Number of occurrences in corpus: 669
Genesis A 11a | ġe·sette || wīde and sīde / | þurh | ġe·weald Godes || wuldres b |
Genesis A 111a | t þēos weorold-ġe·sċeaft / | þurh | word ġe·wearþ || wuldor-ci |
Genesis A 130a | brytta. || Lēoht wæs ǣrest / | þurh | dryhtnes word || dæġ ġe·n |
Genesis A 149b | a ā·hōf / up fram eorðan || | þurh | his āĝen word, / frēa æl-me |
Genesis A 158a | d flōde. || Frēa engla hēt / | þurh | his word wesan || wæter ġe |
Genesis B 247a | æl-wealda% || enġel-cynna / | þurh | hand-mæġen, || hāliġ drih |
Genesis B 272b | nġel ofer-mōdes. || Þōhte | þurh | his ānes cræft / hū hē him |
Genesis B 331b | botme / on þā hātan hell || | þurh | hyġe-lēaste / and þurh ofer |
Genesis B 332a | ll || þurh hyġe-lēaste / and | þurh | ofer·mēttu, || sōhton ōð |
Genesis B 336a | e·wrixled || wīta un·rīm / | þurh | hira% miċelan mōd || and þ |
Genesis B 336b | rh hira% miċelan mōd || and | þurh | meaht Godes / and þurh ofer·m |
Genesis B 337a | || and þurh meaht Godes / and | þurh | ofer·mēttu || ealra swīðo |
Genesis B 416a | up heonan || ūte mihte / cuman | þurh | þās clūstru, || and hæfde |
Genesis B 447a | and him up þanon, / hwearf him | þurh | þā hell-dora, || hæfde hy |
Genesis B 453b | ode. / Hē þā ġe·fērde% || | þurh | fēondes cræft / oþþæt hē |
Genesis B 492b | ūtan / þone dēaðes bēam || | þurh | dēofles cræft, / ġe·nam ð |
Genesis B 532a | t þēahū mid lyġenum fare / | þurh | dierne ġe·þanc || þe þū |
Genesis B 541a | || ǣniġ tācen / þe hē mē | þurh | trēowe || tō on·sende, / min |
Genesis B 542a | || tō on·sende, / min hearra | þurh | hyldu. || Þȳ iċ þē hīer |
Genesis B 586a | eornlīċe || Gode þeġnode / | þurh | holdne hyġe, || hearran mīn |
Genesis B 601a | meahte hēo wīde ġe·sēon / | þurh | þæs lāðan lǣn || þe hī |
Genesis B 605b | d mehtiġ, || þēah hēo hit | þurh | mannes ġe·þeaht / ne sċēaw |
Genesis B 610a | Þā sē for·hātena spræc / | þurh | fēondsċipe% || nealles hē |
Genesis B 618a | elċe þū ġe·sihþe hæfst / | þurh | mīnne cyme cræfta. || Ġif |
Genesis B 618b | cyme cræfta. || Ġif ġīet | þurh | cūscne sidu / lǣst mīna lār |
Genesis B 631a | num, || þæt hīe lāþ Gode / | þurh | þæs wrāðan ġe·þanc || |
Genesis B 632a | þanc || weorðan sċolden%, / | þurh | þæs dēofles searu || dōm |
Genesis B 708a | sæġde. / Hēo dyde hit þēah | þurh | holdne hyġe, || niste þæt |
Genesis B 738a | , || and þīestre land, / and | þurh | þīn miċele mōd || maniġ |
Genesis B 743a | d heafdum || hālĝum drihtne / | þurh | ġungor-dōm; || ac unc ġe· |
Genesis B 773b | llor sċrīðan || þæt hire | þurh | untrēowa / tācen īewde || s |
Genesis B 796a | is is landa betst, / þæt wit | þurh | uncres hearran þanc || habba |
Genesis A 899a | d tō sċyld-frece, / fāh wyrm | þurh | fǣġer word, || oþþæt iċ |
Genesis A 923a | wild, || dēaðes bīdan, / and | þurh | wōp and hēaf || on weorold |
Genesis A 924a | nd hēaf || on weorold cennan / | þurh | sār miċel || sunu and dohto |
Genesis A 998b | de sċōd / frēolicu fǣmne || | þurh | forman gylt / þe wiþ metod ǣ |
Genesis A 1078b | num wæs / Iābāl nama, || sē | þurh | glēawne ġe·þanc / hēr-būe |
Genesis A 1084a | can tīd || Tūbal Cāin, / sē | þurh | snytru spēd || smiþ-cræft |
Genesis A 1085a | || smiþ-cræftĝa wæs, / and | þurh | mōdes ġe·mynd || manna ǣr |
Genesis A 1127a | ac, || þā hē þās weorold / | þurh | gāst-ġe·dāl || of·ġiefa |
Genesis A 1148a | tiġ || ær hē be wīfe hēr / | þurh% | ġe·bedsċipe || bearn ā·s |
Genesis A 1362b | l-mehtiġ / weoroda drihten || | þurh | his word ā·bēad. / Him on h |
Genesis A 1696a | || siþþan metod tō·brǣd / | þurh | his meahta spēd || manna spr |
Genesis A 1759a | stme || þǣm þe wurðiaþ. / | Þurh | þe eorð-būende || ealle on |
Genesis A 1771b | ora weard, / wealdend ūser || | þurh | his word ā·bēad, / ċēapas |
Genesis A 1796b | eardes ġe·hāt, || þā him | þurh | hāliġ word / siĝora self-cyn |
Genesis A 1809b | eaf / nealles hnēawlīċe% || | þurh | his hand metend, / on þǣm gl |
Genesis A 1957a | metode, || þe him aefter ā / | þurh | ġe·mynda spēd || mōde% an |
Genesis A 2121a | sē beorn || blētsunga lēan / | þurh | hand ā·ġeaf, || and þæs |
Genesis A 2198b | weorðeþ, / bearn of brȳde || | þurh | ġe·byrd cumen, / sē þe aeft |
Genesis A 2218a | Abrahame || ǣniġ ne wearþ / | þurh | ġe·bedsċipe || bearn ġe· |
Genesis A 2233b | e-wearda / on weorold lǣtan || | þurh | þæt wīf cuman’. / Þā sē |
Genesis A 2302b | þāh, / swā sē enġel ǣr || | þurh | his āĝen word, / fǣle friðu |
Genesis A 2324a | nod mē, || oþþe of eorðan / | þurh | fēondsċipe || feorr ā·dǣ |
Genesis A 2469a | āra idesa || ōðer ġīeta / | þurh | ġe·bedsċipe || beorna nēa |
Genesis A 2476b | ’. / Him þā sēo meniġu || | þurh | ġe·mǣne word, / ārlēase cy |
Genesis A 2636b | On·gann þā sōð-cyning || | þurh | swefn sprecan / tō þǣm æðe |
Genesis A 2642b | le-wēriġ / sinċes% brytta || | þurh | slǣp on·cwæþ: / ’Hwæt, |
Genesis A 2644a | ū ǣfre, || engla þēoden, / | þurh | þīn ierre wilt || ealdre l |
Genesis A 2654b | drihten, / sōþfæst metod, || | þurh | þæt swefn on·cwæþ: / ‘A |
Genesis A 2685a | ǣġe, || woldest lāðlīċe / | þurh | þæt wīf on mē || wrōhte |
Genesis A 2776b | bād, / siþþan him ǣrest || | þurh | his āĝen word / þone dæġ-w |
Genesis A 2918a | Ebrea, || þū mēdum sċealt / | þurh | þæs hālĝan hand, || heofo |
Exodus 262b | allum wile / mehtiġ drihten || | þurh | mīne hand / tō dæġe þissum |
Exodus 434b | a God, / sōþfæst siĝora, || | þurh | his selfes līf, / þæt þīne |
Exodus 480a | īþ, || oþþæt sōþ metod / | þurh | Moyses hand || mōdġe rȳmde |
Exodus 573b | m brimu blōdġe þūhton, || | þurh | þā hira beadu-searu wǣġon |
Daniel 4a | him ġe·cynde wæs, / siþþan | þurh | metodes mæġen || on Moyses |
Daniel 48b | rh-stede, / Nabochodonossor, || | þurh | nīþ-hete, / þæt hē sēċan |
Daniel 51a | Israelum || īeðost meahte / | þurh | gramra gang || guman oþ·þr |
Daniel 98b | an%, / hyġe-cræft hēane, || | þurh | hāliġ mōd, / þā sē beorn |
Daniel 146a | ġu || on þǣm mæðel-stede / | þurh | wīteġ-dōm || wihte ā·þe |
Daniel 155a | sealde || ġiefe of heofonum / | þurh | hlēoðor-cwide || hālġes g |
Daniel 248b | t / līeġ ofer lēofum || and | þurh | lust ġe·slōh / miċele māre |
Daniel 280b | þancum / hleoðrode hāliġ || | þurh | hātne līeġ, / drēah% dǣda |
Daniel 292a | nū, || gasta sċieppend, / and | þurh | hyldu% help, || hāliġ driht |
Daniel 315b | / Þū him þæt ġe·hēte || | þurh | hlēoðor-cwide, / þæt þū h |
Daniel 335a | | and his meahta spēd / reahte | þurh | reorde. || þā of rodorum w |
Daniel 341b | wēop hine and tō·swende || | þurh | þā swīðan meaht, / līeġes |
Daniel 361b | e cwǣdon, / mōdum horsċe, || | þurh | ġe·mǣne word: / ‘Þē ġe |
Daniel 460b | on·ġeat, / Babilone weard, || | þurh | fȳres bryne, / hū þā hyssas |
Daniel 479b | raþ. / For·þon wīteĝað || | þurh | wunder maniġ / hālĝum gāstu |
Daniel 494a | hē maniĝum dēþ / þāra þe | þurh | ofer-hyġd || up ā·stīĝe |
Daniel 552b | tel, / þæt þū ġe·sāwe || | þurh | swefn cuman, / heofon-hēahne b |
Daniel 592a | æstan, || ǣr him fǣr Godes / | þurh | eġesan gryre || ealdre ġe· |
Daniel 594b | ġe·spræc / sōðra worda || | þurh | snytru cræft, / þæt þæs ā |
Daniel 598b | d. / On·gann þā ġieddian || | þurh | ġielp miċel / Caldea cyning | |
