Number of occurrences in corpus: 344
Genesis A 172b | afte, / hierde and healdend. || | Forþon | him hēah-cyning, / frēa æl-m |
Genesis B 250b | olden, / wyrċan his willan, || | forþon | hē him% ġe·witt for·ġeaf |
Genesis B 302b | im sē gōda on his mōde. || | For·þon | hē sċolde grund ġe·sēċa |
Genesis B 309b | ōp / drihten tō dēoflum. || | For·þon | hēo his dǣd and word / noldon |
Genesis B 310b | and word / noldon weorðian, || | for·þon | hē hēo on wierse lēoht / und |
Genesis B 326b | as, / þrosm and þīestru, || | for·þon | hīe þeġnsċipe / Godes for· |
Genesis B 592b | lǣtan aefter þam lārum. || | For·þon | hēo æt þǣm lāðan on·fe |
Genesis B 628a | ost || þe on weorold cōme, / | for·þon | hēo wæs hand-ġe·weorc || |
Genesis B 731b | de his, / lāre for·lēton. || | For·þon | hīe lenġ ne maĝon / healdan |
Genesis B 745a | nsċipe || þēowian wolden. / | For·þon | unc wealdend wearþ || wrāþ |
Genesis B 751b | esan / blīðe on brēostum, || | for·þon | hēr sint bū tū ġe·dōn: / |
Genesis B 758b | annum mid morðes cwealme. || | For·þon | is min mōd ġe·hǣled, / hyġ |
Genesis B 800b | / sorĝian for þis sīðe. || | For·þon | hē unc self be·bēad / þæt |
Genesis A 938b | le ǣr / selfa for·swulĝe; || | for·þon | þū sweltan sċealt’. / Hwæ |
Genesis A 1017b | ālġe of heandum þīnum; || | for·þon | hēo þe hroðra of·tīhþ, / |
Genesis A 1020b | ele wurde / tō feorh-banan; || | for·þon | þū flēma sċealt / wīd-lās |
Genesis A 1026b | þīne, / lufan and frēode; || | for·þon | iċ lāstas sċeall / wēan on |
Genesis A 1717b | wǣron / on weorold-rīċe; || | for·þon | hīe wīde nū / duĝuþum dēm |
Genesis A 1911b | rūmor unc / land-riht hira; || | for·þon | wit lǣdan sċulon, / tēon of% |
Genesis A 1949b | ĝuþum, / lufum and lissum; || | for·þon | his lof seċġaþ / wīde under |
Genesis A 2180b | Ne sealdest þū mē sunu; || | for·þon | mec sorh dreċeþ / on sefan sw |
Genesis A 2411b | orod under weallum habban; || | for·þon | wǣr-loĝona sint, / folces% fi |
Genesis A 2585b | r·ġeaf, / blǣd on burgum. || | For·þon | him breĝu engla / wielm-hātne |
Genesis A 2704a | s idese eft || āĝan wolde. / | For·þon | iċ wīġ-smiðum || wordum s |
Genesis A 2713a | || þā iċ hēr ǣrest cōm. / | For·þon | iċ þeġnum || þīnum diern |
Genesis A 2739a | ssum. || Hē wæs lēof Gode. / | For·þon | hē sibbe || ġe·sǣliġ dr |
Genesis A 2811b | rymeþ, / godcundum ġiefum. || | For·þon | þē ġīena spēow, / þæs þ |
Exodus 187a | ade riht, || æðelum dēore. / | For·þon | ānra ġe·hwelċ || ūt ā· |
Exodus 200a | n || on hira brōðor-ġield. / | For·þon | wæs in wīcum || wōp up ā |
Exodus 367a | hreðere || hālġe trēowa; / | for·þon | hē ġe·lǣde || ofer laĝu- |
Daniel 479a | | þǣm þe his spell beraþ. / | For·þon | wīteĝað || þurh wunder ma |
Christ and Satan 119a | d wīta, || wealdendes% sunu. / | For·þon | iċ sċeall% hēan and earm% |
Christ and Satan 193a | te hof || þǣm is hell nama. / | For·þon | sċeall ġe·hyċġan || hæl |
Christ and Satan 282a | e·worden || for wamm-cwidum. / | For·þon | mæġ ġe·hyċġan, || sē |
Christ and Satan 303a | eorðan || ǣr ġe·wyrċaþ. / | For·þon | sē biþ ēadiġ || sē þe |
Christ and Satan 337a | ran || and þone dimman hām. / | For·þon | mihte ġe·hīeran, || sē þ |
Christ and Satan 483b | hand-þeġn helle. || Hæfdon | for·þon | hātne grund, / þæs ġit ofer |
Christ and Satan 549a | || þurh his gāstes mæġen. / | For·þon | menn sċolon || mǣla ġe·hw |
Andreas 458a | wordne || for frēan eġesan. / | Forþon | iċ ēow tō sōðe || seċġ |
Andreas 526a | el || þurh his ānes meaht. / | Forþon | is ġe·sīene, || sōð or- |
Andreas 529a | þungen, || þrymm-sittendes, / | forþon | þe sōna || sǣ-holm on·cn |
The Fates of the Apostles 47a | blind, || heafde be·nēotan, / | forþon | hē þā hǣðen-ġield || h |
Soul and Body I 42a | ċ-haman, || gāstes drinces. / | For·þon | þū ne hoĝodest || hēr on |
Soul and Body I 76a | on moldan || mannum īewdest. / | For·þon | þē wǣre sēlre || swīðe |
Soul and Body I 114b | fa / hungriĝum tō frōfre; || | for·þon | hīe ne maĝon husclicum / word |
Soul and Body I 145a | sealdest mē wilna ġe·niht. / | For·þon | þū ne þearft sċamian, || |
