A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: frymþe

Number of occurrences in corpus: 30

Genesis A 132a %. || Wēl līcode / frēan æt frymþe || forþ-bǣru tīd, / dæġ ǣ
Genesis A 954a | ārna of·tēon, / fæder æt frymþe, || þēah þe hīe% him fram
Genesis A 2392b teallian || swā iċ þē æt frymþe ġe·hēt. / Sōþ iċ þē se
Daniel 35a ǣhte ġeaf. / Wīsode% him æt frymþe, || þā þe on fruman ǣr þo
Soul and Body I 79a selfum), / ðǣr þū wurde æt frymþe fuĝol || oþþe fisċ on sǣ
Christ A 121a s || weorodum brungen, / þe on frymþe wæs || fæder æl-mihtĝum / e
Christ A 223a || hū þē rodera weard / æt frymþe ġe·nam || him tō frēo-bea
Maxims I 5b || for·þon þe hē ūs æt frymþe ġe·tēode / līf and lǣnne w
The Order of the World 38a yġe ġe·fæstna. / Hwæt, on% frymþe ġe·sċōp || fæder æl-meh
Guthlac A 1b fæġerost || þonne hīe æt frymþe ġe·metaþ, / enġel and sēo
Riddles 40 6b mec wrætlīċe || worhte æt frymþe, / þā hē þisne ymb-hwyrft ||
Riddles 40 34b ē lēof fæder || lǣrde æt frymþe, / þæt iċ þā mid rihte || r
Resignation 84b s on ferhþe, || swā mē on frymþe ġe·lamp / iermþu ofer eorða
The Phoenix 84b fyrn-ġe·weorc || sē hit on frymþe ġe·sċōp. / Þone wudu weard
The Phoenix 239b e·frætwod, || swylc hē æt frymþe wæs, / beorht ġe·blōwen. ||
The Phoenix 280b feðer-hama, || swā hē æt frymþe wæs, / þā hine ǣrest god ||
The Paris Psalter 104:24 1b strum on·gann || þrēan æt frymþe, / for·þon hīe word hira || w
The Paris Psalter 110:7 1b ċġa ġe·hwǣm || snytru on frymþe, / þæt hē godes eġesan || gl
The Paris Psalter 131:2 1a e and gōde. / / # / Swā iċ æt frymþe ġe·swōr || ferhþe wiþ dr
The Paris Psalter 131:14 2b rde ġe·ċēas || ǣrest æt frymþe. / / # / Þis is min ræst, || þe
The Paris Psalter 136:6 3b for·sette þē || simle æt frymþe; / ac iċ on Hierusālem || ġeo
The Paris Psalter 70:4 2b ġuĝuþe hiht || glēaw æt frymþe. / / # / Iċ of mōdor hrife || mu
The Paris Psalter 77:2 3b weorold-rīċum || wǣron æt frymþe. / / # / Ealle% þā we on·cnēow
The Paris Psalter 79:14 5b n sēo swīðre || sette æt frymþe, / and ofer mannes sunu, || þe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 38a || eft ġe·ċierran / þe æt frymþe || fæder ġe·tēode, / and sw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 77b / his āĝen weorc || eall æt frymþe, / (þæt is wiðer-weardnes ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 13a him% cyning engla, / fæder æt frymþe, || fæste ġe·tēode. / Swā n
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 14a fte and rodore, / swā% him æt frymþe || fæder ġe·tēode. / ­­Þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 37a e ġe·þwǣre, / swā him æt frymþe || fæder ġe·teohhode. / Ne
The Menologium 46b on wealdend God || worhte æt frymþe / on þȳ selfan dæġe || sunn