Number of occurrences in corpus: 17
Genesis A 984a | gefremede || freomæg ofsloh / | broþor | sinne || and his blod ageat / c |
Genesis A 1012a | wælbedd || wærfæstne rinc / | broþor | þinne || and his blod to me / |
Genesis A 1526a | sece || swiþor micle / and to | broþor | banan || þæs þe blodgyte / w |
Genesis A 1800b | en / beorn bliþemod || and his | broþor | sunu / forþ oferforan || folcm |
Genesis A 2033b | de / beorn mid bryde || him þa | broþor | þry / æt spræce þære || sp |
Genesis A 2621b | re / gewat him þa mid bryde || | broþor | arones / under abimelech || æh |
Genesis A 2929a | nfeor þanon || ænne standan / | broþor | arones || brembrum fæstne / þ |
Andreas 940b | under burglocan || þær þin | broþor | is / wat ic matheus || þurh m |
The Fates of the Apostles 33b | eorhtne boldwelan || næs his | broþor | læt / siþes sæne || ac þurh |
The Fates of the Apostles 54b | þan collenferþ || cyninges | broþor | / awehte for weorodum || wundor |
Elene 50b | de / beorht on blæde || þonne | broþor | þin / onfeng æfter fyrste || |
Elene 71b | m hehte / abreotan on beorge || | broþor | þinne / nu þu meaht gehyran | |
Elene 382b | re beorhtan byrig || þær is | broþor | min / geweorþod in wuldre || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 28b | hæfde / and on uppan || agene | broþor | / and his modor mid || meca ecg |
The Battle of Brunanburh 2b | en / beorna beahgifa || and his | broþor | eac / eadmund æþeling || eald |
Solomon and Saturn 144a | don / ne sceall ic þe hwæþre | broþor | abelgan || þu eart swiþe bi |
The Battle of Maldon 280a | n || feaht eornoste / sibyrhtes | broþor | || and swiþe mænig oþer / cl |