Number of occurrences in corpus: 438
Genesis A 13a | æfdon glēam and drēam, / and | hira | ord-fruman, || engla þrēata |
Genesis A 14b | tas, / beorhte% blisse. || Wæs | hira | blǣd miċel. / Þeġnas þrymf |
Genesis A 16b | edon, / sæġdon lustum lof, || | hira | līf-frēan / dēmdon, dryhtnes |
Genesis A 20a | e on friðe lifdon, / ēċe mid | hira | ealdor. || Elles ne on·gunno |
Genesis A 24a | de. || Noldon drēoĝan lenġ / | hira | selfra rǣd, || ac hīe of si |
Genesis B 288a | hīe mīne ġeorne, / holde on | hira | hyġe-sċeaftum, || Iċ mæġ |
Genesis B 288b | hyġe-sċeaftum, || Iċ mæġ | hira | hearra wesan, / rǣdan on þis |
Genesis B 318b | hte man hit him tō wīte, || | hira | weorold wæs ġe·hwierfed , / |
Genesis B 323a | fela hæfdon / ġe·winnes wiþ | hira | wealdend. || Wīte þoliaþ, / |
Genesis B 327b | Godes for·ġīemdon. || Hīe | hira | gāl be·swāc, / engles ofer· |
Genesis B 336a | ixled || wīta un·rīm / þurh | hira% | miċelan mōd || and þurh me |
Genesis B 550a | þæt sċaðena mǣst / eallum | hira | eaforum || aefter siþþan / wu |
Genesis B 625a | sċulon lufe wyrċan, / bētan | hira | hearran hearm-cwide || and% h |
Genesis B 685b | n dǣd || þæt hīe dryhtnes | hira | / willan brǣcon. || Stōd sē |
Genesis B 768a | on; || Godes him on·drēdon, / | hira | hearran hete, || heofon-cinin |
Genesis B 784a | en. || Bāre hīe ġe·sāwon / | hira | līċ-haman; || næfdon on þ |
Genesis B 845a | || æl-mehtiġ God. / Þā hīe | hira | līċ-haman || lēafum be·þ |
Genesis A 942b | de, / sċieppend ūser; || hēt | hira | sċame þeċċan / frēa frum-h |
Genesis A 1207b | and ealde, || þonne him God | hira | / ǣhta and æt-wist || eorðan |
Genesis A 1209b | rēona / inn ġe·nimeþ || and | hira | aldor samod. / Ac hē cwic ġe |
Genesis A 1358b | / weras on wǣġ-þæl% || and | hira | wīf samod. / And eall þæt t |
Genesis A 1361a | || under hrōf ġe·fōr / tō | hira | æt-ġiefan, || swā him æl- |
Genesis A 1432b | ġ-līðende, || swelċe wīf | hira, | / hwonne hīe of nearwe || ofer |
Genesis A 1546b | þrymm, || ierfes hierde / and | hira | fēower wīf; / nemde wǣron || |
Genesis A 1585a | || Hīe þā ræðe stōpon, / | hira | andwlitan || inn be·wriġenu |
Genesis A 1657a | da rǣswan; || lēofum mannum / | hira | ġār-daĝum || grēne wangas |
Genesis A 1674a | r wan-hyġdum / cȳðdon cræft | hira, | || ċeastre% worhton / and tō |
Genesis A 1852a | um. || Hīe þæt cūþ dydon / | hira | folc-frēan || þæt% fæġer |
Genesis A 1879b | īðe, / wīf on% willan || and | hira | weorold-ġe·strēon. / On·gun |
Genesis A 1880b | unnon him þā bytlian || and | hira | burh rǣran, / and sele settan, |
Genesis A 1893b | samod / blǣdes brūcan || and | hira | bēġra ðǣr / ǣhte habban, | |
Genesis A 1911a | willaþ rūmor unc / land-riht | hira; | || for·þon wit lǣdan sċul |
Genesis A 1936b | dum ġe·dwolene; || druĝon | hira | selfra / ēċne unrǣd. || Ǣfr |
Genesis A 1999b | steallum. || Ġe·witon feorh | hira | / fram þǣm folc-styde || flē |
Genesis A 2046b | im ǣr trēowe sealdon || mid | hira | folc-ġe·trume%; / wolde his m |
Genesis A 2092a | rn, || ōðle nīor, / mæġeþ | hira | māĝum. || Nǣfre mann ealra |
Genesis A 2192b | res tungol, || þā nū rūme | hira | / wuldor-fæstne wlite || wīde |
Genesis A 2420b | , / wēan under weallum, || and | hira | wīf samod. / Duĝuþum wlance |
Genesis A 2602a | o ieldre tō || ǣr on ræste / | hira | bēġa fæder. || Ne wiste bl |
Genesis A 2609a | ·sweostor || on weorold sunu / | hira | ealdan fæder. || Þāra æð |
Genesis A 2748a | | Ne meahton frēo ne þēowe / | hira | breĝu-weardas || bearnum ē |
Genesis A 2756a | and wīfa; || lēt weaxan eft / | hira | rīm-ġe·tel || rodera weald |
Genesis A 2781b | tū, / hāliġ on hyġe, || and | hira | hīwan eall, / druncon and drī |
Exodus 55b | maĝu-rǣswa%, || mǣġ-burh | hira. | / Ofer·fōr hē mid þȳ folce |
Exodus 60a | ġearwe bǣron, / (wǣron land | hira | || lyft-helme be·þeaht) / mea |
Exodus 131b | don / mōdġe mete-þeġnas, || | hira | mæġen bēton. / Brǣdon aefte |
Exodus 135a | on rēadan sǣ. / Þǣr on fyrd | hira | || fǣr-spell be·cōm, / ōht |
Exodus 199b | ynn / billum ā·brēotan || on | hira | brōðor-ġield. / For·þon w |
Exodus 218a | || frecan ā·rīsan, / habban | hira | hlenċan, || hyċġan on elle |
Exodus 510a | niġ tō lāfe, / þætte sīþ | hira% | || seċġan mōste, / bodian ae |
Exodus 573b | dġe þūhton, || þurh þā | hira | beadu-searu wǣġon. / Hrēðdo |
Daniel 10b | Þenden þæt folc mid him || | hira | fæder wǣre / healdan woldon, |
Daniel 183b | d, / efndon unrihtdōm, || swā | hira | ealdor dyde, / māne ġe·menġ |
Daniel 185b | / Fremde folc-mæġen, || swā | hira | frēa ǣrest, / unrǣd efnde, | |
Daniel 190a | aela, || þæt hīe ā noldon / | hira | þēodnes dōm || þafian on |
Daniel 233b | fȳres līeġe, || hwæðere | hira | feorh ġe·nerede / mehtiġ met |
Daniel 239a | enan hrōfe. / Ne meahte þēah | hira | wlite || ġe·wemman āwiht% / |
Daniel 316a | h hlēoðor-cwide, / þæt þū | hira | frum-cynn || in fyrn-daĝum / |
Daniel 325b | nū frum-sprǣċe, || þēah | hira | fēa libben! / Wlitiĝa þīnne |
Daniel 342b | , / līeġes lēoman%, || þæt | hira% | līċe ne wæs / āwiht ġe·e |
Daniel 435b | searu lēoda cininges, || and | hira | līċe ġe·borĝen. / Næs hir |
