A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: folmum

Number of occurrences in corpus: 40

Genesis A 62a me, || grāp on wrāðe / fāum folmum, || and him on fæðm ġe·br
Genesis A 983a æfstum. || Hē þā unrǣden / folmum ġe·fremede, || frēo-mǣġ
Genesis A 1010b Hwæt, be·fealdest þū || folmum þīnum / wrāðum on wæl-bedd
Genesis A 1096a s || cwealme mīne, / fylde mid folmum || fæder Ēnoses, / ord-banan
Genesis A 2172a hwǣm% || wrēo and sċielde / folmum mīnum; || ne þearft þū fo
Genesis A 2486a as || heandum grīpan, / fāum folmum. || Him fylston wēl / ġiestas
Genesis A 2814b þ, / frēa on% forþ-weĝas || folmum sīnum / willan þīnne. || Þ
Genesis A 2907a um, || wolde his sunu cwellan / folmum sīnum, || fȳre sċenċan% / m
Exodus 237b tt wera / wiþ flāne fēond || folmum werġan, / ne him bealu-benne |
Exodus 396b earn, / fīra aefter foldan, || folmum ġe·worhte. / Tō þǣm mæðe
Exodus 407a one cniht ġe·nam / fæste mid folmum, || folc-cūþ ġe·tēag / eald
Christ and Satan 34b m ǣĝlǣċa%. || Hwīlum mid folmum mæt / wēan and wītu. || Hwī
Andreas 522b ·hōf / and ġe·fæstnode || folmum sīnum, / worhte and wreðede,
Elene 637b ā·hangen wæs || hǣðnum folmum / gasta ġēocend, || godes ā
Christ C 1124a se menn || heandum slōĝon, / folmum ā·reahtum || ond fȳstum ē
Christ C 1421b lcum tō frōfre. || Meċ man folmum be·wand, / be·þeahte mid þe
Christ C 1455a ġe·fremedun ǣr / on mīnum folmum || and on fōtum swā same, /
The Fortunes of Men 18a mena lēas || līfes nēotan, / folmum æt-feohtan, || sum on fēðe
The Fortunes of Men 38b oþer hē þȳ facne mæġ || folmum be·werĝan, / lāðum lyft-sċ
Riddles 20 34a wam spreceþ, / flōceþ hire folmum, || firenaþ mec wordum, / ungō
Riddles 59 18b wielted and wended || wlancra folmum.
Riddles 61 3a arce, || hwīlum up ā·tēah / folmum sīnum || and frēan sealde, /
Beowulf 158b / beorhtre bōte || tō banan% folmum, / ac% sē% ǣĝlǣċa || ēhten
Beowulf 722b m fæst, || siþþan hē hire folmum æt-hrān%; / on·bræġd þā
Beowulf 992a hræðe || Heort innan-weard / folmum ġe·frætwod. || Fela þāra
Judith 99b e feaxe sīnum, || tēah hine folmum wiþ hire weard / bismerlīċe
The Paris Psalter 101:4 2b hit biþ ā·māwen || mannes folmum; / is min heorte ēac || hearde
The Paris Psalter 105:10 3b eandum, / and of fēoġendra || folmum swelċe, / and hira fēondas ||
The Paris Psalter 105:18 2a e hīe of gramra ǣr / fēonda folmum || frecne ġe·nerede, / þe on
The Paris Psalter 113:12 3b wēoh-smiðas || wrǣste mid folmum. / / # / Þā mūþ habbaþ || and
The Paris Psalter 134:15 3a ġēotaþ menn, / and mid hira folmum || fæġere wyrċaþ. / / # / Þ
The Paris Psalter 139:4 2b ðas / and wiþ firenfulles || folmum swelċe, / and fram þǣm mannu
The Paris Psalter 149:6 3b sweord habbaþ || swelċe on folmum. / / # / Mid þȳ hīe wrecan þen
The Paris Psalter 68:5 2a | þā þe mē ehton, / fæstum folmum || forþ ġe·strangod / fēond
The Paris Psalter 70:3 3a mē fēondum nū, / and mē of folmum ā·fere || firen-wyrċendra,
The Paris Psalter 77:71 2a || fēdeþ siþþan, / and his folmum siþþan || hīe% forþ% lǣd
The Paris Psalter 90:12 1a dan mōstest. / / # / And þē on folmum || feredon swelċe, / þe læs
The Paris Psalter 97:8 2a n·ġinnaþ || / fæġnian mid folmum || on ġe·fēan ǣlcne; / beor
The Battle of Maldon 21a || rihte hēolden / fæste mid folmum || and ne forhteden nā. / Þā
The Battle of Maldon 108a n ċierm. / Hīe lēton þā of folmum || fēol-hearde speru, / ġe·