atque noun conj indeclform
atque noun conj indeclform
Number of occurrences in corpus: 482
Genesis A 7b | nde cymþ / ēċan dryhtnes, || | ac | hē biþ ā rīċe / ofer heofo |
Genesis A 19b | e cūðon, / firena fremman, || | ac | hīe on friðe lifdon, / ēċe |
Genesis A 24b | an lenġ / hira selfra rǣd, || | ac | hīe of sibb-lufan / Godes ā· |
Genesis A 53a | metode, || mæġen bryttian%, / | ac | him sē mǣra || mōd ġe·tw |
Genesis A 73b | þorfton / hlūde hliehhan, || | ac | hēo hell-treĝum / wērġe wun |
Genesis A 104b | r-sċadu / wiht ġe·worden, || | ac | þēs wīda grund / stōd dēop |
Genesis A 156b | wīd-land ne weĝas nytte, || | ac | stōd be·wriġen fæste / fold |
Genesis A 181b | niġ cōm / blōd of benne, || | ac | him breĝu engla / of līċe ā |
Genesis A 190b | ūðon / dōn ne% drēoĝan, || | ac | him dryhtnes wæs / bām on br |
Genesis B 235a | as Eufraten || wīde nemnaþ. / | ‘ac | nēotaþ inċ þæs ōðres e |
Genesis B 259a | % hē his hine lange wealdan. / | Ac | hē ā·wende% hit him tō wi |
Genesis B 371a | þonne iċ mid þȳs weorode. / | Ac | liċġaþ mē ymbe || īren-b |
Genesis B 389a | hte mīnra handa ġe·weald. / | Ac | þoliaþ we nū þrēa on hel |
Genesis B 472b | ne derede, / ne suht swāre || | ac | mōste simle wesan / lungre on |
Genesis B 515b | īþ fare, / gumena drihten, || | ac | hē his ġingran sent / tō þ |
Genesis B 543a | ȳ iċ þē hīeran ne cann, / | ac | þū meahte forþ faran. || I |
Genesis B 583a | ecg, || nealles Godes enġel. / | Ac | iċ cann ealle swā ġeare || |
Genesis B 606b | ġe·þeaht / ne sċēawode. || | Ac | sē sċaða ġeorne / swicode y |
Genesis B 641b | þorfton / þeġnas þolian. || | Ac | hē þēoda ġe·hwǣm / heofon |
Genesis B 712a | ðan bodan || lārum hīerde, / | ac | wende þæt hēo hyldu || heo |
Genesis B 719a | þeah hit nǣre hāten swā, / | ac | hit ofetes naman || āĝan s |
Genesis B 732b | on / healdan heofon-rīċe, || | ac | hīe tō helle sċulon / on þo |
Genesis B 743b | rihtne / þurh ġungor-dōm; || | ac | unc ġe·ġenge ne wæs / þæt |
Genesis B 786b | orĝe wiht / weorces wiston, || | ac | hīe wēl meahton / libban on |
Genesis B 795b | / ġe·līċ þǣm līeġe, || | ac | þis is landa betst, / þæt wi |
Genesis B 814b | iht / tō mete ġe·mearcod, || | ac | unc is mehtiġ God, / wealdend |
Genesis B 834a | his o min mōd ġe·twēode, / | ac | iċ tō þǣm grunde ġenge, |
Genesis B 838a | æt iċ hīe habban ne mæġ. / | Ac | wit þus baru ne maĝon || b |
Genesis B 847a | wealde, || wǣda ne hæfdon; / | ac | hīe on ġe·bēd fēollon || |
Genesis A 875b | mē / furðum ne% on·fenge, || | ac | ġe·fēan eallum. / For hwon w |
Genesis A 949b | ēran / wamm-sċyldiġ mann, || | ac | sē weard hafaþ / meaht and st |
Genesis A 955a | ah þe hīe% him fram swīce, / | ac | hē him tō frōfre lēt || h |
Genesis A 997b | wīðan, / nealles hōlunga; || | ac | ūs hearde sċōd / frēolicu f |
Genesis A 1016b | litiġe tō weorold-nytte, || | ac | hēo wæl-drēore swealh / hāl |
Genesis A 1024b | wēnan / on weorold-rīċe, || | ac | iċ for·worht hæbbe, / heofon |
Genesis A 1210a | meþ || and hira aldor samod. / | Ac | hē cwic ġe·wāt || mid cyn |
Genesis A 1256b | witene / cnēo-riss Cāines, || | ac | mē þæt cynn hafaþ / sāre |
Genesis A 1396b | s brōĝan / hǣste hrīnan, || | ac | hīe hāliġ God / ferede and n |
Genesis A 1447a | Eft him sēo wēn ġe·lēah, / | ac | sē fēonde% ġe·spearn || f |
Genesis A 1459b | wes / steppan for strēamum, || | ac | wǣron stēap hliðu / be·wri |
Genesis A 1479b | e cōm / tō lide flēoĝan, || | ac | hēo land be·ġeat, / grēne b |
Genesis A 1524b | e·fēon / mōd-ġe·þance, || | ac | iċ mannes feorh / tō slaĝan |
Genesis A 1582b | hūru / hleo-māĝum helan, || | ac | hē hliehhende / brōðrum sæ |
Genesis A 1692b | tǣnenne / up forþ timbran, || | ac | hīe earmlīċe / hēapum tō· |
Genesis A 1854a | æðelinge || idesa% sunnon, / | ac | hīe Sarran || swīðor miċe |
Genesis A 1894b | ēġra ðǣr / ǣhte habban, || | ac | sċoldon ārfæste, / þā rinc |
Genesis A 1904a | dian-- || ne þæt wille God. / | Ac | wit sint ġe·māĝas; || unc |
Genesis A 1939a | -þēawum || Lōth% on·fôn, / | ac | hē ðǣre mǣġþe || mann-w |
Genesis A 1981b | ðan / folc-ġe·strēonum, || | ac | him fram swicon. / Fōron þā |
Genesis A 2115b | ð-weorod / gūðe spōwan, || | ac | hīe God flīemde, / sē þe æ |
Genesis A 2149b | trēonum / Sōdoma rīċes%. || | Ac | þū selfa% mōst heonan / hū |
Genesis A 2154a | rincas || rihte be·nǣman, / | ac | hīe mē full ēodon || æt |
Genesis A 2159b | sittan, / norð-manna wīġ; || | ac | ne fuĝolas% / under beorh-hli |
Genesis A 2170b | þū mīne lāre lǣstest, || | ac | iċ þē libbende hēr / wiþ w |
Genesis A 2178b | ran bytlian / ǣngum mīnra, || | ac | mē aefter sċulon / mīne weor |
Genesis A 2189b | daþ þīne / eafora ierfe, || | ac | þīn āĝen bearn / frætwa he |
Genesis A 2242b | wolde / þēowdōm þolian, || | ac | hēo þrīste on·gann / wiþ S |
Genesis A 2259b | libbaþ bū, / ārna lēase, || | ac | þū þīn āĝen mōst / menne |
Genesis A 2267b | s þe ǣr dyde / tō Sarran, || | ac | hēo on sīþ ġe·wāt / wēst |
Genesis A 2282b | ame dǣlan / sam-wist incre, || | ac | þū sēċe eft, / earna þē |
Genesis A 2330a | f þe þæs eaforan sċamian, / | ac | iċ þǣm maĝu-rinċe || mī |
Genesis A 2383b | htnes / nealles glædlīċe, || | ac | hēo ġēarum frōd / þone hl |
Genesis A 2424b | ne wolde / torn þrōwian, || | ac | him tō sende / stīþ-mōd cyn |
