Number of occurrences in corpus: 79
Genesis B 493b | ofetes || and wende hine eft | þonan | / ðǣr hē wiste hand-ġe·weo |
Genesis A 1061a | rd-berende, || settan hēton. / | Þonan | his eaforan || ǣrest wōcon, |
Genesis A 1966a | þrymme miċele / sēċan sūþ | þonan | || Sōdoman and Gōmorran. / Þ |
Genesis A 2096a | ġe·rǣsde. / Þā wæs sūþ | þonan | || Sōdoma folce% / gūð-spell |
Genesis A 2928a | ðǣr ramm ġe·seah / unfeorr | þonan | || ānne standan, / brōðor Ā |
Christ and Satan 326b | atolan ēðles, || nealles up | þonan | / ġe·hīeran in heofonum || h |
Christ and Satan 473b | ertiġ bearna, || þæt forþ | þonan | / on% middan-ġeard% || meniġu |
Christ and Satan 633a | nd nā siþþan / þæt hīe up | þonan | || ǣfre mōton, / ah ðǣr ġe |
Christ and Satan 41b | d. / Þā him þūhte || þæt | þonan | wǣre / tō helle-duru || hund |
Andreas 1065a | up-ġe·mynd || engla blisse; / | þonan | bāsnode || under burĝ-locan |
The Fates of the Apostles 31b | le þrāĝe / lēode lǣrde, || | þonan | līfes weġ / sīðe ġe·sōht |
The Fates of the Apostles 38b | Philipus wæs / mid Asseum, || | þonan | ēċe līf / þurh rōde cwealm |
The Fates of the Apostles 61b | crang, / wund for weorodum, || | þonan | wuldres lēoht / sāwle ġe·s |
Elene 143b | ōm / Hūna herġes || hām eft | þonan. | / Þā wæs ġe·sīene || þæ |
Elene 148b | þā herġa helm || hām eft | þonan, | / hūðe hrēmiġ, || (hild wæ |
Elene 348b | wīðran, / þrymmes hierde. || | Þonan | iċ ne wēnde% / ǣfre tō eald |
Christ A 269a | up-cundan || æðelan rīċe, / | þonan | ūs ǣr þurh synlust || sē |
Christ B 535b | lĝan burh, / ġōmor-mōde, || | þonan | hīe god nīehst / up stīĝend |
Christ B 625b | rðan, / wyrmum ā·weallen, || | þonan | wītes fȳr / of ðǣre eorðan |
Christ B 759b | l-mihtiġne. || Hē his āras | þonan, | / hāliġ of heahðu, || hider |
Christ C 999b | armliċ ielda ġe·drēah. || | Þonan | ǣniġ ne mæġ, / firen-dǣdum |
Christ C 1595b | þ þēod-sċaðan || and nā | þonan | lǣteþ% / on ġe·ēan faran | |
Widsith 109a | e sang || sellan ne hīerdon. / | Þonan | iċ ealne ġeond·hwearf || |
Guthlac A 144b | r fela / setla ġe·sǣton. || | Þonan | sīþ tuĝon / wīde wāðe, || |
Guthlac A 325b | a mæġene. || Ġe·wāt eall | þonan | / fēonda meniġu. || Ne wæs s |
Guthlac B 1353b | helodne. || Hē sċeall hēan | þonan | / ġōmor hweorfan. || Þām bi |
Riddles 26 3b | ȳfde on wætere, || dyde eft | þonan, | / sette on sunnan, || ðǣr iċ |
Riddles 29 10b | illan, || ġe·wāt hire west | þonan | / fǣhþum fēran, || forþ ōn |
Riddles 73 27b | e. / Fēringe fram, || hē fūs | þonan | / wendeþ of þām wīcum. || W |
The Phoenix 113a | d hefeþ || on hēanne bēam, / | þonan | īeðost mæġ || on ēast-we |
The Phoenix 415b | e ferhþ, || þæt hīe feorr | þonan | / on þās dēað-dene || droht |
The Phoenix 554b | -wēriġ, || ġe·wīte hēan | þonan | / on langne sīþ, || lame be· |
Juliana 384b | flān-þræce, || nele feorr | þonan | / būĝan fram beadwe, || ac h |
Juliana 389b | fēðan, || iċ sċeall feorr | þonan | / hēan-mōd hweorfan, || hroð |
The Wanderer 23b | re be·wrāh || and iċ hēan | þonan | / wōd winter-ċeariġ || ofer |
Beowulf 111a | ȳ māne, || mann-cynne fram. / | Þonan | untydras || ealle on·wōcon, |
Beowulf 123b | e·nam / þrītiġ þeġna, || | þonan | eft ġe·wāt / hūðe hrēmiġ |
Beowulf 224b | d liden, / eoletes æt ende. || | Þonan | up hræðe / Wedera lēode || o |
Beowulf 463a | brōĝan || habban ne meahte. / | Þonan | hē ġe·sōhte || Sūð-Dena |
Beowulf 520a | u-Rǣmas || holm up æt-bær; / | þonan | hē ġe·sōhte || swǣsne ē |
Beowulf 691b | iġ hira þōhte || þæt hē | þonan | sċolde / eft eard-lufan || ǣf |
Beowulf 763b | re ġe·windan || and on weġ | þonan | / flēon on fenn-hopu; || wisse |
