A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: þonne

Number of occurrences in corpus: 1085

Genesis A 228a n || þæs þe us secgaþ bec / þonne seo æftre || ethiopia / land a
Genesis B 258b m on þam leohte gescerede || þonne læte he his hine lange weald
Genesis B 270a yn and cræft || maran hæfde / þonne se halga god || habban mihte /
Genesis B 315a feonda gehwilc || fyr edneowe / þonne cymþ on uhtan || easterne wi
Genesis B 370b an / wesan ane winterstunde || þonne ic mid þys werode / ac licgaþ
Genesis B 405b t he mid his worde bebead || þonne weorþ he him wraþ on mode / a
Genesis B 406b e / ahwet hie from his hyldo || þonne sculon hie þas helle secan / a
Genesis B 407b n / and þas grimman grundas || þonne moton we hie us to giongrum h
Genesis B 412a and hæfdon ure setla geweald / þonne he me na on leofran tid || le
Genesis B 430b hie brecaþ his gebodscipe || þonne he him abolgen wurþeþ / siþ
Genesis B 476b ngþo / on þone hean heofon || þonne he heonon wende / þonne wæs s
Genesis B 477a fon || þonne he heonon wende / þonne wæs se oþer || eallenga swe
Genesis B 487a lde he his lifes niotan / secan þonne landa || sweartost on fyre / sc
Genesis B 523b þan stod / selfsceafte guma || þonne ic sigedrihten / mihtigne god |
Genesis B 553b isne bodscipe / selfa secge || þonne ic of þys siþe cume / ofer la
Genesis B 561a || wordum hyran / þu meaht his þonne rume || ræd geþencan / gehyge
Genesis B 564b e wisie / æt þisses ofetes || þonne wurþaþ þin eagan swa leoht
Genesis B 619b scne siodo / læst mina lara || þonne gife ic him þæs leohtes gen
Genesis B 624a foran sculon || æfter lybban / þonne hie laþ gedoþ || hie sculon
Genesis B 635b ull wa / þe hine ne warnaþ || þonne he his geweald hafaþ / sum heo
Genesis B 660b s unc betere / to gewinnanne || þonne his wiþermedo / gif þu him he
Genesis B 826b æg / on þinum hyge hreowan || þonne hit me æt heortan deþ / hire
Genesis A 963b pedigran / fremena gehwilcre || þonne se frumstol wæs / þe hie æft
Genesis A 1103b rþan / fyll and feorhcwealm || þonne ic forþ scio / þa wearþ adam
Genesis A 1207b men doþ / geonge and ealde || þonne him god heora / æhta and ætwi
Genesis A 1300b þ habban / mid sunum þinum || þonne sweart wæter / wonne wælstrea
Genesis A 1355a beutan beoþ || earce bordum / þonne sweart racu || stigan onginne
Genesis A 1540b dgiettacen / magon sceawigan || þonne ic scurbogan / minne iewe || þ
Genesis A 1826a wlite wlitan || wlance monige / þonne æþelinga || eorlas wenaþ / m
Genesis A 1833b e sweostor min / lices mæge || þonne þe leodweras / fremde fricgen
Genesis A 2190b gen bearn / frætwa healdeþ || þonne þin flæsc ligeþ / sceawa heo
Genesis A 2395a idese biþ || eafora wæcned / þonne ic þas ilcan || oþre siþe /
Genesis A 2790b yrfe dæleþ / on laste þe || þonne þu of lice / aldor asendest ||
Genesis A 2858b sunu mid sweordes ecge || and þonne sweartan lige / leofes lic forb
Genesis A 2922b leofre his / sibb and hyldo || þonne þin sylfes bearn / ad stod on
Exodus 325a m lifigendum || lange þolian / þonne hie to guþe || garwudu rærd
Exodus 373b || geteled rime / mismicelra || þonne men cunnon / snottor sæleoda |
Exodus 410a lifdagas || leofran ne wisse / þonne he hyrde || heofoncyninge / up
Exodus 429a res word || widdra and siddra / þonne befæþman mæge || foldan sc
Exodus 544a meþelstede || manegum demeþ / þonne he soþfæstra || sawla læde
Daniel 249b urh lust gesloh / micle mare || þonne gemet wære / þa se lig gewand
Daniel 275a inne || ealles gelicost / efne þonne on sumera || sunne scineþ / an
Daniel 347a and wynsum || wedere gelicost / þonne hit on sumeres tid || sended
Daniel 429b ie sien on þam laþe || leng þonne þu þurfe / het þa se cyning
Daniel 491b n geþanc / mara on modsefan || þonne gemet wære / oþþæt hine mid
Daniel 512b eon / swylce eac þa fugolas || þonne his fyll come / het þonne besn
Daniel 513a s || þonne his fyll come / het þonne besnædan || seolfes blædum /
Daniel 517b þæt eft cyme / grene bleda || þonne god sylle / het eac gebindan ||
Daniel 522b æt migtigra / wite wealdeþ || þonne he him wiþ mæge / þa of slæ
Daniel 557a || þæt ær fæste stod / and þonne mid deorum || dreamleas beon /
Daniel 569a easne || on wræc sendeþ / and þonne onhweorfeþ || heortan þine /
Daniel 590b monige þeode / wyrcan bote || þonne hie woldon sylfe / fyrene fæst
Daniel 635a on modgeþanc || to mancynne / þonne gumena weard || in gylpe wæs
Daniel 716a mihtigran || mannum to friþe / þonne israela || ece drihten / him þ
Christ and Satan 34a || forscrifen hæfde / cleopaþ þonne se alda || ut of helle / wrice
Christ and Satan 78b worn gefelde / he spearcade || þonne he spreocan ongan / fyre and at
Christ and Satan 80a || ne biþ swelc fæger dream / þonne he in witum || wordum indraf /
Christ and Satan 150a d / ealle we syndon || ungelice / þonne þe we iu in heofonum || hæf
Christ and Satan 162b arcum fleah / attre gelicost || þonne he ut þorhdraf / eala drihtene
Christ and Satan 175a ynne || me þær wyrse gelamp / þonne ic to hihte || agan moste / nu
Christ and Satan 207a tero || gemunan soþ and riht / þonne we to hehselde || hnigan þen
Christ and Satan 209a þone anwaldan || ara biddan / þonne behofaþ || se þe her wunaþ
Christ and Satan 211a nnum || þæt him wlite scine / þonne he oþer lif || eft geseceþ /
Christ and Satan 212b eft geseceþ / fægere land || þonne þeos folde seo / is þær wlit
Christ and Satan 275a hful || þæs ic seolfa weold / þonne ic on heofonum || ham staþel
Christ and Satan 291a þam halgan || helpe gelefaþ / þonne he us no forlæteþ || ah lif
Christ and Satan 322a | wæs þæt eall full strong / þonne wæs heora aldor || þe þær
Christ and Satan 355a || þæt is se seolfa for god / þonne beoþ þa eadigan || þe of e
Christ and Satan 358a sume || þæt synd word godes / þonne hie befæþmeþ || fæder man
Christ and Satan 382a i hælendes || heafod gesawon / þonne wæs þam atolan || þe we æ
Christ and Satan 388a foran fereþ || fægere leoht / þonne we æfre ær || eagum gesawon
Christ and Satan 539a m || him þæt gehreowan mæg / þonne heo endestæf || eft gesceawi
Christ and Satan 596a cweman || þær is cuþre lif / þonne we on eorþan mægen || æfre
Christ and Satan 603a tu / geond foldan sceatas # || / þonne of þisse moldan || men onwec
Christ and Satan 606b d dinna mæst / hlud gehered || þonne hælend cymeþ / waldend mid wo
Christ and Satan 608a | in þas woruld færeþ / wile þonne gesceadan || wlitige and uncl
Christ and Satan 612a dera weard || reste gestigaþ / þonne beoþ bliþe || þa in burh m
Christ and Satan 619a bbaþ / a to aldre || ece reste / þonne stondaþ þa forworhtan || þ
Christ and Satan 21b ip wiþ þæs grundes || gang þonne swa / oþþæt þu þone ymbhwy
Christ and Satan 22b p wiþ þæs grundes; || gang þonne swā / oþ·þæt þū þone ym
Christ and Satan 25a eo || se swarta eþm / wast þu þonne þe geornor || þæt þu wiþ
Christ and Satan 26a wiþ god wunne / seoþþan þu þonne hafast || handum ametene / hu h
Christ and Satan 27a wiþ God wunne, / siþþan þū þonne hafast || heandum ā·metene /
Christ and Satan 37a n hylle || hwilum hream astag / þonne he on þone atolan || eagum g
Christ and Satan 38a | Hwīlum hrēam% ā·stāh%, / þonne hē on þone atolan || ēaĝu
Christ and Satan 47b egsan gryre / deofla mænego || þonne up astag / wordum in witum || o
Christ and Satan 48b esan gryre / dēofla meniġu || þonne up ā·stāh. / Wordum in wītu
Andreas 4b a þrym alæg / camprædenne || þonne cumbol hneotan / syþþan hie g
Andreas 9b ond fyrdhwate / rofe rincas || þonne rond ond hand / on herefelda ||
Andreas 142a der dimscuan || deofles larum / þonne hie unlædra || eafeþum gely
Andreas 152a tolysan || lic ond sawle / ond þonne todælan || duguþe ond geogo
Andreas 252a / eorlas onlice || ealiþendum / þonne hie on flodes fæþm || ofer
Andreas 347a on þæt eow || se halga bead / þonne ic eow mid gefean || ferian w
Andreas 399a lande || ofer lagufæsten / ond þonne gebidan || beornas þine / aras
Andreas 409b nda gehwam / folcum fracoþe || þonne fira bearn / ellenrofe || æht
Andreas 412b elæste / hlaforde æt hilde || þonne hand ond rond / on beaduwange |
Andreas 512b lade / scipum under scealcum || þonne sceor cymeþ / brecaþ ofer bæ
Andreas 655a hie hyrcnodon || haliges lare / þonne eft gewat || æþelinga helm /
Andreas 891b de weorþan / hean hwearfian || þonne heonon gangaþ / þa wæs modse
Andreas 924b præc / minra for meotude || ma þonne ic sceolde / him andswarode ||
Andreas 1089a gastes || nyston beteran ræd / þonne hie þa belidenan || him to l
Andreas 1178b of fæstenne / manncynnes ma || þonne gemet wære / nu ge magon eaþe
Andreas 1309a | in þæt dimme ræced / sceal þonne in neadcofan || nihtlangne fy
Andreas 1428b me feorhgedal / leofre mycle || þonne þeos lifcearo / him þa stefn
Andreas 1484b l æglæwra / mann on moldan || þonne ic me tælige / findan on ferþ
Andreas 1500b sceafte / forhte geweorþaþ || þonne hie fæder geseoþ / heofonas o
Andreas 1519b ur mycle / giofum geardagum || þonne eall gimma cynn / þurh his hal
The Fates of the Apostles 49b ldres dream / lifwela leofra || þonne þas leasan godu / swylce thoma
The Fates of the Apostles 88a itte || wuldres þegnas / nu ic þonne bidde || beorn se þe lufige /
The Fates of the Apostles 92b da beþearf / liþra on lade || þonne ic sceal langne ham / eardwic u
The Fates of the Apostles 103a wa || efne swa lagu toglideþ / þonne cen ond yr || cræftes neosa
Soul and Body I 3b ence / hu þæt biþ deoplic || þonne se deaþ cymeþ / asyndreþ þa
Soul and Body I 15a e || weoruda dryhten / cleopaþ þonne swa cearful || cealdan reorde
Soul and Body I 50b owian / on þam myclan dæge || þonne eall manna cynn / se ancenneda
Soul and Body I 54b æder / ne nænigum gesybban || þonne se swearta hrefen / syþþan ic
Soul and Body I 68b am þe / hweorfan on hancred || þonne halige men / lifiendum gode ||
Soul and Body I 77a e wære selre || swiþe mycle / þonne þe wæron ealle || eorþan s
Soul and Body I 86a mmeste || þær swa god wolde / þonne þu æfre on moldan || man ge
Soul and Body I 88a fre fulwihte || onfon sceolde / þonne þu for unc bæm || andwyrdan