Genesis A 2495b | estum, / swā hīe fundodon, || | ac | ðǣr frame wǣron / Godes spel |
Genesis A 2537b | e sparode / eorl mid idesum, || | ac | hē ofstum forþ / lāstas leġ |
Genesis A 2593b | m fæstenne / lenġ eardian, || | ac | him Lōth ġe·wāt / of byrġ |
Genesis A 2694a | æs || iċ þē wēan ūðe. / | Ac | iċ mē, gumena bealdor, || g |
Genesis A 2732a | lf-sċīenu, || mīne trǣde, / | ac | him hyġe-tēonan || hwītan |
Genesis A 2735b | r sēċan, / winas uncūðe, || | ac | wuniaþ hēr’. / Abraham frem |
Genesis A 2749b | ċan% / mann-rīm mæġeþ, || | ac | him þæt metod for·stōd, / o |
Genesis A 2860b | for·sæt hē þȳ sīðe, || | ac | sōna on·gann / fȳsan tō fō |
Genesis A 2865b | endes / hǣse wiþ·hoĝode, || | ac | hine sē hālĝa wer / ġierde |
Genesis A 2915a | ne sleah þīn āĝen bearn, / | ac | þū cwicne ā·breġd || cni |
Exodus 243a | ēapum || mæġen swīðrode, / | ac | hīe be wæstmum || on% wīġ |
Exodus 416b | æt-niman, / hāliġ tīber, || | ac | mid handa be·fēng. / Þā him |
Exodus 443a | orĝa sand%, || sealte ȳða. / | ac | hīe ġe·sittaþ || be sǣm |
Exodus 457b | e·cōm / herġes tō hāme, || | ac | be·hindan be·lēac / wyrd mid |
Exodus 489b | æþ, / mere-strēames mōd, || | ac | hē maniĝum ġe·sċōd / ġie |
Exodus 513a | a hryre, || hæleþa cwēnum, / | ac | þā mæġen-þrēatas || mer |
Daniel 107a | arnum. || Nā hē ǣ fremede, / | ac | in ofer-hyġde || ǣġhwæs% |
Daniel 118a | d. || Næs him blīðe hyġe, / | ac | him sorh ā·stāh, || swefne |
Daniel 170a | todes || meahte ġe·līefan, / | ac | hē wyrċan on·gann || wēoh |
Daniel 198b | noldon / habban ne healdan, || | ac | þone hēan cyning, / gasta hie |
Daniel 265a | þe% in þǣm bēote wǣron, / | ac | þæt fȳr fȳr sċēode || t |
Daniel 274a | % ofene% || āwiht ne derede, / | ac | wæs ðǣr inne || ealles ġe |
Daniel 343b | e wæs / āwiht ġe·eġled, || | ac | hē on andan slōh / fȳr on f |
Daniel 437b | ē feax fȳre be·swǣled, || | ac | hīe on friðe dryhtnes / of þ |
Daniel 465b | ll-bodan, / frēcnan fȳres, || | ac | him friþ dryhtnes / wiþ þæs |
Daniel 489a | Godes. || ā þȳ sēl dyde, / | ac | þǣm æðelinge || ofer-hyġ |
Daniel 500a | | Næs hē bearwe ġe·līċ, / | ac | hē hlīfode% || tō heofon-t |
Daniel 530a | nde || þæt hīe hit wiston, / | ac | hē cunnode || hū hīe cweð |
Daniel 572a | || būtan wild-dēora þēaw, / | ac | þū libbende || lange þrā |
Daniel 575b | res gærs, / ne ræst witod, || | ac | þeċ reġna sċūr / weċeþ a |
Daniel 596b | de, / middan-ġeardes weard, || | ac | his mōd ā·stāh, / hēah fra |
Daniel 646b | ldor / wītĝena word-cwide, || | ac | hē wīde bēad / metodes meaht |
Daniel 745a | s, || nē þē duĝuþe cann, / | ac | þē unċēapunga || or-læġ |
Daniel 757a | n || in his ǣhte ġe·weald, / | ac | þæt oftor ġe·cwæþ || ea |
Christ and Satan 30a | ofonum || hēah-ġe·timbrod, / | ac | ġe·dūfan sċulon || in þo |
Christ and Satan 111a | u || tō þissum dimman hām. / | Ac% | iċ sċeall on flyġe || and |
Christ and Satan 124b | % brytta, / wihta% wealdend. || | Ac% | hit mē% wierse ġe·lamp!% |
Christ and Satan 267a | rðan || ǣfre ġe·hrīnan%, / | ac | iċ be heandum mōt || hǣðe |
Christ and Satan 291b | hē ūs nā for·lǣteþ, || | ac | līf sileþ / uppe mid englum, |
Christ and Satan 325a | Þæt wæs fæstliċ þrēat; / | ac | sċeoldon his þeġnas || ð |
Christ and Satan 330b | alles þæs / gōda lēase%, || | ac% | nemþe gryndes ād% / wunian ne |
Christ and Satan 346b | dne Crīst / rodera rīċes, || | ac | hē on riht ġe·hēold / hīre |
Christ and Satan 406b | dġe sāwle%, / Adames cynn, || | ac% | ne mōste Efe% þā ġīet / wl |
Christ and Satan 448b | dres lēoht / habban mōton, || | ac | in helle grund, / ne hīe ed-ċ |
Christ and Satan 518a | lan || mæġene wiþ·habban, / | ac% | hē ūt ēode, || engla driht |
Christ and Satan 624b | englum || swā ōðre dydon, / | ac% | him biþ reordende / ēċe drih |
Christ and Satan 676a | iten nǣre, / nemþe mē ānne. / | ac | ġe·seted hafast, || siĝore |
Christ and Satan 15a | nes, || nealles Godes rīċe. / | Ac | iċ þē hāte || þurh þā |
Christ and Satan 17a | -warum || hiht ne ā·bēode, / | ac | þū him seċġan meaht || so |
Andreas 38b | e, / hæleþ heoru-grǣdġe, || | ac | hīe hīeġ and gærs / for met |
Andreas 281a | þēodġe || eardes brūcaþ, / | ac | on ðǣre ċeastre || cwealm |
Andreas 634b | tēon-cwide / on hran-rāde, || | ac | min hyġe blissaþ, / wynnum wr |
Andreas 637a | cne. || Ne eom iċ ana þæt, / | ac | manna ġe·hwǣm% || mōd bi |
Andreas 736b | bod / wunder fore weorodum, || | ac | of wealle ā·hlēop, / frōd f |
Andreas 1083a | || cwicne ne% ġe·mētton%, / | ac | ðǣr heoru-drēorġe || hier |
Andreas 1209b | Ne mīþ þū for meniġu, || | ac | þīnne mōd-sefan / staðola w |
Andreas 1476a | eġe || drēore be·stīemed, / | ac | wæs eft swā ǣr || þurh þ |
Andreas 1592a | ǣr ȳðe || āne be·sencte, / | ac | þæs weorodes ēac || þā w |
Andreas 36b | arþ / hleahtre be·hworfen, || | ac | on helle ċeafl / sīþ ā·set |
The Fates of the Apostles 19b | inges, / ǣnġes on eorðan, || | ac | him ēċe ġe·ċēas / langsum |
The Fates of the Apostles 34b | ðor læt, / sīðes sǣne, || | ac | þurh sweordes bīte / mid Iūd |
The Fates of the Apostles 115a | godcundes || gæstes brūce. / | Ac | utu we þe ġeornor || tō go |
Soul and Body I 61a | da || þe þū ġō āhtest, / | ac | hēr sċolon on·bīdan || b |
Soul and Body I 95b | reorde / wunde wiðer-lēan. || | Ac | hwæt wilt þū ðǣr / on þǣ |
Soul and Body I 100b | / drihten æt þǣm dōme. || | Ac | hwæt dō wit unc? / Sċulon wi |
