Number of occurrences in corpus: 239
Genesis A 49b | wēn ġe·lēah, || siþþan | wealdend | his, / heofona hēah-cyning, || |
Genesis A 67b | eofonum, / wǣrlēas weorod. || | Wealdend | sende / lāþ-wendne here || on |
Genesis A 126b | Þā ġe·sundrode || siĝora | wealdend | / ofer laĝu-flōde || lēoht w |
Genesis A 147a | ofon-timber. || Holmas dǣlde / | wealdend | ūre || and ġe·worhte þā / |
Genesis B 260a | wiþ þone hīehstan heofones | wealdend%, | || þe siteþ on þǣm hālĝ |
Genesis B 298a | anna ġe·hwelċ / þe wiþ his | wealdend | || winnan on·ġinneþ / mid m |
Genesis B 300a | e·bolĝen, / hīehsta heofones | wealdend, | || wearp hine of þǣm hēan |
Genesis B 303b | s þe hē wann wiþ heofones | wealdend. | / A·cwæþ hine þā fram his |
Genesis B 323a | hæfdon / ġe·winnes wiþ hira | wealdend. | || Wīte þoliaþ, / hātne hea |
Genesis B 462b | red mid wæstme, || swā hīe | wealdend | God, / hēah heofon-cyning || h |
Genesis B 520b | þȳ wlitiġra. || Þā sende | wealdend | God, / þīn hearra þās helpe |
Genesis B 551b | eorolde: || ‘Iċ wāt, inċ | wealdend | God / ā·bolĝen wierþ, || sw |
Genesis B 673a | || God ne on·sende, / heofones | wealdend? | || Ġe·hīeran mæġ iċ rū |
Genesis B 745a | ēowian wolden. / For·þon unc | wealdend | wearþ || wrāþ on mōde, / on |
Genesis B 780a | n || and God nemdon, / heofones | wealdend, | || and hine bǣdon / þæt hīe |
Genesis B 815a | od, || ac unc is mehtiġ God, / | wealdend | wrāð-mōd. || To hwon sċul |
Genesis B 817a | þæt iċ bæd heofones God, / | wealdend | þone gōdan, || þæt hē þ |
Genesis B 850b | tiġ, / and him ġe·wīsode || | wealdend | sē gōda, / hū hīe on þǣm |
Genesis A 1043b | te aefter weorce’. || Hine | wealdend | inn, / tīrfæst metod, || tāc |
Genesis A 1112b | unu% / sealde% selfa || siĝora | wealdend, | / līfes ealdor || on lēofes s |
Genesis A 1203a | im wæs þēoden hold, / rodera | wealdend. | || Sē rinċ heonan / on līċ- |
Genesis A 1253b | ere. / Þā reordode || rodera | wealdend | / wrāþ mann-cynne || and þā |
Genesis A 1270b | ā ġe·seah selfa || siĝora | wealdend | / hwæt wæs manna || mānes on |
Genesis A 1294b | / wīdlum ġe·wēmde. || Þā | wealdend | spræc, / nerġend ūser, || an |
Genesis A 1365a | þ || mundum sīnum, / siĝora | wealdend, | || and seġnode / earce innan | |
Genesis A 1408a | od || mere-līðende, / siĝora | wealdend | || sunu Lāmeches / and ealle |
Genesis A 1771a | , || swā him siĝora weard, / | wealdend | ūser || þurh his word ā·b |
Genesis A 1839b | drihten / on weorold-rīċe, || | wealdend | ūser, / ān æl-mehtiġ, || sw |
Genesis A 1864a | re || gumena ealdor / hwæt him | wealdend | wræc || wīte-swingum; / hēt |
Genesis A 2139b | þē ġe·hāte, || hæleþa | wealdend, | / for þǣm hālĝan, || þe he |
Genesis A 2175b | t ġiefest þū mē, || gasta | wealdend, | / frēo-manna tō frōfre, || n |
Genesis A 2201a | Ne ġōmra þū. / Iċ eom sē | wealdend | || sē þe for wintra fela / of |
Genesis A 2221b | / ‘Mē þæs for·wiernde || | wealdend | heofona, / þæt iċ mǣġ-bur |
Genesis A 2295a | || Ġe·wit þū þīnne eft / | wealdend | sēċan; || wuna þǣm þē |
Genesis A 2387b | þæt ġe·hīerde || heofona | wealdend, | / þæt on būre ā·hōf || br |
Genesis A 2406b | olde. || On·gann þā rodera | wealdend, | / ārfæst wiþ Abraham sprecan |
