Number of occurrences in corpus: 211
Genesis A 5b | l-mehtiġ. || Næs him fruma | ǣfre, | / ōr ġe·worden, || nē nū e |
Genesis A 141b | e ġe·sundrode; || siþþan | ǣfre | / druĝon and dydon || dryhtnes |
Genesis B 398b | æt we on Ādame, || ġif we | ǣfre | mæġen, / and on his eaforum s |
Genesis B 596b | wunder / þæt hit ēċe God || | ǣfre | wolde / þēoden þolian, || þ |
Genesis B 820a | | Swā mē nū hrēowan mæġ / | ǣfre | tō ealdre || þæt iċ þē |
Genesis A 999a | rh forman gylt / þe wiþ metod | ǣfre | || menn ġe·fremeden, / eorð- |
Genesis A 1480b | rēne bearwas; || nolde gladu | ǣfre | / under salwed bord || siþþan |
Genesis A 1937b | hira selfra / ēċne unrǣd. || | Ǣfre | ne wolde / þǣm lēod-þēawum |
Genesis A 1954b | hlēow-lora% / æt ed-wihtan || | ǣfre | weorðeþ / feorh-berendra || f |
Genesis A 2225b | æt unc sē% ēðel-stæf% || | ǣfre | weorðe / ġiefeþe æt·gæder |
Genesis A 2567b | sōna wurde / anlīċnesse. || | Ǣfre | siþþan / sē manlica || þæt |
Genesis A 2643a | p on·cwæþ: / ’Hwæt, þū | ǣfre, | || engla þēoden, / þurh þī |
Daniel 753b | ll. / Nā þæt þīn ealdor || | ǣfre | wolde / Godes gold-fatu || in |
Christ and Satan 50b | an% hām% / for ofer-hyġdum || | ǣfre | ne wēne’. / 'Þā him andswe |
Christ and Satan 115a | n, || þæt ūs wuldor-cyning / | ǣfre | wille || eard ā·līefan%, / |
Christ and Satan 139a | htan ġe·sċæft / ne mōt iċ | ǣfre | mā || ēaĝum starian. / Is m |
Christ and Satan 141b | res lēoht / uppe mid englum || | ǣfre | cūðe, / sang on sweġele, || |
Christ and Satan 170b | ūru mid ēarum ne sċeall || | ǣfre | ġe·hīeran / ðǣre beorhtest |
Christ and Satan 229b | uppe on earde. || Sċolon nū | ǣfre | þæs / drēoĝan dōmlēase ġ |
Christ and Satan 266b | aþ up, / ēadġe of eorðan || | ǣfre | ġe·hrīnan%, / ac iċ be hean |
Christ and Satan 276b | de, / hwæðer ūs sē ēċa || | ǣfre | wille / on heofona rīċe || h |
Christ and Satan 296a | orĝum be·dǣlde, / ðǣr hēo | ǣfre | forþ || wunian mōten / ċeast |
Christ and Satan 303b | n sē biþ ēadiġ || sē þe | ǣfre | wile / mann ofer·hyċġan, || |
Christ and Satan 388a | || fæġere% lēoht / þonne we | ǣfre | ǣr || ēaĝum ġe·sāwon, / b |
Christ and Satan 411b | rde unc sē atola, || sē þe | ǣfre | nū / bierneþ on bendum, || þ |
Christ and Satan 449b | grund, / ne hīe ed-ċierres || | ǣfre | mōton / wēnan siþþan. || Hi |
Christ and Satan 596b | onne we on eorðan mæġen || | ǣfre | ġe·strēonan. / Hafaþ nū ġ |
Christ and Satan 633b | þan / þæt hīe up þonan || | ǣfre | mōton, / ah ðǣr ġe·þolian |
Andreas 360b | ēah, / æðele be æðelum. || | Ǣfre | iċ ne hīerde / þon cȳmlīco |
Andreas 493a | (is þȳs āne mā), / swā iċ | ǣfre | ne ġe·seah || ǣniġne mann |
Andreas 499a | || Iċ ġeorne wāt / þæt iċ | ǣfre | ne ġe·seah || ofer ȳþ-lā |
Andreas 553b | īdum. / Iċ æt efen-ealdum || | ǣfre | ne mētte / on mōd-sefan || m |
Andreas 1012b | ode / þæs þe hīe ansunde || | ǣfre | mōston / ġe·sêon under sunn |
