A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: niht

Number of occurrences in corpus: 86

Genesis B 307b m / þurh·lange swā || þrīe niht and daĝas, / þā englas of he
Genesis A 1349a on andwlitan / nū ofer seofon niht || sīĝan lǣte / wæll-reġn
Genesis A 1449a an nolde. / Hē þā ymb seofon niht || sweartum hræfne / of earce
Genesis A 2322a on weorold cymþ, / ymb seofon niht || siĝores tācne / ġe·āĝn
Genesis A 2450b -sċīma. || Þā cōm aefter niht / on lāst dæġe. || Laĝu-str
Exodus 37b de mān-sċaðan || æt midre niht / frecne ġe·fielled, || frum-
Exodus 63a e·lǣde. / Hēt% þā ymb twā niht || tīr-fæste% hæleþ, / siþ
Daniel 374b t sumor / nerġend herġaþ! || Niht samod and dæġ, / and þeċ la
Christ and Satan 424a nre mǣġþe. / And ymb þrīe niht cōm || þeġn hǣlendes / hām
Christ and Satan 570a % þæt hē þæs / ymb tīene% niht || twelf apostōlas / mid his g
Andreas 1254b eorl ellen-heard, || andlange niht / searu-þancum be·seted. || S
Andreas 1265a rēa-nīedum / winter-ċealdan niht. || Nā on ġe·witte blann, /
Andreas 1305b līdan / under niflan næss. || Niht helmode, / brūn-wann ofer·br
Andreas 1462a n·ċierran / on ðǣre deorcan niht. || Þā cōm drihten god / on
Elene 45b lra þrymma þrymm, || þrīe niht siþþan / on byrġenne || bīd
Christ B 542b ǣre torhtan || byriġ tīen niht þā ġīen, / swā him self be
Christ B 592b e lēoht || swā þā lāðan niht, / swā þrymmes þræce || swā
Christ C 869a || meahtan dryhtnes / æt midre niht || mæġene be·hlǣmeþ, / sċ
Christ C 872a þīestre fareþ, / on sweartre niht, || sorĝlēase hæleþ / samnun
The Order of the World 72a , || glōm ōðer ċīeġþ; / niht aefter cymeþ, || healdeþ n
Guthlac B 1018b gangum / on þisse nīehstan || niht bisigode, / sār-bennum ġe·s
Guthlac B 1028b ġe·wōd || on þisse wannan niht, / līċ-hord on·lēac. || Limu
Guthlac B 1035b -ġe·dāles || þonne seofon niht / frist-ġe·mearces, || þæt
Guthlac B 1218b twēon || and ðǣre deorcan niht, / mæðel-cwide mæċġes || an
Guthlac B 1281b estrum be·þeahte, || þrang niht ofer tiht / landes frætwa. ||
Guthlac B 1287b ele ymb æðelne, || andlange niht / sċān sċīr-wered. || Sċad
Riddles 29 13a , || dēaw fēoll on eorðan, / niht forþ ġe·wāt. || Nǣniġ s
Riddles 39 7b weġ. / Ne biþ hēo nǣfre || niht ðǣr ōðre, / ac hēo sċeall
Azarias 99a drihten, / and þeċ dæġ and niht, || dōmfæst cyning, / lofien a
The Phoenix 98b dæġ-red || and sēo deorce niht / wann ġe·wīteþ; || þonne
Juliana 626a st || bisiĝa unrīm / on ānre niht || earfoþa drēah, / yfel orm
Beowulf 115b t þā nēosian, || siþþan niht be·cōm, / hēan hūses, || h
Beowulf 135a hit lengra frist, / ac ymb āne niht || eft ġe·fremede / morð-bea
Beowulf 517a Ġit on wæteres ǣht / seofon niht swuncon; || hē þe æt sunde
Beowulf 547a || wedera ċealdost, / nīpende niht || and norðan-wind / heaðu-gr
Beowulf 575b icoras niĝune. || Nā iċ on niht ġe·fræġn / under heofones h
Beowulf 649b e meahton, / oþþe nīpende || niht ofer ealle, / sċadu-helma ġe
Beowulf 683b þ-ġe·weorca; || ac wit on niht sċulon / seċġe ofer·sittan,
Beowulf 702b de-ferhþ%. || Cōm on wanre niht / sċrīðan sċadu-genġa. ||
Beowulf 1320b wǣre / aefter nīed-laðum || niht ġe·tǣse. / Hrōð·gār mað
Beowulf 1334a hþe wræc / þe þū ġiestran niht || Grendel cwealdest / þurh h
Beowulf 2116b / nīede nāmon, || oþ·þæt niht be·cōm / ōðer tō ieldum. |
Beowulf 2938b ēt / earmre teohhe || andlange niht, / cwæþ, hē on merġenne || m
Judith 34a æt fīra bearnum / nēa-lǣhte niht sēo þīestre. || Hēt þā
The Paris Psalter 103:19 1b ū ġe·settest || on þearle niht, / on ðǣre ealle wild-dēor ||