Daniel 436a | ira līċe ġe·borĝen. / Næs | hira | wlite ġe·wemmed, || nē nǣ |
Daniel 454a | þæt hīe āre hæfdon. / Wæs | hira | blǣd in Babilone, || siþþa |
Daniel 456a | drihtne ġe·hīerdon. / Wǣron | hira | rǣdas rīċe, || siþþan h |
Daniel 506b | lde, / swelċe fuĝolas ēac || | hira | feorh-nere / on þæs bēames | |
Daniel 674b | , / hēah hord-mæġen, || þā | hira | hālford læġ. / Þā in ðǣr |
Christ and Satan 66a | firenfulle || fācnum wordum / | hira | ealdor-þeġn || inn% reordod |
Christ and Satan 222b | rihten / wordum and weorcum. || | Hira | wlite sċīeneþ / ġond ealra |
Christ and Satan 307b | fæġere ġe·frætewod || in | hira | fæder rīċe / sċīnaþ in s |
Christ and Satan 322a | eall full strang, / þonne wæs | hira | ealdor, || þe ðǣr ǣrest c |
Christ and Satan 372b | ēċan. || Þæt wæs ealdor | hira, | / yfeles ord-fruma%. || Him þ |
Andreas 3b | , / þēodnes þeġnas. || Nā | hira | þrymm ā·læġ / camp-rǣdenn |
Andreas 11b | odon, / on metod-wange. || Wæs | hira | Matheus sum, / sē mid Iūdēum |
Andreas 25b | ēode. || Swelċ wæs þēaw | hira | / þæt hīe ǣġhwelcne || ell |
Andreas 140b | emdon, / metodes miltse. || Oft | hira | mōd on·wōd / under dim-sċuw |
Andreas 411a | , || eaht be·sittaþ, / hwelċ | hira | sēlest || simble ġe·lǣste |
Andreas 562b | nā ðǣr ġe·līefdon || on | hira | līf-fruman, / grame ġalĝ-mō |
Andreas 1028a | tō ġe·bede hieldon, / sendon | hira | bēne || fore bearn godes. / Sw |
Andreas 1100a | onum || tān% wīsian / hwelcne | hira | ǣrest || ōðrum sċolde / tō |
Andreas 1638b | īde, / eorlas ān-mōde || and | hira | idesa mid, / cwǣdon holdlīċe |
Andreas 1666b | mǣnaþ / weras wīf samod. || | Hira | wōp be·cōm, / murnende mōd / |
Soul and Body I 113a | iað || rēðe wyrmas, / bēoþ | hira | tungan tō·toĝenne || on t |
Homiletic Fragment I 14b | ·hātaþ holdlīċe, || swā | hira | hiht ne gǣþ, / wǣre mid wele |
Dream of the Rood 31b | wæfersīene, || hēton mē | hira | weargas hebban. / bǣron mē ð |
Dream of the Rood 47b | nwidhlemmas. || ne dorste iċ | hira | nǣniĝum sċieþþan. / bismer |
Dream of the Rood 155b | r / wunodon on wuldre, || þā | hira | wealdend cōm, / æl–mehtiġ |
Elene 174b | erhþ ġe·fēonde, || þēah | hira | fēa wǣron), / þæt hīe for |
Elene 359a | and þirsċeþ, / on·ġietaþ | hira | god-dēnd, || nealles gnyrn-w |
Elene 13a | || ac þāra dōm leofaþ / and | hira | dryhtsċipe, || / on weorold w |
Elene 673a | līeġ. || Lēode ġe·sāwon / | hira | will-ġiefan || wunder cȳða |
Elene 770b | ·lǣston / leahtorlēase || on | hira | līfes tīd, / and þæs lātt |
Elene 793b | ċe, / drēam unhwīlen || and | hira | dæl sċīred / mid Marian, || |
Christ A 395a | d || wīde and sīde, / and mid | hira | fiðerum || frēan æl-mihtġ |
Christ A 398a | l || þringaþ ġeorne / hwelċ | hira | nīehst mæġe || ūssum ner |
Christ B 460a | ġe || word ne ġe·hierwdon, / | hira | sinċ-ġiefan. || Sōna wǣro |
Christ B 537a | tīĝende || ēaĝum sǣĝon, / | hira | wil-ġiefan. || Þǣr wæs w |
Christ B 837a | ne || ēċes dēman, / þā þe | hira | weorcum || wāce trūwiaþ. / |
Christ C 945a | hēap. || Hālġe sāwle / mid | hira | frēan faraþ, || þonne folc |
Christ C 966b | swearta līeġ, || sǣs mid | hira | fiscum, / eorðan mid hire beor |
Christ C 1077b | lite / metode bringaþ. || Biþ | hira | meaht and ġe·fēa / swīðe |
Christ C 1108a | de || and þā openan dolh / on | hira | drihtne ġe·sēoþ || drēor |
Christ C 1121a | um || and on his hlēor samod / | hira | spatl spēowdon. || Sprǣcon |
Christ C 1131a | ēah hīe cwice nēaron, / þā | hira% | sċieppend || sċaðan on·fe |
Christ C 1148a | īenum || steorran forlēton / | hira | swāsne wlite. || On þā sel |
Christ C 1171a | fēa, || þā mehtiġ god / on | hira | ānne ġe·stāh || ðǣr hē |
Christ C 1184a | eah hīe ferhþ-ġe·witt / of | hira | æðelum || ǣniġ ne cūðen |
Christ C 1185b | swā þēah wundrum, || þā | hira | wealdend for / of līċ-haman. |
Christ C 1213a | . || Hīe þæs ēðles þanc / | hira | wealdende || wīta ne cūðon |
Christ C 1224b | -ġeorne / lustum lǣston || on | hira | līf-daĝum, / and ðǣr wōm-s |
Christ C 1235b | cen samod, || þæt þe hīe | hira | þēodnes wēl / wordum and weo |
Christ C 1289a | ne him daĝas lǣston; / and be | hira | weorcum || wēpende sār / þæ |
Christ C 1292a | blǣde sċīnan; / ne biþ him | hira | iermþu || ān tō wīte, / ac |
Christ C 1353a | || ārna bǣdon, / þonne ġe· | hira | hulpon || and him hlēoþ ġe |
Christ C 1359b | īe mid sibbum sōhton || and | hira | sefan trymedon / forþ on frōf |
Christ C 1374b | þ / lāðum wordum, || hāteþ | hira | līfes riht / andweard īewan% |
Christ C 1570a | nd, || hū þā wamm-sċaðan / | hira | eald-ġe·strēon || on þā |
Christ C 1635b | st beraþ / beorhte frætwe. || | Hira | blǣd leofaþ / æt dōm-dæġe |
Vainglory 61a | ofon wīd-ledan%, / for·sāwon | hira | sellan, || þā hīe tō swic |
Vainglory 64b | / and þonne ġe·settan || on | hira | selfra dōm / wuldres wynn-land |
Maxims I 19b | n / frōd wiþ frōdne; || biþ | hira | ferhþ ġe·līċ, / hīe ā sa |
Maxims I 36b | āwlum beorĝaþ, || healdaþ | hira | sōþ mid rihte. / Ēadiġ biþ |
Maxims I 181b | e ymb·sittan, || þenden him | hira | torn tō·glīde, / for·ġieta |
The Order of the World 93b | as. / Hīe ġe·sēoþ simle || | hira | selfra cyning, / ēaĝum inn wl |