Andreas 1057a | end, || þæs wuldres ne biþ / | ǣfre | mid ieldum || ende be·fangen |
Soul and Body I 86a | r swā God wolde, / þonne þū | ǣfre | on moldan || mann ġe·wurde / |
Soul and Body I 87a | dan || mann ġe·wurde / oþþe | ǣfre | fulwihte || on·fōn sċolde. |
Soul and Body I 155a | c þæt wolde God, / þæt þū | ǣfre | þus lāðliċ || leġer-bedd |
Elene 349a | rde. || Þonan iċ ne wēnde% / | ǣfre | tō ealdre || ansīen mīne. |
Elene 361b | iefaþ%, / and mē Israhela || | ǣfre | ne woldon / folc on·cnāwan, | |
Elene 403b | ēoden-bealwa, || wiþ þeċ | ǣfre.’ | / Elene maðelode || and for eo |
Elene 10a | r þeċ swylt nime. / Ne mæġ | ǣfre | ofer þæt || Ebrea þēod / r |
Elene 69b | sweġeles hlēow || siþþan | ǣfre, | / þāra þe wīf oþþe wer || |
Elene 86b | cwide, / æfst ne eofol-sæc || | ǣfre | ne fremme%, / grimne ġeġn-cwi |
Elene 134b | t swelċes / ne ǣr ne sīþ || | ǣfre | hīerdon. / Elene maðelode || |
Elene 522b | fæce / and swā uncȳðiġ || | ǣfre | wurde, / glēawnesse þurh·got |
Christ A 73a | alne foldan sċēat / þæs þe | ǣfre | sund-būend || seċġan hīer |
Christ A 75b | m cōm, / hū þū ēacnunge || | ǣfre | on·fenge / bearnes þurh ġe· |
Christ A 79b | e·fruĝnon / on ǣr-daĝum || | ǣfre | ġe·limpan, / þæt þū on su |
Christ A 111b | n wuldre / būtan an·ġinne || | ǣfre | wǣre, / swā þeċ nū for þe |
Christ A 178b | n on þē, / incan ǣniġne, || | ǣfre | on·funde, / wamma ġe·worhtra |
Christ A 238b | an / ær·þon ǣht þisses || | ǣfre | ġe·wurde. / Þū eart sēo sn |
Christ A 311b | swīðe / þæt ǣniġ ielda || | ǣfre | ne% meahte / swā fæstlīċe | |
Christ A 325a | || nemþe nerġend god, / hīe | ǣfre | mā || eft on·lūceþ.’ / N |
Christ B 479b | wa tō ealdre, || þæt ēow | ǣfre | ne biþ / þurh ġiefe mīne || |
Christ B 840a | ēape || ġe·fræġen wurde / | ǣfre | on eorðan. || Þǣr biþ ǣg |
Christ C 893b | āra þe ǣr oþþe sīþ || | ǣfre | ġe·wurde / mannum oþ·īewed |
The Whale 79a | n hwierft ne swice, / ūt-sīþ | ǣfre, | || þā ðǣr inn cumaþ, / þo |
Soul and Body II 80a | þæt wierreste, / þonne þū | ǣfre | on moldan || mann ġe·wurde, |
Soul and Body II 81a | an || mann ġe·wurde, / oþþe | ǣfre | fulwihte || on·fōn sċolde. |
Guthlac A 612a | fon-rīċes weard. / Þæt ēow | ǣfre | ne biþ || ufan ā·līefed / l |
Guthlac B 866b | ām siġe-tūdre || siþþan | ǣfre | / godes willan þæs ġeorn, || |
Guthlac B 1119a | lan, || swā hē ǣr ne sīþ / | ǣfre | tō ealdre || ōðre swelċe / |
Guthlac B 1229a | || þæs þe iċ furðum ǣr / | ǣfre | on ealdre || ǣngum ne wolde / |
Guthlac B 1237a | ·lettan, || ne fæder mīnes / | ǣfre | ġe·efnan, || ǣ-bylh godes. |
Guthlac B 1260a | tan, || nille iċ lǣtan þē / | ǣfre | unrōtne || aefter ealdor-le |
Guthlac B 1360b | num / þāra þe we on Engle || | ǣfre | ġe·frugnen / ā·cennedne || |
Deor 11b | de / þæt hēo ēacen wæs; || | ǣfre | ne meahte / þrīste ġe·þen |
Riddles 39 10a | hēo fōt ne folme% || , ne | ǣfre | foldan hrān, || / ne ēaĝena |
