Number of occurrences in corpus: 65
Genesis B 521a | waldend god / þin hearra þas | helpe | || of heofonrice / adam maþelo |
Genesis B 702a | his willan spræc / wæs him on | helpe | || handweorc godes / to forlær |
Daniel 351a | yre || frean mihtum / halgum to | helpe | || wearþ se hata lig / todrife |
Christ and Satan 290b | caþ / and us to þam halgan || | helpe | gelefaþ / þonne he us no forl |
Christ and Satan 434a | æt freodrihten / wolde him to | helpe | || helle gesecan / ræhte þa m |
Christ and Satan 438b | e / in middangeard || mannum to | helpe | / nu is gesene || þæt þu ear |
Andreas 91b | ed wearþ / þæt halig god || | helpe | gefremede / þa wearþ gehyred |
Andreas 426b | eaþe mæg / heaþoliþendum || | helpe | gefremman / ongan þa gleawlice |
Andreas 1031a | || ond him geoce bæd / hælend | helpe | || ær þan hra crunge / fore h |
Andreas 1566b | selost / ond us þone halgan || | helpe | biddan / geoce ond frofre || us |
Andreas 1605a | r || hider onsende / þeodum to | helpe | || is nu þearf mycel / þæt w |
Andreas 1614b | e bearn godes / bæd haligne || | helpe | gefremman / gumena geogoþe || |
The Fates of the Apostles 90b | omrum me / þone halgan heap || | helpe | bidde / friþes ond fultomes || |
Dream of the Rood 102b | his miclan mihte || mannum to | helpe | / he þa on heofenas astag || h |
Elene 240a | criste to willan / hæleþum to | helpe | || þæt me halig god / gefylle |
Elene 241a | ste tō willan, / hæleþum tō | helpe, | || þæt mē hāliġ god / ġe |
Elene 572a | criste to willan / hæleþum to | helpe | || þær sio halige rod / gemet |
Elene 573a | ste tō willan, / hæleþum tō | helpe, | || ðǣr sēo hālġe rōd / ġ |
Elene 592b | / þurh þa halgan gesceaft || | helpe | findaþ / godcunde gife || swyl |
Elene 593b | þā hālĝan ġe·sċeaft || | helpe | findaþ, / godcunde ġiefe. || |
Christ A 263b | hygdum / ðæt ðu hrædlice || | helpe | gefremme / wergum wreccan || ð |
Christ A 424b | era ðrim / heofona heahfrea || | helpe | gefremede / monna cynne || ður |
Christ A 427b | d / his forgifnesse || gumum to | helpe | / dæleð dogra gehwam || dryht |
Christ B 632a | us se willa bicwom / heanum to | helpe | || on ða halgan tid / bi ðon |
Christ C 1173b | / laðlicne deað || leodum to | helpe | / ða wearð beam monig || blod |
Christ C 1471a | | mid mine lichoman / heanum to | helpe | || hold gecypte / wurde ðu ð |
Christ C 1568a | || ac hy to sið doð / gæstum | helpe | || ðonne ðæs giman nele / we |
Guthlac B 890a | godes cempan || gearwe fundon / | helpe | ond hælo || nænig hæleða |
Guthlac B 922b | ge / æt ðam halgan ðeowan || | helpe | gemetton / ferððes frofre || |
Resignation 2a | / / age mec se ælmihta god || / | helpe | min se halga dryhten || ðu g |
Azarias 66a | | for frean meahtum / halgum to | helpe | || wearð se hata lig / todrife |
The Phoenix 650b | eðungen / swa se hælend us || | helpe | gefremede / ðurh his lices ged |
Juliana 696b | f micel / ðæt seo halge me || | helpe | gefremme / ðonne me gedælað |
Juliana 722b | idde / ðæt me heofona helm || | helpe | gefremme / meahta waldend || on |
The Wanderer 16b | iðstondan / ne se hreo hyge || | helpe | gefremman / forðon domgeorne | |
Beowulf 551b | csyrce min / heard hondlocen || | helpe | gefremede / beadohrægl broden |
Beowulf 1552b | empa / nemne him heaðobyrne || | helpe | gefremede / herenet hearde || o |
Beowulf 1709a | || leodum ðinum / hæleðum to | helpe | || ne wearð heremod swa / eafo |
Beowulf 1830a | || ðegna bringe / hæleða to | helpe | || ic on higelac wat / geata dr |
Beowulf 1961a | ðonon eomer woc / hæleðum to | helpe | || hemminges mæg / nefa garmun |
Beowulf 2448b | efne to hroðre || ond he him | helpe | ne mæg / eald ond infrod || æ |
Judith 96b | herbuendra || ðe hyne him to | helpe | seceð / mid ræde ond mid riht |
The Paris Psalter 101:11 2a | od || miltsa sione / nu is hire | helpe | || heahsæl cumen / / # / forþon |
The Paris Psalter 103:14 2a | rþan || ut alæddest / hlaf to | helpe | || heortan manna / must and win |
The Paris Psalter 105:24 3b | / he þæs hæl gehleat || and | helpe | fand / of cynna gehwam || and o |
The Paris Psalter 108:12 2b | his steopcildum || stande to | helpe | / / # / gangan ealle his bearn || |
The Paris Psalter 113:18 2a | hela hus || ærest on drihten / | helpe | gehogedan || holdne begeaton / |
The Paris Psalter 117:13 1b | s hearde cnyssed || and ic me | helpe | fand / þæt ic fæste ne feoll |
The Paris Psalter 118:2 4b | ancundum / heortan hordcofan || | helpe | biddaþ / / # / ne magon manwyrht |
The Paris Psalter 142:8 3b | en / forþon ic hycge to þe || | helpe | gelyfe / / # / do me wegas wise | |
The Paris Psalter 142:10 2a | rihten || feondum minum / nu ic | helpe | to þe || holde gelyfe / lær m |
The Paris Psalter 146:9 2a | m ut || blæde lædeþ / hig to | helpe | || hæleþa bearnum / / # / se þ |
The Paris Psalter 51:7 4b | me þæt to worulde || wat to | helpe | / / # / ic þe andette || awa to |
The Paris Psalter 58:17 2a | ngea || æghwær wære / and ic | helpe | æt þe || hæfde symble / þon |
The Paris Psalter 67:20 2b | t drihten / ure hælend god || | helpe | usser / and us æt deaþe eac | |
The Paris Psalter 77:18 1b | m wæter cwoman || weorude to | helpe | / swyþe wynlice || wætera þr |
The Paris Psalter 98:3 3a | || mycel and egeslic / halig on | helpe | || hæleþa bearnum / aare cyni |
The Rune Poem 28a | hi þeah oft niþa bearnum / to | helpe | and to hæle gehwæþre || gi |
The Gloria I 26b | mærsodest hine || manegum to | helpe | / ðone heahan dæg || healdað |
Psalm 50 50b | gasta breogo / helende crist || | helpe | bidde / ðæt me forgefene || g |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 10b | ingehygd / to ðissa haligra || | helpe | geliefeð / ond hiora bisene fu |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 18b | ðu him to ðeossum halgum || | helpe | bidde / ðe heora gemynd her on |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 26b | on fyrgenheafde / hal westu || | helpe | ðin drihten |
Waldere, Fragment II 26b | / se þe him to þam halgan || | helpe | gelifeþ / to gode gioce || he |
Waldere B 27b | / Se ðe him to ðam halgan || | helpe | gelifeð, / to gode gioce, || h |