Soul and Body I 152a | hōfe% mē on ēċne drēam. / | For·þon | mē ā langaþ, || lēofost m |
Soul and Body I 157a | an || þæt þū ne sorĝode, / | for·þon | wit bēoþ ġe·gæderode || |
Homiletic Fragment I 8b | ġe·wita || weoroda drihten. / | For·þon | sē wīteĝa cwæþ: / ‘Ne se |
Homiletic Fragment I 40a | , || swā him god be·bēad%. / | For·þon | eallunga || hiht ġe·ċēose |
Dream of the Rood 84b | rn godes / þrōwode hwīle. || | forþon | iċ þrymfæst nū / hlīfie un |
Elene 309b | bbodon. || Ēow sēo wierhþu | for·þon | / sċieðeþ sċyldfullum. || |
Elene 79a | nryhtes || eft ġe·swīcaþ. / | For·þon | iċ sōðlīċe || and min sw |
Elene 84a | ofer-þearfe || ielda cynnes. / | For·þon | iċ þe lǣre || þurh liðu- |
Elene 881b | a metodes / wordum clipodon. || | For·þon | hīe nū on wlite sċīnaþ / e |
Christ A 33a | and, || ēðle be·sċierede. / | For·þon | seċġan mæġ, || sē þe s |
Christ A 94b | wearþ / mǣre metodes suna. || | For·þon | þæt mannum nis / cūþ ġe·r |
Christ A 148b | odes / cōme tō ċeariĝum. || | For·þon | cwǣdon swā, / sūslum ġe·sl |
Christ A 169a | rēfed, || dōme be·rēafod, / | for·þon | iċ worn for þē || worde h |
Christ A 241a | wealdende || worhtes ealle. / | For·þon | nis ǣniġ þæs horsċ, || n |
Christ A 261b | þ / ofer ūsse nīeda lust. || | For·þon | we, nerġend, þē / biddaþ ġ |
Christ A 287a | er heofonum || and hell-wara. / | For·þon | þū þæt ana || ealra manna |
Christ A 385a | þæt we hine witan mōton%. / | For·þon | hīe, dǣd-hwate, || dōme ġ |
Christ A 408a | od. || Þū eart weoroda god, / | for·þon | þū ġe·fyldest || foldan a |
Christ A 429a | e·hwǣm, || drihten weoroda. / | For·þon | we hine dōm-hwate || dǣdum |
Christ B 756a | līċ-haman, || libbende god. / | For·þon | we ā sċulon || īdle lustas |
Christ B 766a | ġd-boĝan || biterne strǣl. / | For·þon | we fæste sċulon || wiþ þ |
Christ B 815a | on eorðan || an-mēdla wæs. / | For·þon | iċ lēofra ġe·hwone || lǣ |
Christ C 1015a | fiaþ || fore fæder eġesan. / | For·þon | nis ǣniġ wunder || hū him |
Christ C 1151a | e·tremede || tungol-ġimmum; / | for·þon | hē his bodan sende, || þā |
Christ C 1165b | rund, / tīr-mehtiġ cyning; || | for·þon | hē hine tredne him / on·ġēa |
Christ C 1202a | e hē fore ieldum ā·drēah, / | for·þon | þe hē wolde || þæt we wul |
Christ C 1214a | ealdende || wīta ne cūðon; / | for·þon | ðǣr tō tēonum || þā tā |
Christ C 1427b | iġ on þām ēċan līfe, || | for·þon | iċ þæt earfoþe wann. / Næs |
Christ C 1578a | e·hwyht || andweard wiġeþ. / | For·þon | sċeall ōnettan%, || sē þe |
Christ C 1630b | ord, / beorht bōca be·bod; || | for·þon | hīe ā·bīdan sċulon / on s |
Vainglory 82a | if mē sē wīteĝa ne lēah. / | For·þon | we sċulon ā hyċġende || h |
Widsith 54a | ĝum feorr || folĝode wīde. / | For·þon | iċ mæġ singan || and seċ |
The Fortunes of Men 97a | on eorðan || eormen-cynnes. / | For·þon | him nū ealles þanc || ǣġh |
Maxims I 5b | / fæġere, fæder ūserne, || | for·þon | þe hē ūs æt frymþe ġe· |
The Order of the World 17a | yndġe mǣst || manna wiston. / | For·þon | sċyle āscian, || sē þe% o |
The Order of the World 43a | aþ || þone hālĝan% blǣd. / | For·þon | eall swā teofenode, || sē |
The Order of the World 76a | an fæðm, || farende tungol. / | For·þon | nǣniġ fīra || þæs frōd |
The Order of the World 82a | an hēo ofer brim hweorfeþ. / | For·þon | swā teofenode, || sē þe te |
The Order of the World 98a | len || ēadĝum tō frōfre. / | For·þon | sċyle mann ġe·hyċġan || |
The Whale 82a | les fenge || hweorfan mōton. / | For·þon | is eallinga || / dryhtna driht |
Soul and Body II 71a | on moldan || mannum ēawdest. / | For·þon | þe wǣre selle || swīðe mi |
Soul and Body II 109b | alfe / hungrum tō hrōðor. || | For·þon | hēo ne mæġ horsċlīċe / wo |
Guthlac A 46b | ċes / mǣtræ% on mæġene. || | For·þon | sē mann ne ðearf / tō þisse |
Guthlac A 65a | ndra || fremde ġe·weorðan. / | For·þon | hīe nū hierwaþ || hāliġr |
Guthlac A 316a | enġel || oft ā·frēfreþ. / | For·þon | mec langaþas || lȳt ġe·ġ |
Guthlac A 378b | on beteran ġe·bringaþ. || | For·þon | iċ ġe·bīdan wille / þæs |
Guthlac A 469b | ū þæs wīte ā·wunne; || | for·þon | þū hit on·wendan ne meahte |
