Number of occurrences in corpus: 291
Genesis B 766b | a-twa / adam and eue || and him | oft | betuh / gnornword gengdon || go |
Genesis A 1539a | idland || ge on wolcnum þæs / | oft | and gelome || andgiettacen / ma |
Genesis A 1670b | olces ræswan / þa yldestan || | oft | and gelome / liþsum gewunedon |
Genesis A 1896b | umor secan / ellor eþelseld || | oft | wæron teonan / wærfæstra wer |
Genesis A 2462b | den / þa aras hraþe || se þe | oft | ræd ongeat / loth on recede || |
Genesis A 2588b | þa / abraham arlice || swa he | oft | dyde / leofne mannan || loth ge |
Genesis A 2633b | ste þa / ece drihten || swa he | oft | dyde / nergend usser || com nih |
Exodus 191b | e / cyningas on corþre || cuþ | oft | gebad / horn on heape || to hw |
Daniel 15a | te || metod alwihta / þæt hie | oft | fela folca || feore gesceodon |
Daniel 25a | cean || þæt wæs weorc gode / | oft | he þam leodum || to lare sen |
Daniel 200a | hyrde || þe him gife sealde / | oft | hie to bote || balde gecwædo |
Daniel 536b | tro cræft / wisne wordcwide || | oft | he wundor manig / metodes mihta |
Daniel 589a | þec aworpe || of woruldrice / | oft | metod alæt || monige þeode / |
Christ and Satan 151b | r / wlite and weorþmynt || ful | oft | wuldres sweg / brohton to bearm |
Christ and Satan 270b | hæleþa land / and unsibbe || | oft | onstyrian / monna mægþum || g |
Christ and Satan 328a | um || haligne dream / þær heo | oft | fægerne || folgaþ hæfdon / u |
Christ and Satan 637b | llunge / hu hie him on edwit || | oft | asettaþ / swarte suslbonan || |
Christ and Satan 640b | freodrihten / ecne anwaldan || | oft | forgeaton / þone þe hie him t |
Andreas 17b | es ne mihte / blædes brucan || | oft | him bonena hand / on herefelda |
Andreas 140b | ne gimdon / meotudes mildse || | oft | hira mod onwod / under dimscuan |
Andreas 164b | e / belocen leoþubendum || þe | oft | his lufan adreg / for ebreum || |
Andreas 442b | as / beoton bordstæþu || brim | oft | oncwæþ / yþ oþerre || hwilu |
Andreas 511a | him ondswarode || ece dryhten / | oft | þæt gesæleþ || þæt we o |
Andreas 618b | e to soþe || þæt he swiþe | oft | / beforan fremede || folces ræ |
Andreas 626b | d on digle || þa mid dryhten | oft | / rodera rædend || rune besæt |
Andreas 652a | sylfes muþ || symle gehyrde / | oft | gesamnodon || side herigeas / f |
Soul and Body I 35b | rungon || þæt me þuhte ful | oft | / þæt hit wære þritig || þ |
Soul and Body I 63b | sawl sceal / minum unwillum || | oft | gesecan / wemman þe mid wordum |
Elene 238b | an / bronte brimþisan || bord | oft | onfeng / ofer earhgeblond || y |
Elene 301b | e spald / ond fram unclænum || | oft | generede / deofla gastum || ge |
Elene 386a | um genegan || wlat ofer ealle / | oft | ge dyslice || dæd gefremedon |
Elene 32b | / gaste minum || ic him georne | oft | / þæs unrihtes || ondsæc fre |
Elene 33b | te mīnum. || Iċ him ġeorne | oft | / þæs unryhtes || andsæc fre |
Elene 74b | eah we æbylgþ wiþ hine || | oft | gewyrcen / synna wunde || gif w |
Elene 75b | ah we ǣ·bylhþ wiþ hine || | oft | ġe·wyrċen, / synna wunde, || |
Elene 481b | lend me / in þam engan ham || | oft | getynde / geomrum to sorge || i |
Elene 482b | nd mē / on þām engan hām || | oft | ġe·tȳnde, / ġōmrum tō sor |
Elene 701b | ow / ondweardlice || þæt wæs | oft | bodod / feor ær beforan || fra |
