Number of occurrences in corpus: 21
Genesis A 1208a | ealde, || þonne him God hira / | ǣhta | and æt-wist || eorðan ġe· |
Genesis A 1353a | lan || and mid wǣġ-þrēate / | ǣhta | and āĝend || eall ā·cwell |
Genesis A 1435b | an mosten / and of enġe ūt || | ǣhta | lǣdan. / Þā fandode || forþ |
Genesis A 1649b | e·witon him þā ēastan || | ǣhta | lǣdan, / feoh and feorme. || F |
Genesis A 2678b | īne / on þās ēðel-turf || | ǣhta | lǣdest, / þæt þū mē þus |
Genesis A 2757a | || rodera wealdend, / ēad and | ǣhta. | || Æl-mehtiġ wearþ / milde o |
Daniel 43b | astre forþ, / ðǣr Israela || | ǣhta | wǣron, / be·wriġene mid weor |
Daniel 305b | s wierrestan / eorþ-cyninga || | ǣhta | ġe·wealde, / on hæft heoru-g |
Daniel 391b | ufiaþ, / and þeċ Israela, || | ǣhta | sċieppend, / herġaþ in hāde |
Soul and Body I 74b | d grǣdġe. || Ne sint þīne | ǣhta | ā·wihte / þe þū hēr on mo |
Elene 466b | þ, / īeċeþ ealdne nīþ, || | ǣhta | strȳdeþ? / Þis is singāl sa |
Christ B 604b | . / Hē ūs ǣt ġiefeþ || and | ǣhta | spēd, / welan ofer wīd-land | |
The Gifts of Men 30b | . / Sumum% hēr ofer eorðan || | ǣhta | on·līhþ, / weorold-ġe·str |
The Paris Psalter 104:17 2a | hlāf-wearde, / ealra him his | ǣhta | || an-weald be·tǣhte. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 108:11 1a | ēowes wilnian. / / # / Ealle his | ǣhta | || unholde fīend / rīċe rede |
The Paris Psalter 111:8 1a | wǣr ġeorne. / / # / Sē þe his | ǣhta | || ealle tō·streġdeþ / and |
The Paris Psalter 72:10 1b | Þȳ nū firenfulle || foldan | ǣhta | / and þisse weorolde welan || |
The Paris Psalter 77:48 2a | || swelċe hæġlum, / and hira | ǣhta | || ealle fȳre. / / # / Hē ǣ·b |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 4a | imma || and gōda ġe·hwæs, / | ǣhta | unrīm || and him man erġan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 43b | e. / Hīe wilniaþ || welan and | ǣhta | / and weorþsċipes || tō ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 15b | as ġītsung || ġielpes and | ǣhta, | / ġe·drinceþ tō drȳġġum |