Guthlac A 526a | n eorðan || ēhtendra nīþ. / | For·þon | is nū ārliċ || þæt we ǣ |
Guthlac A 585b | ·timbru, / seld on sweġle, || | for·þon | þū synna tō fela, / fācna |
Guthlac A 754b | || on ussera / tīda tīman. || | For·þon | þæs twēoĝan ne ðearf / ǣn |
Riddles 15 12a | um, || him biþ dēaþ witod. / | For·þon | iċ sċeall of ēðle || eafo |
Riddles 20 30b | ġēara% ann / bende leġde; || | for·þon | iċ brūcan sċeall / on haĝu- |
Riddles 26 13b | e, / ġierede mec mid golde; || | for·þon | mē glēowodon / wrǣtliċ weor |
The Wife's Lament 17b | nd-stede, / holdra frēonda. || | For·þon | is min hyġe ġōmor, / þā i |
The Wife's Lament 39b | c-sīðas, / earfoþa fela; || | for·þon | iċ ǣfre ne mæġ / ðǣre mō |
The Judgment Day I 46b | sċæcen, / eorðan blǣdas. || | For·þon | iċ ā wille / lēode lǣran || |
The Judgment Day I 95b | þ, / ealra cyninga cyning. || | For·þon | cwicra ġe·hwelċ%, / dēop-hy |
Resignation 57b | im æt þām ġe·lēafan; || | for·þon | hīe lange sċul[], / werġe wi |
Resignation 79b | lĝen, breĝu mann-cynnes; || | for·þon | iċ þus bitere wearþ / ġe·w |
Resignation 83b | glēaw, / wīs fore weorode; || | for·þon | iċ þās word sprǣċe / fūs |
Resignation 88b | ōðrum, / fyrhtu on folce; || | for·þon | iċ ā·fȳsed eom / earm of m |
The Descent into Hell 96b | ūs% selfe; || we þā synne | for·þon | / beraþ on ūrum brēostum || |
Azarias 120a | r folde || and fæder rīċe. / | For·þon | wealdend sċōp || wudiġe m |
Azarias 158a | and þone siġefæstan gǣst. / | For·þon | ūs on·sende || siĝora weal |
The Ruin 29b | ungon / herġas tō hrūsan. || | For·þon | þās hofu drēorĝiaþ, / and |
Riddles 67 10b | earþ || / lēoda lārēow. || | For·þon | nū lange mæġ / [] ealdre || |
The Phoenix 368a | tlīċe || wundrum tō līfe. / | For·þon | hē drūsende || dēaþ ne be |
The Phoenix 411b | þǣĝon / ofer ēċes word. || | For·þon | hīe ēðles wynn / ġōmor-mō |
Juliana 103a | . || Hē is tō frēonde god. / | For·þon | is þæs wierþe, || þæt þ |
Juliana 446a | rċende, || sċame þrōwian. / | For·þon | iċ þeċ hālsie || þurh þ |
Juliana 647a | || þām þe āĝan sċeall. / | For·þon | iċ, lēof weorod, || lǣran |
Juliana 660b | earfe / aefter sorh-stafum. || | For·þon | ġē selfe neton / ūt-gang heo |
The Wanderer 17a | hyġe || helpe ġe·fremman. / | For·þon | dōm-ġeorne || drēoriġne o |
The Wanderer 37a | te. || Wynn eall ġe·drēas. / | For·þon | wāt sē þe sċeall || his w |
The Wanderer 58a | ġe·bind || wēriġne sefan. / | For·þon | iċ ġe·þenċan ne mæġ || |
The Wanderer 64a | m || drēoseþ and fealleþ, / | for·þon | ne mæġ weorðan% wīs wer, |
Precepts 37a | nd æfste || and idese lufan. / | For·þon% | sċeall ǣwisċ-mōd || oft s |
The Seafarer 27a | ġ ferhþ || frēfran% meahte / | For·þon | him ġe·līefeþ lȳt, || s |
The Seafarer 33b | eorðan, / corna ċealdost. || | For·þon | cnyssaþ nū / heortan ġe·þ |
The Seafarer 39a | ēodiġra || eard ġe·sēċe / | For·þon | nis þæs mōd-wlanc || mann |
The Seafarer 58a | -lāstas || wīdost leċġaþ / | For·þon | nū min hyġe hweorfeþ || of |
The Seafarer 64b | num / ofer holma ġe·laĝu. || | For·þon | mē hātran sind / dryhtnes dr |
The Seafarer 72a | dum || feorh% oþ·þrinġeþ / | For·þon | þæt biþ% eorla ġe·hwǣm |
The Seafarer 103b | l biþ sē metodes eġesa, || | for·þon | hīe sēo molde on·ċierreþ |
The Seafarer 108b | æt mōd ġe·staþolaþ, || | for·þon | hē on his meahte ġe·līefe |
Beowulf 418a | r, || þæt iċ þē sōhte, / | for·þon | hīe mæġenes cræft || mīn |
Beowulf 503a | faran, || miċel æf·þonca, / | for·þon | þe hē ne ūðe || þæt ǣn |
Beowulf 679a | orca, || þonne Grendel hine; / | for·þon | iċ hine swurde || swebban ni |
Beowulf 1059a | || swā hē nū ġīet dēþ. / | For·þon | biþ andġiet || ǣghwǣr sē |
Beowulf 1336a | stne hād || heardum clammum, / | for·þon | hē tō lange || lēode mīne |
Beowulf 2349b | ht dyde, / eafoþ and ellen, || | for·þon | hē ǣr fela / nearu nēðende |
Beowulf 2523b | ne, / oreðes% and attres%; || | for·þon | iċ mē on hæbbe / bord and by |
Beowulf 3021b | e, / gamen and glēo-drēam. || | For·þon | sċeall gār wesan / maniġ, mo |
