Number of occurrences in corpus: 176
Genesis A 149a | || þæt sē rīċa ā·hōf / | up | fram eorðan || þurh his ā |
Genesis B 259b | þinġe, || on·gann him winn | up | ā·hebban% / wiþ þone hīehs |
Genesis B 415a | ġe·þafa wurðan, / þæt hē | up | heonan || ūte mihte / cuman þ |
Genesis B 446b | a, / wōra% worda%. || Wand him | up | þanon, / hwearf him þurh þā |
Genesis B 497a | Langaþ þē ā·wiht, / Ādam, | up | tō Gode? || Iċ eom on his |
Genesis B 544a | bbe mē fæstne ġe·lēafan / | up | tō þǣm æl-mihtĝan Gode | |
Genesis B 807b | þþe norðan? || Ġe·sweorc | up | færeþ, / cymeþ hæġles sċ |
Genesis A 1375b | mas / swearte swōĝan. || Sǣs | up | stiĝon / ofer stæð-weallas. |
Genesis A 1405a | | þā hine hāliġ God / ēċe | up | for·lēt || ēad-mōdne% fl |
Genesis A 1419b | bord, / fær sēleste, || flōd | up | ā·hōf, / oþþæt rīm-ġe· |
Genesis A 1667a | orhte || and tō bēacne torr / | up | ā·rǣrde || tō rodor-tungl |
Genesis A 1675a | tre% worhton / and tō heofonum | up | || hlǣdre rǣrdon, / strengum |
Genesis A 1681a | ēacen samod, / þe tō rodorum | up | || rǣran on·gunnon / Ādames |
Genesis A 1692a | e·wurðan || weall stǣnenne / | up | forþ timbran, || ac hīe ear |
Genesis A 2440b | ft / forþ tō morĝen || metod | up | for·lǣt’. / Þā tō fōtum |
Genesis A 2522a | æt we ealdor-nere / on Sīĝor | up | || sēċan mōten. / Ġif ġit |
Genesis A 2540b | in Sǣĝor his. || Þā sunne | up, | / folca friþ-candel, || furðu |
Genesis A 2579b | || Hē ġe·seah fram foldan | up | / wīde flēoĝan || wæl-grimn |
Genesis A 2856a | iċ þē heonan ġe·tǣċe, / | up | þīnum āĝnum fōtum, || ð |
Genesis A 2876a | uldor-torht, / dæġes þriddan | up | || ofer dēop wæter / ord ā· |
Genesis A 2898a | þ-hyġdiġ || stēape dūne / | up | mid his eaforan, || swā him |
Exodus 200b | ·þon wæs in wīcum || wōp | up | ā·hafen, / atol ǣfen-lēoþ, |
Exodus 248b | e, / fūs forþ-weĝas. || Fana | up | ġe·rād%, / bēama beorhtost; |
Exodus 253b | lla, / beald bēo-hata, || bord | up | ā·hōf%, / hēt þā folc-to |
Exodus 282a | e || gārseċġes dēop. / Ȳþ | up | færeþ, || ofstum wyrċeþ / w |
Exodus 295b | weorðen, / nū sē āĝend || | up | ā·rǣrde / rēade strēamas | |
Exodus 460b | . / Strēamas stōdon, || storm | up | ġe·wāt / hēah tō heofonum, |
Exodus 462b | t. / Lāðe ċiermdon, || (lyft | up | ġe·swearc), / fǣĝum stefnum |
Exodus 491a | e gryre. || Gārseċġ wēde, / | up | ā·tēah, inn slēap. || Eġ |
Daniel 247b | ymb ǣ-fæste), || oþ·þæt | up | ġe·wāt / līeġ ofer lēofum |
Daniel 440a | ld. / Þā ġe·wāt sē enġel | up | || sēċan him ēċe drēamas |
Daniel 494b | āra þe þurh ofer-hyġd || | up | ā·stīĝeþ. / Þā him wear |
Daniel 622b | . / Þā sē earfoð-mæċġ || | up | lōcode, / wild-dēora ġe·wit |
Christ and Satan 16b | iex daĝum / eorðan dǣles, || | up | on heofonum, / and% hēahne% ho |
Christ and Satan 169b | an, / ne mid ēaĝum ne mōt || | up% | lōcian, / ne hūru mid ēarum |
Christ and Satan 243b | eallum and-fenġ || þe ðǣr | up | be·cōm, / and hine on eorðan |
Christ and Satan 265b | sāwlum || þe ðǣr sēċaþ | up, | / ēadġe of eorðan || ǣfre |
Christ and Satan 287a | ·ġēanes || grēne strǣte / | up | tō englum, || ðǣr is sē |
