Number of occurrences in corpus: 160
Genesis A 26a | on gielp micel / þæt hie wiþ | drihtne | || dælan meahton / wuldorfæst |
Genesis A 81a | | þrymmas weoxon / duguþa mid | drihtne | || dreamhæbbendra / wæron þa |
Genesis A 105b | da grund / stod deop and dim || | drihtne | fremde / idel and unnyt || on |
Genesis B 255b | || þæt him com from weroda | drihtne | / gelic wæs he þam leohtum st |
Genesis B 257b | n heofonum || and sceolde his | drihtne | þancian / þæs leanes þe he |
Genesis B 261a | am halgan stole / deore wæs he | drihtne | urum || ne mihte him bedyrned |
Genesis B 340a | eofne || and his hearran leof / | drihtne | dyre || oþ hie to dole wurdo |
Genesis B 421b | on þas deopan dalo || nu hie | drihtne | synt / wurþran micle || and mo |
Genesis B 587a | h holdne hyge || herran minum / | drihtne | selfum || ne eom ic deofle ge |
Genesis B 742b | / hnigan mid heafdum || halgum | drihtne | / þurh geongordom || ac unc ge |
Genesis A 951b | t mære lif / dugeþum deore || | drihtne | healdeþ / no hwæþre ælmihti |
Genesis A 975b | wat / dægrimes worn || hie þa | drihtne | lac / begen brohton || brego en |
Genesis A 1247a | leodfruman || on lufan swiþe / | drihtne | dyre || and domeadig / oþþæt |
Genesis A 1818a | ig / abraham gewat || on egypte / | drihtne | gecoren || drohtaþ secan / fle |
Genesis A 2174a | ham þa || andswarode / dædrof | drihtne | sinum || frægn hine dægrime |
Genesis A 2421b | wif somed / duguþum wlance || | drihtne | guldon / god mid gnyrne || oþ |
Daniel 37b | tode dyrust / dugoþa dyrust || | drihtne | leofost / herepaþ tæhte || to |
Daniel 150b | wom / daniel to dome || se wæs | drihtne | gecoren / snotor and soþfæst |
Daniel 220b | ste / and ne awacodon || wereda | drihtne | / ne þan mæ gehwurfe || in h |
Daniel 455b | uþe gecyþed || siþþan hie | drihtne | gehyrdon / wæron hyra rædas r |
Daniel 593b | o þæs fela daniel || to his | drihtne | gespræc / soþra worda || þur |
Daniel 735b | ga cyn / oþþæt daniel com || | drihtne | gecoren / snotor and soþfæst |
Christ and Satan 44a | ah-selda wynn. / Hwæt, we for | drihtne | ġō || drēamas hæfdon, / san |
Christ and Satan 82a | n heofonum || hāliġ enġel, / | drihtne | dēore; || hæfde mē drēam |
Christ and Satan 155a | u ymb leofne || lofsonga word / | drihtne | sædon || nu ic eom dædum fa |
Christ and Satan 313b | || / agan dreama dream || mid | drihtne | gode / a to worulde || a buton |
Christ and Satan 392a | || nu þes egsa com / dyne for | drihtne | || sceal þes dreorga heap / un |
Christ and Satan 511a | com || ece dreamas / to haligum | drihtne | # || / swa wuldres weard || wo |
Christ and Satan 511b | | ēċe drēamas / tō hālĝum | drihtne’. | / 'Swā% wuldres weard || wordu |
Christ and Satan 550a | olon || mæla gehwylce / secgan | drihtne | þanc || dædum and weorcum / |
Christ and Satan 589b | we moton seolfe || sittan mid | drihtne | / uppe mid englum || habban þ |
Andreas 959a | n, || þæt þū gode swīce, / | drihtne | þīnum. || Wes ā dōmes ġe |
Andreas 1006a | nder heolstor-locan, / seċġan | drihtne | lof, || dōm-weorðinga / engla |
