Number of occurrences in corpus: 20
Daniel 23a | t || in ġe·dwolan hweorfan, / | Israhela | cynn || unryht dôn, / wammas w |
Andreas 880b | , / for Crīst cumen, || cyning | Israhela. | / Swelċe we ġe·sǣĝon || fo |
Elene 338b | t word% ġe·cwæþ || weard | Israhela: | / 'Ēow ā·cenned biþ || cnih |
Elene 361a | him fōdor ġiefaþ%, / and mē | Israhela | || ǣfre ne woldon / folc on·c |
Elene 433a | Ne biþ lang ofer þæt / þæt | Israhela | || æðelu mōten / ofer middan |
Elene 361b | rġend, / ēċe æl-mehtiġ, || | Israhela | cyning, / wealde wīdan ferhþ |
Azarias 147b | um herġen / and ēċne god, || | Israhela | cynn. / Blētsien þe þīne s |
The Paris Psalter 102:7 3b | lċe his willan ēac || werum | Israhela. | / / # / Mild-heort þū eart and |
The Paris Psalter 105:37 1a | wuldre ġe·herede%. / / # / Wese | Israhela | god || ā ġe·blētsod / on we |
The Paris Psalter 113:18 1a | || þe him inn trīewaþ. / / # / | Israhela | hūs || ǣrest on drihten / hel |
The Paris Psalter 148:14 3b | lĝan; / wese āwa friþ || on | Israhela | / fǣlum folce || and hīe for |
The Paris Psalter 71:19 1a | | þrīste herġaþ. / / # / Wese | Israhela | || ēċe drihten / and hira sel |
The Paris Psalter 76:10 2a | ; || þū wiþ·feredes% ēac / | Israhela | bearn || of Æġyptum. / / # / Hw |
The Paris Psalter 77:30 4a | ġe || māne swulton, / æðele | Israhela | || ēac for·wurdon. / / # / In% |
The Paris Psalter 77:41 2a | mlīċe || godes costodon / and | Israhela | god || ēac ā·bulĝan. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 77:59 3a | ĝode || and hræðe siþþan / | Israhela | cynn || eġesan ġe·þȳwde% |
The Paris Psalter 77:70 2a | e fēdeþ || folc Iacobes / and | Israhela | || ierfe-lāfe. / / # / And hē h |
The Paris Psalter 80:13 1b | / # / Þǣr min āĝen folc, || | Israhela | cynn, / mē mid ġe·hyġde || |
The Paris Psalter 82:4 4a | myndiġ || manna ǣniġ, / hū | Israhela | naman || ǣniġ nemne.’ / / # |
The Paris Psalter 88:16 2a | n nimeþ || ēċe drihten / and | Israhela | cyning || ēac sē hālĝa. / / |