, / yfel unnyttost, || |
Maxims I 120a | || þæt unlǣd nimeþ. / Gōd | biþ | genġe || and wiþ God lenġe |
Maxims I 123a | || snytru on brēostum, / ðǣr | biþ | þæs mannes || mōd-ġe·þa |
Maxims I 172a | , || þe him God sealde. / Earm | biþ | sē þe sċeall ana libban, | |
Maxims I 176b | nnan / oþþe bēġen beran; || | biþ | þæt slīþ-hende dēor. / Ā |
The Riming Poem 79b | lwum hēr ġe·hloten%. || Ne | biþ | sē hlīsa ā·droren. / Ǣr þ |
The Whale 4a | be þām miċelan hwæle. / Sē | biþ | unwillum || oft ġe·mēted, / |
The Whale 31b | sċipu mid sċealcum. || Swā | biþ | sċinna þēaw, / dēofla wīse |
The Whale 40b | leþa cynnes || on his hringe | biþ | / fæste ġe·fǣġed, || hē h |
The Whale 60a | t sē wīda ċeafl / ġefylled | biþ; | || þonne fǣringa / ymbe þā |
The Whale 62b | gædere / grymme goman. || Swā | biþ | gumena ġe·hwǣm, / sē þe of |
The Whale 66b | / lēasne willan, || þæt hē | biþ | leahtrum fāh / wiþ wuldor-cyn |
Soul and Body II 3a | | selfa be·wītie, / hū þæt | biþ | dēopliċ || þonne sē dēa |
Soul and Body II 5b | n, / līċ and sāwle%. || Lang | biþ | siþþan / þæt sē gǣst nime |
Soul and Body II 90a | | drihtne seċġan? / Þonne ne | biþ | nǣniġ tō þæs lȳtel liþ |
Soul and Body II 92b | ·ġieldan, || þonne rēðe | biþ | / drihten æt dōme. || Ac hwæ |
Soul and Body II 103a | m, || ġēoce oþþe frōfre. / | Biþ | þæt hēafod tō·hliden, || |
Soul and Body II 108a | hrā, || heolfres þurstġe. / | Biþ | sēo tunge tō·toĝen || on |
Soul and Body II 117b | d / wyrmum tō wiste, || þonne | biþ | þæt werĝe / līċ ā·cōlod |
Soul and Body II 119b | ge ǣr / weorode mid wǣdum. || | Biþ | þonne wyrmes ġiefl, / ǣt on |
Guthlac A 1a | # Guthlac / / Sē | biþ | ġe·fēana fæġerost || þo |
Guthlac A 11b | ng fore iermþum, || ac ðǣr | biþ | engla drēam, / sibb and ġe·s |
Guthlac A 20b | līf ā·springeþ, || ac him | biþ | lenġe hū sēl; / ġuĝuþe br |
Guthlac A 45a | endaþ || wæstma ġe·cyndu; / | biþ | sēo sīðre tīd || sǣda ġ |
Guthlac A 62a | m || and þā weorc ne dōþ. / | Biþ | him eorð-wela || ofer þæt |
Guthlac A 419b | ierelum ġielplicum, || swā | biþ | ġuĝuþe þēaw, / ðǣr þæs |
Guthlac A 566b | līċe, / frecne fōre, || swā | biþ | fēonda þēaw, / þonne hīe s |
Guthlac A 588b | ieldan, || ðǣr þe lāðast | biþ | / on þām grymmestan || gǣst- |
Guthlac A 612a | es weard. / Þæt ēow ǣfre ne | biþ | || ufan ā·līefed / lēohtes |
Guthlac B 1034b | ǣċeþ, / unlæt lāces. || Ne | biþ | þæs lengra swice / sāwol-ġe |
Guthlac B 1348a | æt word ā·cwæþ: / ‘Ellen | biþ | sēlost || þām þe oftost s |
Guthlac B 1354b | an / ġōmor hweorfan. || Þām | biþ | gamenes wana / þe þā earfoþ |
Riddles 1 7b | / haswe ofer hrōfum. || Hlin% | biþ | on eorðan, / wæl-cwealm wera, |
Riddles 13 9b | tan / haswe blǣde. || Hræġl | biþ | ġe·nīewod / þām þe ǣr fo |
Riddles 15 6b | eppe / on grēne% græs. || Mē | biþ | gryn witod, / ġif mec on·hǣl |
Riddles 15 11b | cume / tō durum mīnum, || him | biþ | dēaþ witod. / For·þon iċ s |
Riddles 16 3b | eorðan ȳðum þeaht; || mē | biþ | sē ēðel fremde. / Iċ bēom |
Riddles 17 4b | ǣte spere-brōĝan; || spēd | biþ | þȳ māre / fylle mīnre. || F |
Riddles 2 3b | gārseċġes grund. || Giefen | biþ | ġe·wrēġed, / fam ġe·wealc |
Riddles 2 11b | ǣte || sē þe min lāttēow | biþ | / on sīða ġe·hwǣm. || Saĝ |
Riddles 20 24a | || þe mē hringas ġeaf. / Mē | biþ | forþ witod, || ġif iċ frē |
Riddles 21 9a | e, || hæbbe wundra fela; / mē | biþ | gangendre || grēne on healfe |
Riddles 21 15b | naþ / hinde-weardre, || þæt | biþ | hālford min. |
Riddles 25 11b | þ, / wīf wunden-locc. || Wǣt | biþ | þæt ēaġe. |
Riddles 28 1a | # Riddles 28 / / | Biþ | foldan dæl || fæġere ġe· |
Riddles 28 7b | d / tō durum dryhta. || Drēam | biþ | on innan / cwicra wihta, || cle |
Riddles 3 24b | nēah / hēa hlincas. || Þǣr | biþ | hlūd wudu, / brim-ġiesta brea |
Riddles 3 28b | g / on clifu crȳdeþ. || Þǣr | biþ | ċēole wēn / slīðre sæċċ |
Riddles 3 33b | dan / ȳða hryċġum. || Þǣr | biþ | eġesa sum / ieldum ġe·īewed |
Riddles 3 39b | ft / slūpan tō·samne. || Sē | biþ | swēġa mǣst, / breahtma ofer |
Riddles 34 3a | . || Hafaþ fela tōða; / nebb | biþ | hire æt nytte, || niðerwear |
Riddles 34 6b | findeþ, || þā þe fæst ne | biþ; | / lǣteþ hēo þā wlitiĝan, |
Riddles 37 7b | meþ / bōt on bōsme, || blǣd | biþ | ā·rǣred; / hē sunu wyrċeþ |
Riddles 37 8b | rǣred; / hē sunu wyrċeþ, || | biþ | him selfa fæder. |
Riddles 39 7a | īteþ eft fēran on weġ. / Ne | biþ | hēo nǣfre || niht ðǣr ō |
Riddles 39 9b | hweorfan; || nā þȳ ēanre | biþ. | / Ne hafaþ hēo fōt ne folme% |
Riddles 4 9a | hwīlum% bersteþ; / sē þēah | biþ | on þance || þeġne mīnum, / |
Riddles 44 3a | ċēate. || Foran is þȳrel. / | Biþ | stīþ and heard, || stede ha |
Riddles 58 5b | , / naca næġled-bord: || nytt | biþ | hwæðere / hire mann-drihtne% |
The Wife's Lament 52b | oft / wynlicran wīċ. || Wā | biþ | þām þe sċeall / of langoþe |
The Judgment Day I 2b | flōd ofer foldan; || fēores | biþ | æt ende / ānra ġe·hwelcum. |
The Judgment Day I 9b | / tō ġe·hīeġanne. || Hāt | biþ | on·ǣled%, / siþþan fȳr nim |
The Judgment Day I 12a | eġ || beorhte ġe·sċeafte. / | biþ | eall þēs ġinna grund || gl |
The Judgment Day I 18b | þ mid þām fēondum. || Him | biþ | fȳr on·ġēan, / drōfliċ w |
The Judgment Day I 36b | s and ġe·þōhtas; || þæt | biþ | þearliċ ġe·mōt, / heardli |