Soul and Body I 89b cealt / on þam miclan dæge || þonne mannum beoþ / wunda onwrigene
Soul and Body I 92a enfulle men || fyrn geworhton / þonne wyle dryhten sylf || dæda ge
Soul and Body I 97a am domdæge || dryhtne secgan / þonne ne biþ nan na to þæs lytel
Soul and Body I 99b cum onsundrum / riht agildan || þonne reþe biþ / dryhten æt þam d
Soul and Body I 101a c hwæt do wyt unc / sculon wit þonne eft ætsomne || siþþan bruc
Soul and Body I 103b us þæt flæschord || sceall þonne feran onweg / secan hellegrund
Soul and Body I 122b m gerymeþ / wyrmum to wiste || þonne þæt werie / lic acolod biþ |
Soul and Body I 124b ær / werede mid wædum || biþ þonne wyrma gifel / æt on eorþan ||
Soul and Body I 127a o gemynde || modsnotra gehwam / þonne biþ hyhtlicre || þæt sio h
Soul and Body I 132a t || þæt hie ær lange wæg / þonne þa gastas || gode word sprec
Soul and Body I 145b an þu ne þearft sceamian || þonne sceadene beoþ / þa synfullan
Soul and Body I 156a || legerbed cure / wolde ic þe þonne secgan || þæt þu ne sorgod
Soul and Body I 158a e || æt godes dome / moton wyt þonne ætsomne || syþan brucan / ond
Homiletic Fragment I 6a heortan || hord unclæne / byþ þonne þæs wommes gewita || weorud
Homiletic Fragment I 7a ortan, || hord unclǣne. / Biþ þonne þæs wammes ġe·wita || weo
Homiletic Fragment I 22b m wundiaþ / sare mid stinge || þonne se sæl cymeþ / swa bioþ geli
Homiletic Fragment I 23b ndiaþ / sāre mid stinġe%, || þonne sē sǣl cumeþ. / Swā bēoþ
Homiletic Fragment I 26a wordum || facenlice þencaþ / þonne hie æt nehstan || nearwe bes
Homiletic Fragment I 27a m, || fācenlīċe þenċaþ, / þonne hīe æt nīehstan || nearwe
Homiletic Fragment I 45b agan moton / gastum to geoce || þonne god wile / eorþan lifes || end
Homiletic Fragment I 46b ōton / gāstum tō ġēoce, || þonne god wile / eorðan līfes || en
Dream of the Rood 107a | ond his englas mid / þæt he þonne wile deman || se ah domes gew
Dream of the Rood 115a ær on þam beame dyde / ac hie þonne forhtiaþ || ond fea þencaþ
Dream of the Rood 117a þan onginnen / ne þearf þær þonne ænig || anforht wesan / þe hi
Dream of the Rood 128b am || secan mote / ana oftor || þonne ealle men / well weorþian || m
Dream of the Rood 139a ænan || life gefetige / ond me þonne gebringe || þær is blis myc
Dream of the Rood 142a | þær is singal blis / ond me þonne asette || þær ic syþþan m
Elene 49b od læsse / hæfdon to hilde || þonne huna cining / ridon ymb rofne |
Elene 50b una cining / ridon ymb rofne || þonne rand dynede / campwudu clynede
Elene 74b a nathwylc / geywed ænlicra || þonne he ær oþþe siþ / gesege und
Elene 388b ædera lare || næfre furþur þonne nu / þa ge blindnesse || bote
Elene 7b s weard / eallre sybbe bearn || þonne þu snude gecyþ / min swæs su
Elene 8b weard, / ealre sibbe bearn, || þonne þū snūde ġe·cȳþ, / min s
Elene 34a s unrihtes || ondsæc fremede / þonne uþweotan || æht bisæton / on
Elene 35a unryhtes || andsæc fremede, / þonne ūð-witan || ǣht be·sǣton
Elene 50b ne geywde / beorht on blæde || þonne broþor þin / onfeng æfter fy
Elene 51b īewde, / beorht on blǣde. || Þonne brōðor þīn / on·fēng aeft
Elene 87a agncwide || wiþ godes bearne / þonne þu geearnast || þæt þe bi
Elene 88a -cwide, || wiþ godes bearne. / Þonne þū ġe·earnast || þæt þ
Elene 179b þsæce / beteran wiþhyccge || þonne he bega beneah / him þa seo ea
Elene 180b ce, / beteran wiþ·hyċġe, || þonne hē bēga be·nēah?’ / Him
Elene 208b s fyr mycle / open ealdgewin || þonne þeos æþele gewyrd / geara go
Elene 209b ele%, / open eald-ġe·winn, || þonne þēos æðele ġe·wyrd, / ġ
Elene 491a wum || minum folgaþ / ond þec þonne sendeþ || in þa sweartestan
Elene 492a || mīnum folĝaþ, / and þeċ þonne sendeþ || on þā sweartesta
Elene 738a middangeard || mære weorþan / þonne æt sæcce mid þy || oferswi
Elene 739b an mæge / feonda gehwylcne || þonne fyrdhwate / on twa healfe || to
Elene 739a dan-ġeard || mǣre weorðan, / þonne æt sæċċe mid þȳ || ofer
Elene 740b ġe / fēonda ġe·hwelcne, || þonne fyrd-hwate / on twā healfe ||
Elene 745b lædeþ / bridels on blancan || þonne beadurofe / æt garþræce || g
Elene 746b deþ / briġdels on blancan, || þonne beadu-rōfe / æt gār-þræce,
Elene 833a er wolcnum || winde geliccost / þonne he for hæleþum || hlud asti
Elene 834a olcnum || winde ġe·līcost, / þonne hē for hæleþum || hlūd ā
Elene 841a on / atydrede || tionleg nimeþ / þonne dryhten sylf || dom geseceþ /
Elene 842a rede, || tēon-līeġ nimeþ, / þonne drihten self || dōm ġe·sē
Elene 847b precenra / þristra geþonca || þonne on þreo dæleþ / in fyres fen
Elene 848b ra, / þrīstra ġe·þanca. || Þonne on þrīe dǣleþ / on fȳres f
Elene 876a | þurh þæs domes fyr / moton þonne siþþan || sybbe brucan / eces
Elene 877a urh þæs dōmes fȳr. / Mōton þonne siþþan || sibbe brūcan, / ē
Christ A 13a || and sē cyning selfa, / and þonne ġe·bēte, || nū ġe·brosn
Christ A 155b s; / ne lǣt þe be·hindan, || þonne þū heonan ċierre, / meniġu
Christ A 191a e. || Ġif iċ sōþ sprece, / þonne sċeall Dauides || dohtor swe
Christ A 254a | hāt on·tȳnan, / and ūsiċ þonne ġe·sēċe || þurh þīn se
Christ A 322a u || foldan nēosan, / and hēo þonne aefter him || ēċe standaþ%
Christ A 422a ; || ac þæt wæs mā cræft / þonne hit eorð-būend || ealle cū
Christ B 525a sēċan || sīde herġe, / and þonne ġe·dēman || dǣda ġe·hwe
Christ B 674b spēd / ġiefeþ æt gūðe, || þonne gār-ġe·trum / ofer sċield-h
Christ B 763b holdan / wunde ġe·wyrċen, || þonne wrōht-bora / on folc godes ||
Christ B 791a ǣde || dōm þȳ% rēðran%, / þonne eft cymeþ || engla þēoden,
Christ B 797a re ansīene || ēċes dēman. / Þonne //C// cwacaþ, || ġe·hīere
Christ B 807b nna dæl, / //F// on foldan. || Þonne frætwe sċulon / byrnan on bǣ
Christ B 824b es word. / Biþ nū eornoste || þonne eft cymeþ, / rēðe and riht-w
Christ B 827a u || middan-ġeardes / bifiaþ% þonne. || Beorht cyning lēanaþ / þ
Christ B 832a cene, || wrāðliċ andlēan, / þonne mæġena cyning || on ġe·m
Christ B 839a oþ·īewed || eġesa māra / þonne fram frum-ġe·ēape || ġe·
Christ B 842b ūdan tīd / lēofra miċele || þonne eall þēos lǣne ġe·sċeaf
Christ B 844b rēate / be·hȳdan mæġe, || þonne herġa fruma, / æðelinga ord,
Christ C 878a Him weorðeþ blǣd ġiefen. / þonne fram fēowerum || foldan sċe
Christ C 899a ċe, || englum% and dēoflum. / Þonne samnunga || on Syne beorh / sū
Christ C 902a ieppende || sċīnan lēohtor / þonne hit menn mæġen || mōdum ā
Christ C 903b hyċġan, / beorhte blīcan, || þonne bearn godes / þurh heofona ġe
Christ C 924b eorðeþ / forht on ferhþe, || þonne hē frēan ġe·sihþ / ealra
Christ C 934a hte, || tungol of·hrēosaþ. / Þonne weorðeþ sunne || sweart ġe
Christ C 945b le / mid hira frēan faraþ, || þonne folca weard / þurh eġesan þr
Christ C 953a re% || foldan ġe·sċeafte. / Þonne heard ġe·bræc, || hlūd, u
Christ C 960a sume niðer, || ǣldes fulle. / Þonne biþ untwēo || þæt ðǣr A
Christ C 964a mǣstan || mæġen-earfoþum, / þonne eall þrīe || on efen nimeþ
Christ C 981b wǣġe, / wætere windendum. || Þonne wihta ġe·hwelċe, / dēora an
Christ C 985b ōwan, / flōdas ā·fȳsde, || þonne on fȳr-baðe / swelaþ sǣ-fis
Christ C 989a eax. || Þǣr biþ wundra mā / þonne hit ǣniġ on mōde || mæġe
Christ C 1007a s wōm || wielme for·bærned / þonne mehtiġ god || on þone mǣra
Christ C 1017b ĝende, / hearde on·drǣde, || þonne sēo hālġe ġe·cynd, / hwīt
Christ C 1022b ost / weorðeþ on weorolde, || þonne wuldor-cyning / þurh þrymm þ
Christ C 1027a te || mann-cynnes ġe·hwone. / Þonne eall hræðe || Ādames cynn /
Christ C 1029b te / eardes æt ende. || Sċeal þonne ānra ġe·hwelċ / fore Crīst
Christ C 1058b þ / bringan beorhtne wlite, || þonne bryne costaþ, / hāt, heoru-ġ
Christ C 1061a synnum || fore siġe-dēman. / Þonne sēo bīeman stefen || and s
Christ C 1069a -haman || liðum on·fengen. / Þonne weoroda mǣst || fore wealden
Christ C 1076a ðle || þe hīe inn lifdon. / Þonne bēoþ bealde || þā þe beo
Christ C 1101a noste || ealles ġe·manian%, / þonne sēo rēade || rōd ofer eall
Christ C 1115b aĝon him selfe || ġe·sēon þonne, / open, or-ġiete, || þæt hē
Christ C 1166b ne him / on·ġēan ġyrede, || þonne god wolde / ofer sīne ȳðe g
Christ C 1216a on gode, || un-ġe·sǣlġe, / þonne Crīst siteþ || on his cyne-
Christ C 1221a ter rihte || rodera wealdend. / Þonne bēoþ ġe·samnod || on þā
Christ C 1232a e folc, || ārna ne wēnaþ%. / Þonne biþ gǣsta dōm || fore gode
Christ C 1253a weaxeþ || wynsum ġe·fêa, / þonne hīe þæt yfel ġe·sēoþ |
Christ C 1255a iltse || metodes ġe·nǣson. / Þonne hīe þȳ ġeornor || gode þ
Christ C 1262a mōd-lufan || metodes willan. / Þonne biþ þām ōðrum || un-ġe
Christ C 1272a nende, || wǣrhþo drēoĝan. / Þonne is him ōðer || earfeþu sw
Christ C 1284a mæġ || eall þurh·wlītan. / Þonne biþ þæt þridde || þearfe
Christ C 1288b r for·hoĝdon / tō dōnne || þonne him daĝas lǣston; / and be hi
Christ C 1301a t þā folc sēoþ. / Wǣre him þonne betere || þæt hīe bealu-d
Christ C 1307b e / saĝaþ on hine selfne, || þonne hē þā synne be·gǣþ. / Mæ
Christ C 1334a grimman tīd || gode līċie, / þonne hē ofer weoroda ġe·hwelċ
Christ C 1351b fēngon% / on mildum sefan. || þonne hīe him þurh mīnne naman /
Christ C 1353a de tō ēow || ārna bǣdon, / þonne ġe· hira hulpon || and him
Christ C 1359a || Eall ġē þæt mē dydon, / þonne ġē hīe mid sibbum sōhton
Christ C 1362a ange brūcan.’ / On·ġinneþ þonne tō þām yfelum || un-ġe·l
Christ C 1365a l-wealda god. / Ne þurfon hīe þonne tō metode || miltse ġe·wē
Christ C 1372b æġe, / þæs æl-mihtĝan, || þonne hē ierrunga / on þæt frǣte
Christ C 1395b / sċieþþendum sċaðan%, || þonne þīnum sċieppende. / Nū iċ
Christ C 1439a rinc || eċedes and ġeallan. / Þonne iċ fore folce on·fēng || f
Christ C 1488a or || on þīnra handa rōde / þonne ġō hangode? || Hwæt, mē
Christ C 1491a m || on bēom ġe·fæstnod%, / þonne sēo ōðer wæs || þe iċ
Christ C 1515a mid dēoflum ġe·þolian.’ / Þonne ðǣr ofer ealle || eġeslicn
Christ C 1524a an sċulon.’ / Ne maĝon hīe þonne ġe·hīenan || heofon-cining
Christ C 1527a ā ǣr wiþ gode wunnon. / Biþ þonne rīċes weard || rēðe and m
Christ C 1559a tras || on þās lǣnan tīd. / Þonne mān-sċaða || fore metode f
