Number of occurrences in corpus: 24
Genesis B 264b | e, / ġielp-word on·ġēan, || | nolde | Gode þēowian, / cwæþ þæt |
Genesis A 1448b | w; / salwiġ-feðera || sēċan | nolde. | / Hē þā ymb seofon niht || s |
Genesis A 1480b | be·ġeat, / grēne bearwas; || | nolde | gladu ǣfre / under salwed bord |
Guthlac B 945b | gǣst / fūs on forþ-weġ. || | Nolde | fæder% engla / on þisse wan-s |
Guthlac B 1234b | e mē libbendum. || Huru, iċ | nolde | self / þurh ġielp-cwide || g |
Beowulf 706b | hīe ne mōste, || þā metod | nolde, | / sē sċinn-sċaða% || under |
Beowulf 791a | ǣm dæġe || þisses līfes. / | Nolde | eorla hleo || ǣnġe þinga / |
Beowulf 803b | , / gūþ-billa nan, || grētan | nolde, | / ac hē siġe-wǣpnum || for· |
Beowulf 812b | him sē līċ-hama || lǣstan | nolde%, | / ac hine sē mōdĝa || mǣġ |
Beowulf 967b | hine ne meahte, || þā metod | nolde, | / ganges ġe·twǣman, || nā i |
Beowulf 1523b | t sē beadu-lēoma || bītan | nolde, | / ealdre sċeþþan, || ac sēo |
Beowulf 2518b | ðe, / swǣse ġe·sīðas: || | ‘Nolde | iċ sweord beran, / wǣpen tō |
The Paris Psalter 100:4 2a | ram mē || wende and ċierde; / | nolde | iċ hira andġiet || ǣniġ h |
The Paris Psalter 100:5 2a | ēaĝum, || unsædre heortan, / | nolde | iċ mid þǣm menn || mīnne |
The Paris Psalter 108:17 3a | o īlce on || eft ġe·sette; / | nolde | hē blētsunge || biddan ne t |
The Paris Psalter 117:18 2b | wæs; / drihten æl-mehtiġ || | nolde | tō dēaðe mē / on ēċnesse |
The Paris Psalter 118:157 3a | ġe·seah, || þe min ēhton; / | nolde | iċ cwic ǣfre || swā þēah |
The Paris Psalter 77:37 2b | þwǣre / hira firen-dǣdum, || | nolde | hīe tō flīemum ġe·dōn. / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 90a | ge, || þe sēo cwēn lufode. / | Nolde | þāra ōðra || ǣniġ on·b |
Solomon and Saturn 245a | litu || fǣhþu ne tȳdre’. / | ‘Nolde | gād ġeador || on Godes rī |
The Creed 38a | el sēċan, / cwæþ þæt hē | nolde | || nānne for·lǣtan / þe him |
The Battle of Maldon 6a | est on·funde, / þæt sē eorl | nolde | || ierhþe ġe·þolian, / hē |
The Battle of Maldon 9b | n·cnāwan || þæt sē cniht | nolde | / wācian æt þām% wīġe%, | |
The Battle of Maldon 275a | ielp-wordum spræc / þæt hē | nolde | flēoĝan || fōt-mǣl landes |