Christ and Satan 326b | an / atolan ēðles, || nealles | up | þonan / ġe·hīeran in heofon |
Christ and Satan 401a | ūsenda, || forþ ġe·lǣdan / | up | tō ēðle. || Þā cōm engl |
Christ and Satan 405a | ē eġesa be·cōm. / Lēt þā | up | faran || ēadġe sāwle%, / Ada |
Christ and Satan 422b | engla þrēatas, || þæt iċ | up | heonan / mæġe and mōte || mi |
Christ and Satan 441a | a ġe·sċeafta’. / Lēt þā | up | faran || ēċe drihten; / wuldr |
Christ and Satan 456a | er, || þæt sē fēða cōm / | up | tō earde, || and sē ēċa m |
Christ and Satan 480b | telĝum, || þæt þā tānas | up | / æppla bǣron, || and ġit ǣ |
Christ and Satan 504a | f hæftum || hām ġe·lǣdde / | up | tō earde, || þæt hēo āĝ |
Christ and Satan 510a | sē ġunga ðǣr, / and iċ eft | up | be·cōm || ēċe drēamas / t |
Christ and Satan 528a | hwǣr sunu metodes / þā% on% | up | ġe·stōd%, || ēċe drihten |
Christ and Satan 552a | f hæftum || hām ġe·lǣdde / | up | tō ēðle, || ðǣr we āĝa |
Christ and Satan 562a | | tō heofon-rīċe. / A·stāh | up | on heofonum || engla sċieppe |
Christ and Satan 623a | en || tō ðǣre mǣran byrġ / | up | tō englum || swā ōðre dyd |
Christ and Satan 633a | | and nā siþþan / þæt hīe | up | þonan || ǣfre mōton, / ah ð |
Christ and Satan 658a | fruma%, || and eorðan tūdor / | up | ġe·lǣddest% || tō þissum |
Christ and Satan 48b | yre / dēofla meniġu || þonne | up | ā·stāh. / Wordum in wītum | |
Andreas 443b | þ, / ȳþ ōðerre. || Hwīlum | up | ā·stōd / of brimes bōsme || |
Andreas 792b | ron. / Hēt þā ofostlīċe || | up | ā·standan / Habraham and Isaa |
Andreas 979a | ne clǣnan hām, / ēaþ-mēdum | up, | || ðǣr is ār ġe·lang / fī |
Andreas 1125b | dan / ċeastre-warena. || Cierm | up | ā·stāh / þā sē ġunga on |
Andreas 1236b | trǣte stān-fāĝe. || Storm | up | ā·rās / aefter ċeaster-hofu |
Andreas 1303b | red, / nīewan stefne. || Nīþ | up | ā·rās / oþ·þæt sunne ġe |
Andreas 1318b | īn, / þe þū ofer-hyġdum || | up | ā·rǣrdest, / þā þū goda |
Andreas 1625b | de. / Þā ðǣr ofostlīċe || | up | ā·stōdon / maniġe on mæðe |
Dream of the Rood 71b | n staðole, || siþþan stefn | up | ġe·wāt / hilderinca. || hrǣ |
Elene 87a | || hreðer-locan on·spēon, / | up | lōcade, || swā him sē ār |
Elene 95a | Þā þæt lēoht ġe·wāt, / | up | sīðode || and sē ār samod |
Elene 353a | || þurh dryhtnes gāst: / 'Iċ | up | ā·hōf || eaforan ġungne / a |
Elene 262b | mē of þissum earfeþum || | up | for·lǣten, / hēanne fram hun |
Elene 274b | an, / fram þām engan hofe, || | up | for·lēte. / Hīe þæt ofostl |
Elene 276b | sōna, / and hine mid ārum || | up | ġe·lǣdon / of carc-ærne, || |
Elene 279a | þ-hyċġende% / on þā dūne | up | || þe drihten ǣr / ā·hangen |
Elene 297b | ġe·cynd / of eorð-weĝum || | up | ġe·fēran / on līċ-haman || |
Elene 355b | þām wang-stede || wynsumne | up | / under rodores ryne || rīeċ |
Elene 364b | ā of ðǣre stōwe || stēam | up | ā·rās / swelċe rīeċ under |
Elene 440b | n eorðan, / unlibbendes || and | up | ā·hōf / rihtes wēmend || þ |
Elene 668a | gāst, || þurh fȳres blēo / | up | ēðian || ðǣr þā æðele |