Christ C 1565b ēo, / facen-tācen fēores. || þonne firena bearn / tēarum ġēota
Christ C 1566b a bearn / tēarum ġēotaþ, || þonne þæs tīd ne biþ, / synne cw
Christ C 1568b sīþ dōþ / gǣstum helpe, || þonne þæs ġīean nele / weoroda we
Christ C 1591a gǣstum || ġeorne hīeraþ. / Þonne heofon and hell || hæleþa b
Christ C 1600b an nellaþ, / menn on mōde, || þonne man fremmaþ%, / hwæt him sē
Christ C 1602b e·sette, / lāðum lēodum. || Þonne līf and dēaþ / sāwlum swel
Christ C 1606b rne menn / sweartum sāwlum. || Þonne synna tō% wrace% / sċyldiġra
Christ C 1612b on, / heard and heoru-grimm. || Þonne hell nimeþ / wǣrlēasra weoro
Christ C 1623a wīĝenne || synna tō wīte. / Þonne hāliġ gǣst || helle be·l
Christ C 1634a un% || heofon-rīċes þrymm. / Þonne þā ġe·corenan || fore Cr
Vainglory 13a rīme || druncen% tō rīċe, / þonne maniġe bēoþ || mæðel-he
Vainglory 18b n reċede / mid werum wunie, || þonne wīn hweteþ / beornes brēost-
Vainglory 29b is selfes / swīðor miċele || þonne sē sella mann, / þenċeþ þ
Vainglory 32a . || Biþ þæs ōðer swice, / þonne hē þæs fācnes || fintan s
Vainglory 64a || swā hit riht ne wæs, / and þonne ġe·settan || on hira selfra
Vainglory 67a rþ him sēo feohte tō grimm / þonne biþ þām ōðrum || un-ġe
Widsith 100a f lengde || ġond landa fela, / þonne iċ be sange || seċġan sċo
Widsith 103a ene cwēn || ġiefe bryttian. / Þonne% wit Sċilling || sċīran reo
Widsith 106a earpan || hlēoðor swinsode, / þonne maniġe menn, || mōdum wlanc
Widsith 120a oft ðǣr wīġ ne ā·læġ, / þonne Hrǣda here || heardum sweord
The Fortunes of Men 13b ār hǣþ-stapa; || hin-sīþ þonne / mōdor be·murneþ. || Ne bi
The Fortunes of Men 24b biþ / wæstm wudu-bēames. || Þonne hē on wyrt-truman / sīġeþ s
The Fortunes of Men 52b hand / medu-ĝāl mæċġa; || þonne hē ġe·met ne cann / ġe·mea
Maxims I 42a biþ sār on his mōde, / onġe þonne hē hit ana wāt, || ne wēne
Maxims I 55a ne. / Swā biþ sǣ smilte, || / þonne hīe wind ne weċeþ; || / sw
Maxims I 56b oþ þēoda ġe·þwǣre, || þonne hīe ġe·þingod% habbaþ, /
Maxims I 57b on ġe·sundum þingum || and þonne mid ġe·sīðum healdaþ / cē
Maxims I 95b will-cuma / Frīesan wīfe, || þonne flota standeþ; / biþ his ċē
Maxims I 102b frēoþ hīe fremde manna, || þonne sē ōðer feorr ġe·wīteþ
Maxims I 107b ap-ēadiġ mon || cyning-wīc þonne / lēodum ċīepeþ, || þonne
Maxims I 108b þonne / lēodum ċīepeþ, || þonne līðan cymeþ; / wuda and wæt
Maxims I 109b wuda and wæteres nyttaþ, || þonne him biþ wīċ ā·līefed%, /
Maxims I 116b þæt ġe·dēfe dēaþ, || þonne hit ġe·dierned weorðeþ. / H
Maxims I 169a aþ sundor-sefan. || / Langaþ þonne þȳ læs || þe him cann lē
Maxims I 183b ġe·nēah tæfles mannes, || þonne teoselum weorpeþ. / Seldan on
The Order of the World 25a pēd || māran ġe·seċġan, / þonne þū hyġe-cræftiġ || on hr
The Order of the World 29b eorc / furður ā·spyrġan% || þonne him frēa selle / tō on·ġiet
The Order of the World 68a || sellan wolde. / Ġe·wīteþ þonne mid þȳ wuldre || on west-ro
The Order of the World 90a || heofon and eorðe. / Bēoþ þonne ēadġe || þā ðǣr inn wun
The Riming Poem 72b / flēan flǣsċe ne mæġ, || þonne flān-hred dæġ / nīed-grāpu
The Riming Poem 73b æġ / nīed-grāpum nimeþ, || þonne sēo nēaht% be·cymeþ / sēo
The Riming Poem 75a nd mec hēr eardes% on·cann. / Þonne līċ-hama liġeþ, || lima w
The Panther 35b de%. / Simle fylle fæġen, || þonne fōdor þiġeþ, / aefter þām
The Panther 40a te, || slǣpe ġe·bisiĝod%. / Þonne ellen-rōf || up ā·stondeþ
The Panther 49a elicra || eorðan frætwum%. / Þonne of ċeastrum || and cyne-stō
The Whale 13a nd sum || ēaĝum wliten, / and þonne ġe·hȳdaþ || hēah-stefn s
The Whale 16a aras || sundes æt ende, / and þonne on þæt eġ-land || up ġe·
The Whale 19a ste, || strēame% be·wunden. / Þonne ġe·wīciaþ || wēriġ-ferh
The Whale 24a -mōde, || ræste ġe·liste. / Þonne ġe·feleþ || fācnes cræft
The Whale 27a eardiaþ || wederes on luste, / þonne samnunga || on sealtne wǣġ /
The Whale 30a , || grund ġe·sēċeþ, / and þonne on dēaþ-sele || drenċe be
The Whale 38a ĝan || wīċ ġe·ċēosaþ. / Þonne þæt ġe·cnāweþ || of cwi
The Whale 51a wlanc, || wrætlicran ġīen. / Þonne hine on holme || hungor bisi
The Whale 53a āĝlæċan || ǣtes lysteþ, / þonne sē mere-weard || mūþ on·t
The Whale 60b da ċeafl / ġefylled biþ; || þonne fǣringa / ymbe þā herehuþe
The Whale 71a reaht || fremedon on unrǣd. / Þonne sē fǣcna || on þām fæste
The Whale 76a f-daĝum || lārum hīerdon, / þonne hē þā grimman || gaman be
Soul and Body II 3b , / hū þæt biþ dēopliċ || þonne sē dēaþ cymeþ, / ā·sundra
Soul and Body II 15a od, || ende weorolde. / Clipaþ þonne swā ċēarfull || ċealdan r
Soul and Body II 39a | gæstes drinces. / Þǣr þū þonne hoĝode || hēr on līfe, / þe
Soul and Body II 47b / on þām miċelan dæġe, || þonne manna cynn / sē ān-cenda% ||
Soul and Body II 51b r, / ne nǣngum ġe·sibbra, || þonne sē swearta hræfn, / siþþan
Soul and Body II 63b þē / hweorfan on han-cred, || þonne hālġe menn / gode libbendum |
Soul and Body II 72a ǣre selle || swīðe miċele / þonne þe wǣran ealle || eorðan s
Soul and Body II 80a yrm-cynna || þæt wierreste, / þonne þū ǣfre on moldan || mann
Soul and Body II 82a fulwihte || on·fōn sċolde. / Þonne þū for unc bū || andwyrdan
Soul and Body II 83b / on þām miċelan dæġe, || þonne eallum mannum bēoþ / wunde on
Soul and Body II 86a le menn || fyrn ġe·worhton, / þonne wile drihten self || dǣda ġ
Soul and Body II 90a m-dæġe || drihtne seċġan? / Þonne ne biþ nǣniġ tō þæs lȳ
Soul and Body II 92b sundran / riht ā·ġieldan, || þonne rēðe biþ / drihten æt dōme
Soul and Body II 94a me. || Ac hwæt dō wit unc, / þonne hē unc hafaþ ġe·ed-byrded
Soul and Body II 95a || ōðre sīðe? / Sċulon wit þonne æt·samne || siþþan brūca
Soul and Body II 97b æt flǣsċ-hord, || sċeall þonne fēran on weġ, / sēċan helle
Soul and Body II 117b hēafod / wyrmum tō wiste, || þonne biþ þæt werĝe / līċ ā·c
Soul and Body II 119b r / weorode mid wǣdum. || Biþ þonne wyrmes ġiefl, / ǣt on eorðan
Guthlac A 1b iþ ġe·fēana fæġerost || þonne hīe æt frymþe ġe·metaþ,
Guthlac A 4a þ þām līċe ġe·dǣleþ. / Þonne cwiþ sē enġel, || (hafaþ
Guthlac A 27b īĝan, / ǣr oþþe aefter, || þonne hē his ǣnne hēr / gǣst be·
Guthlac A 72a god || be·mūtad% weorðaþ, / þonne þæt ġe·ġiernaþ || þā
Guthlac A 126b þās weorold / ūtor lǣtan || þonne þæt ēċe līf. / Ōðer hine
Guthlac A 168b ġesa / māra on ġe·myndum || þonne hē menniscum / þrymme aefter
Guthlac A 185b -cræft, / mund-byrd meahta, || þonne meniġu cōm / fēonda fǣr-sċ
Guthlac A 190b / enġel hine elne trymede, || þonne hīe him ierre hweopan%, / frec
Guthlac A 212a in-treĝum || tīdum brūcan, / þonne hīe of wāðum || werġe cō
Guthlac A 279b llan rǣd / mann ġe·lǣran || þonne þēos meniġu eall. / Wē þē
Guthlac A 333a bæd || sāwla ġe·hwelcre, / þonne hē tō eorðan || on þām
Guthlac A 349b odes willan / framne fundon, || þonne flyġe-rēowe / þurh nihta ġe
Guthlac A 356a e wæs þæt an-ġinn swelċ, / þonne hine enġel || on þām ānad
Guthlac A 384b ĝes setl / medumre ne māra || þonne hit menn dūġe% / sē þe on
Guthlac A 388b lufian / eorðan ǣht-welan || þonne his ānes ġe·met, / þæt hē
Guthlac A 392b er / ne lȳthwōn lēoðode, || þonne on lyft ā·stāh / ċear-gǣst
Guthlac A 400b s wynne. || Hwelċ wæs māra þonne sē? / Ān ōretta || ūssum t
Guthlac A 444a ȳtmestan || ende ne sċōde, / þonne him sē dryhtnes || dōm wīs
Guthlac A 511a ymeþ stēor of heofonum. / Mē þonne siġe% sendeþ || sē ūsiċ
Guthlac A 567a || swā biþ fēonda þēaw, / þonne hīe sōþfæstra || sāwle w
Guthlac A 737a . || Oft hē him ǣte hēold, / þonne hīe him hungriġe || ymb han
Guthlac A 759a e·witnesse || wendan þurfe, / þonne hīe on ġe·sihþe || sōðe
Guthlac A 770a || þæt sēo lufu cȳðeþ, / þonne hēo on mannes || mōde ġe·
Guthlac A 812a rēoweþ || aefter hin-gange, / þonne hīe hweorfaþ || on þā hā
Guthlac B 1035b a swice / sāwol-ġe·dāles || þonne seofon niht / frist-ġe·mearce
Guthlac B 1038b ċeþ / dæġ sċrīðende. || Þonne dōĝor bēoþ / on mold-weġe
Guthlac B 1059b ·healdan, / dēore frætwe, || þonne him ġe·dēmed wæs. / On·ġe
Guthlac B 1126b ele / mæġen-þeġnes word, || þonne ǣnġes mannes lār, / wera ofe
Guthlac B 1212b e. / Simle iċ ġe·hīerde, || þonne heofones ġimm, / wynn-candel w
Guthlac B 1247b efe / miċele maniġfealdran || þonne ǣniġ mann wite / on līfe% h
Guthlac B 1321b wæs ǣnlicra / and wynsumra || þonne hit on weorolde mæġe / stefn
Guthlac B 1350b þroht þēoden-ġe·dāl, || þonne sēo þrāh cymeþ, / wefen wyr
Deor 31a ēas || earfoþa% dæl. / Mæġ þonne ġe·þenċan, || þæt ġond
Wulf and Eadwacer 10a d-lāstum || wēnum doĝode; / þonne hit wæs rēniġ weder || and
Wulf and Eadwacer 11a er || and iċ rēotiĝu sæt, / þonne mec sē beadu-cāfa || bōĝu
Riddles 1 3a || hwā mec on sīþ wræce, / þonne iċ ā·stīġe strang, || st
Riddles 1 8b eorðan, / wæl-cwealm wera, || þonne iċ wudu hrere, / bearwas blǣd
Riddles 14 14b iĝan / on% wiċġe weġaþ, || þonne iċ winde sċeall / sinċ-fāh
Riddles 16 2b samod wiþ þām sæċċe, || þonne iċ sēċan ġe·wīte / eorða
Riddles 16 5b eþ, || hīe bēoþ swīðran þonne iċ, / and mec slītende || sō
Riddles 2 8b d sande, / wāre and wǣġe, || þonne iċ winnende, / holm-mæġene b
Riddles 2 14a ǣġde || of brimes fæðmum, / þonne strēamas eft || stille weor
Riddles 20 6b að hwilum / sylfum to sace. || þonne ic sinc wege / þurh hlutterne
Riddles 23 3a iht || on ġe·winn sċeapen. / Þonne iċ on·būĝe || and mē of
Riddles 23 7b ·lǣteþ, || iċ bēo lengre þonne ǣr, / oþ·þæt iċ spǣte, |
Riddles 28 11a || and nā wiþ spriceþ, / and þonne aefter dēaðe || dēman on·
Riddles 3 2a fæste ġe·nearwaþ, / sendeþ þonne || under sal-wanges% / bearm þ
Riddles 3 27b winnes, / hop-ġe·hnāstes, || þonne hēah ġe·þring / on clifu cr
Riddles 3 41a m || and ġe·breca hlūdost, / þonne sċearp cymeþ || sċēo wiþ
Riddles 3 51b cynne, / brōĝan on burgum, || þonne blace sċotiaþ / sċrīðende
Riddles 3 60a s or-leġes || ōr anstelle, / þonne ġe·wīte || wolcen-ġe·hn
Riddles 3 63b de / hēah hlōð-ġe·crod; || þonne hnīġe eft / under lyfte helm
Riddles 3 73b te, / oþþe hwā mec rǣre, || þonne iċ restan ne mōt, / oþþe hw
Riddles 3 74b oþþe hwā mec stæþþe, || þonne iċ stille bēom.