The Paris Psalter 101:3 1a | weard, || helpes bēnan. / / # / | For·þon | daĝas mīne || ġe·droren s |
The Paris Psalter 101:4 4a | ēac || hearde ġe·swenċed, / | for·þon | iċ ǣr for·ġeat, || þæt |
The Paris Psalter 101:4 5b | olde / mīnne swētne hlāf; || | for·þon | mē is swǣre stefn / hefiġ gn |
The Paris Psalter 101:7 1a | t || swerġan on·gunnon. / / # / | For·þon | iċ anliċ æt || æscan hlā |
The Paris Psalter 101:12 1a | elpe || hēah-sǣl cumen. / / # / | For·þon | þæs þancunga || þīne% s |
The Paris Psalter 101:12 3a | t-mæċġas || ealle hæfdon, / | for·þon | þe% þū stīðlīċe || st |
The Paris Psalter 101:13 1a | ædere || ǣr miltsodest. / / # / | For·þon | nīedlīċe || on naman þīn |
The Paris Psalter 101:17 1a | e || hrōre ġe·þance. / / # / | For·þon | hē fæstlīċe || forþ loco |
The Paris Psalter 102:11 1a | yhte || āhwǣr ġieldan. / / # / | For·þon | þū aefter hēah-weorce || h |
The Paris Psalter 102:13 4a | lufiaþ, || līðe weorðeþ, / | for·þon | hē ealle can || ūre þearfe |
The Paris Psalter 104:24 2a | gann || þrēan æt frymþe, / | for·þon | hīe word hira || wēl ne on |
The Paris Psalter 104:33 3a | on fore || folc sċēawodon, / | for·þon | him ðǣr eġesa || angrisli |
The Paris Psalter 105:1 2b | ne, / ġeorne þǣmglēawan, || | for·þon | iċ hine gōdne wāt; / for·þ |
The Paris Psalter 105:1 3a | r·þon iċ hine gōdne wāt; / | for·þon | hē his mild-heortnysse || ma |
The Paris Psalter 105:19 4a | r·stōd || fēonda mæġene; / | for·þon | hē him his ierre || of ā· |
The Paris Psalter 105:29 2a | ēoldon || hēah-weorc godes; / | for·þon | him ierre wearþ || ēċe dri |
The Paris Psalter 106:1 2b | drihten, / þone gōdan god, || | forþon | iċ hine glēawne wāt; / is hi |
The Paris Psalter 106:7 1a | eastre || eardung-stōwe. / / # / | For·þon | hīe% mild-heortnesse || miht |
The Paris Psalter 106:8 1a | der his || manna bearnum. / / # / | For·þon | hē ġe·seddeþ || sāwle ī |
The Paris Psalter 106:10 1a | wrace || and on īserne. / / # / | For·þon | hīe dydon || dryhtnes sprǣ |
The Paris Psalter 106:14 1a | wearp || bitere snēome. / / # / | For·þon | hīe mild-heort mōd || miht |
The Paris Psalter 106:15 1a | his% || ofer manna bearn. / / # / | For·þon | hē ǣren dor || ēaðe ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 106:20 1a | de || wurdon ġe·nerede. / / # / | For·þon | hīe nū andetten || ēċum d |
The Paris Psalter 106:31 1a | nder || ofer manna bearn. / / # / | For·þon | hine on ċiriċan || crīstne |
The Paris Psalter 107:11 2a | earfoþum || æðelne fultum; / | for·þon | hǣlu biþ || hēr on eorðan |
The Paris Psalter 108:17 4a | ētsunge || biddan ne tilian, / | for·þon | hēo him wæs ā·fierred || |
The Paris Psalter 108:22 1b | ·līes mē, līfes weard, || | for·þon | iċ eom lama þearfa; / is mē |
The Paris Psalter 114:1 2a | ufie þē, || lēofa drihten, / | for·þon | þū mīnes ġe·bedes || bē |
The Paris Psalter 114:8 1a | dest || on weorold-līfe. / / # / | For·þon | þū mīne sāwle || selfa ġ |
The Paris Psalter 115:1 1b | # / Iċ þæt ġe·līefde, || | for·þon | iċ lȳt sprece; / iċ eom ēad |
The Paris Psalter 116:2 1a | efn || æðelne herġan. / / # / | For·þon | his mild-heortness || is miċ |
The Paris Psalter 117:4 3a | standeþ || eġesa dryhtnes; / | for·þon | hē is sē gōda god || and |
The Paris Psalter 117:20 2a | ē andette, || ēċe drihten, / | for·þon | þū mē ġe·hīerdest || æ |
The Paris Psalter 117:27 2a | ē andette || ēċne drihten, / | for·þon | þū mē ġe·hīerdest || æ |
The Paris Psalter 117:28 2a | ċ andette || ēċum drihtne, / | for·þon | hē is sē gōda god || and i |
The Paris Psalter 118:11 1a | bodum || feorr ā·drīfe / / # / | For·þon | iċ on mīnre heortan || hȳd |
The Paris Psalter 118:22 3a | fer-hyġdġe || āwiht wille; / | for·þon | iċ þīne ġe·witnesse || w |
The Paris Psalter 118:36 1a | m be·bodum || bryċe hæbbe, / | for·þon | iċ hīe mid sōðe || simle |
The Paris Psalter 118:40 1a | tō incan || āhwǣr gangeþ; / | for·þon | iċ eom on þīnum dōmum || |
The Paris Psalter 118:46 1a | on bealde% || brǣdu gange, / | for·þon | iċ þīne ġe·witnesse || w |
The Paris Psalter 118:48 1a | ĝian || swīðe mǣrne rǣd, / | for·þon% | iċ hīe on lufan mīnre || l |