Genesis A 2506a | þissum wǣr-loĝan. / Unc hit | wealdend | hēt || for wera synnum / Sōdo |
Genesis A 2547a | þæs lēan for·ġeald / gasta | wealdend. | || Grāp hēah-þrêa / on hǣ |
Genesis A 2578b | / ðǣr wordum ǣr || wiþ his | wealdend | spræc / frōd frum-gāra. || H |
Genesis A 2587a | e līeġ || tō wræce sende. / | Wealdend | ūser || ġe·munde wǣr-fæs |
Genesis A 2635a | | Cōm nihtes self, / ðǣr sē | wealdend | læġ || wīne druncen. / On·g |
Genesis A 2756b | / hira rīm-ġe·tel || rodera | wealdend, | / ēad and ǣhta. || Æl-mehti |
Genesis A 2762a | || swā hē self ġe·cwæþ, / | wealdend | ūser, || hæfde word-bēot / l |
Genesis A 2813b | unne / wordum oþþe dǣdum. || | Wealdend | sċūfeþ, / frēa on% forþ-we |
Genesis A 2862b | la / word on·drysne || and his | wealdend% | lēof. / Þā sē ēadĝa || Ab |
Exodus 16b | r him ġe·sealde || siĝora | wealdend, | / mōdĝum maĝu-rǣswan%, || h |
Exodus 422a | ng æl-wihta, / þæt þū wiþ | wealdend | || wǣre hēolde, / fæste trē |
Exodus 433a | eþ, || engla þēoden, / wyrda | wealdend | || and weoroda God, / sōþfæs |
Daniel 13a | , || hāliġ drihten, / wuldres | wealdend. | || Sē þǣm weorode ġe·af / |
Daniel 240b | an līeġes, || þā hīe sē | wealdend | nerede. / Hrēoh-mōd wæs sē |
Daniel 290b | hte and ġe·rūme, || rodera | wealdend. | / Ġēoca ūser ġeorne nū, || |
Daniel 331a | art || ēċe drihten, / weoroda | wealdend, | || weorold-ġe·sċeafta, / si |
Daniel 360a | ft || ēċne drihten, / þēoda | wealdend. | || Swā hīe þrīe cwǣdon, / |
Daniel 447a | īefde / þæt sē wǣre meahta | wealdend | || sē þe hīe of þǣm mier |
Daniel 451a | tte sōþ wǣre / mǣre meahta | wealdend, | || sē hīe of þǣm morðre |
Daniel 456b | ċe, || siþþan hīe rodera | wealdend, | / hāliġ heofon-rīċes weard, |
Daniel 761a | lra ġe·sċeafta / drihten and | wealdend, | || sē him dōm for·ġeaf, / u |
Christ and Satan 24a | || sweġeles bryttan, / wuldres | wealdend. | || Him ðǣr wierse% ġe·lam |
Christ and Satan 124a | olfa || swægles brytta / wihta | wealdend | || ac hit me wyrse gelomp / swa |
Christ and Satan 187a | || drihten of selde, / weoroda | wealdend; | || sċeall nū wræc-lāstas / |
Christ and Satan 198b | % ēċne ġe·fêan, || engla | wealdend. | / Hē þæt ġe·cydde || þæt |
Christ and Satan 217b | r hē selfa sitt, || siĝora | wealdend, | / drihten hǣlend, || in þǣm |
Christ and Satan 251a | helm þone miċelan, / weoroda | wealdend, | || āĝan ūs þis wuldres l |
Christ and Satan 563a | || engla sċieppend, / weoroda | wealdend. | || Þā cōm wolcna swēġ, / h |
Christ and Satan 584a | alra ġe·sċeafta / wyrhta and | wealdend | || þurh his wuldres cræft. / |
Christ and Satan 586a | n heofonum || hāliġ enġel, / | wealdend | mid wītĝum. || Hafaþ wuldr |
Christ and Satan 607a | d%, || þonne hǣlend cymeþ, / | wealdend | mid wolcnum || in þās weoro |
Andreas 193a | | heofona sċieppend, / wuldres | wealdend, | || swā þū worde be·cwist? |
Andreas 213a | wēl þenċest / wiþ þīnne | wealdend | || wǣre ġe·healdan, / trīew |
Andreas 225b | þa se halga || healdend ond | wealdend | / upengla fruma || eþel secan / |
Andreas 248b | wæs drihten sylf || dugeþa | wealdend | / ece ælmihtig || mid his engl |
Andreas 325a | empum || he is cyning on riht / | wealdend | ond wyrhta || wuldorþrymmes / |
