Number of occurrences in corpus: 32
Genesis B 280a | mæġ mid heandum swā fela / | wundra | ġe·wyrċan. || Iċ hæbbe |
Genesis A 2574b | orold ġe·wīte. || Þæt is | wundra | sum, / þāra þe ġe·worhte | |
Exodus 10b | ht / ġe·weorðode, || and him | wundra | fela, / ēċe ǣl-wealda, || in |
Daniel 417b | d word-glēaw: || ‘Þæt is | wundra | sum / þæt we ðǣr ēaĝum || |
Christ and Satan 6b | ter and wolcen%, || þurh his | wundra | meaht. / Dēopne ymb-lȳt% || c |
Andreas 564a | hē god wǣre, / þēah þe hē | wundra | fela || weorodum ġe·cȳðde |
Andreas 569b | d wīsdōm, || āh hē þāra | wundra | ā, / dōm-āĝende, || dæl n |
Andreas 584b | ·weahte. || Swelċe hē ēac | wundra | fela / cyne-rōf cȳðde || þu |
Andreas 699a | ċan dēagol land. / Hē þurh | wundra | fela || on þām wēstenne / cr |
Andreas 812a | n, || hyse lēofesta, / hū hē | wundra | worn || wordum cȳðde, / swā |
Elene 363b | him / aefter weorold-stundum || | wundra | ġe·fremede.’ / Hwæt, we þ |
Elene 340b | wā fela / on weorold-rīċe || | wundra | ġe·fremede / dōĝor-ġe·rī |
Christ C 988b | ter swā weax. || Þǣr biþ | wundra | mā / þonne hit ǣniġ on mōd |
The Order of the World 7a | m || þurh dōm godes / bringe | wundra | fela || wera cnēorissum. / Is |
Guthlac A 403b | īst fore / weoroldlicra mā || | wundra | ġe·cȳðde. / Hē hine sċiel |
Guthlac A 517b | tum weolde%. || Hwæt, þæt | wundra | sum / mannum þūhte, || þæt |
Guthlac A 529a | þe ūs bēċ fore / þurh his | wundra | ġe·weorc || wīsdōm cȳða |
Guthlac A 752a | þan cūðen? / Hwæt we þissa | wundra | || ġe·witan sindon. / Eall þ |
Guthlac B 882a | und-byrd. || Mǣre wurdon / his | wundra | ġe·weorc || wīde and sīde |
Guthlac B 892a | þþe rīm wīte / ealra þāra | wundra | || þe hē on weorolde hēr / |
Guthlac B 1127b | ra ofer eorðan. || Him þæt | wundra | mǣst / ġe·sewen þūhte, || |
Riddles 21 8b | / weġen on wǣġne, || hæbbe | wundra | fela; / mē biþ gangendre || g |
Riddles 83 10b | e ġond wangas. || Hæbbe iċ | wundra% | fela, / middan-ġeardes || mæ |
Riddles 84 35b | / mann mōde snotor || meniġu | wundra. | / Hrūsan biþ heardra, || hæl |
The Phoenix 394b | hte wer and wīf || þurh his | wundra | spēd, / and hīe þā ġe·set |
Beowulf 1509b | pna ġe·wealdan, || ac hine | wundra | þæs fela / swencte% on sunde, |
Beowulf 1607b | -bill wānian. || Þæt wæs | wundra | sum, / þæt hit eall ġe·meal |
The Paris Psalter 106:23 2a | dēaĝol ġe·sāwon / and his | wundra | wearn || on wæter-grundum. / / |
The Paris Psalter 110:3 1b | / Hē ġe·mynd dyde || mǣrra | wundra; | / mild-heort hē is and mōdiġ |
The Paris Psalter 144:6 2a | | mǣre and eġesliċ / þīnra | wundra | || wīsliċ seċġen / and þī |
The Paris Psalter 77:13 2a | ·ġieten hæfdon, / and þāra | wundra, | || þe hē worhte ǣr, / þāra |
The Menologium 127a | rdōm; || hæfdon maniġe ǣr / | wundra | ġe·worhte || ġond wǣr-þ |