Elene 787b | ama / þāra þe of eorðan || | up | ā·wēoxe, / ġe·loden under |
Christ A 353a | n-þrymmes nan / þe on rodorum | up | || rīċe be·witiaþ, / þēod |
Christ B 464a | | word-ġe·rȳnum, / ǣr·þon | up | stiġe || ān·cenned sunu, / e |
Christ B 514a | ran; || siĝores āĝend / wile | up | heonan || eard ġe·stīĝan, |
Christ B 528b | engla cyning, || ofer hrōfas | up, | / hāliġra helm. || Hyht wæs |
Christ B 536a | e, || þonan hīe god nīehst / | up | stīĝende || ēaĝum sǣĝon |
Christ B 544a | | swēġles āgend, / ær·þon | up | stiġe || ealle wealdend / on h |
Christ B 630b | metodes sunu / engla ēðel || | up | ġe·stīĝan / wolde, weoroda |
Christ B 646b | unnode; / hwīlum engla eard || | up | ġe·sōhte, / mōdiġ meahtum |
Christ B 651a | sē wītĝa sang: / ‘Hē wæs | up | hafen || engla fæðmum / on hi |
Christ B 693b | e heofon-tungol, || healīċe | up, | / sunne and mōna. || Hwæt sin |
Christ B 754b | t þæt hǣlu-bearn || heonan | up | stīġe / mid ūsse līċ-haman |
Christ C 875b | . / Swā on Syne beorh || samod | up | cymeþ / mæġen-folc miċel, | |
Christ C 888b | aldan moldan, || hātaþ hīe | up | ā·standan / snēome of slǣpe |
Christ C 959a | teþ || cwielmende fȳr, / sume | up, | sume niðer, || ǣldes fulle. |
Christ C 1146a | meaht || and of clamme brēac / | up | yrrunga || on eorðan fæðm, |
Christ C 1156b | inn lāĝon. / Eft libbende || | up | ā·stōdon / þā þe hēo ǣr |
Vainglory 53b | nan tīd / þurh ofer-hyġda || | up | ā·hlǣneþ, / ā·hefeþ hēa |
The Panther 40b | siĝod%. / Þonne ellen-rōf || | up | ā·stondeþ, / þrymme ġe·we |
The Whale 16b | d þonne on þæt eġ-land || | up | ġe·wītaþ / collen-ferhþe. |
Guthlac A 97b | ·seah, / eorðliċ æðelu, || | up | ġe·munde / hām on heofonum. |
Guthlac A 263b | fum wræc-mæċġas. || Wōþ | up | ā·stāh, / ċēarfulra ċierm |
Guthlac A 484b | an woldon, / ac mec ierrunga || | up | ġe·lǣdon, / þæt iċ of lyf |
Guthlac A 776b | ord gode / þurh ēað-mēdu || | up | on·sende, / lēt his bēn cuma |
Guthlac A 791b | la mōton / on ēċne ġeard || | up | ġe·stīĝan / rodera rīċe, |
Guthlac B 1024a | þ, || sōna ne meahte / oroþ | up | ġe·tēon; || wæs him inn b |
Guthlac B 1155a | lum, || wlō ne meahte / oroþ | up | ġe·tēon, || ellen-sprǣċe |
Guthlac B 1278a | æġ || oþ ǣfen forþ / oroþ | up | hlæden. || Þā sē æðela |
Guthlac B 1311a | eofonliċ lēoma, / fram foldan | up | || swelċe firen torr / riht ā |
Riddles 10 9b | ne, / þā mec libbende || lyft | up | ā·hōf, / wind of wǣġe, || |
Riddles 22 19b | hēam, || þæt hīe stōpon | up | / on ōðerne, || ellen-rōfe, / |
Riddles 3 12b | e, / oþ·þæt iċ of enġe || | up | ā·þringe%, / efene swā mec |
Riddles 3 70b | s styrġe, || hwīlum stīġe | up, | / wolcn-fare wrēġe, || wīde |
Riddles 33 11a | || þæt is dohtor min / ēacen | up | liden, || swā þæt is ieldu |
Riddles 40 56b | cymeþ; / iċ% eom% Ulcanus || | up | irnendan / lēohtan lēoman || |
Riddles 54 4a | of his āĝen / hræġl heandum | up, | || hrand% under gyrdels / hire |
Riddles 55 5b | cn, || þæs ūs tō rodorum | up | / hlædre rǣrde, || ǣr hē he |
The Wife's Lament 3b | a ġe·bād, || siþþan iċ | up | wēox, / nīewes oþþe ealdes, |