Andreas 388a | | lēan for·ġielde, / weoroda | wealdend | || and þē wist ġiefe, / heof |
Andreas 539a | || cyning weorðode, / wuldres | wealdend | || and þus wordum cwæþ: / |
Andreas 604a | | þæt ic soþ wite / hwæþer | wealdend | þin || wundor on eorþan / þa |
Andreas 702a | d, || mæġene ġe·swīðed, / | wealdend | and wyrhta || wuldor-þrymmes |
Andreas 799a | rene || ond upheofon / hwær se | wealdend | wære || þe þæt weorc sta |
Andreas 855a | ēole wæs || cyninga wuldor, / | wealdend | wer-þēode%. || Iċ his word |
Andreas 920b | Hū ġe·worhte iċ þæt, || | wealdend | fīra, / synniġ wiþ selfne, | |
Andreas 1056a | e || cyning weorðodon, / wyrda | wealdend, | || þæs wuldres ne biþ / ǣfr |
Andreas 1451b | ē þanc and lof, || þēoda | wealdend, | / tō wīdan fēore || wuldor o |
Dream of the Rood 67a | e / gesetton hie þæron sigora | wealdend | || ongunnon him þa sorhleoþ |
Dream of the Rood 111b | esan / for þam worde || þe se | wealdend | cwyþ / frineþ he for þære m |
Dream of the Rood 155b | unedon on wuldre || þa heora | wealdend | cwom / ælmihtig god || þær h |
Elene 4b | ntra for worulde || þæs þe | wealdend | god / acenned wearþ || cyninga |
Elene 80a | | heht þe cyning engla / wyrda | wealdend | || wære beodan / duguþa dryht |
Elene 206b | htme / on rōde trēo || rodera | wealdend | / æfstum þurh inwitt, || swā |
Elene 337a | des had || cenned wurde / mihta | wealdend | || be þam moyses sang / ond þ |
Elene 347a | | he on gesyhþe wæs / mægena | wealdend | || min on þa swiþran / þrymm |
Elene 421b | on þām þrōwode || þēoda | wealdend, | / ealra gnyrna% lēas, || godes |
Elene 43b | æs / of rode ahæfen || rodera | wealdend | / eallra þrymma þrym || þreo |
Elene 44b | of rōde ā·hæfen || rodera | wealdend, | / ealra þrymma þrymm, || þr |
Elene 73b | leofa / hu arfæst is || ealles | wealdend | / þeah we æbylgþ wiþ hine | |
Elene 74b | fa, / hū ārfæst is || ealles | wealdend, | / þēah we ǣ·bylhþ wiþ hin |
Elene 293b | þū self sitest, || siĝora% | wealdend, | / ofer þām æðelestan || en |
Elene 312a | alga || heahengla god / weoroda | wealdend | || is þæs wuldres ful / heofu |
Elene 313a | a || hēah-engla god, / weoroda | wealdend. | || Is þæs wuldres full / heof |
Elene 333b | ebunden / gif þin willa sie || | wealdend | engla / þæt ricsie || se þe |
Elene 334b | en. / Ġif þīn willa sīe, || | wealdend | engla, / þæt rīcsie || sē |
Elene 341b | hine / swa þrymlice || þeoda | wealdend | / aweahte for weorodum || gif h |
Elene 342b | / swā þrymlīċe, || þēoda | wealdend, | / ā·weahte for weorodum, || |
Elene 603b | rex / meotud milde god || mihta | wealdend | / þa wæs gefulwad || se þe |
Elene 604b | , / metod milde, god, || meahta | wealdend. | / Þā wæs ġe·fulwod || sē |
Elene 627b | d þam on rode wæs || rodera | wealdend | / gefæstnod frea mihtig || be |
Elene 628b | þām on rōde wæs || rodera | wealdend | / ġe·fæstnod, frēa mehtiġ. |
Elene 645a | le || fæder ælmihtig / wereda | wealdend | || willan minne / niþa nergend |
Elene 646a | | fæder æl-mehtiġ, / weoroda | wealdend, | || willan mīnne, / nīða ner |
Christ A 46b | ĝena wōþ-sang, || þā sē | wealdend | cōm, / sē þe reorda ġe·hw |