The Judgment Day I 37b | ardliċ here-mæġen. || Hāt | biþ | ā·cōlod. / Ne biþ þonne on |
The Judgment Day I 38a | . || Hāt biþ ā·cōlod. / Ne | biþ | þonne on þisse weorolde || |
The Judgment Day I 40a | ġ / || fisċes ēðel; || / ne | biþ | hēr bān ne blōd, || ac sċ |
The Judgment Day I 44b | an aefter weorolde || and sē | biþ | wīde cūþ. / Ne tȳtaþ hēr |
The Judgment Day I 45b | Ne tȳtaþ hēr tungol, || ac | biþ | tīr sċæcen, / eorðan blǣda |
The Judgment Day I 52b | , / eġesan ofer-þrymm. || Ne | biþ | nǣnġes eorles tīr / lenġ on |
The Judgment Day I 62a | e on ēċe ġe·wyrht. / Þonne | biþ | ġe·cȳðed || hwā on clǣn |
The Judgment Day I 63b | nnesse / līf ā·lifde; || him | biþ | lēan ġearu. / Hyht wæs ā on |
The Judgment Day I 75a | um% ġe·cȳðeþ, / þæt hē | biþ | on þæt wynstre weorod || wi |
The Judgment Day I 100b | ēores aefter foldan. || Folc | biþ | ġe·bannen, / Adames bearn || |
The Judgment Day I 118b | aefter þām līeġe || līf | biþ | ġe·staðolod, / welan āh on |
Resignation 95b | sār-cwide seċġa || and him | biþ | ā sefa ġōmor, / mōd morġen |
Resignation 117a | swā iċ ā·lifde nū. / Gīet | biþ | þæt sēlost%, || þonne man |
The Descent into Hell 63b | ·lēasne / wreċċan [] || hē | biþ | wīde fāh, / ne biþ hē nā |
The Descent into Hell 64a | [] || hē biþ wīde fāh, / ne | biþ | hē nā þæs nearwe || under |
Alms-Giving 1a | # Alms-Giving / / Wēl | biþ | þām eorle || þe him on inn |
Alms-Giving 3a | , || rūme heortan; / þæt him | biþ | for weorolde || weorðmynda m |
Azarias 87b | wyrċeþ wēl-dǣdum. || Wīs | biþ | sē þe cann / on·ġietan þon |
Riddles 62 4b | a / rihtne ġe·rȳme. || Rinċ | biþ | on ofoste, / sē mec on þȳþ |
Riddles 63 13a | ohte || / [] || / swelċe ēac | biþ | sōna || [] / []r[]te ġe·tāc |
Riddles 84 8a | dum ġe·cȳðan, / hū misliċ | biþ | || mæġen þāra cynna, / fyrn |
Riddles 84 21a | || / wlitiġ and wynsum, || [] / | Biþ | sēo mōdor || mæġene ēace |
Riddles 84 24a | || hæleþum dīere. / Mæġen | biþ | ġe·miċelod, || meaht ġe· |
Riddles 84 25a | || meaht ġe·sweotlod, / wlite | biþ | ġe·weorðod || wuldor-nytti |
Riddles 84 27a | cum ġe·tenġe, / clǣn-ġeorn | biþ | and cystiġ, || cræfte ēace |
Riddles 84 28a | tiġ, || cræfte ēacen. / hēo | biþ | ēadĝum lēof, || earmum ġe |
Riddles 84 36a | or || meniġu wundra. / Hrūsan | biþ | heardra, || hæleþum frōdra |
Riddles 84 37a | || hæleþum frōdra, / ġeofum | biþ | ġearora, || ġimmum dēorra; |
Riddles 84 44a | maĝon miċele || []sċeafte. / | Biþ | stānum be·streġded, || sto |
Riddles 84 49a | [] / []etenġe, || / oft searwum | biþ | [] || / [] || dēaðe ne fele |
Riddles 85 7b | wit unc ġe·dǣlaþ, || mē | biþ | dēaþ witod. |
The Phoenix 11a | þā moldan ġe·sette. / Þǣr | biþ | oft open || ēadĝum tō·ġ |
The Phoenix 37b | . / Wintres and sumeres || wudu | biþ | ġe·līċe / blǣdum ġe·hang |
The Phoenix 82b | -land; || þæt on·wended ne | biþ | / ǣfre tō ealdre, || ær·þo |
The Phoenix 125a | weġle tō·ġēanes%. / Þonne | biþ | swā fǣġer || fuĝoles ġe |
The Phoenix 131b | olode, / heofon and eorðan. || | Biþ | þæs hlēoðres swēġ / eallu |
The Phoenix 145b | eðere flyht-hwate; || fuĝol | biþ | ġe·swīġed. / Simle hē twel |
The Phoenix 153a | | wintra ġe·bīdeþ. / Þonne | biþ | ġe·hefiĝod || haswiġ-feð |
The Phoenix 182b | Þonne wind liġeþ, || weder | biþ | fǣġer, / hlūtor heofones ġi |
The Phoenix 185b | þrȳðe / stille standaþ, || | biþ | storma ġe·hwelċ / ā·swefed |
The Phoenix 189b | ġinneþ, / nest ġearwian. || | Biþ | him nīed miċel / þæt hē þ |
The Phoenix 216a | ng || fuĝol mid neste. / Bǣl | biþ | on·ǣled. || Þonne brand þ |
The Phoenix 220b | / lǣnne līċ-haman; || līf | biþ | on sīðe, / fǣġes feorh-hord |
The Phoenix 226b | clīewenne. || Þonne clǣne | biþ | / beorhtost nesta, || bǣle for |
The Phoenix 228b | en / heaðu-rōfes hof; || hrā | biþ | ā·cōlad, / bān-fæt ġe·br |
The Phoenix 231a | e·līċness / on ðǣre ascan | biþ | || eft ġe·mēted, / of þām |
The Phoenix 235a | de weaxeþ, / þæt hē ǣrest | biþ | || swelċe earnes bridd, / fǣ |
The Phoenix 237b | daþ on wynnum, || þæt hē | biþ | wæstmum ġe·līċ / ealdum ea |
The Phoenix 252b | ġe·cynd, || þe ǣr clǣne | biþ | / sǣd on·sāwen. || Þonne su |
The Phoenix 265a | || eft ġe·sēċeþ. / Þonne | biþ | ā·weaxen || wyrtum on ġe· |
The Phoenix 266b | ĝol feðerum deall. || feorh | biþ | nīewe, / ġung, ġeofona full, |
The Phoenix 274b | rætwod. || þonne ā·fȳsed | biþ | / āĝenne eard || eft tō sē |
The Phoenix 279b | / ēadiġ ēðel-land. || Eall | biþ | ġe·nīewod / feorh and feðer |
The Phoenix 340b | aþ / flyhte on lyfte; || fenix | biþ | on middum, / þrēatum be·þru |
The Phoenix 354b | arde. || Þonne sē æðeling | biþ | / ġung on ġeardum. || God ana |
The Phoenix 356b | ehtiġ, || hū his ġe·cynde | biþ, | / wīfhādes þe weres; || þæ |
The Phoenix 363b | n wange, || oþ·þæt wintra | biþ | / þūsend urnen. || Þonne him |
The Phoenix 374b | eseþ / under sweġles hleo. || | Biþ | him self ġe·hwæðer / sunu a |
The Phoenix 427b | and ēðel || and ġe·ealdad | biþ. | / Ġe·wīteþ wēriġ-mōd, || |
The Phoenix 432b | c nīewe, / nest on bearwe. || | Biþ | him nēod miċel / þæt hē fe |
The Phoenix 463b | t / dǣda ġe·fremme; || þām | biþ | drihten sċield / on sīða ġe |
The Phoenix 480b | aþ / ofer weorold-welan; || ne | biþ | him wynne hiht / þæt hīe þi |