The Whale 75a | ene || and ǣr ġeorne his / on | hira | līf-daĝum || lārum hīerdo |
Guthlac A 80b | m drihtne þēowiaþ. || Hē | hira | dǣde sċēawaþ. / Sume þā w |
Guthlac A 89b | mid gǣsta wǣpnum, || bēoþ | hira | ġēoca ġe·myndġe, / healda |
Guthlac A 90b | aþ hāliġra feorh, || witon | hira | hiht mid drihten. / Þæt sind |
Guthlac A 142b | ftum swīþ; || hīe him self | hira | / ansīen īewdon || and ðǣr |
Guthlac A 225a | || þurh dēaðes cwealm / tō | hira | earfoþa || ende ġe·rȳme. / |
Guthlac A 288b | aþ þeċ and terĝaþ || and | hira | torn wrecaþ, / tō·beraþ þe |
Guthlac A 397b | aldeþ on hǣlu, || ðǣr sē | hira | gǣst / þīehþ on þēawum. | |
Guthlac A 417a | manna ġe·bǣru, / þāra þe | hira | līfes || þurh lust brūcan, |
Guthlac A 553b | e / nerġan wiþ nīðum || and | hira | nīed-wræce / dēope dēman. | |
Guthlac A 731a | and him hryre burgon. / Wǣron | hira | gangas || under godes eġesan |
Guthlac A 794b | ininges / lāre langsume, || on | hira | līfes tīd / earniaþ on eorð |
Guthlac B 854b | t / beorht oþ·broġden || and | hira | bearnum swā, / eaforum aefter, |
Guthlac B 968a | || þēah his līċ and gǣst / | hira | sam-wiste, || sīn-hīwan tū |
Guthlac B 1177b | gǣst / ā·sundrien || samwist | hira | / þurh feorĝ-ġe·dāl. || Fy |
Riddles 13 2b | ra, / [VI] ġe·brōðor || and | hira | sweostor mid; / hæfdon feorh c |
Riddles 13 5b | nra ġe·hwelċes. || Ne wæs | hira | ǣngum þȳ wiers, / ne sīðe% |
Riddles 22 9b | n þā / on wæġn weras || and | hira | wiċġ samod / hlōdan under hr |
Riddles 22 18b | re / beornas ofer burnan || and | hira | blancan mid / fram stæðe hēa |
Riddles 22 21b | rōfe, / weras of wǣġe || and | hira | wiċġ ġe·sund. |
Riddles 26 23b | ra and ġe·trēowra, || þā | hira | tīr and ēad / ēstum īeċaþ |
Riddles 46 3b | , / swǣse ġe·sweostor || and | hira% | suna twēġen, / frēolicu frum |
Riddles 48 8a | ide, || glēawe be·þenċan% / | hira | hǣlu tō gode, || swā sē h |
Riddles 52 6b | wan-fāh Wale, || sēo wēold | hira | / bēġa sīðe || bendum fæst |
Riddles 6 9b | s ōðres, || þonne iċ eft | hira | / ofer dēop ġe·drēah || dro |
The Judgment Day I 15a | guman, || ġielpe strīenaþ, / | hira | hlāforde || ġe·hlæġes ti |
The Descent into Hell 43a | || Wreċċan þrungon, / hwelċ | hira | þæt siġe-bearn || ġe·sē |
Azarias 33a | rh hleoðor-cwidas / þæt þū | hira | fram-cynn || on fyrn-daĝum / |
Azarias 60b | aht / līeġes lēoman, || swā | hira | līċe ne sċōd, / ac wæs on |
Azarias 187b | uldre ġe·wliteĝod, || swā | hira | wǣdum ne sċōd / ġīfre glē |
The Ruin 27a | m || secg-rōfra wera; / wurdon | hira | wīġ-steall || wēsten stað |
The Phoenix 405b | þ / iermþu aefter ǣte || and | hira | eaforum swā, / sārliċ simble |
The Phoenix 543b | e / wlitiġe ġe·wyrtod || mid | hira | wēl-dǣdum. / Bēoþ þonne ā |
Juliana 482a | rōde be·fealh, / þæt hīe | hira | drēorġe || on hēan gālĝa |
Juliana 504b | rþ / iermþu tō ealdre || and | hira | eaforum swā, / miercost mān-w |
The Wanderer 18a | ġeorne || drēoriġne oft / on | hira | brēost-cofan || bindaþ fæs |
Beowulf 178b | rēaum. || Swelċ wæs þēaw | hira, | / hǣðenra hiht; || helle ġe |
Beowulf 324a | þā hīe tō sele furðum / on | hira | gryre-ġeatwum || gangan cōm |
Beowulf 691a | le-ræste ġe·bēah. / Nǣniġ | hira | þōhte || þæt hē þonan s |
Beowulf 698b | fultum, || þæt hīe fēond | hira | / þurh ānes cræft || ealle o |
Beowulf 1012a | æġþe || māran weorode / ymb | hira | sinċ-ġiefan || sēl ġe·b |
Beowulf 1055b | āne ā·cwealde, || swā hē | hira | mā wolde, / nefne him wītiġ |
Beowulf 1102a | fre ġe·mǣnden / þēah hīe | hira | bēaĝ-ġiefan || banan folĝ |
Beowulf 1124b | r·nam / bēġa folces; || wæs | hira | blǣd sċacen. / Ġe·witon him |
Beowulf 1164b | fæderan; || þā-ġīet wæs | hira | sibb æt·gædere, / ǣghwelċ |
Beowulf 1166b | n Sċieldinga; || ġe·hwelċ | hira | his ferhþe trīewde, / þæt h |
Beowulf 1246b | du þrymmliċ. || Wæs þēaw | hira | / þæt hīe oft wǣron || ān- |
Beowulf 1249b | fene swelċe mǣla || swelċe | hira | mann-drihtne / ðearf ġe·sǣl |
Beowulf 1604b | and ne wēndon || þæt hīe | hira | wine-drihten / selfne ġe·sāw |
Beowulf 1636b | folan bǣron / earfoðlīċe || | hira | ǣghwæðrum, / fela-mōdiġra; |
Beowulf 2040b | an / swǣse ġe·sīðas || and | hira | selfra feorh. / Þonne cwiþ æ |
Beowulf 2311a | || swā hit lungre wearþ / on | hira | sinċ-ġiefan || sāre ġe·e |
Beowulf 2599b | olt buĝon, / ealdre burgon. || | Hira | on ānum wēoll / sefa wiþ sor |
Beowulf 2849a | ton ǣr || daroþum lācan / on | hira | mann-dryhtnes || miċelan þe |
Beowulf 2994a | || mid ofer-māðmum, / sealde | hira | ġe·hwæðrum || hund þūse |
Judith 38b | ambiht-sċealcas, || swā him | hira | ealdor be·bēad, / byrn-wiĝen |
Judith 56a | ā stierċed-ferhþe, / hæleþ | hira | hearran cȳðan || þæt wæs |
Judith 128b | genġa, / blāc-hlēor ides, || | hira | bēġa nest, / þēawum ġe·þ |
Judith 251a | lofernus. || Hoĝedon ānunga / | hira | hlāforde || hilde% bodian, / |
Judith 264a | oru-wǣpnum, || hæfte guldon / | hira | fyrn-ġe·flitu, || fāĝum s |
Judith 268a | ġed. || Beornas stōdon / ymbe | hira | þēodnes træf || þearle ġ |
Judith 272b | torn þoliende. || Þā wæs | hira | tīres æt ende, / ēades and e |