Andreas 1151a | || Gode ealles þanc, / dryhtna | drihtne, | || þæs þe hē dōm ġiefe |
Andreas 1641a | framlīċe || fulwihtes bæþ / | drihtne | tō willan || and dēoful-ġi |
The Fates of the Apostles 5b | ǣron%, / dǣdum dōmfæste, || | drihtne | ġe·corene, / lēofe on līfe. |
Soul and Body I 78b | tan þū hīe ġe·dǣlde || | drihtne | selfum), / ðǣr þū wurde æt |
Soul and Body I 96b | ðǣr / on þǣm dōm-dæġe || | drihtne | seċġan? / Þonne ne biþ nan |
Elene 193b | ēold / on his daĝena tīd, || | drihtne | tō willan. / Þā wæs on sǣl |
Elene 292a | ðe wǣron || wuldor-cyninge, / | drihtne | dīere || and dǣd-hwate. / Hw |
Elene 701a | ce. || Gode þancode, / siĝora | drihtne, | || þæs þe hēo sōþ ġe· |
Christ B 601a | þætte wer-þēode / seċġen | drihtne | þanc || duĝuþa ġe·hwelcr |
Christ C 930b | ēop ġe·sċeaft || and fore | drihtne | færeþ / wielm-fȳra mǣst || |
Christ C 1049b | ǣda dierne, || ac ðǣr biþ | drihtne | cūþ / on þām miċelan dæġ |
Christ C 1108a | and þā openan dolh / on hira | drihtne | ġe·sēoþ || drēoriġ-ferh |
Christ C 1644b | de, / drēamum ġe·dīerde, || | drihtne | ġe·līefde. / Āwa tō ealdre |
The Whale 83a | þon is eallinga || / dryhtna | drihtne% | || and ā dēoflum wiþ·sace |
The Partridge 14a | friðes earnian, / duĝuþe tō | drihtne, | || þenden ūs dæġ sċīene |
Soul and Body II 73b | tan þū hīe ġe·dǣlde || | drihtne | selfum), / ðǣr þū wurde æt |
Soul and Body II 89b | þū ðǣr / on dōm-dæġe || | drihtne | seċġan? / Þonne ne biþ nǣn |
Guthlac A 69a | u || þe ġond middan-ġeard / | drihtne | þēowiaþ || and þæs dēor |
Guthlac A 80a | ā þe lǣs āgon, / dæġhwǣm | drihtne | þēowiaþ. || Hē hira dǣde |
Guthlac A 183b | āces% / dēor-wierðne dæl || | drihtne | cennaþ. / Hē him siġe sealde |
Guthlac A 215b | . / Stōd sēo dīegle stōw || | drihtne | on ġe·myndum / īdel and ǣ-m |
Guthlac A 341a | r·sæt / þæs þe hē for his | drihtne | || drēoĝan sċolde, / þæt h |
Guthlac A 464b | orðmyndu / on dolum drēame || | drihtne | ġieldaþ. / Fela ġē fore man |
Guthlac A 527b | tra / dǣde dēmen, || seċġen | drihtne | lof / ealra þāra bȳsena || |
Guthlac A 614a | sum, || þæt ġē lof mōten / | drihtne | seċġan, || ac ġē dēaðe |
Guthlac A 631b | · wiþ-hoĝodon% || hālĝum | drihtne. | / Ne mōston ġē ā wunian || |
Guthlac A 721a | his weorc || on ġe·witnesse / | drihtne | lǣdon. || Hē his dǣde cann |
Guthlac A 740b | nnes / drēamum ġe·dǣlde, || | drihtne | þēowde, / ġe·nam him tō wi |
Guthlac B 841a | dan fēore || wunian mōston / | drihtne | on ġe·sihþe, || būtan dē |
Guthlac B 1112b | ·sæġde / dēop-hyċġende || | drihtne | tō willan / gǣst-ġe·rȳnum |
Deor 37a | le wæs || Hedeninga sċōp, / | drihtne | dīere. || Mē wæs Dēor nam |
The Judgment Day I 96b | hwelċ%, / dēop-hyġdiġra, || | drihtne | hīereþ, / þāra þe wile heo |
Resignation 18a | ge || wācor hīerde, / rīċum | drihtne, | || þonne min rǣd wǣre. / For |
Alms-Giving 4a | ðmynda mǣst, / and for ūssum | drihtne | || dōma sēlost. / Efene swā |
Riddles 71 9b | rsted. || Mē []i[] / []go[] || | drihtne | min[] / []wlite bēte. || |