The Phoenix 499a | ne grund, || sāwla nerġend. / | Biþ | sē deorca dēaþ || dryhtnes |
The Phoenix 516b | litiġ wuldres ġimm. || Wēl | biþ | þām þe mōt / on þā ġōmr |
The Phoenix 521b | / hēah tō heofonum. || Hāt | biþ | maniĝum / eġesliċ ǣled, || |
The Phoenix 525b | m, / forht-ā·fǣred. || Fȳr | biþ | on tyhte, / ǣleþ uncyste. || |
The Phoenix 534b | fēhð / ed-nīewunga. || Swā | biþ | ānra ġe·hwelċ / flǣsċe be |
The Phoenix 611a | twum, || mid fæder engla. / Ne | biþ | him on þām wīcum || wiht t |
The Phoenix 654b | æstmum, || þonne ā·fȳsed | biþ. | / Þæt sindon þā word, || sw |
The Phoenix 656b | ġra, || þe him tō heofonum | biþ, | / tō þām mildan gode, || mō |
Juliana 328b | mre, / forhte on ferhþe. || Ne | biþ | ūs frēa milde, / eġesfull ea |
Juliana 402b | t / on·tȳne þurh tēonan; || | biþ | sē torr þȳrel, / inn-gang ġ |
Juliana 440b | e fram hālor, || mē hwīlum | biþ | / for·wierned þurh wiðer-s |
Juliana 704b | / //Y// and //N// . || Cyning | biþ | rēðe, / siĝora sellend, || |
The Wanderer 5b | / wadan wræc-lāstas. || Wyrd | biþ | full ā·rǣd%. / Swā cwæþ e |
The Wanderer 12a | || Iċ tō sōðe wāt / þæt | biþ | on eorle || in·drihten þēa |
The Wanderer 30a | sē þe cunnaþ, / hū slīðen | biþ | || sorh tō ġe·fēran, / þā |
The Wanderer 50b | sāre aefter swǣsne. || Sorh | biþ | ġe·nīewod, / þonne maĝa ġ |
The Wanderer 55b | ðra cwide-ġiedda. || Cearu | biþ | ġe·nīewod / þām þe sendan |
The Wanderer 73b | glēaw hæle || hū gǣstliċ | biþ, | / þonne ealre% þisse weorolde |
The Wanderer 108a | weorold under heofonum. / Hēr | biþ | feoh lǣne, || hēr biþ frē |
The Wanderer 108b | Hēr biþ feoh lǣne, || hēr | biþ | frēond lǣne, / hēr biþ mann |
The Wanderer 109a | hēr biþ frēond lǣne, / hēr | biþ | mann lǣne, || hēr biþ mæ |
The Wanderer 109b | hēr biþ mann lǣne, || hēr | biþ | mæġ lǣne, / eall þis eorða |
The Wanderer 112a | æt him sundor æt rūne. / Til | biþ | sē þe his trēowe ġe·heal |
The Wanderer 114b | id elne ġe·fremman. || Wēl | biþ | þām þe him āre sēċeþ, / |
The Gifts of Men 1a | # The Gifts of Men / / Fela | biþ | on foldan || forþ-ġe·synra |
The Gifts of Men 8a | uniendra || dæl on·fōn. / Ne | biþ | ǣniġ þæs || earfoþ-sǣli |
The Gifts of Men 31b | weorold-ġe·strēona. || Sum | biþ | wan-spēdiġ, / heard-sǣliġ h |
The Gifts of Men 32b | diġ, / heard-sǣliġ hæle, || | biþ | hwæðere glēaw / mōdes cræf |
The Gifts of Men 34b | r on·fēhð. || Sum freoliċ | biþ | / wlitiġ on wæstmum. || Sum b |
The Gifts of Men 35b | / wlitiġ on wæstmum. || Sum | biþ | wōð-bora, / ġiedda ġieffæs |
The Gifts of Men 36b | a, / ġiedda ġieffæst. || Sum | biþ | ġearu-wierdiġ. / Sum biþ on |
The Gifts of Men 37a | Sum biþ ġearu-wierdiġ. / Sum | biþ | on huntoþe || hrēð-ēadiġ |
The Gifts of Men 38b | ēora drǣfend. || Sum dīere | biþ | / weorold-rīċum menn. || Sum |
The Gifts of Men 39b | / weorold-rīċum menn. || Sum | biþ | wīġes heard, / beadu-cræfti |
The Gifts of Men 43a | ġe·hyċġan, / ðǣr witena | biþ | || worn æt·samne. / Sum mæġ |
The Gifts of Men 45b | ah-timbra ġe·hwæs; || hand | biþ | ġe·læred, / wīs and ġe·we |
The Gifts of Men 46b | īs and ġe·wealden, || Swā | biþ | wyrhtan riht, / sele ā·settan |
The Gifts of Men 51a | || ġearu-bryġda% list. / Sum | biþ | rȳniġ, || sum riht-sċytte, |
The Gifts of Men 58a | daþ || ȳþ-borde nēah. / Sum | biþ | syndiġ, || sum searu-cræfti |
The Gifts of Men 67a | d% || wiþ flyġe gāres. / Sum | biþ | ārfæst || and ælmes-ġeorn |
The Gifts of Men 68b | þēawum ġe·þīede. || Sum | biþ | þeġn ġe·hweorf / on medu-he |
The Gifts of Men 69b | hweorf / on medu-healle. || Sum | biþ | mēares glēaw, / wiċġ-cræft |
The Gifts of Men 73b | t-guman / rǣd eahtiaþ. || Sum | biþ | hrǣd-tæfle. / Sum biþ ġe·w |
The Gifts of Men 74a | || Sum biþ hrǣd-tæfle. / Sum | biþ | ġe·wittiġ || æt wīn-þe |
The Gifts of Men 75b | e, / bēor-hīerde gōd. || Sum | biþ | bielda til / hām tō hebbanne% |
The Gifts of Men 76b | il / hām tō hebbanne%. || Sum | biþ | here-toĝa, / fyrd-wīsa fram. |
The Gifts of Men 77b | oĝa, / fyrd-wīsa fram. || Sum | biþ | folc-wita. / Sum biþ æt þear |
The Gifts of Men 78a | m. || Sum biþ folc-wita. / Sum | biþ | æt þearfe% || þrīst-hyġd |
The Gifts of Men 80b | / fæst-ganġel ferhþ. || Sum | biþ | fuĝol-bana, / hafoces cræfti |
The Gifts of Men 81b | na, / hafoces cræftiġ. || Sum | biþ | tō horse hwæt. / Sum biþ sw |
The Gifts of Men 82a | Sum biþ tō horse hwæt. / Sum | biþ | swīþ-snell, || hafaþ searu |
The Gifts of Men 84b | lēoht and liðu-wāc. || Sum | biþ | lēof-wende, / hafaþ mōd and |
The Gifts of Men 89a | || ealne ġe·ċēoseþ. / Sum | biþ | dēor-mōd || dēofles ġe·w |
The Gifts of Men 90a | mōd || dēofles ġe·winnes, / | biþ | ā wiþ firenum || on ġe·fe |
The Gifts of Men 94b | īċe% / beorhte stefne. || Sum | biþ | bōca glēaw, / lārum liðufæ |
The Gifts of Men 95b | w, / lārum liðufæst%. || Sum | biþ | list-hendiġ / tō ā·wrītann |
The Gifts of Men 109b | wfæstne% ġe·þōht, || sum | biþ | þēodne hold. / Swā weorðlī |
Precepts 5a | h þīn ġe·wyrhtu; / god þē | biþ | simle || gōda ġe·hwelċes / |
Precepts 39b | n, / fremdre mēowlan. || Þǣr | biþ | ā firena wēn, / lāðlīcre s |
Precepts 48a | æt selle ġe·ċēos. / Ā þe | biþ | ġe·dǣled; || ġif þe dēa |