Riddles 61 2b | le, / ides on earce, || hwīlum | up | ā·tēah / folmum sīnum || an |
Riddles 93 10a | lc hliðu || stīĝan sċolde / | up | on ēðel, || hwīlum eft ġe |
The Phoenix 93a | || ġeorne be·witian, / hwonne | up | cyme || æðelost tungla / ofer |
The Phoenix 102a | ĝu || locaþ ġeorne, / hwonne | up | cyme || ēastan glīdan / ofer |
The Phoenix 289b | a gladost, || ofer gārseċġ | up, | / æþel-tungla wynn, || ēasta |
The Phoenix 511b | ācen, / þonne anweald eall || | up | ā·stelleþ% / of byrġenum, | |
Juliana 62b | er, / recene tō rūne || Reord | up | ā·stāh, / siþþan hīe tō |
Juliana 644b | ēode / and eall engla cynn || | up | on rodorum / herġen, hēah-mæ |
Beowulf 128b | ā wæs aefter wiste || wōp | up | ā·hafen, / miċel morĝen-sw |
Beowulf 224b | , / eoletes æt ende. || Þonan | up | hræðe / Wedera lēode || on w |
Beowulf 519b | tīd / on Heaðu-Rǣmas || holm | up | æt-bær; / þonan hē ġe·sō |
Beowulf 782b | wulĝe on swaðule. || Swēġ | up | ā·stāh / nīewe ġe·nēahhe |
Beowulf 1373b | w. / þonan ȳþ-ġe·bland || | up | ā·stīĝeþ / wann tō wolcnu |
Beowulf 1619b | ġ-hryre wrāðra, || wæter | up | þurh·dēaf. / Wǣron ȳþ-ġe |
Beowulf 1912b | on, / cūðe næssas. || Ċēol | up | ġe·þrang / lyft-ġe·swenċe |
Beowulf 1920a | for·wrecan meahte. / Hēt þā | up | beran || æðelinga ġe·str |
Beowulf 2575b | āf / hrēþ æt hilde. || Hand | up | ā·bræġd / Ġēata drihten, |
Beowulf 2893a | u-weorc || tō haĝan bēodan / | up | ofer eċġ-clif, || ðǣr þ |
Judith 9a | m wundrum þrymmliċ / ġierwan | up | swǣsendu. || Tō þǣm hēt |
The Paris Psalter 100:7 2b | mīnes huses, / þe oferhygd || | up | ā·hebbe% / oþþe unryht cwe |
The Paris Psalter 103:4 2b | e, / þæt hē meahte ēaðe || | up | ā·stīĝan, / sē fōtum tred |
The Paris Psalter 103:21 1a | god ġe·dēme. / / # / Siþþan | up | cumeþ || æðele sunne, / hīe |
The Paris Psalter 106:24 3b | wielmum, / bēoþ hira ȳða || | up | ā·stiġene. / / # / Þā tō he |
The Paris Psalter 106:25 1a | iġene. / / # / Þā tō heofonum | up | || hēah ā·stīĝaþ, / niðe |
The Paris Psalter 112:5 4b | # / And hine on ealdor-dōm || | up | ā·settan / his folces fruman |
The Paris Psalter 136:2 5b | e ġe·lōme / ūre organan || | up | ā·hēngon. / / # / For·þon ū |
The Paris Psalter 138:6 1a | les? / / # / Ġif iċ on heofonas | up | || hēa ā·stīġe, / þū mē |
The Paris Psalter 148:13 3a | alīċe || hæleþa ealra; / is | up | ā·hafen || his andetness / h |
The Paris Psalter 67:4 4b | elfa ā·stāh || ofer sunnan | up, | / þǣm is tō naman || nemned |
The Paris Psalter 68:33 2b | ele ċealf, || þēah þe him | up | aĝa / horn on heafde || oþþe |
The Paris Psalter 71:16 2b | ht ā·hafen || ofer beorĝas | up%; | / ofer Libanum || liċġaþ his |
The Paris Psalter 77:58 2b | n, / þonne hīe ofer-hydiġ || | up | ā·hōfon, / and him wōh-godu |