Riddles 40 9b | æt iċ ne slǣpe || siþþan | ǣfre, | / and mec samnunga || slǣp ofe |
Riddles 40 65b | n / þēah iċ ǣtes ne sīe || | ǣfre | tō fēore. / Iċ mæġ framlī |
Riddles 40 67b | % / oþþe earn oþþe hafoc || | ǣfre | meahte; / nis zefferus, || sē |
The Wife's Lament 39b | rfoþa fela; || for·þon iċ | ǣfre | ne mæġ / ðǣre mōd-ċeare | |
The Judgment Day I 31a | þþe þæs fela cunne, / þæt | ǣfre | mæġe heofona || hīehþu ġ |
Riddles 60 8b | þæt iċ ǣr oþþe sīþ || | ǣfre | sċolde / ofer medu-benċe% || |
Riddles 84 5b | . / Fæġer fērende || fundaþ | ǣfre; | / neowol is nearo-grāp. || Nǣ |
The Phoenix 40a | , || ne him līeġ sċieðeþ / | ǣfre | tō ealdre, || ær·þon ed-w |
The Phoenix 83a | ; || þæt on·wended ne biþ / | ǣfre | tō ealdre, || ær·þon endi |
The Phoenix 128b | or / beorhtan reorde, || þonne | ǣfre | byre mannes / hīerde under heo |
The Phoenix 562a | || Iċ þæs līfes ne mæġ / | ǣfre | tō ealdre || ende ġe·bīda |
The Phoenix 608b | fēa, / ēċe and ed-ġung, || | ǣfre | ne sweðraþ, / ac hīe on wlit |
The Phoenix 637b | tan ende. || Næs his frymþ | ǣfre, | / ēades anġinn. || Þeah hē |
Juliana 81b | odu, / swā iċ āre æt him || | ǣfre | finde, / oþþe, þēoden, æt |
The Gifts of Men 99a | s mæġen-ēacen, / þæt hīe | ǣfre | ānum || ealle weorðen / ġe· |
Precepts 83b | īehþ. / Ierre ne lǣt þē || | ǣfre | ġe·wealdan, / hēah on hreðr |
Beowulf 70b | wyrċan / þonne ielda bearn || | ǣfre | ġe·frugnon, / and ðǣr on in |
Beowulf 280b | īðeþ, / ġif him edwendan || | ǣfre | sċolde / bealwa bisiĝu, || b |
Beowulf 504a | e || þæt ǣniġ ōðer mann / | ǣfre | mǣrþa þon mā || middan-ġ |
Beowulf 692b | nan sċolde / eft eard-lufan || | ǣfre | ġe·sēċan, / folc oþþe fr |
Beowulf 1101b | ce, / ne þurh inwitt-searu || | ǣfre | ġe·mǣnden / þēah hīe hira |
Beowulf 1314b | hwæðer% him eall-wealda% || | ǣfre | wille / aefter wēa-spelle || w |
Beowulf 2600b | ll / sefa wiþ sorĝum; || sibb | ǣfre | ne mæġ / wiht on·wendan || |
Judith 114b | ūsle ġe·sǣled || siþþan | ǣfre, | / wyrmum be·wunden, || wītum |
The Paris Psalter 101:2 1b | nd. / / # / Nā þū andwlitan || | ǣfre | þīnne / ā·wend fram mē, || |
The Paris Psalter 102:2 2b | / ne wilt þū ofer-ġietel || | ǣfre | weorðan / ealra gōda, || þe |
The Paris Psalter 103:6 2b | s, / eorðan eardas; || ne sēo | ǣfre | nū / on weorolda weorold || we |
The Paris Psalter 103:27 1b | þīne ansīene fram him || | ǣfre | ā·wendest, / þonne hīe ġe |
The Paris Psalter 105:2 1a | e·standeþ. / / # / Hwelċ mæġ | ǣfre | || meahta dryhtnes / ā·spreca |
The Paris Psalter 105:10 5a | ōd ā·drencte, / þæt þāra | ǣfre | ne cōm || ān spell-boda. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 107:10 2b | fe fram dōme; || ne dō þū | ǣfre | swā, / þæt þū of ūrum mæ |
The Paris Psalter 113:10 3a | æt·gædere, / þȳ læs þæt | ǣfre | cweðan || ōðre þēode: / |
The Paris Psalter 117:18 3b | dēaðe mē / on ēċnesse || | ǣfre | ġe·sellan. / / # / Undōþ mē |
