A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: hæleþum

Number of occurrences in corpus: 41

Genesis A 2460a ordum cwǣdon / þæt mid þǣm hæleþum || hǣman wolden / unsċamlīċ
Genesis A 2623b hte lǣdan / mid his hīwum. || Hæleþum sæġde / þæt Sarra his% || s
Exodus 7a e·hwǣm || lang-sumne rǣd, / hæleþum seċġan. || Ġe·hīere sē
Exodus 252a ras bræc. / A·hlēop þā for hæleþum || hilde-calla, / beald bēo-ha
Exodus 394b e, / hīehst and hālĝost, || hæleþum ġe·frǣĝost, / mǣst and mǣ
Exodus 468a Wīġ-bord sċinon / hēah ofer hæleþum, || holm-weall ā·stāh, / mere
Daniel 563b ah tō heofonum, || swā þū hæleþum eart / ana eallum || eorð-būe
Andreas 668b es, / hēah and horn-ġēap, || hæleþum ġe·frǣġe, / wuldre ġe·wli
Soul and Body I 151a gla. / Bīeġdest þū þē for hæleþum || and ā·hōfe% mē on ēċ
Elene 223a mannes || mūþ ġe·hīerdon / hæleþum% cȳðan, || būtan hēr nū
Elene 233a erdon || þurh hālġe bēċ / hæleþum cȳðan || þæt ā·hangen%
Elene 241a nsian || Crīste tō willan, / hæleþum tō helpe, || þæt mē hāli
Elene 271b t ġe·hīerde || sēo ðǣr hæleþum sċēad, / beornes ġe·bǣru,
Elene 573a luarie || Crīste tō willan, / hæleþum tō helpe, || ðǣr sēo hāl
Elene 834a ġe·līcost, / þonne hē for hæleþum || hlūd ā·stīĝeþ, / wǣð
Christ B 608b ċīnaþ, / heofon-candelle, || hæleþum on eorðan. / Drēoseþ dēaw a
Christ B 669a æġ fingrum wēl / hlūde fore hæleþum || hearpan styrġan, / glēo-b
Christ C 882a middan-ġeard, / hrūse under hæleþum. || Hlydaþ tō·samne, / trume
Christ C 1193b s, / hālġe hyġe-ġlēawe, || hæleþum sæġdon, / oft, nealles ǣne,
Widsith 81a beardum, / mid hǣðnum and mid hæleþum || and mid Hundingum. / Mid Isr
The Fortunes of Men 77b eþ. / Sum sċeall on hēape || hæleþum cwēman, / blissian æt bēore
Riddles 26 28a nytte. || Nama min is mǣre, / hæleþum ġīfre || and hāliġ self.
Riddles 35 12a wīde ofer eorðan / hātan for hæleþum || hyhtliċ ġe·wǣde. / Saĝa
Riddles 48 1a les 48 / / Iċ ġe·fræġn for% hæleþum || hrinġ endean, / torhtne bū
Riddles 59 17a || wunda cwǣden / hrinġes tō hæleþum, || þā hē on healle wæs / wi
Riddles 8 10b -wīsan / hlūde on·hyrġe, || hæleþum bodie / will-cumena fela% || w
Riddles 70 6b nde / hēah and hlēor-torht || hæleþum tō nytte.
Riddles 84 23b laden, / hordum ġe·hroden, || hæleþum dīere. / Mæġen biþ ġe·mi
Riddles 84 36b dra. / Hrūsan biþ heardra, || hæleþum frōdra, / ġeofum biþ ġearor
Riddles 84 54b e. || / Hord-word on·hlid, || hæleþum ġe·[] / []eoh, || wordum ġe
The Wanderer 105b sendeþ / hrēo hæġl-fære || hæleþum on andan. / Eall is earfoþliċ
Beowulf 1709a -twīdiġ || lēodum þīnum, / hæleþum tō helpe. || Ne wearþ Here
Beowulf 1961a īnne; || þonan Ēomer% wōc / hæleþum tō helpe, || Hemminġes% mǣ
Beowulf 1983a lēode, || līð-wǣġe bær / hæleþum% tō handa. || Hyġe·lāc on
Beowulf 2024a || ðǣr hīo næġled% sinċ / hæleþum sealde. || Sēo ġe·hāten i
Beowulf 2262a wīġ-fruman || wīde fēran, / hæleþum be healfe. || Næs hearpan wy
The Paris Psalter 77:38 3b e wolde / þurh hātne hyġe || hæleþum cȳðan. / / # / And hē ġe·mun
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 22b r heofonum, || for·þǣm hē hæleþum dæġ / bodaþ aefter burgum, |
The Menologium 164b a / þætte Hāliġ-mōnaþ, || hæleþum ġe·þinged, / fēreþ tō fol
Maxims II 8b / hærfest hreð-ēadĝost, || hæleþum brinġeþ / ġēares% wæstmas,
The Leiden Riddle 12a īde ofer eorðan / hātan mith hæleþum || hyhtliċ ġe·wǣde; / nē