A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: wīte

Number of occurrences in corpus: 71

Genesis B 296b e·dǣlan, || and sċolde his wīte habban, / ealra morðra mǣst.
Genesis B 318a oldon. / Worhte man hit him tō wīte, || hira weorold wæs ġe·hwi
Genesis B 323b winnes wiþ hira wealdend. || Wīte þoliaþ, / hātne heaðo-wielm
Genesis B 329b n% / word weorðian, || hæfdon wīte miċel, / wǣron% þā be·feal
Genesis B 355a āt wæs him ūtan / wrāðliċ wīte. || Hē þā worde cwæþ: / ‘
Genesis B 367b him on wynne, || and we þis wīte þolien, / hearm on þisse hell
Genesis B 431b on·wended || and wierþ him wīte ġe·ġearwod%, / sum heard hea
Genesis B 481b isse weorolde. || Sċolde on wīte ā / mid swāte and mid sorĝum
Genesis B 563a t þū inċ bām twǣm meaht / wīte be·warian, || swa iċ þē w
Genesis B 621a es || ġe·ġiered hæbbe. / Ne wīte iċ him þā wōm-cwidas, ||
Genesis B 801a self be·bēad / þæt wit unc wīte || warian sċolden, / hearma m
Genesis A 1014a | Þū þæs cwealmes sċealt / wīte winnan || and on wræc hweorf
Genesis A 1043a synne || seofon-feald wracu, / wīte aefter weorce’. || Hine wea
Genesis A 1266b frēa wolde / on wǣr-loĝan || wīte settan / and on dēaþ slêan |
Genesis A 1319a || þēodum tō-weard, / rēðe wīte. || Hīe ne% rōhton þæs. / Ġ
Genesis A 1819b ǣrfæst wēan; || wæs þæt wīte tō strang. / Abraham maðelode
Genesis A 2498a stiernde swīðe / weorode mid wīte. || Sprǣcon wordum þā / fǣle
Genesis A 2544a and sweartne līeġ / werum tō wīte, || weallende fȳr, / þæs hīe
Genesis A 2570a | ðǣr hīe strang be·ġeat / wīte, þæs hēo wordum || wuldres
Genesis A 2747a æs weorc ġe·hlēat, / frecne wīte. || Ne meahton frēo ne þēow
Daniel 143b dēaðe, || nemþe iċ dōm wīte / sōðan swefnes, || þæs min
Daniel 269a sefan on·trēowde, / wunder on wīte ā·gangen; || him þæt wræ
Daniel 521a in sūsl dôn, / þæt his mōd wīte || þæt mihtiġra / wīte weal
Daniel 522a mōd wīte || þæt mihtiġra / wīte wealdeþ || þonne hē him wi
Daniel 616b ēocrostne sīþ || in Godes wīte, / þāra þe eft libbende || l
Daniel 644a mena ġe·hwelcum% / welan swā wīte, || swā hē wolde self. / Ne le
Daniel 726b nd / in sele wrītan || Sennera wīte. / Þæt ġieddodon || gumena me
Christ and Satan 48b % and weorcum%, || and iċ in wīte sċeall / bīdan in bendum, ||
Christ and Satan 492a nemþe hǣlend God, / sē þæt wīte ǣr || tō wrece ġe·sette. /
Christ and Satan 634b ·þolian sċolon || earmliċ wīte, / clamm and carc-ærn, || and
Andreas 546b reċċan mæġ || oþþe rīm wīte / hū þrymlīċe, || þēoda b
Andreas 603b seċġan, || þæt iċ sōð wīte, / hwæðer wealdend þīn || wu
Andreas 889b m biþ wræc-sīþ witod, || wīte ġe·openad, / þe% þāra ġe
Soul and Body I 7a imeþ || æt Gode selfum / swā wīte swā wuldor, || swā him on w
Soul and Body I 22a haman || lǣded wǣre. / Hwæt, wīte þū% mē, wērĝa. || Hwæt,