Elene 702b | / andweardlīċe || þæt wæs | oft | bodod / feorr ǣr be·foran || |
Elene 773b | sceophad / fægere befæsted || | oft | him feorran to / laman limseoce |
Elene 774b | phād / fæġre be·fæsted. || | Oft | him feorran tō / laman, lim-s |
Elene 813a | e || ic þæs wuldres treowes / | oft | nales æne || hæfde ingemynd |
Elene 814a | || Iċ þæs wuldres trēowes / | oft, | nealles ǣne, || hæfde inn- |
Christ A 17b | an / earme from egsan || swa he | oft | dyde / eala ðu reccend || ond |
Christ C 870b | æmeð / scire gesceafte || swa | oft | sceaða fæcne / ðeof ðristli |
Christ C 1194a | gegleawe || hæleðum sægdon / | oft | nales æne || ymb ðæt æðe |
Christ C 1435a | hearmslege || hleor geðolade / | oft | ondlata || arleasra spatl / of |
Vainglory 71b | eah ðe he him abylgnesse || | oft | gefremede / willum in ðisse wo |
Widsith 3b | r eorðan / folca geondferde || | oft | he on flette geðah / mynelicne |
Widsith 119b | sohte ic ond wyrmhere || ful | oft | ðær wig ne alæg / ðonne hr |
Widsith 127a | anihst || nemnan sceolde / ful | oft | of ðam heape || hwinende fle |
The Fortunes of Men 1a | # The Fortunes of Men / / ful | oft | ðæt gegongeð || mid godes |
The Fortunes of Men 74a | iðe || gearwad weorðað / ful | oft | he gehyrdeð || ond gehyrste |
Maxims I 35b | e his dryhten nat || to ðæs | oft | cymeð deað unðinged / snotre |
Maxims I 50b | al mon strongum mode || storm | oft | holm gebringeð / geofen in gri |
Maxims I 64b | ongel wif word gespringeð || | oft | hy mon wommum bilihð / hæleð |
Maxims I 65b | / hæleð hy hospe mænað || | oft | hyre hleor abreoðeð / sceomia |
Maxims I 100b | l wið wer wære gehealdan || | oft | hi mon wommum belihð / fela bi |
Maxims I 145a | healdan || on wega gehwylcum / | oft | mon fereð feor bi tune || ð |
Maxims I 147b | eferan / felafæcne deor || ful | oft | hine se gefera sliteð / gryre |
Maxims I 185b | ealc wið winde roweð || ful | oft | mon wearnum tihð / eargne ðæ |
Maxims I 189a | orðeð se stan forstolen || / | oft | hy wordum toweorpað || / ær |
The Order of the World 12b | æfte / mid gieddingum || guman | oft | wrecan / rincas rædfæste || c |
The Riming Poem 16b | / ðæt ðær rof weord rad || | oft | ðær rinc gebad / ðæt he in |
The Riming Poem 56b | er men forleosað || leahtras | oft | geceosað / treowðrag is to tr |
The Whale 4b | lan hwale / se bið unwillum || | oft | gemeted / frecne ond ferðgrim |
Soul and Body II 32b | rungon || ðæt me ðuhte ful | oft | / ðæt wære ðritig || ðusen |
Soul and Body II 58b | sawl sceal / minum unwillan || | oft | gesecan / wemman mid wordum || |
Guthlac A 84b | heofoncundan / boldes bidað || | oft | him brogan to / laðne gelæde |
Guthlac A 108a | eorne trymede / hwæt we hyrdon | oft | || ðæt se halga wer / in ða |
Guthlac A 140b | ndes wynne / bold on beorhge || | oft | ðær broga cwom / egeslic ond |
Guthlac A 160b | tnes lof / reahte ond rærde || | oft | ðurh reorde abead / ðam ðe |
Guthlac A 266a | foresprecan || firenum gulpon / | oft | we ofersegon || bi sæm tweon |
Guthlac A 315b | s ðeow / he mec ðurh engel || | oft | afrefreð / forðon mec longeð |
Guthlac A 336a | d breostsefa || bliðe gæste / | oft | eahtade || wæs him engel nea |
Guthlac A 346a | ompian || ond his gæst beran / | oft | on ondan || ðam ðe eahtan w |
Guthlac A 360b | s lareowes / wære gewunade || | oft | worde bicwæð / huru ðæs bih |