Precepts 81a | n simle || and sōþ fremeþ; / | biþ | him ġeofona ġe·hwelċ || g |
The Seafarer 44a | rihten || ġe·dōn wille. / Ne | biþ | him tō hearpan hyġe || ne t |
The Seafarer 72a | ·þrinġeþ / For·þon þæt | biþ% | eorla ġe·hwǣm || aefter-cw |
The Seafarer 100b | ne mæġ ðǣre sāwle || þe | biþ | synna full / gold tō ġēoce | |
The Seafarer 103a | den hē hēr lēofaþ. / Miċel | biþ | sē metodes eġesa, || for· |
The Seafarer 106a | ċēatas || and up-rodor. / Dol | biþ | sē þe him his drihten ne on |
The Seafarer 107a | ē dēaþ unþinġed. / Ēadiġ | biþ | sē þe ēað-mōd lēofaþ; |
The Seafarer 115b | is ġe·worhtne wine. || Wyrd | biþ | swīðre%, / metod mihtiġra || |
Beowulf 183b | on, / wuldres wealdend. || Wā | biþ | þǣm þe sċeall / þurh slī |
Beowulf 186b | n, / wihte ġe·wendan; || wēl | biþ | þǣm þe mōt / aefter dēað- |
Beowulf 299b | remmendra || swelcum ġifeþe | biþ | / þæt þone hilde-rǣs || hā |
Beowulf 660b | þ, / waca wiþ wrāðum. || Ne | biþ | þē wilna gād, / ġif þū þ |
Beowulf 949b | orþ tela / nīewe sibbe. || Ne | biþ | þē nǣniġra% gād / weorolde |
Beowulf 1002b | or-wēna. || Nā þæt īeðe | biþ | / tō be·flēonne, || fremme s |
Beowulf 1059a | nū ġīet dēþ. / For·þon | biþ | andġiet || ǣghwǣr sēlest, |
Beowulf 1283b | sa / efene swā miċele || swā | biþ | mæġeþa cræft, / wīġ-gryre |
Beowulf 1384b | orĝa, snotor guma; || sēlre | biþ | ǣghwæm / þæt hē his frēon |
Beowulf 1388b | / dōmes ǣr dēaðe; || þæt | biþ | dryht-guman / unlibbendum || ae |
Beowulf 1742b | rd swefeþ, / sāwle hierde; || | biþ | sē slǣp tō fæst, / bisiĝum |
Beowulf 1745a | || firenum sċēoteþ. / Þonne | biþ | on hreðere || under helm dre |
Beowulf 1762b | ǣd / āne hwīle. || Eft sōna | biþ | / þæt þeċ ādl oþþe eċġ |
Beowulf 1767b | d for·sweorceþ; || samnunga | biþ | / þæt þeċ, dryht-guma, || d |
Beowulf 1784b | ·mǣnra, || siþþan morĝen | biþ.’ | / Ġēat wæs glæd-mōd, || ġ |
Beowulf 1835b | æġenes fultum, || ðǣr þe | biþ | manna ðearf. / Ġif him þonne |
Beowulf 1940b | , / cwealm-bealu cȳðan. || Ne | biþ | swelċ cwēnliċ þēaw / idese |
Beowulf 2043b | n%, / gār-cwealm gumena || him | biþ | grimm sefa%, / on·ġinneþ ġ |
Beowulf 2277b | d / waraþ wintrum frōd, || ne | biþ | him wihte þȳ sēl. / Swā sē |
Beowulf 2444a | recen || ealdres linnan. / Swā | biþ | ġōmorliċ || gamolum ċeorl |
Beowulf 2450a | || ǣnġe ġe·fremman. / Simle | biþ | ġe·myndĝod || morĝna ġe |
Beowulf 2541b | ·truwode / ānes mannes. || Ne | biþ | swelċ earġes sīþ. / Ġe·s |
Beowulf 2890b | , / dōmlēasan dǣd. || Dēaþ | biþ | sēlra / eorla ġe·hwelcum || |
Beowulf 3174b | mdon, || swā hit ġe·dēfe% | biþ | / þæt man his wine-drihten || |
The Paris Psalter 101:4 2a | hræðe weornaþ, / þonne hit | biþ | ā·māwen || mannes folmum; / |
The Paris Psalter 101:19 1a | || slīðe wǣron. / / # / Þonne | biþ | on Sione sæġd || sōþ nama |
The Paris Psalter 103:12 4b | a / eall eorðan ċīþ || ufan | biþ | ġe·fylled. / / # / Swelċe þū |
The Paris Psalter 107:11 2a | elne fultum; / for·þon hǣlu | biþ | || hēr on eorðan / manna ġe |
The Paris Psalter 110:7 1a | æfdon mid eġesan. / / # / Þæt | biþ | seċġa ġe·hwǣm || snytru |
The Paris Psalter 110:7 3a | || glēawe healde, / and þæt | biþ | andġiet gōd || eallum swel |
The Paris Psalter 111:1 1a | salter: Psalm 111 / / # / Ēadiġ | biþ | sē wer || sē þe him eġe d |
The Paris Psalter 111:2 1a | id willan. / / # / Hē on eorðan | biþ | || ēadiġ and spēdiġ, / and |
The Paris Psalter 111:2 2a | spēdiġ, / and his cnēo-risse | biþ | || cynn ġe·blētsod. / / # / Hi |
The Paris Psalter 111:3 2a | and wela || wunaþ æt hūse, / | biþ | his sōþfæstness || swelċe |
The Paris Psalter 111:6 1a | esse || ēadiġ standeþ. / / # / | Biþ | on ēċum ġe·mynde || ǣġh |
The Paris Psalter 111:7 1a | aldre || yfeles siþþan. / / # / | Biþ | his heorte ġearu || hyhte t |
The Paris Psalter 111:8 4a | ess wunaþ || simle oþ ende; / | biþ | his horn wended || hēr on wu |
The Paris Psalter 111:9 3b | indeþ, || oþ·þæt þonne | biþ, | / þæt firenfulra lust || fǣc |
The Paris Psalter 113:11 3a | ll ġe·dēþ, / swā his willa | biþ, | || on weorold-rīċe. / / # / Þ |
The Paris Psalter 113:20 4a | ·standeþ / and him sċieldend | biþ | || simle æt þearfe. / / # / Weo |
The Paris Psalter 117:15 1a | de || worden on hǣlu. / / # / Ā | biþ | blisse stefn || beorht ġe·h |
The Paris Psalter 118:112 1a | sse || āwa tō fēore; / þæt | biþ | hēah-bliss || heortan mīnre |
The Paris Psalter 118:136 4a | um gangeþ; / swā þǣm īlcum | biþ, | || þe ǣr nellaþ / þīnre ǣ |
The Paris Psalter 118:142 3b | sōþfæste || and sēo simle | biþ | / on ēċnesse || āwa tō fēo |
The Paris Psalter 118:160 3a | || worda þīnra, / þæt ðǣr | biþ | sōþ || simle mēted, / and on |
The Paris Psalter 118:162 4a | pēde þā miċelan, / swā sē | biþ | blīðe, || sē þe beorna r |
The Paris Psalter 118:165 2a | smicere ġe·fylde. / / # / Þǣm | biþ | sibb miċel || þe him þenċ |
The Paris Psalter 118:166 1a | þīnne || nīede lufien; / ne | biþ | him ǣ-swic on þon || ǣfre |
The Paris Psalter 119:3 1a | || þe teosu wille. / / # / Hwæt | biþ | þē ealles seald || oþþe e |
The Paris Psalter 122:2 2a | alra ġe·līcost / þonne esne | biþ, | || þonne on·drysnum / his hl |
The Paris Psalter 123:7 1a | an || grīne losie. / / # / Grīn | biþ | on sādan || grame tō·rende |
