Number of occurrences in corpus: 80
Exodus 151a | eorh-lēan || facne ġieldan, / | þætte | hīe% þæt dæġ-weorc || dr |
Exodus 510a | ngrundes || ǣniġ tō lāfe, / | þætte | sīþ hira% || seċġan mōst |
Daniel 114a | slǣpe || sōþ ġe·cȳðed, / | þætte | rīċes ġe·hwæs || rēðe |
Daniel 148a | hit for·hæfed ġe·wearþ / | þætte | hīe sædon || swefn cyninge, |
Daniel 161a | ċe || weoroda ġe·sċeafte, / | þætte | sōna on·ġeat || swīþ-mod |
Daniel 317b | fyrn-daĝum / īeċan wolde, || | þætte | aefter him / on cnēo-rissum || |
Daniel 450b | ldiġ, / sē þæs on·sōce || | þætte | sōþ wǣre / mǣre meahta weal |
Daniel 471a | wordene || and wunder Godes, / | þætte | on þǣm cnihtum || ġe·cȳ |
Daniel 643a | e·lēafan || in līf-fruman, / | þætte | God sealde || gumena ġe·hwe |
Christ and Satan 428b | . / Sæġdest ūs tō sōðe || | þætte | selfa God / wolde hell-warum || |
Andreas 546a | -hwealfe, || hæleþa cynnes, / | þætte | ā·reċċan mæġ || oþþe |
Christ A 143a | || swā him ġe·hāten wæs, / | þætte | sunu metodes || selfa wolde / |
Christ A 417a | cliċ wrixl || on wera līfe, / | þætte | mann-cynnes || milde sċieppe |
Christ B 451b | ġdon sōðne ġe·fēan, || | þætte | sunu wǣre / on middan-ġeard | |
Christ B 600b | nde. / þæt is þæs wyrðe || | þætte | wer-þēode / seċġen drihtne |
Christ B 656b | / and þæt ne ġe·lyfdon, || | þætte | līf-fruma / on mannes hīew || |
Christ B 715b | ūþ þæt ġe·weorðeþ, || | þætte | cyning engla, / metod meahtum s |
Christ C 1155a | ode, || þēod-wunder miċel, / | þætte | eorðe ā·ġeaf || þā hire |
Christ C 1499b | mōde. / Be·bēad iċ ēow || | þætte | brōðor mīne / on weorold-rī |
Christ C 1588a | es wlite || on wuldres lēan, / | þætte | heofones cyning || on þā h |
Vainglory 58a | āra ġō || on godes rīċe / | þætte | mid englum || ofer-hyġd ā· |
The Fortunes of Men 2a | angeþ, || mid godes meahtum, / | þætte | wer and wīf || on weorold ce |
The Panther 21b | aþ, / gǣst-hālġe guman, || | þætte | Iosephes / tunece wǣre || tel |
The Panther 27b | sċīenra / wundrum lixeþ, || | þætte | wrætlicra / ǣġhwelċ ōðrum |
The Whale 39b | le / flāh fēond ġe·māh, || | þætte | fīra ġe·hwelċ / hæleþa cy |
The Whale 55b | sum stenċ / of his innoþe, || | þætte | ōðre þurh þone, / sǣ-fisca |
Guthlac A 449a | || Trēow wæs ġe·cȳðed, / | þætte | Gūð·lāce || god lēanode / |
Guthlac B 820b | ssum, / folcum ġe·frǣġe, || | þætte | frymþa god / þone ǣrestan || |
Guthlac B 981a | a. || Bryðen wæs on·gunnen / | þætte | Ādame || Eue ġe·biermde / æ |
Guthlac B 987b | enne / þurh ǣr-ġe·wyrht, || | þætte | ǣniġ ne wæs / fīra cynnes | |
Guthlac B 989b | n siþþan / mann on moldan, || | þætte | meahte him / ġe·beorĝan and |
Wulf and Eadwacer 18b | man ēaðe tō·slīteþ || | þætte | nǣfre ġe·samnad wæs, / unce |
The Judgment Day I 1b | þæt ġe·limpan sċeall, || | þætte | laĝu flōweþ / flōd ofer fol |
The Phoenix 1b | x / / Hæbbe iċ ġe·frugnen || | þætte | is feorr heonan / ēast-dǣlum |
The Phoenix 69a | Is þæt þēodnes ġe·bod, / | þætte | twelf sīðum || þæt tīrf |
Juliana 2b | ahtian, / dēman dǣd-hwate, || | þætte | on daĝum ġe·lamp / Maximiane |
Precepts 4a | t hē wēl þunge: / ‘Dō ā | þætte | dūĝe, || dēah þīn ġe·w |
Precepts 67b | orn: / ‘Nis nū fela folca || | þætte | fyrn-ġe·writu / healdan wille |
Beowulf 151b | e cūþ, / ġieddum ġōmre, || | þætte | Grendel wann / hwīle wiþ Hrō |
Beowulf 858a | ed; || maniġ oft ġe·cwæþ / | þætte | sūþ ne norþ || be sǣm tw |
Beowulf 1256b | wearþ, / wīd-cūþ werum, || | þætte | wrecend þā-ġīet / lifde aef |
Beowulf 1942a | þēah þe hīo ǣnlicu sīe, / | þætte | friðu-webbe || fēores on·s |
Beowulf 2924a | wēne, || ac wæs wīde cūþ / | þætte | Angen·þēow || ealdre be·s |
The Paris Psalter 118:176 3a | || swā þæt dysġe sċēap, / | þætte | for·weorðan || wolde hūru; |
The Paris Psalter 132:1 2a | iċ biþ || and gōd swelċe, / | þætte | brōðor on ān || bēġen hy |