Daniel 603b | tīema / weorode ġe·worhte || | þurh | wunder miċel, / wearþ þā ā |
Daniel 623b | de, / wild-dēora ġe·wita, || | þurh | wolcna gang. / Ġe·munde þā |
Daniel 670a | || oþ·þæt him God wolde / | þurh | hryre hreddan || hêa rīċe. |
Daniel 694a | burga, || oþ·þæt Baldazar / | þurh | ġielp grame || Godes frāsod |
Daniel 709a | brǣcon || billa eċġum, / and | þurh | hlēoðor-cyme, || herġe ġe |
Christ and Satan 6b | n sǣ, / wæter and wolcen%, || | þurh | his wundra meaht. / Dēopne ymb |
Christ and Satan 13b | -rīm / selfa hē ġe·sette || | þurh | his sōðan meaht. / Swā sē w |
Christ and Satan 14b | an meaht. / Swā sē wyrhta || | þurh | his wuldres gāst / sierede and |
Christ and Satan 53b | / ‘Þū ūs ġe·lǣrdest || | þurh | lyġe þīnne / þæt we hǣlen |
Christ and Satan 59a | ste ġe·bunden. / Wendest þū | þurh | wuldor || þæt þū weorold |
Christ and Satan 390b | wǣron. / Wile nū ūre witu || | þurh | his wuldres cræft / eall tō· |
Christ and Satan 399a | le || hæleþa bearnum, / metod | þurh | meahte; || wolde manna rīm, / |
Christ and Satan 410a | dam twā || æpples þiĝodon / | þurh | nǣdran nīþ, || swā wit n |
Christ and Satan 436b | cyninge, / bæd metod miltse || | þurh | Marian hād: / ‘Hwæt, þū f |
Christ and Satan 470a | | ‘Snotre gāstas, / iċ ēow | þurh | mīne || meahte ġe·worhte, / |
Christ and Satan 493b | ·sette. / Fērde tō foldan || | þurh | fǣmnan hād / ufan fram ēðle |
Christ and Satan 548b | ēat, / God on ġeālĝan%, || | þurh | his gāstes mæġen. / For·þo |
Christ and Satan 584b | eafta / wyrhta and wealdend || | þurh | his wuldres cræft. / Siteþ hi |
Christ and Satan 588b | þ% ūs þider tō lēohte || | þurh | his lǣċedōm, / ðǣr we mōt |
Christ and Satan 604b | ade of dūste ā·rīsaþ || | þurh | dryhtnes meaht. / Þæt biþ da |
Christ and Satan 621b | m bearn Godes / dēman wille || | þurh | his dǣda spēd. / Wēnaþ þæ |
Christ and Satan 644a | hīeran% on·ġinnen! / Ġeorne | þurh | Godes ġiefe || ġe·munan g |
Christ and Satan 666b | daĝa, / metod mann-cynnes, || | þurh | his miltsa spēd. / Þā ġe·w |
Christ and Satan 2a | hē mid heandum ġe·nom / atol | þurh | ed-wīt, || and on esle %ā· |
Christ and Satan 15b | rīċe. / Ac iċ þē hāte || | þurh | þā hīehstan meaht / þæt þ |
Christ and Satan 44a | hine sē mihtĝa hēt / þæt | þurh | sīnne% cræft || sūsle ā· |
Andreas 34a | % || bitre tō·samne, / drȳas | þurh | dwol-cræft, || drinc unhīer |
Andreas 66b | īnes / ġeorn on mōde; || nū | þurh | ġiehþa sċeall / dǣde fremma |
Andreas 79a | n burgum, || aefter bill-hete / | þurh | hearm-cwide || heoru-grǣdiġ |
Andreas 109a | ĝan || wīte-bendum, / synnie% | þurh | searu-cræft, || swenċan mot |
Andreas 187a | hǣðenra || hand-ġe·winne / | þurh | gāres grīpe || gāst on·se |
Andreas 218a | e, || ðǣr þe gūþ-ġewinn / | þurh | hǣðenra || hilde-wōman, / be |
Andreas 315b | nnaþ.’ / Þā him Andreas || | þurh | andsware, / wīs on ġe·witte, |
Andreas 436b | þīed and ġe·þrēatod || | þurh | þrȳþ-cyning, / laĝu lācend |
Andreas 525b | letsod wearþ / engla ēðel || | þurh | his ānes meaht. / Forþon is |
Andreas 585b | dra fela / cyne-rōf cȳðde || | þurh | his cræftes meaht. / Hē ġe· |
Andreas 597b | dǣdum / lufode on līfe || and | þurh | lāre spēon / tō þām fǣġe |
Andreas 611a | æfēstum || inwitt sieredon / | þurh | dēopne ġe·dwolan. || Dēof |
Andreas 631a | and þēah wyrda ġe·hwǣre / | þurh | snytra cræft || sōþ on·cn |
Andreas 633b | iġne iċ þe for tǣle || ne | þurh | tēon-cwide / on hran-rāde, || |
Andreas 635b | blissaþ, / wynnum wrīdaþ, || | þurh | þīne word-læðe, / æðelum |
Andreas 642b | les drēamas, / engla ēðel || | þurh | þā æðelan meaht.’ / Ǣdre |
Andreas 651a | īsdōm || on wera ġe·mōte / | þurh | his selfes mūþ || simble ġ |
Andreas 670a | ĝod. || Husċ worde on·gann / | þurh | inwitt-þanc || ealdor-sācer |
Andreas 688a | æs we ġe·fræġen habbaþ / | þurh | mōd-ġe·mynd, || Maria and |
Andreas 699a | || sēċan dēagol land. / Hē | þurh | wundra fela || on þām wēst |
Andreas 725b | earcod is / hāliġra hīew, || | þurh | hand-mæġen / ā·writen on we |
Andreas 739a | . || Stefn aefter cōm, / hlūd | þurh | heardne, || hlēoðor dynede, |
Andreas 771a | e. || Þǣr or-cnǣwe wearþ% / | þurh | tēon-cwide || twēoġende m |
Andreas 827a | wērġe || slǣp ofer·ēode. / | Þurh | lyft-ġe·lāc || on land be |
Andreas 912b | cyning cwicera ġe·hwæs, || | þurh | cnihtes hād. / Þā hē worde |
Andreas 941b | ðor is. / Wāt iċ Matheus || | þurh | mǣnra hand / hrīnen% heoru-do |
Andreas 965a | wungon, || synniġe ne mihton / | þurh | sār-cwide || sōþ ġe·cȳ |
Andreas 971a | an. || Wolde iċ ēow on þon / | þurh | blīðne hyġe || bȳsne onst |
Andreas 975a | eorfest || tō heofon-lēohte / | þurh | mīnne naman, || þēah hīe |
Andreas 1000a | endōm. || Duru sōna on·arn / | þurh | handhrīne% || hālġes gæst |
Andreas 1092a | ne tīd || eallum æt·samne / | þurh | heard ġe·lāc || hild-bedd |
Andreas 1276a | eĝum. || Swāt ȳðum wēoll / | þurh | bān-cofan, || blōd lifrum s |
Andreas 1279a | . || Þā cōm wōpes hrinġ / | þurh | þæs beornes brēost, || bl |
Andreas 1294b | ynnes, / fācnes frum-bearn, || | þurh | fēondes cræft / leahtrum be· |
Andreas 1336b | d, / staðolfæst stīerend, || | þurh | his strangan meahtmeht. / Siþ |
Andreas 1348a | e || lāþ æt-fæstan, / swylt | þurh | searwe || Gā þē selfa tō. |
Andreas 1418b | and. / Þū þæt ġe·hēte || | þurh | þīn hāliġ word, / þā þū |
Andreas 1440a | sīe || worda ǣniġ / þe iċ | þurh | mīnne mūþ || mæðlan onġ |
Andreas 1442a | | swā þīn swāt ā·ġēat / | þurh | bān-ġe·bræc || blōdġe s |
Andreas 1444a | lan. || Nā þē lāðes mā / | þurh | daroþa ġe·drep || ġe·dō |
Andreas 1475a | e·lenge, || ne lāðes dæl, / | þurh | dolh-sleġe || drēore be·st |
Andreas 1476b | emed, / ac wæs eft swā ǣr || | þurh | þā æðelan meaht / lof lǣde |
Andreas 1520a | m || þonne eall ġimma cynn. / | Þurh | his hālġe hǣs || þū sċe |
Andreas 1530a | || Duĝuþ wearþ ā·fyrhted / | þurh | þæs flōdes fær. || Fǣġe |
Andreas 1532a | eofene || gūþ-rǣs for·nam / | þurh | sealtne% weġ%. || Þæt wæs |
Andreas 1552a | ēam, || hlēoðor gryreliċ. / | Þurh | lyft-ġe·lāc || līeġes bl |
Andreas 1580a | of. || Him wæs% ġearu sōna / | þurh | strēam-ræce || strǣt ġe· |
Andreas 1586a | gyrne. || Ġeofon% sweðrode / | þurh | hālġes hǣs, || hlyst ȳst |
Andreas 1616a | uþe, || þe on ġeofene ǣr / | þurh | flōdes fæðm || feorh ġe· |
Andreas 1629a | ċ, || þēah hīe lungre ǣr / | þurh | flōdes fær || feorh ā·lē |
Andreas 1635a | ðǣr sēo ġuĝuþ ā·rās / | þurh | fæder fulwiht || and sē fl |
Andreas 1651a | e || fore þām here-mæġene / | þurh | apostol-hād, || Platan nemne |
Andreas 25a | e-blīðe || fram hell-trafum / | þurh | Andreas || ēste lāre / tō f |
The Fates of the Apostles 13a | -hwate, || feorh of·ġēafon / | þurh | Nerones || nearwe% searwe, / Pe |
The Fates of the Apostles 26a | wæs, || mīne ġe·frǣġe, / | þurh | cnēo-risse || Crīste lēofo |
The Fates of the Apostles 29a | ord-fruma, || eorðan sōhte / | þurh | fǣmnan hrif, || fæder mannc |
The Fates of the Apostles 34b | or læt, / sīðes sǣne, || ac | þurh | sweordes bīte / mid Iūdēum | |
The Fates of the Apostles 39a | Asseum, || þonan ēċe līf / | þurh | rōde cwealm || recene ġe·s |