Dream of the Rood 61a hōfon hine of þǣm hefigan wīte. || forlēton mē þā hilderi
Elene 416b āsere, || þe him sēo cwēn wīte. / Þā ðǣr for eorlum || ān
Elene 82b īfes lāttēow, || lāðliċ wīte / for ofer-þearfe || ielda cyn
Christ B 442b snyttru, || þæt þū sōþ wīte / hū þæt ġe·ēode, || þā
Christ B 595a wā mid dēoflum hrēam, / swā wīte mid wrāðum || swā wuldor m
Christ C 1207a || dolh sċēawian, / wunde and wīte. || On wērĝum sefan / ġe·sē
Christ C 1249b / sār þrōwian, || synna tō wīte, / weallendne līeġ || and wyrm
Christ C 1269b imm helle fȳr, || ġearu tō wīte / andweard sēoþ, || on þām
Christ C 1292b him hira iermþu || ān tō wīte, / ac þāra ōðerra || ēad t
Christ C 1451b de. / Þā iċ, wamma lēas, || wīte% þolode, / yfel earfoþu, || o
Christ C 1514a sċulon hearde ā·drēoĝan / wīte tō wīdan ealdre, || wræc m
Christ C 1622b d tō swīĝenne || synna tō wīte. / Þonne hāliġ gǣst || helle
Vainglory 46b mittest / wunian on wīcum, || wīte þe be þissum / fēawum forþ-
Maxims I 43a erft cyme. / Wealdend him þæt wīte tēode, || sē him mæġ wyrp
Soul and Body II 7a imeþ || æt gode selfum / swā wīte swā wuldor, || swā him on w
Soul and Body II 22a haman || lǣded wǣre. / Hwæt, wīte þū mē, wērĝa. || Hwæt,
Guthlac A 469a ·stǣldon. / Ealles þū þæs wīte ā·wunne; || for·þon þū
Guthlac A 713b fstum% / on his wer-genġan || wīte leġdon. / Is þæt min brōðo
Guthlac B 891b eċċan mæġe || oþþe rīm wīte / ealra þāra wundra || þe h
Riddles 23 6b ē wealdend, || sē mē þæt wīte ġe·sċōp, / liðu for·lǣte
Riddles 26 17b ht-folca helm, || nealles dol wīte. / Ġif min bearn wera || brūca
Riddles 4 11a | mē þæt selfe, / ðǣr wiht wīte || and wordum min / on spēd m
The Wife's Lament 5a || nā mā þonne nū. / Ā iċ wīte wann || mīnra wræc-sīða. /
The Judgment Day I 19a þ fȳr on·ġēan, / drōfliċ wīte, || ðǣr nǣfre dæġ sċīen
The Phoenix 644a || ræfnan sċolde, / þearliċ wīte, || hē þȳ þriddan dæġe / a
Precepts 19b mes ġe·wita. || Hē þe mid wīte ġieldeþ, / swelċe þām ōð
Precepts 56b sċeaft, || nefne hē fǣhþe wīte. / Wær-wyrde sċeall || wīsfæ
The Paris Psalter 142:9 1b ē weĝas wīse, || þæt iċ wīte ġearwe / on hwelcne iċ gange
The Paris Psalter 57:2 2b n wrāðe; || for·þon þæs wīte eft / on ēowre handa || hefiġ
The Paris Psalter 65:16 2a ēow || āwiht on heortan, / ne wīte mē þæt, || wealdend% driht
The Paris Psalter 77:45 1a a ǣniġ. / / # / Sette him heard wīte, || hundes flēoĝan, / and hīe
The Paris Psalter 90:8 2b e·seġe firenfulra || frecne wīte. / / # / Þū mē eart sē hīehst
Solomon and Saturn 163b . / ‘swīce, || ǣr hē sōþ wīte, / þæt þā synfullan || sāwl
Solomon and Saturn 63a efaþ, / wielleþ hine on þǣm wīte, || wunaþ unlustum, / singeþ s
The Judgment Day II 92b mōde, || hū miċel is þæt wīte / þe þāra earmra biþ || for
The Lord's Prayer III 27a līfes. / Ne lǣd þū ūs tō wīte || on wēan sorĝe / ne on cost