A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: woldon

Number of occurrences in corpus: 52

Genesis A 48a ċe, || rēðe-mōde, / āĝan woldon, || and swā ēaðe meahtan. / H
Genesis B 245b his hāliġe word || healdan woldon / Hæfde sē æl-wealda% || en
Genesis A 1975b cyningas / swēotum sūðan, || woldon Sōdome burh / wrāðum werġan
Genesis A 1979b þæt þā lēode || lenġ ne woldon / Elamītarna || ealdor swīða
Exodus 150a mōd wera; || mānum trēowum / woldon hīe þæt feorh-lēan || fac
Exodus 323b m here-wīsan || hīenþu ne woldon / be him libbendum || lange þo
Exodus 454a tiende, || fǣr on·ġēaton, / woldon here-blēaðe || hāmas finda
Daniel 11a || hira fæder wǣre / healdan woldon, || wæs him hierde God, / heofo
Daniel 530b cunnode || hū hīe cweðan woldon. / Þā wæs tō þǣm dōme ||
Daniel 590b yrċan bōte%, || þonne hīe woldon selfe, / firene fæstan, || ǣr
Christ and Satan 232b r we hālĝan Gode || hīeran woldon, / and him sang ymb seld || seċ
Christ and Satan 254b e·wearþ ūsiċ || þæt we woldon swā / drihten ā·drīfan || o
Christ and Satan 345a hām staðolodon, / þæt hīe woldon be·nǣman || nerġendne Crī
Andreas 129a de, || under bord-hrēoðan. / Woldon cunnian || hwæðer cwice lif
Andreas 402b þroht-hearde, || þafian ne woldon / þæt hīe for·lēton || æt
Andreas 803b unian / open eorþ-sċræfu, || woldon hīe ǣdre ġe·cȳðan / frum-
Andreas 1072a hearm þrōwedon. / Wēndan and woldon || wiðer-hyċġende / þæt h
Andreas 1141a eġnas, || morðres on luste, / woldon ǣninga, || ellen-rōfe, / on
Andreas 1392a ne þeġn || þriddan sīðe, / woldon ǣninga || ellen-rōfes / mōd
Andreas 1424b if we þīne lāre || lǣstan woldon. / Nū sint seonwe tō·slopen,
Andreas 1460b ddon / tō þām carc-ærne, || woldon cræfta ġe·hyġd, / maĝu-rǣ
Andreas 1538b ne / flēon fealone strēam, || woldon fēore beorĝan, / tō dūn-sċ
Andreas 1639b cwǣdon holdlīċe || hīeran woldon, / on·fōn framlīċe || fulwih
Dream of the Rood 68b ǣfen–tīde, || þā hīe woldon eft sīðian, / mēðe fram þ
Elene 40a s wielm. || Weorodes breahtme / woldon Rōm-wara || rīċe ġe·þri
Elene 361b / and mē Israhela || ǣfre ne woldon / folc on·cnāwan, || þēah i
Elene 394b , / wītĝena% word, || ġē ne woldon þā, / synn-wyrċende, || sō
Elene 532b ra þe dryhtnes ǣ || diernan woldon, / boden% aefter burgum, || swā
Christ C 1106b hit tō gōde || on·ġietan woldon. / And ēac þā ealdan wunde ||
Guthlac A 353a æs wanges || wynn sweðrode; / woldon þæt him tō mōde || fore m
Guthlac A 468a of·tuĝon þe landes wynna, / woldon þū þe selfa ġe·sāwe ||
Guthlac A 483b æt ġe·þyldum || þiċġan woldon, / ac mec ierrunga || up ġe·l
Guthlac A 491a ra manna || on godes templum; / woldon þȳ ġe·hierwan || hāliġr
Guthlac A 574a on bendum || bryne þrōwian. / Woldon hīe ġe·tēon || mid torn-c
Guthlac A 663a tō swīðe. / Wendon ġē and woldon%, || wiðer-hyċġende, / þæt
Guthlac B 842b hīe hālġes word || healdan woldon / beorht on brēostum || and hi
The Descent into Hell 4a ċ || eorð-ærne be·þeaht. / Woldon wērĝu wīf || wōpe be·mǣ
The Phoenix 399b s hlēoðor-cwide, || healdan woldon / on þām nīewan ġe·fēan.
Beowulf 482b hīe on bēor-sele || bīdan woldon / Grendles gūðe || mid gryrum
Beowulf 2476b me, fyrd-hwate, || frēode ne woldon / ofer heafu healdan, || ac ymb
Beowulf 3171a inga bearn, || ealra twelfe%, / woldon ċeare% cwīðan || and% cyni
The Paris Psalter 118:87 2b īe mē lȳtle lǣs || lāðe woldon / þisses eorð-weġes || ende
The Paris Psalter 123:3 3a ahhe; / wēn is, þæt hīe ūs woldon || wætere ġelīċe / sōna ġ
The Paris Psalter 123:5 3b ūs mid tōðum || tō·tēon woldon. / / # / Wǣron ūre sāwla || sam
The Paris Psalter 139:5 5a h-sādan || wundnum% rāpum%; / woldon mīne fōtas || ġe·fæstnia
The Paris Psalter 63:2 2b am ðǣre meniġu || þe mān woldon / and unrihte || ǣġhwǣr frem
The Paris Psalter 77:12 3b eorca ǣ / āwiht wīslīċe || woldon be·gangan. / / # / Ealra god-dǣ
The Paris Psalter 77:24 1a as. / / # / For·þon þe hīe ne woldon || wordum dryhtnes / lustum ġe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 48b enden cyne-stōle || Crēacas woldon. / Þæt wæs right-wīs rinċ,
The Judgment Day II 133b þe þā þe wǣron || oþþe woldon bēon / oþþe towearde || ġe
The Seasons for Fasting 19b hīe līfes frēan || lufian woldon; / ac him sē ende wearþ || ear
The Battle of Maldon 207a menn || efston ġeorne; / hīe woldon þā ealle || ōðer twēġa,