The Paris Psalter 124:1 4a | iġ on·hrēran / þe eardfæst | biþ | || on Hierusālem. / / # / Hīe s |
The Paris Psalter 126:5 1a | cende. / / # / Swā sēo strǣle | biþ | || strangum and mihtĝum / hrō |
The Paris Psalter 126:6 1a | ungre ġe·wītaþ. / / # / Þæt | biþ | ēadiġ wer, || sē þe ā þ |
The Paris Psalter 126:6 3a | on || lēofne ġe·fylle; / ne | biþ | hē on ealdre ealre || ǣfre |
The Paris Psalter 127:5 1a | blǣda standen. / / # / Efne swā | biþ | ġe·blētsod || beorna ǣġh |
The Paris Psalter 128:4 3a | e || hēah ā·weaxeþ, / þæt | biþ | for·wīsnod || wrāðe sōna |
The Paris Psalter 130:4 1b | e. / / # / Swā man æt mēder || | biþ | miċelum fēded, / swā þū m |
The Paris Psalter 132:1 1a | lm 132 / / # / Efne hū glædliċ | biþ | || and gōd swelċe, / þætte |
The Paris Psalter 134:14 2a | || fæġere drihten, / and hē | biþ | on his esnum || āĝenum frē |
The Paris Psalter 135:1 3a | wāt, / þæt hē tō weorolde | biþ | || wīs and mild-heort. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 136:8 1a | || hire earm dōhter; / ēadiġ | biþ | hwæðere || sē þe eft ġie |
The Paris Psalter: Psalm 136 1a | ac ġe·sealdest. / / # / Ēadiġ | biþ | sē þe nimeþ || and ēac se |
The Paris Psalter 138:10 2b | īehtest niht, || þæt% hēo | biþ | dæġe ġe·līċ. / / # / Swā |
The Paris Psalter 139:11 2a | wer || on teosu-sprǣċe, / ne | biþ | sē ofer eorðan || ġe·reah |
The Paris Psalter 140:2 2b | ġe·reaht, || swā rīeċels | biþ, | / þonne hit ġīfre || glēda |
The Paris Psalter 142:2 2a | on on þīnre ġe·sihþe ne | biþ | || sōþfæst ǣniġ / þe on |
The Paris Psalter 142:6 3a | sette mid mōde, / swā eorðan | biþ | || ansīen wæteres; / ġe·hī |
The Paris Psalter 143:5 1a | || ǣfre hæfdest? / / # / Man% | biþ | mearwe ġe·sċeaft, || meaht |
The Paris Psalter 143:9 2a | sprecaþ || mān-īdel word, / | biþ | hira sēo swīðre || simle |
The Paris Psalter 143:13 2a | sprecaþ || mān-īdel word, / | biþ | hira sēo swīðre || simle |
The Paris Psalter 143:19 1a | iaþ on worðum%. / / # / Ēadiġ | biþ | þæt folc, || ōðre hātaþ |
The Paris Psalter 143:19 3a | || fæġere limpeþ; / ēadiġ | biþ | þæt folc || þe æl-mehtiġ |
The Paris Psalter 145:4 1a | hīe þōhton ǣr. / / # / þonne | biþ | ēadiġ || þe him ǣror wæs |
The Paris Psalter 149:6 1a | e·drēme. / / # / Him on gōmum | biþ | || godes oft ġe·mynd; / hēo |
The Paris Psalter 52:8 1a | iġ drihten? / / # / Þonne Iacob | biþ | || on glædum sǣlum / and Isra |
The Paris Psalter 57:6 4b | eþ, || swā his ġe·earnung | biþ. | / / # / Swā weax melteþ, || ġi |
The Paris Psalter 57:7 1b | wā weax melteþ, || ġif hit | biþ | wearmum nēah / fȳre ġe·fæs |
The Paris Psalter 59:10 2a | elne fultum, / for·þon hǣlu | biþ | || hēr on eorðan / manna ġe |
The Paris Psalter 60:3 2b | ·sċote; || ðǣr mē sōfte | biþ, | / ðǣr iċ bēo fæġere be· |
The Paris Psalter 60:5 1a | urh nīed forhtaþ. / / # / Dæġ | biþ | ofer dæġe, || ðǣr biþ ġ |
The Paris Psalter 60:5 1b | ġ biþ ofer dæġe, || ðǣr | biþ | ġe·dēfe cyning; / bēoþ his |
The Paris Psalter 60:6 1b | ċeþ þæt || þe sōþfæst | biþ? | / Swā iċ naman þīnum || nī |
The Paris Psalter 64:7 3a | ēfest || dēope wǣlas / þæt | biþ | or-mǣtum || ȳða hlūde / and |
The Paris Psalter 67:8 3a | | wīde feraþ, / þonan eorðe | biþ | || eall on·hrered. / / # / For a |
The Paris Psalter 68:3 3a | grame sindon || gōman hāse; / | biþ | mē æt þǣmēarum || ēaĝa |
The Paris Psalter 70:12 3a | wle ǣr || swīðost tældon; / | biþ | þǣmsċand and sċamu || þe |
The Paris Psalter 71:7 3a | ðe ġe·nihtsum, / oþ·þæt | biþ | ā·hafen || hlūtor mōna. / / |
The Paris Psalter 71:15 1b | / Hē leofaþ lēodum, || him | biþ | lungre seald; / of Arabia gold |
The Paris Psalter 71:16 2a | e·trym || eorðan weardaþ, / | biþ | sē beorht ā·hafen || ofer |
The Paris Psalter 71:17 1a | || ūte on lande. / / # / Þonne | biþ | his nama || ofer eall% nīða |
The Paris Psalter 71:17 4a | nama || sōþfæst standeþ, / | biþ | his setel ǣr || swelċe þon |
The Paris Psalter 71:18 1a | ċe þonne mōna. / / # / And him | biþ | eorðan cynn || eall ġe·bl |
The Paris Psalter 72:3 1a | . / / # / For·þon hira dēaðes | biþ | || deorc ende-stæf, / ne hira |
The Paris Psalter 72:3 2a | rc ende-stæf, / ne hira wītes | biþ | || wīsliċ trymnes. / / # / Ne s |
The Paris Psalter 73:19 1a | | ǣġhwǣr% wyrċaþ. / / # / Ne | biþ | sē ēad-mōda || ǣfre ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 76:8 1a | || wera cnēo-rissum. / / # / Ne | biþ | ǣfre god || unġe·myndiġ, / |
The Paris Psalter 76:13 3a | ġe || ofer strang wæter; / ne | biþ | ðǣr eþe þīn spor || inn |
The Paris Psalter 80:9 2a | || mē ānum ġe·hīerst, / ne | biþ | god on þe || nīewe ġe·met |
The Paris Psalter 80:14 2a | nd godes || fǣcne lēoĝaþ; / | biþ | hira yfele tīd || āwa tō f |
The Paris Psalter 83:5 1a | wealdend, herġaþ. / / # / Þæt | biþ | ēadiġ wer, || sē þe him |
The Paris Psalter 83:12 3a | ġd || healdaþ clǣne; / þæt | biþ | ēadiġ mann, || sē þe him |
The Paris Psalter 87:4 4a | ġe·worden, / þe mid dēadum% | biþ | || be·tweox dēaðe frēo. / / |
The Paris Psalter 88:5 2b | ġ anlīċ, || ne þē ǣniġ | biþ | / be·tweox godes bearnum || ġ |
The Paris Psalter 88:6 1b | st ġe·wuldrod god, || ðǣr | biþ | wīsra ġe·þeaht / and hāli |
The Paris Psalter 88:13 2b | / þīnne andwlitan; || þæt | biþ | ēadiġ folc / þe can naman þ |
