Number of occurrences in corpus: 96
Genesis A 5b | ahgesceafta / frea ælmihtig || | næs | him fruma æfre / or geworden | |
Genesis B 466b | a æghwilc / welan and wawan || | næs | se wæstm gelic / oþer wæs sw |
Daniel 117b | ingal swæf / babilone weard || | næs | him bliþe hige / ac him sorh a |
Daniel 128b | | andswaredon / deofolwitgan || | næs | him dom gearu / to asecganne || |
Daniel 263a | ne hie him þær laþ gedydon / | næs | him se sweg to sorge || þon |
Daniel 436a | ges || and hyra lice geborgen / | næs | hyra wlite gewemmed || ne næ |
Daniel 499b | um fæst / beorht on blædum || | næs | he bearwe gelic / ac he hlifode |
Christ and Satan 489a | s carcernes || clom þrowade / | næs | þa monna gemet || ne mægen |
Christ and Satan 515a | drihten god || of deaþe aras / | næs | nan þæs stronglic || stan g |
Andreas 21b | tede gumena / hæleþa eþel || | næs | þær hlafes wist / werum on þ |
Andreas 380b | n eagorstream / ceol gesohte || | næs | him cuþ þa gyt / hwa þam sæ |
Andreas 662b | sigedema / ferde frea mihtig || | næs | þær folces ma / on siþfate | |
Andreas 888b | ndra þrym / æþelic onginn || | næs | þær ænigum gewinn / þam bi |
Andreas 1113b | s oflysted / metes modgeomre || | næs | him to maþme wynn / hyht to ho |
Andreas 1162b | or to rune / ermþu eahtigan || | næs | him to eþle wynn / fregn þa g |
Andreas 1305a | | to sete glidan / under niflan | næs | || niht helmade / brunwann ofer |
Andreas 1471a | hal of hæfte || heardra wita / | næs | him gewemmed wlite || ne wloh |
Andreas 1522a | his ondgitan || ænige hæbbe / | næs | þa wordlatu || wihte þon ma |
The Fates of the Apostles 33b | dreamas / beorhtne boldwelan || | næs | his broþor læt / siþes sæne |
Elene 551b | geblissod / ferhþ gefeonde || | næs | þa fricgendra / under goldhoma |
Elene 552b | ssod, / ferhþ ġe·fēonde. || | Næs | þā friċġendra / under gold- |
Christ A 351a | sende || in ðam æðelan ham / | næs | ænig ða giet || engel gewor |
Christ C 1428a | orðon ic ðæt earfeðe wonn / | næs | me for mode || ac ic on magug |
Widsith 67b | e maððum / songes to leane || | næs | ðæt sæne cyning / mid froncu |
Maxims I 193b | swealg / eorðe abeles blode || | næs | ðæt andæge nið / of ðam wr |
Guthlac B 903b | reatum / wiðstod stronglice || | næs | seo stund latu / earmra gæsta |
Guthlac B 961b | ste trymede / feonda gewinna || | næs | he forht seðeah / ne seo adlð |
Guthlac B 966b | a gehwylc / symle forswiðde || | næs | him sorgcearu / on ðas lænan |
The Phoenix 637b | eorðmynd / forð butan ende || | næs | his frymð æfre / eades ongyn |
Juliana 513a | g mid hondum || hrinan dorste / | næs | ænig ðæs modig || mon ofer |
Juliana 518b | ic gong to ðam / agan moste || | næs | ænig ðara / ðæt mec ðus be |
Juliana 573b | u meahte / feorhcwale findan || | næs | se feond to læt / se hine gel |
Juliana 590b | halge stod / ungewemde wlite || | næs | hyre wloh ne hrægl / ne feax n |
Beowulf 134b | to strang / lað ond longsum || | næs | hit lengra fyrst / ac ymb ane n |
Beowulf 562a | weorde || swa hit gedefe wæs / | næs | hie ðære fylle || gefean h |
Beowulf 1299b | abreat / blædfæstne beorn || | næs | beowulf ðær / ac wæs oðer i |
Beowulf 1439b | rwod / niða genæged || ond on | næs | togen / wundorlic wægbora || w |
Beowulf 1455a | eadomecas || bitan ne meahton / | næs | ðæt ðonne mætost || mæge |
Beowulf 1463b | egan dorste / folcstede fara || | næs | ðæt forma sið / ðæt hit el |
Beowulf 1575b | aces ðegn / yrre ond anræd || | næs | seo ecg fracod / hilderince || |
Beowulf 1600b | hæfde / ða com non dæges || | næs | ofgeafon / hwate scyldingas || |
Beowulf 1921b | treon / frætwe ond fætgold || | næs | him feor ðanon / to gesecanne |
Beowulf 1929b | en hæbbe / hæreðes dohtor || | næs | hio hnah swa ðeah / ne to gnea |
Beowulf 2141b | fte ðonan / feorh oðferede || | næs | ic fæge ða gyt / ac me eorla |
Beowulf 2180b | runcne slog / heorðgeneatas || | næs | him hreoh sefa / ac he mancynne |
Beowulf 2192b | eðles lafe / golde gegyrede || | næs | mid geatum ða / sincmaððum s |
Beowulf 2262b | feran / hæleðum be healfe || | næs | hearpan wyn / gomen gleobeames |
Beowulf 2415b | s heold / eald under eorðan || | næs | ðæt yðe ceap / to gegangenne |
Beowulf 2432a | c ond symbel || sibbe gemunde / | næs | ic him to life || laðra owih |
Beowulf 2493b | lond forgeaf / eard eðelwyn || | næs | him ænig ðearf / ðæt he to |
Beowulf 2555b | eard oncniow / mannes reorde || | næs | ðær mara fyrst / freode to fr |
Beowulf 2591b | wylc mon / alætan lændagas || | næs | ða long to ðon / ðæt ða ag |