The Phoenix 658b | drēama drēam, || ðǣr hīe | drihtne | tō ġiefe / worda and weorca | |
Juliana 221b | uþe mid dēoflum. || Iċ tō | drihtne | min / mōd staðolie, || sē of |
Juliana 249a | wierðeste || wuldor-cyninge, / | drihtne | ūssum? || þe þēs dēma ha |
Juliana 594a | sæġde ealles þanc / dryhtna | drihtne. | || Þā sē dēma wearþ / hrē |
Beowulf 1398a | ela || gode ðancode / mihtigan | drihtne | || ðæs se man gespræc / ða |
Beowulf 1692a | æt wæs fremde þēod / ēċan | drihtne; | || him þæs ende-lēan / þurh |
Beowulf 1779a | æs sīe metode þanc, / ēċan | drihtne, | || þæs þe iċ on ealdre ġ |
Beowulf 2330b | de / ofer ealde riht, || ēċan | drihtne, | / bitere ġe·bulĝe. || Brēos |
Beowulf 2483a | | Hæþ-cynne wearþ, / Ġēata | drihtne, | || gūþ on·sǣġe. / Þā iċ |
Beowulf 2753b | / aefter word-cwidum || wundum | drihtne | / hīeran heaðu-sēocum, || hr |
Beowulf 2796a | ge, || wordum seċġe, / ēċum | drihtne, | || þe iċ hēr on starie, / þ |
Judith 342a | Iudith sæġde / wuldor weoroda | drihtne, | || þe hire weorð-mynde ġea |
Judith 346b | yrnde || ðæs sy ðam leofan | drihtne | / wuldor to widan aldre || ðe |
The Paris Psalter 101:20 2b | / and ricu eac || þæt hraþe | drihtne | / ful holdlice || hyran syþþa |
The Paris Psalter 103:29 1b | / / # / wuldor si wide || weruda | drihtne | / and on worulda woruld || wuni |
The Paris Psalter 103:31 1b | # / ic on minum life || lustum | drihtne | / singe soþlice || and secge e |
The Paris Psalter 104:1 1a | alter: Psalm 104 / / # / andetaþ | drihtne | || and his ecne naman / cegaþ |
The Paris Psalter 105:1 1b | lm 105 / / # / ic andette || ecum | drihtne | / georne þam gleawan || forþa |
The Paris Psalter 106:5 1b | ǣre costunge || clipodon tō | drihtne%, | / and hē hīe of þǣm earfoþ |
The Paris Psalter 106:12 1b | i on costunge || cleopedan to | drihtne | / and he hi of þam earfoþum | |
The Paris Psalter 106:18 1b | i on costunge || cleopedan to | drihtne | / and he hi of þam earfoþum | |
The Paris Psalter 106:20 1b | orþon hi nu andettan || ecum | drihtne | / þæt he milde wearþ || mann |
The Paris Psalter 106:27 1b | i on costunge || cleopedan to | drihtne | / and he hi of earfeþum || eal |
The Paris Psalter 106:30 1b | ysde / / # / hi andettan || ealle | drihtne | / hu he milde wearþ || manna c |
The Paris Psalter 107:1 3b | cweme / sealmas singe || soþum | drihtne | / / # / aris nu wuldur min || þ |
The Paris Psalter 108:15 1a | ane fremede / / # / wesan hi wiþ | drihtne | || dædum swylce / and hine adi |
The Paris Psalter 111:7 1b | his heorte gearo || hyhte to | drihtne | / getrymed and getyhted || þæ |
The Paris Psalter 114:8 5b | ærslide / ic gelicie || leofum | drihtne | / on lifigendra || lande nu-þa |
The Paris Psalter 115:3 1b | æġ iċ tō gode || ġieldan | drihtne | / for eallum þǣm gōdum || þ |
The Paris Psalter 115:5 1b | rht is and fǣġer || bēacen | drihtne | / on his ġe·sihþe || swylt h |
The Paris Psalter 115:8 1b | Iċ min ġe·hāt || hālĝum | drihtne | / on his ġe·tȳnum || tīdum |