Judith 274a | edon þā eorlas ā·weċċan / | hira | wine-drihten; || him wiht ne |
Judith 290a | e þā hrēowiġ-mōde / wurpon | hira | wǣpen of dūne, || ġe·wito |
Judith 315a | endum || on þǣm lāðestan, / | hira | eald-fēondum || unlibbendum / |
The Paris Psalter 100:4 2a | wende and ċierde; / nolde iċ | hira | andġiet || ǣniġ habban, / þ |
The Paris Psalter 100:4 4a | || tēonan ġe·nēahhe / wiþ | hira | þǣmnīehstan || nīþ ā·h |
The Paris Psalter 101:15 2b | e, / and hē ne for·hoĝode || | hira | hold ġe·bedd. / / # / Þā wīs |
The Paris Psalter 101:25 3a | ardodon || ealle þraĝe, / and | hira | selfra cynn || siþþan tō f |
The Paris Psalter 102:19 2b | drihten / blētsian bealde, || | hira | blīðne frēan, / mæġen and |
The Paris Psalter 103:16 6a | ; || on þǣm swelċe nū / mid | hira | spēdum || spearwan nistlaþ. |
The Paris Psalter 103:17 1b | tlaþ. / / # / Upp-hebban hūs || | hira | āĝen is / lāttēow on lande; |
The Paris Psalter 103:27 5a | nlīċe || ġe·tīeriaþ, / on | hira | āĝen dūst || aefter hweorf |
The Paris Psalter 104:20 2a | ēhte swīðe, / and hēo ofer | hira | fēond || fæste ġe·trymede |
The Paris Psalter 104:21 1a | d || fæste ġe·trymede. / / # / | Hira | heortan hē on·gann || hwier |
The Paris Psalter 104:24 2a | frymþe, / for·þon hīe word | hira | || wēl ne on·cnēowon. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 104:25 1a | wēl ne on·cnēowon. / / # / And | hira | wæter swelċe || wende tō b |
The Paris Psalter 104:25 2a | || wende tō blōde, / on þǣm | hira | fiscas || frecne for·wurdon. |
The Paris Psalter 104:26 1a | cne for·wurdon. / / # / Sende on | hira | eorðan || ealle swelċe / tosc |
The Paris Psalter 104:29 1b | . / / # / Siþþan for·wurdan || | hira | wīn-ġeardas / and fīc-bēama |
The Paris Psalter 104:31 3b | ·cenned, / and frum-cynnes || | hira | frēan swelċe. / / # / And his |
The Paris Psalter 105:3 4a | lle tīd || ǣġhwæs healdan / | hira | sōþfæstnesse || simle mid |
The Paris Psalter 105:10 2a | ·līesde || līfes ealdor / of | hira | fēonda || fǣcnum heandum, / a |
The Paris Psalter 105:10 4a | endra || folmum swelċe, / and | hira | fēondas || flōd ā·drencte |
The Paris Psalter 105:12 3a | ge be·gān || and gramlīċe / | hira | godes ðǣr || ġeare costodo |
The Paris Psalter 105:13 2a | brōhte and sealde, / sende on | hira | mūðas || mete tō ġe·niht |
The Paris Psalter 105:16 2a | ā·barn || frecne swelċe / on | hira | ġe·mētinge || and ðǣr m |
The Paris Psalter 105:17 3a | | ġeorne wyrċan, / on·wendan | hira | wuldor || on þone wiersan h |
The Paris Psalter 105:19 2a | rpan || wuldres ealdor, / ðǣr | hira | Moyses || mæġene ne hulpe; / |
The Paris Psalter 105:21 3a | nne || wīde tō·drīfan / and | hira | swǣs cynn || sendan on wīd- |
The Paris Psalter 105:23 2a | ismrodon || bealde drihten / on | hira | ġe·mētinge || mæġene eal |
The Paris Psalter 105:25 4a | || mæġene ġe·bisiĝod / for | hira | yfelum, || swā hē oftor wæ |
The Paris Psalter 105:27 1a | tō ǣ-swice. / / # / On·gunnon | hira | bearn || blōtan fēondum, / s |
The Paris Psalter 105:30 2a | weald || hǣðnum sealde / and | hira | wēoldon, || þā him wierres |
The Paris Psalter 105:31 1a | e || fæste ġe·stōdon. / / # / | Hira | costodan || cūðe fēondas / a |
The Paris Psalter 105:33 1b | furðum on·cnēow, || þæt | hira | fīend ēhton, / hē hira bēne |
The Paris Psalter 105:33 2a | þæt hira fīend ēhton, / hē | hira | bēne || bealde ġe·hīerde. |
The Paris Psalter 106:6 4a | līċe || inn be·cōmon / tō | hira | ċeastre || eardung-stōwe. / / |
The Paris Psalter 106:11 1a | him || hæfdon on bismer. / / # / | Hira | heorte wæs || hēan on ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 106:13 3a | an || deorcum ġe·nerede / and | hira | bendas tō·wearp || bitere s |
The Paris Psalter 106:17 2a | ġhwelcne mete, / mōde mæġen | hira, | || oþ unmihte, / þæt hīe wi |
The Paris Psalter 106:19 3a | īċe || hǣlde wǣron / and of | hira | for·wyrde || wurdon ġe·ner |
The Paris Psalter 106:24 3a | || ofer eġe-wielmum, / bēoþ | hira | ȳða || up ā·stiġene. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 106:26 4a | || ġe·dwǣs spyrie; / ealle | hira | snytru bēoþ || yfele for·g |
The Paris Psalter 106:29 2a | | hȳðe ġe·lǣde, / swā hē | hira | willan || wiste fyrmest, / and |
The Paris Psalter 106:36 3a | siþþan grōwan% / lungre land | hira | || ā·loden wæstmum. / / # / Þ |
The Paris Psalter 106:37 3a | ċe, || wīde grēowan; / næs | hira | nēata || nan ġe·yfelod. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 106:39 2a | ·hoġodon || hālġe% lāre; / | hira | ealdor-menn || ealle wǣron / s |
The Paris Psalter 106:40 3a | e || wēan ā·līesde, / sette | hira | staðol || sċēapum anlīċe |
The Paris Psalter 108:24 2a | sōna hīe waĝodon, / hrērdon | hira | hēafod; || help min, drihten |
The Paris Psalter 108:27 4a | en || swā of brēċ-hræġle / | hira | selfra sċamu || swīðost ea |
The Paris Psalter 111:4 3a | estrum || þrāĝe lifdon / and | hira | heortan || hēoldon mid rihte |
The Paris Psalter 113:10 4a | | ōðre þēode: / ‘Hwǣr is | hira | āĝen god || āhwǣr nū-þ |
The Paris Psalter 113:20 2a | | eġesan dryhtnes, / hīe hiht | hira | || habban on drihten, / hē him |