Riddles 30a 7a as ond wif || wlonce cyssað. / þonne ic mec onhæbbe, || ond hi on
Riddles 31 21b um. / Hafaþ hire on healse, || þonne hēo hord waraþ, / bær, bēa
Riddles 37 5b e. / Ne swilteþ hē simle, || þonne sellan sċeall / innoþ þām
Riddles 39 4b ft hafaþ / māran% miċele, || þonne hit menn witen. / Hēo wile ġe
Riddles 40 19a fore eom || ǣġhwǣr cēnra, / þonne hē ġe·bolĝen || bid-steal
Riddles 40 20a eofore eom || æghwær cenra, / þonne he gebolgen || bidsteal giefe
Riddles 40 24a n stence || strengre miċele% / þonne rīeċels || oþþe rōse sī
Riddles 40 25a m on stence || strengre micle / þonne ricels || oþþe rose sy, / ||
Riddles 40 26b weaxeþ; || iċ eom wrǣstre þonne hēo. / Þeah þe līlie sīe |
Riddles 40 27b c weaxeð; || ic eom wræstre þonne heo. / þeah þe lilie sy || le
Riddles 40 28b blōstman, || iċ eom betere þonne hēo; / swelċe iċ nardes sten
Riddles 40 29b on blostman, || ic eom betre þonne heo; / swylce ic nardes stenc |
Riddles 40 31b ġhwǣr, / and iċ fulre eom || þonne þis fenn swearte / þæt hēr
Riddles 40 32b æghwær, / ond ic fulre eom || þonne þis fen swearte / þæt her yf
Riddles 40 42b a%. / Iċ eom miċele ieldra || þonne ymb-hwyrft þēs% / oþþe þē
Riddles 40 43b gæsta. / Ic eom micle yldra || þonne ymbhwyrft þes / oþþe þes mi
Riddles 40 48b ūtan; / iċ eom wierslicre || þonne þēs wudu fulla / oþþe þis
Riddles 40 49b rum utan; / ic eom wyrslicre || þonne þes wudu fula / oððe þis wa
Riddles 40 51b brǣdre, / and wīd-ġielra || þonne þēs wang grēna; / folm mec m
Riddles 40 52b ær brædre, / ond widgielra || þonne þes wong grena; / folm mec mæ
Riddles 40 54b ardra iċ eom and ċealdra || þonne sē hearda forst, / hrīm heoru
Riddles 40 55b / Heardra ic eom ond caldra || þonne se hearda forst, / hrim heorugr
Riddles 40 56b a forst, / hrim heorugrimma, || þonne he to hrusan cymeð; / ic /
Riddles 40 59a on gaman || ġīenā swētra / þonne þū bēo-brēad || blende mi
Riddles 40 60b ; / swelċe iċ eom wrāðre || þonne wer-mōd sīe, / þe% hēr on h
Riddles 40 61a c eom on goman || gena swetra / þonne þu beobread || blende mid hu
Riddles 40 62b ige; / swylce ic eom wraþre || þonne wermod sy, / þe her on hyrs
Riddles 40 66b mæġ framlīcor || flēoĝan þonne pernex% / oþþe earn oþþe ha
Riddles 40 68b / Ic mæg fromlicor || fleogan þonne pernex / oþþe earn oþþe haf
Riddles 40 74b / Hefiġere iċ eom miċele || þonne sē hāra stān / oþþe unlȳt
Riddles 40 76b , / lēohtre iċ eom miċele || þonne þēs lȳtla wyrm / þe hēr on
Riddles 40 77b að. / Hefigere ic eom micle || þonne se hara stan / oþþe unlytel |
Riddles 40 79b mpre, / leohtre ic eom micle || þonne þes lytla wyrm / þe her on fl
Riddles 40 83b r brǣdre / and wīd-ġielra || þonne þēs wang grēna: / iċ ūtor
Riddles 40 86b hwær brædre / ond widgelra || þonne þes wong grena; / ic uttor ea
Riddles 40 92b Māra iċ eom and strengra || þonne sē miċela hwæl, / sē þe g
Riddles 40 94b n sīene; || iċ eom swīðre þonne hē, / swelċe iċ eom on mæġ
Riddles 40 96b . / Mara ic eom ond strengra || þonne se micla hwæl, / se þe garsec
Riddles 40 96a on mæġene || mīnum lǣsse / þonne sē hand-wyrm, || sē þe hæ
Riddles 40 98b artan syne; || ic eom swiþre þonne he, / swylce ic eom on mægene
Riddles 40 100a om on mægene || minum læsse / þonne se hondwyrm, || se þe hæle
Riddles 40 105b / Māra iċ eom and fǣttra || þonne ā·mæsted swin, / bearh belle
Riddles 40 109b s. / Mara ic eom ond fættra || þonne amæsted swin, / bearg bellende
Riddles 43 12a || him þæt bām sċieðeþ, / þonne hīe fram bearme || bēġen h
Riddles 44 4a eard, || stede hafaþ gōdne; / þonne sē esne || his āĝen hræġ
Riddles 6 5a , || swā iċ him nā hrīne, / þonne mec min frēa || feohtan hāt
Riddles 6 9b ah, / swelċe þæs ōðres, || þonne iċ eft hira / ofer dēop ġe·
Riddles 7 1b 7 / / Hræġl min swīĝaþ, || þonne iċ hrūsan trede, / oþþe þ
Riddles 7 5a and þēos hēa lyft, / and mec þonne wīde || wolcna strenġu / ofer
Riddles 7 8b swinsiaþ, / torhte singaþ, || þonne iċ ġe·tenġe ne bēom / flō
Riddles 8 6b m bringe / blisse on burgum, || þonne iċ būġendre / stefne styrme;
The Wife's Lament 4b wes oþþe ealdes, || nā mā þonne nū. / Ā iċ wīte wann || mī
The Wife's Lament 35a ibbende, || leġer weardiaþ, / þonne iċ on ūhtan || ana gange / un
The Judgment Day I 7a mæġen-cyninga hīehst, / wile þonne for·bærnan || breĝu mann-c
The Judgment Day I 29a || on·sæġd weorðeþ, / and þonne ā tō ealdre || or-leġ drē
The Judgment Day I 30a | or-leġ drēoĝeþ. / Hwā is þonne þæs ferhþ-glēaw%, || oþ
The Judgment Day I 38a Hāt biþ ā·cōlod. / Ne biþ þonne on þisse weorolde || nemþe
The Judgment Day I 60a dæġe, || dyneþ up-heofon. / Þonne weras and wīf || weorold ā
The Judgment Day I 61b , / eorðan iermþu, || sēoþ þonne on ēċe ġe·wyrht. / Þonne b
The Judgment Day I 62a þonne on ēċe ġe·wyrht. / Þonne biþ ġe·cȳðed || hwā on
The Judgment Day I 70a hire sīe sweġel on·ġēan, / þonne hē ġe·hierweþ full% oft |
The Judgment Day I 73a hine inn fealleþ. / Hē þæt þonne on·findeþ, || þonne sē f
The Judgment Day I 73b þæt þonne on·findeþ, || þonne sē fǣr cymeþ, / ġond middan
The Judgment Day I 76a eorod || wiers ġe·sċaden%, / þonne hē on þā swīðran hand ||
The Judgment Day I 81a rolde || weorðan mōte. / Wile þonne for·ġieldan || gǣsta driht
The Judgment Day I 85a miċele drēoĝeþ; / him þæt þonne ġe·lēanaþ || līfes weald
The Judgment Day I 102a || ealle tō sprǣċe; / bēoþ þonne ġe·ġæderod || gǣst and b
The Judgment Day I 104a || Sōþ þæt wile cȳðan%, / þonne we ūs ġe·mittaþ || on þ
The Judgment Day I 105b t ðǣre rōde, || seċġaþ þonne rihta fela, / eall swelċe unde
Resignation 18b hīerde, / rīċum drihtne, || þonne min rǣd wǣre. / For·ġief m
Resignation 28b mā fremede / grimmra gylta || þonne mē god lifde. / hæbbe iċ þo
Resignation 29a nne mē god lifde. / hæbbe iċ þonne þearfe || þæt iċ þīne s
Resignation 35b tlīcor / bēte bealu-dǣde || þonne be·bodu wǣron / hālĝan heof
Resignation 43b ll unfȳr faca; || feorma mē þonne, / wyrda wealdend, || on þīnne
Resignation 46b n, / ġēoca mīnes gæstes. || Þonne is gramra tō fela / æfstum ē
Resignation 47b æfstum ēaden, || hæbbe iċ þonne / æt frēan frōfre, || þēah
Resignation 56b ten / englas ofer·hyġdiġe || þonne ēċe Crīst. / Ġe·luĝon hī
Resignation 59b mec and ġe·stīer him, || þonne storm cyme / mīnum gǣste on·
Resignation 60b gǣste on·ġeġn; || ġōca þonne, / mehtiġ drihten, || mīnre s
Resignation 87b es þanc / mōd-earfoþa || mā þonne on ōðrum, / fyrhtu on folce;
Resignation 114a aft hǣle || foldan ...unian; / þonne iċ mē tō fremþum || frēo
Resignation 117b Gīet biþ þæt sēlost%, || þonne mann him self ne mæġ / wyrd o
Resignation 118b wyrd on·wendan, || þæt hē þonne wēl þolie.
The Descent into Hell 62a on þissum bendum || bīdan[] / þonne moniġe bindeþ || brōþor·
The Descent into Hell 67a þ ne mæġe || ellen habban, / þonne hē his hlāfordes || hyldu
The Descent into Hell 90a eald-fīnd || ealle on wynnum / þonne hīe ġe·hīerdon || hū we
The Descent into Hell 114b nn-cynne / oft æt-īewdest, || þonne him wæs āre ðearf. / Þū me
Azarias 63a ynsum, || wedere on·līcost, / þonne on sumeres tīd || sended weo
Azarias 86b isan āh / metod þon māran || þonne hē wiþ manna bearn / wyrċeþ
Azarias 92a e·earniaþ, || elne willaþ, / þonne fēran sċeall || þurh frēa
Azarias 126a elċ || ġeorne be·healdeþ, / þonne mere-strēamas || metodes rǣ
Riddles 30b and 60 7a wīf || wlance ġe·cyssaþ. / Þonne iċ mec on·hæbbe, || hīe o
The Husband's Message 13a trēowe findest. / Hwæt, þeċ þonne biddan hēt || sē þisne bē
The Husband's Message 32a || þæs þe hē mē sæġde, / þonne inc ġe·unne || æl-wealdend
The Ruin 42a þæt wæs hȳðeliċ. / Lēton þonne ġēotan || [] / ofer hārne st
The Ruin 47a ] || ðǣr þā baðu wǣron. / þonne is [] || / []re; || þæt is c
Riddles 63 2b eall / fæġere on·þēon, || þonne iċ eom forþ boren / glæd mid
Riddles 63 8b illa[]ð l[] || / []fullre, || þonne iċ forþ cyme. / [] || / Ne mæ
Riddles 66 1b Riddles 66 / / Iċ eom māre || þonne þēs middan-ġeard%, / lǣsse
Riddles 66 2a þēs middan-ġeard%, / lǣsse þonne hand-wyrm, || lēohtre þonne
Riddles 66 2b þonne hand-wyrm, || lēohtre þonne mōna, / swiftre þonne sunne.
Riddles 66 3a ēohtre þonne mōna, / swiftre þonne sunne. || Sǣs mē sind ealle
Riddles 71 7a īpe || sē þe gold wiġeþ, / þonne iċ īeðan sċeall || []fe, /
Riddles 73 19b smæl, || sīdan fealwe / [] || þonne mec heaðu-siġel / sċīr be·
Riddles 85 3b t·samne. || Iċ eom swiftre% þonne hē, / þrāĝum strengra, || h
Riddles 91 4a þæt mē on·ġēan sticaþ, / þonne iċ hnītan sċeall, || hring
Riddles 91 9b bbe, / hīerde þæs hordes, || þonne min hālford wile / lāfe þiċ
Riddles 93 32b bord, || [] / []dēaðes d[] || þonne dæġ-candel, / sunne [] || / []
Riddles 94 2a 94 / / Smeþr[]ād, || / hīerre þonne heofon[] || / [] || glædre þ
Riddles 94 3a ne heofon[] || / [] || glædre þonne sunne, || / []style, || / smēa
Riddles 94 5a nne, || / []style, || / smēare þonne sealt-ry[] || / lēofre þonne
Riddles 94 6a þonne sealt-ry[] || / lēofre þonne þis lēoht eall, || lēohtre
The Phoenix 31a m || on ġe·writum cȳðaþ, / þonne ǣniġ þāra beorĝa || þe
The Phoenix 48b les cyme, / dryhtnes dōmes, || þonne dēað-reċed, / hæleþa heols
The Phoenix 99b ce niht / wann ġe·wīteþ; || þonne wāðum strang / fuĝol feðeru
The Phoenix 125a þ || sweġle tō·ġēanes%. / Þonne biþ swā fǣġer || fuĝoles
The Phoenix 128b dorlīcor / beorhtan reorde, || þonne ǣfre byre mannes / hīerde und
The Phoenix 142b -rodor / sǣġed weorðeþ. || Þonne swīĝaþ hē / and hlyst ġe·
The Phoenix 153a eard, || wintra ġe·bīdeþ. / Þonne biþ ġe·hefiĝod || haswiġ
The Phoenix 156a , || foldan ġe·blōwne, / and þonne ġe·sēċeþ || sīde% rīċ
The Phoenix 161b mid him / wēsten weardaþ. || Þonne wāðum strang / west ġe·wīt
The Phoenix 182a || þenden weorold standeþ. / Þonne wind liġeþ, || weder biþ f
The Phoenix 188a wearm, || weorodum līehteþ, / þonne on þām telĝum || timbran o
The Phoenix 192b fe, / feorh ġung on·fōn. || Þonne feorr and nēah / þā swētost
The Phoenix 208b dum. / Siteþ sīðes fūs. || Þonne sweġles ġimm / on sumores tī
The Phoenix 211b / weorold ġeond·wlīteþ, || þonne weorðeþ his / hūs on·hǣted
The Phoenix 214b īemeþ / swēotum swæccum, || þonne on swole byrneþ / þurh fȳres
The Phoenix 216b este. / Bǣl biþ on·ǣled. || Þonne brand þeċeþ / heoru-dreorĝe
The Phoenix 219b neþ, / fyrn-ġēarum frōd. || Þonne fȳr þiġeþ / lǣnne līċ-ha
The Phoenix 221b īðe, / fǣġes feorh-hord, || þonne flǣsċ and bān / ād-līeġ
The Phoenix 226b e·clungne tō clīewenne. || Þonne clǣne biþ / beorhtost nesta,
The Phoenix 230a n || and sē bryne sweðraþ. / Þonne of þām āde || æpples ġe
The Phoenix 234b lǣde, / sċīr of sċielle. || Þonne on sċæde weaxeþ, / þæt hē
The Phoenix 236b dd, / fǣġer fuĝol-timber; || þonne furður ġīen / wrīdaþ on wy
The Phoenix 240b wæs, / beorht ġe·blōwen. || Þonne bræġd weorðeþ% / eall ed-n
The Phoenix 248b fōdor-þeġe ġe·fēan%, || þonne forst and snāw / mid ofer-mæ
The Phoenix 253b ǣne biþ / sǣd on·sāwen. || Þonne sunnan glǣm / on lenctenne, ||