Soul and Body I 154b | um wāt / wyrmum tō wiste, || | ac | þæt wolde God, / þæt þū |
Soul and Body I 162b | abban / sorĝe on hreðere%, || | ac | wit selfe maĝon / æt þǣm d |
Dream of the Rood 11a | ǣr hūru fracuðes ġealga, / | ac | hine ðǣr be·hēoldon || h |
Dream of the Rood 43b | allan tō foldan sċeatum, || | ac | iċ sċolde fæste standan. / r |
Dream of the Rood 115a | hē ǣr on þām bēame dyde. / | ac | hīe þonne forhtiaþ, || and |
Dream of the Rood 119a | um bereþ || bēacna sēlest, / | ac | þurh þā rōde sċeall || r |
Dream of the Rood 132b | a fela / frēonda on foldan, || | ac | hīe forþ heonan / ġewiton of |
Elene 222b | ierwan%, / hire selfre suna, || | ac | wæs% sōna ġearu, / wīf on w |
Elene 355b | af, / hālġe hyġe-frōfre, || | ac | hīe hieredon mē%, / fēodon |
Elene 12b | ealdan, / duĝuþum wealdan, || | ac | þāra dōm leofaþ / and hira |
Elene 31b | od on·gann / sēċan wolde, || | ac | iċ simle mec / ā·sċēd þā |
Elene 55b | / ne ġeald hē yfel yfele, || | ac | his eald-fēondum / þingode þ |
Elene 131a | || þæs hēo him tō sōhte, / | ac | hēo worda ġe·hwæs || wið |
Elene 866b | nd cumaþ, / wuldor-cyninge, || | ac | hīe worpene bēoþ / of þām |
Christ A 56a | -ġearde || īewed weorðeþ, / | ac | þē firena ġe·hwelċ || fe |
Christ A 95b | nnum nis / cūþ ġe·rȳne, || | ac | Crīst on·wrāh / on Dauides | |
Christ A 156b | rre, / meniġu þus miċele, || | ac | þū miltse on ūs / ġe·cȳþ |
Christ A 200b | hwǣr, / ǣnġes on eorðan, || | ac | mē ēaden wearþ, / ġungre on |
Christ A 345a | -dene || ġe·dwolan hīeran, / | ac | þæt hē ūsiċ ġe·ferġe |
Christ A 421b | ĝend / mannes ofer moldan; || | ac | þæt wæs mā cræft / þonne |
Christ B 477a | . || Nǣfre iċ fram hweorfe, / | ac | iċ lufan simle || lǣste wi |
Christ B 707b | īemdon, / gæstes þearfe, || | ac | hīe godes tempel / brǣcon and |
Christ C 963a | e lȳtlum, || lēode ġōmre, / | ac | fore þām mǣstan || mæġen |
Christ C 1002a | yne losian || landes āhwǣr, / | ac | þæt fȳr nimeþ || þurh fo |
Christ C 1049b | e sindon him dǣda dierne, || | ac | ðǣr biþ drihtne cūþ / on |
Christ C 1054b | ·holen / manna ġe·hyġda, || | ac | sē mǣra dæġ / hreðer-locen |
Christ C 1293a | ira iermþu || ān tō wīte, / | ac | þāra ōðerra || ēad tō s |
Christ C 1366b | ·wēnan, / līfes ne lissa, || | ac | ðǣr lēan cumaþ / werum be |
Christ C 1393a | īfes word || lǣstan noldes, / | ac | min be·bod brǣce || be þī |
Christ C 1428b | wann. / Næs mē for mōde, || | ac | iċ on maĝu-ġuĝuþe / iermþ |
Christ C 1476a | þe iċ ā·drēah fore þē, / | ac | for·ġield mē þīn līf, | |
Christ C 1544a | re, || wamm of ðǣre sāwle, / | ac | ðǣr sē dēopa sēaþ || dr |
Christ C 1567b | ne biþ, / synne cwīðaþ; || | ac | hīe tō sīþ dōþ / gǣstum |
Christ C 1576b | ed, / ne nǣngum yflum wēl, || | ac | ðǣr ǣġhwæðer / ānfealde |
Christ C 1597a | ēan faran || tō feorh-nere, / | ac | sē bryne bindeþ || bidfæst |
Christ C 1640a | þe nā ġe·endod weorðeþ, / | ac | ðǣr simle forþ || synna l |
Christ C 1662b | bryne, / ne ċiele ne cearu, || | ac | ðǣr cininges ġiefe% / āwa b |
Widsith 38a | Offan || eorlsċipe fremede, / | ac | Offa ġe·slōh || ǣrest man |
The Fortunes of Men 54a | an his mūðe || mōde sīne, / | ac | sċeall full earmlīċe || ea |
Maxims I 11b | ne gamolaþ hē on gǣste, || | ac | hē is ġīen swā hē wæs, / |
Maxims I 151b | , / morðor-cwealm mæċġa, || | ac | hit ā māre wille. / Wrǣd sċ |
The Order of the World 31a | anne || godes āĝen be·bod; / | ac | we sċulon þancian || þēod |
The Order of the World 86b | wāciaþ þās ġe·weorc, || | ac | hē hīe% wēl healdeþ; / stan |
The Riming Poem 25a | l. || Gamen% sibbe ne ofoll, / | ac | wæs ġieffæst ġēar, || ġ |
The Riming Poem 76a | iġeþ, || lima wyrm friteþ, / | ac | him wenne ġe·wiġeþ || and |
Soul and Body II 56a | lfor || ne þīnra gōda nan, / | ac | hēr sċulon ā·bīdan || b |
Soul and Body II 88b | reorde / wunde wiðer-lēan. || | Ac | hwæt wilt þū ðǣr / on dōm |
Soul and Body II 93b | e biþ / drihten æt dōme. || | Ac | hwæt dō wit unc, / þonne hē |
Guthlac A 11b | , / eder-gang fore iermþum, || | ac | ðǣr biþ engla drēam, / sibb |
Guthlac A 20b | uniaþ / līf ā·springeþ, || | ac | him biþ lenġe hū sēl; / ġu |
Guthlac A 151b | tsunga / lǣnes līf-welan, || | ac | þæt land gode / fæġere ġe |
Guthlac A 188a | æf-ēste || ān-for·lǣtan, / | ac | tō Gūð·lāces || gǣste |
Guthlac A 202b | wæs / Gūð·lāces gǣst, || | ac | him god sealde / ellen wiþ þ |
Guthlac A 222a | t swefeþ || on lima ræstum, / | ac | hīe hlēolēase || hāma þo |
Guthlac A 228b | ·dǣlan / wiþ līċ-haman, || | ac | hīe lyġe-searwum / ā·hōfon |
Guthlac A 247b | re stande, / manna weorodes, || | ac | mē māra dæl / on godcundum | |
Guthlac A 259b | ow / ġe·dwolan drēoĝan, || | ac | mec dryhtnes hand / mundaþ mid |
Guthlac A 294b | ng. / Ne wand hē for worde, || | ac | his wiðer-brecum / sorĝe ġe |
Guthlac A 306a | d-gyte || ġe·būn weorðan, / | ac | iċ mīnum Crīste || cwēman |
Guthlac A 310b | ost-sefa / forht ne fǣġe, || | ac | mē friðe healdeþ / ofer mann |
Guthlac A 321a | id mōde || miċeles ġierne, / | ac | mē dōĝra ġe·hwǣm || dri |
Guthlac A 332a | manna || miltse ġe·dǣlde, / | ac | ġe·synta bæd || sāwla ġe |
Guthlac A 359b | illan / langaþ ġe·lettan, || | ac | hē on þæs lārēowes / wǣre |
Guthlac A 372b | ċeaft / dēaþ ġe·dǣlan, || | ac | hē ġe·drēosan sċeall, / sw |