Guthlac A 510a | e wræcsiða || wyrpe gebiden / | oft | ge in gestalum stondað || ð |
Guthlac A 718b | an mot / ðæt ge min onsynn || | oft | sceawiað / nu ic his geneahhe |
Guthlac A 736b | num cyðdon / eadges eftcyme || | oft | he him æte heold / ðonne hy h |
Guthlac A 775b | iððan lyt / wære gewonade || | oft | his word gode / ðurh eaðmedu |
Guthlac B 884a | eond bryten innan / hu he monge | oft | || ðurh meaht godes / gehælde |
Guthlac B 894a | s giefe || dugeðum gefremede / | oft | to ðam wicum || weorude cwom |
Guthlac B 1208a | on galdrum || ongieten hæbbe / | oft | mec geomor sefa || gehða gem |
Guthlac B 1217b | eodnes word / ares uncuðes || | oft | neosendes / dægwoman bitweon | |
Deor 4b | / wintercealde wræce || wean | oft | onfond / siððan hine niðhad |
Riddles 16 1a | # Riddles 16 / / | oft | ic sceal wið wæge winnan || |
Riddles 17 3b | d / dryhtgestreona || dægtidum | oft | / spæte sperebrogan || sped bi |
Riddles 2 8b | c smiða / gold ofer geardas || | oft | ic gæstberend / cwelle compwæ |
Riddles 2 15b | gerum sceacan / orlegfromne || | oft | ic oðrum scod / frecne æt his |
Riddles 2 32a | stealde || hæleða gestreona / | oft | ic wirum dol || wife abelge / w |
Riddles 20 8b | smiþa, / gold ofer geardas. || | Oft | ic gæstberend / cwelle compwæ |
Riddles 20 15b | erum sceacan, / orlegfromne. || | Oft | ic oþrum scod / frecne æt his |
Riddles 20 32a | tealde || hæleþa gestreona. / | Oft | ic wirum dol || wife abelge, / |
Riddles 30a 5a | owende, || byrnende gled. / Ful | oft | mec gesiþas || sendað æfte |
Riddles 31 11a | cræftum || cyrreð geneahhe / | oft | ond gelome || eorlum on gemon |
Riddles 4 5a | swrīðan || hālford sealde. / | Oft | mec slǣp-wēriġne || secg o |
Riddles 44 7b | etan / ðæt he efenlang ær || | oft | gefylde |
Riddles 49 2b | e standan / deafne dumban || se | oft | dæges swilgeð / ðurh gopes h |
Riddles 49 7b | lde dyrran / ða æðelingas || | oft | wilniað / cyningas ond cwene | |
Riddles 5 3b | rca sǣd, / eċġum wēriġ. || | Oft | iċ wīġ sēo, / frecne feohta |
Riddles 5 4b | ond his feonde || forstrangne | oft | / wif hine wrið || he him wel |
Riddles 50 4b | his fēonde. || For-strangne% | oft | / wīf hine wriþ; || hē him w |
Riddles 50 5b | his feonde. || / Forstrangne | oft | / wif hine wrið; || he him wel |
Riddles 53 10b | hildegieste / oðrum rymeð || | oft | hy an yste strudon / hord ætg |
Riddles 54 11b | ongon / under gyrdelse || ðæt | oft | gode men / ferððum freogað | |
Riddles 55 12b | anne / wulfheafedtreo || ðæt | oft | wæpen abæd / his mondryhtne | |
Riddles 58 11b | / foðres ne gitsað || fereð | oft | swa ðeah / lagoflod on lyfte | |
Riddles 6 2b | ora waldend / crist to compe || | oft | ic cwice bærne / unrimu cyn || |
The Wife's Lament 21b | cgendne / bliðe gebæro || ful | oft | wit beotedan / ðæt unc ne ged |
The Wife's Lament 32b | eweaxne / wic wynna leas || ful | oft | mec her wraðe begeat / fromsi |
The Wife's Lament 51b | micle modceare || he gemon to | oft | / wynlicran wic || wa bið ðam |
The Judgment Day I 3b | ð æt ende / anra gehwylcum || | oft | mæg se ðe wile / in his sylfe |
The Judgment Day I 25b | iðfæt || ðam ðe sibbe ful | oft | / tomældeð mid his muðe || n |
The Judgment Day I 70a | ngean / ðonne he gehyrweð ful | oft | || halge lare / brigdeð on bys |
