Number of occurrences in corpus: 36
Genesis B 526a | nd mē hēr standan hēt, / his | be·bodu | healdan, || and mē þās br |
Genesis A 2318b | / brēost-ġe·hyġdum || and | be·bodu | willaþ / min fullian. || Sċea |
Daniel 298a | ; || for ofer-hyġdum / brǣcon | be·bodu | || burh-sittende%, / hād ofer |
Guthlac A 34a | ġe·hīeran, / ġif we hāliġ | be·bodu | || healdan willaþ; / mæġ nū |
Guthlac A 75a | ade, || þisses līfes / þurh | be·bodu | brūcaþ || and þæs beteran |
Guthlac B 843b | eorht on brēostum || and his | be·bodu | lǣstan, / efnan on ēðle. || |
Resignation 35b | r / bēte bealu-dǣde || þonne | be·bodu | wǣron / hālĝan heofon-mæġe |
Azarias 19a | sse, || on ofer-hyġdum / þīn | be·bodu | brǣcon || burh-sittende, / hā |
The Paris Psalter 102:17 2b | āra bearna bearn || þe his% | be·bodu | healdaþ%, / and þæs ġe·myn |
The Paris Psalter 110:5 3a | hē rǣran wille; / wǣron his | be·bodu | || ealle trīewfæste, / on eal |
The Paris Psalter 118:4 1a | an dryhtnes. / / # / Þū þīne | be·bodu | || bealde hēte / ealle eorð-b |
The Paris Psalter 118:6 2a | ded, / ġif iċ on ealle þīne | be·bodu | || elne locie / / # / Iċ% þē a |
The Paris Psalter 118:19 2b | dierne || þīne þā dēoran | be·bodu | / / # / Þæt sāwol min || simle |
The Paris Psalter 118:21 3a | || wistest ġearwe / and þīne | be·bodu | || efnan noldon. / / # / A·fierr |
The Paris Psalter 118:40 2a | fe glæd. / / # / Efne iċ þīne | be·bodu | || bealde wolde / wīs wille ġ |
The Paris Psalter 118:48 3a | ġe·lōme, / ðǣr iċ þīne | be·bodu | || bryċe lufode, / þā iċ mi |
The Paris Psalter 118:61 1b | æt iċ betst cunne || þīne | be·bodu | healdan. / / # / Mē firenfulra | |
The Paris Psalter 118:64 1a | daþ þē, / and þīne hālġe | be·bodu | || healdaþ ġeorne. / / # / Þē |
The Paris Psalter 118:72 2b | miċele betere, || þæt iċ | be·bodu | healde, / þīnes mūðes ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 118:74 1a | ċ eall mæġe / þīne blīðe | be·bodu | || beorhte leornian. / / # / Þā |
The Paris Psalter 118:79 1a | | āhwǣr grētan; / iċ þīne | be·bodu | || bealde ġe·gange. / / # / Ġe |
The Paris Psalter 118:99 1b | on iċ beorhtlīċe || þīne | be·bodu | lǣste. / / # / Ofer ealle þā | |
The Paris Psalter 118:101 1a | ġe·hēold, / þæt iċ þīne | be·bodu | || blīðe ġe·hēolde / / # / I |
The Paris Psalter 118:116 1a | ĝede sint, / þenden iċ godes | be·bodu | || ġeorne smēaġe. / / # / On· |
The Paris Psalter 118:135 1a | anra manna, / þæt iċ þīne | be·bodu | || bealde healde. / / # / Dō þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:143 4a | mon ġe·lōme; / ac iċ þīne | be·bodu | || efnde and lǣste, / ēac on |
The Paris Psalter 118:147 1a | hyċġe nū, / þæt iċ þīne | be·bodu | || blīðe ġe·healde. / / # / A |
The Paris Psalter 118:167 1a | | hāliġ drihten, / and þīne | be·bodu | || bealde lufode. / / # / Hafaþ |
The Paris Psalter 118:168 2a | wīðe. / / # / Hēold iċ þīne | be·bodu | || holde mōde / and þīne ġe |
The Paris Psalter 118:173 1a | de ēodon; / wǣron eall þīn | be·bodu | || ǣġhwǣr rihtwīs. / / # / S |
The Paris Psalter 118:174 1a | weorðe; / for·þon iċ þīne | be·bodu | ġe·ċēas || bealde æt þe |
The Paris Psalter 77:9 3a | weorc ġe·mundon, / and godes | be·bodu | || ġeorne hēoldon. / / # / Ne w |
The Paris Psalter 77:56 3b | e·bismerodon, || noldon his | be·bodu | / fæste healdan. || / / # / Hīe |
The Paris Psalter 88:28 1b | mīne bearn nellaþ || mīne | be·bodu | efnan / ne mīne dōmas || dǣd |
The Paris Psalter 88:29 2a | e ġe·wemmaþ / and hīe mīne | be·bodu | || blīðe ne healdaþ. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 98:8 2a | || wēl ġe·hēoldon / and his | be·bodu | || beorhte efnodon, / þā hē |