Number of occurrences in corpus: 15
Genesis A 2446b | swā him sē Ebrisċa || eorl | wīsode, | / inn under eodoras. || Þǣr h |
Exodus 348b | ðrum, / īsern-herġum. || Ān | wīsode | / mæġen-þrymmum mǣst, || þ |
Daniel 35a | um% || þǣm þe ǣhte ġeaf. / | Wīsode% | him æt frymþe, || þā þe |
Andreas 381b | hwā þām sǣ-flotan || sund | wīsode. | / Him þā sē hālĝa || on ho |
Andreas 985b | / stōp on strǣte, || (stīġ | wīsode), | / swā him nǣniġ gumena || on |
The Fates of the Apostles 9b | tel. / Halĝan hēape || hlīet | wīsode | / ðǣr hīe dryhtnes ǣ || dē |
Guthlac A 444b | onne him sē dryhtnes || dōm | wīsode | / tō þām nīehstan || nīed- |
Beowulf 208b | sum / sund-wudu sōhte; || secg | wīsode, | / laĝu-cræftiġ mann, || land |
Beowulf 320b | t wæs stān-fāh, || stīġ | wīsode | / gumum æt·gædere. || Gūð- |
Beowulf 370b | þǣm heaðu-rincum || hider | wīsode.’ | / Hrōð·gār maðelode, || he |
Beowulf 402b | eredon ætsamne, || þā secg | wīsode, | / under Heorotes hrōf || % / hea |
Beowulf 1663b | / eald sweord ēacen || (ofost | wīsode | / winiġa lēasum), || þæt i |
Beowulf 1795b | um, / feorran-cundum, || forþ | wīsode, | / sē for andrisnum || ealle be |
The Paris Psalter 77:16 1a | nd hīe fōron þurh. / / # / Him | wīsode | || wolcen unlȳtel / daĝa ǣġ |
The Battle of Maldon 141b | h þæs hysses heals, || hand | wīsode | / þæt hē on þām fǣr-sċa |