Christ A 163b | sum / wunast wīde-feorh || mid | wealdend | fæder.’ / ‘Ēalā Ioseph m |
Christ A 258b | tō·wrecene. || Þæt þū, | wealdend, | ǣr / blōde ġe·bohtes, || þ |
Christ A 328b | æt weall-dor, || þurh þē | wealdend | frēa / ǣne on þās eorðan | |
Christ A 394a | eġele ġe·hyrste, / weorðian | wealdend | || wīde and sīde, / and mid h |
Christ B 474b | / and þæt word ā·cwæþ || | wealdend | engla, / ġe·fȳsed, frēa meh |
Christ B 544b | / ær·þon up stiġe || ealle | wealdend | / on heofona ġe·hield. || Hw |
Christ B 555b | an / on hēah-setle || heofones | wealdend, | / folca feorh-ġiefan, || fræt |
Christ B 556b | h-ġiefan, || frætwum ealles | wealdend | / middan-ġeardes || and mæġe |
Christ B 577b | . / Wile inn tō ēow || ealles | wealdend, | / cyning on ċeastre, || corðr |
Christ B 681b | as wīd-ġielle. || Swā sē | wealdend | ūs, / god-bearn on grundum, || |
Christ B 714a | -snotor || gǣst-ġe·rȳnum, / | wealdend | wer-þēoda || and þæt word |
Christ B 822b | ūs milde be·cōm || meahta | wealdend | / æt ǣrestan || þurh þæs e |
Christ B 865b | ā ūs ġe·rȳmde || rodera | wealdend, | / hālġe on hīehþu, || þā |
Christ C 1185b | þēah wundrum, || þā hira | wealdend | for / of līċ-haman. || Lēode |
Christ C 1220b | , / eall aefter rihte || rodera | wealdend. | / Þonne bēoþ ġe·samnod || |
Christ C 1569a | ne þæs ġīean nele / weoroda | wealdend, | || hū þā wamm-sċaðan / hir |
Christ C 1601a | man fremmaþ%, / hwæt him sē | wealdend | || tō wrace ġe·sette, / lā |
Christ C 1613b | ǣrlēasra weorod || and hīe | wealdend | ġiefeþ / fēondum on for-wyrd |
Vainglory 84b | um / þone sēlestan || siĝora | wealdend. | |
Maxims I 43a | t him þæs ed-hwierft cyme. / | Wealdend | him þæt wīte tēode, || s |
Guthlac A 594a | uma || līefan wille, / weoroda | wealdend, | || þæt ġē his wer-genġan |
Guthlac A 666a | iers ġe·lamp, / þā ēow sē | wealdend | || wrāðe be·sencte / on þæ |
Guthlac A 763a | ond middan-ġeard. / Wile% sē | wealdend | || þæt we wīsdōm ā / snytr |
Guthlac A 800a | || heortan clǣne / weorðiaþ | wealdend, | || habbaþ wīsne ġe·þōht |
Riddles 20 4b | b þone wæl-ġimm || þe mē | wealdend | ġeaf, / sē mē wīd-giellum | |
Riddles 23 6a | ā·swāpe. / Siþþan mē sē | wealdend, | || sē mē þæt wīte ġe·s |
Riddles 40 89b | ċeafta, / þāra þe worhte || | wealdend | ūser, / sē mec ana mæġ || |
Riddles 6 1b | ġe·sette sōð || siĝora | wealdend | / Crīst tō campe. || Oft iċ |
The Judgment Day I 85b | onne ġe·lēanaþ || līfes | wealdend, | / heofona hīerde, || aefter he |
The Judgment Day I 94b | ne, / wamma lēase, || swā sē | wealdend | cwæþ, / ealra cyninga cyning. |
Resignation 44a | ; || feorma mē þonne, / wyrda | wealdend, | || on þīnne wuldor-drēam, / |
The Descent into Hell 112b | e þīnre þearfe, || þēoda | wealdend, | / ac for þām miltsum || þe |
The Lord's Prayer I 10b | s frēodōm% ġief, || folca | wealdend, | / fram yfela ġe·hwǣm, || ā |
Azarias 11b | um / rihte mid rǣde. || Rodora | wealdend, | / ġēoca ūs ġeorne, || gǣst |
Azarias 48a | d || and sōþ metod, / wuldres | wealdend | || and weorold-sċeafta.’ / S |
Azarias 71a | te || ēċne drihten, / þēoda | wealdend. | || Swā hīe þrīe cwǣdon, / |
Azarias 96b | umor, / wearme weder-daĝas, || | wealdend | manna, / frēan on ferhþe. || |