The Descent into Hell 114a | m miltsum || ðe ðu moncynne / | oft | ætywdest || ðonne him wæs |
Azarias 80b | eame / wæstem weorðian || ful | oft | ðu wuldorcyning / ðurh lyft l |
Azarias 135b | dryhten / heanne hergen || ful | oft | ðu hluttor lætest / wæter wy |
Riddles 30b and 60 5a | blowende || byrnende gled / ful | oft | mec gesiðas || sendað æfte |
The Husband's Message 5b | | sealte streamas / /sse || ful | oft | ic on bates / || gesohte / ðær |
The Husband's Message 16b | otunga / ðe git on ærdagum || | oft | gespræcon / ðenden git moston |
The Husband's Message 53b | wolde / ðe git on ærdagum || | oft | gespræconn |
The Ruin 9b | und cnea / werðeoda gewitan || | oft | ðæs wag gebad / ræghar ond r |
Riddles 61 1a | # Riddles 61 / / | oft | mec fæste bileac || freolicu |
Riddles 62 9a | e secg || saga hwæt ic hatte / | oft | ic secga || seledreame sceal |
Riddles 63 1a | # Riddles 63 / / | Oft | iċ seċġa% || sele-drēame |
Riddles 67 8b | hafað / fet ne || / || welan | oft | sacað / cwiðeð cy/ || wearð |
Riddles 67 13b | / eorðan sceatas || ic ðæt | oft | geseah / golde gegierwed || ð |
Riddles 72 6b | sweostor min / fedde mec // || | oft | ic feower teah / swæse broðor |
Riddles 72 15b | orc ðrowade / earfoða dæl || | oft | mec isern scod / sare on sidan |
Riddles 77 3b | eorðan getenge / feðelease || | oft | ic flode ongean / muð ontynde |
Riddles 78 1a | # Riddles 78 / / | oft | ic flodas || / /s || cynn/ min |
Riddles 80 9a | ende; || heard is min tunge. / | Oft | ic woðboran || wordleana sum |
Riddles 84 40a | tydreð / firene dwæsceð || / | oft | utan beweorpeð || anre ðece |
Riddles 84 49a | san hrineð || h/ / || /etenge / | oft | searwum bið || / || deaðe n |
Riddles 88 8a | /um geong || swa / || seðeana / | oft | geond || /fgeaf / ac ic uplong |
Riddles 88 12b | odan / hyrstum ðy hyrra || ful | oft | unc holt wrugon / wudubeama hel |
Riddles 91 3a | aropila wund || sworfen feole / | oft | ic begine || ðæt me ongean |
Riddles 93 30a | wide bær || wulfes gehleðan / | oft | me of wombe || bewaden fereð |
Riddles 95 2a | || ond eorlum cuð / ond reste | oft | || ricum ond heanum / folcum ge |
The Phoenix 11a | ða moldan gesette / ðær bið | oft | open || eadgum togeanes / onhli |
The Phoenix 108b | weglcondelle || ond symle swa | oft | / of ðam wilsuman || wyllgespr |
The Phoenix 261b | s / dæl gebyrge || se dreoseð | oft | / æt middre nihte || bi ðon s |
The Phoenix 442b | im hettende / earme aglæcan || | oft | gescodan / wæron hwæðre mong |
Juliana 12b | hæfde / ðegnas ðryðfulle || | oft | hi ðræce rærdon / dædum ged |
Juliana 22b | ommedia / heold hordgestreon || | oft | he hæðengield / ofer word god |
Juliana 427b | / ond ðy unbealdra || ðe ðe | oft | wiðstod / ðurh wuldorcyning | |
Juliana 468b | wideferg / sweartra gesyrede || | oft | ic syne ofteah / ablende bealo |
The Wanderer 1a | # The Wanderer / / | oft | him anhaga || are gebideð / me |
The Wanderer 8a | ælsleahta || winemæga hryre / | oft | ic sceolde ana || uhtna gehwy |
The Wanderer 17b | orðon domgeorne || dreorigne | oft | / in hyra breostcofan || binda |
The Wanderer 20a | ic modsefan || minne sceolde / | oft | earmcearig || eðle bidæled / |
The Wanderer 40b | d ætgædre / earmne anhogan || | oft | gebindað / ðinceð him on mod |
The Wanderer 90b | enceð / frod in ferðe || feor | oft | gemon / wælsleahta worn || ond |
