Number of occurrences in corpus: 96
Genesis A 50b | his, / heofona hēah-cyning, || | handa | ā·rǣrde, / hīehste wiþ þ |
Genesis B 368b | helle || wa la ahte ic minra | handa | geweald / and moste ane tid || |
Genesis B 380a | n feþe || fet synt gebundene / | handa | gehæfte || synt þissa heldo |
Genesis B 388b | onrice || þær ic ahte minra | handa | geweald / ac þoliaþ we nu þr |
Genesis B 678a | onbat / nu hæbbe ic his her on | handa | || herra se goda / gife ic hit |
Genesis A 1094b | īnra sumne% / hylde-māĝa, || | handa | ġe·wēmde / on Cāines || cwe |
Genesis A 1463a | wæg || werig sigan / hungri to | handa | || halgum rince / þa wæs culu |
Genesis A 1473b | rohte / elebeames twig || an to | handa | / grene blædæ || þa ongeat h |
Genesis A 1678a | mǣrþa ġeorne, / hæleþ mid | handa. | || Þā cōm hāliġ God / wera |
Genesis A 2671b | / for þære dæde || drihtnes | handa | / sweng æfter swefne || heht s |
Genesis A 2903b | and ġe·feterode || fēt and | handa | / bearne sīnum || and þā on |
Exodus 43b | lyt / wæron hleahtorsmiþum || | handa | belocene / alyfed laþsiþ || l |
Exodus 416b | tniman / halig tiber || ac mid | handa | befeng / þa him styran cwom || |
Exodus 582a | es staþe || golde geweorþod / | handa | hofon || halswurþunge / bliþe |
Christ and Satan 431a | iþ earm gesæt / hleonade wiþ | handa | || þeah hylle gryre / egeslic |
Andreas 48b | lege / hie þam halgan þær || | handa | gebundon / ond fæstnodon || fe |
Andreas 1222b | þe / ond þam halgan þær || | handa | gebundon / siþþan geypped wæ |
Soul and Body I 108b | biþ þæt heafod tohliden || | handa | toliþode / geaglas toginene || |
Dream of the Rood 59b | ag ic hwæþre þam secgum to | handa | / eaþmod elne mycle || genamon |
Elene 18b | rice / þæt on þone halgan || | handa | sendan / to feorhlege || fæder |
Elene 19b | e / þæt on þone hālĝan || | handa | sendan / tō feorh-leġe || fæ |
Christ C 1110a | nīþ-hyċġende / þā hwītan | handa | || and þā hālĝan fēt, / an |
Christ C 1487b | ū mec hefĝor || on þīnra | handa | rōde / þonne ġō hangode? || |
The Fortunes of Men 86a | wlancne ā·temian, / hafoc on | handa, | || oþ·þæt sēo heoru-swea |
The Fortunes of Men 92b | eþ / and tō haĝu-stealdes || | handa | ġe·lǣred. / Swā wrætlīċe |
Soul and Body II 103b | þæt hēafod tō·hliden, || | handa | tō·hleoðode, / ġeaflas tō |
Guthlac A 131a | nnes fēore / þæs þe him tō | handa | || hūðe ġe·lǣdeþ, / būta |
Guthlac B 916a | -cwealm bude. / Hwīlum him tō | handa | || hungre ġe·þrēatod / flē |
Guthlac B 1300a | ðe fūs.’ / A·hōf þā his | handa, | || hūsle ġe·reorded, / ēað |
The Descent into Hell 97b | ūrum brēostum || tō banan | handa, | / sċulon ēac tō ūssum fēon |
Riddles 86 5b | da, / hryċġ% and wambe || and | handa | twā, / earmas and eaxle, || ā |
The Wanderer 43a | cysse || and on cnēo leċġe / | handa | and hēafod, || swā hē hwī |
Beowulf 495a | ðegn nytte beheold / se ðe on | handa | bær || hroden ealowæge / scen |
Beowulf 540a | ða wit on sund reon / heard on | handa | || wit unc wið hronfixas / wer |
Beowulf 746a | orð near ætstop / nam ða mid | handa | || higeðihtigne / rinc on ræs |