The Fates of the Apostles 53b | ehted%, / hyġe on·hierded, || | þurh | his hāliġ word. / Siþþan co |
The Fates of the Apostles 56a | weorodum, || wunder-cræfte, / | þurh | dryhtnes meaht, || þæt hē |
The Fates of the Apostles 60a | ċe. || Sweord-rǣs for·nam / | þurh | hǣðne hand, || ðǣr sē h |
The Fates of the Apostles 63b | t, we þæt ġe·hīerdon || | þurh | hālġe bēċ, / þæt mid Siġ |
The Fates of the Apostles 67a | an, || land wæs ġe·fǣlsod / | þurh | Matheus || mǣre lāre. / Þone |
The Fates of the Apostles 68b | lāre. / Þone hēt Irtacus || | þurh | ierne hyġe, / wæl-rēow cynin |
The Fates of the Apostles 72a | sācerdum || swylt þrōwode. / | Þurh | stenges swenġ || stīþ-mōd |
The Fates of the Apostles 80a | de-dæġ. || Æðele sċoldon / | þurh | wǣpen-hete || weorc þrōwia |
Soul and Body I 28b | f rodorum / sāwle on·sende || | þurh | his selfes hand, / metod æl-me |
Soul and Body I 44a | ian sċolde, / þæt þū wǣre | þurh | flǣsċ || and þurh firen-lu |
Soul and Body I 44b | ū wǣre þurh flǣsċ || and | þurh | firen-lustas / strange ġe·str |
Soul and Body I 45b | rīened || and ġe·staðolod | þurh | mē, / and iċ wæs gāst on þ |
Soul and Body I 48b | e wītum / nē ġe·neredest || | þurh | þīnra nīeda% lust. / Sċealt |
Soul and Body I 56a | ċ ana of þē || ut sīðode / | þurh | þæs selfes hand || þe iċ |
Homiletic Fragment I 30a | b-cwide || and on sefan innan / | þurh | dēofles cræft || dierne wun |
Dream of the Rood 10a | ġel dryhtnes ealle, / fæġere | þurh | forðġesċæft. || ne wæs |
Dream of the Rood 18a | aldendes trēow. / hwæðre iċ | þurh | þæt gold || anġietan meaht |
Dream of the Rood 119a | bereþ || bēacna sēlest, / ac | þurh | þā rōde sċeall || rīċe |
Elene 6b | a wuldor, / on middan-ġeard || | þurh | mennisċ hīew, / sōþfæstra |
Elene 86a | .’ || Hē wæs sōna ġearu / | þurh | þæs hālĝan hǣs, || hreð |
Elene 98b | a ealdor, / on ferhþ-sefan, || | þurh | þā fǣġeran ġe·sihþ. / H |
Elene 120a | u-grīmme%, || hilde-nǣdran, / | þurh | fingra ġe·weald || forþ on |
Elene 147b | nga, / rīċe under roderum, || | þurh | his rōde trēo. / Ġe·wāt þ |
Elene 155a | e, || þā þe snytru cræft / | þurh | fyrn-ġe·writu || ġe·friġ |
Elene 165b | wīġ-spēd wiþ wrāðum, || | þurh | þæt wlitiġe trēo.’ / Hēo |
Elene 172b | ā þæt ġe·frugnon || þā | þurh | fulwihte / lǣrde wǣron, || (h |
Elene 183a | stas || and him ġiefe sealde / | þurh | þā īlcan ġe·sċeaft || |
Elene 199a | tnes ǣ || dæġes and nihtes / | þurh | gāstes ġiefe || ġeorne cȳ |
Elene 203b | g fand, / lēod-ġe·byrġa, || | þurh | lār-smiðas, / gūþ-heard, g |
Elene 207a | o || rodera wealdend / æfstum | þurh | inwitt, || swā sē ealda fē |
Elene 281a | licost || dryhtnes ġe·rȳnu / | þurh | rihte ǣ || reċċan cūðon. |
Elene 289a | ulīċe || on·ġieten hæbbe / | þurh | wītĝena || word·ġe·rȳnu |
Elene 295b | þone / þe ēow of wierhþe || | þurh | his wuldres% meaht, / fram līe |
Elene 300b | ġe·fremede / ed-nīewunga || | þurh | þæt æðele spāld, / and fra |
Elene 341b | biþ / wæstmum ġe·ēacnod || | þurh | weres friġe.’ / Be þām Dau |
Elene 352b | m mǣlde, / dēop-hyċġende || | þurh | dryhtnes gāst: / 'Iċ up ā·h |
Elene 356a | c hīe hieredon mē%, / fēodon | þurh | fēondsċipe, || nāhton fore |
Elene 364b | t, we þæt ġe·hīerdon || | þurh | hālġe bēċ / þæt ēow drih |
Elene 374a | n || þā þe fyrn-ġe·writu / | þurh | snytru || cræft sēlest cunn |
Elene 376a | ēower, || þæt mē andsware / | þurh | sīdne sefan || seċġan cunn |
Elene 381a | , || þā þe leornung-cræft / | þurh | mōd-ġe·mynd || mǣste hæf |
Elene 400a | arce, || ne we ġeare% cunnon / | þurh | hwæt þū þus hearde, || hl |
Elene 424a | ldne% || eofota ġe·hwelċes / | þurh | hete hēngon || on hēanne b |
Elene 21a | feorh-leġe || fæderas ūsse / | þurh | wrāþ ġe·witt, || ġif hī |
Elene 60b | ore be·rǣddon, || swā hē | þurh | fēondsċipe / tō cwale maniġ |
Elene 84b | s. / For·þon iċ þe lǣre || | þurh | liðu-rūne, / hyse lēofesta, |
Elene 119a | n, || þā hīe laðod wǣron / | þurh | heard ġe·bann; || tō hofe |
Elene 159a | meniġu || wīsdōmes ġiefe / | þurh | þā miċelan meaht, || swā |
Elene 188a | ūsan, || þe ġē hwīle nū / | þurh | morðres man || mannum diernd |
Elene 208a | a ġe·hwelċ || swā Troiana / | þurh | ġe·feoht fremedon? || Þæt |
Elene 222a | ġe·bǣru || and þis nǣfre / | þurh | ǣnġes mannes || mūþ ġe· |
Elene 232b | Hwæt, we þæt hīerdon || | þurh | hālġe bēċ / hæleþum cȳð |
Elene 247b | n cann.’ / Elene maðelode || | þurh | ierne hyġe: / ‘Iċ þæt ġe |
Elene 248b | / ‘Iċ þæt ġe·swerġe || | þurh | sunu metodes, / þone ā·hangn |
Elene 261b | rod): / ‘Iċ ēow healsie || | þurh | heofona god / þæt ġē mē of |
Elene 283a | || hwǣr sēo hālġe% rōd, / | þurh | fēondes% searu || foldan ġe |
Elene 288b | ld, / and þū ġe·worhtest || | þurh | þīnes wuldres meaht / heofon |
Elene 336a | || sē þe on rōde wæs, / and | þurh | Marian || on middan-ġeard% / |
Elene 344a | , || ġif hē on wuldre þīn / | þurh | þā beorhtan || bearn ne wǣ |
Elene 351a | || ġif hit sīe willa þīn, / | þurh | þæt beorhte ġe·sċeap || |
Elene 369a | aw on ġe·þance: / ‘Nū iċ | þurh | sōþ hafu || self ġe·cnāw |
Elene 374a | ðum || and swā mān-weorcum / | þurh | þīn wuldor on·wriġe || wy |
Elene 402b | lissod, / hyġe on·hierded, || | þurh | þæt hālġe trēo, / in·bryr |
Elene 414b | Hwæt, we þæt hīerdon || | þurh | hālġe bēċ / tācnum cȳðan |
Elene 465a | lā, manna, || þe mīnne eft / | þurh | fyrn-ġe·flit || folĝoþ wy |
Elene 483b | , / ġōmrum tō sorĝe. || Iċ | þurh | Iudas ǣr / hyhtfull ġe·wear |
Elene 485b | hīened eom, / gōda gǣsne, || | þurh | Iudas eft, / fāh and frēondl |
Elene 487a | s. || Ġīen iċ findan% cann / | þurh | wrōht-stafas || wiðer·ċie |
Elene 499b | lufu, / weallende ġe·witt || | þurh | wītĝan% snytru), / and þæt |
Elene 525a | æs hire sē willa ġe·lamp / | þurh | bearn godes || bēġa ġe·hw |
Elene 547a | | þæt% þæt siĝor-bēacen / | þurh | metodes ēst || mēted wǣre, |
Elene 551a | || Þā þām cyninge wearþ / | þurh | þā mǣran word || mōd ġe |
Elene 593a | d sorĝe. || Hīe sōna ðǣr / | þurh | þā hālĝan ġe·sċeaft || |
Elene 619a | bisċope || burgum on innan, / | þurh | gāstes ġiefe || tō godes t |
Elene 621a | ·corene || and hine Cyriacus / | þurh | snytru ġe·þeaht || siþþa |
Elene 647b | n mīnne, / nīða nerġend, || | þurh | þāra næġla cyme, / hāliġ |
Elene 667b | on, / fæder, frōfre gāst, || | þurh | fȳres blēo / up ēðian || ð |
Elene 670a | ġe·rǣdum || hȳdde wǣron / | þurh | nearu-searwe, || næġlas on |
Elene 680a | de, || þēah hīe ǣr wǣron / | þurh | dēofles spild || on ġe·dwo |
Elene 688a | sē þe tō bōte ġe·hwearf / | þurh | bearn godes, || bisċop þār |
Elene 715a | orolde. || Wæs sē wītedōm / | þurh | fyrn-witan || be·foran sunge |
Elene 718a | es. || Þēod-cwēn on·gann / | þurh | gāstes ġiefe || ġeorne sē |
Elene 724a | || þone þe rǣd-ġe·þeaht / | þurh | glēawe meaht || ġeorne cū |
Elene 728a | || and his lāre ġe·ċēas / | þurh | þēodsċipe. || Hē hire þr |
Elene 798b | t. / Þus iċ frōd and fūs || | þurh | þæt fǣcne hūs / word-cræft |
Elene 803a | | ǣr mē rūmran ġe·þeaht / | þurh | þā mǣran meaht || on mōde |
Elene 807b | en, / ǣr mē lāre on·lǣh || | þurh | lēohtne hād / gamelum tō ġ |
Elene 845b | hīeran / dǣda ġe·hwelcra || | þurh | þæs dēman mūþ, / and worda |