Precepts 37b | an / forðon sceal æwiscmod || | oft | siðian / se ðe gewiteð || in |
The Seafarer 3b | geswincdagum / earfoðhwile || | oft | ðrowade / bitre breostceare || |
The Seafarer 6b | tol yða gewealc || ðær mec | oft | bigeat / nearo nihtwaco || æt |
The Seafarer 24b | n oncwæð / isigfeðera || ful | oft | ðæt earn bigeal / urigfeðra |
The Seafarer 29b | onc ond wingal || hu ic werig | oft | / in brimlade || bidan sceolde / |
Beowulf 4a | æðelingas || ellen fremedon / | oft | scyld scefing || sceaðena ð |
Beowulf 165b | nd mancynnes / atol angengea || | oft | gefremede / heardra hynða || h |
Beowulf 171b | ldinga / modes brecða || monig | oft | gesæt / rice to rune || ræd e |
Beowulf 444b | leode / etan unforhte || swa he | oft | dyde / mægen hreðmanna || na |
Beowulf 480a | eaðan || dæda getwæfan / ful | oft | gebeotedon || beore druncne / o |
Beowulf 572b | mihte / windige weallas || wyrd | oft | nereð / unfægne eorl || ðonn |
Beowulf 857b | ulfes / mærðo mæned || monig | oft | gecwæð / ðætte suð ne nor |
Beowulf 907a | ingum || to aldorceare / swylce | oft | bemearn || ærran mælum / swi |
Beowulf 951a | || ðe ic geweald hæbbe / ful | oft | ic for læssan || lean teohho |
Beowulf 1065b | wisan / gomenwudu greted || gid | oft | wrecen / ðonne healgamen || hr |
Beowulf 1238b | ardode / unrim eorla || swa hie | oft | ær dydon / bencðelu beredon | |
Beowulf 1247a | || wæs ðeaw hyra / ðæt hie | oft | wæron || an wig gearwe / ge æ |
Beowulf 1252b | ld / æfenræste || swa him ful | oft | gelamp / siððan goldsele || g |
Beowulf 1428b | licgean / ða on undernmæl || | oft | bewitigað / sorhfulne sið || |
Beowulf 1526b | e ær fela / hondgemota || helm | oft | gescær / fæges fyrdhrægl || |
Beowulf 1885a | s on gange || gifu hroðgares / | oft | geæhted || ðæt wæs an cyn |
Beowulf 1887b | nam / mægenes wynnum || se ðe | oft | manegum scod / cwom ða to flod |
Beowulf 2018b | dhwearf / bædde byre geonge || | oft | hio beahwriðan / secge sealde |
Beowulf 2029b | æhða dæl / sæcca gesette || | oft | seldan hwær / æfter leodhryre |
Beowulf 2296b | ode / hat ond hreohmod || hlæw | oft | ymbehwearf / ealne utanweardne |
Beowulf 2478b | nabeorh / eatolne inwitscear || | oft | gefremedon / ðæt mægwine || |
Beowulf 2500b | að / ðæt mec ær ond sið || | oft | gelæste / syððan ic for duge |
Beowulf 2867b | að / ðonne he on ealubence || | oft | gesealde / healsittendum || hel |
Beowulf 2937b | rda lafe / wundum werge || wean | oft | gehet / earmre teohhe || ondlon |
Beowulf 3019a | l geomormod || golde bereafod / | oft | nalles æne || elland tredan / |
Beowulf 3077a | f maðelode || wihstanes sunu / | oft | sceall eorl monig || anes wil |
Beowulf 3116a | || wigena strengel / ðone ðe | oft | gebad || isernscure / ðonne st |
The Paris Psalter 101:15 1a | yne || his seo soþe sped / / # / | oft | he þearfendra bene || þance |
The Paris Psalter 103:10 1a | e eorþan || awyht habban / / # / | oft | of denum yrnaþ || deope wyll |
The Paris Psalter 103:17 2b | a agen is / latteow on lande || | oft | laþne beorh / on hean muntum | |
The Paris Psalter 103:17 4b | as wuniaþ / erinaces fleoþ || | oft | on stanas / / # / monan he geworh |
The Paris Psalter 103:24 3b | mætra || ofer þæne mægene | oft | / scipu scriþende || scrinde f |