The Phoenix 265a e eard, || eft ġe·sēċeþ. / Þonne biþ ā·weaxen || wyrtum on
The Phoenix 267b ewe, / ġung, ġeofona full, || þonne hē of grēote his / līċ lið
The Phoenix 271a || aefter bǣl-þræċe, / and þonne ġe·brinġeþ || bān and ys
The Phoenix 273a lāfe, || eft æt·samne, / and þonne þæt wæl-rēaf || wyrtum be
The Phoenix 274b , / fæġere ġe·frætwod. || þonne ā·fȳsed biþ / āĝenne eard
The Phoenix 276a enne eard || eft tō sēċan. / Þonne fōtum ymb·fēhð || fȳres
The Phoenix 285b ylmde, / asċan tō ēacan. || Þonne eall ġe·ador / be·byrġeþ b
The Phoenix 288b īwe / ðǣre sunnan seġn%, || þonne swēġles lēoht, / ġimma glad
The Phoenix 295a xled% || wurman ġe·blanden. / Þonne is sē finta || fæġere ġe
The Phoenix 303b ·līcost, / glādum ġimme, || þonne on gold-fæte / smiða orþancu
The Phoenix 320a e him þæt ēad ġe·fēþ. / þonne hē ġe·wīteþ || wangas s
The Phoenix 324a manna || ġond middan-ġeard, / þonne samniaþ% || sūðan and nor
The Phoenix 331a ġerran% || ofer fuĝla cynn. / Þonne wundriaþ || weras ofer eorð
The Phoenix 335b ewe / frætwe flyht-hwates. || þonne fuĝla cynn / on healfa ġe·hw
The Phoenix 348b ġ / drȳmendra ġe·dryht, || þonne duĝuþa wynn / of þisse eorð
The Phoenix 354b ōmor-mōde / eft tō earde. || Þonne sē æðeling biþ / ġung on
The Phoenix 364b intra biþ / þūsend urnen. || Þonne him weorðeþ / ende līfes; ||
The Phoenix 371b ewe, / feorh aefter fylle%, || þonne framlīċe / þurh briddes hād
The Phoenix 426b isses fuĝoles ġe·fær, || þonne frōd of·ġiefeþ / eard and
The Phoenix 453a dōmlicum || dryhtnes cempa, / þonne hē ælmessan || earmum dǣle
The Phoenix 485b nde cymeþ / dōĝor-rīmes, || þonne dēaþ nimeþ, / wiĝa wæl-ġ
The Phoenix 491a s cyme || foldan be·þeahte. / Þonne maniġe bēoþ || on ġe·mō
The Phoenix 495a drihten, || dēman mid rihte. / Þonne ǣriste || ealle ġe·fremma
The Phoenix 501b faþ, / þrēatum þringaþ, || þonne þēos weorold, / sċyld-wyrċe
The Phoenix 504b ·hwelċ / forht on ferhþe, || þonne fȳr briceþ / lǣne land-welan
The Phoenix 508b swelġeþ / landes frætwe. || Þonne on lēoht cymeþ / ældum þiss
The Phoenix 511a fēaliċ || fuĝoles tācen, / þonne anweald eall || up ā·stelle
The Phoenix 520b as hweorfaþ / on bān-fatu, || þonne bryne stīġeþ / hēah tō heo
The Phoenix 522b maniĝum / eġesliċ ǣled, || þonne ānra ġe·hwelċ, / sōþfæst
The Phoenix 533a nan || and hē selfa mid, / and þonne aefter līeġe || līf eft on
The Phoenix 539a ele || milde ġe·weorðeþ. / Þonne hlēoðriaþ || hālġe gæst
The Phoenix 544a mid hira wēl-dǣdum. / Bēoþ þonne ā·merede || manna gæstas, /
The Phoenix 557a a, || on grēotes fæðm, / and þonne aefter dēaðe || þurh dryht
The Phoenix 589a eorodum || on wuldres byriġ. / Þonne sōþfæstum || sāwlum sċī
The Phoenix 648a eardum, || god-bearnes meaht, / þonne hē of ascum || eft on·wæcn
The Phoenix 654b , / fæġerum fold-wæstmum, || þonne ā·fȳsed biþ. / Þæt sindon
Juliana 36b esa / māra on ġe·myndum, || þonne eall þæt māðum-ġe·steal
Juliana 100b brȳd-guman, || sē is betera þonne þū, / æðelra for eorðan, |
Juliana 110b ena god / ġeornor be·gange || þonne hē ġīen dyde, / lufie mid l
Juliana 203a llen || ġe·dwolan fylĝest, / þonne iċ nīede sċeall || nīða
Juliana 324b ām grorn-hofe || ġeornfulra þonne iċ. / Þonne hē ūsiċ sende
Juliana 325a fe || ġeornfulra þonne iċ. / Þonne hē ūsiċ sendeþ || þæt w
Juliana 332a ene || ǣġhwǣr ġe·fēran. / Þonne hē on·sendeþ || ġond sīd
Juliana 403b rel, / inn-gang ġe·openod, || þonne iċ ǣrest him / þurh earh-fæ
Juliana 415a | ymb þæs gæstes for·wyrd / þonne þæs līċ-haman, || sē þe
Juliana 438a a% cyning, || hiht staðolie. / Þonne iċ bēom on·sended || wiþ
Juliana 528b e / mǣĝum on ġe·maniġe, || þonne iċ mīne sċeall / ā·ġiefan
Juliana 542b yrċe, / ed-wīt for eorlum, || þonne þū ǣr dydest, / þā þū of
Juliana 657b e rūne / þurh mōdes myne. || Þonne ēow miltse ġiefeþ / fæder
Juliana 697a ġe mē || helpe ġe·fremme, / þonne mē ġe·dǣlaþ || dēorost
Juliana 705b rēðe, / siĝora sellend, || þonne synnum fāh / //E// //W// and /
Juliana 715b sīðodon / ansund on earde. || Þonne ārna be·ðearf, / þæt mē s
Juliana 726a mend || and sē dēora sunu, / þonne sēo þrīness || þrymm-sitt
The Wanderer 39a cwidum || lange for·þolian, / þonne sorh and slǣp || samod æt·
The Wanderer 45a ĝum || ġief-stōlas brēac. / Þonne on·wæcneþ eft || winelēas
The Wanderer 49a āw, || hæġle ġe·menġed. / Þonne bēoþ þȳ hefiġran || heor
The Wanderer 51a e. || Sorh biþ ġe·nīewod, / þonne maĝa ġe·mynd || mōd ġond
The Wanderer 60a sefa% || min ne ġe·sweorce, / þonne iċ eorla līf || eall ġeond
The Wanderer 70b Beorn sċeall ġe·bīdan, || þonne hē bēot spriceþ, / oþ·þæ
The Wanderer 74a hæle || hū gǣstliċ biþ, / þonne ealre% þisse weorolde wela |
The Wanderer 88a ·weorc || īdlu stōdon. / Sē þonne þisne weall-steall || wīse
The Wanderer 103b n% bindeþ, / wintres wōma, || þonne wann cymeþ, / nīpeþ niht-sċ
The Gifts of Men 26a || of ġe·mete hweorfe / and þonne for·hyċġe || hēan-spēdi
The Gifts of Men 56a s wīsa, || ofer wīdne holm, / þonne sǣ-rōfe || snelle mæġene /
The Gifts of Men 59b æftiġ / goldes and ġimma, || þonne him gumena weard / hāteþ him
The Gifts of Men 63a miþ || maniġe ġe·fremman, / þonne hē ġe·wyrċeþ || tō wera
The Gifts of Men 71b on ġe·þylde || þæt hē þonne sċeall. / Sum dōmas cann, ||
Precepts 64b d, / and ā sōþ tō siġe, || þonne þū seċġe hwæt.’ / Niĝo
Precepts 75b taþ / swīðor ā·sīĝan, || þonne him sīe selfum riht.’ / Teo
Precepts 82b īeċed, / meahtum spēdiġ, || þonne hē mān flīehþ. / Ierre ne l
The Seafarer 8a ht-wacu || æt nacan stefnan, / þonne hē be clifum cnossaþ. || Ċ
The Seafarer 65b ran sind / dryhtnes drēamas || þonne þis dēade līf, / lǣne on la
The Seafarer 84a iefan || swelċe ġō wǣron, / þonne hīe mǣst mid him || mǣrþa
The Seafarer 94a an for·ġiefene / Ne mæġ him þonne sē flǣsċ-hama, || þonne h
The Seafarer 94b m þonne sē flǣsċ-hama, || þonne him þæt feorh losaþ, / nē s
The Seafarer 102a ġēoce || for godes eġesan, / þonne hē hit ǣr hȳdeþ || þende
The Seafarer 116b swīðre%, / metod mihtiġra || þonne ǣnġes mannes ġe·hyġd / Wut
The Seafarer 118a || hwǣr we% hām āgen, / and þonne ġe·þenċan || hū we þide
The Seafarer 119a | hū we þider cumen, / and we þonne ēac tilien, || þæt we tō
Beowulf 23b wunien / will-ġe·sīðas, || þonne wīġ cume, / lēode ġe·lǣst
Beowulf 70a miċel, || menn ġe·wyrċan / þonne ielda bearn || ǣfre ġe·fru
Beowulf 248b e·seah / eorla ofer eorðan || þonne is ēower sum, / secg on searwu
Beowulf 377a cumen, || sōhte holdne wine. / Þonne sæġdon þæt || sǣ-līðen
Beowulf 435a ǣpna ne reċċeþ. / Iċ þæt þonne for·hyċġe || (swā mē Hy
Beowulf 469b lf·denes; || sē wæs betera þonne iċ. / Siþþan þā fǣhþe ||
Beowulf 484a gūðe || mid gryrum eċġa. / Þonne wæs þēos medu-heall || on
Beowulf 485b d, / dryht-sele drēor-fāh, || þonne dæġ līexte, / eall benċ-þe
Beowulf 505b ġe·hēdde under heofonum || þonne hē selfa): / ‘Eart þū sē
Beowulf 525a tānes || sōðe ġe·lǣste. / Þonne wēne iċ tō þē || wiersan
Beowulf 534b āhte, / earfoþu on ȳðum, || þonne ǣniġ ōðer mann. / Wit þæt
Beowulf 573b oft nereþ / unfǣġne eorl, || þonne his ellen dēah. / Hwæðre mē
Beowulf 678b talie, / gūð-ġe·weorca, || þonne Grendel hine; / for·þon iċ h
Beowulf 880a a, || būtan Fitela mid hine, / þonne hē swelċes hwæt || seċġa
Beowulf 934b fēore / bōte ġe·bīdan, || þonne blōde fāh / hūsa sēlest ||
Beowulf 1033b n / sċūr-heard sċeþþan, || þonne sċield-freca / onġēan gramum
Beowulf 1040a hilde-setl || hēah-cininges, / þonne sweorda ġe·lāc || sunu Hea
Beowulf 1042b læġ / wīd-cūðes wīġ, || þonne walu fēollon. / And þā Bēow
Beowulf 1066a rēted, || ġiedd oft wrecen, / þonne heall-gamen || Hrōð·gāres
Beowulf 1104a swā ġe·þearfod wæs; / ġif þonne Frēsna hwelċ || frēcnan% s
Beowulf 1106a r-hetes || myndġiend wǣre, / þonne hit sweordes eċġ || sēðan
Beowulf 1121b lton, / benn-ġeatu burston, || þonne blōd æt-sprang, / lāþ-bite
Beowulf 1139b yn-wræce / swīðor þōhte || þonne tō sǣ-lāde, / ġif hē torn-
Beowulf 1143a wiernde || weorold-rǣdenne, / þonne him Hun·lāfing || hilde-lē
Beowulf 1179b ĝum lǣf / folc and rīċe, || þonne þū forþ sċyle / metod-sċea
Beowulf 1182b rum healdan, || ġif þū ǣr þonne hē, / wine Sċieldinga, || weo
Beowulf 1285a e wīfes, || be wǣpned-menn, / þonne heoru bunden, || hamere ġe·
Beowulf 1326b d-bora, / eaxl-ġe·stealla, || þonne we on or-leġe / hafolan weredo
Beowulf 1327b or-leġe / hafolan weredon, || þonne hniton fēðan, / eoforas cnyse
Beowulf 1353b ræd, / nefne hē wæs māra || þonne ǣniġ mann ōðer; / þone on
Beowulf 1374b tīĝeþ / wann tō wolcnum, || þonne wind styreþ, / lāþ-ġe·wīd
Beowulf 1385b æt hē his frēond wrece, || þonne hē fela murne. / Ūre ǣghwel
Beowulf 1455a bītan ne meahton. / Næs þæt þonne mǣtost || mæġen-fultuma / þ
Beowulf 1484a Hyġe·lāce on·send. / Mæġ þonne on þǣm golde on·ġietan ||
Beowulf 1485b n, / ġesêon sunu Hrǣdles, || þonne hē on þæt sinċ staraþ, /
Beowulf 1487b de / bēaĝa bryttan, || brēac þonne mōste. / And þū Un·ferþ% l
Beowulf 1535a es. || Swā sċeall man dôn, / þonne hē æt gūðe || ġe·ġan
Beowulf 1560b yst, / būtan hit wæs māre || þonne ǣniġ mann ōðer / tō beadu-
Beowulf 1579b West-Denum / oftor miċele || þonne on ǣnne sīþ, / þonne hē Hr
Beowulf 1580a ele || þonne on ǣnne sīþ, / þonne hē Hrōð·gāres || heorð-
Beowulf 1609a e·mealt || īse ġelīcost, / þonne forstes bend || fæder on·l
Beowulf 1671a ġe·dēfe wæs. / Iċ hit þe þonne ġe·hāte, || þæt þū on
Beowulf 1741b dæl / weaxeþ and wrīdaþ. || Þonne sē weard swefeþ, / sāwle hie
Beowulf 1745a boĝan || firenum sċēoteþ. / Þonne biþ on hreðere || under hel
Beowulf 1822a ūs wēl dōhtest. / Ġif iċ þonne on eorðan || āwihte mæġ /
Beowulf 1824b an tilian, / gumena drihten, || þonne iċ ġīet dyde, / gūð-ġe·w
Beowulf 1836a e biþ manna ðearf. / Ġif him þonne Hrēð·rīċ% || tō hofum
Beowulf 2032a sēo brȳd duĝe. / Mæġ þæs þonne of·þynċan || þēodne% Hea
Beowulf 2034a ġe·hwǣm || þāra lēoda, / þonne hē mid fǣmnan || on flett g
Beowulf 2041a as || and hira selfra feorh. / Þonne cwiþ æt bēore || sē þe b
Beowulf 2063a e%, || cann him land ġearwe. / Þonne bēoþ ā·brocene% || on bā
Beowulf 2114a nġe; || hreðer inne wēoll, / þonne hē wintrum frōd || worn ġe
Beowulf 2433b āwihte, / beorn on burgum, || þonne his bearna hwelċ / Here·beald
Beowulf 2446b rīde / ġēong on gālĝan, || þonne hē ġiedd wrece, / sāriġne s
Beowulf 2447b edd wrece, / sāriġne sang, || þonne his sunu hangaþ / hræfne tō
Beowulf 2453b um on innan / ierfe-weardas, || þonne sē ān hafaþ / þurh dēaðes
Beowulf 2460a ǣr ġō wǣron. / Ġe·wīteþ þonne on sealman, || sorh-lēoþ g
Beowulf 2544b e·dīeġde, / hilde-hlemma, || þonne hniton fēðan, / standan% stā
Beowulf 2572b san hwīle / mǣrum þēodne || þonne his myne sōhte, / ðǣr hē þ
Beowulf 2579a on bāne, || bāt unswīðor / þonne his þēod-cyning || þearfe
Beowulf 2634a n, || ðǣr we medu þǣĝon, / þonne we ġe·hēton || ūssum hlā
Beowulf 2686b ġe, / swenġe ofer·sōhte, || þonne hē tō sæċċe bær / wǣpen
Beowulf 2742b ra / morðₒr-bealu māĝa, || þonne min sċæceþ / līf of līċe.