Elene 863a | hatan, || līeġe be·fæsted / | þurh | ǣr-ġe·wyrht, || ārlēasra |
Elene 873a | e biþ || wamma ġe·hwelċes / | þurh | ofenes fȳr || eall ġe·clǣ |
Elene 876b | ·hwelcre, / dēopra firena, || | þurh | þæs dōmes fȳr. / Mōton þo |
Christ A 9a | res ealdor. / Ġe·sweotola nū | þurh | searo-cræft || þīn selfes |
Christ A 38a | būtan weres frīġum, / þæt | þurh | bearnes ġe·byrd || brȳd ē |
Christ A 44b | n·līehted / lāre langsume || | þurh | līfes fruman / þe ǣr under h |
Christ A 49a | neahhe || naman sċieppendes / | þurh | horsċne% || hād herġan wil |
Christ A 76a | ge || ǣfre on·fenge / bearnes | þurh | ġe·byrde || and þone ġe· |
Christ A 92a | samod his dohtor? / Friċġaþ | þurh | fyr-witt || hū iċ fǣmnan h |
Christ A 113a | īn āĝen ġe·weorc / bīdeþ | þurh | bieldu%, || þæt þū þā b |
Christ A 120a | tfulle || hǣlu ġe·līefaþ / | þurh | þæt word godes || weorodum |
Christ A 189a | e || and nū ġe·hwierfed is / | þurh | nāthwelċes. || Mē nāwþer |
Christ A 197b | dade: / ‘Sōþ iċ seċġe || | þurh | sunu metodes, / gǣsta ġēocen |
Christ A 199a | , || þæt iċ ġīen ne cann / | þurh | ġe·mæcsċipe || mannes ǣ |
Christ A 218b | or-fæder / ċild ā·cenned || | þurh | his cræft and meaht. / Nis ǣn |
Christ A 250a | n-ġeard || milde ġe·blissa / | þurh | þīnne hēr-cyme, || hǣlend |
Christ A 254b | ūsiċ þonne ġe·sēċe || | þurh | þīn selfes gang / ēað-mōd |
Christ A 269a | ðelan rīċe, / þonan ūs ǣr | þurh | synlust || sē swearta gǣst / |
Christ A 298a | , || þæt þū sunu dryhtnes / | þurh | clǣne ġe·byrd || cennan s |
Christ A 315b | can, / ǣr him godes enġel || | þurh | glædne ġe·þanc / þā wīsa |
Christ A 321a | n, || fæder æl-mehtiġ, / and | þurh | þā fæstan locu || foldan n |
Christ A 328b | Þū eart þæt weall-dor, || | þurh | þē wealdend frēa / ǣne on |
Christ A 359a | || Wē þē, hǣlend Crīst, / | þurh | ēað-mēdu || ealle biddaþ / |
Christ A 362b | , / hū we sind ġe·swencte || | þurh | ūre selfra ġe·will. / Habba |
Christ A 369a | þēah we fǣhþu wiþ þeċ / | þurh | firena lust || ġe·fremed h |
Christ A 420a | rīĝa || wiht% ne cūðe, / ne | þurh | sǣd ne cōm || siĝores āĝ |
Christ A 423a | eorð-būend || ealle cūðan / | þurh | ġe·rȳne, || hū hē, roder |
Christ A 425b | e ġe·fremede / manna cynne || | þurh | his mōdor hrif. / And swā for |
Christ B 442a | mǣra, || mōd-cræfte seċ / | þurh | sefan snyttru, || þæt þū |
Christ B 444b | -mihtĝa / ā·cenned wearþ || | þurh | clǣnne hād, / siþþan hē Ma |
Christ B 450a | || Bodan wǣron ġearwe / þā | þurh | hlēoðor-cwide || hīerdum c |
Christ B 470a | a word || ġond weorold innan / | þurh | his þrōwinga. || Þeġnas h |
Christ B 480a | , || þæt ēow ǣfre ne biþ / | þurh | ġiefe mīne || godes ansīen |
Christ B 488a | bbe sāwaþ || on sefan manna / | þurh | meahta spēd. || Iċ ēow mid |
Christ B 495a | re. || Cyning ūre ġe·wāt / | þurh | þæs temples hrōf || ðǣr |
Christ B 530b | nīewod, / bliss on burgum, || | þurh | þæs beornes cyme. / Ġe·sæt |
Christ B 581a | þe hē on dēoflum ġe·nam / | þurh | his selfes siĝor. || Sibb s |
Christ B 587a | rdon || hū þæt hǣlu-bearn / | þurh | his hider-cyme || heals eft f |
Christ B 603a | and ǣr || simle ġe·fremede / | þurh | maniġfealdra || mæġena ġe |
Christ B 620a | , || sē þe ǣr sungen wæs% / | þurh | ierne hyġe || ieldum tō sor |
Christ B 649a | eorðan || eft ġe·stielde, / | þurh | gæstes ġiefe || grund-ēat |
Christ B 665b | þ / on his mōdes ġe·mynd || | þurh | his mūðes gǣst, / æðele an |
Christ B 685a | ȳ læs him ġielp sċieþþe / | þurh | his ānes cræft || ofer ōð |
Christ B 700a | , || swā sēo godes ċiriċe / | þurh | ġe·samnunga || sōðes and |
Christ B 710a | . || Hwæðere forþ be·cōm / | þurh | gæstes ġiefe || godes þeġ |
Christ B 719b | eseþ, / ealle eorð-būend, || | þurh | þone æðelan stiell.’ / Wæ |
Christ B 778a | gǣst. || Sīe% him lof simle / | þurh | weorold weorolda, || wuldor o |
Christ B 823b | ahta wealdend / æt ǣrestan || | þurh | þæs engles word. / Biþ nū e |
Christ C 904a | līcan, || þonne bearn godes / | þurh | heofona ġe·hlidu || hider o |
Christ C 940a | some || stredaþ of heofone, / | þurh | þā strangan lyft || stormum |
Christ C 946a | faraþ, || þonne folca weard / | þurh | eġesan þrēa || eorðan mæ |
Christ C 1002b | wǣr, / ac þæt fȳr nimeþ || | þurh | foldan ġe·hwæt, / græfeþ g |
Christ C 1023a | olde, || þonne wuldor-cyning / | þurh | þrymm þrēaþ || þēoda ġ |
Christ C 1040a | and ġe·ed-nīewod / mann-cynn | þurh | metod. || Miċel ā·rīseþ / |
Christ C 1100a | . || Þæs hē eft-lēan wile / | þurh | eornoste || ealles ġe·mania |
Christ C 1177b | an ne maĝon% / fold-būende || | þurh | frōd ġe·witt, / hū fela þ |
Christ C 1192a | menn || fram fruman weorolde / | þurh | wīs ġe·witt, || wītĝan d |
Christ C 1198b | āĝend, / ēades ord-fruma, || | þurh | þā æðelan cwēn. / Hwæs w |
Christ C 1210a | -haman || līesde of firenum / | þurh | milde mōd, || þæt hīe mō |
Christ C 1254a | ōðre drēoĝan, / þæt hīe | þurh | miltse || metodes ġe·nǣson |
Christ C 1261a | | þām þe ǣr wēl hēoldon / | þurh | mōd-lufan || metodes willan. |
Christ C 1280a | mān-wamma ġe·hwone / maĝon% | þurh | þā līċ-haman, || leahtra |
Christ C 1296a | nlīċe || ān·for·lēton, / | þurh | lēaslice || līċes wynne, / e |
Christ C 1305b | ren-dǣda on him. || Ne mæġ | þurh | þæt flǣsċ sē sċrift / ġe |
Christ C 1318a | ċele elne || ǣghwelċ wille / | þurh | ealle list || līfes tilian, / |
Christ C 1351b | dum sefan. || þonne hīe him | þurh | mīnne naman / ēað-mōde tō |
Christ C 1364a | m biþ on þā wynstran hand, / | þurh | eġesan þrēa, || æl-wealda |
Christ C 1430a | rlēas līċ-sār, / þæt iċ | þurh | þā || wǣre þē% ġe·liċ |
Christ C 1442a | n. || Iċ þæt sār for þē / | þurh | ēað-mēdu || eall ġe·þol |
Christ C 1449b | an, || þæt þū of dēofles | þurh | þæt / nīed-ġe·wealde || ġ |
Christ C 1456a | m || and on fōtum swā same, / | þurh | þā iċ hangode || hearde ġ |
Christ C 1477a | || þæs þe iċ ġō þe min / | þurh | weorold-wīte || weorþ ġe· |
Christ C 1482a | hālgode, || hūs tō wynne, / | þurh | firen-lustas, || fulle synne, |
Christ C 1505a | and him ǣghwæs of·tuĝon, / | þurh | heardne hyġe, || hræġles n |
Christ C 1506b | etelēasum. || Þeah hīe him | þurh | mīnne naman / werġe, wan-hāl |
Christ C 1558a | þæt him hāliġ gǣst / losie | þurh | leahtras || on þās lǣnan t |
Christ C 1624b | eþ, / morðor-hūsa% mǣst, || | þurh | meaht godes, / fȳres fulle || |
Vainglory 53a | fne || on þā slīðnan tīd / | þurh | ofer-hyġda || up ā·hlǣne |
The Fortunes of Men 51b | ǣd. / Sum sċeall on bēore || | þurh | byreles hand / medu-ĝāl mæċ |
The Fortunes of Men 73a | æste. || Sumum wunder-ġiefe / | þurh | gold-smiðe || ġearwod weor |
The Order of the World 6b | ā þe dōĝra% ġe·hwǣm || | þurh | dōm godes / bringe wundra fela |
The Order of the World 9a | m || or-ġiete tācen, / þām | þurh | wīsdōm || weorold ealle can |
The Order of the World 41b | / þā nū on þām þrēam || | þurh | þēodnes hand / hēaþ and heb |
The Order of the World 46b | ad / missenlīċe ġe·metu || | þurh | þā miċelan ġe·cynd%. / Sw |
The Order of the World 77b | æt his mæġe ǣ-springe || | þurh | his ǣĝne spēd witan%, / hū |
The Riming Poem 13b | n. / Sċrifen sċrād% glād || | þurh | ġe·sċād on brād, / wæs on |