The Paris Psalter 105:31 3a | || hynþe þoledan / hi alysde | oft | || lifes ealdor / / # / hi hine o |
The Paris Psalter 105:32 1b | r / / # / hi hine on geþeahte || | oft | abylgdan / wæron on unrihtum | |
The Paris Psalter 105:32 2b | bylgdan / wæron on unrihtum || | oft | gehynde / / # / swa he furþum on |
The Paris Psalter 106:25 3a | llaþ || under neowulne grund / | oft | þa on yfele || eft aþindaþ |
The Paris Psalter 106:38 1a | ora neata || nan geyfelad / / # / | oft | hi fea wurdan || feondum gesw |
The Paris Psalter 108:20 1b | # / þis is weorc þara || þe | oft | wraþe me / trage tældan || ty |
The Paris Psalter 108:21 3a | num þam mæran naman / swa þu | oft | þin milde mod || manegum cy |
The Paris Psalter 118:61 2b | ne rapas / ungemet geneahhie || | oft | beclyptan / næs ic ofergittul |
The Paris Psalter 118:61 3b | pas / unġemet ġe·nēahhe || | oft | be·clypton; / næs iċ ofer-ġ |
The Paris Psalter 118:86 2a | þele and soþfæst / min ehtan | oft | || unrihtwyrhtan / gefultuma me |
The Paris Psalter 118:86 3a | le and sōþfæst; / min ēhton | oft | || unrihtwyrhtan; / ġe·fultum |
The Paris Psalter 118:139 4b | ines / on bearme me || gebrohte | oft | / þa þin word noldan || wel g |
The Paris Psalter 118:139 5b | on bearme mē || ġe·brōhte | oft, | / þā þīn word noldon || wē |
The Paris Psalter 121:5 1a | detnes || æghwær habban / / # / | oft | hi þær on seldon || sæton |
The Paris Psalter 122:5 3b | swiþe gefylled / mid edwite || | oft | and geneahhe / and us oferhydig |
The Paris Psalter 122:5 4b | and us oferhydige forseoþ || | oft | and gelome |
The Paris Psalter 123:4 1a | upan || gif hit swa wolde / / # / | oft | ure sawl || swyþe frecne / hli |
The Paris Psalter 128:1 1a | Paris Psalter: Psalm 128 / / # / | oft | me fuhtan to || fynd on geogu |
The Paris Psalter 128:1 3a | rahelas nu || eac þæt sylfe / | oft | me fuhtan to || fynd on geogu |
The Paris Psalter 136:7 2a | lem || ġe·gōdie; / þā nū | oft | cweðaþ: || ‘Wuton hīe ī |
The Paris Psalter 136:8 4a | hierusalem || gegodie / þa nu | oft | cweþaþ || wutun hi idle ged |
The Paris Psalter 139:3 2b | rncwidum / neode serwaþ || swa | oft | nædran doþ / and him aspidas |
The Paris Psalter 142:5 2b | yndgade / hu me ærran dagas || | oft | alumpan / metegade on mode || e |
The Paris Psalter 143:10 3b | psalterio || þe him swynsaþ | oft | / mid tyn strengum || getogen h |
The Paris Psalter 149:6 1b | # / him on gomum biþ || godes | oft | gemynd / heo þæs wislice || w |
The Paris Psalter 53:3 1a | en word / / # / forþam me fremde | oft | || facne gestodon / sohtan mine |
The Paris Psalter 54:8 3b | forþon ic þær on unriht || | oft | locade / and wiþercwyda || wea |
The Paris Psalter 63:2 1a | symle æt þearfe / / # / þu me | oft | aweredest || wyrigra gemotes / |
The Paris Psalter 63:5 1a | yhþ usic / / # / swa hi smeagaþ | oft | || swiþost unriht / and on þa |
The Paris Psalter 64:10 3b | foldbuend || swa him fægere | oft | / gegearewadest || god lifigend |
The Paris Psalter 67:12 3b | ynincg / and wlites wealdend || | oft | weorþlic reaf / on huse men || |
The Paris Psalter 68:8 1b | / forþon ic edwit for þe || | oft | aræfnade / and me hleorsceame |
The Paris Psalter 68:9 1b | þon iċ ed·wīt for þē || | oft | ā·ræfnode / and mē hlēor-s |
The Paris Psalter 70:9 1a | t þu me || lifiende god / / # / | oft | me feala cwædon || feondas y |