The Paris Psalter 88:22 4a | um || nīede swelċe / his horn | biþ% | ā·hafen, || hēane on meaht |
The Paris Psalter 88:32 4b | en cynn / wunaþ on wīcum; || | biþ | him wierðliċ setl / on mīnre |
The Paris Psalter 89:4 2a | ċe drihten, / þūsend wintra | biþ | || þon anlīcost, / swā ġeos |
The Paris Psalter 89:10 2b | ran, || þonne hēo ġeornost | biþ, | / þæt hēo ā·fǣre || flēo |
The Paris Psalter 93:11 1a | on hīe īdle sint. / / # / Þæt | biþ | ēadiġ mann, || þe þū hin |
The Paris Psalter 93:11 5a | le ġe·beorĝest, / oþ·þæt | biþ | frecne sēaþ || þǣm firenf |
The Paris Psalter 93:13 1b | nne ġīenā || ġe·hwierfed | biþ, | / þæt hē on unryht || eft ne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 11b | are / biteres on·byrġeþ. || | Biþ | ēac swā same / manna ǣġhwel |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 51a | | wudu eallum on·cwiþ. / Swā | biþ | eallum trēowum || þe him on |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 51b | rēowum || þe him on æðele | biþ | / þæt hit on holte || hīehst |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 54a | h || bȳġe wiþ eorðan, / hē | biþ | up-weardes, || swā þū ān |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 63a | eft cymeþ / ðǣr hire yfemest | biþ | || eard ġe·cynde. / Swā swā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 1a | of Boethius: Metre 14 / / Hwæt | biþ% | þǣm weleĝan || weorold-ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 13a | t on gārseċġ, / ðǣr nǣngu | biþ | || niht on sumera / ne wihte þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 20a | t eall || āĝan mōte, / hwȳ | biþ | his anweald || āuhte þȳ m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 20a | ·hebben, / nū on þǣm mōde | biþ | || manna ġe·hwelcum / þā ri |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 23b | hwelċ mann || þe mid ealle | biþ | / his unþēawum || under-þīe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 144a | is āgenne || eard onsundran, / | biþ | þēah wiþ þǣm ōðrum || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 160a | ider-weard / ðǣr his mæġþe | biþ | || mǣst æt·gædere. / Þū |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 169b | ǣm anlicost || þe on ǣġe | biþ, | / ġeoleca on middan, || glīde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 179b | lǣsse || on þǣm lȳtlan ne | biþ | / ānum fingre || þe hire on e |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 180b | fingre || þe hire on eallum | biþ | / þǣm līċ-haman. || For·þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 219a | id ġe·sċēad smēaþ, / hēo | biþ | up ā·hæfen || ofer hīe se |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 220a | n || ofer hīe selfe, / ac hēo | biþ | eallunga || ān hire selfre, / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 222a | fe || sēċende smēaþ; / hēo | biþ | swīðe feorr || hire selfre |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 13b | s sēo ān hȳþ || þe ǣfre | biþ | / aefter þǣm ȳðum || ūra |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 37a | hit ġe·weald āhte; / þēah | biþ | sum corn || sǣdes ġe·heald |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 40b | līċe. / Þæs sǣdes corn || | biþ | simle ā·weaht / mid āscunga, |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 52b | ferhþe, || ġif hē frugnen | biþ. | / For·þǣm hit is riht spell |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 19a | -hunde || wuhta ġe·līcost; / | biþ | tō up ā·hæfen || inne on |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 26b | þū ġe·sēon || þæt hē | biþ | swīðe ġe·līċ / sumum þā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 29a | be·ūtan; / ġif hē wiersa ne | biþ, | || ne wēne iċ his nā beter |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 27b | / ðriereðre ċēol; || þæt | biþ | þæt mǣste / Crēcisċra sċi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 37a | nis || wihte þe sōðra. / Ne | biþ | hēo on ǣfen || ne on ǣr-mo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 31a | e ealle || ǣfen-steorra. / Sē | biþ | ðǣre sunnan swiftra; || si |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 12b | de / windaþ% under wolcnum. || | Biþ | þēah wuhta ġe·hwelċ / on· |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 46a | īsran, || rīċes wierðran; / | biþ | þæt lēase lot || lange hw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 10b | hrēraþ hran-mere; || hrēoh | biþ | þonne / sēo þe ǣr gladu || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 18b | ·sċēaden wierþ, || sċīr | biþ | ġe·drēfed, / burna ġe·blan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 19b | / burna ġe·blanden, || brōc | biþ | on·wended / of his riht-rȳne, |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 38b | n·sitte. || For·þǣm simle | biþ | / sē mōd-sefa || miċelum ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 6b | for·þǣm hira bierhtu || ne | biþ | āuht / tō ġe·settanne || wi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 17a | / and þēah þæs þearfan ne | biþ | || þurst ā·cēled. / Ne mæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 20b | nn / swift wind swāpeþ. || Ne | biþ | sand þon mā / wiþ miċelne r |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 52a | wīde, / for·þǣm hit simle | biþ | || sīn-biernende, / and ymb· |