The Panther 18a | le tīd || and-wrāþ leofaþ / | þurh | yfela ġe·hwelċ || þe hē |
The Panther 43b | cymeþ, / wōða wynsumost% || | þurh | þæs wildres mūþ. / Æfter |
The Whale 3a | þ-cræfte || wordum cȳðan / | þurh | mōd-ġe·mynd || be þām mi |
The Whale 33a | īse, || þæt hīe drohtende / | þurh | dierne meaht || duĝuþe be· |
The Whale 42a | ġed, || hē him feorĝ-bana / | þurh | slīðen searu || siþþan we |
The Whale 55b | is innoþe, || þætte ōðre | þurh | þone, / sǣ-fisca cynn, || be |
The Whale 65b | , / lǣteþ hine be·swīcan || | þurh | swētne stenċ, / lēasne willa |
The Partridge 9a | b-lufan || sōna ġe·ċierre / | þurh | milde mōd. || Ġē bēoþ m |
Soul and Body II 24a | þis is lang hider, / and þe | þurh | enġel || ufan of rodorum / sā |
Soul and Body II 25b | f rodorum / sāwle on·sende || | þurh | his selfes hand, / metod æl-me |
Soul and Body II 41a | ian sċolde, / þæt þū wǣre | þurh | flǣsċ || and þurh firen-lu |
Soul and Body II 41b | ū wǣre þurh flǣsċ || and | þurh | firen-lustas / strange% ġe·st |
Soul and Body II 42b | tīered || and ġe·staðolod | þurh | mec%, / and iċ wæs gǣst on |
Soul and Body II 45b | lle wīta / nīed% ġearwode || | þurh | þīnra nēoda lust. / Sċealt |
Soul and Body II 53a | ana of þē || ūt sīðode / | þurh | þæs selfes hand || þe iċ |
Guthlac A 41b | -bodan / wordum sæġdon || and | þurh | wītedōm / eall ā·nemdon, || |
Guthlac A 58b | -ryhte / þā hē ġe·sette || | þurh | his selfes word. / Hē fela fin |
Guthlac A 75a | ·þrēade, || þisses līfes / | þurh | be·bodu brūcaþ || and þæ |
Guthlac A 94a | | þæt ūs nēah ġe·wearþ / | þurh | hāliġne || hād ġe·cȳðe |
Guthlac A 103a | būĝan || and his blǣd gode / | þurh | ēað-mēdu || ealne ġe·sea |
Guthlac A 128b | e·mōt / nihtes sōhte || and | þurh | nēðinge / wunne aefter weorol |
Guthlac A 150b | / nealles þȳ hē ġīemde || | þurh | ġītsunga / lǣnes līf-welan, |
Guthlac A 155b | um, / þāra þe nū ġīena || | þurh | gǣstlicu / wunder hine% weorð |
Guthlac A 160b | lof / reahte and rǣrde; || oft | þurh | reorde ā·bēad, / þām þe |
Guthlac A 214b | wæs him sēo ġe·līefed || | þurh | lȳtel fæc. / Stōd sēo dīeg |
Guthlac A 224b | , / willen þæt him drihten || | þurh | dēaðes cwealm / tō hira earf |
Guthlac A 227a | ces || gǣste sċieþþan, / ne | þurh | sār-sleġe || sāwle ġe·d |
Guthlac A 305a | || ne sċeall þēs wang gode / | þurh | blōd-gyte || ġe·būn weor |
Guthlac A 308b | stāh, / fela ġē mē earda || | þurh | īdel word / ā·boden habbaþ. |
Guthlac A 315a | eom dryhtnes þēow, / hē mec | þurh | enġel || oft ā·frēfreþ. / |
Guthlac A 322a | ġe·hwǣm || drihten sendeþ / | þurh | mannes hand || mīne þearfe. |
Guthlac A 350a | ndon, || þonne flyġe-rēowe / | þurh | nihta ġe·nipu || nēosan c |
Guthlac A 417b | ru, / þāra þe hira līfes || | þurh | lust brūcan, / īdlum ǣhtum | |
Guthlac A 529a | bȳsena || þe ūs bēċ fore / | þurh | his wundra ġe·weorc || wīs |
Guthlac A 610a | t-fruman || and him lof singe / | þurh | ġe·dēfne dōm || dæġes a |
Guthlac A 641a | þa nerġend, || nǣfre wille / | þurh | ellen-weorc || ān-for·lǣta |
Guthlac A 644a | mīnum gǣste || gode campode / | þurh | maniġfealdra || mæġena ġe |
Guthlac A 662a | || þe ēow on mōd ā·stāh / | þurh | īdel ġielp || ealles tō sw |
Guthlac A 669a | ǣled || ātre ġe·blanden, / | þurh | dēopne dōm || drēam ā·fi |
Guthlac A 685b | , / hāliġ of heofonum, || sē | þurh | hlēoðor ā·bēad / ufancundn |
Guthlac A 772b | ·lāces / daĝas and dǣde || | þurh | his dōm ā·hōf. / Wæs sē f |
Guthlac A 776a | wanode, || oft his word gode / | þurh | ēað-mēdu || up on·sende, / |
Guthlac A 780a | te, || hwonne him betere līf / | þurh | godes willan || ā·ġiefen% |
Guthlac B 826b | s ā·cenned / Ādam ǣrest || | þurh | ēst godes / on neorxna-wang, | |
Guthlac B 835a | ssa || on þām lēohtan hām / | þurh | ielda tīd || ende ġe·bīda |
Guthlac B 850a | inges || and hire were sealde / | þurh | dēofles searu || dēað-bere |
Guthlac B 858b | n·guldon, / dēopra firena, || | þurh | dēaðes cwealm, / þe hīe uns |
Guthlac B 862b | ieldan, / god-sċyldġe gryn || | þurh | gǣst-ġe·dāl, / dēopra fire |
Guthlac B 879b | ċ / hū Gūð·lāc wearþ || | þurh | godes willan / ēadiġ on Engle |
Guthlac B 884b | innan, / hū hē maniġe oft || | þurh | meaht godes / ġe·hǣlde hyġe |
Guthlac B 893a | a || þe hē on weorolde hēr / | þurh | dryhtnes ġiefe || duĝuþum |
Guthlac B 926b | a wer / ielda ġe·hwelċes || | þurh | þā æðelan meaht, / þe hine |
Guthlac B 934a | a for eorðan || ende-dōĝor / | þurh | nīed-ġe·dāl || nēah ġe |
Guthlac B 972a | -ġe·wyrht || fyllan sċolde / | þurh | dēaðes cyme, || dōmes hlē |
Guthlac B 987a | on·guldon || gafol-rǣdenne / | þurh | ǣr-ġe·wyrht, || þætte ǣ |
Guthlac B 1115a | wā þām þēodne ġe·rās, / | þurh | gæstes ġiefe || godspell bo |
Guthlac B 1122a | līċe || dryhtnes ġe·rȳne / | þurh | mennisċne || mūþ ā·reċ |
Guthlac B 1158b | ne mōd-glædne, || bæd hine | þurh | meahta sċieppend, / ġif hē h |
Guthlac B 1178a | / ā·sundrien || samwist hira / | þurh | feorĝ-ġe·dāl. || Fys% aef |
Guthlac B 1198b | , / þrēam for·þryċċed, || | þurh | þæs þēodnes word, / ambiht- |
Guthlac B 1204b | a lēofost / gumena cynnes, || | þurh | gǣsta weard, / þæt þū hyġ |
Guthlac B 1223a | frēa min, || furður cȳðe / | þurh | cwide þīnne, || hwonan his |
Guthlac B 1235a | ndum. || Huru, iċ nolde self / | þurh | ġielp-cwide || gæstes mīne |
Guthlac B 1361b | ġe·frugnen / ā·cennedne || | þurh | ċildes hād / gumena cynnes, | |
Riddles 15 18a | l framlīċe || fēðe-mundum / | þurh | stēapne beorh || strǣte wyr |
Riddles 15 21b | lǣdan / on dēaĝolne% weġ || | þurh | dūne% þȳrel / swǣse and ġe |
Riddles 15 27a | ð-ġe·mōtes, / siþþan iċ | þurh | hylles || hrōf ġe·rāċe, / |
Riddles 15 28a | les || hrōf ġe·rāċe, / and | þurh | hest hrīno || hildepilum / lā |
Riddles 17 11b | / menn ġe·munan || þæt mē | þurh | mūþ fareþ. |
Riddles 20 7a | ce. || Þonne iċ sinċ weġe / | þurh | hlūtorne dæġ, || hand-weor |
Riddles 21 11a | otol || sweart on ōðre. / Mē | þurh | hryċġ wrecen || hangaþ und |
Riddles 3 55b | sōþ metod / on ġe·rihtu || | þurh | reġn ufan / of ġe·stune lǣt |
Riddles 3 61a | wīte || wolcen-ġe·hnǣste / | þurh | ġe·þræc þringan || þrym |
Riddles 31 20a | wiht mæġe || wordum lācan / | þurh | fōt niðan, || frætwed hyrs |
Riddles 35 4a | tne || wulle flīesum, / hǣrum | þurh | hēah-cræft, || hyġe-þancu |
Riddles 35 6a | fle, || ne iċ wearp hafu, / ne | þurh | þrēata ġe·þracu || þrǣ |
Riddles 37 4b | d þæt% hit felde, || flēah | þurh | his ēaĝe. / Ne swilteþ hē s |
Riddles 40 45b | ·cenned / mǣre tō mannum || | þurh | mīnre mōdor hrif. / Iċ eom f |
Riddles 42 6a | fyllu. || Iċ on flette mæġ / | þurh | rūn-stafas || rincum seċġa |
Riddles 49 3a | || sē oft dæġes swilġeþ / | þurh | gopes hand || ġīfrum lācum |
Riddles 53 9a | wed. || Nū hē fǣcnum weġ% / | þurh | his hēafdes mæġen% || hild |
Riddles 58 4a | īdeþ, || ne flēoĝan mæġ / | þurh | sċīrne dæġ, || ne hīe s |
Riddles 8 1a | # Riddles 8 / / Iċ | þurh | mūþ sprece || maniĝum reor |
The Wife's Lament 12a | s mannes || māĝas hyċġan / | þurh | dierne ġe·þōht, || þæt |
The Judgment Day I 51a | r þon sē wlanca dæġ / bodie | þurh | bīeman || bryne-hātne līe |