The Paris Psalter 118:62 2a and lǣste. / / # / Iċ æt midre niht || mǣla ġe·hwelċe / recene
The Paris Psalter 120:6 2a ġe·bærne / ne þē mōna on niht || min ne ġe·weorðe, / ac þ
The Paris Psalter 138:10 2a aht; / þurh þā on·līehtest niht, || þæt% hēo biþ dæġe ġ
The Paris Psalter 73:15 1b dæġ settest || and deorce niht, / swelċe þū ġe·settest ||
The Paris Psalter 76:2 3a ðe ġe·nēahhe, / and iċ on niht for him || nīede ēode; / næs
The Paris Psalter 77:16 3a t drihten hēt, / and him ealle niht || ōðer bēacen / fȳres lēo
The Paris Psalter 87:1 3a ē || dīegle clipode, / and on niht fore þē || nīede swelċe. /
The Paris Psalter 89:5 1a n wǣre; / / # / And swā hīe on niht hierdnesse || nīede be·gang
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 61b wideru. || Hwæt, þā wannan niht / mōna on·līehteþ, || oþ·
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 16b on þance, || ġif sēo dimme niht / ǣr ofer eldum || eġesan ne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 13b rseċġ, / ðǣr nǣngu biþ || niht on sumera / ne wihte þon mā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 29b s / naman on·wendaþ || þonne niht cymeþ, / hātaþ hine ealle ||
Solomon and Saturn 106a nan || fēonde tō willan’. / ‘Niht biþ wedera þīestrost, || n
The Menologium 11a m hēton. / And þæs ymbe fīf niht || þætte fulwiht tīd / ēċe
The Menologium 19b ēawe. || And þæs ymbe āne niht / þæt we Marian || mæssan he
The Menologium 23a temple. / Þonne þæs ymb fīf niht || þæt ā·fered biþ / winte
The Menologium 34a hē furður cymeþ / ufor ānre niht || ūs tō tūne), / hrīme ġe
The Menologium 38a ne sē hālĝa þæs / ymb [XI] niht || æðele sċynde / Greĝorius
The Menologium 41a welċe Benedictus / ymbe niĝon niht þæs || nerġend sōhte, / hea
The Menologium 48a nd mōnan. / Hwæt, ymb fēower niht || fæder on·sende, / þæs þ
The Menologium 71b , / þæt ymbe niĝon-tīene || niht and% fīfum%, / þæs þe Easte
The Menologium 76a e on burh ræðe / ymbe% siex% niht% þæs%, || smicere on ġearwu
The Menologium 83a es lufan. / And þæs ymbe twā niht || þætte tǣhte god / Elenan
The Menologium 88a ymb frist wucan / būtan ānre niht || þætte ieldum bringþ / si
The Menologium 131a | Þonne ǣdre cymþ / ymb twā niht þæs || tīdlīċe ūs / Iuliu
The Menologium 133a on þǣm Iacobus / ymb fēower niht || feorh ġe·sealde / and% twe
The Menologium 137a s simle sċrīþþ / ymb seofon niht þæs || sumere ġe·beorhtod
The Menologium 144a ne forþ ġe·wāt / ymb þrīe niht þæs || þēodne ġe·trīew
The Menologium 148a ēane. / Swelċe þæs ymb fīf niht || fæġerost mǣġþa, / wīfa
The Menologium 154a Þonne ealling biþ / ymb tīen niht þæs || tīd ġe·weorðod / B
The Menologium 158a ðelinges dēaþ / ymb fēower niht, || sē þe fæġere ġō / mid
The Menologium 163a cenned. / And þæs ymbe þrīe niht || ġond þēoda fela / þætte
The Menologium 174a onne ealling cymþ / ymb þrīe niht þæs || þēodum wīde / efen-
The Menologium 181a es dæġ. / And þæs ymbe twā niht || þæt sē tēoða mōnaþ /
The Menologium 194a ofostum bringþ / ymbe fēower niht, || folce ġe·nihtsum, / Blōt-
The Menologium 207b frætwe. || Þæs ymb fēower niht / þætte Martinus || mǣre ġe
The Menologium 210b a weard. || Þonne ymbe eahta niht / and fēowerum || þætte fan
The Menologium 215a earfe. / And þæs ymbe seofon niht, || siġe-drihtne lēof%, / æð
The Menologium 226a sunga his. / Þonne ymb fēower niht || þætte fæder engla / his s
The Judgment Day II 254a | þæt is hyhta mǣst. / Þǣr niht ne ġe·nimþ% || nǣfre þī
Metrical Charm 1: For Unfruitful Land 3a ybb-lǣce. Ġe·nim þonne on niht, ǣr hit || / daĝie, fēower t