The Paris Psalter 52:1 2b | ġdiġ sum, / ungleawlīċe, || | þætte | god nǣre; / hēo on·sċeonien |
The Paris Psalter 58:13 1b | an hīe wīslīċe witon, || | þætte | wealdeþ god / ofer middan-ġea |
The Paris Psalter 77:10 4b | aðelod; / nis tō wēnanne, || | þætte | wolde god / hira gasta mid him |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 1b | re 1 / / Hit wæs ġāra ġō || | þætte | Gotan ēastan / of Sċiþþia | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 41a | , || frēan eald-ġe·weorc, / | þætte | winnende || wiðer-weard ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 8a | || efen-be·hēfu, / þæt is, | þætte | þynceþ || þeġna ġe·hwel |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 13a | ? || Mē ġe·līcost þyncþ / | þætte | ealle witen || eorð-būende / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 70a | þīne, || bile-witt fæder, / | þætte | hira ǣniġ || ōðres ne dor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 84a | d eorðan. || Fela manna wāt / | þætte | yfemest is || ealra ġe·sċe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 185a | ūð-witan || ealle seġġaþ / | þætte | ān ġe·cynd || ǣlcre sāwl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 232b | ġe·sēoþ / hādrum nihtum || | þætte | heofon-steorran / ealle efen-be |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 20b | anne. / Ac iċ ġeorne wāt || | þætte | gylden māðm, / seolfren sinċ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 49b | pes? / Nis þēah ǣniġ man || | þætte | ealles swā / þæs ġe·rāds |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 55a | , || ūre Plāton; / hē cwæþ | þætte | ǣġhwelċ || unġemyndiġ / ri |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 111a | Þū meaht ēaðe on·ġietan / | þætte | mā dereþ || manna ġe·hwel |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 25b | r, / ac þæt wǣre rihtost, || | þætte | rinca ġe·hwelċ / ōðrum gul |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 20a | āne || þe hit ǣr wisson, / | þætte | maniġ tungol || māran ymb-h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 51b | wundraþ, / and ne wundriaþ || | þætte | wuhta ġe·hwelċ, / menn and n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 68b | arnum / on eorðan fēt || eall | þætte | grōweþ, / wæstmas on weorold |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 2a | | ġif his þe ġe·man list, / | þætte | mislīċe || maneĝa wuhta / ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 51a | ĝan lǣtest, / þonne iċ wāt | þætte | wile || weorold-menn twēoĝa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 9b | nġan. / Hīerdes þū ǣfre || | þætte | ǣniġ mann / on sand-beorĝas |
The Menologium 11b | . / And þæs ymbe fīf niht || | þætte | fulwiht tīd / ēċes dryhtnes |
The Menologium 16a | || Swelċe ymb% fēower wucan / | þætte | Sol-mōnaþ || sīġeþ tō t |
The Menologium 55b | d þrīe / niht-ġe·rīmes, || | þætte | nerġend sent / Aprelis mōnaþ |
The Menologium 83b | . / And þæs ymbe twā niht || | þætte | tǣhte god / Elenan ēadiġre | |
The Menologium 88b | st wucan / būtan ānre niht || | þætte | ieldum bringþ / siġel-beorhte |
The Menologium 96b | and niĝon / dōĝra% rīmes || | þætte | drihten nam / on ōðer lēoht |
The Menologium 164a | e niht || ġond þēoda fela / | þætte | Hāliġ-mōnaþ, || hæleþum |
The Menologium 208a | we. || Þæs ymb fēower niht / | þætte | Martinus || mǣre ġe·lēord |
The Menologium 211b | e eahta niht / and fēowerum || | þætte | fan gōde / be·sencton on sǣ- |
The Menologium 222b | and twelf / niht-ġe·rīmes || | þætte | nerġend self / þrīst-hyġdi |
The Menologium 226b | s. / Þonne ymb fēower niht || | þætte | fæder engla / his sunu sende | |
Psalm 50 14a | , || swā full oft ġe·dēþ / | þætte | god-ferhte || ġylt ġe·frem |
Psalm 50 132a | num gōdan || gāstes willan, / | þætte | Sione dūn || siġefæst weor |