The Judgment Day I 65b | s, middan-ġeardes metod, || | þurh | þā mǣstan ġe·sċeaft / on |
The Descent into Hell 83a | num, || hwonne we word godes / | þurh | his selfes mūþ || seċġan |
The Descent into Hell 95b | fram ūsse ġuĝuþe. || Wē | þurh | ġīfre mōd / be·swīcan ūs% |
The Descent into Hell 127a | c-sīþ, || weoroda drihten, / | þurh | þīnes selfes ġe·weald || |
Pharaoh 3a | yrde, || þā hīe folc godes / | þurh | fēondsċipe || fylĝan ongun |
Azarias 2b | þancum / hleoðrode hāliġ || | þurh | hātne līeġ, / drēah dǣdum |
Azarias 13a | ne, || gǣsta sċieppend, / and | þurh | hyldu help, || hāliġ drihte |
Azarias 32b | ppend. / Þū him ġe·hēte || | þurh | hleoðor-cwidas / þæt þū hi |
Azarias 51a | || and his mōd-sefan / reahte | þurh | reorde. || Þā of rodorum we |
Azarias 55a | ealdor-nere / þurh lufan and | þurh | lisse. || Sē þone līeġ t |
Azarias 59b | ·swēop and tō·swengde% || | þurh | swīðes meaht / līeġes lēom |
Azarias 72b | e cwǣdon, / mōdum horsċe, || | þurh | ġe·mǣne word: / ‘Bletsie |
Azarias 81a | Ful oft þū, wuldor-cyning, / | þurh | lyft lǣtest || lēodum tō f |
Azarias 92b | aþ, / þonne fēran sċeall || | þurh | frēan hǣse / sundor ānra ġe |
Azarias 98a | rhþe. || Fremest eorð-welan / | þurh | maniġne hād, || milde driht |
Azarias 133a | þā ealle, || ēċe drihten, / | þurh | þīnne willan, || wuldorfæs |
Azarias 191a | glēawe, || on mann-þēawum, / | þurh | fore-þancas || fȳr ġe·dī |
Riddles 70 2a | hire% wīsan ne cann. / Singeþ | þurh | sīdan. || Is sē swēora wō |
Riddles 72 9a | -tīdum mē || drincan sealde / | þurh | þȳrel þearle. || Iċ þæh |
Riddles 78 8a | ġe·sæt / [] || flote cwealde / | þurh | orþanc [] || ȳðum be·wri |
Riddles 84 11b | sunu, / mǣre metodes bearn, || | þurh | []ed, / and þæt hīehste mæ |
The Phoenix 6a | dra, || ac hē ā·fierred is / | þurh | metodes meaht || mān-fremmen |
The Phoenix 30a | e·frēoĝum glēawe / wītĝan | þurh | wīsdōm || on ġe·writum c |
The Phoenix 46b | wǣġa, / ēadiġ, unwemme, || | þurh | ēst godes; / bīdeþ swā ġe |
The Phoenix 191a | ē þā ieldu || ofstum mōte / | þurh | ġe·wittes wielm || wendan t |
The Phoenix 212b | rðeþ his / hūs on·hǣted || | þurh | hādor sweġel. / Wyrta wearmia |
The Phoenix 215a | m, || þonne on swole byrneþ / | þurh | fȳres fēng || fuĝol mid ne |
The Phoenix 252a | ēad-wela% || eft ā·lǣdan / | þurh | cornes ġe·cynd, || þe ǣr |
The Phoenix 256a | || þæt þā wæstmas bēoþ / | þurh | āĝne ġe·cynd || eft ā·c |
The Phoenix 316a | sume fuĝolas, / þā þe late | þurh | lyft || lācaþ fiðerum, / ac |
The Phoenix 366a | līfes; || hine ād þeċeþ / | þurh | ǣled-fȳr. || Hwæðere eft |
The Phoenix 372a | fylle%, || þonne framlīċe / | þurh | briddes hād || ġe·bredod w |
The Phoenix 383a | wræce || self ġe·ċēoseþ / | þurh | deorcne dēaþ, || þæt hē |
The Phoenix 390a | hū hīe beorhtne ġe·fēan / | þurh | fæder fultum || on þās fr |
The Phoenix 394b | ihtĝa / worhte wer and wīf || | þurh | his wundra spēd, / and hīe þ |
The Phoenix 413a | mōde || of·ġiefan sċoldon / | þurh | nǣdran nīþ, || þā hēo n |
The Phoenix 415a | eldran ūsse || on ǣr-daĝum / | þurh | fǣcne ferhþ, || þæt hīe |
The Phoenix 419a | ȳded || and sē hālĝa wang / | þurh | fēondes searu || fæste be· |
The Phoenix 421a | , || oþ·þæt wuldor-cyning / | þurh | his hider-cyme || hālĝum t |
The Phoenix 434a | h-ġung eft || on·fōn mōte / | þurh | līeġes blǣst || līf aefte |
The Phoenix 545b | stas, / beorhte ā·bīewde || | þurh | bryne fȳres. / Ne wēne þæs |
The Phoenix 549b | ītedōm / Iobes ġieddunga. || | Þurh | gæstes blǣd / brēostum on·b |
The Phoenix 557b | / and þonne aefter dēaðe || | þurh | dryhtnes ġiefe / swā sē fuĝ |
The Phoenix 575a | en || þæt sē torhta fuĝol / | þurh | bryne bēacnaþ. || Bāna lā |
The Phoenix 583b | n. / Swā nū aefter dēaðe || | þurh | dryhtnes meaht / samod sīðia |
The Phoenix 639a | || Þeah hē on eorðan hēr / | þurh | ċildes hād || cenned wǣre / |
The Phoenix 646a | s hryre || līf eft on·fēng / | þurh | fæder fultum. || Swā fenix |
The Phoenix 651a | nd ūs || helpe% ġe·fremede / | þurh | his līċes ġe·dāl, || lī |
The Phoenix 662a | e līf. || Sīe him lof simle / | þurh | weorold weorolda || and wuldr |
Juliana 14a | þā þe dryhtnes ǣ / fēodon | þurh | firen-cræft || Fēondsċipe |
Juliana 52a | || ġif þū tō sǣmran gode / | þurh | dēoful-ġield || dǣde be· |
Juliana 56a | ðliċ || sār ġe·ġearwost / | þurh | hǣstne nīþ || heardra wīt |
Juliana 97a | a. || Þū on ġēaðe hafast / | þurh | þīn orleĝu || un-be·þier |
Juliana 117a | ǣniġe% hēr.’ / Hire þā | þurh | ierre || ā·ġeaf andsware / f |
Juliana 125a | unġēara || ealdre sċyldiġ / | þurh | dēora grīpe || dēaðe swel |
Juliana 138b | / ne þū nǣfre ġe·dēst || | þurh | ġe·dwolan þīnne / þæt þ |
Juliana 148a | nforhte || ā·ġeaf andsware / | þurh | gǣst-ġe·hyġd, || Iuliana: |
Juliana 158a | hell-sċaðum.’ / Hīe þā | þurh | ierre || Affrīcanus, / fæder |
Juliana 187a | ende || and þā fǣmnan hēt / | þurh | nīþ-wræce || nacode þenna |
Juliana 202a | || Ġif þū lenġ ofer þis / | þurh | þīn dol-willen || ġe·dwol |
Juliana 273b | n wille / ēċe æl-mehtiġ, || | þurh | þæt æðele ġe·sċēap / þ |
Juliana 301a | an weras || hospe ġe·reahte / | þurh | dēopne ġe·dwolan, || sæġ |
Juliana 316a | || im sēo hālġe on·cwæþ / | þurh | gæstes ġiefe, || Iuliana: / |
Juliana 326a | eþ || þæt we% sōþfæstra / | þurh | mis-ġe·dwield || mōd on· |
Juliana 338a | swingen. || Ġif sōþfæstra / | þurh | mierrelsan || mōd ne% oþ· |
Juliana 341a | estan || wītu ġe·þoliaþ% / | þurh | sār-sleġe. || Nū þū self |
Juliana 349a | nd, || hū þū sōþfæstum% / | þurh | synna slide || swīðost sċi |
Juliana 363a | man. || Þus iċ sōþfæstum / | þurh | misliċ blēo || mōd on·ċi |
Juliana 368b | anca, / diernra ġe·dwilda, || | þurh | ġe·dwolena rīm. / Iċ him ġ |
Juliana 379a | ēafan || and hē lārum wile / | þurh | mōdes myne || mīnum hīeran |
Juliana 402a | þæs wealles ġeat / on·tȳne | þurh | tēonan; || biþ sē torr þ |
Juliana 404a | nod, || þonne iċ ǣrest him / | þurh | earh-fære || inn onsende / on |
Juliana 406a | -sefan || bitere ġe·þancas / | þurh | mislīċe || mōdes willan, / |
Juliana 428a | a, || þe þe oft wiþ·stōd / | þurh | wuldor-cyning || willan þīn |
Juliana 431b | a, / hū þū ġe·dyrstiġ || | þurh | dēop ġe·hyġd / wurde þus w |
Juliana 441a | hwīlum biþ / for·wierned | þurh | wiðer-steall || willan mīne |
Juliana 446b | or·þon iċ þeċ hālsie || | þurh | þæs hyhstan meaht, / rodor-ci |
Juliana 461b | Nū iċ þæt ġe·hīere || | þurh | þīnne hlēoðor-cwide, / þæ |
Juliana 471a | s, || mist-helme for·bræġd / | þurh | attres ord || ēaĝna lēoman |
Juliana 478a | fǣringa || feorh ā·lēton / | þurh | ǣdra wielm. || Sume on ȳþ- |
Juliana 488a | e, || þæt hīe on wīn-sele / | þurh | sweord-grīpe || sāwle for |
Juliana 493a | ode, || þā% iċ bealdlīċe / | þurh | misliċ cwealm || mīnum hean |
Juliana 514a | mōdiġ || mann ofer eorðan / | þurh | hālġe meaht, || hēah-fæde |
Juliana 547a | || Hwæt, þū mec þrēades / | þurh | sār-sleġe. || Iċ tō sōð |
Juliana 572a | fāh, || hū hē sārlīcost / | þurh | þā wierrestan || wītu meah |
Juliana 588a | . || Þǣr on rīme for·barn / | þurh | þæs fȳres fnǣst || fīf a |
Juliana 603b | ā·swebban sorĝ-ċeariġ || | þurh | sweord-bite / on hyġe hālġe, |