The Paris Psalter 88:11 3b | m; / hīe mid strengþe ēac || | up | ā·hebbaþ / þīnne swīðran |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 69a | ne mōt || eorðan þerscwold / | up | ofer-steppan, || ne þā ebba |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 25a | be·cuman siþþan, / ġif þū | up | ā·tīehsþ || ǣrest sōna / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 19b | wȳ ġē ēow for æðelum || | up | ā·hebben, / nū on þǣm mōd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 156a | e, || ðǣr þæt ōðer fȳr / | up | ofer eall þis || eardfæst w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 167b | deþ, / is þēah efen-ēðe || | up | and of dūne / tō feallanne || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 219a | e·sċēad smēaþ, / hēo biþ | up | ā·hæfen || ofer hīe selfe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 254b | uhta, / þurh þās earfoþu || | up | ā·stīĝan, / and of þissum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 9b | ċe / feðerum lācan, || feorr | up | ofer / wolcnu windan, || wlīta |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 25b | Siþþan þū þonne || þone | up | ā hafast / forþ ofer·farenne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 32b | ūme rīcsaþ || ofer rodorum | up | / and under swā same || ealra |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 45a | wierðest% || on weġe rihtum / | up | tō þǣm earde, || þæt is |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 19a | wuhta ġe·līcost; / biþ tō | up | ā·hæfen || inne on mōde / f |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 32a | ndel-sǣ || wīġendra sċola / | up | on þæt īeġ-land || ðǣr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 20a | ōðre beorht, / cymeþ ēastan | up | || ǣr þonne sunne; / þone% m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 26a | and sċīene, / cymeþ ēastan | up | || ǣr for sunnan / and eft aef |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 66b | lċe; / on lencten-tīd || leaf | up | sprȳtaþ. / Ac sē milda metod |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 19b | nd his mōd-ġe·þanc || mā | up | þonne niðer / habban tō heof |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 33a | || eft ġe·sċended, / and tō | up | ā·hafen || for or-sorĝum / w |
The Battle of Brunanburh 13b | a swāte%, || siþþan sunne | up | / on morgen-tīd, || mǣre tung |
The Battle of Brunanburh 70b | stan hider / Engle and Seaxe || | up | be·cōmon, / ofer brād brimu |
The Menologium 65a | dryhtnes stīġe / on heofonas | up, | || for·þon þe% hwearfaþ |
The Menologium 110a | ġimm ā·stīhþ / on heofonas | up | || hīehst on ġēare, / tungla |
The Menologium 216b | ne lēof%, / æðele Andreas || | up | on rodorum / his gāst ā·ġea |
The Creed 1b | Creed / / Æl-mehtiġ fæder || | up | on rodore, / þe þā sċīran |
A Prayer 29a | -būende, / swelċe on heofonum | up | || þū eart hǣlend God. / Ne |
A Prayer 35b | en. / Ne þēah engla weorod || | up | on heofonum / snotora tō·samn |
A Prayer 76b | yning, / lǣt mē mid englum || | up | sīðian, / sittan on sweġele, |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 4b | æt hē full ēaðe mæġ || | up | ġe·stīĝan / tō þǣm heofo |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 9a | gā, þonne cweðe hēo: || / | Up | iċ gange, || ofer þe stæpp |
The Battle of Maldon 130b | þā wīġes heard, || wǣpen | up | ā·hōf, / bord tō ġe·beor |