Number of occurrences in corpus: 36
Genesis A 990a | -wende || lenġ swā swīðor / | rēðe | wæstme. || Rǣhton wīde / ġe |
Genesis A 1319a | þinġ || þēodum tō-weard, / | rēðe | wīte. || Hīe ne% rōhton þ |
Genesis A 1376b | -weallas. || Strang wæs and | rēðe | / sē þe wæterum wēold; || w |
Genesis A 1383b | ōðer swelċ. || Nīþ wæs | rēðe, | / wæl-grīm werum; || wuldor-c |
Genesis A 2557a | wīde || swā þā wīte-lāc / | rēðe | ġe·rǣhton || rūm land wer |
Daniel 114b | þætte rīċes ġe·hwæs || | rēðe | sċolde ġe·limpan, / eorðan |
Daniel 177a | e wæs, || gum-rīċes weard, / | rēðe | and rǣdlēas, || riht. / Þā |
Christ and Satan 103b | ġe·bunden. || Fēond sindon | rēðe, | / dimne and% deorce. || Nē hē |
Andreas 139a | (corðor ōðrum ġe·tang), / | rēðe | rǣs-boran. || Rihtes ne ġī |
Soul and Body I 99b | / riht ā·ġieldan, || þonne | rēðe | biþ / drihten æt þǣm dōme. |
Soul and Body I 112b | ·hrorene. / Ribb rēafiað || | rēðe | wyrmas, / bēoþ hira tungan t |
Christ B 798b | n, / rodera rihtend, || sprecan | rēðe | word / þām þe him ǣr on weo |
Christ B 809b | tteþ / recen rēada līeġ, || | rēðe | sċrīðeþ / ġond weorold wī |
Christ B 825a | ornoste || þonne eft cymeþ, / | rēðe | and riht-wīs. || Rodor biþ |
Christ C 1527b | / Biþ þonne rīċes weard || | rēðe | and mehtiġ, / ierre and eġesf |
The Fortunes of Men 46a | l || lungre weorðeþ, / rēad | rēðe | glēd; || rēoteþ mēowle, / s |
Soul and Body II 92b | / riht ā·ġieldan, || þonne | rēðe | biþ / drihten æt dōme. || Ac |
Soul and Body II 106b | be·ċowen; / ribb reafiaþ || | rēðe | wyrmas, / drincaþ hlōðum hr |
Guthlac A 489b | r·bær / rūme reĝulas || and | rēðe | mōd / ġungra manna || on gode |
Riddles 1 3b | ·stīġe strang, || stundum | rēðe, | / þrymfull þunie, || þrāĝu |
Riddles 84 2a | ndrum ā·cenned%, / hrēoh and | rēðe, | || hafaþ ryne strangne, / grym |
Juliana 140b | wæs ellen-wōd, || ierre and | rēðe, | / frecne and ferhð-grimm, || f |
Juliana 704b | // and //N// . || Cyning biþ | rēðe, | / siĝora sellend, || þonne sy |
Beowulf 122a | ġearu sōna wæs, / rēoc and | rēðe | || and on ræste ġe·nam / þr |
Beowulf 770a | wen. || Ierre wǣron bēġen, / | rēðe | ren-weardas. || Reċed hlinso |
Beowulf 1585a | him þæs lēan for·ġeald, / | rēðe | cempa, || tō þæs þe hē o |
Judith 348b | ūme grundas, || swelċe ēac | rēðe | strēamas / and sweġeles drēa |
The Paris Psalter 118:75 3a | , on·ġeat, || dōmas þīne / | rēðe | rihtwīse || and þū recene |
The Paris Psalter 118:138 1a | æst; || sind his dōmas ēac / | rēðe | mid rǣde || rihte ġe·cȳð |
The Paris Psalter 144:11 4a | mmes || mǣre wuldor / riht and | rēðe | || rīċes þīnes. / / # / þæt |
The Paris Psalter 56:4 5b | ·līesde / of lēon hwelpum || | rēðe | ġe·mānan; / wæs iċ slǣpen |
The Paris Psalter 77:10 2b | æs earfoð-cynn || ierre and | rēðe; | / næfdon hira heortan || hyġe |
The Paris Psalter 98:1 1b | # / Rīxaþ drihten || and hē | rēðe | folc / healdeþ on ierre || un |
The Rune Poem 8b | nġ is yfel, || un-ġe·metun | rēðe | / manna ġe·hwelcun || þe him |
The Menologium 36b | ond middan-ġeard || Martius | rēðe, | / Hlȳda hēalīċ. || Þonne s |
The Judgment Day II 166a | e || ealle æt·samne. / Þæt | rēðe | flōd || ræsċeþ fȳre / and |