Beowulf 2867a | þe ġē ðǣr on standaþ, / þonne hē on ealu-benċe || oft ġe
Beowulf 2880b n; / simle wæs þȳ sǣmra, || þonne iċ swurde dræp / ferhð-ġe·
Beowulf 2891b sēlra / eorla ġe·hwelcum || þonne edwīt-līf. / Hēt þā þæt
Beowulf 3051a end wintra || ðǣr eardodon. / Þonne wæs þæt ierfe, || ēacen-c
Beowulf 3062b wrāðlīċe. || Wundor hwǣr þonne / eorl ellen-rōf || ende ġe·
Beowulf 3064b fēre / līf-ġe·sċeafta, || þonne lenġ ne mæġ / mann mid his m
Beowulf 3106b ġearu, / ǣdre ġe·efned, || þonne we ūt cymen, / and þonne ġe
Beowulf 3107a , || þonne we ūt cymen, / and þonne ġe·ferġen || frēan ūsern
Beowulf 3117a ġe·bād || īsern-sċūre, / þonne strǣla storm || strengum ġe
Beowulf 3176b herġe, / ferhþum frēoġe, || þonne hē forþ sċyle / of līċ-ham
Judith 329b e·frætwod, / mǣrra mādma || þonne mann ǣniġ / aseċġan mæġe
The Paris Psalter 101:4 2a c || þam þe hraþe weornaþ / þonne hit byþ amawyn || mannes fol
The Paris Psalter 101:19 1a fslegene || sliþe wæran / / # / þonne byþ on sione sægd || soþ n
The Paris Psalter 101:24 1a de || wended syþþan / / # / þu þonne byst se ilca || se þu ær w
The Paris Psalter 102:15 1a lifdagas || læne syndan / / # / þonne he gast ofgifeþ || syþþan
The Paris Psalter 103:27 2a ne fram him || æfre awendest / þonne hi gedrefde || deope weorþa
The Paris Psalter 105:34 1a ra bene || bealde gehyrde / / # / þonne he his wordgebeot || well gem
The Paris Psalter 105:34 2b ll gemunde / hreaw hine sona || þonne hi hynþa drugan / æfter his m
The Paris Psalter 108:10 3a e ut weorpe || earme þearfan / þonne hi to his huse || hleowes wil
The Paris Psalter 111:9 3b / þearle þindeþ || oþþæt þonne byþ / þæt fyrenfulra lust ||
The Paris Psalter 114:4 2a and sar || cnyssedan geneahhe / þonne ic naman drihtnes || nyde cig
The Paris Psalter 117:8 2a yhten || georne to þenceanne / þonne on mannan wese || mod to treo
The Paris Psalter 117:9 2a dryhten || georne to hyhtanne / þonne on ealdormen || ahwær to tre
The Paris Psalter 118:6 1a || elne healde / / # / ne beo ic þonne on ealdre || æfre gescynded /
The Paris Psalter 118:9 3a þe rædran || ræd gemittan / þonne he þine wisan || word geheal
The Paris Psalter 118:72 2b healde / þines muþes gemet || þonne mon me geofe / geara þusende |
The Paris Psalter 118:72 3b / þīnes mūðes ġe·met, || þonne man mē ġiefe / ġeare þūsen
The Paris Psalter 118:92 3a e ic on mode || minum hæfde / þonne ic wende || on woruldlife / þ
The Paris Psalter 118:92 4a ċ on mōde || mīnum hæfde, / þonne iċ wende || on weorold-līfe
The Paris Psalter 118:117 1b ad / / # / gefultuma me fæste || þonne beo ic fægere hal / and ic þi
The Paris Psalter 118:117 2b / Ġe·fultuma mē fæste; || þonne bēo iċ fæġere hāl, / and i
The Paris Psalter 119:1 2a to drihtne || deorum cleopode / þonne me costunga || cnysdon geneah
The Paris Psalter 119:6 3a sibbe mid him || soþe hæfde / þonne ic him spedlice to || spræce
The Paris Psalter 119:6 4a e to || spræce and hi lærde / þonne me earwunga || ealle onfuhtan
The Paris Psalter 121:5 2a || sæton æt domum / þu eart þonne dema || dauides hus / þæt on
The Paris Psalter 122:2 2a eagan synt || ealra gelicast / þonne esne biþ || þonne ondrysnum
The Paris Psalter 122:2 2b gelicast / þonne esne biþ || þonne ondrysnum / his hlaforde || her
The Paris Psalter 122:3 2a agan gaþ || earmre þeowenan / þonne heo on hire hlæfdigean || ha
The Paris Psalter 123:2 1a eardige on || awa drihten / / # / þonne us manfulle || menn onginnaþ
The Paris Psalter 123:3 1a olgan || gif hi swa magon / / # / þonne us þara manna || mod yrsade /
The Paris Psalter 124:3 3a enfulra tan || furþor gangan / þonne he soþfæstra || settan wyll
The Paris Psalter 125:1 1a Paris Psalter: Psalm 125 / / # / þonne drihten wyle || gedon æfter /
The Paris Psalter 125:3 1a e tungan || teala wynsume / / # / þonne hi geond þeode || cweþaþ
The Paris Psalter 125:6 1a || sniþaþ æfter / / # / cumaþ þonne mid cumendum || cuþe mid bli
The Paris Psalter 126:4 1a ares hlaf || swiþe æton / / # / þonne he slæp syleþ || swiþe leo
The Paris Psalter 126:6 4a ldre ealre || æfre gescended / þonne he on gaton greteþ || his gr
The Paris Psalter 127:2 1a fes tid || lustum gangaþ / / # / þonne þu þines gewinnes || wæstm
The Paris Psalter 131:13 1a e || þe ic hig wel lære / / # / þonne hiora suna || swylce motan / a
The Paris Psalter 136:1 3a sittaþ || and sāre wēpaþ, / þonne we Sion ġe·munon || swīðe
The Paris Psalter 136:2 5a arn || on þone æþelan stan / þonne we sion gemunan || swiþe geo
The Paris Psalter 136:7 1a Edōm sint || eall libbende, / þonne þū Hierusālem || ġe·gōd
The Paris Psalter 136:7 3a on edom synt || eal lifigende / þonne þu hierusalem || gegodie / þa
The Paris Psalter 138:21 3a ihte || ahwær eode / gelæd me þonne || lifes ealdor / þæt ic on e
The Paris Psalter 140:1 3a me hrædlice || holdre stefne / þonne ic bene to þe || bidde ceare
The Paris Psalter 140:2 3a ene gereht || swa ricels byþ / þonne hit gifre || gleda bærnaþ / /
The Paris Psalter 140:3 2a ce is ahafenes || handa minra / þonne ic þe æfenlac || estum secg
The Paris Psalter 142:5 1a rte on || hearde gedrefed / / # / þonne ic on mode || gemyndgade / hu m
The Paris Psalter 142:6 1a dgeweorc || hogode georne / / # / þonne ic mine handa to þe || holde
The Paris Psalter 143:16 3b swiþe / of þissan on þæt || þonne wendaþ / / # / heora sceap wæru
The Paris Psalter 145:4 1a tas || þe hi þohtan ær / / # / þonne biþ eadig || þe him æror w
The Paris Psalter 146:10 2b gum neatum / hrefnes briddum || þonne heo hropende / him cigeaþ to |
The Paris Psalter 149:5 1a rum syleþ || mære hælu / / # / þonne on wuldre gefeoþ || wel þa
The Paris Psalter 51:7 1a gylp || ealra geornost / / # / ic þonne swa elebeam || up weaxende / on
The Paris Psalter 52:7 3a of sione || nymþe sylfa god / þonne he his folc || fægere alyse
The Paris Psalter 52:8 1a æftnyde || halig drihten / / # / þonne iacob byþ || on glædum sæl
The Paris Psalter 53:4 1a eawne on gesyhþe / / # / efne me þonne god || gleawe fultumeþ / is an
The Paris Psalter 54:6 3a || fiþeru swa culfran / and ic þonne ricene || reste syþþan / / # /
The Paris Psalter 55:8 1a hate || hæfde geneahhige / / # / þonne on hinderling || hweorfaþ mi
The Paris Psalter 55:8 2b orfaþ mine / feondas fæcne || þonne ic me freoþu to þe / wordum w
The Paris Psalter 57:6 2a rweorþan || wætere gelicost / þonne hit yrnende || eorþe forswel
The Paris Psalter 57:9 1b ene / / # / soþfæst blissaþ || þonne he siþ ongan / hu þa arleasan
The Paris Psalter 57:10 1a ulra || fæcnum blode / / # / and þonne man cweþeþ || on his modsef
The Paris Psalter 58:6 2a t æfene eft || in gecyrraþ / þonne hy heardne || hungor þoliaþ
The Paris Psalter 58:8 1a | wraþ sweord and scearp / / # / þonne gehyreþ hwylc || hwæt hyra
The Paris Psalter 58:16 1a eoþ || fela gnorniaþ / / # / ic þonne þine strengþu || stundum si
The Paris Psalter 58:17 3a elpe æt þe || hæfde symble / þonne me costunge || cnysedon genea
The Paris Psalter 61:3 1a in || ic ne forhtige wiht / / # / þonne ge mid mane || men ongunnon / e
The Paris Psalter 62:4 2a in milde mod || micele betere / þonne þis læne lif || þe we lifi
The Paris Psalter 64:12 1a punge || deawes and renes / / # / þonne þu geares hring || mid gyfe
The Paris Psalter 64:12 3a umnesse wylt || folcum dælan / þonne beoþ þine feldas || fylde m
The Paris Psalter 64:13 1a das || fylde mid wæstmum / / # / þonne on wæstmum || weorþaþ mæs
The Paris Psalter 64:14 4a angas || weorþlic on hwætum / þonne hi cynlice to þe || cleopia
The Paris Psalter 64:14 5a þe || cleopiaþ sona / and þe þonne lustum || lofe þanciaþ
The Paris Psalter 65:9 3a dome || swa man seolfor deþ / þonne man hit aseoþeþ || swyþe m
The Paris Psalter 67:8 1a diaþ || on eorþscræfum / / # / þonne god gangeþ || for his þæt
The Paris Psalter 67:10 2a regn || wolcen brincgeþ / and þonne ascadeþ god || sundoryrfe / ea
The Paris Psalter 67:14 1a scineþ || beorhtan golde / / # / þonne hi se heofonlica cynincg || h
The Paris Psalter 68:4 1b wene / / # / hiora is mycle ma || þonne ic me hæbbe / on heafde nu ||
The Paris Psalter 68:10 1a ra edwita || on gefeollon / / # / þonne ic minum feore || fæsten ges
The Paris Psalter 68:11 3a ta || inn ġe·fēollon. / / # / Þonne iċ mīnum fēore || fæsten
The Paris Psalter 68:13 1a || þa þe win druncon / / # / ic þonne min gebed || to þe mihtig dr
The Paris Psalter 68:13 3a | teala liciendlic / and þu me þonne on mænigeo || miltsa þinra /
The Paris Psalter 68:14 1a ā þe wīn druncon. / / # / Iċ þonne min ġe·bedd || tō þē, me
The Paris Psalter 68:14 3a la līciendliċ, / and þū mē þonne on meniġu || miltsa þīnra /
The Paris Psalter 68:31 2a leofan gode || licie swyþor / þonne æþele cealf || þeah þe hi
The Paris Psalter 68:33 2a ofan gode || līcie swīðor / þonne æðele ċealf, || þēah þe
The Paris Psalter 69:2 1a ltuma || æt feorhþearfe / / # / þonne beoþ gescende || and scame d
The Paris Psalter 70:8 2a eorp þu me || wuldres ealdor / þonne me ylde tid || on gesige / þon
The Paris Psalter 70:8 3a onne me ylde tid || on gesige / þonne me mægen and mod || mylte on
The Paris Psalter 70:10 3a d læte || swa swa gymeleasne / þonne we hine forgripen || and his
The Paris Psalter 70:19 4a ela feala || oft oncnyssedest / þonne þu yrre þin || eft oncyrdes
The Paris Psalter 70:20 2a t weorc || sniome tobræddest / þonne þu gehwyrfdest || and hulpe
The Paris Psalter 70:21 2a ras gefeoþ || wynnum lofiaþ / þonne ic þe singe || sigora wealde
The Paris Psalter 71:6 1a ruld || wunaþ him ece / / # / he þonne astigeþ || swa se stranga re
The Paris Psalter 71:8 1a ahafen || hluttor mona / / # / he þonne wealdeþ || wera cneorissum / b
The Paris Psalter 71:16 1a lne dæg || eac bletsiaþ / / # / þonne æþele getrym || eorþan wea
The Paris Psalter 71:17 1a rþan heg || ute on lande / / # / þonne byþ his nama || ofer eall ni
The Paris Psalter 71:17 4b / byþ his setl ær || swylce þonne mona / / # / and him byþ eorþan
The Paris Psalter 72:9 1a dagas || findaþ sona / / # / and þonne cwædon || hu weorþeþ þis
The Paris Psalter 74:3 2a en || and hire eardend mid / ic þonne hire swyre || symble getrymme
The Paris Psalter 74:8 1a þæs onfehþ þe he ann / / # / þonne he of þysum on þæt || þon
The Paris Psalter 74:8 1b onne he of þysum on þæt || þonne oncerreþ / nyle he þa dærsta
The Paris Psalter 74:8 5a foldan || fyrene wyrceaþ / ic þonne worulde gefean || wynnum heal
The Paris Psalter 75:6 1a yst || ahwær wiþstandan / / # / þonne þu of heofenum dom || hider
The Paris Psalter 75:6 2b orþan / mid gescote sendest || þonne hio swyþe beofaþ / þonne to
The Paris Psalter 75:6 3a || þonne hio swyþe beofaþ / þonne to dome || drihten ariseþ / þ
The Paris Psalter 75:7 2a þoht || mægen andetteþ / and þonne þa lafe || lustum þence / þ
The Paris Psalter 76:12 2a efn || strang on hwēole. / / # / Þonne% līeġette || līexan cōmon,
The Paris Psalter 76:15 1a stefn || strang on hweole / / # / þonne ligette || lixan cwoman / eall
The Paris Psalter 77:33 1a eara gancg || eac unnytte / / # / þonne he hi sare sloh || þonne hi
The Paris Psalter 77:33 1b / # / þonne he hi sare sloh || þonne hi sohton hine / and ær leohte
The Paris Psalter 77:37 1a e || fæstne geleafan / / # / he þonne is mildheort || and manþwær
The Paris Psalter 77:58 2a a hi his yrre || oft aweahtan / þonne hi oferhydig || up ahofan / and
The Paris Psalter 77:70 1a he him onfencg hraþe / / # / he þonne fedeþ || folc iacobes / and is
The Paris Psalter 77:71 1a ela || yrfelafe / / # / and he hi þonne butan facne || fedeþ syþþa
The Paris Psalter 80:13 4a n wegas mine || woldan gangan / þonne ic hiora fynd || fylde and hy
The Paris Psalter 81:7 1a a || and æþele bearn / / # / ge þonne sweltaþ || samod mid mannum /
The Paris Psalter 82:12 2a t hiora ansyn || awa sceamige / þonne hi naman þinne || neode sece
The Paris Psalter 82:13 3a uldlife || weorþaþ gedrefde / þonne hi naman þinne || neode sece
The Paris Psalter 83:9 2b ebidanne / anne dæg mid þe || þonne oþera / on þeodstefnum || þu
The Paris Psalter 83:10 3a ic hean gange || on hus godes / þonne ic on fyrenfulra || folce ear
The Paris Psalter 83:11 3a i mildheort || mode soþfæst / þonne him god gyfeþ || gyfe and wu
The Paris Psalter 84:11 2a remsum god || fægere drihten / þonne us eorþe syleþ || æþele w
The Paris Psalter 85:3 1b e to / / # / miltsa me drihten || þonne ic mægene to þe / þurh ealne
The Paris Psalter 85:6 1a o þe || stundum cleopige / / # / þonne me on dæge || deorc earfoþe
The Paris Psalter 85:6 2b arfoþe / carelice cnyssedan || þonne ic cleopode to þe / forþon þ
The Paris Psalter 85:11 1b e / / # / heorte min ahlyhheþ || þonne ic þinne halgan naman / forhti
The Paris Psalter 87:5 2a ewundade || wraþe slæpe / syn þonne geworpene || on widne hlæw /
The Paris Psalter 88:8 3a s yþum miht || ana gesteoran / þonne hi on wæge || wind onhrereþ
The Paris Psalter 88:17 1a la cyning || eac se halga / / # / þonne þu ofer ealle || undearnunga
The Paris Psalter 88:25 1a god || ecere hælu / / # / and ic þonne frumbearn || forþ asette / ofe
The Paris Psalter 88:30 1a odu || bliþe ne healdaþ / / # / þonne ic heora unriht gewrece || eg
The Paris Psalter 88:33 1a a || æhwær getreowe / / # / þu þonne wiþsoce || soþum criste / and
The Paris Psalter 89:6 4a swa || oþþæt æfen cymeþ / þonne forwisnaþ || weorþeþ to du
The Paris Psalter 89:10 2b || ure winter / geongewifran || þonne hio geornast biþ / þæt heo a
The Paris Psalter 91:2 1a an || hæleþa cynnes / / # / and þonne on morgene || mægene sæcge /
The Paris Psalter 91:6 1a t hafaþ || ænig dysigra / / # / þonne forþ cumaþ || fyrenfulra þ
The Paris Psalter 91:9 1a unrihtes || æror worhtan / / # / þonne anhorna || ealra gelicost / min
The Paris Psalter 92:6 2a clice syndon || wægea gangas / þonne sæstreamas || swiþust flowa
The Paris Psalter 93:13 1a || æfre forlætan / / # / hwylc þonne gena || gehwyrfed byþ / þæt
The Paris Psalter 93:20 1a m his || fæst on drihtne / / # / þonne him gyldeþ || god ælmihtig /
The Paris Psalter 95:5 2a du || hilde-dēoful; / heofonas þonne worhte || hāliġ drihten. / / #
The Paris Psalter 95:13 1a as eorþan || ealle demde / / # / þonne he ymbhwyrft || eorþan folca
The Metres of Boethius: Proem 7b ut adrife / selflicne secg, || þonne he swelces lyt / gymð for his
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 41b || arrianes / gedwola leofre || þonne drihtnes æ / het iohannes || g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 3a te / unnytne gelp || agan wille / þonne ic hine wolde || wordum bidda
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 14a re gitsunge || gelpes scamian / þonne hine þæs hlisan || heardost
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 23b ban tiliaþ / ofer þioda ma || þonne eow þearf sie / þeah eow nu g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 30a re || deaþ þæs ne scrifeþ / þonne him rum forlæt || rodora wal
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 67b nce / deaþ æfter dogorrime || þonne he hæfþ drihtnes leafe / hwæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 68a e hæfþ drihtnes leafe / hwæt þonne hæbbe || hæleþa ænig / guma
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 27b t eallunga / swiþor stirian || þonne him sigora weard / his gewealdl