The Paris Psalter 70:19 1a | fre gelic || ece drihten / / # / | oft | þu me ætywdest || earfoþes |
The Paris Psalter 70:19 3b | a manna / and me yfela feala || | oft | oncnyssedest / þonne þu yrre |
The Paris Psalter 72:2 2a | ic fæstlice || fyrenwyrcende / | oft | elnade || noldun earme mid hi |
The Paris Psalter 73:20 4b | wita fela / þurh ealne dæg || | oft | aspræcon / / # / ne forgit huru |
The Paris Psalter 74:4 1b | mme / / # / ic to yflum cwæþ || | oft | nalæs seldan / nelle ge unriht |
The Paris Psalter 77:40 3b | n / aweahtan hine on eorþan || | oft | butan wætere / / # / oft hi grim |
The Paris Psalter 77:41 1a | þan || oft butan wætere / / # / | oft | hi grimlice || godes costodan |
The Paris Psalter 77:58 1b | cyrdan / / # / swa hi his yrre || | oft | aweahtan / þonne hi oferhydig |
The Paris Psalter 78:8 1a | n gelome / / # / ne gemune þu to | oft | || mihta wealdend / ealdra unri |
The Paris Psalter 78:8 2b | dend / ealdra unrihta || þe we | oft | fremedon / ac we hraþe begytan |
The Paris Psalter 85:13 2b | gramhydige me / mid unrihte || | oft | onginnaþ / and gesamnincge || |
The Paris Psalter 87:16 1a | hwæþere næs gescended / / # / | oft | me þines yrres || egsa geþe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 8a | a || þonne ic on sælum wæs / | oft | ic nu miscyrre || cuþe spræ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 105b | mid winde || swa nu weorþaþ | oft | / axe giond eorþan || eall tob |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 212a | st || hwærfeþ ymbe hy selfe / | oft | smeagende || ymb þas eorþli |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 231b | ealle efenbeorhte || hwæt we | oft | gesioþ / hadrum nihtum || þæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 30b | and hefignes / and unþeawas || | oft | bysigen / monna modsefan || mæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 55b | undriaþ || hu hit on wolcnum | oft | / þearle þunraþ || þragmæl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 5b | stra betst / hwæt se omerus || | oft | and gelome / þære sunnan wlit |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 7b | e herede / æþelo cræftas || | oft | and gelome / leoþum and spellu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 36a | || ealles swa swiþe / hio ful | oft | dereþ || unscyldegum / sittaþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 7a | ca mist || þynra weorþe / swa | oft | smylte sæ || suþerne wind / g |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 12a | ær gladu || onsiene wæs / swa | oft | æspringe || ut awealleþ / of |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 61b | e sweotol || þæt we sædon | oft | / þæt se anwald ne deþ || aw |
The Battle of Brunanburh 8b | omægum || þæt hi æt campe | oft | / wiþ laþra gehwæne || land |
The Rune Poem 27b | reostan || weorþeþ hi þeah | oft | niþa bearnum / to helpe and to |
Solomon and Saturn 50b | | Meċ þæs on weorolde full | oft | / fyr-witt friġneþ, || fūs |
Solomon and Saturn 54b | || mec þæs on worolde full | oft | / fyrwit frineþ || fus gewite |
Solomon and Saturn 125b | on·ġieldað, || þæs hīe | oft | ġielp brecaþ. / Þonne hine |
Solomon and Saturn 130b | rimme ongieldaþ || þæs hie | oft | gilp brecaþ / þonne hine æt |