Azarias 104b | er, forst and snāw, || folca | wealdend, | / winter-bitera weder || and wo |
Azarias 120a | and fæder rīċe. / For·þon | wealdend | sċōp || wudiġe mōras, / lof |
Azarias 158b | þon ūs on·sende || siĝora | wealdend | / enġel tō āre, || sē þe |
The Ruin 7a | eotone. || Eorð-grāp hafaþ / | wealdend | wyrhtan || for·weorone, ġe |
The Phoenix 464b | sīða ġe·hwone, || siĝora | wealdend, | / weoroda will-ġiefa. || Þis |
The Phoenix 631b | tiġ / on ēannesse, || heofona | wealdend.’ | / Þus reordiaþ || riht-fremme |
Juliana 213b | ildne mund-boran, || mæġena | wealdend, | / sē mec ġe·sċieldeþ || wi |
Juliana 291a | e || þæt sē cempa on·gann / | wealdend | wundian, || weorod tō sǣĝo |
Juliana 305b | / on rōde ā·hēng || rodera | wealdend, | / metod mihtiġne || mīnum lā |
Juliana 723a | || helpe ġe·fremme, / meahta | wealdend, | || on þām miċelan% dæġe, |
The Wanderer 78b | s. / Woriaþ þā wīn-salu, || | wealdend | liċġaþ / drēame be·drorene |
The Gifts of Men 92b | mæġ on lof-sangum || līfes | wealdend | / hlūde herġan, || hafaþ hē |
Beowulf 17a | || him ðæs liffrea / wuldres | wealdend | || woroldare forgeaf / beowulf |
Beowulf 183a | | herġan ne cūðon, / wuldres | wealdend. | || Wā biþ þǣm þe sċeall |
Beowulf 1661b | e; / ac mē ġe·ūðe || ielda | wealdend | / þæt iċ on wǣĝe ġe·seah |
Beowulf 1693b | lēan / þurh wæteres wielm || | wealdend | sealde. / Swā wæs on þǣm s |
Beowulf 1752a | e him ǣr god sealde, / wuldres | wealdend, | || weorð-mynda dæl. / Hit on |
Beowulf 2741b | þǣm mē wītan ne ðearf || | wealdend | fīra / morðₒr-bealu māĝa, |
Beowulf 2875a | ðere him god ūðe, / siĝora | wealdend, | || þæt hē hine selfne ġe |
Judith 5a | ōĝan / ġe·friðode, frymþa | wealdend. | || Hire þæs fæder on rodor |
Judith 61a | ·stīerde, / drihten, duĝuþa | wealdend. | || Ġe·wāt þā sē dēoful |
The Paris Psalter 102:10 1b | an / / # / na þu be gewyrhtum || | wealdend | urum / wommum wyrhtum || woldes |
The Paris Psalter 105:37 2b | ebletsad / on worulda woruld || | wealdend | drihten / and þæt fægere bec |
The Paris Psalter 118:129 1b | wundorlic is þin gewitnes || | wealdend | dryhten / forþon heo min sawl |
The Paris Psalter 118:129 2b | iċ is þīn ġe·witness, || | wealdend | drihten; / for·þon hēo min s |
The Paris Psalter 118:146 2b | e / halne heahcyning || heofona | wealdend | / hælende crist || ic þæt hi |
The Paris Psalter 118:146 3b | lne, hēah-cyning, || heofona | wealdend, | / hǣlend Crīst; || iċ þæt |
The Paris Psalter 122:3 5b | oþþæt us miltsige || mihta | wealdend | / / # / miltsa us nu-þa || mihti |
The Paris Psalter 129:4 1b | mildheortnes mid þe || mihta | wealdend | / and ic for þinre æ || ece d |
The Paris Psalter 141:6 1b | eheald mine sawle || hæleþa | wealdend | / forþon ic geeadmeded eom || |
The Paris Psalter 55:4 1a | þe || wuldres drihten / / # / ic | wealdend | god || wordum herige / and on g |
The Paris Psalter 58:11 2b | gen / and hi wraþe toweorp || | wealdend | min drihten / / # / ys hyra muþe |
The Paris Psalter 64:3 3b | ltuma / urum misdædum || mihta | wealdend | / / # / he weorþeþ eadig || se |
The Paris Psalter 65:16 2b | n heortan / ne wite me þæt || | wealdend | drihten / / # / forþon me gehyrd |