Juliana 623a | e lāðra || lēana hlēotan / | þurh | wǣpnes spor, || wrecaþ eald |
Juliana 637a | || ðǣr hīe stearc-ferhþe / | þurh | cumbol-hete || cwellan þōht |
Juliana 657a | æt heortan, || hālġe rūne / | þurh | mōdes myne. || Þonne ēow m |
Juliana 671a | | tō þām langan ġe·fēan / | þurh | sweord-sleġe. || Þā sē sy |
Juliana 678a | lande || ġe·liden hæfdon, / | þurh | þearliċ þrēa. || Þǣr [X |
Juliana 680a | re ēac || fēores on·sōhte / | þurh | wǣġes wielm || wiĝena cynn |
Juliana 728a | de / on ānnesse || ielda cynne / | þurh | þā sċīran ġe·sċeaft || |
The Gifts of Men 18b | / Nǣniġ eft þæs swīðe || | þurh | snytru-cræft / on þēode þry |
The Gifts of Men 21a | eþ, || þæt him folca weard / | þurh | his hālġe ġiefe || hider o |
Precepts 44a | sīðe || swǣs eft on·gann / | þurh | blīðne ġe·þōht || his b |
The Seafarer 88a | s weorold healdaþ, / brūcaþ | þurh | bisiĝu. || Blǣd is ġe·hn |
Beowulf 184a | || Wā biþ þǣm þe sċeall / | þurh | slīðne nīþ || sāwle be· |
Beowulf 267a | || wīde ġond eorðan. / Wē | þurh | holdne hyġe || hālford þī |
Beowulf 276a | ta, || deorcum nihtum / īeweþ | þurh | eġesan || uncūðne nīþ, / h |
Beowulf 278a | Iċ þæs Hrōð·gār mæġ / | þurh | rūmne sefan || rǣd ġe·lǣ |
Beowulf 558b | or·nam / mehtiġ mere-dēor || | þurh | mīne hand. / Swā mec ġe·lō |
Beowulf 699a | um, || þæt hīe fēond hira / | þurh | ānes cræft || ealle ofer·c |
Beowulf 940a | innum. || Nū sċealc hafaþ / | þurh | dryhtnes meaht || dǣd ġe·f |
Beowulf 1101a | eorcum || wǣre ne brǣce, / ne | þurh | inwitt-searu || ǣfre ġe·m |
Beowulf 1335a | ran niht || Grendel cwealdest / | þurh | hǣstne hād || heardum clamm |
Beowulf 1693a | htne; || him þæs ende-lēan / | þurh | wæteres wielm || wealdend se |
Beowulf 1695a | m sċennum || sċīran goldes / | þurh | rūn-stafas || rihte ġe·mea |
Beowulf 1726a | ū mehtiġ god || manna cynne / | þurh | sīdne sefan || snytre brytta |
Beowulf 1979a | ġe, || siþþan mann-drihten / | þurh | hlēoðₒr-cwide || holdne |
Beowulf 2045a | ōmor-mōd || ġungum% cempan / | þurh | hreðera ġe·hyġd || hyġes |
Beowulf 2405b | cōm / māðᵤm-fæt mǣre || | þurh | þæs meldan hand. / Sē wæs o |
Beowulf 2454a | das, || þonne sē ān hafaþ / | þurh | dēaðes nīed || dǣda ġe· |
Beowulf 2661a | bǣm ġe·mǣne.’ / Wōd þā | þurh | þone wæl-rīeċ, || wīġ-h |
Beowulf 3068a | u-nīðas; || selfa ne cūðe / | þurh | hwæt his weorolde ġe·dāl |
Judith 49a | ē bealu-fulla / meahte wlītan | þurh, | || wiĝena bealdor, / on ǣghwe |
Judith 151a | ostlīċe || inn for·lǣton% / | þurh | þæs wealles ġeat || and þ |
Judith 186a | || iċ him ealdor oþ·þrang / | þurh | godes fultum. || Nū iċ gume |
Judith 198b | nod hæfþ / mehtiġ drihten || | þurh | mīne hand.’ / Þā wearþ sn |
Judith 303a | -rōfe, || here-pæþ worhton / | þurh | lāðra ġe·mang, || linde h |
Judith 333a | er cumblum || on% camp-wīġe / | þurh | Iudithe || glēawe lāre, / mæ |
Judith 349b | as / and sweġeles drēamas, || | þurh | his selfes miltse. |
The Paris Psalter 100:2 2a | mid unbealwe || ealre heortan / | þurh | þīn hūs middan || hāliġ |
The Paris Psalter 101:14 2b | rihten / and ġe·sette Sion || | þurh | his selfes meaht, / ðǣr wæs |
The Paris Psalter 102:16 2a | heortness || mehtiġ drihten, / | þurh | ealra weorolda weorold || wī |
The Paris Psalter 104:15 6a | | oþ·þæt hine hāliġ god / | þurh | his worda || wīsdōm ā·hō |
The Paris Psalter 105:37 4b | elċ; / wese swā, wese swā || | þurh | eall wīde ferhþ. |
The Paris Psalter 106:19 2a | sfæstliċ || word on·sende, / | þurh | þæt hīe hrǣdlīċe || hǣ |
The Paris Psalter 111:5 2b | heort, / seteþ sōðne dōm || | þurh | his selfes word, / sē on ēċn |
The Paris Psalter 118:37 3a | s% iċ weorc īdel / ġe·sēo | þurh | synne, || ac mē on sōðne w |
The Paris Psalter 118:91 4a | weorolde || wunian þenċaþ; / | þurh | þīnra dǣda spēd || daĝas |
The Paris Psalter 135:14 1b | / / # / Lǣde Israhelas || ealle | þurh | midne. / / # / Þǣr Pharaon ġe |
The Paris Psalter 135:16 1b | # / Hē ġe·wealdendlīċe || | þurh | wēstenn eft / his þæt lēo |
The Paris Psalter 138:10 2a | eorc || būtan þīnre meaht; / | þurh | þā on·līehtest niht, || |
The Paris Psalter 138:17 3a | þenċaþ cweðende: / ‘Wuton | þurh | īdel searu || ealle tilian / |
The Paris Psalter 138:18 1b | / # / Ealle þā þe fēodon || | þurh | fācen god, / iċ hīe fēode n |
The Paris Psalter 139:2 2b | cen / hyċġaþ on heortan% || | þurh | hearme ġe·þōht, / hīe þæ |
The Paris Psalter 139:13 2b | nū / þīnne naman willaþ || | þurh | nīed herġan; / sċulon eard n |
The Paris Psalter 140:5 2a | an, || þæt% iċ hearme word / | þurh | inwitt-stæf || ūt for·lǣt |
The Paris Psalter 144:2 1a | sse || āwa tō weorolde. / / # / | Þurh | syndriġe daĝas || simle iċ |
The Paris Psalter 144:21 3b | , / and flǣsċa ġe·hwelċ || | þurh | fǣle word / his þone hālĝan |
The Paris Psalter 147:7 1b | . / / # / Hē his word sendeþ || | þurh | windes gāst; / blāweþ beorht |
The Paris Psalter 53:1 2b | ā·līes mē fram lāðum || | þurh | þīn lēofe mæġen. / / # / God |
The Paris Psalter 55:1 3b | nrihte / fīend on·feohtaþ || | þurh | fācen-searu. / / # / And mē fǣ |
The Paris Psalter 58:11 1b | þū hīe wīde tō·drīf || | þurh | þīnes wordes mæġen, / and h |
The Paris Psalter 60:4 4b | cum, / sē þe naman þīnne || | þurh | nīed forhtaþ. / / # / Dæġ bi |
The Paris Psalter 64:11 5a | aþ, || blōwaþ and grōwaþ / | þurh | dropunge || dēawes and reġn |
The Paris Psalter 65:11 1a | || menn ofer hēafod. / / # / Wē | þurh | fȳr faraþ || and þurh flō |
The Paris Psalter 65:11 1b | / Wē þurh fȳr faraþ || and | þurh | flōda þrymm, / and þū ūs o |
The Paris Psalter 65:15 1a | ē dyde || mīnre sāwle. / / # / | Þurh | his meahte iċ || mūðe clip |
The Paris Psalter 66:1 4a | an || and ūs on mōde weorþ / | þurh | þīne miċelnesse || milde a |
The Paris Psalter 67:10 3b | all þū þā ġe·fremest || | þurh | þīne fæste meaht. / / # / Þī |
The Paris Psalter 70:1 3b | þū mē snēome ā·līes || | þurh | þīne þā swīðeran meaht. |
The Paris Psalter 71:5 3a | wunaþ || swelċe mid mōnan, / | þurh | ealra weorolda weorold || wun |
The Paris Psalter 71:20 2a | ðe sīe || eall ġe·fylled, / | þurh | his wuldres meaht. || Wese sw |
The Paris Psalter 72:5 2a | ygd nam || unġemete swīðe, / | þurh | þæt hira unryht wearþ || e |
The Paris Psalter 73:20 4a | þe unwīse || ed·wīta fela / | þurh | ealne dæġ || oft ā·sprǣc |
The Paris Psalter 76:11 4a | orðlīċe || wolcnas% stefne / | þurh | þīne strǣle || strange for |
The Paris Psalter 76:14 1a | eredest || swā fǣle sċēap / | þurh | Moyses || mihtġe handa / and A |
The Paris Psalter 77:15 2b | fæstnode || and hīe fōron | þurh. | / / # / Him wīsode || wolcen unl |
The Paris Psalter 77:38 3a | e ā·wende, || eall ne wolde / | þurh | hātne hyġe || hæleþum cȳ |
The Paris Psalter 77:52 3a | ġe·līcost || lēofe īewde / | þurh | wēstennas || weĝas un·cū |
The Paris Psalter 85:3 2a | þonne iċ mæġene tō þē / | þurh | ealne dæġ || elne clipode; / |
The Paris Psalter 87:9 3a | ; || iċ mē tō wuldres gode / | þurh | ealne dæġ || elne clipie / an |
The Paris Psalter 88:43 4a | ne / and Dauide || dēope āðe / | þurh | þīnes selfes || sōþ be·n |
The Paris Psalter 94:9 3a | | and on wēstenne, / ðǣr min | þurh | fācen || fæderas ēowre / þi |
