Number of occurrences in corpus: 54
Genesis B 340b | ran lēof, / drihtne dīere, || | oþ | hīe tō dole wurdon, / þæt h |
Genesis B 350b | enġel, / hwīt on heofone%, || | oþ | hine his hyġe for·spēon / an |
Genesis B 705b | ċīenost / full þiclīċe, || | oþ | þǣm þeġne on·gann / his hy |
Genesis A 1343a | frēolīċe || fēora wōcre / | oþ | iċ ðǣre lāfe || laĝu-sī |
Genesis A 1959a | ġe·witte, || wīse þance, / | oþ | his ealdor-ġe·dāl || ō-le |
Genesis A 2208b | eorðan, / eorðan sċēatas || | oþ | Eufraten, / and fram Eġypta || |
Exodus 215b | gædere / māran mæġenes, || | oþ | Moyses be·bēad / eorlas on ū |
Exodus 298b | pte, / wrætlicu wǣġ-faru, || | oþ | wolcna hrōf’. / Æfter þǣm |
Exodus 444a | ·sittaþ || be sǣm twēonum / | oþ | Ēġypte || inca-þēode / land |
Daniel 112b | ēod, / un-ġe·līċ ieldum || | oþ | ed-sċeafte. / Wearð him on sl |
Daniel 502b | atas, / ealne middan-ġeard, || | oþ | mere-strēamas, / twiĝum and t |
Andreas 1575a | g, || brim weallende, / eorlum | oþ | eaxle. || Þā sē æðeling |
Elene 312b | , / þīestrum ġe·þancum, || | oþ | þisne dæġ. / Gangaþ nū sn |
Elene 152b | ġnest, / ǣ-riht fram orde% || | oþ | ende forþ. / Hē is for eorða |
Elene 431a | nde, || ymb þā rōda þrīe / | oþ | þā niĝoþan tīd, || hæfd |
Guthlac B 1256b | lcne / þēodnes þrymm-cyme || | oþ | þisne dæġ. / Lēofost manna, |
Guthlac B 1277b | lĝan wæs / andlangne dæġ || | oþ | ǣfen forþ / oroþ up hlæden. |
Guthlac B 1312b | firen torr / riht ā·rǣred || | oþ | rodera hrōf, / ġe·sewen unde |
Azarias 38b | n / būĝaþ brādne hwearft || | oþ | brim-flōdas, / swā waroþa sa |
The Ruin 8b | ene, / heard-grīpe hrūsan, || | oþ | hund cnēa / wer-þēoda ġe·w |
The Phoenix 47b | / bīdeþ swā ġe·blōwen || | oþ | bǣles cyme, / dryhtnes dōmes, |
The Phoenix 490a | n, || ðǣr hīe lange bēoþ / | oþ | fȳres cyme || foldan be·þe |
Juliana 353b | ·hwelċes / ōr ġe·cȳðe || | oþ | ende forþ / þāra þe iċ ġe |
Juliana 694b | lof hafen / þrymme miċele || | oþ | þisne dæġ / mid þēodsċipe |
Beowulf 2399b | ·þēowes, / ellen-weorca, || | oþ | þone ǣnne dæġ / þe hē wi |
Beowulf 3069a | || weorðan sċolde. / Swā hit | oþ | dōmes dæġ || dēope be·ne |
Beowulf 3083b | lange wæs, / wīcum wunian || | oþ | weorold-ende; / hēold on hēah |
Judith 140a | ðe-lāste || forþ ōnetton, / | oþ | hīe glæd-mōde || ġe·gān |
Judith 292b | āst, / mæġen-ēacen folc, || | oþ | sē mǣsta dæl / þæs herġes |
The Paris Psalter 102:9 1a | annum cȳðed. / / # / Nelle þū | oþ | ende || ierre habban, / ne on |
The Paris Psalter 106:17 2b | mete, / mōde mæġen hira, || | oþ | unmihte, / þæt hīe wiþ dēa |
The Paris Psalter 107:4 1b | īn mild-heort mōd || miċel | oþ | heofonas / ā·hafen hēalīċe |
The Paris Psalter 107:4 3b | þīn sōþfæstnes || seted | oþ | wolcen. / / # / A·hafen þū ear |
The Paris Psalter 111:8 3b | ōþfæstness wunaþ || simle | oþ | ende; / biþ his horn wended || |
The Paris Psalter 117:25 3a | ġe·lōme || lustum healdan / | oþ | wēoh-beddes || wrǣste horna |
The Paris Psalter 134:8 4b | rum-bearn / ǣġhwelċ ealra || | oþ | þā nīetnu. / / # / Hē siġe-t |
The Paris Psalter 60:5 3a | winter ēac || wynnum īeced, / | oþ | þone dæġ þe hē% || on dr |
The Paris Psalter 71:8 4a | m-racum || styreþ him eallum / | oþ | þisse eorðan || ūt-ġe·m |
The Paris Psalter 77:49 2b | and ierre, / sārliċ sende || | oþ | sāwol-hord / and þæt wiþ yf |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 14b | wā / efene fram Munt·ġeof || | oþ | þone mǣran waroþ / ðǣr Sic |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 62b | ynn stīhþ / ā up-weardes, || | oþ | hēo eft cymeþ / ðǣr hire yf |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 18a | eġ-landes || and ēac þonan / | oþ | Indeas || ēaste-wearde; / þē |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 10b | d / fram fruman ǣrest || forþ | oþ | ende / tīdum tō·tǣldes, || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 33b | wāfie, / hū sume steorran || | oþ | þā sǣ faraþ / under mere-st |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 15b | , / irneþ wiþ his eardes, || | oþ | him on innan felþ / muntes mæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 43a | lu, || sūþ, ēast and west, / | oþ | þā norðmestan || næssan o |
The Battle of Brunanburh 16b | l beorht, / ēċes dryhtnes, || | oþ | sēo æðele ġe·sċeaft / sā |
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 11b | eclommum / lange || þraġe, || | oþ | hīe ā·lȳsde eft / for his w |
The Rune Poem 47a | rĝaþ || ofer fisċes bæþ, / | oþ | hīe brim-henġest || brinġe |
The Rune Poem 68b | Denum / ġe·sewen seċġum, || | oþ | hē siþþan eft% / ofer wǣġ |
The Seasons for Fasting 182a | rtiġ daĝa || fæsten hīewe / | oþ | þā niĝoþan tīd || and h |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 21b | ō·flōweþ aefter feldum || | oþ | hit tō fenne wierþ. / Ac hlad |
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 10a | d, || þæt hē on riht mōte / | oþ | his daĝa ende || drihten her |
The Battle of Finnsburh 31a | rstan || (burh-þelu dynede), / | oþ | æt ðǣre gūðe || Gārulf |