The Paris Psalter 67:12 3a | is mihtig cynincg / and wlites | wealdend | || oft weorþlic reaf / on huse |
The Paris Psalter 67:16 3a | | ġe·nimaþ wæstme; / sē is | wealdend | gode || wēl līciendliċ, / on |
The Paris Psalter 67:21 1a | rihten gehealde / / # / hwæþere | wealdend | god || wiþhycgendra / heafdas |
The Paris Psalter 70:21 2b | þonne ic þe singe || sigora | wealdend | / and min sawl eac || þa þu s |
The Paris Psalter 73:9 1b | cgen / / # / wilt þu hu lange || | wealdend | drihten / edwit þolian || yfel |
The Paris Psalter 77:65 1b | stan / / # / þa wearþ aweaht || | wealdend | drihten / swa he slæpende || s |
The Paris Psalter 78:8 1b | ne gemune þu to oft || mihta | wealdend | / ealdra unrihta || þe we oft |
The Paris Psalter 79:14 7b | nder þe getrymedest || tires | wealdend | / / # / fyr onbærneþ || folm þ |
The Paris Psalter 79:17 1b | e / / # / ac þu us wel cwica || | wealdend | mihtig / we naman þinne || neo |
The Paris Psalter 83:4 3b | / and þe on worulda woruld || | wealdend | heriaþ / / # / þæt byþ eadig |
The Paris Psalter 85:4 1b | # / forþon þu eart wynsum || | wealdend | drihten / is þin milde mod || |
The Paris Psalter 88:40 1b | test / / # / wilt þu hu lange || | wealdend | drihten / yrre þin acyþan || |
The Paris Psalter 92:6 3b | t flowaþ / swa is wundorlic || | wealdend | usser / halig drihten || on hea |
The Paris Psalter 93:19 1b | / # / forþon me is geworden || | wealdend | drihten / to friþstole || fæs |
The Paris Psalter 94:1 2b | cweman gode / wynnum drihten || | wealdend | herigean / urum hælende || hyl |
The Paris Psalter 99:2 2b | witaþ wislice || þæt he is | wealdend | god / he us geworhte || and we |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 30b | him rūm for·lǣt || rodera | wealdend, | / ac hē þone weleĝan || wǣd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 2a | butan ælcum tweon / se is eac | wealdend | || woruldgesceafta / heofones a |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 71b | oton / þa gesetnessa || sigora | wealdend | / lifes leohtfruma || læt þen |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 6b | þ swa geheaþorad || heofona | wealdend | / utan befangen || ealla gescea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 204b | þū þā sāwle, || siĝora | wealdend, | / þēoda þrymm-cyning, || þu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 256a | , || bile-wit fæder, / þēoda | wealdend, | || tō þē cuman, / and þonne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 268b | id þīnum lēohte, || līfes | wealdend, | / for·þǣm þū eart sēo bie |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 274b | eart ealra þinga, || þēoda | wealdend, | / fruma and ende. || Hwæt, þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 34a | || eallum wealdeþ. / Nele sē | wealdend | || þæt for·weorðan sċyle |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 36b | wile / leoman onlihtan || lifes | wealdend | / gif þonne hæleþa hwilc || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 70b | t þonne hē wile, || heofona | wealdend, | / and ēowaþ eft || eorð-būe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 14a | ūtan. || Ac sē æl-mihtĝa / | wealdend | and wyrhta || weorolde ġe·s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 49a | māne āðas. / Ġif þū nū, | wealdend, | ne wilt || wyrde stīeran, / ac |