Guthlac A 378a | on ġē mīne sāwle grētan, / | ac | ġē on beteran ġe·bringaþ |
Guthlac A 399b | wann hē aefter weorolde, || | ac | hē on wuldre ā·hōf / mōdes |
Guthlac A 422a | ondas || ġe·fēon þorfton, / | ac | þæs blǣdes hræðe || ġe |
Guthlac A 462a | ne; || nealles gode þiġaþ, / | ac | hīe līċ-haman || fore lufa |
Guthlac A 484a | þyldum || þiċġan woldon, / | ac | mec ierrunga || up ġe·lǣdo |
Guthlac A 497b | restan / blǣde ġe·beran, || | ac | hīe blissiaþ / weorolde wynnu |
Guthlac A 505b | . / Þæt ġē ne sċīraþ, || | ac | ġē sċyldiġra / synne seċġ |
Guthlac A 545a | gnornunga || gǣste sċōdon, / | ac | sē hearda hyġe || hāliġ w |
Guthlac A 550b | an mōston, / synna hierdas, || | ac | sēo sāwol bād / on līċ-ham |
Guthlac A 614b | f mōten / drihtne seċġan, || | ac | ġē dēaðe sċulon / weallend |
Guthlac A 633a | ā wunian || on wynn-daĝum, / | ac | mid sċame sċyldum || sċofe |
Guthlac A 701a | tō dare || ġe·dōn mōton, / | ac | ġē hine ġe·sundne ā·set |
Guthlac A 756a | ofer eorðan || ielda cynnes, / | ac | swelċ% god wyrċeþ || gǣst |
Guthlac B 831a | es dryre || ne dēaðes cyme, / | ac | hē on þām lande || libban |
Guthlac B 836a | lda tīd || ende ġe·bīdan, / | ac | aefter fierste || tō þām f |
Guthlac B 846a | wealdendes || willan lǣsten, / | ac | his wīf ġe·nam || wyrmes l |
Guthlac B 925b | ðode, / hēan, hyhta lēas, || | ac | sē hālĝa wer / ielda ġe·hw |
Guthlac B 963b | ōde, / ne dēaþ-ġe·dāl, || | ac | him dryhtnes lof / born on brē |
Guthlac B 991b | c, / dēopan dēað-wēġes, || | ac | him duru selfa / on þā slīð |
Guthlac B 995b | tandan, / rīcra ne hēanra, || | ac | hine rǣseþ inn / ġīfrum gr |
Guthlac B 1055b | an-bǣru / habban ne meahte, || | ac | hē hāte lēt / torn þoliende |
Guthlac B 1072b | stǣlan, / līċes leahtor, || | ac | on līeġe sċulon / sorĝ-wiel |
Riddles 15 17a | n, || (nele þæt rǣd tele), / | ac | iċ sċeall framlīċe || fē |
Riddles 20 28b | de ne mōt / hǣmed habban, || | ac | mē þæs hiht-pleĝan / ġīen |
Riddles 22 6b | olan, / swā hīe fundodon, || | ac | wæs flōd tō dēop, / atol ȳ |
Riddles 3 7b | ġes / of þām āĝlǣċe%, || | ac | iċ ēðel-stōl / hæleþa hr |
Riddles 36 10a | ne wæs þæt nā fuĝol ana, / | ac | ðǣr wæs ǣġhwelċes || ā |
Riddles 37 6b | eall / innoþ þām ōðrum, || | ac | him eft cymeþ / bōt on bōsme |
Riddles 39 8a | nǣfre || niht ðǣr ōðre, / | ac | hēo sċeall wīde-feorh || w |
Riddles 39 13b | ræc, / ne ġe·witt hafaþ, || | ac | ġe·writu seċġaþ / þæt s |
Riddles 39 16b | faþ hīo sāwle ne feorh, || | ac | hēo sīðas sċeall / ġond þ |
Riddles 39 21a | hrān, || ne tō helle mōt, / | ac | hēo sċeall wīde-feorh || w |
Riddles 40 99b | occas / wrǣste ġe·wundne, || | ac | iċ eom wīde calu; / ne iċ br |
Riddles 40 101a | ne brūna || brūcan mōste, / | ac | mec be·sċierede || sċieppe |
Riddles 5 7a | ieldum || eall for·wurðe%, / | ac | mec hnossiaþ || hamora lāfe |
The Judgment Day I 20b | īeneþ / lēohte of lyfte, || | ac | ā be·locen standeþ, / siþþ |
The Judgment Day I 23b | ; / nis þæt betliċ bold%, || | ac | ðǣr is brōĝna hīehst, / ne |
The Judgment Day I 24b | st, / ne noht hyhtliċ hām, || | ac | ðǣr is helle grund, / sārli |
The Judgment Day I 40b | e biþ hēr bān ne blōd, || | ac | sċeall bearna ġe·hwelċ / mi |
The Judgment Day I 45b | . / Ne tȳtaþ hēr tungol, || | ac | biþ tīr sċæcen, / eorðan b |
The Judgment Day I 116a | mæġ || wyrd under heofonum, / | ac | hit þus ġe·limpan sċeall |
The Descent into Hell 17a | | þā hīe on weġ ċierdon. / | Ac | ðǣr cōm on ūhtan || ān e |
The Descent into Hell 39b | -ġeatum / lǣdan ne wolde, || | ac | þā locu fēollon, / clūstor |
The Descent into Hell 113a | þearfe, || þēoda wealdend, / | ac | for þām miltsum || þe þū |
The Lord's Prayer I 10a | tunga || cnyssan tō swīðe, / | ac | þū ūs frēodōm% ġief, || |
Azarias 61a | | swā hira līċe ne sċōd, / | ac | wæs on þām ofene%, || þā |
Azarias 165b | e, / ā·cwellan% cnihta ǣ, || | ac | hīe Crīst sċielde. / Hwearf |
Azarias 177b | sċieðeþ, / ofenes ǣled, || | ac | him is enġel mid, / hafaþ beo |
Azarias 186a | inges || weorn ġe·hīerdon, / | ac | ēodon of þām fȳre, || feo |
Azarias 188b | ōd / ġīfre glēda nīþ%, || | ac | hīe mid gǣst-lufan / synne ġ |
Riddles 60 6a | n ānade || eard be·hēolde, / | ac | mec ūhtna ġe·hwǣm || ȳþ |
Riddles 83 9a | de; || iċ him yfele ne mōt, / | ac | iċ hæft-nīed% || hwīlum |
Riddles 83 12a | ġeardes || mæġen unlȳtel, / | ac | iċ mīðan sċeall || manna |
Riddles 88 9a | a || / oft ġond []fġeaf, || / | ac | iċ up-lang stōd, ðǣr iċ[ |
Riddles 88 21a | de. || Nis min brōðor hēr, / | ac | iċ sċeall brōðorlēas || |
Riddles 93 23a | n fēore || wansċeaft mīne, / | ac | iċ āĝlǣċa || ealle þoli |
The Phoenix 5b | ġe·fēre / folc-āĝendra, || | ac | hē ā·fierred is / þurh meto |
The Phoenix 19b | -sċūr / wihte ġe·wyrdan, || | ac | sē wang seomaþ / ēadiġ and |
The Phoenix 26b | linaþ ā / unsmēðes wiht, || | ac | sē æðela feld / wrīdaþ und |
The Phoenix 35b | drēosaþ, / beorhte blǣde, || | ac | þā bēamas ā / grēne standa |
The Phoenix 62b | leþ, / lyfte ġe·bisiĝod, || | ac | ðǣr laĝu-strēamas, / wundru |
The Phoenix 75b | stman, / wudu-bēama wlite, || | ac | ðǣr wrætlīċe / on þām tr |
The Phoenix 180b | iht / sċieldum sċieþþan, || | ac | ġe·sċielded ā / wunaþ un- |
The Phoenix 317a | urh lyft || lācaþ fiðerum, / | ac | hē is snell and swift || and |