The Paris Psalter 118:51 1a | -mēdum || unġemete swīðe, / | for·þon | mē þīn sprǣc || spēdum c |
The Paris Psalter 118:57 1a | weardum || ealle ġe·wurdon, / | for·þon | iċ þīne sōþfæstnesse || |
The Paris Psalter 118:67 1a | ōmes || word tō ġe·nihte, / | for·þon | iċ þīn be·bod || þrīste |
The Paris Psalter 118:77 4a | nge on þǣm || libban mōte; / | for·þon | mē is metĝung || on mōd-se |
The Paris Psalter 118:92 1a | || daĝas hēr ġe·wuniaþ, / | for·þon | þū ealles || an-weald hafas |
The Paris Psalter 118:94 1a | þ word || simle ġe·healde; / | for·þon | iċ cūðlīċe on þǣm || h |
The Paris Psalter 118:95 1a | ealc; || dō þū hālne mē, / | for·þon | iċ þīn sōþ weorc || sē |
The Paris Psalter 118:99 1a | s on foldan || fǣcne% ealle; / | for·þon | iċ beorhtlīċe || þīne be |
The Paris Psalter 118:103 1a | num dōmum || dǣdum swicode, / | for·þon | þū mē ǣ-be·bod || ǣrest |
The Paris Psalter 118:105 1a | te weĝas || ealle of·ēode, / | for·þon | þū mē ǣ þīne || ǣr ġe |
The Paris Psalter 118:113 1a | fæst weorc || simle worhte; / | for·þon | iċ þæs ēċe || ed-lēan h |
The Paris Psalter 118:120 1a | eorðan hēr || yfele wǣron, / | for·þon | iċ þīne ġe·witnesse || w |
The Paris Psalter 118:127 2a | || āhwǣr tō·weorpan. / / # / | For·þon | iċ þīn be·bod || beorhte |
The Paris Psalter 118:128 2a | on || þāra tela ġimma. / / # / | For·þon | iċ eall þīn be·bod || eln |
The Paris Psalter 118:130 1a | witness, || wealdend drihten; / | for·þon | hēo min sāwol smêaþ || an |
The Paris Psalter 118:154 1a | , || nū mē nīed be·læġ; / | for·þon | iċ wolde ǣ þīne || elne h |
The Paris Psalter 118:156 1a | nfulle feorr || fǣlre hǣlu; / | for·þon | hīe þīne sōþfæstnesse | |
The Paris Psalter 118:164 4b | cweðan / daĝa ǣġhwelċe, || | for·þon | iċ þīne dōmas wāt / on sō |
The Paris Psalter 118:168 4a | ·witnesse || wordum trymede; / | for·þon | ealle mīne weĝas || wīse s |
The Paris Psalter 118:174 1a | mlīċe || ġe·dōn weorðe; / | for·þon | iċ þīne be·bodu ġe·ċē |
The Paris Psalter 122:4 2b | ihten, / miltsa ūs swelċe, || | for·þon | we maniĝum sint / for·hoġodn |
The Paris Psalter 123:4 3a | || hlūdes wæteres; / wene iċ | for·þon, | || þæt hēo wēl mæġe / þ |
The Paris Psalter 129:5 3a | um || mē wēl ġe·trīewde; / | for·þon | min sāwol on þē || simle |
The Paris Psalter 129:7 1a | hten || ā ġe·trīewen. / / # / | For·þon | is% mild-heortnesse || meaht |
The Paris Psalter 131:14 1a | e || sittan ġe·nēahhe. / / # / | For·þon | him Sione ġe·ċēas || self |
The Paris Psalter 131:15 3b | nċe, / ðǣr iċ eard nime, || | for·þon | iċ hīe ǣr ġe·ċēas. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 132:4 1a | || snēome ā·stīġeþ. / / # / | For·þon | hēr be·bēad || hāliġ dri |
The Paris Psalter 134:3 1b | / / # / lofiaþ ġē drihten, || | for·þon | hē lungre is / fæstrǣd and f |
The Paris Psalter 134:3 3b | ǣm; / weorðiaþ his naman, || | for·þon | hē wierðe is. / / # / For·þon |
The Paris Psalter 134:4 1a | for·þon hē wierðe is. / / # / | For·þon | him gōdne ġe·ċēas || Iac |
The Paris Psalter 134:5 2b | d and miċel / drihten ūre; || | for·þon | him dōm standeþ / ofer ealle |
The Paris Psalter 134:14 1a | orold || wynnum standeþ. / / # / | For·þon | his folc dēmeþ || fæġere |
The Paris Psalter 135:1 2a | ċ andette || ēċum drihtne, / | for·þon | hē gōd is || and iċ full |
The Paris Psalter 135:2 2b | ēċe is / ealra godena god, || | for·þon | iċ hine gōdne wāt. / / # / And |
The Paris Psalter 135:3 3a | drihten || dǣdum spēdĝost, / | for·þon | hē gōd is || and iċ ġearw |
The Paris Psalter 135:24 1a | esnas || āĝene wǣron. / / # / | For·þon | ūre ēaþ-mēdu || ēċe dri |
The Paris Psalter 135:28 2a | ena gode || ġeare andettaþ, / | for·þon | his mild-heortness || is miċ |
The Paris Psalter 136:3 1a | rganan || up ā·hēngon. / / # / | For·þon | ūs ðǣr frugnon || fǣcnum |
The Paris Psalter 137:1 3a | ġe·hyġde || heortan ealre; / | for·þon | þū ealle mīne word || ēar |
The Paris Psalter 137:5 2a | ndettan || eorðan cyningas%, / | for·þon | þe hīe ġe·hīerdon || hl |
The Paris Psalter 137:6 1a | sangum || singan drihtne. / / # / | For·þon | þīn% wuldor% is || wīde ġ |