Beowulf 814a | mǣġ Hyġe·lāces / hæfde be | handa; | || wæs ġe·hwæðer ōðrum |
Beowulf 1290a | setlum || sidrand manig / hafen | handa | fæst || helm ne gemunde / byrn |
Beowulf 1983a | | liðwæge bær / hæleðum to | handa | || higelac ongan / sinne geseld |
Beowulf 2720a | || innan healde / hyne ða mid | handa | || heorodreorigne / ðeoden mæ |
Beowulf 3023a | || mundum bewunden / hæfen on | handa | || nalles hearpan sweg / wigend |
Beowulf 3124b | nwithrof / hilderinca || sum on | handa | bær / æledleoman || se ðe on |
The Paris Psalter 101:22 3b | eofen / þæt is heahgeweorc || | handa | þinra / / # / sweotule þa forwe |
The Paris Psalter 105:21 1a | dum || wel gehyran / / # / he his | handa | ahof || and hi hraþe wolde / o |
The Paris Psalter 106:2 2b | ysde lifes weard || laþum of | handa | / and hi of sidfolcum || gesamn |
The Paris Psalter 108:11 3b | / and his feoh onfon || fremde | handa | / / # / ne him ahwær wese || æn |
The Paris Psalter 113:15 1a | n eþian || awyht gehyran / / # / | handa | hi habbaþ || ne hio hwæþer |
The Paris Psalter 118:48 1a | lange hæfde / / # / and ic mine | handa | || hof gelome / þær ic þine |
The Paris Psalter 118:48 2a | nge hæfde. / / # / And iċ mīne | handa | || hof ġe·lōme, / ðǣr iċ |
The Paris Psalter 118:73 1a | de || goldes and seolfres / / # / | handa | me þine || holde geworhton / a |
The Paris Psalter 118:73 2a | e || goldes and seolfres. / / # / | Handa | mē þīne || holde ġe·worh |
The Paris Psalter 118:173 1a | wær rihtwis / / # / syn me þine | handa | || on hælu nu / and þæt doml |
The Paris Psalter 118:173 2a | ihtwīs. / / # / Sīen mē þīne | handa | || on hǣlu nū, / and þæt d |
The Paris Psalter 122:3 2b | ne heo on hire hlæfdigean || | handa | locaþ / swa us synt eagan to |
The Paris Psalter 126:5 2a | rangum and mihtigum / hrorum on | handa | || heard ascyrped / swa lyþra |
The Paris Psalter 133:3 2a | ice || nihta gehwylcere / eowre | handa | || on halig lof / and bletsiaþ |
The Paris Psalter 134:18 1a | baþ || nawiht gestincaþ / / # / | handa | hi habbaþ || ne hi hwæþere |
The Paris Psalter 135:12 1b | unde / / # / on mihtigre || mære | handa | / and on eallmihte || earmes sw |
The Paris Psalter 135:25 1b | d he us aferede || feondum of | handa | / þa þe wraþe || wæron eall |
The Paris Psalter 137:7 5b | u me geræhtest || recene mid | handa | / and me þin swyþre || sneome |
The Paris Psalter 138:3 3b | nehstan / þu me gehiwadest || | handa | þinre / me ofer heafod || hold |
The Paris Psalter 140:3 1b | aþ / / # / swylce is ahafenes || | handa | minra / þonne ic þe æfenlac |
The Paris Psalter 142:6 1a | ode georne / / # / þonne ic mine | handa | to þe || holde þenede / and m |
The Paris Psalter 143:1 2a | || min se deora god / þe mine | handa | || to hilde teah / and mine fin |
The Paris Psalter 143:8 1a | ope syþþan / / # / onsend þine | handa | || of heanessum / alys me and g |
The Paris Psalter 144:17 1a | rcast / / # / onhlidest þu þine | handa | || and hi hraþe fyllest / ealr |
The Paris Psalter 57:2 3a | rþan þæs wite eft / on eowre | handa | || hefige geeode / / # / ge firen |