The Phoenix 596a | e·māh || facne sċieþþan, / | ac | ðǣr libbaþ ā || lēohte w |
The Phoenix 609a | ġung, || ǣfre ne sweðraþ, / | ac | hīe on wlite wuniaþ, || wul |
Juliana 85b | / þæt iċ hīe ne sparie, || | ac | on spild ġiefe, / þēoden mǣ |
Juliana 153a | ierrestum || wītes þeġnum, / | ac | iċ weorðie || wuldres ealdo |
Juliana 385b | onan / būĝan fram beadwe, || | ac | hē bord on·ġēan / hefeþ hy |
Juliana 388a | -rēaf, || nele gode swīcan. / | ac | hē beald on ġe·bede || bī |
Juliana 393b | æfte / gūðe wiþ·gangan. || | ac | iċ ġōmor sċeall / sēċan |
The Gifts of Men 27a | hyċġe || hēan-spēdiġran; / | ac | hē ġe·dǣleþ, || sē þe |
The Gifts of Men 104a | wīsdōm || and weorca blǣd; / | ac | hē missenlīċe || manna cyn |
Precepts 24b | dan fēore, / ǣngum eahta, || | ac | þū þe ānne ġe·nim / tō |
Precepts 29b | Ne ā·swīc sundor-wine, || | ac | ā simle ġe·heald / rihtum ġ |
Precepts 68b | -ġe·writu / healdan wille, || | ac | him hyġe brosnaþ, / ellen cō |
Precepts 72b | ·ġieldan / sāwol-sūsles. || | Ac | lǣt þīnne sefan healdan / fo |
Precepts 85b | grund / wielme be·smītan, || | ac | him warnaþ þæt / on ġe·heo |
Precepts 92a | de lǣt || menn tō fracuþe, / | ac | bēo lēof-wende, || lēoht o |
The Seafarer 47a | | nefne ymb ȳða ġe·wealc, / | ac | ā hafaþ langunge || sē þe |
Beowulf 109b | ·feah hē ðǣre fǣhþe, || | ac | hē hine feorr for·wræc, / me |
Beowulf 135a | um. || Næs hit lengra frist, / | ac | ymb āne niht || eft ġe·fre |
Beowulf 159a | e bōte || tō banan% folmum, / | ac% | sē% ǣĝlǣċa || ēhtende w |
Beowulf 339a | || nealles for wræc-sīðum, / | ac | for hyġe-þrymmum || Hrōð |
Beowulf 438b | d, / ġeolo-rand tō gūðe, || | ac | iċ mid grāpe sċeall / fōn w |
Beowulf 446b | ne þearft / hafolan hȳdan, || | ac | hē mē habban wile / drēore f |
Beowulf 565a | sǣton || sǣ-ġrunde nēah; / | ac | on merġenne || mēċum wunde |
Beowulf 595a | mm, || swā þū self talast. / | Ac | hē hafaþ on·funden || þæ |
Beowulf 599b | gum āraþ / lēode Deniġa, || | ac | hē lust wiġeþ, / swefeþ and |
Beowulf 601b | ne wēneþ / tō Gār-Denum. || | Ac | iċ him Ġēata sċeall / eafo |
Beowulf 683b | f sīe / nīþ-ġe·weorca; || | ac | wit on niht sċulon / seċġe o |
Beowulf 694a | || ðǣr hē ā·fēded wæs; / | ac | hīe hæfdon ġe·frugnen || |
Beowulf 696b | for·nam, / Deniġea lēode. || | Ac | him drihten for·ġeaf / wīġ- |
Beowulf 708a | a% || under sċadu breġdan; / | ac | hē wæċċende || wrāðum o |
Beowulf 740a | āĝlǣċa || ieldan þōhte, / | ac | hē ġe·fēng hræðe || for |
Beowulf 773b | fēoll, / fǣġer fold-bold; || | ac | hē þæs fæste wæs / innan a |
Beowulf 804a | -billa nan, || grētan nolde, / | ac | hē siġe-wǣpnum || for·swo |
Beowulf 813a | līċ-hama || lǣstan nolde%, / | ac | hine sē mōdĝa || mǣġ Hy |
Beowulf 863b | on, / glædne Hrōð·gār, || | ac | þæt wæs gōd cyning. / Hwīl |
Beowulf 975b | ona, / synnum ġe·swenċed, || | ac | hine sār hafaþ / mid% nīed-g |
Beowulf 1004a | nne, || fremme sē þe wille, / | ac | ġe·sēċan% sċeall || sāw |
Beowulf 1085b | ringan / þēodnes þeġna; || | ac | hīe him ġe·þingu budon, / |
Beowulf 1300a | rn. || Næs Bēow·ulf ðǣr, / | ac | wæs ōðer inn || ǣr ġe·t |
Beowulf 1448a | , || ealdre ġe·sċeþþan; / | ac | sē hwīta helm || hafolan we |
Beowulf 1509b | wæs, / wǣpna ġe·wealdan, || | ac | hine wundra þæs fela / swenct |
Beowulf 1524b | nolde, / ealdre sċeþþan, || | ac | sēo eċġ ġe·swāc / þēodn |
Beowulf 1576b | ċġ fracuþ / hilde-rinċe, || | ac | hē hræðe wolde / Grendle for |
Beowulf 1661a | þēah þæt wǣpₑn duĝe; / | ac | mē ġe·ūðe || ielda weald |
Beowulf 1711b | wēox hē him tō willan, || | ac | tō wæl-fielle / and tō dēa |
Beowulf 1738b | hwǣr / eċġ-hete īeweþ, || | ac | him eall weorold / wendeþ on w |
Beowulf 1878a | ielm || for·beran ne meahte, / | ac | him on hreðere || hyġe-bend |
Beowulf 1893b | nōsan / ġiestas% grētte, || | ac | him tō·ġēanes rād, / cwæ |
Beowulf 1936a | n dæġes || ēaĝum starode, / | ac | him wæl-bende || witode teal |
Beowulf 1990b | wæter, / hilde tō Heorote? || | Ac | þū Hrōð·gāre / wīd-cūð |
Beowulf 2084a | m gold-sele || gangan wolde, / | ac | hē mæġenes rōf || min cos |
Beowulf 2142a | Næs iċ fǣġe þā-ġīet, / | ac | mē eorla hlēow || eft ġe· |
Beowulf 2146b | n hæfde, / mæġenes mēde, || | ac | hē mē māðmas% ġeaf, / sunu |
Beowulf 2181a | tas; || næs him hrēoh sefa, / | ac | hē mann-cynnes || mǣste cr |
Beowulf 2223a | ē þe him sāre ġe·sċōd, / | ac | for þrēa-nīedlan || þēow |
Beowulf 2308b | alle læġ%, / bīdan wolde, || | ac | mid bǣle for, / fȳre ġe·fȳ |
Beowulf 2477b | woldon / ofer heafu healdan, || | ac | ymb Hrēosna-beorh / atolne inw |
Beowulf 2505a | eorðunge, || bringan mōste, / | ac | on campe% ġe·crang || cumbl |
Beowulf 2507a | elne; || ne wæs eċġ bana, / | ac | him hilde-grāp || heortan wi |
Beowulf 2522a | iċ ġō wiþ Grendle dyde. / | Ac | iċ ðǣr heaðu-fȳres || h |
Beowulf 2525b | d / for·flēon fōtes trem, || | ac | unc furður% sċeall / weorðan |
Beowulf 2598b | ġe·stōdon / hilde-cystum, || | ac | hīe on holt buĝon, / ealdre b |
Beowulf 2675a | ĝan || ġēoce ġe·fremman, / | ac | sē maĝa ġunga || under his |
Beowulf 2697b | hēdde hē þæs hafolan, || | ac | sēo hand ġe·bearn / mōdġes |
Beowulf 2772b | rmes ðǣr / ansīen ǣniġ, || | ac | hine eċġ for·nam. / Þā iċ |
Beowulf 2828a | -boĝen || wealdan ne mōste, / | ac | hine īrenna || eċġa for·n |