The Paris Psalter 118:1 2a | weġe, || þā þe unwemme / on | hira | dryhtnes ǣ || dēore gangaþ |
The Paris Psalter 118:70 2a | || beorht ā·tredde. / / # / Is | hira | heorte nū || hēr anlīcast / |
The Paris Psalter 118:158 3a | seah || menn þā þe noldon / | hira | friðu-wǣre || fæste healda |
The Paris Psalter 121:6 4a | n, || þā þe nīede þē / on | hira | lufum || lustum healdaþ. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 124:1 1a | m 124 / / # / Þā þe on drihten | hira | || dǣdum ġe·trīewaþ, / hī |
The Paris Psalter 124:2 2a | miċele ymb·ūtan; / healdeþ | hira | ymb-hwyrft || ēċe drihten / o |
The Paris Psalter 124:4 5a | || þǣm þe ġe·dēfe hēr / | hira | heortan riht || healdaþ% mid |
The Paris Psalter 125:5 4a | rende || ġeorne wēpaþ / and | hira | selfra sǣd || snīðaþ aeft |
The Paris Psalter 125:6 2a | m || cūðe mid blisse / and on | hira | sċēafas beraþ, || swā hī |
The Paris Psalter 127:1 3a | | and his ġe·dēfne weġ / on | hira | līfes tīd || lustum gangaþ |
The Paris Psalter 128:2 3a | fullan || fācen timbran, / and | hira | unryht || eft ġe·lengdon. / / |
The Paris Psalter 128:3 4a | || weorðaþ ġe·sċende / and | hira | sċamiaþ || swīðost ealles |
The Paris Psalter 131:13 1a | hīe wēl lǣre. / / # / Þonne | hira | suna || swelċe mōton / ā þi |
The Paris Psalter 131:16 3a | ġnode, || selle ġe·nēahhe / | hira | hungrum || hlāf tō fylle. / / |
The Paris Psalter 134:12 1a | brēme and mǣre. / / # / Sealde | hira | eard-land || eall Israhelum / a |
The Paris Psalter 134:12 2a | rd-land || eall Israhelum / and | hira | ierfe || ēac his folce. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 134:15 3a | hēr ġēotaþ menn, / and mid | hira | folmum || fæġere wyrċaþ. / |
The Paris Psalter 135:10 1b | Æġyptas slōh || and eall | hira | frum-bearn. / / # / And% hē Isra |
The Paris Psalter 135:22 1a | ning || on Basane. / / # / Sealde | hira | eorðan || on ierfe-land. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 136:7 3a | le ġe·dōn, / oþ·þæt hīe | hira | || eard ġe·ċēosan.’ / / # |
The Paris Psalter 138:15 5a | wǣron || fæste, drihten, / is | hira | ealdor-dōm || unġemete swī |
The Paris Psalter 138:17 4a | earu || ealle tilian / þæt we | hira | burh || tō·brecan mōton. |
The Paris Psalter 139:3 1a | e·fremed% habbaþ%. / / # / And | hira | tungan || torn-cwidum / nīede |
The Paris Psalter 140:6 3a | esse || miċele hæbbe, / ne on | hira | ġe·corenesse || be·cume ǣ |
The Paris Psalter 140:8 4a | stāne for·swolĝene; / noldon | hira | dēman || mīne ġe·dēfe wo |
The Paris Psalter 140:12 1b | / # / Feallaþ firenfulle || on | hira | fenġ-nettum; / iċ mē syndri |
The Paris Psalter 143:9 2a | caþ || mān-īdel word, / biþ | hira | sēo swīðre || simle ā·bi |
The Paris Psalter 143:13 2a | caþ || mān-īdel word, / biþ | hira | sēo swīðre || simle ā·bi |
The Paris Psalter 143:15 1a | e wiþ ġuĝuþe. / / # / Wǣron | hira | dōhtru || dīere ġe·sette / |
The Paris Psalter 143:16 1a | cost || æðelum temple. / / # / | Hira | frum-wæstme || fulle sindon, |
The Paris Psalter 143:17 1a | þæt || þonne wendaþ. / / # / | Hira | sċēap wǣron || swelċe tȳ |
The Paris Psalter 143:17 3a | atum || swīðe ġe·nihtsum, / | hira | oxan ēac || unġemete fætte |
The Paris Psalter 144:19 5a | swelċe || elne ræfnaþ; / hē | hira | bēne || bealde ġe·hīereþ |
The Paris Psalter 145:3 1a | | nis ðǣr miċel hǣlu. / / # / | Hira | gāst gangeþ, || ġearwe on |
The Paris Psalter 145:7 6a | nde ēac || bealde drihten / on | hira | ēaĝum || eft on·līehteþ; |
The Paris Psalter 146:3 2a | || heortan ġe·þrǣste / and | hira | unrotnesse || ealle ġe·wrī |
The Paris Psalter 149:5 2a | wēl þā hālĝan, / bēoþ on | hira | hūsum || blīðe ġe·drēme |
The Paris Psalter 149:8 3a | on campum || and cūðlīċe / | hira | æðelingas dōn || on% īsen |
The Paris Psalter 52:1 4a | e || sindon ġe·wordene% / and | hira | willan || wrāðe be·smitene |
The Paris Psalter 54:8 2a | ō·dǣlan, || drihten usser, / | hira | ġe·þēode || ġond þās w |
The Paris Psalter 54:11 3a | d wearn sprecan, / iċ mē wiþ | hira | hete || hȳde snēome. / / # / Þ |
The Paris Psalter 54:14 1a | n libbende. / / # / For·þǣm on | hira | ġiest-hūsum || is gramliċ |
The Paris Psalter 54:14 2a | || is gramliċ inwitt, / and on | hira | middle || mān inwitt-stæf. / |
The Paris Psalter 54:20 1a | ·hyġde nēah. / / # / Hīe word | hira | || wēl ġe·smieredon / ele an |
The Paris Psalter 55:5 4a | ē || wǣran ġeorne / on% yfel | hira | ġe·þeaht || ealle on·wend |
The Paris Psalter 56:5 4a | || þā mē wundedon; / wǣron | hira | tungan ġe·tale || tēonan |
The Paris Psalter 57:5 1a | singaþ wiþ attrum. / / # / God | hira | tōðas || grame ġe·sċǣne |
The Paris Psalter 58:8 1b | e·hīereþ hwelċ, || hwæt | hira | hyġe sēċeþ? / And þū hīe |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 1a | wealdend min drihten. / / # / Is | hira | mūðes sċield || mān-worda |
The Paris Psalter 63:3 1a | | ǣġhwǣr fremman. / / # / Þā | hira | tungan tēoþ || tēonan ġe |
The Paris Psalter 63:3 2b | e / swurde efen-sċearpe || and | hira | swīðne boĝan, / and unsċyld |
The Paris Psalter 63:7 1a | hǣlend% drihten. / / # / Sindon | hira | wīta || sċytelum ċilda / ǣ |