Beowulf 819b | ġiefeþe; || sċolde Grendel | þonan | / feorh-sēoc flēon || under f |
Beowulf 844b | hē wēriġ-mōd || on weġ | þonan, | / nīða ofer·cumen, || on nic |
Beowulf 853a | || ðǣr him hell on·fēng. / | Þonan | eft ġe·witon || eald-ġe·s |
Beowulf 1265b | am flēon, / wēsten warode. || | Þonan | wōc fela / ġō-sċeaft gasta; |
Beowulf 1292b | wæs on ofoste, || wolde ūt | þonan, | / fēore beorĝan, || þā hēo |
Beowulf 1373a | %. || Nis þæt hīere stōw. / | þonan | ȳþ-ġe·bland || up ā·st |
Beowulf 1601b | dingas; || ġe·wāt him hām | þonan | / gold-wine gumena. || Ġiestas |
Beowulf 1632a | l-drēore fāh. / Fērdon forþ | þonan | || fēðe-lāstum / ferhþum f |
Beowulf 1880b | iþ blōde. || Him Bēow·ulf | þonan, | / gūð-rinċ gold-wlanc, || gr |
Beowulf 1921b | fǣt-gold; || næs him feorr | þonan | / tō ġe·sēċanne || sinċes |
Beowulf 1960b | ōme hēold / ēðel sīnne; || | þonan | Ēomer% wōc / hæleþum tō he |
Beowulf 2061b | sċyldiġ; || him sē ōðer | þonan | / losaþ libbende%, || cann him |
Beowulf 2099b | d on Heorote || and hē hēan | þonan | / mōdes ġōmor || mere-grund |
Beowulf 2140b | / ēacnum eċġum, || unsōfte | þonan | / feorh oþ·ferede. || Næs i |
Beowulf 2359b | wealt, / bille ġe·bēaten. || | Þonan | Bēow·ulf cōm / selfes cræft |
Beowulf 2408b | ġe-ġōmor, || sċolde hēan | þonan | / wang wīsian. || Hē ofer wil |
Beowulf 2545b | stān-boĝan, || strēam ūt | þonan | / brecan of beorĝe. || Wæs ð |
Beowulf 2956b | earn and brȳde; || bēah eft | þonan | / eald under eorð-weall. || Þ |
Judith 118b | um for·þylmed, || þæt hē | þonan | mōte / of þǣm wyrm-sele, || |
The Paris Psalter 102:18 3a | hēah-setl || hrōr timbrode, / | þonan | hē eorð-rīċum || eallum w |
The Paris Psalter 105:28 1a | e·curon || Chananea god. / / # / | Þonan | eorðe wearþ || eall mid bl |
The Paris Psalter 106:13 1b | hīe of þǣm þīestrum || | þonan | ā·lǣde / and of dēaðes sċ |
The Paris Psalter 107:9 2b | ·trymede, || þæt iċ forþ | þonan | / on Idumea wese || eft ġe·l |
The Paris Psalter 146:8 2a | || hādrum wolcnum / and reġn | þonan | || recene sendeþ / þe þēos |
The Paris Psalter 64:10 2b | wætere / fæste ġe·fylde, || | þonan | feorh-nere / findaþ fold-būen |
The Paris Psalter 67:8 3a | ond westenna || wīde feraþ, / | þonan | eorðe biþ || eall on·hrere |
The Paris Psalter 72:6 1a | wearþ || eall untȳned. / / # / | Þonan | forþ be·cōm || fǣcne unry |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 82b | forþoht þearle; || ne wende | þonan | ǣfre / cuman of þǣm clammum. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 17b | æs īeġ-landes || and ēac | þonan | / oþ Indeas || ēaste-wearde; / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 29b | æt hē unæðele || ā forþ | þonan | / wierþ on weorolde, || tō wu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 31b | ohtes / habban þīnne dæl, || | þonan | ān cyning% / rūme rīcsaþ || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 13a | ōðrum || and hīe ealle him / | þonan | mid þȳ þrymme || þrēatia |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 43b | hyġd / manna ġe·hwelċes, || | þonan | mǣst cymeþ / yfela ofer·mett |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 22b | / Þracia cyning, || þæt hē | þonan | mōste, / hē lēt him be·hind |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 24b | und·niĝontiġ, || nǣniġen | þonan | / mere-henġesta || mā þonne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 75b | eġnaþ and þēowaþ. || Hē | þonan% | wealdeþ% / þǣm ġe·weltleð |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 9a | e, || þæt is hāliġ gǣst. / | Þonan | hine hlōdon || hālġe and |