The Paris Psalter 118:6 1b | bēo iċ þonne on ealdre || | ǣfre | ġe·sċynded, / ġif iċ on ea |
The Paris Psalter 118:31 1b | þīnra dōma || ġe·dweled | ǣfre. | / / # / Swā iċ fæste æt·feal |
The Paris Psalter 118:32 1b | ne wilt þū mē on ealdre || | ǣfre | ġe·sċyndan. / / # / Nū iċ on |
The Paris Psalter 118:43 2a | be. / / # / Ne ā·fierr þū mē | ǣfre | || fǣle sprǣċe, / þā iċ m |
The Paris Psalter 118:47 1b | ewe, / and on þǣm ne bēon || | ǣfre | ġe·sċynded / / # / And iċ on |
The Paris Psalter 118:81 1b | æt iċ on ealdre ne wese || | ǣfre | ġe·sċended. / / # / Mīn sāwo |
The Paris Psalter 118:93 2a | wurde. / / # / Ne mæġ iċ þæs | ǣfre | for·ġietan || on ēċnesse, |
The Paris Psalter 118:110 1b | issum ealdre for·ġietan || | ǣfre | þenċe. / / # / Mē firenfulle | |
The Paris Psalter 118:122 1b | ne sile þū mē ēhtendum || | ǣfre | mīnum. / / # / On·foh% þū þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:122 3b | e, / þæt mē ofer-hyġdġe || | ǣfre | ne mōton / hearm-cwiddian; || |
The Paris Psalter 118:126 3b | en ūre; || ne lǣt þū dole | ǣfre | / þīn ǣ-be·bod || āhwǣr t |
The Paris Psalter 118:141 3b | don; / næs iċ ofer-ġietel || | ǣfre | hwæðere, / þæt iċ þīn s |
The Paris Psalter 118:157 3a | e min ēhton; / nolde iċ cwic | ǣfre | || swā þēah hwæðere / þī |
The Paris Psalter 118:166 1b | e biþ him ǣ-swic on þon || | ǣfre | tō fēore. / / # / Iċ þīnre h |
The Paris Psalter 123:5 1b | lētsod, || þe þæt ne dyde | ǣfre, | / þæt ūs on hearde || hæft- |
The Paris Psalter 126:6 3b | e biþ hē on ealdre ealre || | ǣfre | ġe·sċended, / þonne hē on |
The Paris Psalter 128:1 4b | mihton hīe āwiht æt mē || | ǣfre | ġe·wyrċan. / / # / Ofer mīnum |
The Paris Psalter 128:5 1b | hē ne ġe·fylleþ || folme | ǣfre, | / þēah þe hē hit māwe || m |
The Paris Psalter 129:3 2b | , drihten, || hwā ġe·dēþ | ǣfre, | / þæt hē þæt ġe·efne || |
The Paris Psalter 131:10 2b | ēorum Dauide. || Þū ne dō | ǣfre, | / þæt þū andwlitan || ūt o |
The Paris Psalter 134:20 2b | and ealle þā þe on hīe || | ǣfre | ġe·trīewaþ. / / # / Hūs Isra |
The Paris Psalter 136:5 2b | if iċ ofer-ġietel þīn || | ǣfre | weorðe. / / # / Ġif iċ ne for |
The Paris Psalter 137:8 3a | el on weorolde; / ne for·seoh | ǣfre, | || þæt þū selfa ǣr / mid |
The Paris Psalter 139:8 1a | an. / / # / Ne ā·līef þū mē | ǣfre | || ofer lust mīnne / on firenf |
The Paris Psalter 140:6 1a | || lāðra firena. / / # / Ne iċ | ǣfre | mid mannum || mān-fremmendum |
The Paris Psalter 140:6 3b | ra ġe·corenesse || be·cume | ǣfre. | / / # / Ac% mē sōþfæst || sim |
The Paris Psalter 140:7 3b | de þrēaĝe; / ele synfulra || | ǣfre | ne mōte / heafde mīnum || hr |
The Paris Psalter 143:4 4b | , / þæt þū him ǣht wiþ || | ǣfre | hæfdest? / / # / Man% biþ mearw |
The Paris Psalter 146:5 4b | ǣniġ, / on þissum ealdre || | ǣfre | ā·rīman. / / # / Milde mōde | |