The Paris Psalter 138:2 5a | e weĝas || wēl fore·sāwe, / | for·þon | mē inwitt næs || āhwǣr on |
The Paris Psalter 138:11 2a | þ || þīestru wiþ lēohte, / | for·þon | þū hīe settest || swelċe, |
The Paris Psalter 138:12 2a | andette%, || ēċe% drihten, / | for·þon | þū mid eġesan eart || eall |
The Paris Psalter 138:19 2a | mid rihte || recene fēoġe, / | for·þon | hīe mē fēondas || fǣcne w |
The Paris Psalter 140:8 1a | īnum || hrīnan āhwǣr. / / # / | For·þon | min ġe·bedd nū-ġīet || b |
The Paris Psalter 140:10 1a | arena || hæfte-nīedum%. / / # / | For·þon | iċ, drihten, on þē || dǣd |
The Paris Psalter 141:6 2a | sāwle, || hæleþa wealdend, / | for·þon | iċ ġe·ēad-meded eom || un |
The Paris Psalter 142:2 2a | īnum esne || inn tō dōme, / | for·þon | on þīnre ġe·sihþe ne bi |
The Paris Psalter 142:3 1a | dan || feorh-līf bereþ. / / # / | For·þon | mīne sāwle || swīðe fēon |
The Paris Psalter 142:8 3a | ortnesse, || mehtiġ drihten, / | for·þon | iċ hyċġe tō þē, || help |
The Paris Psalter 142:10 4a | willan || wyrċe and fremme, / | for·þon | þū min god eart, || þū m |
The Paris Psalter 142:12 7a | sāwle || synne æt·fæsten, / | for·þon | iċ þīn esne eom || āĝen |
The Paris Psalter 147:2 1a | || þīnne sōðne god%. / / # / | For·þon | hē ġe·trymede || wiþ tēo |
The Paris Psalter 148:5 1a | āme, || herġen drihten. / / # / | For·þon | hē selfa cwæþ, || sōna w |
The Paris Psalter 148:13 1a | yhtnes || mid nīed-lofe. / / # / | For·þon | his ānes nama || ofer ealle |
The Paris Psalter 149:4 1a | terio || singaþ ġeorne. / / # / | For·þon | on his folce is || fæġere d |
The Paris Psalter 51:6 3a | þe þū ġe·worhtest hēr; / | for·þon | þū eart sē gōda, || glēa |
The Paris Psalter 53:6 3b | e% swelċe / ġeare andette, || | for·þon | iċ hine gōdne wāt. / / # / For |
The Paris Psalter 53:7 1a | on iċ hine gōdne wāt. / / # / | For·þon | þū mē ā·līesdest, || l |
The Paris Psalter 54:2 1b | rīmme iċ eom be·gangen; || | for·þon | iċ gnornie / and mē forhtie | |
The Paris Psalter 54:8 3a | || ġond þās weorold wīde; / | for·þon | iċ ðǣr on unryht || oft l |
The Paris Psalter 54:10 3a | mansċeat%, || mān inwittes; / | for·þon | ġif mē min% fēond || fǣcn |
The Paris Psalter 54:17 3a | ese, || lāðum wiþ·ferġe, / | for·þon | mē maniġe ymb || mæġene s |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 5a | || ðǣr hīe wōh fremedon; / | for·þon | hīe sint on ierre || ūt ā |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 7a | lfe wēl || ġe·sēon ǣfre, / | forþon | hit wæs his heortan || ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 55:1 1b | 55 / / # / Miltsa mē drihten, || | for·þon | mē man tredeþ, / and mē ealn |
The Paris Psalter 55:3 1a | ġ || fram ǣr-merġenne. / / # / | For·þon | maniġe sind || þe tō mē f |
The Paris Psalter 55:10 3a | n herenesse || hyldu ġielde; / | for·þon | þū mīne sāwle || of swylt |
The Paris Psalter 56:1 2a | god || and mē milde weorþ, / | for·þon | min sāwol on þē || swīðe |
The Paris Psalter 56:12 2a | || swīðe ġe·nēahhe. / / # / | For·þon | þīn milde-heortness || is m |
The Paris Psalter 57:2 2b | n inwitt, / worhton wrāðe; || | for·þon | þæs wīte eft / on ēowre han |
The Paris Psalter 58:9 2a | þē || strange ġe·healde, / | for·þon | þū mē god eart || ġeara a |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 5a | e on lyġe || lange feredon; / | for·þon | hīe on ende || ierre for·gr |
The Paris Psalter 58:17 1a | || morĝena ġe·hwelċe. / / # / | For·þon | þū min and-fenġa || ǣġhw |
The Paris Psalter 58:18 1a | , || iċ þē fela singe. / / # / | For·þon | þū mē, god, eart || ġeara |
The Paris Psalter 59:10 2a | earfoþum || æðelne fultum, / | for·þon | hǣlu biþ || hēr on eorðan |
The Paris Psalter 60:4 1a | eaht || fiðerum þīnum. / / # / | For·þon | þū ġe·hīerdest, || hāli |
The Paris Psalter 61:8 3a | an hyġe || hāle and clǣne, / | for·þon | ēow god standeþ || ġeorne |
The Paris Psalter 62:7 4a | n on þē || ēac ġe·wēne, / | for·þon | þū mē on fultum || fæste |
The Paris Psalter 62:8 3a | ht on þon || hæbbe ġeorne, / | for·þon | min sāwl on þē || sōðe |