Metrical Psalm 93:11 5a | alla ġe·beorĝest / oþþæt | biþ | frecne sēoþ || þǣm firenf |
The Rune Poem 1a | # The Rune Poem / / //F// feoh | biþ | frōfor || fīra ġe·hwelcum |
The Rune Poem 4a | || dōmes hlēotan. / //U// ūr | biþ | ān-mōd || and ofer-hyrned, / |
The Rune Poem 7a | is mōdiġ wiht. / //Þ// Þorn | biþ | þearle sċearp; || þeġna |
The Rune Poem 10a | e him mid resteð. / //O// ōs | biþ | ord-fruma || ǣlcre sprǣċe, |
The Rune Poem 13a | ness and tō-hiht. / //R// rād | biþ | on reċede || rinca ġe·hwel |
The Rune Poem 16a | ofer mīl-paðas. / //C// cēn | biþ | cwicera ġe·hwǣm || cūþ o |
The Rune Poem 19a | restaþ. / //G// ġiefu gumena | biþ | || gleng and hereness, / wraðu |
The Rune Poem 21b | hwǣm / ār and æt-wist || þe | biþ | ōðra lēas. / //W// wēn ne b |
The Rune Poem 25a | burga ġe·niht. / //H// hæġl | biþ | hwītost corna; || hwierft hi |
The Rune Poem 27a | wætere siþþan. / //N// nīed | biþ | nearu on brēostan, || weorð |
The Rune Poem 29a | his hlystaþ ǣror. / //I// īs | biþ | ofer-ċeald, || un-ġe·metum |
The Rune Poem 32a | ǣġer an-sīene. / //// ġēar | biþ | gumena hiht, || þon God lǣt |
The Rune Poem 35a | eornum and þearfum. / //// eoh | biþ | ūtan || un-smēðe trēow, / h |
The Rune Poem 38a | wynn% on ēðle. / //P// peorþ | biþ | simle || pleĝa and hleahtor / |
The Rune Poem 45b | // siġel sǣ-mannum || simle | biþ | on hyhte, / þonne hīe hine fe |
The Rune Poem 48a | inġeþ tō lande. / //T// Tīr | biþ | tācna sum, || healdeþ trēo |
The Rune Poem 49b | wēl / wiþ æðelingas, || ā | biþ | on færelde, / ofer nihta ġe· |
The Rune Poem 51a | nǣfre swīceþ. / //B// beorċ | biþ | blǣda lēas, || bereþ efene |
The Rune Poem 52b | ēah / tānas būtan tūdor, || | biþ | on telĝum wlitiġ, / hēah% on |
The Rune Poem 55a | | lyfte ġe·tenġe. / //// eoh | biþ | for eorlum || æðelinga wynn |
The Rune Poem 58a | um, || wrixlaþ sprǣċe, / and | biþ | unstillum || ǣfre frōfor. / / |
The Rune Poem 59a | || ǣfre frōfor. / //M// mann% | biþ | on myrĝþe || his maĝan lē |
The Rune Poem 63a | rðan be·tǣcan. / //L// laĝu | biþ | lēodum || langsum ġe·þūh |
The Rune Poem 71a | e hæle nemdon. / //OE// ēðel | biþ | ofer-lēof || ǣġhwelcum men |
The Rune Poem 74a | blēadum oftost. / //D// dæġ | biþ | dryhtnes sand, || dēore mann |
The Rune Poem 77a | || eallum brȳċe. / //A// āc | biþ | on eorðan || ielda bearnum / f |
The Rune Poem 81a | æðele trēowe. / //Æ// Æsċ | biþ | ofer-hēah, || ieldum dīere, |
The Rune Poem 84a | n || fīras maniġe. / //// ȳr | biþ | æðelinga || and eorla ġe· |
The Rune Poem 85b | hwæs / wynn and weorðmynd, || | biþ | on wiċġe fǣġer, / fæstliċ |
The Rune Poem 87a | fyrd-ġeatwa% sum. / //// ior% | biþ | êa-fisc% || and þēah ā br |
The Rune Poem 90a | hē wynnum leofaþ. / //// ēar | biþ | eġle || eorla ġe·hwelcun, / |
Solomon and Saturn 14a | aldeas sēċan’. / ‘Unlǣde | biþ | on eorðan, || unnytt līfes, |
Solomon and Saturn 23a | || ȳða heafdum. / Þonne him | biþ | lēofre || þonne eall þēos |
Solomon and Saturn 27a | || āwiht cūðe. / Fracoþ hē | biþ | þonne and fremede || frēan |
Solomon and Saturn 59a | e || gōd-spell seċġan. / Hē | biþ | sefan snytru || and sāwle hu |
Solomon and Saturn 95b | þ nā / his limona liþ, || ne | biþ | him lǣċe gōd. / Wendeþ hē |
Solomon and Saturn 97b | helmed. || Hūru him biþ æt | biþ | æt heortan wā, / þonne []e h |
Solomon and Saturn 109b | sċades sċīman; || sċaða | biþ | ġe·bisiĝod, / Sātanes þeġ |
Solomon and Saturn 115b | ernaþ, / dēorra dynta; || him | biþ | þæt dēoful lāþ. / Þonne h |
Solomon and Saturn 129b | īfel-mæġenum full. || Fȳr | biþ | sē þridda / stæf strǣte nē |
Solomon and Saturn 19a | īcaþ þā hiltas’. / ‘Dol | biþ | sē þe gæþ || on dēop wæ |
Solomon and Saturn 37a | | þisses līfes’. / ‘Beald | biþ | sē þe on·bierġeþ || bōc |
Solomon and Saturn 38a | eþ || bōca cræftes; / simle | biþ | þe wīsra || þe hira ġe·w |
Solomon and Saturn 106a | ēonde tō willan’. / ‘Niht | biþ | wedera þīestrost, || nīed |
Solomon and Saturn 106b | wedera þīestrost, || nīed | biþ | wyrda heardost, / sorh biþ sw |
Solomon and Saturn 107a | ed biþ wyrda heardost, / sorh | biþ | swǣrost byrðen, || slǣp bi |
Solomon and Saturn 107b | þ swǣrost byrðen, || slǣp | biþ | dēaðe ġe·līcost’. / ‘L |
Solomon and Saturn 117a | ċe ġe·hīeran’. / ‘Sōna | biþ | ġe·sīene, || siþþan flō |
Solomon and Saturn 121a | dynn ġe·hīere.’ / ‘Wā% | biþ | þonne þissum mōdĝum mannu |
Solomon and Saturn 145a | sǣleþ þæt?’ / ‘Unlǣde | biþ | and or-mōd || sē þe ā wil |
Solomon and Saturn 146b | ōmrian on ġīehþe; || sē | biþ | Gode fracoðest.’ / ‘For·h |
Solomon and Saturn 160b | / twēġen ġe·twinnas, || ne | biþ | hira tīr ġe·līċ. / Ōðer |
Solomon and Saturn 161a | hira tīr ġe·līċ. / Ōðer | biþ | unlǣde on eorðan, || ōðer |
Solomon and Saturn 161b | unlǣde on eorðan, || ōðer | biþ | ēadiġ, / swīðe lēof-tæle |
Solomon and Saturn 165b | ālford Salomon, || hwæðres | biþ | hira folgoþ betera?’ / ‘M |
Solomon and Saturn 194b | līfes fæðme. || Simle hit | biþ | his lāreowum hīersum; / full |
Solomon and Saturn 196a | ġe·hnǣġeþ, / ðǣr witena | biþ | || worn ġe·samnod. / Þonne s |
Solomon and Saturn 200a | and him self friteþ. / Swelċ | biþ | sēo ān snǣd || ǣġhwelcum |