Solomon and Saturn 157a | For·þon nǣniġ man sċyle / | oft | or-þances || ūt ā·breġda |
Solomon and Saturn 162a | o || forþon nænig man scile / | oft | orþances || ut abredan / wæpn |
Solomon and Saturn 78b | eceþ wōp-dropan, || winneþ | oft | hider? / Ne mæġ hit steorra n |
Solomon and Saturn 91b | / aweceþ wopdropan || winneþ | oft | hider / ne mæg hit steorra ne |
Solomon and Saturn 99b | ċealde ġe·clungne? || Full | oft | hē% ġe·costaþ ēac / wild-d |
Solomon and Saturn 114b | eoþ / cealde geclungne || full | oft | he gecostaþ eac / wildeora wor |
Solomon and Saturn 143b | e, / wōp and hleahtor? || Full | oft | hīe weorð-ġeornra / sǣlþa |
Solomon and Saturn 168a | eorold || wīd-sīþ sċapen. / | Oft | hēo tō bealwe || bearn ā· |
Solomon and Saturn 170b | dre / wop and hleahtor || full | oft | hie weorþgeornra / sælþa tos |
Solomon and Saturn 171b | Hēo þæs eaforan sċeall || | oft | and ġe·lōme / grymme grēota |
Solomon and Saturn 195a | his lāreowum hīersum; / full | oft | hit ēac þæs dēofles || du |
Solomon and Saturn 202a | ond worold || widsiþ sceapen / | oft | heo to bealwe || bearn afede |
Solomon and Saturn 205b | nde / heo þæs afran sceall || | oft | and gelome / grimme greotan || |
Solomon and Saturn 220a | || firenes cynnes’. / ‘Full | oft | iċ frōde menn || fyrn ġe· |
Solomon and Saturn 223b | rnung, || þonne hīe winnaþ | oft | / mid hira þrēa-mēdlan, || h |
Solomon and Saturn 233a | biþ his lareowum hyrsum / full | oft | hit eac þæs deofles || dugo |
Solomon and Saturn 243b | o || hit þæt gecyþeþ full | oft | / gif hit unwitan || ænige hwi |
Solomon and Saturn 259a | es / saturnus cwæþ # || / full | oft | ic frode menn || fyrn gehyrde |
Solomon and Saturn 262b | warnung || þonne hie winnaþ | oft | / mid hira þreamedlan || hwæ |
The Menologium 214a | þe iu beorna fela / clementes | oft | || clypiaþ to þearfe / and þ |
A Proverb from Winfrid's Time 1a | Proverb from Winfrid's Time / / | oft | daedlata || domæ forældit / s |
The Rewards of Piety 32b | leoh ðanan / syle ælmessan || | oft | and gelome / digolice || ðæt |
The Rewards of Piety 71b | llice || ðæt ðu on dægred | oft | / ymbe ðinre sauwle ræd || sw |
The Lord's Prayer III 22b | wið ðe / ælmihtigum gode || | oft | abylgeað / swa swa we forlæta |
The Lord's Prayer III 24b | n eorðan / ðam ðe wið us || | oft | agyltað / and him womdæde || |
Psalm 50 13b | æðere him geiode || swa ful | oft | gedeð / ðætte godferhte || g |
Psalm 50 47b | ufan blisse / nu ic anum ðe || | oft | syngode / and yfela feola || ea |
A Prayer 66b | ðearle scyldi / inwitniðas || | oft | and gelome / ac ic ðe halsige |
The Battle of Maldon 186a | godan forlet / þe him mænigne | oft | || mear gesealde / he gehleop |
The Battle of Maldon 188a | an for·lēt / þe him maniġne | oft | || mearh ġe·sealde; / hē ġe |
The Battle of Maldon 210b | c / gemunan þa mæla || þe we | oft | æt meodo spræcon / þonne we |
The Battle of Maldon 212b | ·munan% þā mǣla || þe we | oft | æt medu sprǣcon, / þonne we |
The Battle of Maldon 294b | wodon / guþe gegremode || gar | oft | þurhwod / fæges feorhhus || f |
The Battle of Maldon 296b | gūðe ġe·ġremede; || gār | oft | þurh·wōd / fǣġes feorh-hū |
The Battle of Maldon 319b | alle bylde / godric to guþe || | oft | he gar forlet / wælspere winda |
The Battle of Maldon 321b | de, / God·rīċ tō gūðe. || | Oft | hē gār for·lēt, / wæl-sper |