fultus noun neut gen pl us_a_um poetic
fultus noun masc gen pl us_a_um poetic
fultus noun masc acc sg us_a_um
fultus noun neut nom sg us_a_um
fultus noun neut nom/voc/acc sg us_a_um
fulcio participle perf part pass neut gen pl pp4 poetic
fulcio participle perf part pass masc gen pl pp4 poetic
fulcio participle perf part pass masc acc sg pp4
fulcio participle perf part pass neut nom sg pp4
fulcio participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc sg pp4
fulcio noun supine neut nom sg pp4
fultus noun neut gen pl us_a_um poetic
fultus noun masc gen pl us_a_um poetic
fultus noun masc acc sg us_a_um
fultus noun neut nom sg us_a_um
fultus noun neut nom/voc/acc sg us_a_um
fulcio participle perf part pass neut gen pl pp4 poetic
fulcio participle perf part pass masc gen pl pp4 poetic
fulcio participle perf part pass masc acc sg pp4
fulcio participle perf part pass neut nom sg pp4
fulcio participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc sg pp4
fulcio noun supine neut nom sg pp4
Number of occurrences in corpus: 52
Genesis A 173b | -cyning, / frēa æl-mehtiġ || | fultum | tēode; / wīf ā·weahte || an |
Genesis A 974a | ōðer ǣhte hēold / fæder on | fultum, | || oþþæt forþ ġe·wāt / d |
Genesis A 1964a | nar || sīde weorolde / fōr on | fultum. | || Ġe·witon hīe fēower þ |
Genesis A 2072b | de / fēond on fitte. || Him on | fultum | grāp / heofon-rīċes weard. | |
Genesis A 2794a | þā cōm sōþ metod / fram on | fultum, | || wiste ferhþ guman / ċearum |
Elene 614a | Rōme bisċop, / ġe·fetian on | fultum, | || forþ-snotterne, / hæleþa |
Guthlac A 189b | n / frāsunga fela. || Him wæs | fultum | nēah, / enġel hine elne tryme |
The Phoenix 390a | rhtne ġe·fēan / þurh fæder | fultum | || on þās frēcnan tīd / hea |
The Phoenix 455a | hten ġe·cīeĝþ, / fæder on | fultum, | || forþ ōnetteþ, / lǣnan l |
The Phoenix 646a | f eft on·fēng / þurh fæder | fultum. | || Swā fenix bēacnaþ, / ġun |
Precepts 6a | gōda ġe·hwelċes / frēa and | fultum, | || fēond þām ōðrum / wiers |
Beowulf 698a | | Wedera lēodum, / frōfor and | fultum, | || þæt hīe fēond hira / þu |
Beowulf 1273a | re ġe·līefde, / frōfre and | fultum; | || þȳ hē þone fēond ofer |
Beowulf 1835a | || gār-holt bere, / mæġenes | fultum, | || ðǣr þe biþ manna ðear |
Beowulf 2662a | wīġ-hafolan bær / frēan on | fultum, | || fēa worda cwæþ: / ‘Lēo |
Judith 186a | aldor oþ·þrang / þurh godes | fultum. | || Nū iċ gumena ġe·hwone / |
Judith 300a | fēng drihten god / fæġere on | fultum, | || frēa eall-mehtiġ. / Hīe |
The Paris Psalter 106:11 3b | on, / næfdon þā on foldan || | fultum | ǣnne. / / # / Hīe on costunge | |
The Paris Psalter 107:11 1b | ūs on earfoþum || æðelne | fultum; | / for·þon hǣlu biþ || hēr |
The Paris Psalter 108:12 1b | Ne him āhwǣr wese || ǣniġ | fultum, | / ne his stēop-ċildum || stan |
The Paris Psalter 113:18 3a | || holdne be·ġēaton / fǣlne | fultum; | || hē hīe wiþ fēondum ġe |
The Paris Psalter 113:19 3a | hē him līðe wearþ / and him | fultum | ġe·stōd || fæste æt þea |
