Number of occurrences in corpus: 29
Genesis A 2712a | folce || frēan æl-mihtġes / | eġesa | wǣre, || þā iċ hēr ǣres |
Genesis A 2867a | ðde þæt him gasta weardes / | eġesa | on brēostum wunode. || On·g |
Daniel 524b | liċ æðeling, || him þæs | eġesa | stōd, / gryre fram þǣm gāst |
Christ and Satan 378b | on% / būton ende. || Þā him | eġesa | be·cōm, / dyne for dēman, || |
Christ and Satan 391b | ll tō·weorpan. || Nū þēs | eġesa | cōm, / dyne for drihtne, || s |
Christ and Satan 404b | t / open on ūhtan, || þā sē | eġesa | be·cōm. / Lēt þā up faran |
Andreas 445a | es bōsme || on bātes fæðm / | eġesa | ofer ȳþ-lid. || Eall-mehti |
Andreas 532b | nd, / ēar-ȳða ġe·bland. || | Eġesa | ġe·stilde, / wīd-fæðme wǣ |
Dream of the Rood 86b | ānra, || þāra þe him biþ | eġesa | tō mē. / ġeō iċ wæs ġe· |
Christ B 838b | þ. / Þǣr biþ oþ·īewed || | eġesa | māra / þonne fram frum-ġe· |
Guthlac A 72b | iernaþ || þā þe him godes | eġesa | / hlēonaþ ofer heafdum. || H |
Guthlac A 167b | elplīċes. || Him wæs godes | eġesa | / māra on ġe·myndum || þonn |
Guthlac A 420b | ēaw, / ðǣr þæs ealdres || | eġesa | ne stīereþ. / Nā ðǣr% þā |
Riddles 3 33b | ða hryċġum. || Þǣr biþ | eġesa | sum / ieldum ġe·īewed, || þ |
Riddles 3 49b | areþ / atol ēorod-þrēat, || | eġesa | ā·stīġeþ, / miċel mōd-þ |
Juliana 35b | on gǣste. || Hire wæs godes | eġesa | / māra on ġe·myndum, || þon |
The Seafarer 103a | faþ. / Miċel biþ sē metodes | eġesa, | || for·þon hīe sēo molde |
Beowulf 784a | || Norð-Denum stōd / atoliċ | eġesa, | || ānra ġe·hwelcum / þāra |
Judith 252a | bodian, / ær·þon þe him sē | eġesa | || on ufan sǣte, / mæġen Ebr |
The Paris Psalter 102:21 3a | ēac blētsie, / ðǣr him his | eġesa, | || an-weald, standeþ; / blēts |
The Paris Psalter 104:33 3a | ēawodon, / for·þon him ðǣr | eġesa | || angrisliċ stōd. / / # / Hē |
The Paris Psalter 117:4 2b | ðe, / þe him inn standeþ || | eġesa | dryhtnes; / for·þon hē is s |
The Paris Psalter 54:5 1a | þ on || fyrhtu dēaðes. / / # / | Eġesa | mē and fyrhtu || ealne for· |
The Paris Psalter 73:1 3b | / Is þīn ierre strang || and | eġesa | miċel / ofer þīn āĝen || |
The Paris Psalter 75:5 4a | m || hwīlum wǣron; / is þīn | eġesa | miċel; || hwelċ mæġ ǣfre |
The Paris Psalter 77:53 2b | æs him on fyrhtu || fēondes | eġesa, | / ac ealle þā || ȳða for·n |
The Paris Psalter 87:16 1b | / # / Oft mē þīnes ierres || | eġesa | ġe·þēowde, / and mē brōĝ |
The Paris Psalter 89:13 2b | ǣniġ, / hū þīnes ierres || | eġesa | standeþ / and sēo miċele mea |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 4a | gryre, || / wiþ þone miċela | eġesa | || þe biþ ǣġhwǣm lāþ, / |