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 74a gesceaft || mearce healden / ac þonne se eca || and se ælmihtiga /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 101b ruldgesceafta || wære hit la þonne / murge mid monnum || gif hit m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 47a || þæt him se weald oncwyþ / þonne hi geheraþ || hleoþrum bræ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 56b nde / swa deþ eac sio sunne || þonne hio on sige weorþeþ / ofer mi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 67b wiþ his gecyndes || cymþ to þonne hit mæg / nis nu ofer eorþan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 77a cume || þær hio æror wæs / þonne hio ærest sie || utan behwer
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 78a ærest sie || utan behwerfed / þonne hio ealles wyrþ || utan bece
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 11b te þon mare / hordgestreona || þonne he hiþer brohte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 1b / / se þe wille anwald agon || þonne sceal he ærest tilian / þæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 16a ceop || æghwilcne mon / hwy ge þonne æfre || ofer oþre men / oferm
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 11b on sume dune / fiscnet eowru || þonne eow fon lysteþ / leax oþþe c
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 16b mid hundum / on sealtne sæ || þonne eow secan lyst / heorotas and h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 19b on wuda secan / oftor micle || þonne ut on sæ / is þæt wundorlic
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 42b eac dysegran / ungesæligran || þonne ic þe secgan mæge / hi wilnia
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 45a weorþscipes || to gewinnanne / þonne hi habbaþ || þæt hiora hig
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 46a æt hiora hige seceþ / wenaþ þonne || swa gewitlease / þæt hi þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 7b la gio þa / sette soþcwida || þonne ic on sælum wæs / oft ic nu m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 103b geþawened / gif þæt nære || þonne hio wære / fordrugod to duste
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 125a swa same || uppe ofer rodere / þonne is þæs fyres || frumstol on
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 139b hire on nanre ne mot || near þonne on oþre / stowe gestæppan ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 218a cost || hwærfþ ymb hi selfe / þonne hio ymb hire scyppend || mid
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 221a þ eallunga || an hire selfre / þonne hio ymb hi selfe || secende s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 223a fior || hire selfre beneoþan / þonne hio þæs lænan || lufaþ an
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 257a a waldend || to þe cuman / and þonne mid openum || eagum moten / mod
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 5a || þe we secgaþ ymb / se þe þonne nu sie || nearwe gehefted / mid
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 27b agan / ablendaþ on breostum || þonne hi hi beorhtran gedon / forþæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 37a nlihtan || lifes wealdend / gif þonne hæleþa hwilc || hlutrum eag
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 40a nes leohtes || hlutre beorhto / þonne wile he secgan || þæt þær
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 22b eþonc / leohtre and berhtre || þonne se leoma sie / sunnan on sumera
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 23b leoma sie / sunnan on sumera || þonne swegles gim / hador heofontungo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 18b ufan / siþþan weorþan || and þonne samtenges / æt þæm ælcealda
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 25a oþrum steorrum / siþþan þu þonne || þone up a hafast / forþ of
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 27a farenne || þu meaht feorsian / þonne bist þu siþþan || sona ofe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 30a tan heofon || behindan lætst / þonne meaht þu siþþan || soþes
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 48a æfre eft || þær an cymest / þonne wilt þu secgan || and sona c
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 55a lan || fæste stondan / gif þe þonne æfre || eft geweorþeþ / þæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 22a rwina || to fultemaþ / gif mon þonne wolde || him awindan of / þæs
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 24a n || claþa gehwilcne / and him þonne oftion || þara þegnunga / and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 26a anwaldes || þe he ær hæfde / þonne meaht þu gesion || þæt he
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 30a ene ic his na beteran / gif him þonne æfre || unmendlinga / weas geb
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 35b æt him þynceþ || þæt he þonne sie / becropen on carcern || o
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 45a fla ofermetta || unnetta saca / þonne hi gebolgene weorþaþ || him
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 64a elcum || a underþeodan / sceal þonne nede || nearwe gebugan / to þa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 70a olde a || winnan onginnan / and þonne on þæm gewinne || þurhwuni
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 71a gewinne || þurhwunian forþ / þonne næfde he || nane scylde / þea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 25b gne þonan / merehengesta || ma þonne ænne / ferede on fifelstream |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 79b o wulfum wurdon || ne meahton þonne word forþbringan / ac hio þra
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 82a æron eaforas || a grymetedon / þonne hi sares hwæt || siofian sci
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 84b non laþlice / yrrenga ryn || a þonne hi sceoldon / clipian for corþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 94b onnum gelices / eorþbuendum || þonne ingeþonc / hæfde anra gehwylc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 112b na gehwelcum / modes unþeaw || þonne mettrymnes / lænes lichoman ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 12b færelt / ymbhwerft læssan || þonne oþru tungl / forþæm hi þær
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 40b mere gange / under sæ swife || þonne hio on setl glideþ / hwa is on
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 42b t ne wundrige / fulles monan || þonne he færinga / wyrþ under wolcn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 81a ferwrigen mid || wunode lange / þonne ic wæt geare || þæt hi ne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 19a de neah || eaxe þæs roderes / þonne is an steorra || ofer oþre b
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 20b eorht / cymeþ eastan up || ær þonne sunne / þone monna bearn || mo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 29b þioda his / noman onwendaþ || þonne niht cymeþ / hataþ hine ealle
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 33b eorþeþ / eldum oþewed || ær þonne sunne / habbaþ æþele tungol
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 70a olde || wel forþbrengeþ / hit þonne he wile || heofona waldend / an
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 72a aþ eft || eorþbuendum / nimþ þonne he wile || nergende god / and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 3a nceþ || þæt sweorcende mod / þonne hit þa strongan || stormas b
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 4b as beataþ / weoruldbisgunga || þonne hit winnende / his agen leoht |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 19b l / and his modgeþonc || ma up þonne niþer / habban to heofonum ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 11b bereafaþ / beorhtan leohtes || þonne hit gebyrigan mæg / þæt swa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 51a on selfwille || sigan lætest / þonne ic wat þætte wile || woruld
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 9a lashlutre || grimme gedrefeþ / þonne hie gemengaþ || micla ysta / o
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 10b reraþ hronmere || hrioh biþ þonne / seo þe ær gladu || onsiene
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 36a e / geortreowe || æniges godes / þonne þe for worulde || wiþerwear
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 3a idas || and þus selfa cwæþ / þonne sio sunne || sweotolost scine
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 8a e || wiþ þære sunnan leoht / þonne smolte blæwþ || suþan and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 9b westan / wind under wolcnum || þonne weaxeþ hraþe / feldes blostma
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 11b moton / ac se stearca storm || þonne he strong cymþ / norþan and e
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 25b ede / of hiora stede styrede || þonne hi strong dreceþ / wind under
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 42a uldmen wise || buton wendinge / þonne he eall forsihþ || eorþlicu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 45a þe þær æfter cumaþ / hine þonne æghwonan || ælmihtig good / s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 51b d hine singale / gemen gæle || þonne him grimme on / woruldsælþa w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 33a þe bliþra || on breostcofan / þonne he swylces morþres || mæst
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 46b de / he hæfde him to gamene || þonne he on gylp astag / hu he eorþc
Metrical Psalm 91:2 1a # Metrical Psalm 91:2 / / And þonne on morgenne || megenne sege / h
Metrical Psalm 91:6 1a # Metrical Psalm 91:6 / / þonne% forð cumæþ || firenfulræ
Metrical Psalm 91:9 1a # Metrical Psalm 91:9 / / þonne ænhornæ || eælræ gelicæs
Metrical Psalm 92:6 2a ce syndæn || wegeæ gængæs / þonne sæstreæmæs || swiðust flo
Metrical Psalm 93:20 1a # Metrical Psalm 93:20 / / þonne him gyldeþ || god elmihtig / e
The Rune Poem 46a annum || simle biþ on hyhte, / þonne hīe hine ferĝaþ || ofer fi
The Rune Poem 91a eġle || eorla ġe·hwelcun, / þonne fæstlīċe || flǣsċ on·ġ
Solomon and Saturn 23a f ed-wītes || ȳða heafdum. / Þonne him biþ lēofre || þonne ea
Solomon and Saturn 23b m. / Þonne him biþ lēofre || þonne eall þēos lēohte ġe·sċe
Solomon and Saturn 24a n / of edwittes || iþa heafdum / þonne him biþ leofre || þonne eal
Solomon and Saturn 24b dum / þonne him biþ leofre || þonne eall þeos leohte gesceaft / ge
Solomon and Saturn 27a wiht cūðe. / Fracoþ hē biþ þonne and fremede || frēan æl-mih
Solomon and Saturn 28a | owiht cuþe / fracoþ he biþ þonne and fremede || frean ælmihti
Solomon and Saturn 39b n intingum, / eġesfullicran || þonne sēo ǣrene gripu, / þonne hē
Solomon and Saturn 40a || þonne sēo ǣrene gripu, / þonne hēo for [XII] fīra || tȳde
Solomon and Saturn 42b fan intingum / egesfullicran || þonne seo ærene gripu / þonne heo f
Solomon and Saturn 43a an || þonne seo ærene gripu / þonne heo for twelf fyra || tyderne
Solomon and Saturn 69b ġearde, / staðole strengra || þonne ealra stāna grīpe. / Lamena h
Solomon and Saturn 74b angearde / staþole strengra || þonne ealra stana gripe / lamena he i
Solomon and Saturn 91a hwone || fæste ġe·standan. / Þonne hine on unþanc //R// R || ie
Solomon and Saturn 96a a gehwane || fæste gestondan / þonne hiene on unþanc rad r || ieo
Solomon and Saturn 98a iþ æt biþ æt heortan wā, / þonne []e hangiende || helle wīsċ
Solomon and Saturn 100a ænġestan || ēðel-rīċes. / Þonne hine for·cinnað || þā ċi
Solomon and Saturn 101a im læce god / wendeþ he hiene þonne under wolcnum || wigsteall se
Solomon and Saturn 103a huru him biþ æt heartan wa / þonne he hangiende || helle wisceþ
Solomon and Saturn 104a an, || feorh ne be·murnaþ%. / Þonne //S// S cymeþ, || engla ġe
Solomon and Saturn 105a þæs ængestan || eþelrices / þonne hine forcinnaþ || þa cirica
Solomon and Saturn 109a schoman || feorh ne bemurnaþ / þonne sigel s cymeþ || engla geræ
Solomon and Saturn 116a him biþ þæt dēoful lāþ. / Þonne hine I and //L// L || and sē
Solomon and Saturn 120a || þæt hē on hinder gæþ. / Þonne hine //F// F and //M// M ||
Solomon and Saturn 121a || him biþ þæt deofol laþ / þonne hine i and lagu l || and se y
Solomon and Saturn 125a g || þæt he on hinder gæþ / þonne hiene feoh f and monn m || ut
Solomon and Saturn 126a æs hīe oft ġielp brecaþ. / Þonne hine æt nīehstan || nearwe
Solomon and Saturn 131a || þæs hie oft gilp brecaþ / þonne hine æt niehstan || nearwe s
Solomon and Saturn 134a riendes || ġunges hræġles. / Þonne hine on lyfte || līf-ġe·tw
Solomon and Saturn 139a yrigendes || geonges hrægles / þonne hine on lyfte || lifgetwinnan
Solomon and Saturn 152b nnes, / handa ġe·hefeĝaþ || þonne hē æt hilde sċeall / wiþ l
Solomon and Saturn 157b es mannes / handa gehefegaþ || þonne he æt hilde sceall / wiþ laþ
Solomon and Saturn 159b simle hē sċeall singan, || þonne hē his sweord ġe·tēo, / Pā
Solomon and Saturn 162b ū ġiefe / feorh and folme, || þonne his fēond cyme’. / ‘swīce
Solomon and Saturn 164b e / ac symle he sceal singan || þonne he his sweord geteo / pater nos
Solomon and Saturn 166a || helle tō·middes. / Hāteþ þonne hēah-cyning || helle be·tȳ
Solomon and Saturn 167b im bu gife / feorh and folme || þonne his feond cyme / // swice || æ
Solomon and Saturn 171a ndum || helle tomiddes / hateþ þonne heahcining || helle betynan / f
Solomon and Saturn 197a ah iċ nā sprece%. / Wāt iċ þonne, ġif þū ġe·wītest || on
Solomon and Saturn 2a || þeah ic no sprece / wat ic þonne gif þu gewitest || on wendel
Solomon and Saturn 103b . || / ‘swīðor miċele || þonne sē swipra nīþ / sē hine ġe
Solomon and Saturn 109a hwīle || leaf bēoþ grēne; / þonne hīe eft fealwiaþ, || fealla
Solomon and Saturn 111a || weorðaþ tō dūste. / Swā þonne ġe·feallaþ || þā þe fir
Solomon and Saturn 119b cwæþ # || / swiþor micle || þonne se swipra niþ / se hine gelæd
Solomon and Saturn 121a ġe·hīere.’ / ‘Wā% biþ þonne þissum mōdĝum mannum, ||
Solomon and Saturn 127a tle hwile || leaf beoþ grene / þonne hie eft fealewiaþ || fealla
Solomon and Saturn 129a aþ || weorþaþ to duste / swa þonne gefeallaþ || þa þe fyrena
Solomon and Saturn 130a rapas’. / ‘Ac hwā dēmeþ þonne || drihtne Crīste / on dōmes
Solomon and Saturn 131b Crīste / on dōmes dæġe, || þonne hē dēmeþ eallum ġe·sċea
Solomon and Saturn 132a ·sċeaftum?’ / ‘Hwā dearr þonne drihtne dēman, || þe ūs of
Solomon and Saturn 141a / salomon cwæþ # || / wa biþ þonne þissum modgum monnum || þam
Solomon and Saturn 147a ’ / ‘For·hwon ne mōton we þonne ealle || mid an-mēdlan / ġeġ
Solomon and Saturn 153a us cwæþ # || / ac hwa demeþ þonne || dryhtne criste / on domes d
Solomon and Saturn 154b htne criste / on domes dæge || þonne he demeþ eallum gesceaftum / s
Solomon and Saturn 156a salomon cwæþ # || / hwa dear þonne dryhtne deman || þe us of du
Solomon and Saturn 159a þæt? || Gōde oþþe yfele, / þonne hīe bēoþ þurh āne || ide
Solomon and Saturn 164b e sīdan ġe·sċeafte || and þonne eft mid sorĝum ġe·wīteþ.
