Number of occurrences in corpus: 31
Genesis B 308a | þrīe niht and daĝas, / þā | englas | of heofonum on helle, || and |
Genesis B 320b | d þǣm and-sacum. || Heoldon | englas | forþ / heofon-rīċes hīehþe |
Genesis B 669a | sċōp; / ġe·sēo iċ him his | englas | || ymbe hweorfan / mid feðer-h |
Genesis A 2527a | . || Him þā frēondlīċe / | englas | ārfæste || andswarodon: / ‘ |
Daniel 364a | rca ġe·hwelċ! / Heofonas and | englas, | || and hlūtor wæter, / þā |
Christ and Satan 60b | st, / ealra an-weald, || and we | englas | mid þeċ. / Atol is þīn an-s |
Christ and Satan 353a | æt mǣre cynn, / ðǣr habbaþ | englas | || ēadiġne drēam, / sanctas |
Christ and Satan 520a | nne, || and ġe·fatian% hēt / | englas | eall-beorhte || and-lēofan |
Andreas 823b | tta / ofer ȳða ġe·þræc || | englas | sīne, / fæðmum ferĝan || on |
Andreas 871b | rēat. / Ūtan ymbe æðelne || | englas | stōdon, / þeġnas ymb þēode |
Soul and Body I 140a | || mid mē lǣdan, / þæt wit | englas | || ealle ġe·sāwon, / heofona |
Dream of the Rood 106b | a, / ælmihtiġ god, || and his | englas | mid, / þæt hē þonne wile d |
Christ B 448a | tum || hræġlum ġe·weorode / | englas | ne oþ·īewdon, || þā sē |
Christ B 506b | ·sǣĝon hīe æl-beorhte || | englas | twēġen / fæġere ymb þæt f |
Christ B 546b | cōmon / eorla ēad-ġiefan || | englas | tō·ġēanes. / Þæt is wēl |
Christ B 548b | aþ, / þæt him al-beorhte% || | englas | tō·ġēanes / on þā hālĝa |
Christ C 880a | temestum || eorðan rīċes, / | englas | æl-beorhte || on efen blāwa |
Guthlac A 88b | aþ ān-būendra. || Fore him | englas | standaþ, / ġearwe mid gǣsta |
Guthlac B 1306b | lǣded / ēadiġ on up-weġ. || | Englas | feredon% / tō þām langan ġe |
Resignation 49b | rnode ārna. || For·lǣt mec | englas | sē·þeah / ġe·niman on þī |
Resignation 56a | him selfum || sellan þuhten / | englas | ofer·hyġdiġe || þonne ē |
Azarias 75a | rca ġe·hwelċ, / heofonas and | englas | || and hlūtor wæter, / and ea |
The Paris Psalter 102:19 1a | llum wealdeþ%. / / # / Ealle his | englas | || ēċne drihten / blētsian b |
The Paris Psalter 103:5 1a | || fiðeru winda. / / # / Hē his | englas | dēþ || æðele gāstas / and |
The Paris Psalter 77:49 3b | -hord / and þæt wiþ yfele || | englas | sende. / / # / Hē him weġ worht |
The Death of Edward 27b | ·nam / æðelne of eorðan; || | englas | feredon / sōþfæste sāwle || |
The Gloria I 44a | || hālġes gāstes, / wlitiġe | englas | || and wuldor-ġiefe, / sōðe |
The Creed 23b | / and ymbe Bethleem || bododon | englas | / þæt ā·cenned wæs || Crī |
The Seasons for Fasting 136a | ǣrne ġe·stīĝan. / Sint for | englas | ġe·teald || eorð-būendum% |
The Seasons for Fasting 167a | || hearmes brytta, / and ðǣr | englas | hira || ealdor sōhton. / Hyġe |
The Seasons for Fasting 174a | sċrīþ || and þē hāliġ / | englas | ǣrfæste || ǣġhwǣr helpa |