The Paris Psalter 98:7 3b | de, / spræc him wordum tō || | þurh | wolcnes swīer. / / # / Hīe þā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 99b | an / staðolfæst ġe·reaht || | þurh | þā strangan meaht, / and ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 161b | re. / Þū ġe·staðolodest || | þurh | þā strangan meaht, / weoroda |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 178b | ēac / styrest and stihtest || | þurh | þā strangan meaht, / þæt hi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 229b | lcre. / Ealle hīe sċīnaþ || | þurh | þā sċīran nēaht / hādre o |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 254a | tō þē, || metod al-wuhta, / | þurh | þās earfoþu || up ā·stī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 258b | aĝum mōten / mōdes ūres, || | þurh | þīnra mæġEna spēd, / ǣ-wi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 40b | metĝaþ, / sē stīereþ ā || | þurh | þā strangan meaht / þǣm hr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 51b | eonan / cumen and ā·cenned || | þurh | þisses cræftĝan meaht. / Nyl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 4b | / heofon ymb·hwearfest || and | þurh | þīne hālġe meaht / tunglu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 7b | a / þīestre ā·dwǣsċeþ || | þurh | þīne meaht. / Blācum lēohte |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 9b | teorran / mōna ġe·metgaþ || | þurh | þīnra meahta spēd, / hwīlum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 24b | æfde / lēafa ġe·hwelċes || | þurh | þone lāðran wind. / Ēalā h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 32b | rðan tūdre, / manna cynne, || | þurh | þīnra meahta spēd. / Hwȳ þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 48b | enum / mōdes ġe·sǣlþum || | þurh | metodes ġiefe, / þēah hine s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 51b | e·rēafian / his an-wealdes || | þurh | þā ēċan meaht, / oþþe him |
Metrical Psalm 94:9 3a | | and on wēstenne / ðǣr min | þurh | fācen || fæderas ēowre / þ |
The Death of Edgar 15a | ·wāt, || bisċop sē gōda, / | þurh | ġe·cyndne cræft, || þǣm |
The Death of Edgar 37b | ġe·hwǣm / īeġ-būendra || | þurh | eorðan wæstm. |
Solomon and Saturn 2b | hæbbe / bōca on·bierġed || | þurh | ġe·breġd-stafas, / lār-cræ |
Solomon and Saturn 10a | þæt iċ sīe ġe·bryrded% / | þurh | þæs cantices cwide || Crīs |
Solomon and Saturn 17a | | feoh būtan ġe·witte, / sē | þurh | þone cantic ne cann || Crīs |
Solomon and Saturn 58a | f; || sundor mæġ ǣġhwelċ / | þurh | gāstes ġiefe || gōd-spell |
Solomon and Saturn 141a | ne || flēondne ġe·brenġan / | þurh | mannes mūþ, || mānfulra h |
Solomon and Saturn 16a | ed, || þā þe nū weallende / | þurh | attres oroþ || inn-gang rȳm |
Solomon and Saturn 43b | wintra / dæġes and nihtes || | þurh | dēop ġe·sċeaft; / ġōmrend |
Solomon and Saturn 141a | grǣdiġ; || hine God seteþ / | þurh | ġe·earnunga || ēadĝum tō |
Solomon and Saturn 159a | þe yfele, / þonne hīe bēoþ | þurh | āne || idese ā·cende, / twē |
Solomon and Saturn 207b | aldaþ būtan hæftum, || hit | þurh | hrōf wædeþ, / briceþ and b |
Solomon and Saturn 244a | ate ā·þrēotan, / þæt hēo | þurh | firena ġe·flitu || fǣhþu |
Solomon and Saturn 247b | | ōðer him on·gann wyrċan | þurh | dierne% cræftas / seġn and s |
Solomon and Saturn 251a | his tornes% ne% cūðe / ende | þurh | inn-sċeafte. || Þā wearþ |
Solomon and Saturn 252a | elra% þēoden% / ġe·drēfed | þurh | þæs dēofles ġe·hyġdu; | |
Solomon and Saturn 289b | a manna / mis-ġe·mynda || and | þurh | þæt his mōd hweteþ, / lǣde |
Solomon and Saturn 292a | e biþ, || æf-þuncum full, / | þurh | earmra sċyld || ierre ġe·w |
The Menologium 129b | n / sweotelra and ġe·synra || | þurh | sunu metodes, / ealdor-þeġnas |
The Menologium 145a | æs || þēodne ġe·trīewe / | þurh | martyrdōm, || mǣre dīacon, |
The Judgment Day II 8a | mas || waĝodon and swēġdon / | þurh | winda gryre; || wolcn wæs ġ |
The Judgment Day II 20b | ·dǣleþ and tō·dēmeþ || | þurh | his dēaĝlan meaht. / Iċ ġe |
The Judgment Day II 296a | mæġdena sēlost; / hēo lēt | þurh | þā sċīenan || sċīnendan |
The Gloria I 11a | num, || swā þīn sunu mǣre / | þurh | clǣne ġe·cynd, || cyning o |
The Gloria I 18a | ċe God, || ana ġe·wrohtest / | þurh | hālġe meaht || heofonas and |
The Gloria I 48a | iġ-dōmes || heofonas sindon / | þurh | þīne ēċan word || ǣghwǣ |
The Gloria I 52a | ðlīċe || seċġaþ ealle: / | þurh | clǣne ġe·cynd || þū eart |
The Lord's Prayer III 30a | ēase || ealra þīnra miltsa / | þurh | fēondsċipe || fremde weorð |
The Creed 50a | | þæt sīen lēofe Gode / þe | þurh | ānne ġe·þanc || ealdor he |
The Kentish Hymn 27b | aela%, / þā þū ā·hōfe || | þurh | þæt hālġe trēow / þīnre |
Psalm 50 15a | ferhte || ġylt ġe·fremmaþ / | þurh | līċ-haman || lǣne ġe·þ |
Psalm 50 25a | sunga, || þe hē Godes ierre / | þurh | his selfes weorc || sōna on |
Psalm 50 41a | ealdre || ǣfre ġe·fremede / | þurh | līċ-haman || lāðre ġe· |
Psalm 50 73a | iġ God, || milde and blīðe / | þurh | ȳsopan || ealne ā·hlūtra, |
Psalm 50 86a | ene, || æl-mehtiġ God, / and | þurh | miltsunga || meahta þīnra / |
Psalm 50 109a | tō þē || gāstes mund-byrd / | þurh | sibbe lufan || sēċan sċold |
Aldhelm 15a | all / boethia || biddan ġeorne / | þurh | his mōdes ġe·mynd || micro |
The Seasons for Fasting 2a | eald-daĝum || Israheala folc / | þurh | Moysen, || mǣrne lārēow, / o |
The Seasons for Fasting 5a | ēah-cyning, || hēr on līfe / | þurh% | his selfes word || sette for |
The Seasons for Fasting 36a | teþ, || ġif we his willaþ / | þurh | rihtne sefan || rǣdum fylĝa |
The Seasons for Fasting 178b | ewdon, / and we be·bēodaþ || | þurh | bearn Godes / þæt manna ġe· |
The Seasons for Fasting 191a | nd weorces, || wuldres ealdor / | þurh | ælmes-dǣde || eall ġe·gla |
The Seasons for Fasting 201a | cerd hine || selfne% ne cunne / | þurh | dryhtnes eġe || duĝuþum he |
The Leiden Riddle 4a | te || wullan flīesum, / hǣrum | þurh | hēah-cræft, || hyġe-þanc% |
The Leiden Riddle 6a | || nē iċ wearp hæbbe, / nē | þurh | þrēatum ġe·þræc || þr |
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 7a | us || glēaw-mōd ġond·wōd / | þurh | sefan snytru, || searu-þanca |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 11a | don || þā þe Gode hīerdon / | þurh | hālĝa bēċ || hider on eor |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 17a | wunaþ || on weres brēostum / | þurh | dryhtnes ġiefe || dēop and |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 9b | / æl-tǣwe biþ || and þonne | þurh | his inn-ġe·hyġd / tō þissa |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 1a | e and sēo rēade netele, þe | þurh | || / ærn inwyxð, and weġ-br |
Waldere B 10a | earn, || Widia ūt for·lēt; / | þurh | fifela ġe·we[]ld% || forþ |
The Battle of Maldon 71a | | ōðrum derian, / būton hwā | þurh | flānes flyht || fiell ġe·n |
The Battle of Maldon 141a | || hē lēt his francan wadan / | þurh | þæs hysses heals, || hand w |
The Battle of Maldon 145a | || hē wæs on brēostum wund / | þurh | þā hrinġ-locan, || him æt |
The Battle of Maldon 151a | þæt sē tō forþ ġe·wāt / | þurh | þone æðelan || Æðel·rē |