Number of occurrences in corpus: 29
Genesis A 12a | ald Godes || wuldres bearnum, / | gasta | weardum. || Hæfdon glēam an |
Genesis A 41a | ēama lēas, || drihten ūre, / | gasta | weardas, || þā hē hit ġea |
Genesis A 1346a | ewum || on þæt hof gangan, / | gasta | weorode. || Iċ þē gōdne w |
Genesis A 1793a | ht-fruman || lāc on·sæġde / | gasta | helme. || Him þā ġīet ġe |
Genesis A 2175b | Hwæt ġiefest þū mē, || | gasta | wealdend, / frēo-manna tō fr |
Genesis A 2422b | / gōd mid gnyrne, || oþþæt | gasta | helm, / līfes lēoht-fruma || |
Genesis A 2547a | | Him þæs lēan for·ġeald / | gasta | wealdend. || Grāp hēah-þr |
Genesis A 2866b | swurde, || cȳðde þæt him | gasta | weardes / eġesa on brēostum w |
Genesis A 2920b | fæstum ġiefum. || Þē wile | gasta | weard / lissum ġieldan || þæ |
Daniel 199a | an, || ac þone hēan cyning, / | gasta | hierde, || þe him ġiefe sea |
Daniel 291b | Ġēoca ūser ġeorne nū, || | gasta | sċieppend, / and þurh hyldu% |
Daniel 314b | tō Isaace / and tō Iacobe, || | gasta | sċieppend. / Þū him þæt ġ |
Christ and Satan 242a | , || and his sē dēora sunu, / | gasta | sċieppend. || God selfa wæs |
Andreas 331b | an hēt / ġond ġinne grund || | gasta | strīenan: / ‘Faraþ nū ġon |
Andreas 548a | ymlīċe, || þēoda bealdor, / | gasta | ġēocend, || þīne ġiefe d |
Dream of the Rood 152a | || þā hē mid meniġe cōm, / | gasta | weorode, || on godes rīċe, / |
Elene 176b | d-spelles ġiefe, || hū sē | gasta | helm, / on þrīnesse || þrymm |
Elene 244a | dor-ġiefa, || willan mīnne, / | gasta | ġēocend.’ || Hire Iudas o |
Elene 352b | þæt mē þæt gold-hord, || | gasta | sċieppend, / ġe·openie, || |
Elene 583b | an godes tempel, || swā hire | gasta | weard / reord of roderum. || H |
Elene 638a | angen wæs || hǣðnum folmum / | gasta | ġēocend, || godes āĝen be |
Beowulf 1123a | || Līeġ ealle for·swealh, / | gasta | ġīfrost, || þāra þe ðǣ |
Beowulf 1266a | Þonan wōc fela / ġō-sċeaft | gasta; | || wæs þāra Grendel sum, / h |
Beowulf 1357a | æs || ǣr ā·cenned / diernra | gasta. | || Hīe dīeĝol land / wariaþ |
The Paris Psalter 77:10 5a | ne, || þætte wolde god / hira | gasta | mid him || ġīeman āwiht. / / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 43b | des æl-mihtġes; || þæt is | gasta | ġe·hwæm / ēċe būtan ende |
The Kentish Hymn 31b | n hand / þīnum god-fæder, || | gasta | ġe·myndiġ. / Miltsa nū, meh |
Psalm 50 39a | ynnum%, || sāle fram wammum, / | gasta | sċieppend, || gyltas ġe·cl |
Psalm 50 49b | a gram-hyġdiġ, || iċ þē, | gasta | breĝu, / hǣlende Crīst, || h |