Number of occurrences in corpus: 91
Genesis B 261b | re wæs he drihtne urum || ne | mihte | him bedyrned weorþan / þæt h |
Genesis B 270b | þonne se halga god || habban | mihte | / folcgestælna || feala worda |
Genesis B 415b | an / þæt he up heonon || ute | mihte | / cuman þurh þas clustro || a |
Genesis A 1571a | || sefa nearwode / þæt he ne | mihte | || on gemynd drepen / hine hand |
Genesis A 2058b | se halga / ece drihten || eaþe | mihte | / æt þam spereniþe || spede |
Exodus 189b | e he on þam fyrste || findan | mihte | / wæron ingemen || ealle ætg |
Daniel 14a | | se þam werude geaf / mod and | mihte | || metod alwihta / þæt hie of |
Daniel 84b | him snytro on sefan || secgan | mihte | / nales þy þe he þæt moste |
Daniel 168b | æþere þæt daniel || gedon | mihte | / þæt he wolde metodes || mih |
Daniel 169b | hte / þæt he wolde metodes || | mihte | gelyfan / ac he wyrcan ongan || |
Daniel 202b | hton / ne hie to þam gebede || | mihte | gebædon / hæþen heriges wisa |
Daniel 226b | s gegleded || swa he grimmost | mihte | / frecne fyres lige || þa he |
Daniel 239a | | under þam fyrenan hrofe / ne | mihte | þeah heora wlite || gewemman |
Daniel 472b | d wæs / onhicgaþ nu || halige | mihte | / wise wundor godes || we gesaw |
Daniel 647a | de || ac he wide bead / metodes | mihte | || þær he meld ahte / siþfæ |
Christ and Satan 22b | uhte him on mode || þæt hit | mihte | swa / þæt hie weron seolfe || |
Christ and Satan 249b | ræd / gif ge willaþ minre || | mihte | gelefan / uta oferhycgan || hel |
Christ and Satan 337a | and þone dimman ham / forþon | mihte | geheran || se þe æt hylle w |
Christ and Satan 352a | r || scineþ ymbutan / meotodes | mihte | || geond þæt mære cynn / þ |
Christ and Satan 399a | hæleþa bearnum / meotod þurh | mihte | || wolde manna rim / fela þuse |
Christ and Satan 470b | e gastas / ic eow þurh mine || | mihte | geworhte / adam ærest || and |
Christ and Satan 491a | || ne wera snytero / þæt eow | mihte | helpan || nimþe hælend god / |
Christ and Satan 517a | irne || eall ymbfangen / þæt | mihte | þam miclan || mægne wiþhab |
Christ and Satan 672b | s wyrcan / gif þu swa micle || | mihte | hæbbe / þa him andswarode || |
Andreas 16b | git / ellþeodigra || eþles ne | mihte | / blædes brucan || oft him bon |
Andreas 477b | lyt / sincweorþunga || syllan | mihte | / fætedsinces || wolde ic freo |
Andreas 573a | a andreas || agef andsware / hu | mihte | þæt gewyrþan || in werþeo |
Andreas 694a | ne || dyrnan þohton / meotudes | mihte | || man eft gehwearf / yfel ende |
Andreas 939a | || to widan aldre / cræfte ond | mihte | || þu in þa ceastre gong / un |
Andreas 986b | m nænig gumena || ongitan ne | mihte | / synfulra geseon || hæfde sig |
Andreas 1129a | asceaft || friþes wilnian / ne | mihte | earmsceapen || are findan / fre |
Andreas 1393b | nrofes / mod gemyltan || hit ne | mihte | swa / þa wæs niowinga || niþ |
Andreas 1543b | ær inne / beatende brim || ne | mihte | beorna hloþ / of þam fæstenn |
Dream of the Rood 37b | h / eorþan sceatas || ealle ic | mihte | / feondas gefyllan || hwæþre |
Dream of the Rood 102a | t dryhten aras / mid his miclan | mihte | || mannum to helpe / he þa on |
Elene 145a | bemiþan / bedyrnan þa deopan | mihte | || þa wurdon hie deaþes on |
Beowulf 190b | ealfdenes / singala seað || ne | mihte | snotor hæleð / wean onwendan |
Beowulf 207a | | ðara ðe he cenoste / findan | mihte | || fiftiena sum / sundwudu soht |
Beowulf 462b | n / for herebrogan || habban ne | mihte | / ðanon he gesohte || suðdena |
Beowulf 511b | mon / ne leof ne lað || belean | mihte | / sorhfullne sið || ða git on |
Beowulf 571b | ðæt ic sænæssas || geseon | mihte | / windige weallas || wyrd oft n |
Beowulf 656b | an ic hond ond rond || hebban | mihte | / ðryðærn dena || buton ðe |
Beowulf 967a | utan his lic swice / ic hine ne | mihte | || ða metod nolde / ganges get |
Beowulf 1140b | gif he torngemot || ðurhteon | mihte | / ðæt he eotena bearn || inne |
Beowulf 1446b | t him hildegrap || hreðre ne | mihte | / eorres inwitfeng || aldre ges |
Beowulf 1504b | ðone fyrdhom || ðurhfon ne | mihte | / locene leoðosyrcan || laðan |
Beowulf 1508a | el || to hofe sinum / swa he ne | mihte | || no he ðæs modig wæs / wæ |
Beowulf 2091b | wolde / manigra sumne || hyt ne | mihte | swa / syððan ic on yrre || up |
