A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ġeworhte

Number of occurrences in corpus: 36

Genesis A 147b s dǣlde / wealdend ūre || and ġe·worhte þā / rodoras fæsten; || þæ
Genesis B 273b hē him strenglicran || stōl ġe·worhte, / hēahran% on heofonum; || cw
Genesis B 505a Nū þū willan hæfst, / hyldu ġe·worhte || heofon-cininges, / tō þanc
Genesis B 727a e iċ þīne hyldu mē / witode ġe·worhte, || and þīnne willan ġe·l
Genesis A 900b rǣs ġe·fremede, || fǣhþe ġe·worhte, / and þā rēafode, || swā hi
Genesis A 1666a ġþe || on land-sōcne / burh ġe·worhte || and tō bēacne torr / up ā
Genesis A 2575a æt is wundra sum, / þāra þe ġe·worhte || wuldres ealdor. / Him þā A
Genesis A 2676b wille / wordum seċġan, || hū ġe·worhte% iċ þæt, / siþþan þū ūsi
Exodus 396b īra aefter foldan, || folmum ġe·worhte. / Tō þǣm mæðel-stede || m
Daniel 603a þæt sē here-tīema / weorode ġe·worhte || þurh wunder miċel, / wear
Daniel 609a d min sēo mǣre burh / þe iċ ġe·worhte || tō weorðmyndum, / rūme r
Christ and Satan 470b ċ ēow þurh mīne || meahte ġe·worhte, / Ādam ǣrest || and þæt æ
Andreas 716a orhte ġe·frætwod, / wlitiġe ġe·worhte. || Hē worde cwæþ: / 'Þis is
Andreas 920a wine-drihten fræġn: / ‘Hū ġe·worhte iċ þæt, || wealdend fīra,
Soul and Body I 8b efene þæt eorþ-fæt || ǣr ġe·worhte. / Sċeal sē gāst cuman || ġ
Christ B 621a e: / ‘Iċ þeċ ofer eorðan ġe·worhte, || on ðǣre þū sċealt ier
Christ C 1380a man || mīnum heandum / ǣrest ġe·worhte || and þē andġiet sealde%.
Soul and Body II 8b efene þæt eorþ-fæt || ǣr ġe·worhte. / Sċeal sē gǣst cuman || ġ
Guthlac B 823a || cyning æl-mehtiġ, / foldan ġe·worhte. || þā wæs fruma nīewe / iel
Juliana 711a , || þe iċ sīþ oþþe ǣr / ġe·worhte on weorolde. || Þæt iċ wō
The Gifts of Men 15a ealra þinga, / þāra þe hē ġe·worhte || on weorold-līfe, / ġeofona
Beowulf 635a ninga || ēowra lēoda / willan ġe·worhte || oþþe on wæl crunge, / fē
Beowulf 1578a þ-rǣsa fela / þāra þe hē ġe·worhte || tō West-Denum / oftor miċe
Beowulf 1864b nd ġe wiþ frēond || fæste ġe·worhte, / ǣghwæs untǣle || ealde wī
Beowulf 2712b e him sē eorð-draca || ǣr ġe·worhte, / swelan and swellan; || hē þ
The Paris Psalter 103:18 1a ft on stānas. / / # / Mōnan hē ġe·worhte || on þā mǣran tīd; / sunne
The Paris Psalter 106:34 1a e inn lifdon. / / # / Wēsten hē ġe·worhte || on wīdne mere, / and swelċ
The Paris Psalter 117:22 2a e hine drihten ūs / wīsfæst ġe·worhte || wera cnēo-rissum, / eallum
The Paris Psalter 135:7 2a ht-fatu || lēodum ana / miċel ġe·worhte || manna bearnum. / / # / Sette o
The Paris Psalter 77:5 3a , || maniĝu wunder, / þā hē ġe·worhte || wera cnēo-rissum. / / # / Hē
The Paris Psalter 78:10 1b æt fruman wunder || fǣġer ġe·worhte.’ / <T PPs78:9> / Ġe·fultuma ūs,
The Paris Psalter 88:3 6b ow-māĝum / on ēċnesse || ā ġe·worhte / full sēfte seld, || þæt h
The Paris Psalter 99:2 3a hē is wealdend god; / hē ūs ġe·worhte || and we his sindon. / / # / Wē
Solomon and Saturn 132b dēman, || þe ūs of dūste ġe·worhte, / nerġend of nihtes wunde? ||
The Menologium 127a || hæfdon maniġe ǣr / wundra ġe·worhte || ġond wǣr-þēoda, / swelċ
The Judgment Day II 216b him selfum swā fela || synna ġe·worhte, / þæt hit on cweart-ærn || c