The Paris Psalter 54:1 2a | hāliġ drihten, / ne for·seoh | ǣfre | || sārġes bēne; / be·heald |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 6b | hīe selfe wēl || ġe·sēon | ǣfre, | / forþon hit wæs his heortan |
The Paris Psalter 57:7 3b | an ne ġe·sēoþ || siþþan | ǣfre. | / / # / Ǣr·þon% ēowre trēowu |
The Paris Psalter 65:13 4b | le þā ġe·hāt, || þe iċ | ǣfre | hēr / mid mīnum welerum || w |
The Paris Psalter 65:18 1b | blētsod, || þe hē ne dyde | ǣfre | / nemþe hē mīne bēne || bea |
The Paris Psalter 67:26 2b | m; / ne bēoþ ūt fram þē || | ǣfre | ā·tȳnde, / þā þe seolfres |
The Paris Psalter 68:18 2a | ihten. / / # / Ne ā·ċierr þū | ǣfre | fram þīnum cnihte || þīn |
The Paris Psalter 70:1 2b | ; / ne weorðe iċ on ealdre || | ǣfre | ġe·sċended; / þū mē snēo |
The Paris Psalter 70:18 4a | þē, wuldres cyning, / ǣniġ | ǣfre | ġe·liċ, || ēċe drihten. / |
The Paris Psalter 73:1 1b | hwon þū ūs, ēċe god, || | ǣfre | woldest / æt ende fram þē || |
The Paris Psalter 73:8 3b | , / þæt ūs andġietes mā || | ǣfre | seċġen.’ / / # / Wilt þū h |
The Paris Psalter 73:10 2a | st þū || wuldres an·sīene / | ǣfre | fram ūs, || ēac þā swīð |
The Paris Psalter 73:19 1b | / # / Ne biþ sē ēad-mōda || | ǣfre | ġe·ċierred, / þēah þe wǣ |
The Paris Psalter 74:5 2a | e-þancas, / ne ġē wiþ gode | ǣfre | || gram-word sprecan.’ / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 75:5 4b | ġesa miċel; || hwelċ mæġ | ǣfre | þē, / ġif þū ierre bist, | |
The Paris Psalter 76:7 2b | wāt, / nele þis ēċe god || | ǣfre | tō·weorpan / ne ūs witnian | |
The Paris Psalter 76:7 4b | l-dǣdum, / oþþe wiþ ende || | ǣfre | tō weorolde / his milde mōd | |
The Paris Psalter 76:8 1a | era cnēo-rissum. / / # / Ne biþ | ǣfre | god || unġe·myndiġ, / þæt |
The Paris Psalter 76:8 3b | nna cynne, / oþþe on ierre || | ǣfre | wille / his milde mōd || mannu |
The Paris Psalter 78:5 2b | rre þīn / on ende fram ūs || | ǣfre | on·ċierran? / Is nū on·bær |
The Paris Psalter 80:11 2b | nele min folc mīne stefne || | ǣfre | ġe·hīeran, / ne mē Israhel |
The Paris Psalter 83:12 1a | iefe and wuldor. / / # / Nele god | ǣfre | || gode be·dǣlan, / þā þe |
The Paris Psalter 87:14 1b | r·hwon þū min ġe·bedd || | ǣfre | woldest, / sōþ god, wiþ·sac |
The Paris Psalter 87:14 3b | hþe mē / on þissum ealdre || | ǣfre | wiernan? / / # / Wǣdla iċ eom o |
The Paris Psalter 88:41 3b | ddan-ġeard / tō īdelnesse || | ǣfre | ġe·worhtest. / / # / Hwelċ is |
The Paris Psalter 89:11 3b | alle þe ðǣr ofer bēoþ || | ǣfre | ġe·tealde / wintra on weorold |
The Paris Psalter 93:7 2a | | þæt ne ġe·sāwe / drihten | ǣfre, | || dyde swā hē wolde, / ne þ |
The Paris Psalter 93:9 2b | te, / hū sē ofer-hlēoðor || | ǣfre | wurde? / And him ēaĝena ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 93:12 3b | fe þon mā / on ealdre wile || | ǣfre | for·lǣtan. / / # / Hwelċ þonn |