Solomon and Saturn 166b ?’ / ‘Mōdor ne rǣdeþ, || þonne hēo maĝan cenneþ, / hū him
Solomon and Saturn 172b e·lōme / grymme grēotan, || þonne hē ġung færeþ, / hafaþ wil
Solomon and Saturn 176a þ # || / forhwon ne moton we þonne ealle || mid onmedlan / gegnum
Solomon and Saturn 179b h sēo mōdor ġe·weald, || þonne hēo maĝan cenneþ, / bearnes
Solomon and Saturn 184a urnus cwæþ # || / ac forhwon þonne leofaþ || se wyrsa leng / se w
Solomon and Saturn 192a eþ þæt || gode oþþe yfle / þonne hie beoþ þurh ane || idese
Solomon and Saturn 197b þisse sidan gesceafte || and þonne eft mid sorgum gewiteþ / fricg
Solomon and Saturn 197a ena biþ || worn ġe·samnod. / Þonne snotorum menn || snǣd oþ·g
Solomon and Saturn 200b þ # || / modor ne rædeþ || þonne heo magan cenneþ / hu him weor
Solomon and Saturn 203a f hē hit ġe·þenċan cann, / þonne him sīe seofon daĝa || simb
Solomon and Saturn 206b and gelome / grimme greotan || þonne he geong færeþ / hafaþ wilde
Solomon and Saturn 213b þan nah seo modor geweald || þonne heo magan cenneþ / bearnes bl
Solomon and Saturn 223b rengra%, / wyrd þe warnung, || þonne hīe winnaþ oft / mid hira þr
Solomon and Saturn 226b ē ġāra / Filistina witan, || þonne we on ġe·flitum sǣton, / bō
Solomon and Saturn 235a weotena biþ || worn gesamnod / þonne snottrum men || snæd oþþgl
Solomon and Saturn 241a || gif he hit geþencan cann / þonne him sie seofon daga || symbel
Solomon and Saturn 249b all heofona rīċe || and him þonne on healfum sittan, / tȳdran% h
Solomon and Saturn 262b strengra / wyrd þe warnung || þonne hie winnaþ oft / mid hira þre
Solomon and Saturn 265b n me geara / filistina witan || þonne we on geflitum sæton / bocum t
Solomon and Saturn 271a enden hīe libbaþ’. / ‘Is þonne on þisse foldan || fīra ǣn
Solomon and Saturn 281a mid þȳ þe hit dæġ biþ. / Þonne hine ymbe·gangaþ || gāstas
Solomon and Saturn 291b eall heofona rice || and him þonne on healfum sittan / tydran him
Solomon and Saturn 293a ld || ierre ġe·worden. / Swā þonne feohteþ sē fēond || on fē
Solomon and Saturn 297a on wōh spaneþ. / Ġe·wīteþ þonne wēpende || on weġ faran / en
Solomon and Saturn 314a gaþ / saturnus cwæþ # || / is þonne on þisse foldan || fira æni
Solomon and Saturn 321b onsendeþ / dryhten heofona || þonne dæg styreþ / se sceall beheal
Solomon and Saturn 325a || mid þy þe hit dæg biþ / þonne hine ymbegangaþ || gastas tw
Solomon and Saturn 9a ra scyld || yrre geworden / swa þonne feohteþ se feond || on feowe
Solomon and Saturn 13a hine on woh spaneþ / gewiteþ þonne wepende || on weg faran / engel
The Menologium 23a endes, || brōhte tō temple. / Þonne þæs ymb fīf niht || þæt
The Menologium 32a | ċeorlum and eorlum / (būtan þonne bīses || ġe·boden weorðe /
The Menologium 33b weorðe / feorþan ġēare; || þonne hē furður cymeþ / ufor ānre
The Menologium 37b rēðe, / Hlȳda hēalīċ. || Þonne sē hālĝa þæs / ymb [XI] ni
The Menologium 58b frōfre, / dryhtnes ǣrest; || þonne drēam ġe·rist / wēl wīde
The Menologium 90b tūne, / wearme ġe·wederu. || Þonne wangas hræðe / blōstmum blō
The Menologium 106b le nēah, / mynstre mǣrum. || Þonne mōnaþ bringþ / ymb twā and
The Menologium 115b a%, / weorold-ġe·sċeafta. || Þonne wuldres þeġn / ymb þrīe-tī
The Menologium 130b metodes, / ealdor-þeġnas. || Þonne ǣdre cymþ / ymb twā niht þ
The Menologium 143b īewed / fæġere on foldan. || Þonne forþ ġe·wāt / ymb þrīe ni
The Menologium 153b ·golden / ēċe tō ealdre. || Þonne ealling biþ / ymb tīen niht
The Menologium 169b sēlost, / dryhtnes mōdor. || Þonne dæġena worn / ymbe þrīe-tī
The Menologium 173b fte, / on ēċne ġe·fēan. || Þonne ealling cymþ / ymb þrīe niht
The Menologium 210b nd sōhte, / up-engla weard. || Þonne ymbe eahta niht / and fēowerum
The Menologium 218b wǣre, / fūs on forþ-weġ. || Þonne folcum bringþ / morĝen tō ma
The Menologium 226a orn-wiĝan || blētsunga his. / Þonne ymb fēower niht || þætte f
The Judgment Day II 29a orum, || recene tō tēarum, / þonne iċ synfull slēa || swīðe
The Judgment Day II 71b ustum? / Ac sē dæġ cymeþ || þonne dēmeþ God / eorðan ymb-hwyrf
The Judgment Day II 107a m-hīew || and dwolma sweart. / Þonne stedelēase || steorran hrēo
The Judgment Day II 111a ·nipu mæġe fleċġan. / Ēac þonne cumaþ hider || ufan of heofo
The Judgment Day II 113a n%, || brēġaþ þā earman; / þonne cumaþ uplīċe || ēored-hē
The Judgment Day II 117a d || meahte and þrymme. / Sitt þonne siġel-beorht || sweġeles br
The Judgment Day II 124b foran dōm-setle || dryhtnes þonne; / stent herġa% mǣst% || heort
The Judgment Day II 127a d, || meahtlēas, ā·fǣred. / Þonne samod be·cumaþ || of sweġe
The Judgment Day II 129a rod, || ēċne ymb·trymmaþ. / Þonne% biþ ġe·bān miċel || and
The Judgment Day II 135a || ġe·teald wǣron ā-wiht. / Þonne eallum bēoþ || ealra ġe·s
The Judgment Day II 143a menn || ypte oþþe cȳðde, / þonne biþ eallum || open æt·samn
The Judgment Day II 152a id þȳ || eall ġe·fielled. / Þonne fȳren līeġ || blāweþ% an
The Judgment Day II 158a īe || hēr ā·feormod%, / and þonne þider cume, || þearle ā·c
The Judgment Day II 159a ume, || þearle ā·clǣnsod. / Þonne fela mǣġþa, || folca unrī
The Judgment Day II 232a æfe || biernaþ and eornaþ. / Þonne deriende || ġe·dwīnaþ heo
The Judgment Day II 234a , || ġe·wītaþ% mid ealle; / þonne druncenness || ġe·dwīneþ
The Judgment Day II 239b yldiġ sċyndan% || on sċade þonne%, / and sē earma flīehþ || unc
The Judgment Day II 242a slūman || slincan on hinder. / Þonne blindum be·seah || biterum l
The Judgment Day II 244b ofest% on līfe || lāþ biþ þonne, / and þæt wērġe mōd || wen
The Judgment Day II 252b s þēodne ġe·þēon || and þonne% mōt / habban heofon-rīċe%; |
Psalm 50 11b e mann, / cāsere cræftiġ, || þonne cumbol-ġe·bræc% / on ġe·wi
Psalm 50 74a ȳsopan || ealne ā·hlūtra, / þonne iċ ġe·clǣnsod || Crīste
Psalm 50 80a ðse || forþ-weard tō þē; / þonne bēoþ on wenne, || wealdend,
Psalm 50 114a end, || heofon-rīċes weard; / þonne tunge min || trēowfæst blis
A Prayer 14a ; || wā him ðǣre myrĝþe, / þonne hē þā handlēan || hafaþ
A Prayer 19a wēl him þæs ġe·weorces, / þonne hē þā handlēan || hafaþ
A Prayer 23a mē, || tīr-ēadiġ cyning, / þonne iċ mīnre sāwle || sweġele
The Seasons for Fasting 28a stenu || fēower hēoldon / and þonne offredan || unmǣne nēat, / þ
The Seasons for Fasting 63a man Iunius || ġēarum nemde. / Þonne is þæt þridde || þinga ġ
The Seasons for Fasting 87a þēodliċ dēmeþ. / Ġif þe þonne seċġan || sūðan cumene / br
The Seasons for Fasting 169b ūsla weard / costian durre, || þonne hē Crīst dyde, / weoroda wuld
The Seasons for Fasting 192a s-dǣde || eall ġe·gladian. / Þonne is ðearf miċel || þēoda m
The Seasons for Fasting 224a n, || mǣða be·dǣled. / Hīe þonne sittende || sadian ā·ġinna
Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version 2b wierðeþ / þances snotora, || þonne him ðearf sīe / tō ġe·hyċ
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 9b ·þanc / æl-tǣwe biþ || and þonne þurh his inn-ġe·hyġd / tō
Metrical Charm 1: For Unfruitful Land 3a þþe on lybb-lǣce. Ġe·nim þonne on niht, ǣr hit || / daĝie,
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 1a tle / / Þis man sċeall cweðan þonne his ċēapa hwelcne% man for-
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 6a m Christi. And ġe·bide þē þonne þrīwa ēast and || / cweþ
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 63a lūpan, || eall sealt wæter, / þonne iċ þis ātor || of þē ġe
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 4a sius, Constantinus, Serafion. þonne eft þæt ġealdor, þæt ||
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 6a onne on þæt swīðre ēare, þonne bufan% þæs mannes || / molda
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 7a s mannes || / moldan. And gā þonne ān mædenman tō and ho hit
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 1a æt þīn ċēap sīe losod, þonne || / cweþ þū ǣrest, ǣr þ
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 2a / mannes byrġenne and stæppe þonne þrīwa ofer þā byrġenne |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 3a þā byrġenne || / and cweðe þonne þrīwa þās word: || / þis
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 7a ðǣre lāðan lambyrde. / And þonne þæt wīf sēo mid bearne an
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 8a hlāforde || / on ræste gā, þonne cweðe hēo: || / Up iċ gange
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 12a , || nealles mid fǣġan. / And þonne sēo mōdor ġe·fele þæt
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 1a nn biþ on wæter-ælf-ādle, þonne bēoþ him þā hand- || / næ
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 7a þan% for·weorp ofer grēot, þonne hīe swierman, and || / cweþ:
Instructions for Christians 15a hreowe% || for his misdæda. / þonne is þæt oðer, || þæt he
Instructions for Christians 17a nan kyninge || herige georne. / þonne is þæt þridde, || þæt he
Instructions for Christians 19a al, / a wilnie eces lifes. || / þonne is þæt feorðe || þæt he
Instructions for Christians 50a g deð || oðer twegea / oððe þonne monnan || miclum aliseð / wom
Instructions for Christians 73a is unwisdom || inne belucan, / þonne se snotere || ðe symle wile
Instructions for Christians 78b gereowe / æfter dæg-rime, || þonne þu hit gedon ne miht. / Onlær
Instructions for Christians 81a ac swa some || eallum leoda; / þonne ðu geearnost || ece blisse /
Instructions for Christians 95b t he þence to þam || ðe he þonne cweðe. / Se ðe ear gifeð% ||
Instructions for Christians 98b gewyrceð / furþur mycele || þonne ænig freondscipe. / æll þæt
Instructions for Christians 154b ihten Godd / maran mænige% || þonne he hine onmunde ær. / Spræc G
Instructions for Christians 171a þeah he ne fæste nawiht || / þonne þreora dagas, || þeah wile
Instructions for Christians 179a nde || ealra leofest, / ac hit þonne ne mæg || þegna eanig / onwe
Instructions for Christians 182b ungum, || ne bið þær æfre þonne ma / on eadleanum || eht deor-
Instructions for Christians 186b ð / þinga gehwilce || ða he þonne doð, / gif he his ælmyssan |
Instructions for Christians 208b grund / feor oððe furðor || þonne ðu geforþian miht? / Ac hafa
Instructions for Christians 219a n || and bewitan geornan; / ac þonne diað ne mæg || ofer drihtne
Instructions for Christians 224a n siðian; / ne miht þu æfre þonne% ma || eall aspyrian / ures wea
Instructions for Christians 239b gewurðan / wel geþeignod, || þonne wolde ær / on his tale mette |
Grave 8b red: / Hit bið unheh and lah, þonne þu list þerinne. / ðe helewa
The Battle of Finnsburh 40a swetne medo || sel forgyldan / þonne hnæfe guldan || his hægstea
Waldere, Fragment II 20b þelinges reaf / to habbanne || þonne hand wereþ / feorhhord feondum
Waldere, Fragment II 22a eondum || ne biþ fah wiþ me / þonne // unmægas || eft ongynnaþ /
Waldere, Fragment II 29a a earnunga || ær geþenceþ / þonne moten wlance || welan britnia
Waldere B 21b elinges reaf / to habbanne, || þonne hand wereð / feorhhord feondum
Waldere B 23a ndum. || Ne bið fah wið me, / þonne […] unmægas || eft ongynna
Waldere B 30a a earnunga || ær geðenceð. / þonne moten wlance || welan britnia
The Battle of Maldon 33a || mid gafole for·ġielden, / þonne we swā hearde || hilde% dǣl
The Battle of Maldon 193b feore burgon / and manna ma || þonne hit ænig mæþ wære / gyf hi
The Battle of Maldon 195b ore burgon, / and manna mā || þonne hit ǣniġ mǣþ wǣre, / ġif
The Battle of Maldon 211a þe we oft æt meodo spræcon / þonne we on bence || beot ahofon / h
The Battle of Maldon 213a þe we oft æt medu sprǣcon, / þonne we on benċe || bēot ā·hō