The Paris Psalter 113:20 3a | || habban on drihten, / hē him | fultum | || fæste ġe·standeþ / and h |
The Paris Psalter 117:6 1a | n hēare% brǣdu. / / # / Nū mē | fultum | is || fǣle drihten, / nis mē |
The Paris Psalter 117:7 1a | | for āhwæðer. / / # / Nū mē | fultum | is || fǣle drihten, / iċ frac |
The Paris Psalter 120:1 2a | ǣm hēan beorĝe, / ðǣr iċ | fultum | fand || fǣlne æt þearfe. / / |
The Paris Psalter 120:2 1a | ǣlne æt þearfe. / / # / Is min | fultum | ēac || fǣġer æt drihtne, / |
The Paris Psalter 143:2 2a | || min æt þearfe, / friþ and | fultum, | || fæst andfenġa / and ā·l |
The Paris Psalter 58:17 4a | sedon ġe·nēahhe; / þū eart | fultum | min, || iċ þē fela singe. / |
The Paris Psalter 59:10 1b | nū on earfoþum || æðelne | fultum, | / for·þon hǣlu biþ || hēr |
The Paris Psalter 61:2 2a | || and ġearu hǣlend; / is hē | fultum | min, || iċ ne forhtie wiht. / |
The Paris Psalter 61:6 2a | in || and glēaw hǣlend% / and | fultum | is; || ne mæġ iċ hine āhw |
The Paris Psalter 61:8 3b | ow god standeþ || ġeorne on | fultum. | / / # / Hwæðere ġē, manna bea |
The Paris Psalter 62:7 4a | wēne, / for·þon þū mē on | fultum | || fæste ġe·stōde. / / # / I |
The Paris Psalter 69:1 1b | / Wes, drihten god, || dēore | fultum; | / be·heald, drihten, mē || an |
The Paris Psalter 69:7 1a | a æl-mehtiġ. / / # / Þū% mē | fultum | eart || fæste, drihten, / eart |
The Paris Psalter 70:6 2a | e maniĝum, / and þū mē eart | fultum | strang || fæste æt þearfe. |
The Paris Psalter 70:11 2b | mē, sōþ god, || simle on | fultum. | / / # / Bēoþ ġe·drette, || ē |
The Paris Psalter 71:12 4b | fþ / āhwǣr elles || ǣniġne | fultum. | / / # / Hē helpeþ þearfan, || |
The Paris Psalter 77:34 2a | || þæt wæs god hira / fǣle | fultum, | || frēond æt þearfe; / wæs |
The Paris Psalter 83:5 2a | wer, || sē þe him ōðerne / | fultum | ne sēċeþ || nemþe fǣlne |
The Paris Psalter 85:17 1a | / / # / For·þon þū mē wǣre | fultum | || fæste, drihten, / and mē f |
The Paris Psalter 88:17 3b | Iċ mē on þissum folce || | fultum | sette / ofer-mihtiġne%, || þo |
The Paris Psalter 88:37 1a | ndas || fǣcne on blisse. / / # / | Fultum | þū him ā·fierdest || fā |
The Paris Psalter 90:1 1b | # / Mē eardaþ æt || æðele | fultum | / þæs hīehstan || heofon-rī |
The Paris Psalter 90:2 2a | ‘Þū mē dīere eart / fǣle | fultum; | || hæbbe iċ frēond on him, |
The Paris Psalter 93:19 3a | st and ġe·staðelod; / is mē | fultum | his || fæst on drihtne. / / # / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 8a | e, / nabbaþ hīe æt fiðerum | fultum, | || ne maĝon hīe mid fōtum |
Metrical Psalm 93:19 3a | || and ġe·staðolod / is mē | fultum | his || fæst on drihtne. |
Solomon and Saturn 128a | one God sendeþ / frēondum on | fultum, | || færeþ aefter //D// D / fī |
Solomon and Saturn 236b | and tō his frēondum wile || | fultum | sēċan, / þēah hwæðre godc |
The Judgment Day II 223b | for āweġ; || ne biþ ðǣr | fultum | nan / þæt wiþ þā biteran |