The Paris Psalter 57:9 3a | || ealle forweorþaþ / and his | handa | þwehþ || on hæþenra / and |
The Paris Psalter 62:5 3a | n þinum || neode swylce / mine | handa | þwea || halgum gelome / / # / ys |
The Paris Psalter 72:11 4a | || heolde mid soþe / and mine | handa | þwoh || þær ic hete nyste / |
The Paris Psalter 73:3 4a | || eard gename / hefe þu þine | handa | || and hyn hiora oferhygd / fea |
The Paris Psalter 74:7 2b | e wines steap || on waldendes | handa | / fægere gefylled is || þæs |
The Paris Psalter 76:9 3a | es || wenan ærest / þara hean | handa | || haligan drihtnes / weorca wr |
The Paris Psalter 76:14 1b | ēap / þurh Moyses || mihtġe | handa | / and Aarones || ealle ġe·sun |
The Paris Psalter 76:17 2b | sceap / þurh moyses || mihtige | handa | / and aarones || ealle gesunde |
The Paris Psalter 78:9 3a | || wēnan ǣrest / þāra hēan | handa | || hālĝan dryhtnes, / weorca |
The Paris Psalter 80:13 5b | d þæt mycle mægen || minra | handa | / heora ehtendas || ealle forna |
The Paris Psalter 87:5 4a | wænan / swa hi syn fram þinre | handa | || heane adrifene / / # / hi me a |
The Paris Psalter 87:9 4a | dæg || elne clypige / and mine | handa | to þe || hebbe and þenige / / |
The Paris Psalter 88:12 1b | rihten / / # / wesan hea mihte || | handa | þinre / ahafen ofer hæleþas |
The Paris Psalter 88:36 1a | it wearþ || ymbsittendum / / # / | handa | þu ahofe || heah ehtendra / ge |
The Paris Psalter 91:3 5a | m lufadest / hihte ic to þinra | handa | || halgum dædum / / # / hu micle |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 60a | sǣd and blǣda, / hærfest tō | handa | || hēr-būendum, / rīpa reċe |
Metrical Psalm 91:3 5a | fodest / hyhte iċ tō þīnre | handa | || hālĝum dǣdum. |
Solomon and Saturn 152a | ·feteraþ || fǣġes mannes, / | handa | ġe·hefeĝaþ || þonne hē |
Solomon and Saturn 157a | e gefeteraþ || fæges mannes / | handa | gehefegaþ || þonne he æt h |
Maxims II 21b | es wyrcean || daroþ sceal on | handa | / gar golde fah || gim sceal on |
The Rewards of Piety 30b | ðe ne forlæte || laðum to | handa | / feondum to frofre || ac ðu f |
The Seasons for Fasting 113b | e behlæned / of his haligan || | handa | gescrifene / het hine leodum ð |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 2a | rwiht / hæfde him his haman on | handa | || cwæð ðæt ðu his hænc |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 10a | iht%, / hæfde him his haman on | handa, | || cwæþ þæt þū his hen |
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 2a | orp mid þīnre swīðran || / | handa | under þīnum swīðran fēt, |
The Battle of Finnsburh 29b | eolde cellod bord || cenum on | handa | / banhelm berstan || buruhþelu |
Waldere, Fragment II 11a | | wiga ellenrof / hæfde him on | handa | || hildefrofre / guþbilla grip |
Waldere B 12a | wiga ellenrof, / hæfde him on | handa | || hildefrofre, / guðbilla gri |
The Battle of Maldon 147b | t þa drenga sum || daroþ of | handa | / fleogan of folman || þæt se |
The Battle of Maldon 149b | þā drenga sum || daroþ of | handa, | / flēoĝan of folman, || þæt |