Beowulf 2687b | bær / wæpen wundrum heard || | næs | him wihte ðe sel / ða wæs ð |
Beowulf 2733b | leode heold / fiftig wintra || | næs | se folccyning / ymbesittendra | |
Beowulf 2771b | meahte / wræte giondwlitan || | næs | ðæs wyrmes ðær / onsyn æni |
Beowulf 2845b | ende gefered / lænan lifes || | næs | ða lang to ðon / ðæt ða hi |
Beowulf 2898b | wigode / niwra spella || se ðe | næs | gerad / ac he soðlice || sægd |
Beowulf 2967b | um sprong / forð under fexe || | næs | he forht swa ðeh / gomela scil |
Beowulf 2975b | an sceolde / feoll on foldan || | næs | he fæge ða git / ac he hyne g |
Beowulf 3074a | itnad || se ðone wong strude / | næs | he goldhwæte || gearwor hæf |
Beowulf 3126a | eoman || se ðe on orde geong / | næs | ða on hlytme || hwa ðæt ho |
Judith 107b | læg / druncen ond dolhwund || | næs | ða dead ða gyt / ealles orsaw |
Judith 113a | t ellor hwearf / under neowelne | næs | || ond ðær genyðerad wæs / |
Judith 257b | galmoda / egesfull ond afor || | næs | ðeah eorla nan / ðe ðone wig |
The Paris Psalter 100:3 3a | le ic feode || facnes wyrcend / | næs | me wyngesiþ || wiþerweard h |
The Paris Psalter 104:11 1a | gene æht || yrfe gesylle / / # / | næs | þæt mære cynn || mycel on |
The Paris Psalter 104:32 3b | nd hi wislice / leofe lædde || | næs | þæra leoda þa / ænig untrum |
The Paris Psalter 106:37 3a | an weorþlice || wide greowan / | næs | heora neata || nan geyfelad / / |
The Paris Psalter 108:16 1a | e eorþan || awa to feore / / # / | næs | him milde gemynd || on modsef |
The Paris Psalter 118:61 3a | et geneahhie || oft beclyptan / | næs | ic ofergittul || þæt ic æ |
The Paris Psalter 118:61 4a | ·nēahhe || oft be·clypton; / | næs | iċ ofer-ġietel, || þæt i |
The Paris Psalter 118:141 2a | oguþe || grame me forhogedon / | næs | ic ofergittol || æfre hwæþ |
The Paris Psalter 118:141 3a | , || grame mē for·hoġodon; / | næs | iċ ofer-ġietel || ǣfre hw |
The Paris Psalter 138:2 5a | wel foresawe / forþan me inwit | næs | || ahwær on tungan / / # / efne |
The Paris Psalter 141:5 2a | frecne fram || fleam gedydan / | næs | þa þe mine sawle || secean |
The Paris Psalter 52:2 1a | illan || wraþe besmitene / / # / | næs | þa goddoend || se þe god wi |
The Paris Psalter 76:2 4a | on niht for him || neode eode / | næs | ic on þam siþe || beswicen |
The Paris Psalter 77:36 1a | heortan || hogedan awiht / / # / | næs | him on hreþre || heorte clæ |
The Paris Psalter 77:39 2b | n and flæsc / gast gangende || | næs | se geancyr eft / / # / hi hine on |
The Paris Psalter 77:53 2a | hi on hihte || holdre lædde / | næs | him on fyrhtu || feondes egsa |
The Paris Psalter 87:15 2b | wæs and gehyned || hwæþere | næs | gescended / / # / oft me þines y |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 43b | odne papan / heafde beheawon || | næs | þæt hærlic dæd / eac þam w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 49b | on / þæt wæs rihtwis rinc || | næs | mid romwarum / sincgeofa sella |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 20b | in / ne þe ænig nedþearf || | næs | æfre giet / ealra þara weorca |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 41a | ohtest || and hi þa worhtest / | næs | æror þe || ænegu gesceaft / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 12b | taþ / forþæm hiora nænig || | næs | þa gieta / ne hi ne gesawon || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 21b | win druncon / scir of steape || | næs | þa scealca nan / þe mete oþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 33a | ra nan || ymb gefeoht sprecan / | næs | þeos eorþe besmiten || awer |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 18b | t burne / hama under hefonum || | næs | þæt herlic dæd / þæt hine |
The Creed 17a | r breostcofan || bearn acende / | næs | ðær gefremmed || firen æt |
The Seasons for Fasting 165b | lan mihte / on ðam lichoman || | næs | ðæs leahtra nan / ac on hinde |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 15b | wælspera worhtan / ut spere || | næs | in spere / gif her inne sy || i |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 17b | spera worhton. / Ūt, spere, || | næs | on, spere. / Ġif hēr inne sī |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 4a | feorĝenne, and tō witenne, | næs | tō || / oþ·wyrċenne, and t |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 5a | wyrċenne, and tō lufienne, | næs | tō oþ·lǣdenne. || / Gārmu |
The Battle of Maldon 323a | oþþæt he on hilde gecranc / | næs | þæt na se godric || þe þa |