The Paris Psalter 94:4 2b | hten ūser / his āĝen folc || | ǣfre | æt þearfe; / hē þās hēah- |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 82b | t þearle; || ne wende þonan | ǣfre | / cuman of þǣm clammum. || Cl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 38a | īst on·lǣnþ. / Ne mæġ mon | ǣfre | þȳ ēþ || ǣnne wreċċan / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 65a | || libban mōten, / hwæt ēow | ǣfre | þȳ bet || bēo oþþe þyn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 18a | all wunian% forþ, / for·þǣm | ǣfre | ne maĝon || þā unstillan / w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 26a | e mōten || ofer metodes ēst / | ǣfre | ġe·stillan, || ne eft eallu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 68a | būtan frēan lēafe, / ne hēo | ǣfre | ne mōt || eorðan þerscwold |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 31a | | sōna on·cnāwan, / and þū | ǣfre | ne recst || ǣnġes þinġes / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 9a | ian ne maĝon / þæt hīe hīe | ǣfre | him || of ā·slēpen; / and þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 22a | ōĝra ġe·hwelċe, / ġif hit | ǣfre | ġe·sǣlþ || þæt hēo ǣn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 3b | weald innan, || þȳ læs hē | ǣfre | sīe / his unþēawum || eall u |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 16a | welcne mann. / Hwȳ ġē þonne | ǣfre | || ofer ōðre menn / ofer-mōd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 33a | n ġe·hȳda. / For·þǣm hīe | ǣfre | ne list || aefter spyrian, / s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 13b | ra untrēowum, || þe iċ him | ǣfre | betst / trūwian sċolde. || H |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 20b | e ǣniġ nīed-ðearf || næs | ǣfre | ġīet / ealra þāra weorca || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 95a | um, || sōþ iċ ġeare wāt, / | ǣfre | ġe·standan, || ac hit sēo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 138b | / and þēah ðǣre eorðan || | ǣfre | ne oþ·rineþ, / ne hire on n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 233b | teorran / ealle efen-beorhte || | ǣfre | ne sċīnaþ. / Hwæt, þū, ē |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 13b | æt is sēo ān hȳþ || þe | ǣfre | biþ / aefter þǣm ȳðum || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 23a | eardes wela || mōdes ēaĝan / | ǣfre | ne on·līehtaþ, || āuht ne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 38b | aĝum / mōdes sīnes || mæġ | ǣfre | of·sēon / heofones lēohtes | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 47a | or·ġieten hæbbe, / ġif þū | ǣfre | eft || ðǣr ān cymest, / þon |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 52a | s cræftĝan meaht. / Nylle iċ | ǣfre | || heonan ūt witan, / ac iċ s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 55a | e standan.’ / Ġif þe þonne | ǣfre | || eft ġe·wierðeþ / þæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 30a | nā beteran. / Ġif him þonne | ǣfre | || unmendlinga / wēas ġe·ber |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 59a | || eorðan cyningas / ne maĝon | ǣfre | þurh·tēon || āwuht gōdes |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 116b | a ǣnġes / eallunga tō him || | ǣfre | on·wendan, / ac þā unþēawa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 1a | Boethius: Metre 27 / / Hwȳ ġē | ǣfre | sċylen || unryht-fēoungum / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 14b | e; / nille hē ǣniġ swæþ || | ǣfre | for·lǣtan / ǣr hē ġe·hēd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 71b | t þæt eald-ġe·sċeaft || | ǣfre | ne wǣre / þæt hīe seldon ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 76b | inċ. / Ac ġif hira ǣniġ || | ǣfre | weorðeþ / tō þon fyrwitt-ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 94a | nder, || for·þǣm wuhta nan / | ǣfre | ne meahte || elles wunian, / ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 33b | ēd. / Hwȳ þū, ēċe god, || | ǣfre | wolde / þæt sēo wyrd || on |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 30b | s tō or-mōd, || ne þū þe | ǣfre | ne lǣt / wlenċa ġe·wǣċan, |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 17b | rces on weorolde || ne wunaþ | ǣfre. | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 8b | ōm mæġe / wiþ ofer-metta || | ǣfre | ġe·menġan. / Hīerdes þū |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 9a | e ġe·menġan. / Hīerdes þū | ǣfre | || þætte ǣniġ mann / on san |
Metrical Psalm 93:7 2a | æt ne% ġe·sāwe% / drihten | ǣfre | || dyde swā hē wolde / nē |
Metrical Psalm 93:9 2b | te / hū sē ofer-hlēoðor || | ǣfre | wurde / and him ēaĝena ġe· |
Metrical Psalm 94:4 2b | ten ūser / his āĝen folc || | ǣfre | æþ þearfe / hē þæs hēah |
The Battle of Brunanburh 66b | māre / on þȳs īġ-lande || | ǣfre | ġīeta / folces ġe·fielled | |
The Rune Poem 58b | rǣċe, / and biþ unstillum || | ǣfre | frōfor. / //M// mann% biþ on |
Solomon and Saturn 26a | feoh-ġe·strēona, / ġif hē | ǣfre | þæs orĝanes || āwiht cū |
Solomon and Saturn 64b | singeþ seldlīċe; || seldum | ǣfre | / his lēoma liċġaþ. || Lang |
The Menologium 102b | uman ā fyrn% / ǣniġne ǣr || | ǣfre | bringan / ofer sealtne mere || |
The Judgment Day II 131b | e on foldan wearþ || fēded% | ǣfre | / oþþe mōdor ġe·bær || t |
The Judgment Day II 257b | ne ðǣr ǣniġ ġe·swinc || | ǣfre | ġe·limpeþ, / oþþe hungor o |
Psalm 50 40b | sa, / þā þe iċ on ealdre || | ǣfre | ġe·fremede / þurh līċ-hama |
Psalm 50 129b | ; / þā þū, æl-mæhtiġ, || | ǣfre | ne ǣwest. / Ġe·dō nū fræm |
The Seasons for Fasting 91b | , / nā þū þæs and-fenġ || | ǣfre | ġe·wierðe, / ac þū þæt s |
The Seasons for Fasting 102b | t þū ōðrum ne sċealt || | ǣfre | fylĝan. / Ēac we fēowertiġ |
The Battle of Maldon 271a | at, || hwīlum beorn tǣsde, / | ǣfre | embe stunde || hē sealde sum |