The Paris Psalter 63:7 3a | st; || ne him āwiht þon mā / | hira | tungan nū || tēonan on sitt |
The Paris Psalter 67:6 3a | dēþ || ānes mōdes / and on | hira | hūse || healdeþ blisse. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 68:4 1a | ne || ġearwe ġe·wēne. / / # / | Hira | is miċele mā || þonne iċ |
The Paris Psalter 68:23 1a | drenctan mid eċede. / / # / Wese | hira | bēod fore him || wended on g |
The Paris Psalter 68:24 3a | || and on ǣwisċe. / / # / Sīen | hira | ēaĝan || ēac ā·dimmod, / |
The Paris Psalter 68:25 2a | n || siþþan āwiht; / weorðe | hira | bæc swelċe || ā·bīeġed |
The Paris Psalter 68:26 1a | am-hiċġende. / / # / Wese wīċ | hira | || wēste and īdel; / ne on hi |
The Paris Psalter 68:27 2a | ra || wēste and īdel; / ne on | hira | ēðle ne sīe || þinġ on· |
The Paris Psalter 68:35 3a | nille hē ġe·hæfte ēac / on | hira | nīede || nā for·hyċġan. / |
The Paris Psalter 68:36 4a | stōl || eft ġe·sittaþ / and | hira | ēðel be·ġietaþ || esnas |
The Paris Psalter 69:3 2a | weorfaþ and ċierraþ; / ealle | hira | sċamien, || þe mē yfel ho |
The Paris Psalter 69:4 1a | e mē yfel hoĝodon. / / # / And | hira | æfstu ēac || ealle sċamien |
The Paris Psalter 71:14 2a | || and of māne ēac / snēome | hira | sāwle || sōfte ā·līesde% |
The Paris Psalter 71:19 2a | Israhela || ēċe drihten / and | hira | selfra god || simle ġe·blē |
The Paris Psalter 72:3 1a | sōhton firene. / / # / For·þon | hira | dēaðes biþ || deorc ende-s |
The Paris Psalter 72:3 2a | biþ || deorc ende-stæf, / ne | hira | wītes biþ || wīsliċ trymn |
The Paris Psalter 72:5 2a | nġemete swīðe, / þurh þæt | hira | unryht wearþ || eall untȳne |
The Paris Psalter 72:7 1b | īe on heofon setton || hyġe | hira | mūðes, / and hira tungan || t |
The Paris Psalter 72:7 2a | on || hyġe hira mūðes, / and | hira | tungan || tuĝon ofer eorðan |
The Paris Psalter 72:16 2a | ġ dryhtnes || bealde habbaþ / | hira | ansīene || and þū hīe ēa |
The Paris Psalter 72:22 1b | n þā for·weorðaþ, || þe | hira | wynne tō þē / habban noldon, |
The Paris Psalter 72:22 2b | tō þē / habban noldon, || ne | hira | hyġe settan; / hūru þū for |
The Paris Psalter 73:4 1a | || wuniaþ middle. / / # / Setton | hira | tācen, || sōðe ne on·ġē |
The Paris Psalter 75:4 4a | t ierre, || þā þe unwīse% / | hira | heortan hyġe || healdaþ mid |
The Paris Psalter 75:4 5a | aldaþ mid dysġe; / hīe slǣp | hira | || swǣfon% unmurne; / ne ðǣr |
The Paris Psalter 77:4 1b | / Noldon hīe þā swīðe || | hira% | synna diernan, / ac ielda ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 77:7 2a | | fæderum ūssum, / þæt hīe | hira | bearnum || buden and sæġden |
The Paris Psalter 77:10 3a | || ierre and rēðe; / næfdon | hira | heortan || hyġe ġe·staðel |
The Paris Psalter 77:10 5a | ēnanne, || þætte wolde god / | hira | gasta mid him || ġīeman āw |
The Paris Psalter 77:13 3a | || þe hē worhte ǣr, / þāra | hira | ieldran || inn locodon. / / # / H |
The Paris Psalter 77:19 1a | tera þrȳðe. / / # / Þā hīe | hira | firene || furður ēhton, / and |
The Paris Psalter 77:19 3a | n ierre || eft ġe·brōhton, / | hira | hēafod-weard || holdne on la |
The Paris Psalter 77:20 3a | ċe || godes costodon, / bǣdon | hira | fēorum || fōdor ġēafe, / an |
The Paris Psalter 77:28 2a | || maniġe fēollan / and ymb | hira | sele-ġe·sċotu || swīðe |
The Paris Psalter 77:29 2a | ǣton || and sade wurdan, / and | hira | lusta || lifdon hwīle; / nēar |
The Paris Psalter 77:30 1b | Þā ġīet hīe on mūðe || | hira | mete hæfdon, / þā him on be |
The Paris Psalter 77:30 3a | e·cōm || ierre dryhtnes / and | hira | maniġe || māne swulton, / æ |
The Paris Psalter 77:32 1a | | wēl ġe·līefan. / / # / Hīe | hira | daĝena tīd || dǣdun% īdle |
The Paris Psalter 77:32 2a | ena tīd || dǣdun% īdle / and | hira | ġēara gang || ēac unnytte. |
The Paris Psalter 77:34 1b | ·ġēaton, || þæt wæs god | hira | / fǣle fultum, || frēond æt |
The Paris Psalter 77:34 3b | æt þearfe; / wæs hēa god || | hira | ā·līesend. / / # / Hīe hine l |
The Paris Psalter 77:36 3a | itnesse || wīsne hæfdon, / on | hira | fyrhþe || fæstne ġe·lēaf |
The Paris Psalter 77:37 2a | ild-heort || and mann-þwǣre / | hira | firen-dǣdum, || nolde hīe t |
The Paris Psalter 77:46 2a | erucan, || yfelan wyrme, / lēt | hira | wyrta || wæstme for·slītan |
The Paris Psalter 77:46 3a | || wæstme for·slītan, / and | hira | gram ġe·winn || hæfdon gæ |
The Paris Psalter 77:47 1a | || hæfdon gærs-hoppan. / / # / | Hira | wīn-ġeardas || wrāðe hæ |
The Paris Psalter 77:47 3a | or·nāmon; || nǣniġ mōste / | hira | hrōrra hrīm || æppla ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 77:48 1a | pla ġe·dīeġan. / / # / Sealde | hira | nēat ēac || swelċe hæġlu |
The Paris Psalter 77:48 2a | ēac || swelċe hæġlum, / and | hira | ǣhta || ealle fȳre. / / # / Hē |
The Paris Psalter 77:50 2a | te || wrāðan ierres, / ne hē | hira | sāwlum dēaþ || swīðe ne |
The Paris Psalter 77:50 3a | aþ || swīðe ne sparode / and | hira | nēat || nīþ-cwealm for:swe |
The Paris Psalter 77:57 2a | , || nealles wēl dydon, / swā | hira | fæderas || be·foran hēoldo |
The Paris Psalter 77:61 2a | īed || hēan ġe·sealde / and | hira | fǣġer folc || on fēondes h |