Solomon and Saturn 201b | le, || ġif hēo ġe·seġnod | biþ, | / tō þyċġanne, || ġif hē |
Solomon and Saturn 213a | || þanon hit ǣror cōm. / Hit | biþ | eallinga || eorl tō ġe·sih |
Solomon and Saturn 231a | ēon ā·spyrġan’. / ‘Wyrd | biþ | wended hearde, || wealleþ sw |
Solomon and Saturn 235b | e / ġe·metĝian, || ġif hē | biþ | mōdes glēaw / and tō his fr |
Solomon and Saturn 280b | mm, || mid þȳ þe hit dæġ | biþ. | / Þonne hine ymbe·gangaþ || |
Solomon and Saturn 282a | || gāstas twēġen; / ōðer | biþ | golde glǣdra, || ōðer biþ |
Solomon and Saturn 282b | biþ golde glǣdra, || ōðer | biþ | grundum sweartra, / ōðer cyme |
Solomon and Saturn 291a | spaneþ, / oþ·þæt his eġe | biþ, | || æf-þuncum full, / þurh ea |
The Menologium 23b | fīf niht || þæt ā·fered | biþ | / winter of wīċum || and sē |
The Menologium 142b | iġ, wæstmum hladen; || wela | biþ | ġe·īewed / fæġere on folda |
The Menologium 153b | tō ealdre. || Þonne ealling | biþ | / ymb tīen niht þæs || tīd |
The Menologium 156b | ungen. || Swelċe ēac wīde | biþ | / eorlum ġe·ypped || æðelin |
The Menologium 179b | htum ufor || þæs þe folcum | biþ, | / eorlum ġe·īewed || efen-ni |
Maxims II 3b | ll-stāna ġe·weorc. || Wind | biþ | on lyfte swīftost, / þunar bi |
Maxims II 4a | þ on lyfte swīftost, / þunar | biþ | þrāĝum hlūdost. || Þrymm |
Maxims II 5a | sindon Crīstes miċele, / wyrd | biþ | swīðost. || Winter biþ ċe |
Maxims II 5b | yrd biþ swīðost. || Winter | biþ | ċealdost, / lencten hrīmgost |
Maxims II 6b | st, / lencten hrīmgost || (hē | biþ | lenġest ċeald), / sumor sun-w |
Maxims II 7b | or sun-wliteĝost || (sweġel | biþ | hātost), / hærfest hreð-ēad |
Maxims II 10a | þe him% God sendeþ. / Sōþ | biþ | sweotolost%, || sinċ biþ d |
Maxims II 10b | þ biþ sweotolost%, || sinċ | biþ | dīerost, / gold gumena ġe·h |
Maxims II 13a | ǣr fela ġe·bīdeþ. / Weax% | biþ | wundrum clibbor. || Wolcnu s |
The Judgment Day II 86a | || drihtne tō willan. / Glæd | biþ | sē Godes sunu, || ġif þū |
The Judgment Day II 93a | þæt wīte / þe þāra earmra | biþ | || for ǣr-dǣdum, / oþþe hū |
The Judgment Day II 104a | miċelum ġe·drēfeþ. / Eall | biþ | ēac up-heofon || / sweart and |
The Judgment Day II 123b | þū ġe·mune || hū miċel | biþ | sē brōĝa / be·foran dōm-se |
The Judgment Day II 129a | ēċne ymb·trymmaþ. / Þonne% | biþ | ġe·bān miċel || and ā·b |
The Judgment Day II 143a | | ypte oþþe cȳðde, / þonne | biþ | eallum || open æt·samne, / ġ |
The Judgment Day II 145b | ǣl. / Ufenan eall þis || ēac | biþ | ġe·fylled / eall upliċ lyft |
The Judgment Day II 147b | / Færþ fȳr ofer eall, || ne | biþ | ðǣr nan fore-steall, / ne him |
The Judgment Day II 151a | ores ryne, || rēadum līeġe / | biþ | efenes mid þȳ || eall ġe· |
The Judgment Day II 203a | wanung, || nāwiht elles; / ne | biþ | ðǣr an-sīen ġe·sewen || |
The Judgment Day II 205a | þe cwielmaþ þā earman. / Ne | biþ | ðǣr inne || ǣht ġe·mēte |
The Judgment Day II 213b | m tuxlum. / Ufenan eall þis || | biþ | þæt earme brēost / mid biter |
The Judgment Day II 223b | līehþ frōfor āweġ; || ne | biþ | ðǣr fultum nan / þæt wiþ |
The Judgment Day II 225a | ġe·beorh mæġe fremman. / Ne | biþ | ðǣr an-sīen ġe·mēt || |
The Judgment Day II 226a | | ǣniġre blisse, / ac% ðǣr% | biþ | an-gristliċ || eġe and fyrh |
The Judgment Day II 228a | īðliċ grist-bitung%; / ðǣr | biþ | unrōtness || ǣġhwǣr wæl- |
The Judgment Day II 244b | ; / lēofest% on līfe || lāþ | biþ | þonne, / and þæt wērġe mō |
The Judgment Day II 247a | nd mid sārgunge. / Ēalā, sē | biþ | ġe·sǣliġ || and ofer-sǣl |
The Judgment Day II 259a | | oþþe hēanlīċ slǣp, / ne | biþ | ðǣr fefer ne ādl || ne fǣ |
The Judgment Day II 263a | ru || ne hrēoh tintreĝa, / ne | biþ | ðǣr līeġet || ne lāðli |
The Judgment Day II 266a | ras || hearde mid snāwe%, / ne | biþ | ðǣr wǣdl ne lyre || ne dē |
Psalm 50 126b | ifiende Crist, || liicwerðe% | biþ | / sē ġe·hnysta gāst, || heo |
A Prayer 11a | re || þīnum% earminge. / Sē | biþ | earming || þe on eorðan hē |
A Prayer 16a | feles || ǣr ġe·swīce. / Sē | biþ | ēadiġ, || sē þe on eorða |
The Seasons for Fasting 67b | / on ðǣre wucan || þe ǣror | biþ | / emnihtes dæġe || ielda beor |
The Seasons for Fasting 72b | stan% / on ðǣre% wucan || þe | biþ | ǣror full / dryhtnes ġe·byrd |
Latin-English Proverbs 6b | ealdaþ || þæs þe ēċe ne | biþ. | |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 5b | m heofonlican hāme, || ðǣr | biþ | ā hiht and wynn, / bl[]s on bu |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 9a | his mōd-ġe·þanc / æl-tǣwe | biþ | || and þonne þurh his inn- |
Metrical Charm 1: For Unfruitful Land 2a | e·dēfe þinġ on ġe·dōn | biþ | || / on drȳ oþþe on lybb-l |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 4b | þone miċela eġesa || þe | biþ | ǣġhwǣm lāþ, / and wiþ eal |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 8a | man swā þrīe daĝas; him | biþ | sona sēl. || / Hēr cōm on g |
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 1a | Water-Elf Disease / / Ġif mann | biþ | on wæter-ælf-ādle, þonne |
Waldere B 22b | / feorh-hord fēondum. || Ne% | biþ | fāh wiþ mē, / þonne [] unm |
Waldere B 25b | siġe sellan || sē þe simle | biþ | / recen and rǣdfæst || rih[] |