The Paris Psalter 117:1 1b | 117 / / # / Iċ andette || ēċum | drihtne | / þǣm gōdan gode; || iċ hin |
The Paris Psalter 117:5 1b | on costunge || ċīeġde tō | drihtne, | / and hē mē ġe·hīerde || o |
The Paris Psalter 117:14 1b | strengþu strang || stīþ on | drihtne | / and hereness hēah || and hē |
The Paris Psalter 117:28 1b | # / Ēac iċ andette || ēċum | drihtne, | / for·þon hē is sē gōda go |
The Paris Psalter 118:145 2b | ygde / heortan minre || hige to | drihtne | / ceare cleopian || he me cynli |
The Paris Psalter 118:145 3b | e / heortan mīnre || hyġe tō | drihtne | / ċeare clipian; || hē mē cy |
The Paris Psalter 119:1 1a | alter: Psalm 119 / / # / ic me to | drihtne | || deorum cleopode / þonne me |
The Paris Psalter 120:2 1b | min fultum eac || fæger æt | drihtne | / se þe heofon worhte || hrusa |
The Paris Psalter 121:9 2a | | georne þingie / and to minum | drihtne | || deorum sece / þæt ic god |
The Paris Psalter 129:7 1b | is mildheortnesse || miht on | drihtne | / and he alyseþ || lustum eall |
The Paris Psalter 131:5 2a | æt ic gemete || mære stowe / | drihtne | gecorene || dyre selegesceot / |
The Paris Psalter 135:1 1b | lm 135 / / # / ic andette || ecum | drihtne | / forþon he god is || and ic f |
The Paris Psalter 136:4 1b | ū maĝon we singan || sangas | drihtne | / on ðǣre foldan || þe ūs f |
The Paris Psalter 136:5 3b | / hu magon we singan || sangas | drihtne | / on þære foldan || þe us fr |
The Paris Psalter 137:5 4b | word / þa on sangum || singan | drihtne | / / # / forþon þin wuldur is || |
The Paris Psalter 139:6 1a | ær ic siþade / / # / ic þa to | drihtne | cwæþ || þu me eart dyre go |
The Paris Psalter 146:7 1a | le gehnegeþ / / # / onginnaþ ge | drihtne | || geare andettan / singaþ god |
The Paris Psalter 146:12 1b | / / # / ac wel licaþ || wuldres | drihtne | / þa þe hine him ondrædaþ | |
The Paris Psalter 149:1 1b | / singaþ samheorte || sangas | drihtne | / and him neowne sang || nu-þa |
The Paris Psalter 149:4 1b | on on his folce is || fægere | drihtne | / wel licendlic || and he wynli |
The Paris Psalter 54:15 1b | / / # / ic soþlice || to sylfum | drihtne | / cleopode on corþre || and me |
The Paris Psalter 58:3 5b | an / ne ic firene eac || fremde | drihtne | / / # / gif ic on unriht bearn || |
The Paris Psalter 61:8 1b | ge him halig folc || hælu to | drihtne | / doþ eowre heortan hige || ha |
The Paris Psalter 62:10 1a | s dælas / / # / cynincg sceal on | drihtne | || clæne blisse / hluttre habb |
The Paris Psalter 72:23 1b | # / min is ætfele || mihtigum | drihtne | / good is swylce || þæt ic on |
The Paris Psalter 73:16 3b | þe / fynd ætwitaþ || fæcne | drihtne | / unwis folc ne wat || þinne w |
The Paris Psalter 75:8 1a | tte and gyrwe / / # / gehataþ nu | drihtne | || and him hraþe gyldaþ / eow |
The Paris Psalter 76:1 1b | d stefne ongann || styrman to | drihtne | / and he me gehyrde || and behe |
The Paris Psalter 77:5 1b | / sægdon lof symble || leofum | drihtne | / and his þa myclan miht || m |
The Paris Psalter 90:2 1a | aþ || awa to feore / / # / ic to | drihtne | cwæþ || þu me dyre eart / f |