The Paris Psalter 62:9 1a | nġ || simle æt þearfe. / / # / | For·þon | hīe on īdel || ealle siþþ |
The Paris Psalter 62:10 4a | on hine || āðas swerġaþ; / | for·þon | sint ġe·mierde || mūðas e |
The Paris Psalter 65:17 1a | t, || wealdend% drihten. / / # / | For·þon | mē ġe·hīerde || hǣlend d |
The Paris Psalter 67:16 1a | īċe || and wēl þicce. / / # / | For·þon | ġē on·fōþ || fæġerum b |
The Paris Psalter 68:1 1b | 8 / / # / Dō mē hālne, god, || | for·þon | hrēoh wæter / tō mīnum fēo |
The Paris Psalter 68:7 2a | || mīne sċylde. / <T PPs68:5> / | For·þon | Sione god || simle hæleþ; / b |
The Paris Psalter 68:9 1a | god || āhwǣr sēċaþ. / / # / | For·þon | iċ ed·wīt for þē || oft |
The Paris Psalter 68:10 2a | ġiest || mōdor-ċildum. / / # / | For·þon | mē þīnes hūses || heard e |
The Paris Psalter 68:17 1b | / Ġe·hīer, drihten, mē, || | for·þon | ġe·dēfe is / þīn milde mō |
The Paris Psalter 68:19 1a | e || þīn clǣne ġe·sihþ, / | for·þon | mē fēondas tō || feohtaþ |
The Paris Psalter 68:27 3a | || þinġ on·eardiendes. / / # / | For·þon | hīe ealra || ēhtan on·gunn |
The Paris Psalter 70:3 1a | æt% þū mē tela hǣle. / / # / | For·þon | þū mē, god, wǣre || ġear |
The Paris Psalter 70:4 1a | yhtes || ealle wyrċende. / / # / | For·þon | þū mē eart fǣle ġe·þyl |
The Paris Psalter 70:15 1a | lne dæġ || ēċe hǣlu. / / # / | For·þon | iċ ne on·ġeat || grame ċ |
The Paris Psalter 70:20 4a | est || þæt iċ tela meahte; / | for·þon | iċ þe andette, || ēċe dri |
The Paris Psalter 71:12 1a | ne || weorðiaþ ġeorne. / / # / | For·þon | hē ā·līeseþ || lungre þ |
The Paris Psalter 72:2 1a | n foldan || fōta gangas. / / # / | For·þon | iċ fæstlīċe || firen-wyr |
The Paris Psalter 72:3 1a | ċan, || sōhton firene. / / # / | For·þon | hira dēaðes biþ || deorc e |
The Paris Psalter 72:5 1a | | mæġene be·swungene%. / / # / | For·þon | hīe ofer-hygd nam || unġeme |
The Paris Psalter 72:8 1a | n || tuĝon ofer eorðan. / / # / | For·þon | min folc hider || fæġere hw |
The Paris Psalter 72:22 1a | æl || āwa tō weorolde. / / # / | For·þon | þā for·weorðaþ, || þe h |
The Paris Psalter 74:6 1a | || gram-word sprecan.’ / / # / | For·þon | ēastan ne cymeþ || gumena |
The Paris Psalter 74:6 4a | ssum westum || wīdum mōrum; / | for·þon | him is dēma || drihten selfa |
The Paris Psalter 74:7 2a | || sumne ā·hefeþ snēome; / | for·þon | sē wīnes stēap || on weald |
The Paris Psalter 75:7 1a | te || meteþ and findeþ. / / # / | For·þon | þe mannes ġe·þōht || mæ |
The Paris Psalter 77:24 1a | rre barn || on Israhelas. / / # / | For·þon | þe hīe ne woldon || wordum |
The Paris Psalter 78:7 1a | nne || nīede ċīeġaþ. / / # / | For·þon | hīe Iacob || ġāra ǣton, / a |
The Paris Psalter 78:8 4a | e be·ġytan || hyldu þīne, / | for·þon | we þearfende || þearle sind |
The Paris Psalter 81:8 2a | ten, nū. || Dēm eorð-ware, / | for·þon | þū eart ierfe-weard || ealr |
The Paris Psalter 82:2 1a | ne þē selfne be·were. / / # / | For·þon | þīne fēond || fǣcne for· |
The Paris Psalter 82:5 1a | naman || ǣniġ nemne.’ / / # / | For·þon | hīe ān ġe·þeaht || ealle |
The Paris Psalter 83:11 1a | renfulra || folce eardie. / / # / | For·þon | god lufaþ || ġeornast ealle |
The Paris Psalter 85:1 2a | n ēare, || hāliġ drihten; / | for·þon | iċ eom wǣdla, || þū mē w |
The Paris Psalter 85:2 1b | / Ġe·heald mīne sāwle, || | for·þon | iċ hāliġ eom; / hǣl þīnne |
The Paris Psalter 85:2 2b | eom; / hǣl þīnne sċealc, || | for·þon | iċ þē hyhte tō. / / # / Milts |
The Paris Psalter 85:3 4a | sċealces || sāwle blīðe, / | for·þon | iċ hīe tō þē || hebbe ġ |
The Paris Psalter 85:4 1a | ē || hebbe ġe·neahhe. / / # / | For·þon | þū eart wynsum, || wealdend |
The Paris Psalter 85:6 3a | þonne iċ clipode tō þē; / | for·þon | þū mē ġe·hīerdest || ho |
The Paris Psalter 85:9 1a | nes || nīede ċīeġaþ. / / # / | For·þon | þū eart sē miċela || miht |
The Paris Psalter 85:17 1a | , || habban forþ sċame. / / # / | For·þon | þū mē wǣre fultum || fæs |
The Paris Psalter 87:3 1a | ġe·hīer min ġe·bedd. / / # / | For·þon | is sāwol min || sāres and y |