Beowulf 2609a | ylc || swa his fæder ahte / ne | mihte | ða forhabban || hond rond ge |
Beowulf 2621b | d byrnan || oððæt his byre | mihte | / eorlscipe efnan || swa his æ |
Beowulf 2954b | ðæt he sæmannum || onsacan | mihte | / heaðoliðendum || hord forst |
Judith 49a | hongen || ðæt se bealofulla / | mihte | wlitan ðurh || wigena baldor |
Judith 75b | u heo ðone atolan || eaðost | mihte | / ealdre benæman || ær se uns |
Judith 102b | heo ðæs unlædan || eaðost | mihte | / wel gewealdan || sloh ða wun |
The Paris Psalter 103:4 2a | || worhte and sette / þæt he | mihte | eaþe || upp astigan / se fotum |
The Paris Psalter 103:30 3a | ealle beofian / gif he mid his | mihte | || muntas hrineþ / hi ful rice |
The Paris Psalter 104:12 1b | an / / # / ne let he him manna || | mihte | sceþþan / and he þearle for |
The Paris Psalter 104:30 3a | ppan || and grame ceaferas / ne | mihte | þa on moldan || man geriman / |
The Paris Psalter 105:25 5b | wæs / on his gaste gram || ne | mihte | him godes willan / mid his wele |
The Paris Psalter 118:101 3a | de georne / þæt ic þine word | mihte | || wel gehealdan / / # / na ic fr |
The Paris Psalter 144:4 3a | en || wordum georne / and þine | mihte | eac || micle sæcgeon / / # / myc |
The Paris Psalter 144:11 1a | her bletsien / / # / and hi þine | mihte | || manna bearnum / cyþan mid c |
The Paris Psalter 64:7 1a | || foldum wuniaþ / / # / þinre | mihte | sculon || muntas hyran / swylce |
The Paris Psalter 65:15 1a | || minre sawle / / # / þuruh his | mihte | ic || muþe cleopige / oþþe m |
The Paris Psalter 67:7 1b | / # / se þe on his mægenes || | mihte | gelædeþ / þæt he þa gehæf |
The Paris Psalter 68:20 4b | rend ic sohte || findan ic ne | mihte | / / # / hi minne mete || mengdan |
The Paris Psalter 70:15 2b | / ac ic on þine þa myclan || | mihte | gange / / # / ic þine soþfæstn |
The Paris Psalter 70:20 3b | getrymedest || þæt ic teala | mihte | / forþon ic þe andette || ece |
The Paris Psalter 72:13 2b | ome / full gleawlice || ongitan | mihte | / hu þis gewinn || wolde ganga |
The Paris Psalter 73:12 1b | / # / þu on þines mægenes || | mihte | spedum / sæ gesettest || swylc |
The Paris Psalter 76:12 1a | woruldlife / / # / eft þu þine | mihte | || mænige cyþdest / folcum on |
The Paris Psalter 77:1 3b | holdlice / mines muþes word || | mihte | gehyran / / # / ic on anlicnessum |
The Paris Psalter 79:3 1a | e biddaþ þe / / # / awece þine | mihte | || and mid wuldre cum / and us |
The Paris Psalter 79:14 6b | er mannes sunu || þe þu his | mihte | ær / under þe getrymedest || |
The Paris Psalter 84:9 2b | tas / mildheortnesse mod || and | mihte | soþ / and hine sybbe lufu || s |
The Paris Psalter 88:12 1a | swylce drihten / / # / wesan hea | mihte | || handa þinre / ahafen ofer h |
The Paris Psalter 91:3 2b | ic þe on psalterio || singan | mihte | / oþþe þe mid hearpan || hly |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 5b | n hēane munt / manna ǣniġ || | mihte | ā·settan / healle hrōf-fæst |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 10b | nn / on sand-beorĝas || settan | mihte | / fæste healle? || Ne mæġ ē |
Solomon and Saturn 1b | am fyrngewrytum || findan ne | mihte | / soþe samnode || ic sohte þa |
The Judgment Day II 109b | en / ne se mona næfð || nanre | mihte | wiht / ðæt he ðære nihte || |
The Judgment Day II 116b | lænað / ðone mæran metod || | mihte | and ðrymme / sitt ðonne sigel |
The Seasons for Fasting 164b | æt he stræla his || stellan | mihte | / on ðam lichoman || næs ðæ |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 8b | m ðe ðis galdor || begytan | mihte | / oððe ðe ðis galdor || ong |
The Battle of Maldon 8a | þære hilde stop / be þam man | mihte | oncnawan || þæt se cniht no |
The Battle of Maldon 13b | þe he mid handum || healdan | mihte | / bord and bradswurd || beot he |
The Battle of Maldon 62a | m easteþe || ealle stodon / ne | mihte | þær for wætere || werod to |
The Battle of Maldon 68a | ena ord || and se æschere / ne | mihte | hyra ænig || oþrum derian / b |
The Battle of Maldon 122b | / hwa þær mid orde || ærost | mihte | / on fægean men || feorh gewin |
The Battle of Maldon 165a | foldan || fealohilte swurd / ne | mihte | he gehealdan || heardne mece / |
The Battle of Maldon 169a | ngan forþ || gode geferan / ne | mihte | þa on fotum leng || fæste g |