The Paris Psalter 77:63 1a | ac || eall for·hoĝode. / / # / | Hira | ġuĝuþe ēac || grymme līe |
The Paris Psalter 77:64 1a | swulton. / / # / Wǣron sācerdas | hira | || sweordum ā·brotene; / ne |
The Paris Psalter 77:64 2a | weordum ā·brotene; / ne þæt | hira | widewan || wēpan mōstan. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 78:2 4a | īnum esnum, / sealdon flǣsċ | hira | || fuĝlum tō mōse, / hāliġ |
The Paris Psalter 80:12 3a | s, || lēoda þēodum, / aefter | hira | willum || wynnum miċelum. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 80:13 4a | || wolden gangan, / þonne iċ | hira | fīend || fielde and hīende, |
The Paris Psalter 80:13 6a | ċele mæġen || mīnra handa / | hira | ēhtendas || ealle for·nam. / |
The Paris Psalter 80:14 2a | des || fǣcne lēoĝaþ; / biþ | hira | yfele tīd || āwa tō fēore |
The Paris Psalter 82:2 3a | ǣr || fēodon, drihten, / and | hira | hēafod wiþ þē || hōfon s |
The Paris Psalter 82:9 1a | | eorðan tō meoxe. / / # / Sete | hira | ealdor-menn || swā þū Oreb |
The Paris Psalter 82:9 3a | nd Zebee || and Salmanaa, / and | hira | ealdrum || eallum swelċe; / ea |
The Paris Psalter 82:12 1a | weorðaþ. / / # / Ġe·dō þæt | hira | ansīen || āwa sċeamie, / þo |
The Paris Psalter 84:2 2a | || eallum þīnum folce, / and | hira | firene || fæste hǣle. / / # / E |
The Paris Psalter 87:5 3a | ne% || on wīdne hlǣw, / ðǣr | hira | ġiemynde || menn ne wēnon, / |
The Paris Psalter 88:15 1a | ġhwǣr%. / / # / For·þon þū | hira | mæġenes eart || mǣrost wul |
The Paris Psalter 88:30 1a | e ne healdaþ. / / # / Þonne iċ | hira | unryht ġe·wrece || eġesan |
The Paris Psalter 88:30 2a | wrece || eġesan ġierde / and | hira | synne || swinglum for·ġield |
The Paris Psalter 89:5 2a | sse || nīede be·gangaþ, / ne | hira | winter-rīm || for wiht ne d |
The Paris Psalter 89:10 5a | gnorn-sċendende, / þēah þe | hira | hundred sēo || samod æt·g |
The Paris Psalter 89:14 3a | swīðe ġe·tȳde, / and þā | hira | heortan || healdaþ clǣne. / / |
The Paris Psalter 89:18 3a | weorc, || ēċe drihten, / and | hira | bearn ġe·reċċe || blīðe |
The Paris Psalter 90:11 2a | þæt hīe mid earmum þē / on | hira | heandum || hēolden ġeorne, / |
The Paris Psalter 92:5 1a | unast būtan ende. / / # / Hōfon | hira | stefne || strēamas, drihten, |
The Paris Psalter 93:18 4a | || snēome ġe·hæftaþ / and | hira | sāwle || of·slēan þenċa |
The Paris Psalter 93:20 3a | e hīe ġe·earnedon, / and on | hira | facne || fæste tō·drīfeþ |
The Paris Psalter 95:7 3a | wuldor þridde, / and þæt of | hira | ēðle dōn || ealle þēode, |
The Paris Psalter 98:9 3a | tiġ god, || milde wurde, / and | hira | æf-þuncan || ealle ġe·wr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 46a | roda, || þe we ymb sprecaþ, / | hira | here-toĝa, || sē ġe·hāte |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 54a | ǣr hīe nū sindon. / Hwæt is | hira | here || būtan sē hlīsa ān |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 59a | eorðan || ǣg·hwǣr sindon / | hira | ġe·līċan || hwon ymb·spr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 33a | || ealle ġe·sċeafta, / þæt | hira | ǣg·hwelċ || wiþ ōðer wi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 46b | im, / and swā þēah maĝon || | hira | þeġnunga / and ġe·fērsċip |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 51a | || ac hit is sēllicre / þæt | hira | ǣniġ ne mæġ || būtan ō |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 94a | ste ġe·samnaþ, / þæt hīe | hira | frēondsċipe || forþ on sim |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 98a | | miċelum ġe·sǣliġ, / ġif | hira | mōd-sefa || meahte weorðan / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 24a | eotolor ġe·cnāwan, / and tō | hira | cȳþþe || be·cuman siþþa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 38a | || hræðe bēoþ for·sewene / | hira | lārēowas, || þe hīe lange |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 42a | , || þēah him wolde hwelċ / | hira | lārēowa || listum bēodan / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 48b | dan / ōðre fuĝolas, || hīe | hira | āgne / stefne styrġaþ; || st |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 39a | ā swīðe || on sefan mīnum / | hira | dysiġ tǣlan || swā hit mē |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 45b | / þonne hīe habbaþ || þæt | hira | hyġe sēċeþ, / wēnaþ þonn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 13a | ton || rǣdes and frōfre / for | hira | untrēowum, || þe iċ him ǣ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 15a | olde. || Hīe mē tō wendon / | hira | bacu bitre || and hira blisse |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 15b | wendon / hira bacu bitre || and | hira | blisse fram. / For·hwǣm wolde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 63b | ah þā fēower || frum-stōl | hira, | / ǣġhwelċ hira || āĝenne s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 64a | | frum-stōl hira, / ǣġhwelċ | hira | || āĝenne stede, / þēah ān |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 70a | || bile-witt fæder, / þætte | hira | ǣniġ || ōðres ne dorste / m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 145a | | ēac ġe·menġed. / Ne mæġ | hira | ǣniġ || būtan ōðrum bēo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 24a | aþ, || āuht ne ġe·bētaþ / | hira | sċearpnesse || tō ðǣre s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 42a | mid rihte || rīċes hierde, / | hira | cyne-cynnes%. || Cūþ is wī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 44a | || þēoda ǣġhwelċ / hæfdon | hira | hālford || for þone hīehst |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 74b | / nīewan ġe·sǣlde, || ġif | hira | nǣngum hwelċ / ǣr ne oð·ī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 76a | t earm·liċ þinċ. / Ac ġif | hira | ǣniġ || ǣfre weorðeþ / tō |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 85b | ġe·sċeafta, || ǣġhwelċ | hira | / wrāðe tō·stencte || weor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 87a | weorðan sċolden, / ǣġhwelċ | hira | || ealle tō nāuhte / weorðan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 92b | uman, / and fæġniaþ || þæt | hira | fæder wealdeþ%. / Nis þæt n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 95b | n, / ġif hīe eall-mæġene || | hira | ord-fruman / ne þēowoden, || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 39a | || hālġe þrīċcaþ / under | hira | fōtum; || fīrum uncūþ / hw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 6a | | ōðre steorran, / for·þǣm | hira | bierhtu || ne biþ āuht / tō |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 25a | n || miċelum ā·weġede, / of | hira | stede styrede, || þonne hīe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 12a | īerost lǣtaþ. / For·þǣm | hira | nǣniġ || næs þā ġīeta, |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 23b | e, / wæter wiþ huneġe, || ne | hira | wǣda þon mā / seoloce siowia |
Metrical Psalm 93:18 4a | || snēome ġe·heftaþ / and | hira | sāwle || of·slēan þenċa |
Metrical Psalm 93:20 3a | e hīe ġe·earnodon / and on | hira | facne || fæste tō·drīfeþ |
The Battle of Brunanburh 47a | || nē An·lāf þȳ mā; / mid | hira | here-lāfum || hliehhan ne þ |
Solomon and Saturn 174a | des rǣswan%, / ġe·wesan ymbe | hira | wīsdōm; || wiers dēþ sē |
Solomon and Saturn 30b | usalem / weallas blīcan || and | hira | winrod līexan, / sōþfæstra |
Solomon and Saturn 38b | / simle biþ þe wīsra || þe | hira | ġe·weald hafaþ’. / ‘Siġ |
Solomon and Saturn 151b | ian, / ealdor ġe·efnan, || ac | hira | sċeall ānra ġe·hwelċ / on |
Solomon and Saturn 160b | ġen ġe·twinnas, || ne biþ | hira | tīr ġe·līċ. / Ōðer biþ |
Solomon and Saturn 165b | rd Salomon, || hwæðres biþ | hira | folgoþ betera?’ / ‘Mōdor |
Solomon and Saturn 224a | | þonne hīe winnaþ oft / mid | hira | þrēa-mēdlan, || hwæðerne |
The Judgment Day II 160a | la mǣġþa, || folca unrīm, / | hira | synniĝan brēost || swīðl |
The Judgment Day II 168a | rnþ þā earman sāwla, / and | hira | heortan || horsclīċe wyrmas |
The Judgment Day II 212a | grymme || wyrmas slītaþ / and | hira | bān gnaĝaþ || bryniĝum tu |
Psalm 50 107a | ēase || eft ġe·cierdon / tō | hira | selfra || sāwla heorde, / God |
The Seasons for Fasting 16a | hræðe, / ġif hīe lēohtras | hira | || lēton ġe·wierpan%. / Fela |
The Seasons for Fasting 167a | rmes brytta, / and ðǣr englas | hira | || ealdor sōhton. / Hyġe-synn |
The Seasons for Fasting 194a | e% ne gyltan, / nē on leahtrum | hira | || lyġen tō fæste. / Hwā m |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 7a | þǣm þe bearn Godes / selfes | hira | ēaĝum || ġe·sēon mōton. |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 11a | a || helpe ġe·līefeþ, / and | hira | bȳsene full·gāþ, || swā |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 8b | , / ðǣr þā mihtĝan wīf || | hira | mæġen be·rǣdon / and hīe |
The Battle of Finnsburh 15b | mpan, / Siġeferþ and Eaha, || | hira | sweord ġe·tuĝon, / and æt |
The Battle of Finnsburh 41b | e fuhton fīf daĝas, || swā | hira | nan ne fēoll / dryht-ġe·sī |
The Battle of Finnsburh 47a | ces hierde, / hū þā wīġend | hira | || wunda ġe·nǣson, / oþþe |
The Battle of Maldon 20a | stede healdan, / and bæd þæt | hira | randas% || rihte hēolden / fæ |
The Battle of Maldon 38b | ille, / sellan sǣ-mannum || on | hira | selfra dōm / feoh wiþ frēode |
The Battle of Maldon 70a | and sē æsċ-here. / Ne meahte | hira | ǣniġ || ōðrum derian, / bū |
The Battle of Maldon 133a | l tō þām ċeorle, / ǣġþer | hira | ōðrum || yfeles hoĝode. / Se |
The Battle of Maldon 184a | ēġen lāĝon, / þā on·efen | hira | frēan || feorh ġe·sealdon. |
The Battle of Maldon 194b | uĝon on þæt fæsten || and | hira | fēore burgon, / and manna mā |
The Battle of Maldon 204b | / heorð-ġe·nēatas || þæt | hira | hearra læġ. / Þā ðǣr wend |
The Battle of Maldon 263b | t hīe mosten ġe·wrecan || | hira | wine-drihten / and on hira fēo |
The Battle of Maldon 264a | n || hira wine-drihten / and on | hira | fēondum || fiell ġe·wyrċa |
The Battle of Maldon 299b | / hē wæs on ġe·þrange% || | hira | þrēora bana, / ǣr him Wīġ |
The Battle of Maldon 306a | rōðru, || beornas trymedon, / | hira | wine-maĝas || wordum bǣdon / |