The Paris Psalter 88:2 1a | um mūðe || manna cynne. / / # / | For·þon | þā þū cwǣde || cūðe wo |
The Paris Psalter 88:15 1a | esse || simle ǣġhwǣr%. / / # / | For·þon | þū hira mæġenes eart || m |
The Paris Psalter 89:7 1a | || weorðeþ tō dūste. / / # / | For·þon | we on þīnum ierre || ealle |
The Paris Psalter 90:3 1a | n þē ġeare hyċġe.’ / / # / | For·þon | hē mē ā·līesde || of lā |
The Paris Psalter 90:4 2a | drum || sċeade% be·þeahte; / | for·þon | iċ under fiðerum || fǣle h |
The Paris Psalter 90:11 1a | || nāhwǣr sċieþþan. / / # / | For·þon | hē his englum be·bēad, || |
The Paris Psalter 90:14 1a | n || liste ġe·bīeġan. / / # / | For·þon | hē hyhte tō mē, || iċ hin |
The Paris Psalter 91:3 4a | id hearpan || hlyste cwēman, / | for·þon | þū mē on þīnum weorcum | |
The Paris Psalter 93:10 2b | e·þancas / eorð-būendra, || | for·þon | hīe īdle sint. / / # / Þæt bi |
The Paris Psalter 93:19 1a | a || bitere ā·ġēotan. / / # / | For·þon | mē is ġe·worden || wealden |
The Paris Psalter 94:3 1a | him || singan mid wynne. / / # / | For·þon | is sē miċela god || mehtiġ |
The Paris Psalter 94:4 1a | || ofer eall manna godu. / / # / | For·þon | ne wiþ·drīfeþ || drihten |
The Paris Psalter 94:7 1a | re || þe ūs worhte ǣr. / / # / | For·þon | hē is drihten god, || dēma |
The Paris Psalter 95:4 1b | # / Hē is sē miċela god; || | for·þon | hine menn sċulon / elne herġa |
The Paris Psalter 95:12 5a | andwlitan || ēċan dryhtnes, / | for·þon | hē cōm || on cyne-þrymme, / |
The Paris Psalter 97:8 1a | ansīene || ēċan dryhtnes; / | for·þon | hē ēadiġ cōm || eorðan t |
The Paris Psalter 98:5 4a | sċamol || forþ weorðiaþ; / | for·þon | hē hāliġ is || hæleþa be |
The Paris Psalter 98:10 3b | weorðiaþ / mǣrum beorĝe; || | for·þon | his meahte sint / and hāliġ i |
The Paris Psalter 99:4 1b | / Herġaþ naman dryhtnes, || | for·þon | hē is niþþum swǣs; / is þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 75b | ol dēþ, / on hire selfre. || | For·þon | hēo swā hwearfaþ, / þæt h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 28a | || þencþ ymb sē þe wile, / | for·þon | hit is eall ān || ǣlċes þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 40a | ā || wunaþ on ġe·myndum. / | For·þon | or-sorh līf || ealniġ lǣda |
Metrical Psalm 91:3 4a | id hearpan || hlyste cwēman / | for·þon | þū mē on þīnum weorcum |
The Death of Alfred 4a | n þe miċel meahton wealdan, | for·þon | hit hleoðrode þā || / swī |
Solomon and Saturn 42a | grīpe || ġīfrost wealleþ. / | For·þon | hafað sē cantic || ofer eal |
Solomon and Saturn 156b | rīfeþ, / mēċes mǣrþu. || | For·þon | nǣniġ man sċyle / oft or-þa |
Solomon and Saturn 11a | hine þā dēaþ% of·fēoll; / | for·þon | þā foldan ne mæġ || fīra |
Solomon and Saturn 123b | īe wiþ dryhtnes meahtum, || | for·þon | hīe þæt weorc ne ġe·dǣd |
Solomon and Saturn 179a | unlǣdan || āĝen% hālford. / | For·þon | nāh sēo mōdor ġe·weald, |
Solomon and Saturn 215a | cann || dryhtnes þæċelan, / | for·þon | nis nǣngu ġe·cynd || cwic- |
Solomon and Saturn 255a | don þā ūsiċ feohtaþ inn. / | For·þon | is witena ġe·hwǣm || wōpe |
The Menologium 21b | healdaþ, / cininges mōdor, || | for·þon | hēo Crīst on þǣm dæġe, / |
The Menologium 46a | n tīd || efen-niht healdaþ, / | for·þon | wealdend God || worhte æt fr |
The Menologium 65b | es stīġe / on heofonas up, || | for·þon | þe% hwearfaþ ā / wīsra ġe |
The Menologium 192b | le wǣron, / drihtne dīere; || | for·þon | hīe dōm hluton, / ēadiġne u |
The Judgment Day II 165a | aĝe || earm and sē weleĝa, / | for·þon | hīe habbaþ eġe || ealle æ |
The Kentish Hymn 40a | ēadra, || Crīst nerġende%, / | for·þon | þū on þrymme rīcsast || a |
Psalm 50 42a | man || lāðre ġe·þōhtas. / | For·þon | iċ unryht min || eall on·cn |
Psalm 50 70a | nd lisse, || lēohtes ealdor, / | for·þon | þū mē uncūðe || ēac þo |
Psalm 50 151a | dende God, || weorðne munde. / | For·þon | hē ġe·bētte || bealu-nī |
A Prayer 6a | þū hīe, || līfes ealdor, / | for·þon | þū ēðest meaht || ealra l |
The Battle of Maldon 241a | æt wǣre hit ūre hālford; / | forþon | wearþ hēr on felda || folc |