The Paris Psalter 91:1 1a | Psalm 91 / / # / god is þæt man | drihtne | || geara andette / and neodlice |
The Paris Psalter 93:19 3b | / is me fultum his || fæst on | drihtne | / / # / þonne him gyldeþ || god |
The Paris Psalter 95:1 1a | lter: Psalm 95 / / # / singaþ nu | drihtne | || sangas neowe / singe þeos e |
The Paris Psalter 95:1 2b | ge þeos eorþe eall || eceum | drihtne | / / # / secgeaþ his wuldor || ge |
The Paris Psalter 95:2 1a | ċum drihtne. / / # / Singaþ nū | drihtne | || and his sōðne naman / beal |
The Paris Psalter 95:3 1a | fægere wundor / / # / singaþ nu | drihtne | || and his soþne naman / beald |
The Paris Psalter 95:7 1a | uldres þines / / # / bringaþ nu | drihtne | || bu ætsomne / wlite and are |
The Paris Psalter 99:1 1b | u ge mycle gefean || mihtigum | drihtne | / eall þeos eorþe || elne hyr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 64b | fordum / degelice || and hi for | drihtne | bæd / ealdum treowum || þæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 83b | þæm clammum || cleopode to | drihtne | / geomran stemne || gyddode þu |
Metrical Psalm 91:1 1a | Psalm 91:1 / / God% is ðet mæn | drihtne | || and geæræ ændette / and n |
Metrical Psalm 93:19 3b | d / is me fultum his || fest on | drihtne. | |
Metrical Psalm 95:1 1a | trical Psalm 95:1 / / Singað nu | drihtne | || sangæs niowe singe / ðeos |
Metrical Psalm 95:1 2b | e / ðeos eorðe eæll || eceum | drihtne. | |
Metrical Psalm 95:2 1a | rical Psalm 95:2 / / Singæð nu | drihtne | || and his soðne næmæn |
The Rune Poem 3a | un hyt dælan / gif he wile for | drihtne | || domes hleotan / ur byþ anmo |
Solomon and Saturn 130b | / ‘Ac hwā dēmeþ þonne || | drihtne | Crīste / on dōmes dæġe, || |
Solomon and Saturn 132a | ftum?’ / ‘Hwā dearr þonne | drihtne | dēman, || þe ūs of dūste |
Solomon and Saturn 247a | þæs ofer-mōdan; / Ōðer his | drihtne | hīerde, || ōðer him on·ga |
The Menologium 192a | on and iudas || symble wæron / | drihtne | dyre || forþon hi dom hlutan |
The Judgment Day II 37b | ð / and geopeniað man || ecum | drihtne | / ne ðær owiht || inne ne bel |
The Judgment Day II 59a | dum || eall ġe·sīemed; / hē | drihtne | swā þēah, || dēaðe ġe· |
The Judgment Day II 85b | n her wepe / and dædbote do || | drihtne | to willan / glæd bið se godes |
The Judgment Day II 122b | || / dom be his dædum || æt | drihtne | sylfum / ic bidde man ðæt ðu |
A Summons to Prayer 26a | e || [thronum regentem] / æcum | drihtne | || [alta polorum] / ðæt he ð |
Psalm 50 27b | or, / Dāuid ġeorne || and tō | drihtne | ġe·bæd, / and his synna hord |
Psalm 50 30a | || Gode andhētte, / weoroda || | drihtne | || and þus wordum spæc: / ‘ |
Psalm 50 121a | sse || sōna brōhte, / weoroda | drihtne, | || ðǣr þū wolde swā, / þ |
Psalm 50 124b | an% mōste / dēadra neata, || | drihtne | tō willan. / Ac þe miċele m |
Psalm 50 147a | || þēode ealdor, / Dāuid tō | drihtne, | || dǣda ġe·myndiġ, / þæt |
A Prayer 17b | an her / dæiges and nyhtes || | drihtne | hyræð / and a hys willan wyrc |