Beowulf 2834b | hta wlanc / ansīen īewde, || | ac | hē eorðan ġe·fēoll / for |
Beowulf 2850a | dryhtnes || miċelan þearfe, / | ac | hīe sċamiende || sċieldas |
Beowulf 2899a | a || sē þe næss ġe·rād, / | ac | hē sōðlīċe || sæġde of |
Beowulf 2923b | e trēowe / wihte ne wēne, || | ac | wæs wīde cūþ / þætte Ange |
Beowulf 2968b | þēah, / gamola Sċielfing, || | ac | for·ġeald hræðe / wiersan w |
Beowulf 2973a | eorle || andslieht% ġiefan, / | ac | hē him on heafde || helm ǣr |
Beowulf 2976a | næs hē fǣġe þā-ġīet, / | ac | hē hine ġe·wierpte, || þ |
Beowulf 3011b | meltan mid þǣm mōdĝan, || | ac | ðǣr is mādma hord, / gold un |
Beowulf 3018a | healse || hrinġ-weorðunge, / | ac | sċeall ġōmor-mōd, || gold |
Beowulf 3024b | swēġ / wīġend weċċan, || | ac | sē wanna hræfn / fūs ofer f |
Judith 60b | þafian, þrymmes hierde, || | ac | hē him þæs þinġes ġe·s |
Judith 119b | mōte / of þǣm wyrm-sele, || | ac | ðǣr wunian sċeall / āwa tō |
Judith 183b | ðor ġīet / īeċan wolde, || | ac | him ne ūðe god / lengran līf |
Judith 209b | n tilian / fylle on fāĝum; || | ac | him flēah on lāst / earn ǣte |
The Paris Psalter 104:11 2a | ǣre cynn || miċel on rīme, / | ac | on þǣmfolce || fēawe wǣro |
The Paris Psalter 104:37 1a | rdane || gengdon% aefter. / / # / | Ac | hē wæs þāra worda || wēl |
The Paris Psalter 105:20 4a | ēac || woldan ġe·līefan; / | ac | hīe grānodon || and grame s |
The Paris Psalter 105:26 3a | drihten ǣr || dēma sæġde, / | ac | hīe wiþ mānfullum || mengd |
The Paris Psalter 111:7 4a | t·fæstan || fēonda ǣniġ, / | ac | hē ealle for·sihþ || ǣġh |
The Paris Psalter 113:9 2a | les ūs, || nerġend drihten, / | ac | we naman þīnum || nīede s |
The Paris Psalter 113:17 1a | st || on hracan eardaþ. / / # / | Ac | hēo wǣron þǣm wyrċendum |
The Paris Psalter 113:25 1a | heonan || helle sēċaþ. / / # / | Ac | we libbende || lēofne drihte |
The Paris Psalter 117:13 2b | æt iċ fæste ne fēoll, || | ac | iċ mē frōfre be·ġeat, / þ |
The Paris Psalter 117:17 1b | / Ne swelte iċ mid sāre, || | ac | iċ ġe·sund lifie / and weorc |
The Paris Psalter 118:23 1a | itnesse || wille sēċan. / / # / | Ac | nū ealdor-menn || ealle æt |
The Paris Psalter 118:37 3b | del / ġe·sēo þurh synne, || | ac | mē on sōðne weġ / þīnne |
The Paris Psalter 118:54 2a | īne || ān-for·lēton. / / # / | Ac | mē tō sange || simle hæfde |
The Paris Psalter 118:143 4a | runessa || nāmon ġe·lōme; / | ac | iċ þīne be·bodu || efnde |
The Paris Psalter 118:153 2a | esse || ǣr staðolodest. / / # / | Ac | min ēað-mēdu ġe·seoh% || |
The Paris Psalter 120:6 3a | niht || min ne ġe·weorðe, / | ac | þē ġe·healde || hāliġ d |
The Paris Psalter 124:4 3b | r willen / heandum rǣċan, || | ac | hē him hræðe ġieldeþ; / d |
The Paris Psalter 130:3 1a | er mē || wuniaþ ǣniġ. / / # / | Ac | iċ mid ēaþ-mēdum || eall |
The Paris Psalter 136:6 4a | te þē || simle æt frymþe; / | ac | iċ on Hierusālem || ġeorne |
The Paris Psalter 140:7 1a | enesse || be·cume ǣfre. / / # / | Ac% | mē sōþfæst || simle ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 146:12 1a | rċan || wrǣst on eorða / / # / | Ac | wēl līcaþ || wuldres driht |
The Paris Psalter 52:5 1a | n furþum || ealra wǣre. / / # / | Ac | ġē þæs ealle ne maĝon || |
The Paris Psalter 57:6 1a | æġen || lungre drihten. / / # / | Ac | hīe for·weorðan || wætere |
The Paris Psalter 58:11 1a | bann || ān·for·lǣton. / / # / | Ac | þū hīe wīde tō·drīf || |
The Paris Psalter 59:9 1a | umea || ēac ġe·lǣdan? / / # / | Ac | ne eart þū sē selfa% god, |
The Paris Psalter 63:4 3a | tiaþ, || eġesan ne habbaþ, / | ac | hīe mid wrāðum || wordum t |
The Paris Psalter 70:15 2a | n·ġeat || grame ċēapunga, / | ac | iċ on þīne þā miċelan | |
The Paris Psalter 77:4 2a | īðe || hira% synna diernan, / | ac | ielda ġe·hwelċ || ōðrum |
The Paris Psalter 77:20 5a | amlīċe || be gode sprǣcon: / | ‘Ac | we þæs ne% wēnaþ, || þæ |
The Paris Psalter 77:53 3a | on fyrhtu || fēondes eġesa, / | ac | ealle þā || ȳða for·nām |
The Paris Psalter 77:67 3a | ġe·ċēas || Effremes cynn, / | ac | hē ġe·ċēas Iudan him || |
The Paris Psalter 78:8 3a | rihta || þe we oft fremedon, / | ac | we hræðe be·ġytan || hyld |
The Paris Psalter 79:17 1a | e·wītaþ we fram þē. / / # / | Ac | þū ūs wēl cwica, || weald |
The Paris Psalter 80:12 1a | ·healdan || holde mōde. / / # / | Ac | hīe libban hēt || lustum he |
The Paris Psalter 81:5 2a | on hīe || nē ġeare wiston, / | ac | hīe on þīestrum || þrāĝ |
The Paris Psalter 88:31 2b | ille / fæġere ā·fierran, || | ac | him forþ swā-þēah / mīne s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 80a | stene || frōfre ġe·munde, / | ac | hē neowol ā·streaht || ni |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 31a | for·lǣt || rodera wealdend, / | ac | hē þone weleĝan || wǣdlum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 57b | ierðe / wǣron on weorolde. || | Ac | hit is wierse nū, / þæt ġon |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 50b | ædere / simble ġe·fēran, || | ac | hit is sēllicre / þæt hira |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 52a | æġ || būtan ōðrum bēon. / | Ac | sċeall wuhta ġe·hwelċ || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 74a | e·sċeaft || mearce healden. / | Ac | þonne sē ēċa || and sē |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 88a | elfe || siþþan tō nāuhte. / | Ac | sē ilca god, || sē þæt ea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 25b | iþþan / hire taman healde, || | ac | iċ teohhie / þæt hīo þæs |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 27a | an || nāuht ne ġe·hyċġe, / | ac | þone wildan ġe·wunan || wi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 23a | m flǣsċe || fold-būendra? / | Ac | nū ǣġhwelċ mann || þe mi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 28a | enn, || ġēara ġe·hwelċe. / | Ac | þæt is earmlicost || ealra |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 22a | | þe þū ġe·worht hafast; / | ac | mid þīnum willan || þū hi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 31a | an || ne cōm āuht tō þē, / | ac | iċ ġeorne wāt || þæt þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 43a | þe nāuht || āuðer worhte, / | ac | þū būtan bȳsne, || breĝu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 72a | ·gangan || for metodes eġe; / | ac | ġe·þwǣrod sint || þeġna |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 95b | wāt, / ǣfre ġe·standan, || | ac | hit sēo eorðe hielt / and swe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 220a | ·hæfen || ofer hīe selfe, / | ac | hēo biþ eallunga || ān hir |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 20a | sum iermþum || tō āĝanne. / | Ac | iċ ġeorne wāt || þætte g |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 25b | unga / sōðra ġe·sǣlþa, || | ac | hīe swīðor ġīet / manna ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 31a | ðlicu þinġ || ā flēondu. / | Ac | þæt is wundorliċ || wlite |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 35b | ðan sċylen / sāwla ūsse, || | ac | hē hīe selfa wile / lēoman o |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 4a | ne hrōf || heofones þisses, / | ac | ðǣr iċ nū mōste || mōd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 53a | ċ ǣfre || heonan ūt witan, / | ac | iċ simle hēr || sōfte will |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 17a | fēonde, || fēore ne ǣhtum, / | ac | hē rēðiġ-mōd || ræst on |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 68a | ynlan || ofer mǣġþ ġunge; / | ac | hē mid þǣm wīfe || wunode |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 71a | a% sīnra || ðǣr mid wesan, / | ac | hīe for þǣm iermþum || ea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 80a | n þonne word forþ·bringan, / | ac | hēo þrāg-mǣlum || þēota |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 91b | ·bītan / mennisċes metes, || | ac | hīe mā lufedon / dīera droht |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 117a | tō him || ǣfre on·wendan, / | ac | þā unþēawas || ǣlċes m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 22a | wolde || ōðer ā·cwellan. / | Ac | þæt is unryht || ǣġhwelcu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 25a | wā swā fuĝol oþþe dēor, / | ac | þæt wǣre rihtost, || þæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 36a | naþ || þæt sēo sunne dō, / | ac | sē wēna nis || wihte þe s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 66b | ēon / dōĝra ġe·hwelċe, || | ac | þæt dysġe folc / æs hit sel |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 72b | t hīe seldon ġe·sēoþ, || | ac | swīðor ġīet / weorold-menn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 76a | | is þæt earm·liċ þinċ. / | Ac | ġif hira ǣniġ || ǣfre weo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 45a | den || æðela ġe·sċeafta, / | ac | sē ēċa god || ealle ġe·m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 67a | en-tīd || leaf up sprȳtaþ. / | Ac | sē milda metod || manna bear |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 13b | līehtan / innan and ūtan. || | Ac | sē æl-mihtĝa / wealdend and |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 50a | d, ne wilt || wyrde stīeran, / | ac | on self-wille || sīĝan lǣt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 24a | anc || miċelum ġe·drēfan. / | Ac | ġif þū nū wilnast, || þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 11a | || fæġen þæt hīe mōton. / | Ac | sē stearca storm, || þonne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 22b | anna ǣngum / hūses hierde, || | ac | hit hrēosan wile, / sīĝan sa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 29a | oĝan, || unġemet ġe·menn. / | Ac | sē þe þā ēċan || āĝan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 26b | reċed / setton searulīċe, || | ac | hīe simle him / eallum tīdum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 42b | wæs / swelċe under sunnan. || | Ac | hit is sǣmre nū, / þæt þē |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 45a | || þæt hē māran ne recþ, / | ac | hit on witte || weallende bie |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 37a | ·wyrhtum || wōh-fremmendum, / | ac | hē on ferhþe fæġen || fā |
The Death of Alfred 3a | e on Win- || / ċeastre sæt, | ac | hit him ne ġe·þafode Godwi |
The Death of Alfred 6a | þēah hit unryht wǣre. || / | Ac | Godwine hine þā ġe·lette |
Solomon and Saturn 29a | e·līċ || ana hwearfaþ’. / | ‘Ac | hwā mæġ ēaðost || ealra |
Solomon and Saturn 46a | , || here-ġeatwa wiġeþ’. / | ‘Ac | hū-līċ is sē organ || inn |
Solomon and Saturn 159a | ah þe him sē wlite cwēme, / | ac | simle hē sċeall singan, || |
