A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: heardes

Number of occurrences in corpus: 6

Genesis B 303a ē sċolde grund ġe·sēċan / heardes helle-wītes, || þæs þe h
Genesis B 383a endum. || Liċġaþ mē ymbe% / heardes īrenes || hāte ġe·slæġe
The Battle of Brunanburh 25a arpum. || Mierċe ne wierndon / heardes hand-pleĝan || hæleþa nān
Solomon and Saturn 81b can, / ac him on hand gǣþ || heardes and hnesċes, / miċeles and m
The Judgment Day II 301a ra weardas. / Hwæt mæġ bēon heardes || hēr on līfe, / ġif þū w
The Battle of Maldon 266b hē wæs on Norð·hymbrum || heardes cynnes, / Eċġ·lāfes bearn,