Metrical Psalm 92:6 3b | ōwaþ / swā is wundorliċ || | wealdend | ūser / hāliġ drihten || on |
Metrical Psalm 93:19 1b | 19 / / Forðon me is geworden || | wealdend | drihten / to friðstole fest || |
Metrical Psalm 94:1 2b | ēman Gode / wynnum drihten || | wealdend | herġan / ūrum hǣlende || hy |
The Coronation of Edgar 1b | / Hēr Ēadgār wæs, || Engla | wealdend, | / corðre miċelum% || tō cyni |
The Death of Edgar 22b | wīðe for·sewen, || siĝora | wealdend, | / rodera rǣdend, || þā man h |
The Death of Edward 6b | feower ond twentig || freolic | wealdend | / wintra gerimes || weolan brit |
The Death of Edward 8b | de / and healfe tid || hæleþa | wealdend | / weold wel geþungen || walum |
The Menologium 46a | id || emniht healdaþ / forþan | wealdend | god || worhte æt frymþe / on |
The Menologium 160b | arn / wiga weorþlice || be him | wealdend | cwæþ / þæt nan mærra man | |
The Menologium 209b | re geleorde / wer womma leas || | wealdend | sohte / upengla weard || þænn |
The Judgment Day II 50b | nele brysan / wanhydige mod || | wealdend | engla / ne ðone wlacan smocan |
The Judgment Day II 52a | ocan || wāces fleaxes% / wille | wealdend | Crīst || wætere ġe·dwǣs |
The Lord's Prayer II 1b | ðu eart ure fæder || ealles | wealdend | / cyninc on wuldre || forðam w |
The Gloria I 9b | yrde / lifes latteow || leohtes | wealdend | / asyndrod fram synnum || swa |
The Lord's Prayer III 6b | od / cume nu to mannum || mihta | wealdend | / ðin rice to us || rihtwis de |
The Creed 6b | rea / engla ordfruma || eorðan | wealdend | / and ðu garsecges || grundas |
The Creed 33b | ðy ðriddan dæge || ðeoda | wealdend | / aras rices frea || recene of |
The Kentish Hymn 9b | nd þē þanciaþ, || þēoda | wealdend, | / þīnes weorðlican% || wuldo |
The Kentish Hymn 41b | se / and on ānnesse, || ealles | wealdend, | / heofona hēah-cyning%, || hā |
Psalm 50 31a | : / ‘Miltsa% þū mē, meahta | wealdend, | || nū þū wāst manna ġe· |
Psalm 50 80b | ; / þonne bēoþ on wenne, || | wealdend, | simle / þā ġe·brocenan bān |
Psalm 50 92b | þū rihtne gāst, || rodera | wealdend, | / on ferhþe mīnum || fæste |
Psalm 50 116a | ōþfæstnesse. / On·tȳn nū, | wealdend | God, || weleras mīne; / swā m |
A Prayer 2b | ma God. / Ġeara mē, || ēċe | wealdend. | / Iċ wāt mīne sāwle || synn |
A Prayer 39b | drihten / ac is wunder mycel || | wealdend | engla / gif ðu hit sylfa wast |
A Prayer 43b | nde / ealra worulda scippend || | wealdend | engla / ealra dugeða duguð || |
Thureth 7b | d him ġe·þancie || þēoda | wealdend | / þæs þe hē on ġe·mynde | |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 14a | alne þrymm ā·ōf, / and ēac | wealdend | is || wihta% ġe·hwelcre, / ā |
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 9a | ah ealles ġe·weald, / rodera | wealdend, | || þæt hē on riht mōte / o |
Instructions for Christians 213a | nne || sinum% þegne, / þeoda | wealdend, | || ac mid þeawum stepum. / Ne |
The Battle of Maldon 173b | e·þancie% þē, || þēoda | wealdend, | / ealra þāra wynna || þe iċ |