Solomon and Saturn 24a | īċe, || dryhtnes meahta’. / | ‘Ac | hwæt is sē dumba, || sē þ |
Solomon and Saturn 76a | a fruman%, || Vasa Mortis’. / | ‘Ac | hwæt is þæt wunder || þe |
Solomon and Saturn 81a | d-dēor || wihte be·swīcan, / | ac | him on hand gǣþ || heardes |
Solomon and Saturn 96a | me, || dēþ ūsiċ swā’. / | ‘Ac | for·hwon fealleþ sē snāw, |
Solomon and Saturn 130a | fēowere || fǣġe rapas’. / | ‘Ac | hwā dēmeþ þonne || drihtn |
Solomon and Saturn 133b | / nerġend of nihtes wunde? || | Ac | sæġe mē hwæt nærende wǣ |
Solomon and Saturn 134a | mē hwæt nærende wǣron’. / | ‘Ac | for·hwon ne mōt sēo sunne |
Solomon and Saturn 138a | Hū ġe·weorðeþ þæt?’ / | ‘Ac | for·hwǣm nǣron eorð-welan |
Solomon and Saturn 142a | ga || ēadĝum tō ræste’. / | ‘Ac | for·hwon bēoþ þā ġe·s |
Solomon and Saturn 151b | ardian, / ealdor ġe·efnan, || | ac | hira sċeall ānra ġe·hwel |
Solomon and Saturn 153a | þe hafaþ lǣsse mæġn%.’ / | ‘Ac | for·hwon þonne leofaþ || s |
Solomon and Saturn 157b | wīle / þone dēoran sīþ, || | ac | hē hine ā·drēoĝan sċeal |
Solomon and Saturn 158a | ine ā·drēoĝan sċeall’. / | ‘Ac | hū ġe·gangeþ þæt? || G |
Solomon and Saturn 180b | cenneþ, / bearnes blǣdes, || | ac | sċeall on ġe·byrd faran / ā |
Solomon and Saturn 182a | æt is eald ġe·sċeaft%.’ / | ‘Ac | for·hwon nele mann him on ġ |
Solomon and Saturn 188a | e mæġ dōn unlǣde swā’. / | ‘Ac | for·hwǣm winneþ þis wæte |
Solomon and Saturn 238a | cundes || gæstes brūcan’. / | ‘Ac | hwæt wīteþ ūs || wyrd sē |
Solomon and Saturn 242b | d mōdor, / dēaðes dohtor? || | Ac | tō·hwon drohtaþ hēo mid |
The Menologium 66b | aþ ā / wīsra ġe·wyrdum, || | ac | sċeall wintrum frōd / on circ |
The Judgment Day II 35a | wandian || wiht for tēarum, / | ac | drēorġe hlēor || dreċċa |
The Judgment Day II 61b | ġdum. / Hē mid lȳt wordum || | ac | ġe·lēaffullum / his hǣle be |
The Judgment Day II 71a | || ġe·hīereþ mid lustum? / | Ac | sē dæġ cymeþ || þonne d |
The Judgment Day II 172a | wesan, || dēman ġe·hende, / | ac | ealle þurh·eornþ || ōĝa |
The Judgment Day II 226a | ġe·mēt || ǣniġre blisse, / | ac% | ðǣr% biþ an-gristliċ || e |
The Judgment Day II 268a | agnes || ne ǣngu% gnornung, / | ac | ðǣr samod rīcsaþ || sibb |
The Creed 18a | fremmed || firen æt ġiftum, / | ac | ðǣr hāliġ gāst || hand- |
The Creed 45a | odas, || þrīwa ġe·nemned, / | ac | is ān God, || sē þe ealle |
Psalm 50 55a | nast || weora ǣnġes dēaþ; / | ac | þū synfulle || simle lǣrde |
Psalm 50 67a | a ēac || siþþan be·ēode. / | Ac | þū, selfa God, || sōþ ān |
Psalm 50 88a | ryht min || eall ā·dīlĝa. / | Ac | þū, drihten Crīst, || clǣ |
Psalm 50 125a | neata, || drihtne tō willan. / | Ac | þe miċele mā, || mehtiġ d |
A Prayer 39a | re eart, || mehtiġ drihten. / | Ac | is wunder miċel, || wealdend |
A Prayer 67a | īðas || oft and ġe·lōme. / | Ac | iċ þē hālsie nū, || heof |
A Prayer 75a | þū mē, || wuldres drihten, / | ac | ġe·tiġða mē, || tīr-ēa |
Aldhelm 13b | labor quem tenet / encratea, || | ac | hē ealneġ% sċeall / boethia |
The Seasons for Fasting 20a | fes frēan || lufian woldon; / | ac | him sē ende wearþ || earm a |
The Seasons for Fasting 31a | de% wæs || wamma be·dǣled. / | Ac | ā·rīsan on·gann || rīċe |
The Seasons for Fasting 38b | fylled, / wamme% ġe·wesed, || | ac | sċeall on wyrd sċacan. / Nū |
The Seasons for Fasting 92a | -fenġ || ǣfre ġe·wierðe, / | ac | þū þæt selfe% heald || þ |
The Seasons for Fasting 166a | %; || næs þæs leahtra nan, / | ac | on hinder ġe·wāt || hearme |
The Seasons for Fasting 173a | næfþ || mānes æt ēaĝum, / | ac | hē on hinder sċrīþ || and |
The Seasons for Fasting 198a | || and þæs bōte ne dēþ, / | ac | þā ā-bylĝþe || ealdere w |
The Seasons for Fasting 204a | od% mann || hēr ġe·fremme, / | ac | þū lāre sċealt || lustum |
The Seasons for Fasting 208a | e, || þæt is wuldres lāre. / | Ac | iċ seċġan mæġ, || sorĝu |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 16a | nytt || ūt ne tō·flōweþ. / | Ac | sē wæl wunaþ || on weres b |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 22a | || oþ hit tō fenne wierþ. / | Ac | hladaþ ēow nū drincan, || |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 10a | ore || forht ne ġe·wurðe, / | ac | ġe·hǣle mē æl-mehtiġ% a |
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 3a | n%, || ne nǣnne tūn habben, / | ac | þū sċealt norþ% eonene || |
The Battle of Finnsburh 5a | healle || hornas ne byrnaþ. / | Ac | hēr forþ beraþ; || fuĝola |
The Battle of Finnsburh 10a | ces nīþ || fremman willaþ. / | Ac | on·wācniaþ nū, || wīġen |
The Battle of Finnsburh 22a | ða heard || ā·niman wolde, / | ac | hē fræġn ofer eall || un-d |
The Battle of Finnsburh 42b | fēoll / dryht-ġe·sīða, || | ac | hīe þā duru hēoldon. / Þā |
The Battle of Maldon 82a | forda || flēam ġe·wyrċan, / | ac | hīe fæstlīċe || wiþ þā |
The Battle of Maldon 193a | īġ, || gūðe ne ġīemdon, / | ac | wendon fram þām wīġe || a |
The Battle of Maldon 247b | nille / flēon fōtes trym, || | ac | wille furður gān, / wrecan on |
The Battle of Maldon 252b | īðie, / wende fram wīġe, || | ac | mē sċeall wǣpen niman, / ord |
The Battle of Maldon 269a | || æt þām wīġ-pleĝan, / | ac | hē fȳsde forþ || flān ġe |
The Battle of Maldon 318a | ēores; || fram iċ ne wille, / | ac | iċ mē be healfe || mīnum h |